Aquatic 2006, 32(4), 413-422, DOI 10.1578/AM.32.4.2006.413

Dolphin : Who, What, When, and Why? Stan A. Kuczaj II and Deirdre B. Yeater

University of Southern Mississippi, Department of Psychology, 118 College Drive #5025, Hattiesburg, MS 39406, USA E-mail: [email protected]

Abstract Introduction The imitative ability of nonhuman has Early theorists tended to believe that imitation in intrigued a number of scholars and, in doing so, nonhumans reflected relatively primitive mental has generated a considerable amount of contro- abilities, but nonetheless recognized the signifi- versy. Although it is clear that many can cance of imitation in the ontogeny of an individu- learn via observational , there is a lack of al’s behavioral repertoire (Wallace, 1870; Darwin, consensus concerning both what sorts of things 1871; Romanes, 1883; Baldwin, 1895; Thorndike, can be learned by watching others and what types 1898; Morgan, 1900; Washburn, 1936). Most of should count as imita- believed that the role of imitation in ontogeny was tion. These disputes have led to disagreements to facilitate an individual’s acquisition of behav- about the extent to which various nonhuman spe- iors already in the group’s repertoire rather than cies engage in imitation, based in large part on the creation of new . In this sense, imi- different definitions of imitation. An ’s tation was thought to facilitate group conformity imitative success also depends on the context. and group traditions (the transmission of known For example, dolphins can be taught to imitate behaviors among individuals) more than individ- on demand, and studies using such elicited imi- ual innovation. tation tasks have yielded mixed results. Dolphins can imitate behaviors produced by other dolphins Imitation, Behavioral Traditions, and Innovation and other animals (including humans) and are The human capacity for imitation is well-known capable of deferred imitation. When dolphins (Piaget, 1962; Bandura, 1997; Meltzoff & Prinz, are asked to imitate, it seems easier for them to 2002), and the capacity for imitation has been reproduce familiar behaviors than novel ones. argued to be one of the hallmarks of human cog- Adult dolphins appear to be more successful than nition and culture (Meltzoff & Gopnik, 1993; juveniles at imitating on demand; however, young Tomasello, 1999). Imitation clearly facilitates the dolphins appear more likely than adults to spon- transmission of known behaviors from one indi- taneously imitate behaviors. Young dolphins fre- vidual to another (and so from one generation to quently spontaneously imitate the play behaviors the next), and may also be involved in the dis- of their peers, and sometimes acquire novel play covery and incorporation of innovative behaviors behaviors in the process. Following Kuczaj et al. into a group’s behavioral repertoire (see Galef, (2005), we suggest that the distinction between 2003; Kuczaj et al., in press). If imitation plays elicited and spontaneous imitation is important, some role in the acquisition of novel behaviors, and that understanding both types of imitation is then imitation may facilitate behavioral flexibil- essential. In addition to learning more about the ity—the ability of members of a group to adapt to factors that are influential when animals imitate, changing circumstances. it is also imperative to understand the types of The capacity for flexibility is another of the models and behaviors that are most likely to be hallmarks of humans, and it is reflected in our imitated, the types of animals that are most likely , thought, and communication systems. to imitate others, and ontogenetic changes that The capacity for flexibility has resulted in many occur in imitation. diverse human cultures, for flexibility makes change possible (and inevitable). The human Key Words: imitation, observational learning, capacity for flexibility emerges relatively early in context, , Tursiops truncatus, ontogeny (Piaget, 1952; Gopnik et al., 1999), but mental representation, the factors that influenced its phylogeny are a bit murky. Reynolds (1976) proposed that the evolu- tion of the human capacity for flexibility rested on 414 Kuczaj and Yeater four phenomena: (1) increasing delays in matura- piqued by observing other whales play with the tion, (2) increasing interest in manipulating objects, pup, and the observing whale’s subsequent inter- (3) increasing significance of play for social actions with the sea lion resulted in behaviors that development, and (4) increasing reliance on might benefit its future foraging efforts. observational learning. Although we agree with Goal Emulation—Individuals are enticed by the Reynolds that each of these factors undoubtedly end result of an observed behavior. Consequently, influenced the evolutionary path of our capacity they attempt to achieve the same result but not for flexibility, observational learning is the focus necessarily with the same behaviors that the model of this paper. used. For example, Haggerty (1909) devised a task Observational learning, behavioral flexibility, in which a had to climb up the side of a and culture are closely intertwined. Culture is cage, stick its arm into a wooden chute, and pull acquired