Programme Director, MEC Motlalepula Rosho

The bereaved families, boo Rra Maleka le boo Rra Mathibe

The Presiding Priest, the Reverend Jack Mogale le baruti botlhe ka go farologana

Members of the Executive Council

Members of the North West Provincial Legislature

The Executive Mayor of the Ngaka Modiri Molema District Municipality, Cllr Justice Makolomakwa

The Executive Mayor of the Ramotshere Moiloa Local Municipality, Cllr Lerato Selebogo and

All councillors present

Boemedi jwa ntlo ya segosi

The leadership of the African National Congress, its leagues and the tripartite alliance

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Members of the Luthuli Detachment and the Umkhonto we Sizwe Military Veterans Association (MKMVA)

Members of the South African Military Veterans Association (SAMVA)

Members of the South African Police Service and the Provincial Traffic Inspectorate

Distinguished guests

Members of the media

Ladies and gentlemen

Bahurutshe le baagi botlhe ba Province ya North West



Today, is a free and democratic country because of the gallant efforts of the late Cde Levy Kiriri Maleka and his contemporaries, who at the prime of their lives, committed themselves to the emancipation of the oppressed masses of our people.

We are free because they took it upon themselves to participate in the struggle for their freedom and that of future generations.

When their life story is told, it is inextricably interwoven with the struggles of the people of South Africa to attain liberation – you cannot tell their story apart from that of gallant leaders of the Bahurutshe such as

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Ramotshere Moiloa, Abram Onkgopotse Tiro and the many others who sacrificed their lives so that we can enjoy the freedoms we have today.

Indeed, one can never attempt to relate the struggle for our liberation without mentioning the enormous contribution to our emancipation from colonialism and apartheid that Bahurutshe played in the last two centuries.

Hence, history will always fondly remember this part of South Africa as having been a gateway for liberation fighters out of and into South Africa – the people of this area provided safe passage for those that had to skip the country to undergo military training and join the African National Congress outside the country.

It is, therefore, no surprise at all that most young men from this area went into exile to be part of the liberation movement; among them was the late Cde Jackson Moloi, as Cde Maleka was known in ANC and Umkhonto we Sizwe camps during the struggle, most of whom were to become a key component of the Luthuli Detachment.

Their love for their own kin was unparalleled, they fought for our freedom and we dare not underestimate the revolutionary love they had for our people and their country.

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Argentinian revolutionary, Ernesto Che Guevara de la Serna, once remarked, “… at the risk of seeming ridiculous, let me say that the true revolutionary is guided by a great feeling of love. It is impossible to think of a genuine revolutionary lacking this quality…”

Che Guevara’s remarks aptly describes the kind of revolutionaries these gallant heroes of our struggle for freedom and what they represented; it is therefore appropriate that the North West Provincial Government has reciprocated that love by honouring him with a Special Provincial Official Funeral.

We are aware of his role in welcoming and guiding young people who were eager to join and swell the ranks of Umkhonto we Sizwe, post the June 1976 students uprising and I am quite sure that each and everyone of those young people would have a story or two to tell when talking about this humble revolutionary.

He was part of the genesis of the armed struggle in this country – he was among the first batch of frontline soldiers of Umkhonto we Sizwe, following the uprising of the Bahurutshe women in 1958 against an order for them to register for and carry identity pass-books.

This was also taking place at a time when winds of change were blowing throughout Africa and the dawn of the 1960s would herald an era of independence in various African states; therefore, many oppressed

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young men and women in South Africa to believe that freedom was in the horizon.

Cde Maleka and those that belonged to his generation firmly held to this belief that they had to undergo military training to face the might of the apartheid regime, even if it means over a barrel of a gun.

A lot has already been said about Cde Maleka’s military training in various countries which we sympathetic towards our cause, his leadership and guidance in MK camps; and that is more reason for us to celebrate and honour the life he lived.

As we intern his remains today, let us bow our heads in honour of the sacrifices he and others made so that we are a free country today.

May his revolutionary spirit live forever among us and inspire us, as elected representatives of his beloved African National Congress, to work harder than before to change the lives of our people for the better.

Long Live the spirit of Cde Jackson Moloi Long Live!!!!!!!!!

Long Live the spirit of Cde Levy Kiriri Maleka Long Live!!!!!!!!!



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