Manchester City Council Item 12 Planning and Highways Committee 10 April 2014

Application Number Date of Appln Committee Date Ward 104802/FO/2014/C1 3rd Feb 2014 10 Apr 2014 City Centre Ward

Proposal Construction of a new 8 storey 290 bed hotel with ground floor restaurant (Class A3) and shop unit (Class A1) with 25 basement parking spaces are rooftop plant area following partial demolition of existing buildings. Location Commercial Buildings , 11-15 Cross Street, , M2 1WE Applicant Mr Dominic Pozzoni , HS 606 Limited, Alliance House, Westpoint Enterprise Park, Clarence Avenue, Manchester, M17 1QS Agent Mr Keith Hamilton, Stephenson:ISA Studio Limited, 3 Riverside Mews, 4 Commercial Street, Manchester, M15 4RQ


The application relates to a 0.125 hectare site bounded by Cross Street, Newmarket, Pall Mall and Back Pool Fold. It is occupied by a 5/6 storey office building that was constructed in the 1980s behind a retained facade on Cross Street with 2 ground floor shop units fronting Cross Street and basement parking accessed from Newmarket. The offices are split into 3 interconnecting buildings with 3 separate entrances from Cross Street, Newmarket and Pall Mall respectively. Vacancy levels within the building are currently at 88% with the ground floor retail units and the central office building on Newmarket Street occupied but the upper levels of the Pall Mall Street and Cross Street buildings being vacant.

The site is within the Central Business District which, in addition to a large concentration of offices, contains shops, bars, restaurants and some residential. The site is opposite the Royal Exchange and the Arndale Shopping Centre. It is within the Upper King Street Conservation Area and is adjacent to a number of historic buildings of which four are grade 2 Listed - The Royal Exchange, Princes Chamber, Alliance House and The Stock Exchange.

Building styles, scale and massing vary in the adjacent area and historic buildings are adjoined by larger, generally taller, contemporary developments. This can be seen particularly on Market Street and King Street. The majority of the historic buildings are generally 3-4 storeys and the tallest buildings in the area are Pall Mall Court on King Street at 11 storeys and the Arndale tower at 21 storeys that are now part of the setting of heritage assets in the area.

Buildings in the area around the application site feature a wide range of high quality materials such as stone, red brick, terracotta and faience are present in the area. Vertical, sash windows that are generally set back from the external face of the building, predominate in the area enhancing the design of the facades whilst creating shadows. Contemporary buildings such as the Arndale Centre are built in a range of more modern materials that contrast those of the more historic buildings.

Description of the Proposals.

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The proposed building would be 8 storeys, containing a 290 bed hotel with a ground floor restaurant, shop unit, 25 basement parking spaces and a rooftop plant area. The proposal would reuse the existing basement and ground level structure and retain the Cross Street façade (previously retained as part of the 1987 development ) as well as a decorative stone door surround located on Pall Mall.

The building would incorporate a traditional tri-partite appearance with a large 2 storey base expressed by large windows aligning with the existing base on Cross Street. There would be a 4 storey middle section and a 2 storey roof. The building would be constructed from pre cast panels with the elevations featuring simple vertical bands to accentuate deep set windows which are intended to be a sympathetic, but contemporary, response to the architectural features of the retained façade and other historic buildings in the area. The use of large expanses of glass at ground floor level would animate the adjacent street scene to all elevations.

The hotel and retail unit would be accessed off Cross Street whilst the Class A3 unit would have its own access off Pall Mall. Servicing would take place from an existing loading bay on Pall Mall and vehicles would enter the basement via Newmarket Street.

In support of the overall redevelopment of the site the applicants have stated that the development would:

 Encourage greater numbers of people to part of the city which is attractive to visitors;

 Meet an identified deficiency of hotel space around the application site;

 Replace an existing building that is unviable in terms of business operations, due to its age and internal layout.

 Boost local economic performance; provide approximately 140 FTE jobs once operational as well as additional indirect jobs via hotel supply chains;

 Achieve a BREEAM rating of at least 'very good' which is considerably better than the current dated building and helps to contribute towards the city's overall energy efficiency targets.

That the proposals are fully funded subject to planning permission being granted.

Environmental Impact Assessment - The proposal does not fall within Schedules 1 or 2 of the Town and Country Planning (Environmental Impact Assessment) (England and Wales) Regulations 1999 (as amended 2011) and as such did not meet the requirement for a screening opinion to be carried out as part of the application process.


Publicity - The occupiers of adjacent premises have been notified about the application and it has been advertised in the local press as a major development,

118 Manchester City Council Item 12 Planning and Highways Committee 10 April 2014 affecting the setting of a listed building and the setting of a conservation area; Site notices have also been placed adjacent to the application site.

One letters of objection has been received from a business with premises on St Ann's Square, Market Street and Marsden Street objecting on the basis of an increase in traffic / levels of activities, noise levels, disruption to businesses and destruction within the construction phase.

Manchester Conservation Area and Historic Buildings Panel - The Panel was supportive of the retention of the Victorian stone facade to Cross Street. The Panel noted that, while the existing built form behind is very much a product of its time and of not of high significance, it does reflect a particular approach towards conservation, does not dominate the Cross Street frontage while also responding to its internal floor levels, and aims to respect the conservation area setting including the characteristic manner in which it turns the Newmarket/Pall Mall street corner. The proposed design was considered to be far less successful and the drawn evidence does not support the applicant's assertion that the design incorporates a tripartite division of the elevation typical of many larger Manchester buildings. While the contemporary design of the proposed built form with strong vertical rhythm of its own was appreciated in its own right by some Panel members, it was acknowledged that the new-build element would include significant elements of blank elevation and would slam into the Victorian elevation with misaligned floor levels and no response to the elevation rhythm. This unfortunate mismatch between the two elements would be emphasised by the proposed extensive use of white render and this rejection of more characteristic materials, such as brick, was considered unfortunate. White render would be uncharacteristic and have a considerable negative impact on the particular character of the streets in this locality arising from the narrower streets and darker materials, and could bring issues regarding maintenance and longevity as it would be expected to quickly deteriorate in the Manchester climate. In addition, the Panel noted that the roofline detailing would not be as crisp as shown once it had been detailed for functional purposes and considered the handling of the Newmarket/Pall Mall corner to be clumsy.

It was noted that the height of the building would be higher than the existing and, unlike the existing built form, the proposed building would be seen as a backdrop rising above the more modestly scaled historic Chapel Walks buildings that currently terminate views along Cheapside. This would significantly and unacceptably alter this conservation area view that should be protected. The scale of the new built form should also be lower or set back so as to maintain the existing building as the visible built form when viewed from Cross Street.

In conclusion the Panel felt that a more modest proposal in a different material and elevation articulation would have a more acceptable impact on the character of the conservation area including upon views and the relationship of the retained and proposed built forms.

English Heritage - State that the replacement building whilst between one and two storeys higher than the existing building would be reasonably consistent in height and massing to the established grain of the conservation area and would provide a positive response to the site context without overwhelming adjoining buildings. Given

119 Manchester City Council Item 12 Planning and Highways Committee 10 April 2014 the above overall the proposals should make a positive contribution to the conservation area. However they do recommend some modest amendments and refining of details as follows:

 The precise detailing of the proposed glass reinforced concrete cladding, with buff aggregate, will require care to ensure a subtle transition from the stone front elevation;  The depth of the reveals should provide sufficient 3-D modelling to create depth, shadow and interest to the Newmarket and Pall Mall elevations;  The vertical bays to the Pall Mall elevation could be realign to sit more comfortably with the more regular vertical rhythm of the adjoining listed warehouse;

They also comment that pre- application advice recommended that further research should be undertaken to establish whether the elevation originally incorporated a balustrade above the eaves and that the feature could be reinstated if the evidence was available to support such an approach and that this has not been commented on in the submission.

The Head of Neighbourhood Services (Highway Services) - Has no objections but has made commented on the proposed servicing arrangements and vehicular access to the basement.

Head of Regulatory and Enforcement Services - (Street Management and Enforcement) - Has no objections but recommends that conditions relating to the acoustic insulation of any associated plant and equipment, the extraction of fumes, the storage and disposal of refuse, the hours during which deliveries can take place be attached to any consent granted.

Greater Manchester Police (Design for Security) - Have no objection subject to the recommendations contained in the Crime Impact Statement and additional management measures submitted by the applicant being implemented as part of the scheme.

Environment Agency - Have no objection.

Greater Manchester Ecology Group - No objections received.

United Utilities - Have no objection but have made comments in relation to drainage and water supply (which have been passed to the applicant) and have recommended that specific conditions are included in any planning permission granted to ensure that no surface water from this development is discharged either directly or indirectly to the combined sewer network and that the site must be drained on a separate system, with only foul drainage connected into the foul sewer.

