Newsletter ISSUE No. 20 June 2019

Inside this Issue Surprise as Judge Refuses to Hear Tilbrook -Surprise as Judge Refuses to Brexit Exit Case hear Brexit Exit Case p1 -Celebrate ’s Birthday A single Judge has said that the that Mr Tilbrook was probably right in his this July with ED p1 Tilbrook case does not merit being assessment. -Write for EV p1 heard. He considered the papers and Not unusual -Brown Bullies England Again p2 refused permission. It is important to remember that at nearly Deadline to appeal every stage of the Gina Miller legal case -Two things the Gov’t don’t want English Democrat Chairman Robin they had to appeal against the initial you to know about Barnett p2 Tilbrook stated:’ Our Application to findings which were usually negative. -NSS Reserach Reveals Appeal the Refusal of Permission was This case has a right to be heard and the Unstunned Meat Widespread in safely issued in time despite the Order Judge not allowing a full court case marks UK Supermarkets p3 being made on almost the only day another nail in the coffin of the idea that we -Editorial p3 which, had I not had my post checked have an impartial and unbiased justice -Join Us to write the Draft daily, could have made me miss the system in the UK. Constitution for England p4 deadline because I was away on holiday Important Point - FightsTwo for two weeks’. (There is an extremely What this case does highlight very well is Further Cases: Electoral tight time period following decisions the problems caused by not having a Commission; Facebook made at this level (no merit)for written Constitution; the abolition (under applicants to appeal The time starts Blair of the important role of Lord p4 when the decision is made and not when Chancellor; and the dire state of the -future events p4 the decision is received.editor) Judicial system in England where Setbacks expected competence is sacrificed on the altar of Do You Want to Write For Respected Emeritus Profssor Alan Sked political correctness. English Voice? warned that the Judiciary would put up stiff opposition even though he agreed English Voice is published online at least 6 times a year. It is an Join Us to Celebrate England’s Birthday in opportunity to keep people informed about campaigns and events that the Malmesbury this July English Democrats are promoting. Contribute We are joining the Royal Society of St. resemble those of the current day. If you would like to contribute an George (in their 125th anniversary year) in From that day, Athelstan surpassed the article to the newsletter please a day to remember the unification of our achievements of even his grandfather- forward any copy to the email below English nation on the 12th July 927 AD. Alfred the Great. Alfred had styled or use the contact on This was the day when England was first himself as King of the Anglo-Saxons, but Topics united under one king, King Athelstan, the by his death in 937 Athelstan was can be timely or just something that first King of England. The day of known as Rex Angolorum, the first ever you feel members need to know. The celebration will culminate with a service for King of the England. The event starts at Editor reserves the right to cut articles King Athelstan in Malmesbury Abbey, near 10:30am on July 13th at the Moravian as needed. his tomb. Church; lunch is at 12:30 at The England is the oldest nation in Europe and Bell Inn and finishes at 2:30pm. The we believe that England’s birthday is worth cost is £40 per person and includes 2 celebrating. course lunch at The Bell Inn. On 12th July 927 at Eamont Bridge in Malmesbury is small and venues are Published by the English Democrats,Quires Cumbria, the then King of the Anglo- close together. Green, Ongar,CM5 0QP and Saxons, Athelstan took control of the Please contact: RSSG, PO Box 397, Printed by Prontaprint, Letchworth Garden Viking-ruled lands governed from York. Loughton, IG10 9GN; 02080581115 or City, Herts. From this day we see the creation of a [email protected]. unified England, whose borders closely Contact: English Voice at [email protected] 1 Newsletter ISSUE No.20 June 2019 Brown Bullies England Again!