through various forms of social learn- a rope in the chute to release food. After watching ing (Boyd & Richerson, 1996, 2000; Rendell & a monkey go through this process on four sepa- Whitehead, 2001), one of which is observational rate occasions, another monkey was provided an learning, which may help maintain behavioral tra- opportunity to obtain the food. The monkey did ditions by facilitating the transmission of behav- not reproduce the behaviors it had observed, but iors from one animal to another. Innovation is instead, attempted to obtain the food in various necessary to add new behaviors to a group’s reper- other ways, finally succeeding via trial and error. toire, however, and Poirier & Fitton (2001) noted More recently, Call et al. (2005) reported that that innovators, the agents of cultural change, (Pan troglodytes) were more likely have been relatively little studied. Morgan (1900) to reproduce the outcomes of observed actions suggested that more “interesting” models would than the actual actions themselves, while human be imitated more than mundane models, and one children (Homo sapiens) were more likely to pro- might expect innovative behaviors to be more duce the actions. Thus, there appear to be spe- interesting than familiar ones. Consistent with this cies differences in terms of what is learned from view, bottlenose dolphin calves are more likely observing others. than adults to produce innovative play behaviors. Herman (2002) suggested that bottlenose dol- Dolphin calves are also most likely to imitate phins (Tursiops truncatus) may sometimes focus the novel play behaviors produced by their peers on the functional aspect of a modeled behavior (Kuczaj et al., 2005, in press). rather than the actual form of the behavior and thus produce goal-emulated behaviors rather Types of Observational Learning than imitative ones. For example, a dolphin that Observational learning and imitation are not syn- watches a model place a ball in a basket might also onyms. Tomasello (1999) described various ways, place a ball in the basket when asked to mimic the such as the following, in which observational behavior, but it may do so in a different way than learning could occur yet not involve imitation. the model. The extent to which dolphins engage Exposure—Individuals learn about their envi- in goal emulation rather than actual imitation is ronment by virtue of maintaining close physical not clear, but we suspect that they are capable of proximity to individuals that have more experi- various forms of observational learning, including ence. For example, a young dolphin might learn imitation. the location of an underwater mount teeming with As the above examples illustrate, there are fish simply by staying in close proximity to its ways in which animals can learn via observa- mother. tion that do not involve the imitation of observed Stimulus Enhancement—Individuals become behaviors. Heyes (1993) distinguished imitation interested in an object as the result of observing and non-imitative social learning in the following others interacting with the object (first described way: imitation occurs when animals learn about by Spence, 1937). Increased interest in an object behavior from observing conspecifics, whereas may result in object manipulation, thereby facili- non-imitative social learning occurs when ani- tating the acquisition of new object-related behav- mals learn about the environment from observing iors via trial and error learning. For example, a others. Both types of observational learning are young killer whale (Orcinus orca) might become important, but imitation has proven much more intrigued about playing with a sea lion pup after controversial. watching other whales toss the pup about. Playing with the pup might then result in the killer whale’s What Should Count as Imitation? acquisition of foraging behaviors appropriate to The extent to which a model behavior must be such prey. In such a case, the killer whale did preserved in a for the reproduction not learn to prey on sea lions by observing other to count as imitation is a matter of some debate. whales do so. Instead, interest in the sea lion was Thorpe (1963) proposed stringent criteria for Dolphin Imitation 415 imitation, suggesting that imitation occurs only production of this whistle during intelligent imita- when the behavior is both exactly reproduced tion. Intentional imitation involves a decision to and novel. Whiten & Ham (1992) did not believe imitate, and so it is more purposeful than instinc- that imitation must involve an exact reproduction tive imitation. The environment is still of utmost of the model and argued that imitation occurred importance, however, since intentional imitation when an animal has learned something about the depends on the observation of interesting events. form of an act from observing another perform the For example, a dolphin calf that witnesses another act. We concur with this view and believe that imi- dolphin playing with bubbles might then try to tations rarely, if ever, perfectly replicate a model’s produce and bite bubbles, but only if the calf had behavior. Thus, requiring exact of found the modeled behavior to be interesting. model behaviors for