Greater Manchester Archaeological Advisory Service - Are satisfied that the proposed development does not threaten the known or suspected archaeological heritage and on this basis state that there is no reason to seek to impose any archaeological requirements upon the applicant.

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Transport for Greater Manchester - have requested that a number of conditions be attached to any consent granted relating to the need for a Construction Management Plan and ensuring that the building is adequately insulated against noise from adjacent noise sources and that no taxis or vehicles would drop customers off on Cross Street as this has the potential to disrupt Metrolink.


Relevant National Policy

The National Planning Policy Framework set out the Government's planning policies for England and how these are expected to apply. The proposed development complies with the following policies.

The central theme to the NPPF is to achieve sustainable development. The Government states that there are three dimensions to sustainable development: an economic role, a social role and an environmental role (paragraphs 6 & 7).Paragraphs 11, 12, 13 and 14 of the NPPF outline a "presumption in favour of sustainable development". This means approving development, without delay, where it accords with the development plan. Paragraph 12 states that: "Proposed development that accords with an up-to-date Local Plan should be approved and proposed development that conflicts should be refused unless other material considerations indicate otherwise."

The proposed development is considered to be consistent with sections 1, 2, 4,7,10 and 12 of the NPPF for the reasons outlined below.

Section 1 - Building a strong and competitive economy- The proposal would develop a site which is underutilised and provide high-quality modern accommodation and facilities for both visitors to and users of the City Centre. This would create employment during construction and permanent employment in the hotel.

Section 2 Ensuring the Vitality of Town Centres, - the proposal would develop a key site in a prominent location to a high standard and increase levels of activity in the area.

Section 4 Promoting Sustainable Transport - the application site is in a highly accessible location in close proximity to Victoria Station, the tram network and the bus network. The proposed development would therefore facilitate sustainable development and contribute to wider sustainability and health objectives and give people a real choice about how they travel.

Section 7 Requiring Good Design - The proposed scheme has been the subject of significant design consideration, consultation and evolution. The development would be of a high quality and would improve the appearance of this site within the street scene and be acceptable in the context of the built and historic environment.

Section 10 Meeting the challenge of climate change, flooding and coastal change - The buildings are in a highly sustainable location and would aim to secure a Breeam of at least very good

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Section 12 Conserving and Enhancing the Historic Environment- The proposals would enhance the appearance of the overall site within the street scene particularly on the Newmarket and Pall Mall elevations. The development has been designed to ensure that any impact on the significance of adjacent heritage assets is minimised. This is dealt with thoroughly in the issues section below.

Relevant Local Policies

Core Strategy

The Core Strategy Development Plan Document 2012 -2027 ("the Core Strategy") was adopted by the City Council on 11th July 2012. It is the key document in Manchester's Local Development Framework. The Core Strategy replaces significant elements of the Unitary Development Plan (UDP) as the document that sets out the long term strategic planning policies for Manchester's future development. A number of UDP policies have been saved until replaced by further development plan documents to accompany the Core Strategy. Planning applications in Manchester must be decided in accordance with the Core Strategy, saved UDP policies and other Local Development Documents.

The adopted Core Strategy contains a number of Strategic Spatial Objectives that form the basis of the policies contained therein. Those which are of relevance to the current hotel proposals at Cross Street are as follows:

SO1. Spatial Principles - This development would be in a highly accessible location and reduce the need to travel by private car and therefore promote sustainable development in the City and contribute to halting climate change.

SO2. Economy - The scheme would provide new jobs during construction along with permanent employment and facilities in a highly accessible location and help to improve the City's economic performance and help to reduce economic, environmental and social disparities and to help create inclusive sustainable communities.

S05. Transport - This development would be in a highly accessible location and reduce the need to travel by private car and make the most effective use of existing public transport facilities and therefore help to improve the physical connectivity of the City, through sustainable transport networks, enhance its functioning and competitiveness and provide access to jobs, services, retail, leisure and recreation.

S06. Environment - the development would be consistent with the aim of seeking to protect and enhance both the natural and built environment of the city and ensure the sustainable use of natural resources in order to: mitigate and adapt to climate change; support biodiversity and wildlife; improve air, water and land quality; improve recreational opportunities; and ensure that the city is inclusive and attractive to residents, workers, investors and visitors.

Policy SP 1 (Spatial Principles) - the development would be highly sustainable and be consistent with the aim of bringing forward economic and commercial development, alongside high quality city living within the Regional Centre.

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In addition it would provide good access to sustainable transport provision, maximise the potential of the city's transport infrastructure and make a positive contribution to neighbourhoods of choice by enhancing the built and natural environment, creating a well designed place that would both enhance and create character, reuse previously developed land and reduce the need to travel

Policy EC1 - Land for Employment and Economic Development - The proposals would support the city's economic performance and help to spread the benefits of growth across the city thereby helping to reduce economic, environmental and social disparities and help to create inclusive sustainable communities. The application site is well connected to the city's existing transport infrastructure and as such the development would be well placed to maximise the promotion of walking, cycling and public transport use. The City Centre is a key location for major employment growth and the proposals would create a number of new jobs during the construction phase and operation which would in turn contribute to economic growth. Issues about loss of Commercial space are discussed in more detail below.

The design of the development would make good use of the site in terms of efficient use of space, enhancement of the sense of place within the wider area, and would consider the needs of users and employees on the site in terms of a range of transport modes and the reduction of opportunities for crime.

Policy CC1 - Primary Economic Development Focus (City Centre and fringe).- Whilst the focus of employment growth is offices (Use Class B1a), provision is made within Policy CC1 for "a range of economic development uses, such as retail, leisure, entertainment, cultural and tourism facilities" within the City Centre. The application proposes an intensive mixed use development consisting of ground floor retail and upper floor hotel which directly meets the requirements of Policy CC1 by providing commercially led and employment generating uses within the leisure, entertainment, cultural and tourism bracket. Policy C1 (from which Policy CC1 is derived) stipulates that main town centre uses (defined in the National Planning Policy Framework as including hotels and retail) will be prioritised in the centres with the City Centre being the regional focus for commerce, culture, leisure and tourism.

Policy CC4 - Visitors, tourist, culture and leisure - As well as improving the infrastructure to accommodate visitors the proposed hotel would, contribute to the quality of the City Centre hotel market offering a hotel product which would improve the range of accommodation options in a part of the City Centre which lies in close proximity to a number of visitor attractions including the City Art Gallery, the Royal Exchange Theatre and the Retail Core and Commercial Core.

Policy CC5 - Transport - The proposal would be accessible by all modes of sustainable transport and would therefore contribute to improving air quality.

Policy CC6 City Centre High Density Development - The proposals would be a high density development and maximise the efficient use of land.

Policy CC7 Mixed Use Development - The proposals would deliver a high quality of hotel with a full height glazed frontage onto Pall Mall, Cross Street and the majority

123 Manchester City Council Item 12 Planning and Highways Committee 10 April 2014 of Newmarket which would ensure that the key building frontages contain activity and animation and would significantly enhance this part of the City Centre.

Policy CC8 Change and Renewal -The proposed development would create temporary employment during construction along with permanent employment from the proposed uses and as such contribute to the City Centre's role in terms of employment and retail growth as well as improving its accessibility and legibility.

CC9 - Design and Heritage- The proposed new building would have a high standard of design appropriate to its context and would not have an adverse impact on the setting of adjacent listed buildings or the Conservation Area. This is addressed in more detail in the issues section.

Policy CC10 A Place for Everyone - The proposals include level access into the building and its facilities.

Policy T1 Sustainable Transport - The proposed development, owing to its proximity to all modes of public transport, could encourage modal shift away from car travel to more sustainable alternatives and include improvements to pedestrian routes and the pedestrian environment which would prioritise pedestrian and disabled people, cyclists and public transport.

Policy T2 Accessible Areas of Opportunity and Need - The proposed development would be easily accessible by a variety of sustainable transport modes and would help to connect residents to jobs, local facilities and open space.

Policy EN1 Design Principles and Strategic Character Areas - The proposal involves a good quality design, and would result in development which would enhance the character of the area and the overall image of Manchester. The design is such that it would respond positively at street level and crucially the development would replace a building which is largely vacant and whose lack of street level activity is detrimental to the area. The positive aspects of the design of the proposals are discussed in more detail below.

Policy EN3 Heritage - The proposals would not have an adverse impact on the character of the adjacent listed buildings or the nearby conservation area. This is discussed in more detail below. The proposals would be beneficial in terms of bringing the site back into active use and would bring a range of wider economic and social regenerative benefits to the wider area and the city as a whole.

