Launch of MV Family Health Team Marks Major Advance in Access to Local Healthcare

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Launch of MV Family Health Team Marks Major Advance in Access to Local Healthcare FREE INSIDE… The Current review its first year p.3 Heritage Photo: St. Joseph’s School p.7 Rescue drama on Siberia Road p.9 FRIDAY, JANUARY 18, 2019 Launch of MV Family Health Team marks major advance in access to local healthcare Cutting the ribbon to mark the Grand Opening (from left): Renfrew-Nipissing-Pembroke MPP John Yakabuski, MVFHT Board Chair Dr. Alex Atfield, MVFHT Lead Physician Dr. Jason Malinowski, BLR Mayor Sheldon Keller, MV Mayor Kim Love, KHR Mayor Janice Visneskie- Moore, Champlain LHIN Board Chair Jean-Pierre Boisclair (holding scissors), MVFHT Executive Director Susan Farrar, NAW Mayor James Brose, SA Mayor Jane Dumas, Champlain LHIN Sub-Region Director Kevin Barclay, MVFHT Office Administrator Rosa Etmanskie. DANIELLE PAUL who told the crowd how far they had dar, because they came back to us a few MADAWASKA VALLEY come in the past year. He pointed out months later and said, ‘The projects we that the Madawaska Valley FHT is one have in mind didn’t pass muster with The patient waiting area at the St. of the first Family Health Teams (FHTs) the Ministry. We’ve looked at our data Francis Health Centre in Barry’s Bay created in Ontario since 2012. He said, again. We drilled down to the commu- was crowded on January 11, 2019 “We’re really lucky to be at the begin- nity level and it turns out you’re right with representatives of provincial and ning of, hopefully, a new wave of FHTs – you are in high need. Can we work to- municipal government, local and re- in Ontario. The fact that we were able gether?’ And I said, “Absolutely. I’ll drop gional healthcare providers, and other to do this is a sign of the modern times everything to help put this together.” stakeholders. They included MPP John that we live in. The Ministry of Health HOW THE MV FAMILY HEALTH TEAM Yakabuski, the mayors of the Town- and Long-Term Care in Ontario and the IMPACTS VALLEY RESIDENTS ships of Brudenell Lyndoch Raglan, Champlain Local Health Integration Farrar told The Current how MVFHT Killaloe-Hagarty-Richards, Madawaska Network (LHIN) were able to identify and in particular its two Nurse Practi- Valley, North Algona Wilberforce, and our particular community as being in tioners will improve access to health- South Algonquin. They had gathered need from the data they collect.” care for the community. Everyone who to celebrate the Grand Opening of the Dr. Atfield gave The Current more is presently registered with a physician Madawaska Valley Family Health Team background about how the funding at St. Francis Healthcare Centre can (MVFHT). for MVFHT came about through Inter- use the services of the FHT so this will The event began with MVFHT Execu- Professional Primary Care Funding free up more appointment times. And tive Director Susan Farrar introducing for Primary Care Teams. He described for those patients in the Valley who guests of honour and MVFHT staff. She how, initially, the Champlain LHIN don’t have family doctors, she had good announced that in anticipation of the had rejected his request. He respond- news, “We are going to be doing some launch, local physicians have already ed to them reinforcing the local need urgent care appointments for patients enrolled over 1,000 patients in the and saying, “Please keep us in mind.” that don’t have family doctors, starting past six months. She then introduced This had the desired effect. He said, “I MVFHT Board Chair Dr. Alex Atfield think that statement put us on the ra- Continued on page 2— 2 | MADAWASKA VALLEY CURRENT L to R: Valley Manor CEO Trisha Sammon, Madawaska Valley Mayor Kim Love, South Algonquin Mayor Jane Dumas. ners can interpret, treat and diagnose. They can refer to specialists, order and MV Family Health Team (from left): Stacie Wojick, Medical Receptionist; Tierney Lunney, read X-rays, etc. As well, MVFHT is ac- Nurse Practitioner; Craig O’Brien, Nurse Practitioner; Susan Farrar, Executive Director; tively recruiting for a social worker, di- Rosa Etmanskie, Office Administrator. etician and physiotherapist. —Continued from page 1 little bit [of pressure] off the emergency THE FUTURE OF PRIMARY HEALTH CARE IN THE VALLEY Monday, January 14. It will be limited department. [It’s for] things that are ur- access, same day appointments. We’ll gent but a little bit more minor … less Farrar said MVFHT will continue to have a few reserved for patients that than 48-hour onset; for example, if your expand its services as the team grows. don’t have family doctors. Anything ur- kid falls, sprains their ankle.” This includes education and program- gent like a cold, a sick child, it will take a Farrar explained that Nurse Practitio- ming. She said MVFHT eventually