imitation is far too exclusive. Reflective imitation is also intentional, but it is The notion that imitated behaviors must be guided more by the mental representation of the novel is also stringent, but it is a requirement imitative behavior than by a recently observed that allows humans to more reliably conclude modeled behavior. This is similar to Piaget’s that imitative social learning has occurred (see (1952) deferred imitation, and it involves the imi- also Zentall, 1996; Byrne & Russon, 1998). Of tation of an absent model. For example, a child course, determining if a behavior that one wit- that watches another child throw a temper tantrum nessed an animal perform for the first time is actu- and the next day produces her first such tantrum ally novel is a daunting task unless one knows represents Morgan’s (1900) reflective imitation the animal’s complete behavioral repertoire and and Piaget’s deferred imitation. Morgan believed history. For example, Kinnaman (1902) reported that instinctive imitation is found in many animal that one rhesus monkey (Macacus rhesus, previ- species, intelligent imitation in fewer species, and ously known as Macaca mulatta) learned to pull that evidence for intentional and reflective imita- a plug from a box with its teeth to obtain food tion is non-existent outside of humans. only after watching another monkey succeed at The distinction between different forms of imi- this task. Although this is an example of obser- tation remains important in contemporary theoriz- vational learning, it is unclear if the behavior was ing about imitation in animals and humans. For truly novel or an application of a known behavior example, Kuczaj et al. (2005) focused on three (pulling something out with one’s teeth) to a novel types of imitation: (1) kinesthetic, (2) symbolic, context. and (3) mindful. The lack of consensus concerning what types of Kinesthetic imitation occurs when the imita- observational learning should count as imitation tor matches its bodily movements and postures led to disputes about the extent to which nonhu- to those of the model. This type of imitation may man species engage in imitation (e.g., Visalberghi be automatic or intentional. Possible examples of & Fragaszy, 1990; Byrne & Russon, 1998; Kuczaj automatic kinesthetic imitation include the imi- et al., 1998; Bard & Russell, 1999; Tomasello, tation of adult facial behaviors by young infants 1999; Fritz & Kotrschal, 2002; Herman, 2002; (Meltzoff & Moore, 1977; Meltzoff & Prinz, Whiten, 2002; Kuczaj et al., 2005). These dis- 2002) and the synchronous behavior exhibited by putes are important because they rest on the belief many dolphin species (Connor et al., 2000; Bauer that all imitation is not the same, a notion that is & Harley, 2001). Kinesthetic imitation also may common throughout the history of the compara- be intentional as when a child crouches like a lion tive study of imitation. that it has seen at the zoo or a dolphin spontane- For example, Morgan (1900) distinguished ously turns in a circle after watching a human do instinctive imitation, intelligent imitation, so. This form of imitation is similar to Tomasello’s intentional imitation, and reflective imitation. (1999) mimicry and Morgan’s (1900) instinctive Instinctive imitation occurs when an animal pro- imitation. duces a model behavior (e.g., a hen pecks at the Gopnik (1993) suggested that kinesthetic imi- ground), which signals another animal to repro- tation rests on a cross-modal representational duce the behavior (e.g., a chick pecks at the system that encodes about one’s own ground after observing its mother do so). Morgan behaviors in the same way that it encodes infor- believed that instinctive imitation results in young mation about others’ behaviors. Thus, the child animals learning behavior already “familiar to that watches another stick its tongue out is thought its species” and so facilitates group conformity to represent that event in the same manner that she and group identity. Intelligent imitation occurs would represent her own tongue protrusion. As a when an animal attempts to perfect behaviors first result, the system allows representations of others’ learned via instinctive imitation. For example, a behaviors and representations of one’s own kines- dolphin calf that first mimics a whistle it has heard thetic sensations to be mapped onto one another. as the result of instinctive imitation perfects its Gopnik’s notion of a cross-modal representational 416 Kuczaj and Yeater system fits well with the discovery of mirror neu- emergence of imitative abilities (Bauer & Harley, rons in rhesus monkeys (Rizzolatti et al., 1996). 