Policy EN6 Target Framework for CO2 reductions from low or zero carbon energy supplies. The application is supported by an Energy Statement, which sets out how the proposals seek to meet the requirements of this policy.

Policy EN 8 Adaptation to Climate Change - The application is supported by a BREEAM Pre-Assessment, which identifies measures that are to be included within the development to target a BREEAM 'very good' rating.

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Policy EN14 Flood Risk - The application site is located in an area that is not prone to flooding and is below the 0.5 ha threshold for preparation of flood risk assessments outlined within the SFRA.

Policy EN 16 - Air Quality - The proposal would be highly accessible by all forms of public transport and reduce reliance on cars and therefore minimise emissions from traffic generated by the development.

Policy DM 1- Development Management - sets out the requirements for developments in terms of BREEAM and outlines a range of general issues that all development should have regard to. Of these the following issues are or relevance to this proposal: :

 appropriate siting, layout, scale, form, massing, materials and detail;  design for health;  adequacy of internal accommodation and amenity space;  impact on the surrounding areas in terms of the design, scale and appearance of the proposed development;  that development should have regard to the character of the surrounding area;  effects on amenity, including privacy, light, noise, vibration, air quality and road safety and traffic generation;  accessibility to buildings, neighbourhoods and sustainable transport modes;  impact on safety, crime prevention and health; adequacy of internal accommodation , external amenity space, refuse storage and collection, vehicular access and car parking; and  impact on biodiversity, landscape, archaeological or built heritage, green Infrastructure and flood risk and drainage.

These are considered in detail in below.

Saved UDP Policies -For the reasons outlined below the proposed development is consistent with the following policies contained in the Unitary Development Plan for the City of Manchester (UDP):

Policy DC10.1 Food and Drink Use - The proposals include a new restaurant which would be operated independently from the hotel. These facilities would be of a small- scale and are appropriate within this location

DC18.1 Conservation Areas - The proposed development would not have an adverse impact on the character of the Upper King Street Conservation Area. This is discussed in more detail below.

DC19.1 Listed Buildings - The proposed development would not for the reasons outlined in more detail below have an adverse effect on the architectural or historical character of adjacent listed buildings and would enhance the appearance of the site within the street scene. This is discussed in more detail below.

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Policy DC20 Archaeology - Consideration of the application has had regard to the desirability of securing the preservation of sites of archaeological interest.

DC26.1 Development and Noise - which details how the development control process will be used to reduce the impact of noise on people living and working in the city this issue is looked at in detail below.

DC26.5 Development and Noise - which states that the Council will control noise levels by requiring where necessary, high levels of noise insulation in new development as well as noise barriers where this is appropriate. This issue is looked at in detail below.

Manchester City Centre Strategic Plan- The Strategic Plan (published in 2009) presents a vision for the City Centre and sets out the strategic action required to work towards achieving this over the period from 2009 - 2012. The Plan identifies the contribution that each district should make to the City Centre and recognises the key role of the City Centre in providing a positive image and framework for inward investment. The application site lies within the Central Business District.

The proposed development would help to maintain the momentum of development and change in the area and would considerably strengthen the street scene particularly on the Newmarket and Pall Mall frontages. The development and the planned public realm improvements would enhance the environmental quality of the area improve its identity and functionality and make a significant contribution towards the objectives contained within the Strategic Plan.

Guide to Development in Manchester Supplementary Planning Document and Planning Guidance (April 2007) - Part 1 of the SPD sets out the design principles and standards that the City Council expects new development to achieve, i.e. high quality developments that are safe, secure and accessible to all. The proposals are consistent with these principles.

Tourism Strategy for Manchester The Tourism Strategy for Greater Manchester 2008-13 stipulates that the city must ensure that the visitor destinations, the hotels, the galleries and theatres and bars and restaurants are all striving to be original and modern in everything they do and seek to do. The document goes on to consider the basic standards expected from the city and aims to 'have prize winning hotels and accommodation'. The proposed hotel has been designed by an architect with a reputation for good quality hotel design within the City Centre and the applicant has a reputation for award winning construction the creation of a high quality environment.

The Greater Manchester Destination Management Plan (updated for 2013- 14) seeks to improve the visitor experience and develop the infrastructure of the city the proposed development would provide a hotel in a part of the city Centre near to key attractions where there is currently an under provision of hotel accommodation.

Conservation Area Declarations

Upper King Street Conservation Area Declaration

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The Upper King Street Conservation Area has been designated as a Conservation Area as it lies at the heart of Manchester's business and commercial district and to preserve and enhance the impressive grandeur of this part of the city historically associated with major banking, insurance and other financial institutions for the North of England. The area today is remarkable for buildings which whilst of a variety of architectural styles stand well together. The area was designated in November 1970 and extended in June 1986.

Legislative requirements

Section 66 of the Listed Building Act 1990 provides that in considering whether to grant planning permission for development that affects a listed building or its setting the local planning authority shall have special regard to the desirability of preserving the building or its setting or any features of special architectural or historic interest which it possesses.

Section 72 of the Listed Building Act provides that in the exercise of the power to determine planning applications for land or buildings within a conservation area, special attention shall be paid to the desirability of preserving or enhancing the character or appearance of that area.

S149 Equality Act 2010 provides that in the exercise of all its functions the Council must have regard to the need to eliminate discrimination, advance equality of opportunity and foster good relations between person who share a relevant protected characteristic and those who do not. This includes taking steps to minimise disadvantages suffered by persons sharing a protect characteristic and to encourage that group to participate in public life. Disability is a protected characteristic.

S17 Crime and Disorder Act 1998 provides that in the exercise of its planning functions the Council shall have regard to the need to do all that it reasonably can to prevent crime and disorder.

The Scheme's contribution to regeneration / Principle of the proposed use

Over the past twenty years the City Council has had a considerable amount of success in regenerating the City Centre and the City Centre Renewal Area, Piccadilly, Spinningfields, Manchester Central, Northern Quarter and Castlefield are all good examples of this. However, much remains to be done if the City Centre is to remain competitive and it is important to ensure that investment in Manchester continues.

The proposal does involve the loss office space and this does need to be considered because the site is within the Central Business District. There are a number of factors that should be noted:

 The existing property has been marketed for over 3 years for office (B1a) use on the basis of being available for both flexible short term and longer term leases. This has been done comprehensively by different agents including online website marketing, mailshots, on-site external 'To-Let'

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signage, adverts in the Council's economic pages, printed marketing particulars, advertising and a mailing campaign to existing City Centre occupiers and office agents. Despite this extensive marketing campaign, agents have received only a handful of initial inquiries with no serious interest from any potential occupiers forthcoming.

 The limited feedback from potential occupiers has confirmed the space is considered to be unsuitable owing to its physical format including: disaggregated floor plates; poor levels of natural light; poor provision of disabled access; dated structure and services in need of modernization; being wholly incompatible and unsuitable for modern office users and, with each of the 3 separate buildings, providing dated and inefficient space.

 Potential office occupiers have indicated that they have a preference for locations such as Spinningfields, St Peter's Square, Piccadilly Place and First Street.

Given the above, it is accepted that the existing accommodation does not meet modern user requirements. Its loss would represent 1.9% of the vacant office space within the City Centre. The proposed scheme would provide employment opportunities both during and post construction and indirectly via supply chains. The application has demonstrated that there is no reasonable prospect of Commercial Buildings being utilised for employment use in the foreseeable future.

On this basis, in regeneration terms the redevelopment of the site would be acceptable in principle and whilst there may be a preference for a commercial development, there is a need to ensure that an adequate supply of good quality hotel accommodation is available to retain and increase visitor numbers. As such, the principle of hotel, accommodation could be considered to be acceptable in principle as an appropriate alternative.

The proposed 3* hotel would contribute to and complement existing hotel provision, adding a further 3.9% of accommodation to current stock and provide enhanced provision in this sector of the hotel market in a location where there are few hotel rooms. The applicant is committed to delivering the scheme and is working with a construction company who are working on a similar site at Piccadilly. There are no ownership constraints or technical constraints to delivery.

It is considered that the application site is well suited to accommodate a high quality budget hotel that would complement existing leisure uses nearby such as theatres, restaurants and event venues and contribute to the improvement of the identity of area as a destination within the City Centre.

The proposed development would complement and build upon regeneration initiatives and as such would be consistent with sections 1 and 2 of the National Planning Policy Framework, and Core Strategy policies SP1, EC1, CC1, CC7, CC8, CC9 and EN1.

Impact on the Character and Appearance of the Heritage Assets

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Sections 16, 66 and 72 of the Listed Buildings Act requires that special consideration is given to the desirability of preserving the building or its setting or any features of special architectural or historic interest which it possesses and to the desirability of preserving or enhancing the character or appearance of that area.

