Disorder in Urban Neighborhoods
U.S. Department of Justice Office of Justice Programs National Institute of Justice National Institute of Justice R e s e a r c h i n B r i e f Julie E. Samuels, Acting Director February 2001 Issues and Findings Disorder in Urban Neighborhoods— Discussed in this Brief: The link between disorder and crime; Does It Lead to Crime? specifically, whether manifesta- tions of social and physical disor- By Robert J. Sampson and Stephen W. Raudenbush der, such as public drunkenness, graffiti, and broken windows, According to a now-familiar thesis, social Disorder is indeed related to crime. The lead directly to more serious and physical disorder in urban neighbor- broken windows metaphor is apt insofar as offenses. The study, part of the hoods can, if unchecked, lead to serious it asserts that physical signs of decay sig- long-range Project on Human crime. The reasoning is that even such nal neighbors’ unwillingness to confront Development in Chicago minor public incivilities as drinking in strangers, intervene when a crime is being Neighborhoods, assesses the the street, spray-painting graffiti, and committed, or ask the police to respond. “broken windows” thesis and breaking windows can escalate into preda- Disorder may in fact be more useful than its implications for crime control tory crime because prospective offenders crime for understanding certain troubling policy and practice. assume from these manifestations of dis- urban processes, such as the abandonment Key issues: The assumption that order that area residents are indifferent of many of the Nation’s urban cores. That social and physical disorder can to what happens in their neighborhood.1 is because disorder can be observed, escalate to serious crime has had The “broken windows” thesis has greatly while crime, by contrast, is largely unob- a major influence on law enforce- influenced crime control policy, with served.
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