2001). Support for the notion that synchrony Rhesus monkeys have individual neurons that involves imitation comes from a study of elic- respond when an action is performed and when ited synchronous behaviors reported in Herman it is witnessed, and such neurons have been sug- (2002). Two bottlenose dolphins proved capable gested to be the neurological basis of imitation. of performing both known and novel behav- It is not clear if humans possess individual iors synchronously when asked to do so. Video neurons that react in the same way as analysis revealed that one dolphin typically led monkey mirror neurons, but we seem to have some the other as they performed synchronous behav- sort of “mirror neural systems.” These areas of the iors, suggesting that the trailing dolphin was human brain react similarly whether performing imitating the behavior of the lead dolphin. These or observing an action and increase in activity if results, coupled with dolphins’ sophisticated an individual is observing a behavior that he or cognitive abilities (Herman, 1980; Schusterman she intends to imitate (Grezes et al., 1999). These et al., 1986; Marino, 2002; Kuczaj & Walker, mirror neural systems have been suggested to play 2006) and social nature (Shane et al., 1986; Pryor key roles in imitation, , language acquisi- & Norris, 1998; Mann et al., 2000), make it likely tion, and creativity (Arbib, 2005; Iacoboni, 2005), that dolphins benefit from various forms of obser- and so they may be involved in forms of imitation vational learning, including imitation. outside of the kinesthetic realm as well as a host Studies in which dolphins are asked to imitate of other sophisticated cognitive skills. behaviors they have seen a model perform have met Symbolic imitation occurs when the imitator with mixed results (Kuczaj et al., 2005). Dolphins must create a lasting representation that stands can imitate each other’s behavior on demand once for the original event. For example, deferred imi- they have been trained to do so, but they are more tation involves the reproduction of behavior that likely to succeed if the modeled behaviors are was observed in the past and for which no model familiar (Xitco, 1988; Herman et al., 1989; Bauer is presently available, so it requires that the imita- & Johnson, 1994). Dolphins are also capable of tor have a mental representation of model behav- imitating the behavior of humans when asked to ior to produce an imitation (Piaget, 1952, 1962). do so (Harley et al., 1998), and sometimes they Thus, a dolphin that watches another attempt to are able to imitate human behaviors that they have balance itself on the edge of a dock and some- not seen humans produce before. For example, a time later attempts to balance itself on the edge of dolphin that watched a human push a kickboard the dock is engaging in symbolic imitation. The on the surface of the water with his head subse- mental representation of the original event stands quently pushed the kickboard with its rostrum. for, or symbolizes, the original event. Symbolic In an interesting twist on the elicited imitation imitation also occurs when the representation of method, Mercado et al. (1998) asked the bottle- the model behavior requires more than a simple nose dolphins used in the Harley et al. (1998) “mirror image” of the original observed event study to imitate their own behavior. An example such as when the observer must represent two of self-imitation in the Mercado et al. (1998) different perspectives in order to reproduce the study might begin with a dolphin being asked to model’s behavior (Whiten, 1996, 2002; Mitchell, touch a ball with its pectoral fin. After it had done 2002a, 2002b). so, the dolphin was then asked to “repeat” what Mindful imitation requires that the imita- it had just done. One dolphin proved quite capa- tor recognize and encode the model’s ble of imitating her preceding behaviors, but the as well as the model’s behaviors. Consequently, other dolphin fared much worse, demonstrating individuals reproduce the behavior of a model the range of individual differences that can occur to achieve the same goal as the model. This has when animals are asked to imitate. also been called true imitation (Tomasello et al., Mercado et al. (1999) replicated the above self- 1993; Tomasello, 1996). For example, a child that imitation study, but with three objects in the tank watches another child build a wall of pillows to rather than a single object (as had been the case hide behind engages in mindful imitation only if in Mercado et al., 1998). Placing multiple objects she reproduces the model’s behavior and under- in the tank required the dolphin to remember the stands that the model’s behavior was based on the object as well as the action. The dolphins were intent to hide behind the pillows. more likely to repeat an action correctly than to select the correct object. This suggests that dol- Why Study Dolphin Imitation? phin representations of their own behaviors may Bottlenose dolphins sometimes spontaneously be more action-based than object-based, and that synchronize their behaviors, a capacity that may actions may be more important than objects in have provided an evolutionary foundation for the the dolphin representations of their world (see Dolphin Imitation 417

