Peace Pact Sighing
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PAGE TO!RTY-TWO- MANCHESTE» EVENING HEaULD. Manchetter, Conn., Wed.. Nov. 1.1872 Recycling Pipe ' Most Manchester Stores Open Tonight Until 9 The Cooper Hill Treatmeiit Plant Made Of Recycled Waste Materials "Mtottery Number One of the referendum queitioas to be voted upon next HUNTINGTON, N.Y. (AP) - Eacfa«Mncfa length of 8dncfa 15914 Tuesday is a proposed |S50,000 Sewer ^pe made of crushed, diameter pipe contains the bond issue to renovations to recyded glass has been installed equivalent of lU bear bottles. M indiester’s Co<^)er Hill lYeat- in a section of the sew s ey*ton EHects of hhtbfrgroand use win ment Plant. of this Long Island community. be studied over the next several Tbe pnqxisal is badced by most The pipe was produced at years. of Mandiester town offid ^ , in Bkookhaven'National Laboratory Brookhaven offidab said Mon »«ANCHESTER,CX)NN., THURSDAY, NOVEMBER 2,1971 VOL XCn,No.l8 MANCHESTER •—’’A City o f Village Charm cluding Jay Gbles, superintendent where sdentisU have developed a day file pipe is stronger and of the water and sewer depart process to convert nonretumable limiter than conventlaoal diw or ment. He has invited the public to Ijottles into useful products by concrete pipe and is potentudly an inspection o f the plant, Sunday mixing the glass with a liquid competitive on an economic from 1 to 3 p.m., and has plastic. basil. prepared the following list of/ quc^ons and answers, to ac quaint the v otos o f the problems Peace Pact Sighing and needs there; QUESTION - What is the Pinehurst Holiday function of the Ooopier Hill Rant and where is it? ANSWER - The plant fUters about two million gallons of water each day bom the Globe TURKEYS Hollow Resdvoir and ddivers it With Thanksgiving early this vear, it’s time to to the town water system. The remind you^thaf we will featuifeature plant is located off Cooper HiU WASHINGTON (A P) - One President Nguyen Van Thieu had selected CONNECTICUT FRESH nauonai supervisory comugent spuKesman sain tne discusaon donesia has no objection to the week after Henry A- Kissinger’s objected to seven of the nine St., about half way betw eoi Pine H A R V ^f TURKEYS from nearby faims^ as at the same time a cease-fire was exploratory and a- final assignment. Canada had been word that "peace is at hand” for points in the peacq plan worked' and Cedar Sts. takes place. response from Poland and expected to accept too. well as new crop frozen BU'rTERBAliL Vietnam, still-unresolved dif on by Kissinger and Le Due Tho. QUESTION - Why does the Secretory of State William P. Hungary has not been received. In the wake of the Trudeau TURKEYS. We are glad to write your ordor up ficulties are casting an aura of Agnew’s version was different. plant need renovation? Rogers called in toe ambassadors Rogers already has sounded govermnent’s defeat in Monday’s uncertainty over just when a final ‘T don’t see Thieu as a stumbling ANSW ER— The plant is about now. from Poland and Hqogary out Indonesia and Canada. Elach Canadian election, however, a agreement might be reached. block,” he said. “ He hasn’t been 56 years old, was not designed to Wednesday to see about par of the four is expected to con Canadian official said his coun This week we will have new crop 10 to U-U. L ^ t Thursday the presidential yet." trea.t water for domestic con- ticipation by their countries in tribute 250 officers to the peace try's participation is now an open adviser said peace is withih reach suniq>tion, and is not equipped to Butterball Turkeys . Fresh Purdue 4-lb. In South Vietnam, Thieu reaf the proposed four-nation group. watch. question to be decided by the in “ weeks or less” and a final treat and filter the GUobe Hollow Roasting Chickens and our own TENDER firmed his opposition to a A State Department A Jakarta spokesman said In new government. sun>ly d fecfiv d y . The plant was n^otiating session With North "surrender peace” and called CUl RE^RY E ^ I LEAN CORNED BEEF. constnicted by Cheney Bros, in Vietnam should take “ no more again for withdrawal of North 1916 to treat water for industrial than three or four days.” Vietnamese forces. The nine- Vice President Spiro T. Agnew purposes and functioned in that point plan does not require a' Plainfield Couple Wins way until 1956, udien it was maintained the administration’s North Vietnamese pullout to purchased by the Town of BONE IN - FULL SIRLOIN - NOT N.Y. CUT confident attitude Wednesday, match the •‘proposed U.S. Manchester Water Department. while not giving a specific withdrawal. $75,000 