Development decisions should accord with the requirements of Section 12 of the National Planning Policy Framework which notes that heritage assets are an irreplaceable resource and emphasises that they should be conserved in a manner appropriate to their significance.

The scheme involves the demolition of a non-listed building situated within the Upper King Street Conservation area. Whilst the Cross Street elevation and the stone doorway on Pall Mall do enhance the character and appearance of the streetscape and the character and appearance of the Upper King Street Conservation Area, the building constructed in 1987 behind the retained façade is of limited aesthetic value and at best makes a neutral contribution to the Conservation Area.

There is little prospect of the current building being used as office space and whilst it could potentially be reused for some other purpose the site and the area could be enhanced significantly through redevelopment.

It is considered that subject to the retention of the Cross Street façade and the Pall Mall doorway, the loss of the building would involve less than substantial harm and the character of the conservation area would be enhanced through redevelopment and the loss of the building. Therefore the redevelopment of the site would be of benefit to adjacent heritage assets

In view of the above it is considered that the proposed development would be consistent with sections 7 and 12 of the National Planning Policy Framework policies SP1, DM1, EN3 and CC9 and of the Core Strategy and saved UDP policies DC18.1 and 19.1.

Benefits of the Proposed Redevelopment of the Site/ Design Issues

The new development would make a positive contribution to the area through its siting, scale, height, physical form and architectural detail. The development would physically and visually integrate with its immediate surroundings and its scale and massing would be appropriate to its location within the Upper King Street Conservation Area.

The design adopts a tri-partite composition typical of the city and provides an appropriate response to the urban context. The depth of the window reveals and their vertical emphasis mirrors the retained façade to Cross Street and adjacent Victorian architecture and would provide visual relief and articulation on the main elevations of the building.

The elevations would adopt a simple modern form and would be a high quality design. The proposed materials would introduce a modern contemporary look against the darker tones of many of the nearby buildings whilst the extensive use of glazing at ground floor level would improve the street scene. A condition should be

129 Manchester City Council Item 12 Planning and Highways Committee 10 April 2014 attached to any consent granted requiring samples and specifications of all materials to be used on all external elevations of the development along with jointing and fixing details and a strategy for quality control management to be agreed prior to development commencing. This would ensure that the built development would reflect what is shown in the submitted drawings should the scheme be approved.

It is considered that the proposals would result in high quality building that would be of an appropriate for its context and would be consistent with sections 1, 2, 4, 6, 7 and 8 of the National Planning Policy Framework and policies SP1, DM1, EN1, EN2, EN3, CC6 and CC9 of the Core Strategy.

Impact on Public Realm

The experience of pedestrians around the Retail Core is critical to shaping impressions of the city and the wider City-Region. The application site currently detracts from this experience and the lack of activity means that its contribution to the street scene is limited. By creating a stronger and more active frontage, the development would positively address the street and would significantly enhance the pedestrian experience in this part of the City Centre. Quality paving materials would complement the new hotel building and would be consistent with high quality improvements that have taken place elsewhere in the City Centre.

In view of the above the proposals are consistent with section's 7 and 8 of the National Planning Policy Framework and Core Strategy policies SP1, DM1, CC4, CC10 and EN1.

Impact of on adjacent Listed Buildings and the Conservation Area.

The design of the proposals has been informed by a careful analysis of the height and architectural language of adjacent buildings and it is felt that the height would sit well within this area of the city centre. The proposed building would sit comfortably within the site and adjacent public realm without dominating the streetscape or impacting detrimentally on the character of the conservation area or the setting of the adjacent listed buildings.

The alignment of the vertical bays on the Newmarket and Pall Mall elevations would respond to the vertical rhythm of the adjacent listed buildings. In view of the above it is considered that the proposed development would be consistent with the development would be consistent with sections 7 and 12 of the National Planning Policy Framework policies SP1, DM1, EN3 and CC9 and of the Core Strategy and saved UDP policies DC18.1 and 19.1.

Sustainability, Energy Efficiency and Reduction of CO2 Emissions

The proposal would be highly sustainable in terms of energy conservation, carbon reduction, use of passive systems such as solar shading, use of materials and waste minimisation, reuse and recycling and is expected to gain a BREAAM rating of 'very good'.

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The application is supported by an Energy Statement, which sets out how the proposals would seek to achieve the required energy efficiencies and 10% target for reducing CO2 emissions as set out in Core Strategy Policies EN4, EN5 and EN6. The solution would include an aerothermal heating and cooling system and a low energy lighting system.

In view of the above the proposals are consistent with section 4 and 10 of the National Planning Policy Framework and Core Strategy policies EN4, EN5, EN6, SP1, DM1 and T2.

Impact on the Local Environment


Level pedestrian access would be provided to the hotel accommodation and A1 unit from Cross Street and the A3 unit to Pall Mall. Lifts would then provide access to all floors and 13 of the rooms would be fully accessible. In view of the above the proposals are consistent with Core Strategy policy DM1.

Crime and Disorder

The proposal would bring more activity into this area and would create opportunities for natural surveillance of the streets around the site. Greater Manchester Police have provided a Crime Impact Assessment (CIS) and have commented on some additional management measures that they feel are necessary in relation to access control into and around the building and protection measures required to some first floor bedroom windows. The applicants have confirmed how they would deal with these issues and confirmed that all recommendations given in the CIS would be incorporated into the development. The development is expected to achieve Secured by Design accreditation.

In view of the above the proposals are consistent with Core Strategy Policy DM1.

Transport Issues / Relationship to Transport Infrastructure

The site is well served by a variety of sustainable modes of transport. There would be 25 car parking spaces (including 3 disabled) within the retained basement structure. There are a number of car parks in the vicinity of the site and the hotel operator intends to enter into an overnight parking agreement with one of the nearby City Centre Car Parks.

Servicing and refuse management for the hotel uses would be carried out from an existing dedicated service lay-by on Pall Mall. Drop off and pick up would be from Cross Street subject to any limitations imposed by the operation of the Second City Crossing.

The Transport Statement submitted in support of the application confirms that the level of traffic generated by the proposed development would not cause a detrimental impact on the highway network. Highway Services agree that there would be no adverse impact on highway safety and traffic movements as result of the proposals.

131 Manchester City Council Item 12 Planning and Highways Committee 10 April 2014

A condition requiring the submission of a parking management strategy for guests is capable of being a condition of any consent granted.

28 cycle parking facilities would be provided in the basement for staff.

In view of the above the proposals are consistent with section 4 and 10 of the National Planning Policy Framework and Core Strategy policies DM1 and T2.

Noise / Impact on Amenity

Whilst the principle of the proposal is considered to be acceptable in principle, the impact that it may have on adjacent occupiers needs to be considered.

It is considered that there would be no adverse impact on amenity as a result of the proposed use subject to compliance with conditions in relation to the hours of operation, fume extraction, delivery times, the acoustic insulation of any associated plant and equipment.

In view of the above subject to compliance with conditions the proposals would be consistent with Core Strategy Policies SP1 and DM1 and saved UDP policies DC26.1 and DC26.5.

Potential Environmental Impact of Demolition of Existing Building

Whilst no method statement has been submitted with the application it is considered that any impact and the mitigation of such impact can be controlled by a condition requiring the submission and agreement of Construction and Demolition Management Plan.

The City Council is satisfied that subject to compliance with conditions, the demolition works would not have a significant impact on the environment subject to compliance with conditions, the proposals would be consistent with Core Strategy Policies SP1 and DM1 and saved UDP policies DC26.1 and DC26.5.

Biodiversity/Wildlife Issues

The Bat Survey submitted with the application found no signs of bats or opportunities for bats. It states that the use of any building by bats on a single or very occasional basis can rarely be discounted entirely. However, based on the lack of suitable potential roosting areas within the site and the lack of direct terrestrial habitat and connectivity to any terrestrial habitat the site has been assessed as having negligible potential to support bat roosts and no further survey has been recommended. In view of the above the proposals are considered to be consistent with policy EN15 of the Core Strategy.

Flood Risk

The application site lies within Flood zone 1 and is deemed to be classified as a low risk site and is below the 0.5 ha threshold for preparation of flood risk assessments

132 Manchester City Council Item 12 Planning and Highways Committee 10 April 2014 outlined within the SFRA. The proposals are consistent with section 10 of the National Planning Policy Framework and Core Strategy policy EN14.

Ground Contamination Issues

The development is utilising the existing basement and ground level foundations and structure. As such issues relating to Contaminated Land are not relevant to this application and the proposals are considered to be consistent with policy EN18 of the Core Strategy.

Archaeological issues

GMAAU are satisfied that the proposed development does not threaten the known or suspected archaeological heritage. In view of the above the proposals would be consistent with section 12 of the National Planning Policy Framework, Policy DC20 contained in the UDP and policy CC9 of the emerging Core Strategy..