Kuczaj & Walker, 2006, for further discussion of performed two barrel rolls, looking toward the action-based and object-based representations in juvenile after each roll was completed. The juve- dolphins). nile again attempted a roll, and once again fell off Of course, dolphins are not limited to reproduc- the wave. The adult followed, and both animals ing behavior when humans ask. Dolphins spon- quickly returned to the wave. The adult produced taneously imitate their own behavior and that of one roll following their return, after which the juve- others as a number of interesting anecdotes in the nile attempted a roll, once again losing its position literature attest. For example, Taylor & Saayman in the wave. The adult did not follow the juvenile (1973) reported the case of an Indian Ocean bot- this time, and the juvenile soon returned. At this tlenose dolphin calf (Tursiops aduncus) looking point, the juvenile completed a roll and managed through an underwater window and watching a to stay on the wave, after which it looked toward human smoking a cigarette. The calf swam away, the adult. It then produced several successive rolls nursed from its mother, returned to the window, in a row. and released the milk from its mouth in an appar- ent attempt to imitate the human’s behavior. The Significance of Context Another case was equally impressive. Some animals other than humans spontaneously The dolphin, after repeatedly observing a imitate actions produced by others and may learn diver removing algae growth from the glass novel behaviors in this manner. When asked to imi- underwater viewing port, was seen clean- tate, animals appear more likely to succeed when ing the window with a seagull feather while the modeled behavior is familiar, however. The emitting sounds almost identical to that of difference between spontaneous and the diver’s air-demand valve and releasing those produced in response to a request reflects a stream of bubbles from the blowhole in a the different demands inherent in the two situa- manner similar to that of exhaust air escaping tions (Kuczaj et al., 2005). Some beings, particu- from the diving apparatus. . . . Subsequently larly young children and animals, are more likely (the dolphin) used food-fish, sea slugs, stones to imitate a novel behavior if they spontaneously and paper to perform similar cleaning move- elect to do so rather than if being asked to do so. ments at the window. (Taylor & Saayman, This disparity may reflect the fragility of young 1973) children’s and animals’ representational abilities Bottlenose dolphin calves (Tursiops truncatus) and/or differing motivations to imitate different often spontaneously imitate behaviors, including models. some they have never produced before (Kuczaj The nature of the model is significant for et al., 2005, in press). For example, one of the humans, dolphins, monkeys, and (Galef, calves we observed was rolling his head at the 1992; Mitchell, 1994; Russon & Galdikas, 1995; surface of the water and creating waves, a behav- Bandura, 1997; Kuczaj et al., 2005, in press). For ior we had not witnessed before. While the calf example, Werner & Kaplan (1963) reported that was producing this behavior, another calf joined human infants mimic the movements of people him and began to mimic the first calf’s behavior. before they imitate the movements of inanimate In some cases, imitation was deferred, with the objects (such as the swaying motion of a clock imitations occurring some time after the model pendulum). This developmental suggests behavior had been observed (ranging from 15 min that infants are more intrigued by the actions of to 3 d). For example, a young calf watched its other humans than those of objects. Not all behav- mother blow individual bubbles, after which the ior is equally likely to be imitated, however. For mother bit each of the bubbles. The calf had not example, social interaction increases the likeli- produced this behavior before, but approximately hood of imitation for both humans and nonhuman 45 min after watching its mother do so, the calf (Killen & Uzgiris, 1981; Meltzoff, 1996; blew some small bubbles and bit a few of them. Bard & Russell, 1999). An interesting observation of calf imitation was Human models are more likely to be imitated provided by K. Sexton (pers. comm., 2005). He if they are perceived to be competent or pos- observed two bottlenose dolphins (that he believed sess high status (Bandura, 1986). Imitation also to be Tursiops gilli) bow riding, one of which was increases prosocial behavior among adult humans a juvenile. The adult dolphin performed a barrel (van Baaren et al., 2004). Specifically, adults who roll and then turned its head toward the juvenile. are imitated tend to be more helpful and gener- The adult repeated this behavior several times, ous. This increase in prosocial behaviors extends after which the juvenile attempted a barrel roll, but beyond the imitator to others in general. If one lost its position on the pressure wave while doing of the functions of imitation is to increase posi- so. The adult immediately left, but both animals tive social behaviors, a bias to imitate those one returned within a few minutes. The adult then knows may have evolved to enhance existing 418 Kuczaj and Yeater social bonds. For example, orangutans (Pongo Context: The Nature of the Model and the Task pygmaeus) are more likely to imitate models Influence Imitation—Additional information con- (other orangutans and humans) if the animals had cerning the characteristics of imitated models previous with the models (Russon & would benefit both in the understanding of the Galdikas, 1995). imitative process and the ability to design elicited Bottlenose