
La Tour Eiffel . He was a French painter in the late 18th Century. He was born in 1859 and died in 1891. He believed that the artist could create mood, harmony and emotion in art by using colours and lines. He painted using small distinct dots of colors directly on the canvas, without mixing the paint. This way when you stand a distance away, the dots seem to blend in into the desired color. His style of is called . If you look closely at his you will see that they are made out of many tiny dots. Robert Delaunay

Eiffel Tower 1926. : Here is some Jazz music from the Artists would study the subject and 1920s and 1930 to inspire you! break it up into different blocks. They would look at the blocks from different angles. Then they would https://www.youtube.com/watc reconstruct the subject, painting the h?v=mf5SZ5Q7fMo blocks from various viewpoints.

Robert Delaunay was a French artist who created his own style of Cubism called . Orphism focused on bright colors and the relationship between painting and music.

What sort of music would you listen to, to match the painting?

Now your turn ….

• Choose either the Seurat painting, or the Delaunay painting, and re-create your own piece of art work, inspired by either of these two artists.

• You could use any art materials at home too, such as crayons, felt tips or poster paint. It’s particularly fun to create the dots with cotton wool buds! You could cut up magazines or scrap paper to re-create the Cubism style of art. Or you could use stickers, or even an ipad to create your picture. It’s up to you!

• Or you could really challenge yourself, and try to mix up the two different styles, and make up your own version. What could you call your new style of art? Spotty cubes? Shape spot art? Spotty shapism?

Have fun creating your own unique master piece …