A prairie town ½ way between Saskatoon & has one of the last original intact Canadian Hanna Roundhouse Society Northern Railroad Roundhouses left in .

Ref: Special Areas Board Hanna Roundhouse Society MISSION STATEMENT

To create a functional space for providing culture, education, economic opportunities and railroad history through the restoration and development of the Hanna Roundhouse. Unanimous vote by Hanna Roundhouse Society board & directors, March 14, 2011

Boiler Room = Interpretive Center

Locomotive Service Bays= Great Hall

Auction Ring/seating area = Weigh Scale Theatre & Night Club WHO ARE WE?

We are a small group of volunteers passionate about saving this building for the historical significance to Hanna & surrounding communities in Special Area. Some of us are railroad buffs; some of us are history buffs. Regardless, we all feel we are doing something to save a piece of local & Western Canadian history & to bring attention to our prairie town with positive influences on our opportunity for rural development.

Aug 8, 2015 featuring our Board/Volunteers accepting the Provincial Historic Resource Plaque: L-R: Walter Alksne, Vice Pres., Karen Frobb, Director; Ed Kurbis, Director; Carol Kurbis, Treas.; MLA Kim Schreiner for Min. Culture & Tourism David Eggen, Maureen Tyers, Sec.; Kyle Toporchak, Director; Sandra Beaudoin, Pres/Founder; John Kaster, Director.

The Hanna Roundhouse Society is a Non-Profit Society incorporated January 13, 2010 (#5015121196). 1913 CNoR PLANS FOR HANNA’S ROUNDHOUSE Original 10 bays outlined in 1913 with the 1918 addition of 5 more bays as the “Future”. Then there is also another 5 bays for “Extension” & another 5 bays to be added in a “Future Extension”! Was Hanna to have 25 bays in total before WW1 started in 1914? HISTORY Ref: Hanna Archives

“The Town of Hanna is about ½ way between Calgary & Saskatoon & was designated a Canadian Northern Railway Divisional point in 1912 by D. B. Hanna, executive of the CNoR. “Being designated a railway divisional point virtually ensured a community’s economic future.” (Ref: Along These Lines, Canadian Northern Society, p. 32)

Ref: Hanna Archives

“The new roundhouse when completed will be a most substantial affair being built entirely of reinforced concrete. The structure is divided in the center by a fire proof concrete wall, five stalls occupying each side. To the rear, a machine shop capable of turning out the work of a large divisional point has been erected, and the latest machinery and appliances will be installed”. (Ref: “Work progressing rapidly at CNR Yards, Hanna Herald, Sept 19, 1913, Hanna Archives). Water Tower West towards Hanna’s 1913 CNoR Roundhouse from the Sand circa 1915 Tower in the Hanna Rail yard. (Circa 1914-1918: Hanna Archives)

Left: Sample of some machinery in a Machine Shop

Right: Inside a roundhouse in front of a steam 1913 CANADIAN NORTHERN RAILROAD ROUNDHOUSE ……..

North Exposure

South & West Exposure ……..AS IT IS TODAY

Eastern Exposure


This is a sample of our vision: Roundhouse Machine Shop = approx. 3,700 sq. ft. 10 service bay Roundhouse = approx. 19,000 sq. ft. Roundhouse Property = 8.97 ac. The main focus will provide as much flexibly to allow events to compatible with other Hanna venues if possible within ethical guidelines & still maintain the integrity of the heritage of this amazing building & property. IMPORTANT INFLUENCE

HRS purchases property Sept. 21, 2013 & start cleaning out the roundhouse.

RHS hold a free-offering Chuckwagon Roast Beef dinner for the public & target the visitors coming to the Hanna Indoor Pro Rodeo. People get a chance to see the condition of the building for themselves. Huge success!

Left: Clint Hutton & Sandra Beaudoin & friend cleaned out the first 5 bays in 7 days & with help from volunteers & donators, were able to raise our first funds. Chris Moorhouse gets permission from HRS to use the Hanna Roundhouse for his Masters Degree in Architecture & receives distinction in 2014. Shares his thesis at the Heritage Trust in Eastern Canada 2014. Roundhouse Components & Potential Improvements

The Roundhouse is divided into: 1. The Machine Shop Interpretive Center: Coffee bar, (liquor bar for special events), Sitting area, Railroad Library, Historical video display & portable historical railroad display walls suspended from the ceiling (approx. 3,700 sq. ft.) 2. The Great Hall: rental revenue from public/private events in stalls 1-5 (approx. 9,500 sq. ft.) 3. Auction Ring Theatre: rental revenue for public/private theatre events, lectures, music performances, etc. This is bays 6 & 7 which total 3,800 sq. ft. (Potential lease of space) 4. Railroad Museum Centre in bays 8-10 (approx. 5,700 sq. ft.). Display of small rolling stock & service bay pit opened for access. Future Long term plans: 1. Rebuild of 1918 section, bays 11-15 & consist of 9,500 sq. ft. structural sound construction to replicate original bays. 2. Extension Build for an additional 9,500 sq. ft. with modern interior? ENTRANCE POSSIBILITY

Set of 2 double doors

Administrative Offices & public washrooms will be built in the entrance area so not to take away from the building floor space.