dolphin calves (Tursiops truncatus) imitation tasks that more accurately assess imi- prefer certain types of models (Kuczaj et al, 2005, tative skills. For example, we know little about in press). They occasionally imitate their moth- how the context influences the likelihood that an ers and other adults. Calves are much more likely animal’s behavior will be imitated, particularly to imitate other calves, although prowess influ- for cetaceans. Dolphin calves are more likely to ences the likelihood that the model will be imitated. imitate peers in a play context, but they might Young dolphins are more likely to imitate older be more likely to imitate their mothers in a for- (and more competent) peers than the behaviors of aging context. We also need to learn more about younger less competent peers. Similarly, capuchin the social consequences of imitating or being imi- monkeys (Cebus paella) are more likely to watch tated. If imitation is in fact the sincerest form of skilled nutcrackers than unskilled ones (Ottoni flattery, then subordinate animals may sometimes et al., 2005). These results fit well with Morgan’s imitate dominant animals as a form of appease- (1900) suggestion that more “active, intelligent and ment. If so, subordinate animals should engage in mischievous” animals provide models for others to imitation more often than dominant animals. imitate. Morgan also suggested that the absence of Approximately 50 years ago, von Uexküll such models resulted in reduced and initia- (1957) used the term Umvelt to refer to the sen- tive in a group of animals, a notion that has implica- sory world of each species, noting that species have tions for both cultural innovation and the well-being unique ways of perceiving and interpreting their of social animals maintained in captive facilities. environment. Individuals within a species also vary In addition, the opportunity to choose a model in terms of the information they process from given and to select from the behaviors may explain why . Bandura (1997) proposed that three animals exhibit more superior imitative abilities types of environments need to be distinguished in spontaneous imitation than in elicited imitation when considering the effect of context on obser- tasks. In addition, brain activity in adult humans vational learning: (1) imposed, (2) selected, and increases if they watch someone with the inten- (3) created. An imposed environment is one that is tion to imitate the observed behavior later (Grezes presented to an organism and is what elicited imita- et al., 1999). Perhaps this neurological system is tion tasks create. The selected environment refers to more likely to be activated if young human chil- the part of the environment that the organism actu- dren and animals choose to imitate a behavior ally experiences (von Uexküll’s Umvelt), while the rather than being asked to do so. created environment is constructed by the organ- ism’s own behavior. Regardless of whether imita- Where Do We Go From Here? tion is elicited or spontaneous, the imitator must Ontogeny—In his seminal work on the ontogeny of select the aspects of the model’s behavior to mimic imitation in human children, Piaget (1952, 1962) and then create the reproduction. Unfortunately, distinguished self-imitation, imitation of known the processes involved in the selection and creation behaviors produced by others, and imitation of of imitated behaviors are far from clear. novel behaviors produced by others. He believed It is important to compare spontaneous and that during ontogeny, self-imitation emerged prior elicited imitation because elicited imitation tasks to the imitation of others, and that imitation of alone may underestimate an organism’s imitative known behaviors emerged earlier than imitation abilities (Kuczaj et al., 2005). It is also danger- of novel behaviors. Thus, a child’s capacity for ous to rely solely on observations of spontane- imitation changes during the course of develop- ous imitations. Spontaneous behavior is typically ment. Species also differ in terms of their abilities more open to multiple interpretations than is to produce the forms of imitations described by behavior that occurs in more controlled studies. Piaget, but little is known about the ontogeny of Some of these interpretations might overestimate imitative abilities in nonhuman species. For exam- an animal’s cognitive abilities. Morgan’s (1903) ple, bottlenose dolphin calves engage in imitative famous admonition to avoid attributing “higher behaviors (Kuczaj et al., 2005, in press), but the mental processes” to animals unless absolutely developmental trajectory of their imitative abili- necessary is as valid today as it was 100 years ago. ties has not been determined. Information con- But, care also should be taken not to arbitrarily cerning the ontogeny of imitative skills in nonhu- restrict higher mental processes to particular types man species (including cetaceans and pinnipeds) of tasks. In such cases, we run the risk of under- is sorely needed. estimating an organism’s cognitive repertoire. Dolphin Imitation 419