Super Lottery After the purdiase, pumping timetable, in talking with Washington sources said the equipment was installed and the This is the filter plant located off Cooper Hill St. newsmen at San Diego, Calif. question of a North-Vietnamese water department began SIRLOIN “ I think there will be a signing, withdrawal had been raised in although there are differences to By SOL R. COHEN One place where they can delivering "water to the town 000. What will be done for that tank, which will store waste- provide povyer for its operation w ato service in the town system? tion is approved by toe voters the secret Kissinger-Tho sessions, Today’s Manchester drawing be hammered out,” Agnew said. ■apart from the nine-point plan, (Herald Reporter) spend some of the money is for a system, in order to supplement amount of money? water from the plant prior to its during a blackout. ANSWER — ’The quality of the when will the project get under was brought here through the “ The negotiations are en and that the North Vietnamese new well, Mrs. LeGair explained. its other water sun>ly sources. ANSWER - The plant wiU be discharge to the sanitary sewer Fatties for the control of Cooper Hill water supply will be way and when will it be com STEAKS efforts of the Main Street Guild. couraging.” She said, “ Our well went dry over Because of its age and wiginal furnished with new mixed-media system, will be constructed adja taste and odor will be installed in greaUy increased. The new filters pleted? indicated they saw the need for A crowd estimated at over 5(XI The Guild conducted a sales However, North Vietnam’s some pullback. a year ago and we’ve been design, however, the idant has filters (sand and anthradte), new cent to the plant in order to the pretreatment building at will permit the use of carbon to ANSWER — If approved, the persons was in the Manchester promotion in conjunction with PORTERHOUSE Oct. 3l deadline for signing has carrying water fromLMoosuplUV not been capable of producing a piping and valves, a new elec comply with the requirements of Globe Hollow Reservoir. remove objectionable tastes and contract for construction will The United States long has Armory today for toe weekly the drawing and sold tickets for it % OR T-BONE passed and Hanoi has yet to say pressed for a withdrawal of the almost the entire yea?V’ One right up to the last minute — completely satisfactory water trical system, new pumps, the ^ t e Department o f En- Instruments and electrical odors and will filter half again as probably be bid in January 1973 drawing of the state lottery and publicly when envoy Le Due Tho Hanoi troops in South Vietnam, saw a Plainfield couple leap for other thing she'll do with toe 10:30 a.m. supply — bee of obje^onable chemical storage facilities, water virbiunental Protection. equipnient will be installed at the much w ato as the old filters do and hoi^ully the project will be might meet with Kissinger again. now estimated at around 145,000. joy when their name was called money, she said, will be to take Participating in today’s t a ^ and odors. testing equipment, and up-to- plant and at eadi of the water now, giving the plant a capacity completed by August 1973. of three n ^ o n gallons of water And U.S. officials hint Kissinger rile sources said a specific North for the $75,000 prize in toe Super her mother to Florida, to visit her drawing were: State Ckimptroller QUESTION - The cost of the date controls. An emergency generator will department’s four wells in order lb. may have to travel to Saigon once Vietnamese withdrawal provision 75 drawing. son (Mrs. LeClair’s brother). Nathan Agostinelli, who dis renovation is estimated at $550,- A backwash water holding to control the on and off opera per day. be install^ in the plant to more as well as to Paris before Some will be set aside for her tion of those sources of supply The em^gency generator will could not be negotiated in the The winning couple is Arthur tributed checks On the. spot to all everything is wrapped up. based, qn the quantity of water in insure that toe water system will peace plan because Hanoi does and Rita LeOaire. The winning children’s college costs, she said. the winners; Deputy State Comfi-v WORLD ALMANAC It thus is becoming increasingly A total of 15 persons .were the recenUy completed Nike not “go dry’’ during a serious All Pinehurst Steaks, Inclading the Up Bone Special lit not admit publicly that its forces ticket was in Mrs. LeCIaire’s (roller William Diana; Leo Juran, FACTS unlikely (hat a peace will be eligible for the Super 75 drawing.