WASHINGTON STATE PARKS AND RECREATION COMMISSION Date: March 16, 2006 Place: Centennial Conference Center 719 East 3rd Street Cle Elum, WA 98922 (509) 674-7530 Time: 9 a.m. Flag Salute: Jason Both, Park Ranger 2, Lake Easton State Park Call of the Roll Introduction of Staff Recognition of State and Local Officials Recognition of Local Volunteers Service Pins A. Agenda Approval B. Minutes of Previous Meeting C. Public Comments – New and ongoing issues not on the agenda D. Area and Region Reports Area Report: Maurya Broadsword, Senior Park Aide, Lake Easton State Park Region Report: Don Hoch, Puget Sound Region Manager E. Business Agenda Items Requested Action — Expedited E-1: Restructuring the Lake Sammamish Advisory Committee This item asks the Commission to amend the Lake Sammamish Advisory Committee charter to add an additional “at large” position to the committee. This complies with the Centennial 2013 Plan elements, “Our Commitment – Stewardship.” Author: Peter Herzog, Parks Planner (360) 902-8562
[email protected] Park(s) Affected: Lake Sammamish State Park Action taken: Passed as requested E-2: 2006 Inholdings – Trust land transfer and other acquisitions This item requests the Commission to determine that certain properties are suitable for state park purposes at Bogachiel, Burrows Island, Dosewallips, Fields Spring, Fort Casey, Klickitat Trail, Lake Easton, Ocean City and Riverside state parks and at Hartstine Island. This request complies with the Centennial 2013 Plan element, "Our Commitment – Stewardship." Author: