A Dispute Between “The Younger” and “The Older” About the Economic Model of the National Movement Between 1928 and 1939 (Arguments Exchanged in the Press)1
STUDIA POLITOLOGICZNE VOL. 52 DOI: 10.33896/SPolit.2019.52.17 STUDIA I ANALIZY Aneta Dawidowicz ORCID: 0000-0002-5266-2247 A dispute between “the Younger” and “the Older” about the economic model of the national movement between 1928 and 1939 (arguments exchanged in the press)1 KEY WORDS: the national camp, economy, nationalism, political thought, Christian ethics STUDIA I ANALIZY Preliminary remarks Nationalistic organisations played a prominent role in the political life of the Second Polish Republic. Two political parties – the Popular National Union (1919–1928) and the National Party (1928–1939) – were at the organisational core of National Democracy. The ideological contribution of the NP to the legacy of the political thought of the National Camp, and, more broadly, to the Polish and European political thought, was substantial. The NP’s political thought cov- ered a broad spectrum of philosophical, economic, historiosophical, ideological, religious, cultural, paedagogical, political, social and systemic issues. The vision forged by the NP encompassed a multitude of political thought domains, including such key categories as internal security, external security, the economy, the nation, the State, society, the status of national minorities, the attitude to Catholicism, political authority and nationalistic upbringing. Underlying the political thought of the National Party was a number of ideological, political, social and economic factors associated with the political developments of the 1920s and 1930s, both in Europe and Poland. At the same 1 Niniejszy tekst stanowi realizację projektu sfinansowanego ze środków Narodowego Centrum Nauki, przyznanych na podstawie decyzji numer DEC-2013/09/B/HS5/00016. The publication was financed from the National Science Centre resources granted under Decision No.
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