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Spring 2013 William Gallagher: The rP actice of Property Law - in the Classroom Lisa Lomba Golden Gate University School of Law, [email protected]

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Recommended Citation Lomba, Lisa, "Professor William Gallagher: The rP actice of Intellectual Property Law - in the Classroom" (2013). Publications. Paper 594.

This Article is brought to you for free and open access by the Faculty Scholarship at GGU Law Digital Commons. It has been accepted for inclusion in Publications by an authorized administrator of GGU Law Digital Commons. For more information, please contact [email protected]. Theory to practice Professor William Gallagher The Practice of Intellectual Property Law—in the Classroom

In recent years there has been a lot of buzz in legal education need to provide the answer and to know whether or not about the need for law schools to produce more “practice- they’ve found it.” ready” graduates. GGU Law has long prided itself on Gallagher notes that new lawyers often do not get much providing rigorous, practical legal education, and Professor guidance or training in practice because busy lawyers do William Gallagher’s , IP Litigation: Trademark and not often have time to mentor them. “It’s not much of an Copyright, is at the forefront of this tradition. exaggeration to say that the guidance you sometimes get Professor Gallagher designed the IP Litigation course to in practice is ‘Do this quickly and don’t screw it up.’ emulate how lawyers learn the law in actual practice. That was certainly my experience as a young IP lawyer, There are no textbooks assigned for this class. Rather, and that of many others.” This is a common reason that students meet each week in a small-class setting to go some firms and organizations do not want to hire new over assignments that require them to solve a client lawyers—it is time-consuming to provide the mentoring problem and produce weekly written work product— many new lawyers require. which includes client letters, cease and desist demands, GGU Law student Lisa Agueda says that Gallagher’s legal pleadings such as complaints and answers, discovery approach pays dividends. “IP litigation has taught me to requests, short memos, and pretrial motions. In other think like an attorney. I am confident that I can write a words, the types of work intellectual property lawyers do cease and desist letter, draft complaints, and propound from the first day of practice. And, as in actual practice, discovery. In fact, this course has opened the door for students in IP Litigation may use any source necessary a potential IP litigation job this summer. I think it’s to help them complete their work, including professional essential for any student interested in practicing IP.” practice guides, Google searches, legal treatises, online tools, or discussions with actual attorneys. Gallagher is convinced that the type of learning he fosters in his class is the future of legal education. And Of this highly pragmatic process, Gallagher states, he is confident that by learning how to teach oneself “That’s exactly how lawyers approach solving problems the law as lawyers do, students gain an advantage in and figuring out what to do. You can ask colleague the marketplace for externships and employment over lawyers for advice or exemplars, or you can look at graduates who lack such training. practice guides to give you some insight as to what to do—and believe me, beginning lawyers are often Students in Gallagher’s IP Litigation class are graded not confronted with situations in which they are not certain only on the quality of their written work but also on what to do, so they need a game plan for what steps to their self-assessment of their process in executing each take or questions to ask to be able to succeed.” week’s tasks—including a discussion of how confident they are that they got each assignment “right.” A big part Gallagher believes that law students need to learn how of the learning in this class stems from students’ analysis to do practical legal research using a variety of resources of what did and did not work as expected and why. beyond doing standard, academic legal research. “Law students sometimes provide an answer, but lawyers “That’s often the most challenging thing for law students Golden Gate Lawyer /// Spring / Summer 2013 19

/// P Litigation flips the script. ye agrees. “IP Litigation flips the script. lawyers whose writing they need to correct. My goal is to goal is to need to correct. My writing they lawyers whose produce the so as to how to be self-critical show students possible.” best work product Gallagher teaching at GGU Law, In his eight years of IP Litigation class because he sees especially enjoys the class performing as law students and students come into gratifying as junior lawyers. “It’s leaving class performing work. IP law students willIt is not to see how hard our not that how you work and write is easy getting feedback but what strikes me each time I teach yet at a high level, constructive criticism this class is how most students take and lawyerly and advice to heart and produce polished work by the end of the course.” Student Jeff T class, students Instead of sitting through a in challenges or have the opportunity to discuss the assignment. It is successes they faced in completing the feel completely a challenging course, and you usually But it is ignorant when beginning each assignment. you will actually precisely this struggle that guarantees you a taste of learn something, not to mention giving what being a lawyer is all about.” to be self-critical so as to produce the best work product possible.” My goal is to show students howMy goal is to show students

“ comment not just on the substance of what they turn in— comment not just on the substance of for your position, for did you find the best legal authority you write clearly example—but also on the style—did and effectively? I not only read the cases or statutes good sources, but cited to tell them whether they found grammatically incorrect, and overly also correct sloppy, to produce polished, colloquial writing to guide students work with want to professional work. Lawyers don’t “Students are sometimes surprised to find out that I “Students are sometimes surprised to apart from classes IP Litigation apart from classes Another thing that sets schools is the extent to which taught at other law a comments on their work from students receive written practical experience in intellectual lawyer who has deep written Each week, Gallagher provides extensive property. style of students’feedback on both the substance and in class.writing before discussing the assignment and new lawyers to deal with,” Gallagher says, “the “the Gallagher says, lawyers to deal with,” and new Lawyers legal practice. that is part of any uncertainty to to teach themselves the law by need to develop skills sources of information, thereby drawing on multiple and producing quality work for resolving uncertainty colleagues and clients.”