This new area will enclose the west side of service bays 1-5 with access to the Machine Shop which will serve as an Interpretive Center & public access to the Roundhouse on the other end of the Machine Shop. Access will also be through a door at the end of bay 4 where currently there is a boarded up hole in the wall. This hole has broken 2 large windows; one will be replaced & the other replaced with a private access door/emergency door. MACHINE SHOP/BOILER ROOM MACHINE SHOP /BOILER ROOM

Vision for Boiler Room as a Railroad Interpretive Center

 1. Original wood work in ceiling from Pulley systems & Historical wooden machinery supports will remain exposed in full view 

2. Replace Original Light Fixtures 

3. Boiler Access Doors on the North wall will lead to a patio used as weather permits.  4. West Main Entrance Doors 

 5. I-Beams in Natural State (may have been added in 1940’s when walls of roundhouse were raised)

 6. Rebuild Original Windows

 7. Model Train Exhibit Donated to the HRS by the Heavenly Puff Model Railroad Club will be on display some  8. Coffee Bar area for visitors & volunteers which can also place in this area. pass as a refreshment area for intermission for theater performances in the theatre space in stalls 6 & 7 of the roundhouse where the footprints lead, exiting to the NE door of the Boiler Room.

This drawing was commissioned from Donna Brink by Sandra Beaudoin in the Spring 2014…..

Follow the footprints………. GRAND HALL Service Bays 1-5

One of the photos (left) shared Wedding photos taken at the 1913 with the HRS by the Calgary CNoR Roundhouse January 2014 Photography Club who we allowed them to come into the building supervised by the HRS, Sept. 2015 CN RETIREE RAILROADER REUNION AUGUST 7-9, 2015 was our first indoor sit down event. It was invitation only for the Saturday banquets with catered meal. The HRS requested a Sunday Service with the church community which was open to the public as was the Friday BBQ & Saturday/Sunday breakfasts. The Sunday Church service brought a group not necessarily interested in railroad or history, to the roundhouse to see the potential of this building for a variety of events. This was a huge success & many want more similar events! This event also allowed the Hanna Roundhouse Society to share the celebration of receiving our Provincial Historic Resource Designation plaque August 8, 2015. PLANS FOR THE FORMER AUCTION RING

A stage will be installed in front of the locomotive doors for backdrop. Leasing this area out will provide revenue to the Hanna Roundhouse Society for operating expenses & further repairs The Theatre Area could be rented out for events when available from lease for additional events by other groups also for revenue for HRS. Wall at end of these bays has been removed exposing the large RR doors. MUSEUM POSSIBILITIES FOR BAYS 8-10

• The Railroad Museum would occupy space in bays 8-10. Under a wooden portion of the floor in bay 8 appears to house a service bay pit which we would like to expose in the future. In the interim we are considering installing railroad rails in by 8 to house rolling stock to replicate rails in the service bay.

• House a steam locomotive (or special passenger cars ) & display a collection of rolling stock in the rail yard which could be renovated or restored.

• Historical Railroad Exhibits we’ve already started collecting & displaying when the opportunity allows. Locomotive which ran out of Hanna with local Engineer at the controls. Circa 1940’s Ref: Pat & Ken Parker ROUNDHOUSE PROPERTY DEVELOPMENT PLANS SAMPLES OF REPURPOSED RAILROAD STOCK: 1. Bed & Breakfast in Caboose Converted Suites, Railroad stock converted into useable Footloose Caboose @ Tofield, revenue. Converted train cars (caboose) into : individual guest rooms. Something similar to this may be of interest & may be a resource for future contacts?

2. Formal Dining Car Restaurant, A restored Dinner Car set on the turntable, slowly rotating during the course of a catered meal could be a unique theme for the Hanna Roundhouse. Work done by volunteers of the Hanna Roundhouse Society

TIMBERS FROM 2012 DEMOLITION OF 1918 ADDITION MOVED OFF THE 1918 FOUNDATION SPRING 2015 POSSIBILITIES FOR REBUILD OF 1918 SECTION Bricks from the original are being kept to use decoratively for the exterior to resemble the original brickwork. The inside however, could be something completely different working around pillars. Or, if a business would be interested in setting up a business & building to suit, the Hanna Roundhouse Society could work with them & this would be another source of revenue to help develop the site further. HALLOWEEN OCTOBER 2013

WEDDING PHOTOS JANAUARY 2014 86’6” TURNTABLE LEFT: Shot of turntable from roof of roundhouse ABOVE: An example of locomotive on a turntable. Article about the Roundhouse requested Local artist’s rendition of restored roundhouse for Historic Edition Winter 2011

Emerson (Red) Robinson past Hanna Steam Engineer (left) & Gerald (Brass) Campion provide input for CTV interview & are retired CN Engineers (2010)

CTV News Calgary reporter Mr. Green was setting up his camera for his interviews with Hanna Roundhouse Society supporters. 2010 RESOURCES