The former, non-elected Prime Minister of our United of , & Northern Ireland before the interests of Kingdom, Gordon Brown, had the insensitivity to deliver a England. speech this week on 25th June, in front of large posters Iniquities continue promoting the collectivist ethos of the Fabian Society and The decades long inequities of the Barnett Formula, later Hope Not Hate. Brown’s words implied his aim was to protect compounded by the settlement, have left England UK traditional values such as free speech and democracy; yet without any equivalent Assembly. The almost weekly barbs the underlying message was to me best reflected in this and tirades from Blackford (SNP) and his motley band over chosen backdrop. Brexit at PMQ’s are more likely to be responsible for the Smear Campaign inevitable reappraisal of our Constitutional arrangements. This Scotsman’s apparent purpose was to smear the front Constitutional reform coming runner in the contest, , by accusing him of This reappraisal must get underway whenever Brexit is finally English - thus a threat to the unity of the UK. (The fully accomplished. The necessity of the UK remaining as a following day Boris’ opponent promptly and fittingly, as if part whole in order to leave the EU (as it had entered) has been of a plan, tweeted on his own Scottish, Welsh and Irish links.) acting as a barrage holding back the inevitable coming Falsehoods tsunami of English frustration. The failed former long-serving Finance Minister & Premier’s Fake Unionist duplicity in speeches over many years are well known. This Gordon Brown seems here to be playing the card of Scot’s latest episode is noteworthy as some assert that his nationalism and fake UK unionist patriotism in order to interferrence swung the Scottish Referendum away from complete the removal of all accountable representative independence. He stated the alarming premise that devolution democracy and Sovereignty from each of the nations that would be akin to Home Rule for Scotland and lead to a federal encompass the UK. Those Nations may become (perhaps UK. indefinitely) ruled by appointed foreign autocrats of the England comes last increasingly expansionist and dysfunctional EU. English Democrat members are aware that the present Conservative Party (under whatever leader) put the interests Martin T Cole Two things the Government does not want you to know about the Barnett Formula (by Mike Blundell) Some Things you should know I had researched initially a talk about the Barnett Formula sub- titled ten things the Government does not want you to know. But, I have shortened it to two things; to keep it short and to keep it focused on two big key things Identifiable expenditure does not exist Commentators usually explain the Barnett Formula as working on the basis of identifiable English expenditure, with Treasury doing the identification. In practise, no Government departments accounts for its expenditure by UK territory. The so called “identification” by Treasury is an assessment of planned expenditure programmes by Departments; if the programme is primarily on services which have been devolved then all of the planned expenditure of that programme has a Barnett consequence (ie: money to the non-English territories). This ignores that substantial sums (billions) are spent on UK activities (eg. Brexit). No independent check Representatives of the Scottish, Welsh and Northern Irish Governments are involved in Treasury’s assessment. Their input is secret (HM Treasury use policy forming grounds to forbid disclosure). There is no one to represent England. The National Audit Office does not check Treasury’s operation of the Barnett Formula (it is outside it’s terms of reference). Neither does Treasury send back its analysis to the source Departments for a check. The combination of a crude assessment of applicable spend and the substantial involvement of groups who are strongly motivated to get for themselves as much out of the system as possible can mean only one thing. We are being ripped off. Contact: English Voice at [email protected] 2

W Newsletter Issue No. 20 June 2019 NSS Research Reveals Unstunned Meat Widespread in UK Supermarkets

