PRESS CONTACT Kim Dixon dominion3 1420 Camden Ave. #5 Los Angeles, CA 90025 310.478.3393 tel
[email protected] CLICK TO VISIT OUR WEBSITE FOR THE TRAILER AND NEWS: “A man is never more truthful than when he STUART ARICK, a forgettable CPA, has a strange dream of his client committing sui- cide. When he learns that the dream came true, Stuart begins an investigation that will acknowledges himself a liar.” undermine everything he thought he knew about his life. Crossing paths with DEVIN, a free-wheeling old acquaintance who makes his money dealing drugs, Stuart is exposed to danger for the first time since childhood. He’s taken to RITA, a mysterious psychic -- Mark Twain whom Devin has a mad crush on. Rita tells the bookish Stuart the last thing he wants to hear: to discover the truth, he’ll have to listen to his dreams. Time with Devin and Rita pushes Stuart out of his comfort zone; though Stuart starts having catatonia-inducing panic attacks, he also starts to remember how to actually en- LOGLINE: joy himself. Driven by Rita’s words, Stuart enlists Devin to help steal files from his office, Gilby finds himself in a tangled web of lies when the truth proves to be too much to files which will help him understand his destiny. Caught in the act by his boss however, admit and even harder to accept. Stuart is promptly fired. Without his career to define him, Stuart is left adrift and despondent. When Devin’s personal problems almost get Stuart killed, the man flies into a rage; Stuart not only cuts Devin out of his life, but shatters his relationship with Rita.