Response to Consultee comments

Manchester Conservation Areas and Historic Buildings Panel - The majority of the comments made have been discussed within the report. However the following should also be noted:

The proposed development would feature extensive use of glazing at ground floor level which would significantly enliven the adjacent street scene. The area around the application site is characterised by buildings constructed from a variety of materials and whilst there is no precedent for render within the immediate area this does not mean that it is unacceptable. The proposed material has proven longevity and given the urban grain in the vicinity of the site, the use of a material which would significantly brighten the street scene is acceptable.

The design features on the Newmarket Street / Pall Mall corner are considered to work well as a visual marker for the building and would add architectural interest to the building and the street scene. The proposed building would be 462mm higher than the existing building at its highest point on Pall Mall and as such it is considered that it would not compromise views or vistas from Chapel Walk.

English Heritage - The design merits of the proposal are outlined above and English Heritage's broad support for the design is noted. Following their detailed comments the vertical bays of the Pall Mall elevation have now been aligned. In design terms the depth of the reveals are considered to be satisfactory and would create sufficient depth, shadow and interest on the Newmarket and Pall Mall elevations. In terms of matters or precise detailing of the junctions of the proposed materials this can be controlled by appropriate conditions being attached to any consent granted. In terms of the balustrade photos taken between 1970 and 2014 do not show this detail in situ and it have been possible to obtain any historic photographs or drawings that would shed light on this issue. Notwithstanding this it is considered given the level of original building fabric that remains that it would not be appropriate as part of this development to recreate this structure.

133 Manchester City Council Item 12 Planning and Highways Committee 10 April 2014

TFGM - The details of threshold level agreement and scheme of mitigation against noise and vibration including the future operation of the Metrolink operation are capable of being conditions of any consent granted. The applicants have submitted a plan illustrating that any taxi drop off would be from areas of Cross Street which would not impact on Metrolink post implementation of Second City Crossing.

Objectors - A condition requiring a Construction and Demolition Management Plan be approved and implemented as part of the development which would take into account the impact on adjacent occupiers is capable of being a condition of any consent granted. Any problems that might arise would be dealt with under Environmental Health legislation.


The proposed hotel would provide life and vitality into this part of the city and should generate spin-off benefits within adjoining regeneration areas and complement existing uses in the area. The development would provide a well-designed building which would enhance the street scene and the character of the adjacent listed buildings and the adjacent conservation area. The building has been designed to relate well to its urban context at street level. Given the above it is considered that the building design is such that any harm caused to the wider historical character of the area is minimised.

In light of the above, it is considered that the relevant policies of the NPPF have been complied with, and that the relevant local plan policies contained within the Manchester Unitary Development Plan and guidance within the Manchester Guide to Development SPD and the emerging Core Strategy have been satisfied.

Human Rights Act 1998 considerations – This application needs to be considered against the provisions of the Human Rights Act 1998. Under Article 6, the applicants (and those third parties, including local residents, who have made representations) have the right to a fair hearing and to this end the Committee must give full consideration to their comments.

Protocol 1 Article 1, and Article 8 where appropriate, confer(s) a right of respect for a person’s , other land and business assets. In taking account of all material considerations, including Council policy as set out in the Core Strategy and saved polices of the Unitary Development Plan, the Head of Planning, Building Control & Licensing has concluded that some rights conferred by these articles on the applicant(s)/objector(s)/resident(s) and other occupiers and owners of nearby land that might be affected may be interfered with but that that interference is in accordance with the law and justified by being in the public interest and on the basis of the planning merits of the development proposal. She believes that any restriction on these rights posed by the approval of the application is proportionate to the wider benefits of approval and that such a decision falls within the margin of discretion afforded to the Council under the Town and Country Planning Acts.

Recommendation APPROVE

134 Manchester City Council Item 12 Planning and Highways Committee 10 April 2014

Article 31 Declaration

Officers have worked with the applicant in a positive and pro-active manner to seek solutions to problems arising in relation to dealing with the planning application. This has included on going discussions about the form and design of the development and pre application advice about the information required to be submitted to support the application.

Conditions to be attached to the decision

1) The development must be begun not later than the expiration of three years beginning with the date of this permission.

Reason - Required to be imposed pursuant to Section 91 of the Town and Country Planning Act 1990.

2) The development hereby approved shall be carried out in accordance with the following drawings and documents:

(a) Site location plan al(04)0001 revision P04;

(b) Dwgs al(04)0002 revision P04, al(04)0005 revision P03, al(04)0006 revision P04, al(04)0007 revision P07, al(04)0008 revision P08, al(04)0009 revision P08, al(04)0010 revision P07, al(04)0011 revision P07, al(04)0012 revision P07, al(04)0013 revision P07, al(04)0014 revision P07, al(04)0015 revision P06, al(04)0016 revision P02, al(04)0019 revision P01, al(04)0020 revision P09, al(04)0021 revision P08, al(04)0022 revision P03, al(04)0023 revision P05,al(04)0030 revision P01, al(04)0031 revision P01, al(04)0047 revision P01, al(04)0048 revision P01, al(21)0100 revision P01,al(21)0102 revision P01, al(21)0103 revision P01 and al(21)0104 revision P01; (c) Waste Management Strategy Version 3 : dated 29.01.14; and (d) Recommendations in sections 5 to 10 of the Crime Impact Statement Version B dated 28-11-13 and details in Keith Hamilton's e-mail (dated 14-03-14) in response to the Design for Security comments dated 12-02-14;

Reason - To ensure that the development is carried out in accordance with the approved plans. Pursuant to Core Strategy SP 1, EC1, CC1, CC4 , CC5 , CC6 , CC7, CC8, CC9 , CC10, T1, T2 , EN1, EN3 , EN6 , EN 8, EN14 EN 16 and DM 1 and saved Unitary Development Plan polices DC10.1, DC18.1 , DC19.1 , DC20 and DC26.1.

3) The demolition hereby permitted shall not be undertaken before a contract for the carrying out of the building works for the redevelopment of the site hereby approved has been made, and evidence of that contract has been supplied to the City Council as local planning authority.

Reason - In the interests of visual amenity and for the avoidance of doubt, and to ensure that redevelopment of the site takes place following demolition of the existing building pursuant to saved policy DC18 of the Unitary Development Plan for the City

135 Manchester City Council Item 12 Planning and Highways Committee 10 April 2014 of Manchester, policies SP1, EN3 and DM1 of the Core Strategy and the National Planning Policy Framework. 4) The demolition of the existing building shall not commence unless and until a Demolition Method Statement including the boundary treatment to the site during and following demolition has been submitted to and approved in writing by the City Council as Local Planning Authority.

Any approval granted shall be following a consultation process that includes Transport for Greater Manchester, the approved Method Statement shall be adhered to throughout the Demolition period.

For the avoidance of the doubt the demolition of the development would not constitute commencement of development.

Reason: To ensure that the appearance of the site is acceptable during the development and in the interests of the amenity of the area, pursuant to policies EN15, EN16, EN17 and EN18 of the Core Strategy and Guide to Development 2 (SPG)

5) The development hereby approved (not including the demolition) shall not commence unless and until a Construction Management Plan, including details of the following

*Hours of site opening / operation * A Site Waste Management Plan, * Air Quality Plan; *A plan layout showing areas of public highway agreed with the Highway Authority for use in association with the development during construction; *The parking of vehicles of site operatives and visitors; *Loading and unloading of plant and materials; *Storage of plant and materials used in constructing the development; *Construction methods to be used, including the use of cranes; *The erection and maintenance of security hoarding; *Measures to control the emission of dust and dirt during construction and; *A scheme for recycling/disposing of waste resulting from demolition and construction works; *Details of and position of any proposed cranes to be used on the site and any lighting; *A detailed programme of the works and risk assessments; *Temporary traffic management measures to address any necessary bus re-routing and bus stop closures. *Details of safe methods of working adjacent to the Metrolink Hazard Zone; *Details on the timing of construction of scaffolding, *A Human Impact Management Plan, _Details of how access to adjacent premises including the Minshall Street Court Complex would be managed to ensure clear and safe routes into the Court Buildings are maintained at all time particularly for arriving prison vans. has been submitted to and approved in writing by the City Council as local planning authority.

136 Manchester City Council Item 12 Planning and Highways Committee 10 April 2014

Any approval granted shall be following a consultation process that includes Transport for Greater Manchester. The approved CMP shall be adhered to throughout the construction period.

