Southern Tidings for 1979
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MAGAZINE OUTREACH 1736EFER IN SERVICE SIGNS OF THE TIMES MESSAGE THESE TIMES EL CENTINELA Ikvarn •i• I altsn• by Kenneth I. Holland SIGNS OF THE TIMES, a timel prophetic monthly, was persona founded by Elder James and Ellen G. White in 1874. The n the quiet sanctuary of the ary magazine program has been present four-color-throughout Takoma Park church at Annual fragmented; each publishing design announces Jesus' soon Council last October delegates house has had its own territory. coming for mass coverage potential. 16-page monthly awaited the moment of truth for Signs of the Times could be pro- our missionary magazines These moted only in the Western United Times and Signs of the Times. For States and Canada, These Times months, even years, church leaders promotion being limited to the had discussed the future role of Eastern sector of the U.S.A. Many lined by the General Conference these journals. How, they pon- church members had been discon- Lay Activities Department in coun- dered, can we best utilize the tre- tent with the arrangement. it was sel with the Publishing Depart- mendous potential of these soul- restricting their outreach. Now ment. there are no more barriers. Taking winning publications? 5. That the target date for the im- Now the delegates were being as their motto "Together in Ser- plementation of this plan be the vice," the two publishing houses asked to vote on a plan submitted July issue, 1979. by a publishing committee that met have joined forces to meet the in Thousand Oaks, California, last needs of today and both journals 6. That the General Conference spring. The plan envisioned the may be promoted anywhere. Publishing Department , join the church doing away with territorial The rest of the action voted at the Communication Department and restrictions, changing magazine council reads as follows: the Adventist Radio-TV Center in a formats, and launching into a new 1. That we produce two monthly study to determine ways by which and accelerated program of mass missionary journals: these missionary journals may be distribution of our missionary jour- a. One with high-quality design used for mass distribution in the nals, combining the efforts of and format-32 to 36 pages. church's radio-TV ministry out- Pacific Press and Southern Publish- b. The other an economy journal reach. ing Association and using their ex- of 16 pages, well illustrated, with 7. That missionary journal adver- pertise in a cooperative venture to short articles and produced for ing and pricing plans be finalized help finish the work. They had in distribution at the -lowest pos- annually at the time of the Publish- mind a circulation of five million e price. ing House Subcommittee of the copies each month by 1982. 2. That the Pacific Press Publish- North American Division Publish- When the vote was taken, the ing Association produce the SIGNS ing Council. delegates enthusiastically and OF THE TIMES as the 76-page jour- It is understood that this plan by unanimously endorsed the Thou- nal and the Southern Publishing As- the publishers is in response to an sand Oaks plan. The mood sociation produce THESE TIMES as urgent need of the church and that seemed to be, "This is what we the 32- to 36-page journal. it relates to SIGNS and THESE have been waiting for. Now we can 3. That these two missionary TIMES; and does not affect MES- get the message into every home in journals, as well as Et CENTINELA, SAGE, its field of service and 'Ovu- North America." MESSAGE, etc., be promoted, and lation. The General Conference in An presented together in the same The present circulation of our nual Council is the highest autho ampaigrs in all churches through- missionary journals totals one mu- ity of our church. By its action that out the entire North American Divi- copies each month. Since a' day it urges clergy and laity alike to sion. of four persons eaci distribute our magazines like the 4. That both publishing ho y of a magazine u leaves of autumn. Now is the time cooperate in the promotion of ersthip could reac to call all people to the truth as it is these journals throughout the plusi in Christ Jesus. North American Division, accord- As conditions In the worldwors- For several years our mission- ing to promotional plans as out- en t people re going to corn TWO -vro ' i'iii.';l1 ward-winning THESE TIMES MESSAGE, the most widely EL CENTINELA and its family of resents Christ-centered solu- circulated religious journal within missionary journals in other ons to the problems plaguing the black community, presents languages present the gospel and ontemporary society. It seeks to the truth for this time, plus other our distinctive Adventist truths to resent Christ in His fullness and practical articles that speak contemporary men and women he Seventh-day Adventist directly to the needs of the within the framework of their essage in a way that speaks to people. 