Kimble to the NSS. The National Secular Society (NSS) examined the NSS chief executive Stephen Evans said the research had policies of 11 supermarket chains and their online ‘demonstrated the need for more robust action on unstunned produce range, and found that the majority require all meat’. He added ‘words must be followed with action…’hiding meat for their own-brand products to be pre-stunned. away the provenance of unstunned meat helps normalise This is line with animal welfare legislation requiring animal cruelty and serves the interests of religious hardliners animals to be stunned before slaughter to minimise who want to increase its supply. Ultimately animal welfare laws suffering. But several sell non-stunned meat only from should apply fairly across society. This means repeal of the other brands, and only two credibly commit to selling religious exemption that permits non-stun slaughter in the first meat only from animals that are pre-stunned. place’. No labelling No legislation Four supermarkets-Asda, Morrisons, Sainsbury’s and At present there is no legislation requiring meat from animals Tesco-sold halal meat from animals which are not slaughtered without stunning to be labelled as such, meaning stunned, without clear labelling to indicate this. Five of consumers cannot tell which brrands of halal meat are stunned the supermarkets-Morrisons, Ocado, Sainsbury’s, unless they research the topic. Tesco and Waitrose-sold kosher meat online. All The majority of halal meat in the UK is pre-stunned. For kosher meat is from unstunned animals. example, halal supplier Najima states: ‘ We follow the Islamic Waitrose defies it’s own policies values of treating all animals with kindness and compassion. Waitrose sells unstunned meat despite a policy which To ensure the welfare of the animals, we do use recoverable misleadingly implies otherwise. Waitrose’s policy says:’ stunning prior to slaughter. This is in accordance to the all the livestock that provide meat for Waitrose are pre- specific rules set out by the Islamic faith and under supervision stunned before slaughter to ensure they are insensitive of our European Halal certifying bodies.’ to pain before being killed’. It does not make it clear that But other brands, including Shazans Select HMC range and this refers only to their own-brand products. Humza, are certified by authorities such as the Halal Marks& Spencer only one Monitoring Committee and Halal Monitoring Board, which only The only major supermarket that credibly and explicitly certify meat that has not been stunned prior to slaughter. New rejected all non-stunned meat was Marks & Spencer. data from the Food Standards Agency has revealed a sharp Their policy states ‘all the meat and poultry we sell rise in the number of animals slaughtered without pre-stunning must, withut exception, come from animals that have over the past four years. been humanely slaughtered and animals must be pre- Widely condemned slaughter stunned’. No non-stunned halal or kosher The RSPCA, Compassion in World Farming and the British products were found on their online site. Veterinary Association have all criticised non-stun slaughter, Co-op stuns pre-slaughter along with many animal welfare experts. The Farm Animal Co-op has rejected unstunned meat at present. They Welfare Council- a UK Government body- has said the however sell some non-Co-op branded halal certified practice should be banned. The EU’s Scientific Panel on meat in a small number of stores where there is a Animal Health and Welfare has said ‘pre-cut stunning should sufficient demand, but state that this is ‘all stunned prior always be performed’. to slaughter’. Abolish religious exemptions Slaughterhouses that kill animals for kosher or halal The NSS campaigns for religious exemptions to animal meat can currently be granted exemption from the welfare laws to be abolished. While non-stun slaughtered meat requirements to pre-stun animals. is still permitted, the Society is calling for clearer labelling on Renewed Government Interest meat slaughtred by religious methods to help consumers make The NSS’s research comes shortly after the informed choices. The NSS has criicised recent proposals for Government re-stated its interest in introducing labelling labelling halal meat as confusing. requirements for halal and kosher meat to indicate the If you want an end to religious non-stun slaughter write to method of slaughter. Farming minister George Eustice your MP. Find out more at: said the Governemt would consider the move so 2018/01/unstunned-meat-widespread-in-uk-supermarkets- shoppers can make an ‘informed choice’. His words nss-research-reveals. back-up a similar statement from Lord Gardiner of

Editorial Finally,we went to press with the surprising but nonetheless 2019 has proven to be an interesting year so far. We expected ‘refusal to hear our case’ judgement from the High have seen the rise of The Brexit Party. Coming close to Court Judge Spencer. We have managed to meet the victory in the Peterborough by-election after a few deadline and file our appeal to this decision in time. months of existence. (The result may yet be You will also read about our two other court cases: David overturned). We have also see the rise of more Jarvis’ and Electoral Fraud in the Sheffield Mayoral contest; politicians who will stop at nothing to stop BREXIT. In and the current case against Facebook. I urge you to do what this they have been supported by the state you can to publicise this and donate if you can. broadcaster, the BBC. Contact: English Voice at [email protected] 3 Newsletter ISSUE No. 20 June 2019

Join Us and Write the Draft English Democrats Fight Two Constitution For England Further Cases in the Courts