ex- pects to be able to help provide care to all patients in need in the local area. From a physician recruitment per- Telling Your Story Memoirs Course spective, South Algonquin Mayor Jane FEBRUARY 16, 23 and March 2 • 1:30 to 5 pm Dumas (who chairs the area Physician $35 for three Saturday afternoons Recruitment and Retention Commit- Capture your life’s journey through a faith lens tee, and also serves on the Board of St. with veteran writer and editor Murray MacAdam. Francis Memorial Hospital) said, “This is going to change the whole level of Register with the library by February 7. care in this community – which is awe- The Tartan Show: A Tribute to Robert Burns some. This is what physicians are look- JANUARY 26 • 2 pm ing for. The social service function is Performed by The Opeongo Readers’ Theatre. phenomenal – that’s such a huge part of well-being. I’m euphoric.” Opeongo Seniors Centre. Free admission. Her sentiments were echoed by [email protected] • 613-756-2000 Madawaska Valley Mayor Kim Love Follow us on Facebook who said, “It’s very exciting. It’s going to really help our doctors and it’s going to help us recruit more doctors. It’s taken a load off of Physician Recruitment be- cause we were getting really worried. We were doing everything we could but [were] just not able to get the doctors no matter what we tried.” The MVFHT telephone number is 613-756-9888. Visit the MVFHT web- site to learn about hours, services and career 8629 Highway 60 • Eganville, ON • 613-628-3095 opportunities or see Madawaska Valley Family Health Team on Facebook. IMAGE:cake-with-can- dle2.jpg (Or I can give you a cake photo and you can fake a better birthday candle on it!!!! 2 | MADAWASKA VALLEY CURRENT FRIDAY, JANUARY 18, 2019 | 3 The Current reviews its first year THE MADAWASKA VALLEY CURRENT ipal election year so it was understand- MADAWASKA VALLEY able that there would be a greater degree of public interest in campaign coverage. The beginning of a new year is an ap- Readers of The Current also demon- strate a thirst for stories about economic YOUR SOURCE FOR LOCAL INFORMATION propriate time to review the old one. in the Madawaska Valley and area January 2 also marked the first anniver- development, culture and heritage – as To list your event, business or organization well as community events and lifestyle. sary of The Current so it is also a good email [email protected]. time to give our readers an update. During 2018 The Current averaged Most listings are free. Because we are primarily an online 23,000 page views per month. Some arti- newspaper (or “blog” if you prefer!), we cles attracted as many as 1,900 views per have the advantage of being able to see day. We are pleased to report that our av- at any given time how many people are erage returning readership exceeds 2,300 BARRY’S BAY reading which particular article and in per month. To these numbers must be which geographic location. Our web- added the readership of our free monthly site statistics let us see what stories we print version. We distribute more than published that most captured our read- 750 print copies of The Current — from ers’ attention. Whitney to Eganville to Maynooth — in THE TOP TEN OF 2018 waiting rooms, multi-unit residences Emergency First Aid, In order of popularity, here are the top and shops. Like the online stories, each ten most-read stories on The Current’s month’s selection for print remains avail- CPR and website during 2018: able in PDF form on our website. Defibrillator Course • Municipal election “Town Hall” The Current aims to make some im- forum provements during 2019 so our first FEBRUARY 1 (time TBC) • MV Councillor subject of complaint print version of the year is arriving a 6-hr course $90 (3-yr certification) bit later in January. Watch out, too, for after outburst 3-hr course $40 (1-yr certification) • MV Township without CAO website changes to give our readers • MV is not a CAO-friendly more relevant content. Spaces are limited. environment Finally, a heartfelt thank you to our Pay in advance or on the day. • Announcement: Pot shop poll readers for making the first year of The • Township sued by former Integrity Current so successful. And as always we Reserve by email: Commissioner are extremely grateful to our talented [email protected], • Proposed condo development contributors who have provided such or phone/text 613-447-0599 includes Chippawa Lodge great reading material. • MV Mayor claims she has no role in the disciplining of council Municipal Accommodation Tax Information Session members • Confrontation continues at MV Tourism accommodators operating in Renfrew County are invited to an information session to learn more about the Municipal Accommodation Tax (Ontario Regulation 435/17 - committee meeting Transient Accommodation Tax, under the Municipal Act, 2001).
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