36 pages. Seven issues a particular cultural heritage. odern man. 36-page monthly. year. 16-page monthly. because they have confidence in us Dorothy E. Caputo of Peabody, missionary magazines. The spiritual and in our publications. Right now Massachusetts: "This issue of rewards are out of this world! thousands of people, perhaps mil- These Times is fabulous. I couldn't Out there, in the homes of lions of them, in Christian America stop reading it. I am ravenous to America, where it's a man with his secretly admire us for our stand on learn. If it were not for your free magazine and the Holy Spirit, is the Sabbath. People love people Bible studies, I wouldn't be where I where the action is. That's what our who sand for something. am today—a Seventh-day Adventist missionary magazine program is all Is it any wonder that Ellen White baptized member, so happy and about. That's why the delegates to says, "Great thinkers will join us." content." the Annual Council were so ex- Is it any wonder she wrote, "More Sister White once wrote, "We cited. than one thousand will soon be should treat as a sacred treasure No more barriers. Praise the converted in one day, most of every line of printed matter that Lord! whom will trace their first convic- comes from our publishing houses. tions 'to the reading of our publica- Every page that comes from the Kenneth Holland is editor of tions." Review and Herald, press is a ray of light from heaven, These Times. November 10, 1885. to shine into the byways and hedges, shedding light upon the Our literature makes a tremend- pathway of truth. Let us remember ous impact on people. that somebody would be glad to re- Speaking of Signs of the Times, ceive every page we can spare." long acknowledged as the You and I who sponsor our mis- "prophetic monthly" of the sionary journals can claim count- Seventh-day Adventist Church, less spiritual rewards. Because of Leonard F. O'Neal, minister, First our faithfulness and generosity Baptist church, Leamington, On- thousands of people all over North tario, Canada, says, "Please find America have been touched by the erickned my check for a year's sub- message. Something they have- scription to your publication, Signs read has caused them to com- of the Times. I read a copy of it a pletely reevaluate the framework of while <ago and feel it would add their thinking and living. Because much to my spiritual knowledge of the magazines they have found and understanding. If there is any Christ; they have been baptized. further charge, let me know, and Then when we think of the StiT- will forward it without delay." prises that await us in the gloryland, These Times, the award-winning when we can meet these people magazine aimed at the modern, face to face and realize we have contemporary members of society, helped them get there—it's almost whether young or old, recently re- too good to be true. It's a mighty ceived this letter from Mrs. good feeling to be a sponsor of our THREE SOUTH ATLANTIC ohna save you any sons?" This was the question asked by R. L. Woodfork, president of South Atlantic Conference, of Samuel State Senator Hinson Barnes likened the Mt. Zion congregation to Nehemiah. These three buildings have served the Mt. Zion church of Parkstown, North Carolina. The first sanctuary burned in 1934. Bucksport is the "miracle church" of South Carolina. FOUR States of Miracles by S. E. Gooden Jackson upon listening to his true Samuel Jackson, the son of local acres of land for $5,000. They story of the church at Parkstown elder Jessie Jackson, started the started to build about a year ago, (LaGrange), North Carolina. fourth church as the contractor. On and within 10 months, according to January 20, 1979, with the aid of his Keller Sumpter, Jr., the historian, The fact that a beautiful, modern wife Julia Jackson, who is also the they moved into this beautiful, church, fully equipped with pews, chairman of the building 275-seat sanctuary. The present furnishings, heating and committee, he and the 75-member book membership of the air conditioning, with a seating congregation opened and congregation is 51. They had no capacity of 250, could be built by a dedicated at the same time a contractor, but they worked (book) membership of 75 poor beautiful 250-seat church free of together like one. The church has a persons free of debt, opened and debt.