Reason: To ensure that the appearance of the development is acceptable and in the interests of the amenity of the area, pursuant to policies EN15, EN16, EN17 and EN18 of the Core Strategy and Guide to Development 2 (SPG)

6) The wheels of contractors vehicles leaving the site shall be cleaned and the access roads leading to the site swept daily in accordance with a management scheme submitted to and approved in writing by the City Council as local planning authority prior to any works commencing on site.

Reason - In the interest of pedestrian and highway safety, as specified in policies SP1 and DM1 of Core Strategy.

7) The development hereby approved shall achieve a post-construction Building Research Establishment Environmental Assessment Method (BREEAM) rating of at least a 'very good' rating. Post construction review certificate(s) shall be submitted to, and approved in writing by the City Council as local planning authority, before any of the building hereby approved is first occupied.

Reason - In order to minimise the environmental impact of the development, pursuant to policies SP1, T1-T3, EN4-EN7 and DM1 of the Core Strategy, policy DP3 of Regional Spatial Strategy for the North West (RSS), and the principles contained within The Guide to Development in Manchester SPD (2007), and the National Planning Policy Framework.

8) Notwithstanding the details submitted with the application the development that is hereby approved shall not commence unless and until samples and specifications of all materials to be used on all external elevations of the development along with jointing and fixing details and a strategy for quality control management have been submitted to and approved in writing by the City Council as local planning authority.

Reason - To ensure that the appearance of the development is acceptable to the City Council as local planning authority in the interests of the visual amenity of the area within which the site is located, as specified in policies SP1 and DM1 of the Core Strategy.

9) Before development commences or within a timescale as otherwise agreed in writing by the City Council a scheme for the acoustic insulation of any externally mounted ancillary equipment associated with the hotel use to ensure that it achieves a background noise level of 5dB below the existing background (La90) in each octave band at the nearest noise sensitive location shall be submitted to and approved in writing by the City Council as local planning authority in order to secure a reduction in the level of noise emanating from the equipment.

Reason - To safeguard the amenities of the occupiers of nearby residential accommodation, pursuant to policies SP1 and DM1 of the Core Strategy and saved UDP policies DC26.

137 Manchester City Council Item 12 Planning and Highways Committee 10 April 2014

10) Deliveries, servicing and collections including waste collections shall not take place outside of the following hours:

07.30 to 20.00, Monday to Saturday, and 10.00 to 18.00 Sundays and Bank Holidays.

Reason - In interests of residential amenity in order to reduce noise and general disturbance in accordance with saved policy DC26 of the Unitary Development Plan for the City of Manchester and policies SP1 and DM1 of the Core Strategy.

11) The details of an emergency telephone contact number for shall be displayed in a publicly accessible location on the site from the commencement of development until construction works are complete.

Reason - To prevent detrimental impact on the amenity of nearby residents and in the interests of local amenity in order to comply with policies SP1 and DM1 of the Core Strategy.

12) No development shall commence until details of the measures to be incorporated into the development (or phase thereof) to demonstrate how secure by design accreditation will be achieved have been submitted to and approved in writing by the City Council as local planning authority. The development shall only be carried out in accordance with these approved details. The development hereby approved shall not be occupied or used until the Council as local planning authority has acknowledged in writing that it has received written confirmation of a secured by design accreditation.

Reason - To reduce the risk of crime pursuant to policies SP1 and DM1 of the Core Strategy and to reflect the guidance contained in the National Planning Policy Framework.

13) Before development commences a scheme for the extraction of fumes, vapours and odours from the development hereby approved shall be submitted to, and approved in writing by, the City Council as local planning authority. The approved scheme shall be implemented prior to occupancy and shall remain operational thereafter.

Reason - In the interests of the amenities of the occupiers nearby properties in order to comply with saved policy H2.2 of the Unitary Development Plan for the City of Manchester and policies SP1 and DM1 of the Core Strategy.

14) The development hereby approved shall include for full disabled access to be provided via the main hotel entrance on Cross Street and to the retail units on Cross Street and Pall Mall.

Reason - To ensure that satisfactory disabled access is provided by reference to the provisions Core Strategy policy DM1.

15) No part of the development shall be occupied until details of a parking management strategy for hotel residents has been submitted to and approved in

138 Manchester City Council Item 12 Planning and Highways Committee 10 April 2014 writing by the City Council as Local Planning Authority. The approved strategy shall be adhered to throughout the period of operation of the hotel.

Reason - To ensure that suitable arrangements are in place to ensure that hotel guests who arrive by car have access to suitable parking near to the site pursuant to Core Strategy Policies DM1 and T1.

16) Before development commences a scheme for dealing with the discharge of surface water and which demonstrates that the site will be drained on a separate system, with only foul drainage connected into the foul sewer, shall be submitted to and approved in writing by the City Council as Local Planning Authority.

Reason - Pursuant to National Planning Policy Framework policies (PPS 1 (22) and PPS 25 (F8))

17) Notwithstanding the details as set out in condition 2 above before development commences final details (including where appropriate specification and method statement) of the following shall be submitted to and approved in writing by the City Council as Local Planning Authority:

(a) Details of the proposed replacement ground floor windows including design and location within the window opening;

(b) Details including method statement of of cleaning of external elevations;and

(c) Details including method statements of any repair work to external elevations;

All of the above shall be implemented in accordance with the approved details before the use of the building approved under application ref no 104802 commences.

Reason - In the interests of visual amenity and because the proposed works affect a building which is included in the Statutory List of Buildings of Special Architectural or Historic Interest and careful attention to building work is required to protect the character and appearance of this building and to ensure consistency in accordance with policies CC9 and EN3 of the Core Strategy and saved policy DC19.1 of the Unitary Development Plan for the City of Manchester.

18) Before the development commences a scheme of acoustic attenuation and acoustically treated ventilation to be installed as part of the development against noise from the adjacent metrolink and shall be submitted to and approved in writing by the City Council as local planning authority. The approved scheme shall be implemented in full before use of the hotel first commences.

Reason - To protect the amenity of the occupants of the premises once the development hereby approved is occupied, pursuant to policies SP1, H1 and DM1 of the Core Strategy.

139 Manchester City Council Item 12 Planning and Highways Committee 10 April 2014

Local Government (Access to Information) Act 1985

The documents referred to in the course of this report are either contained in the file(s) relating to application ref: 104802/FO/2014/C1 held by planning or are City Council planning policies, the Unitary Development Plan for the City of Manchester, national planning guidance documents, or relevant decisions on other applications or appeals, copies of which are held by the Planning Division.

The following residents, businesses and other third parties in the area were consulted/notified on the application:

Contaminated Land Section Contaminated Land Section Highway Services Environmental Health City Centre Renegeration Greater Manchester Police English Heritage (NW Region) Environment Agency Transport For Greater Manchester Greater Manchester Archaeological Advisory Service United Utilities Water PLC Kiosk 10, Arndale Centre Food Chain, Market Street, Manchester, M2 1NP Kiosk 11, Arndale Centre Food Chain, Market Street, Manchester, M2 1NP Kiosk 12, Arndale Centre Food Chain, Market Street, Manchester, M2 1NP Seventh Floor, The Observatory, Chapel Walks, Manchester, M2 1HL 3 Back Pool Fold, Manchester, M2 1HB 431 - 432 Royal Exchange, Exchange Street, Manchester, M2 7BR 433 - 434 Royal Exchange, Exchange Street, Manchester, M2 7BR Sixth Floor Suite 8, 55 King Street, Manchester, M2 4LQ PO Box 320, Royal Bank Of Scotland, St Ann Street, Manchester, M60 2SS 8 New Market, Manchester, M2 1WB Sixth Floor, The Observatory, Chapel Walks, Manchester, M2 1HL Sixth Floor, 55 King Street, Manchester, M2 4LQ 427 - 428 Royal Exchange, Exchange Street, Manchester, M2 7BR Lower Ground Floor, Norfolk House, 7 Norfolk Street, Manchester, M2 1DW Basement, Norfolk House, 7 Norfolk Street, Manchester, M2 1DW 30 St Ann Street, Manchester, M2 7LF 1 Cross Street, Manchester, M2 1HX 3 Cheapside, Manchester, M2 4WG 1 Royal Exchange Arcade, Manchester, M2 7EA 19 Royal Exchange Arcade, Manchester, M2 7EA 15 St Ann`s Square, Manchester, M2 7PW 4 Market Street, Manchester, M1 1PT 6 Market Street, Manchester, M1 1PT 2A Cross Street, Manchester, M2 7AE 10 Market Street, Manchester, M1 1PT 8 Market Street, Manchester, M1 1PT 26 Market Street, Manchester, M1 1PW 30 Market Street, Manchester, M1 1PW