Historic Resources Management Branch, , AB. has been very helpful over the 4 years as this project has developed providing professional consultation. Darrel Babuk of Boreas Architecture & Civic Design, provided assistance regarding CNR & roundhouses in North America & Europe. The HRS retained Darrel as the architect for the building assessment performed July 2014 also required for the historical designation. Darrel brought forward MacDonald & Lawrence Timber Framing Ltd. (M & L) & prepared the formal documentation with assistance from the HRS for Provincial Heritage Resource application submitted November 2013. www.boreasarchitecture.ca January 21, 2014, society members selected M & L to partner with Boreas Architect & Design & the Hanna Roundhouse Society for the building assessment

“Macdonald & Lawrence Timber Framing Ltd. (M&L) is a specialist carpentry company based in the Cowichan Valley on Vancouver Island. The M & L team works both locally and internationally to design, build and erect new structural timber systems, and to conserve historic timber buildings.

“Over the past few years we have been extremely fortunate to have worked on a number of projects with professional teams and local groups who have been passionately dedicated to the conservation of the timber railway heritage of the Canadian West. We are delighted to now be joining the Hanna Gordon Macdonald of M & L Roundhouse Society and Architect Darrel Babuk in their explaining findings @ Hanna Roundhouse July 2014. efforts to conserve and repair the CNR roundhouse in Hanna.” from Ben Gourley of Macdonald & Lawrence email Jan 22, 2014. www.macdonaldandlawrence.ca ASSESSMENT RESULTS FOR REPAIRS

Repair and restoration will be developed in five phases. The cost for each phase is as follows: Phase 1 - Stabilization of the Boiler Room & Roundhouse: This will result in the concrete walls and the original wooden ceiling being restored to their authentic state. This will display in great detail the character of the building components and be utilized to stabilize the walls and ceiling to prevent further damage. Phase 2 – Structural repairs to the Boiler Room: Repair the walls and ceiling to make the building sound structurally sound. Phase 3 - Repairs to the Boiler Room Roof Deck: Repair the roof, so that the boiler room can be used as an interpretive centre. Phase 4 – Repairs to the Roundhouse Doors: Repair to existing door trim on site. Once restored, these can be a feature Phase 5 - Reroof Roundhouse & Repairs to Clearstory: Strip and relay new tarp and gravel roof over upper and lower roof surface of the Roundhouse and carry out joinery repairs to clearstory level windows and gallery, so the Roundhouse can be utilized for public functions.

L: M&L getting photos of the entire Roundhouse roof R: Ben Gourley of M&L checking the ultrasound of the timbers in the roundhouse. WORKSHOPS & EDUCATION

Tim Keating, Western Sky Management Association Inc. specializing in “rural, business & community development, June 13, 2011

Workshop with Linda & Robin Digby of past CEO Atlas Coal Mine, photo with Trisha Sewell of Cactus Corridor. One was also with the Medalta Museum, & with Canadian Badlands. Cactus Corridor is working on a formal business plan for us so we can approach large investors to bring outside funds into Community input gathering in Hanna. our town & community. All arranged by Cactus Corridor Marketing Group & Canadian Badlands spring 2015

A Heritage Trade School could increase the skilled heritage craftsmen in this specialized field & make it easier for those interested in getting restoration done be able to get their historical projects done in a reasonable amount of time while their interest is still at it's peak. HERITAGE TRADE SCHOOL

The Roundhouse has numerous wooden windows & 20 unique wooden doors 19 foot x 6 foot wide, & needs concrete repairs, brick repairs & to repair & rebuild a wooden roof for a 3,700 sq. ft. machine shop & 19,000 sq. ft. roundhouse. Macdonald & Lawrence will be at the roundhouse to work on stabilization November 2015. Creating a partnership with an education institute to offer a certified Heritage Carpentry program could be beneficial to our community. The Hanna Roundhouse Society has historic items which need historic restoration in the windows & doors, & space to set up a workshop at the roundhouse. A specialized skill is passed on by specialized instructors with the volume of heritage items needing repair & restoration. HRS can get a volume of heritage work completed sooner to be able to open our facility sooner. And, others restoring historical buildings may benefit with an increase in the number of qualified heritage tradespeople available. I am anxious to see HRS bring a specialized program to our community.

Historic locomotive doors of the 1913 Canadian Northern Railroad Roundhouse in Hanna, AB CONCLUSION

The above photo is from our CN Retiree Railroader Reunion Aug 8, 2015. It includes some railroaders involved in running the railroad through the prairie provinces & government dignitaries along with the Hanna Roundhouse Society Board involved in fighting for this piece of history. What amazing stories we all have as is seen speaking with the retirees. It was a thrill to see their faces when they were able to share their story! This has made ALL our hard work so well worth it!

Since our non-profit society was provided with the repayable funds to purchase the roundhouse property in Sept 2013, the Hanna Roundhouse Society has accomplished a lot in a short period of time. I look forward to continuing the push to proceed further & completely revive the roundhouse in our Prairie Town. Photos: Hanna Archives from Hanna Herald portfolio.