The English Democrats have formed a committee to prepare On May 3rd 2018 South Yorkshire mayoral elections took a draft written constitution for England and we would like you, place. Dan Jarvis MP for Barnsley was elected. the members, to join this committee to help us do this. Unknown to the voters Mr Jarvis was being investigated by Why are we doing this? for electoral fraud. Unfortunately this We have seen the governance and justice systems rot, like a information was hidden from the voters during the campaign fish, from the head down. Examples are the death of David by a conspiracy of silence within the “mainstream” media Crehan (Bacon Man) in prison and the recent “attempt” by including the BBC and ITV in particular. the authorities to kill Tommy Robinson by the same method. False and Incomplete Information Supplied Recently our case in the High Court to enforce Brexit was Mr Jarvis was being investigated because he and his agent thrown out by a Judge specialising in criminal law and had provided a false and incomplete home address in his deemed ‘without merit’. nomination papers. This is against the law. In addition, Mr Emeritus Professor Alan Sked said on Unity News Network Jarvis and his agent contrived to camouflage his actual that the Judiciary would put up stiff resistance to the Tilbrook constituency home address by indicating that the Sheffield case! What about objectivity and the law? Now that the Trades and Labour club was some sort of home or Justice system is politicised the people will have to look constituency office. elsewhere for justice. No supporting evidence provided Another good example is the current mess over Brexit where Mr Jarvis suggested to David Allen that owing to his military lying, arrogant and abusive MPs are denying to the People background he was not bound by electoral law. David the Brexit that was contained in the government’s Brexit contested this and asked him to provide his exemption from leaflet and that we voted for and which those MPs promised the law and that if he did so the matter would be dropped, to deliver.. and David would apologise. Mr Jarvis has produced no Teresa May appears to have ignored the constitution such exemption. whenever it suited her. For example she went against the Media Collusion in the Fraud Cabinet wishes, and behind it’s back, to extend Art. 50. Most shocking was the determined and successful media All of this can and has happened, not just recently, but many shutdown. Indeed, David was told before the BBC Radio times in the past and there appears to be no method of Sheffield debate by the show’s producer that if David ensuring this does not happen. This is why we need a written mentioned anything regarding Dan Jarvis being investigated constitution policed by the Supreme Court. by South Yorkshire police he would ‘cut it out’. He also Others are now agreeing with us. For example Recently Ms. insinuated that the media conspiracy of silence had a Howard QC wrote a blog purporting to refute R Tilbrook’s general sanction too. Also David was ‘no platformed’ from case against the government (https:// some of the Mayoral election hustings debates. Punishment will mean a by-election tilbrook-fights-back/). This blog included the following: The law is clear that whatever punishment the court decides “ It is also teaching us the limits of our constitutional and to impose upon either Dan Jarvis or his Electoral Agent, the governance processes, the deficiencies in our democratic automatic civil penalty is that upon conviction there is an processes and the need for a proper balance and separation automatic ban of 5 years to hold public office and of powers between the Executive, Legislature and Judiciary.” automatically the election for the Sheffield City Region/ Conference in March voted to investigate the proposal for a South Yorkshire Mayoralty is void and has to be re-run. written constitution and to publicise it to the people of To make a donation to this appeal go England. The committee will be using two free internet applications to collaborate on this task, Skype and Samepage. Facebook Shows its Remainer Bias If you want to be part of this and are willing to use these two apps please email me at [email protected] During the recent European Elections Facebook closed Annual General Meeting and Conference Robin Tilbrooks Facebook account down. He received no warning and has no appeal. No reason was given for this. However the only difference is that Robin has been The English Democrats Annual General Meeting is discussing the Brexit Exit Case on this social media being held on: platform. Robin has appealed but has yet to receive an adequate 21st September 2019 at the Hilton Hotel Leicester answer for this. LE19 1WQ. It is illegal to deny political candidates access to the full range of media during an election. This is exactly what To book your place email: Facebook did! [email protected] Again if you want to find out more or donate please go to

Contact:English Voice at [email protected] 4