140 Manchester City Council Item 12 Planning and Highways Committee 10 April 2014

28 Market Street, Manchester, M1 1PW 2 Market Street, Manchester, M1 1PT 18 Market Street, Manchester, M1 1PT Commercial Buildings, 11 - 15 Cross Street, Manchester, M2 1WE 15 Cross Street, Manchester, M2 1WF 11 Chapel Walks, Manchester, M2 1HN Sainsbury Supermarket, 22 Cross Street, Manchester, M2 7AE 23 St Ann`s Square, Manchester, M2 7PS 12 - 14 Cross Street, Manchester, M2 7AE 42 Cross Street, Manchester, M2 7AR 46 Cross Street, Manchester, M2 7AR 2 Cross Street, Manchester, M2 7AE 21 St Ann`s Square, Manchester, M2 7PS 1 - 5 St Ann`s Square, Manchester, M2 7EF 7 St Ann`s Square, Manchester, M2 7EF 9 - 11 St Ann`s Square, Manchester, M2 7EF 7 Exchange Street, Manchester, M2 7EE 5 Old Bank Street, Manchester, M2 7PE 13 Old Bank Street, Manchester, M2 7PE 5 Exchange Street, Manchester, M2 7EE 16 Cross Street, Manchester, M2 7AE 44 Cross Street, Manchester, M2 7AR 3 Exchange Street, Manchester, M2 7EE 14 Royal Exchange Arcade, Manchester, M2 7EA 7 Royal Exchange Arcade, Manchester, M2 7EA 36 Cross Street, Manchester, M2 7AQ 37 Market Street, Manchester, M1 1WR 52 - 56 Market Street, Manchester, M1 1PW 48 - 50 Market Street, Manchester, M1 1PW 44 - 46 Market Street, Manchester, M1 1PW 45 Market Street, Manchester, M1 1WR 42 Market Street, Manchester, M1 1PW First Floor, 7 Chapel Walks, Manchester, M2 1HN Second Floor, 7 Chapel Walks, Manchester, M2 1HN Third Floor, 7 Chapel Walks, Manchester, M2 1HN Fourth Floor, 7 Chapel Walks, Manchester, M2 1HN First Floor, 9 Chapel Walks, Manchester, M2 1HN Second Floor, 9 Chapel Walks, Manchester, M2 1HN 18 Cross Street, Manchester, M2 7AE Basement, Alliance House, 30 Cross Street, Manchester, M2 7AQ 1 Exchange Street, Manchester, M2 7EE Royal Exchange Theatre, Exchange Street, Manchester, M2 7HA Basement B17, 2 - 6 Norfolk Street, Manchester, M2 1DW Basement B2, 2 - 6 Norfolk Street, Manchester, M2 1DW Basement B21 And B23, 2 - 6 Norfolk Street, Manchester, M2 1DW Basement B24 And B25, 2 - 6 Norfolk Street, Manchester, M2 1DW Basement B5, 2 - 6 Norfolk Street, Manchester, M2 1DW Basement B6, 2 - 6 Norfolk Street, Manchester, M2 1DW Basement And Ground Floor, 2 Old Bank Street, Manchester, M2 7PF Third Floor, 2 Old Bank Street, Manchester, M2 7PF

141 Manchester City Council Item 12 Planning and Highways Committee 10 April 2014

3 Royal Exchange Arcade, Manchester, M2 7EA 4 Royal Exchange Arcade, Manchester, M2 7EA 5 Royal Exchange Arcade, Manchester, M2 7EA 6 Royal Exchange Arcade, Manchester, M2 7EA 8 Royal Exchange Arcade, Manchester, M2 7EA 9 Royal Exchange Arcade, Manchester, M2 7EA 10 Royal Exchange Arcade, Manchester, M2 7EA 12 Royal Exchange Arcade, Manchester, M2 7EA 20 Royal Exchange Arcade, Manchester, M2 7EA 31 Royal Exchange Arcade, Manchester, M2 7EA Fifth Floor, National House, 36 St Ann Street, Manchester, M2 7LE Sub Basement, 1 - 5 St Ann`s Square, Manchester, M2 7EF Second Floor Rooms 27 To 37, 17 St Ann`s Square, Manchester, M2 7EF Third Floor Rooms 46 To 48 And 50 To 56, 17 St Ann`s Square, Manchester, M2 7EF 15 - 17 Chapel Walks, Manchester, M2 1HN 11 Cross Street, Manchester, M2 1WE National House, 36 St Ann Street, Manchester, M2 7LE Cavendish House, 30 Pall Mall, Manchester, M2 1JY 9 Chapel Walks, Manchester, M2 1HN 17 St Ann`s Square, Manchester, M2 7PW 7 Chapel Walks, Manchester, M2 1HN 2 - 6 Norfolk Street, Manchester, M2 1DW 2 Old Bank Street, Manchester, M2 7PF Third Floor, The Stock Exchange, 4 Norfolk Street, Manchester, M2 1DW Third Floor, Alliance House, 30 Cross Street, Manchester, M2 7AQ Second Floor, The Stock Exchange, 4 Norfolk Street, Manchester, M2 1DW 19 Chapel Walks, Manchester, M2 1HN Fourth Floor, Alliance House, 30 Cross Street, Manchester, M2 7AA Old , 25 St Ann Street, Manchester, M2 7LG Fourth Floor, 2 Old Bank Street, Manchester, M2 7PF Old Half Moon Chambers, 5 - 7 Chapel Walks, Manchester, M2 1HN Basement And Ground Floor, 7 - 9 Old Bank Street, Manchester, M2 7PE 16 Royal Exchange Arcade, Manchester, M2 7EA Ground Floor Basement And Mezzanine Floor, 34 St Ann Street, Manchester, M2 7LE Sub Basement, Royal Exchange Shopping Centre, Royal Exchange Arcade, Manchester, M2 7DB Ground Floor Suite Ga, 4 Norfolk Street, Manchester, M2 1DW Basement And Ground Floor, 4 Norfolk Street, Manchester, M2 1DW Third Floor Suite 3d, 4 Norfolk Street, Manchester, M2 1DW Fourth Floor Suite 4b, 4 Norfolk Street, Manchester, M2 1DT Basement Store B26, 2 - 6 Norfolk Street, Manchester, M2 1DW 3 Cross Street, Manchester, M2 1NB First Floor And Second Floor, National House, 36 St Ann Street, Manchester, M2 7LE 12 Market Street, Manchester, M2 7DB Fourth Floor Left, Alliance House, 30 Cross Street, Manchester, M2 7AQ Ground Floor Left, Norfolk House, 7 Norfolk Street, Manchester, M2 1DW Sixth Floor Christie And Co, Acresfield, Exchange Street, Manchester, M2 7HA

142 Manchester City Council Item 12 Planning and Highways Committee 10 April 2014

Second Floor Front, Alliance House, 30 Cross Street, Manchester, M2 7AQ Second Floor Rear, Alliance House, 30 Cross Street, Manchester, M2 7AQ Ground Floor, Norfolk House, 7 Norfolk Street, Manchester, M2 1DW Second Floor, Norfolk House, 7 Norfolk Street, Manchester, M2 1DW Third Floor Right, Norfolk House, 7 Norfolk Street, Manchester, M2 1DW Third Floor And Fourth Floor, Norfolk House, 7 Norfolk Street, Manchester, M2 1DW Basement And Ground Floor, 2 Norfolk Street, Manchester, M2 1DW Eighth Floor, The Observatory, Chapel Walks, Manchester, M2 1HN Ground Floor And First Floor, 28 - 34 Cross Street, Manchester, M2 7AQ 28 Cross Street, Manchester, M2 7AQ Ground Floor, The Observatory, Chapel Walks, Manchester, M2 1HN Unit 2, 55 King Street, Manchester, M2 4LQ Corbieres, Half Moon Street, Manchester, M2 7PF Unit 1, 55 King Street, Manchester, M2 4LQ Unit 3, 55 King Street, Manchester, M2 4LQ Unit 4, 55 King Street, Manchester, M2 4LQ Basement And Ground Floor, 25 - 27 Cross Street, Manchester, M2 1WL First Floor, 25 - 27 Cross Street, Manchester, M2 1WL Second Floor, 25 - 27 Cross Street, Manchester, M2 1WL Third Floor, 25 - 27 Cross Street, Manchester, M2 1WL Fourth Floor, 25 - 27 Cross Street, Manchester, M2 1WL Sixth Floor Suite 1, 55 King Street, Manchester, M2 4LQ Sixth Floor Suite 3, 55 King Street, Manchester, M2 4LQ Sixth Floor Suite 4, 55 King Street, Manchester, M2 4LQ Third Floor, The Observatory, Chapel Walks, Manchester, M2 1HL Fifth Floor, 55 King Street, Manchester, M2 4LQ Basement, 55 King Street, Manchester, M2 4LQ Sixth Floor Suite 6, 55 King Street, Manchester, M2 4LQ 15 - 17 Old Bank Street, Manchester, M2 7PE First Floor, The Observatory, Chapel Walks, Manchester, M2 1HL Sams Chop House, Chapel Walks, Manchester, M2 1HN 15A Corporation Street, Manchester, M4 4DU Ground Floor And Mezzanine Floor, 1 Marsden Street, Manchester, M2 4PH Third Floor And Fourth Floor, 4 Norfolk Street, Manchester, M2 1DW Fifth Floor, 2 Old Bank Street, Manchester, M2 7PF Unit 5, 55 King Street, Manchester, M2 4LQ Second Floor And Third Floor, 1 Marsden Street, Manchester, M2 4PH Store 2, The Shambles, New Cathedral Street, Manchester, M1 1AD Basement, 49 Market Street, Manchester, M1 1WR First Floor And Second Floor, 4 Norfolk Street, Manchester, M2 1DW Unit 4, New Cathedral Street, Manchester, M1 1AD Unit 3, The Shambles, New Cathedral Street, Manchester, M1 1AD Basement And First Floor To Fifth Floor, 5 - 7 Cheapside, Manchester, M2 4WG Unit 6, New Cathedral Street, Manchester, M1 1AD Second Floor, 2 Old Bank Street, Manchester, M2 7PF Basement 3 Storage 1, 55 King Street, Manchester, M2 4LQ Basement 3 Storage 2, 55 King Street, Manchester, M2 4LQ Basement 3 Storage 3, 55 King Street, Manchester, M2 4LQ Basement 3 Storage 4, 55 King Street, Manchester, M2 4LQ Basement 3 Storage 5, 55 King Street, Manchester, M2 4LQ