Comparing performance across different tasks and that not all forms of imitation are the same, and different situations is essential for valid diagnoses determining the precise relationships between vari- of cognitive abilities, and imitation is well-suited ous forms of imitation and self-awareness is crucial for such comparisons. for a better understanding of these two important Individual Differences—The comparative cognitive phenomena. study of imitation focuses on species differences, which is essential for a complete understanding Conclusions of imitation. It is also important to investigate individual differences within a species. Bandura Different forms of imitation involve different types (1997) noted that imitation involved attention, of mental representation. The ability to delay imi- retention, motivation, and production, all of which tation requires a capacity to mentally represent could vary among individuals and across situa- and remember the model behavior (Piaget, 1962). tions. Bandura suggested that self-efficacy was Even the capacity to imitate one’s own behaviors an important factor in children’s selection and has representational implications. Self-imitations creation of their environments. He defined self- have been proposed as precursors of pretend play efficacy as an individual’s perception of his or her and, as such, might be important indices of sym- competence in dealing with the environment and bolic functioning (Preyer, 1890; Piaget, 1962; suggested that high self-efficacy was an essential Bretherton, 1984; Mitchell, 2002a). Determining aspect of persistent behavior. Thus, animals with the precise nature of the relationship between imi- high self-efficacy should be more likely to imitate tation and mental representation is difficult, how- novel behaviors than animals with low self-effi- ever (Whiten, 1996; Suddendorf & Whiten, 2001; cacy. One obvious problem with this hypothesis Kuczaj et al., 2005). The extent to which young is that it is difficult to reliably assess self-efficacy children’s and animals’ imitations reflect repre- in animals; however, efforts to assess consistent sentational capacity and perhaps even facilitate individual differences in animals (“personality”) the ontogeny of more advanced representational may provide diagnostic tools that make it possible skills is a matter of considerable importance, and to test predictions about the relationship between it is one reason why the study of imitation by dol- self-efficacy and imitation (Gosling, 2001; Highfill phins and other animals is significant. & Kuczaj, 2006). Available evidence suggests that animals can Self-Recognition and Imitation—A number of imitate and that dolphins may be one of the most theorists have suggested that a capacity for kin- proficient nonhuman species in this regard. We esthetic-visual matching provides the basis for have seen that dolphins can imitate themselves and both imitation and self-recognition (Parker, 1991; others. They can imitate both familiar and novel Gopnik, 1993; Mitchell, 1995, 2002c). Given that actions produced by other dolphins and other ani- dolphins have the capacity to imitate, it should mals (including humans), and they are capable come as no surprise that dolphins have also been of deferred imitation. When dolphins are asked found capable of self-recognition (Marten & to imitate, it seems easier for them to reproduce Psarakos, 1994; Delfour & Marten, 2001; Reiss familiar behaviors than novel ones. Moreover, & Marino, 2001). The best evidence for dolphin adult dolphins appear to be more successful than self-recognition comes from two disparate sources. juveniles at imitating on demand. Young dol- Reiss & Marino (2001) demonstrated that bottle- phins appear more likely to spontaneously imitate nose dolphins can use a mirror image to examine behaviors in which they are interested, however parts of their bodies, an ability that is typically (Kuczaj et al., 2005), a phenomenon that might assumed to be reflective (no pun intended) of some influence cultural change. form of self-recognition. Herman et al. (2001) Although it seems clear that some species other reported that a bottlenose dolphin was able to com- than humans can imitate, we do not know how prehend gestural symbols that referred to nine of dolphins or other animals imitate (Zentall, 2005). its body parts, an ability that suggests that dolphins Learning how, why, when, and who animals imi- are aware of their bodies. The dolphin in Herman tate will increase our understanding of the minds et al. (2001) was also adept at imitating other dol- of other species and, in turn, place our own abili- phins and humans (Herman, 2002). These results ties into evolutionary perspective. are consistent with the notion that self-recognition and imitation are related, but the precise nature of Literature Cited this relationship is far from clear. We suspect that there is more than one such relationship. For exam- Arbib, M. (2005). From monkey-like action recognition to ple, the type of self-awareness reported by Reiss human language: An evolutionary framework for neu- & Marino (2001) is different from that reported by rolinguistics. Behavioral and Brain Sciences, 28, 105- Herman and his colleagues (2001). We have seen 167. 420 Kuczaj and Yeater

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