143 Manchester City Council Item 12 Planning and Highways Committee 10 April 2014

Basement 3 Storage 6, 55 King Street, Manchester, M2 4LQ Basement 3 Storage 7, 55 King Street, Manchester, M2 4LQ Basement 3 Storage 8, 55 King Street, Manchester, M2 4LQ Basement 3 Storage 9, 55 King Street, Manchester, M2 4LQ Basement 3 Storage 10, 55 King Street, Manchester, M2 4LQ Basement 3 Storage 11, 55 King Street, Manchester, M2 4LQ Basement 3 Storage 12, 55 King Street, Manchester, M2 4LQ Basement 3 Storage 13, 55 King Street, Manchester, M2 4LQ Basement 3 Storage 14, 55 King Street, Manchester, M2 4LQ Basement 3 Storage 15, 55 King Street, Manchester, M2 4LQ Basement 3 Storage 16, 55 King Street, Manchester, M2 4LQ Basement 3 Storage 17, 55 King Street, Manchester, M2 4LQ Basement 3 Storage 18, 55 King Street, Manchester, M2 4LQ Basement 3 Storage 19, 55 King Street, Manchester, M2 4LQ Second Floor Rooms 22-23, 4 Norfolk Street, Manchester, M2 1DW First Floor, 55 King Street, Manchester, M2 4LQ Fourth Floor West Wing, 1 Marsden Street, Manchester, M2 4PH Ninth Floor, 1 Marsden Street, Manchester, M2 4PH Third Floor And Fourth Floor, National House, 36 St Ann Street, Manchester, M2 7LE Sixth Floor, National House, 36 St Ann Street, Manchester, M2 7LE First Floor, 1 Marsden Street, Manchester, M2 4PH 41 - 43 Market Street, Manchester, M1 1WR Fourth Floor East Wing, 1 Marsden Street, Manchester, M2 4PH Tenth Floor West, 1 Marsden Street, Manchester, M2 4PH Eighth Floor, 1 Marsden Street, Manchester, M2 4PH Second Floor, 55 King Street, Manchester, M2 4LQ Fourth Floor, 55 King Street, Manchester, M2 4LQ Third Floor, 55 King Street, Manchester, M2 4LQ Fifth Floor, 1 Marsden Street, Manchester, M2 4PH Sixth Floor And Seventh Floor, 1 Marsden Street, Manchester, M2 4PH Second Floor, The Observatory, Chapel Walks, Manchester, M2 1HL Eighth Floor West, 1 Marsden Street, Manchester, M2 4PH First Floor Left, Norfolk House, 7 Norfolk Street, Manchester, M2 1DW First Floor Right, Norfolk House, 7 Norfolk Street, Manchester, M2 1DW Eleventh Floor, 1 Marsden Street, Manchester, M2 4PH Ground Floor And First Floor, Princess Chambers, 26 Pall Mall, Manchester, M2 1JR Second Floor To Third Floor, Princess Chambers, 26 Pall Mall, Manchester, M2 1JR Fourth Floor, Princess Chambers, 26 Pall Mall, Manchester, M2 1JR Unit 6, 55 King Street, Manchester, M2 4LQ Unit 6a, 55 King Street, Manchester, M2 4LQ The Observatory, Chapel Walks, Manchester, M2 1HN 5 - 7 Cheapside, Manchester, M2 4WG Virginia House, 5 - 7 Cheapside, Manchester, M2 4WG 25 - 27 Cross Street, Manchester, M2 1WL 28 - 34 Cross Street, Manchester, M2 7AQ Alliance House, 30 Cross Street, Manchester, M2 7AQ Acresfield, Exchange Street, Manchester, M2 7HA 1 Marsden Street, Manchester, M2 4PH 2 Norfolk Street, Manchester, M2 1DW 4 Norfolk Street, Manchester, M2 1DW

144 Manchester City Council Item 12 Planning and Highways Committee 10 April 2014

The Stock Exchange, 4 Norfolk Street, Manchester, M2 1DW Norfolk House, 7 Norfolk Street, Manchester, M2 1DW 7 - 9 Old Bank Street, Manchester, M2 7PE Royal Exchange Shopping Centre, Royal Exchange Arcade, Manchester, M2 7DB The Shambles, New Cathedral Street, Manchester, M1 1AD 34 St Ann Street, Manchester, M2 7LE 15 New Cathedral Street, Manchester, M1 1AD Fourth And Fifth Floors, The Observatory, Chapel Walks, Manchester, M2 1HN 16 - 18 Royal Exchange Arcade, Manchester, M2 7EA 328 Royal Exchange, Exchange Street, Manchester, M2 7BR 59 - 60 Royal Exchange, Exchange Street, Manchester, M2 7BR 61 Royal Exchange, Exchange Street, Manchester, M2 7BR 228 Royal Exchange, Exchange Street, Manchester, M2 7BR 513 Royal Exchange, Exchange Street, Manchester, M2 7BR 514 - 516 Royal Exchange, Exchange Street, Manchester, M2 7BR 517 - 519 Royal Exchange, Exchange Street, Manchester, M2 7BR 521 Royal Exchange, Exchange Street, Manchester, M2 7BR 429 - 430 Royal Exchange, Exchange Street, Manchester, M2 7BR 441 - 447 Royal Exchange, Exchange Street, Manchester, M2 7BR 6th Floor, Royal Exchange, Exchange Street, Manchester, M2 7BR 9 Old Bank Street, Manchester, M2 7PE First Floor, 15 St Ann`s Square, Manchester, M2 7PW 16 Market Street, Manchester, M1 1PT Ground Floor, Alliance House, 30 Cross Street, Manchester, M2 7AQ Sainsburys Ltd, 22 Cross Street, Manchester, M2 7AQ Ground Floor, 1 Marsden Street, Manchester, M2 1HW Tenth Floor, 1 Marsden Street, Manchester, M2 1HW Fourth Floor, 1 Marsden Street, Manchester, M2 1HW Ground Floor, The Stock Exchange, 4 Norfolk Street, Manchester, M2 1DW 1 Pall Mall, Manchester, M2 1JR Kiosk 1, Arndale Centre Food Chain, Market Street, Manchester, M2 1NP Kiosk 2, Arndale Centre Food Chain, Market Street, Manchester, M2 1NP Kiosk 3, Arndale Centre Food Chain, Market Street, Manchester, M2 1NP Kiosk 4, Arndale Centre Food Chain, Market Street, Manchester, M2 1NP Kiosk 5, Arndale Centre Food Chain, Market Street, Manchester, M2 1NP Kiosk 6, Arndale Centre Food Chain, Market Street, Manchester, M2 1NP Kiosk 7, Arndale Centre Food Chain, Market Street, Manchester, M2 1NP Kiosk 8, Arndale Centre Food Chain, Market Street, Manchester, M2 1NP Kiosk 9, Arndale Centre Food Chain, Market Street, Manchester, M2 1NP

Representations were received from the following third parties:

Barclays Bank

Relevant Contact Officer : Angela Leckie Telephone number : 0161 234 4651 Email : [email protected]