V ' ■ . / •

. ' I • ’ 31i e ^ V G o o d T i waofning Y e lts i n i m i p e a c;h m e ililt e f ififtr ts s t a l l Today’s forecast:st: \ Knight Ridder News Semvice o “ Res.esign!” deputy V ladim ir TikTikhono^de- But Yeltsin insisl- Mostly cloudy w ith:th scaflered showers m andeded Friday, charging that Y e ltsin ’s I ud h e w o u ld ' go emoonund evening i H l \ and a chance of aftem MOSCOW — A.crusaiisade to impeach' “shockck iheropy” reform s for thcc rrapid irons- allend with an April ghs 53 fs 58. Lows , thundershowers. Highs President Boris Yeltsin stalltolled.in mid-bottle formaiation to ^ free market-et- had only 25 picbiscitc on his vinds. r near 30. Light west win Fridoy, g iv in g w ay to a scaiscorch for compro- “pushchcd Russia back into lhe; 18lh1 centu-, rule, a new constitu­ P a g e A Z J miso in a crisis that couldId Ulead to presiden- ryj' i i t j S i T B l - tion heavy on presi­ tial and p o rliam cntary electlK tions in o u tu m n . Ouisilside the Kremlin hall, 0 fevfew thousand dential powers und Vice President Alexam:ander Rutskoi, a commimunists,'nationalists nnd monarchistsm an election luw abol­ Y eltsin a lly tu rn e d foe, bliblostcd the pr^si- 'waved:d flogs nnd chantcd onti-Yi-YcIlsin-slo-^ ishing the Congress ------dcnfancl'his adviserS'forthrthcir“dcmocrBlic—ganrsi -such-ar“Trcason}"You-sol( :old'us'to'thc~^^^K w | and its smaller stand; Woman collects\s poinoinl compro- Rutskislioi . ' YellsinI Khasbulatov Supreme Soviei. mand an impcachmenill votev when the mtse tcto "resolve 0 power struggfi Iter said the president wouliuid ac- jjj jj, legal lungua{j Congres.s appoinl- cC ongress o f P e o p le ’s Depui:puties resumes an Yelisirilin and law m okers that lins n ov ed u coininillee 10 cept the fonformation of a “National Ha^arnio- clear whcilicr Yells Gay comic strip . eemergency meeting called■led to c o n s id e r a o f civilrilw or. put Z o rk in 's- propo.s- P mment and early prcsidcniia:ial and accep t som e o f Eort decision not^'*hia ppresidential p o w e r grab thoithot was ruled un- • Yelt!iltsin told Ihc d ep u ties heIC 'welcomed govcmir ;uage. although it wus not The Times-News' de ; elections.______^ —the—For-Bettcr-or.FoFor-Worsc!!-ccmic- - . cconstituUonal. ______< I som e: 0o f Zorkin’s points, ahd a1 totop political .jlr'SJsJoth^I elisin or lhe deputies could strip has gained intematnational attention. Zorkin’s o th e r p o in is. . P a g e B I ------'— J — _PIease.see_RUSSIA/A2...... Scientist worrieses about earth \^orkerj ^’homekless- Schc . - - -Helen-Goldicott,-a phphysicianand-onvi------ronmental scientist, toldold a Sun V alley au* lOOl _ dience the earth w ill die jn lO^Kirs.^^. yountigstersi schools fun(j I By Mitchell i U i i i B H a T im es-N ew s w riter d in g TW IN F A L L S - A sirsingle woman liv- Cracking downI on0 crim e ;les to m ake a liv in g unse ing in a c a m p e r struggles Nex month. Heyburnum will have police os a waitress and to findnd time1 to help two covcroge 24 hours a dayda> for thc first time children do homework,rk. She must leave T b e A ssociated lettledPrct in years. thc tra ile r c o u n wiihin,.two twi weeks. . P » g e B 3 • A 6 -y c a r-o ld boy’ tritries to leam how BOISE— TheiPress to r e a d ^ h i l e ^ e v i n g: forfoi his mother and ' to rcach agreement brother who died in a ccar accident last n e x t y e a r 's .stntc;ie Housed u n d .Senjuc failed year. schools, the lasllent r Friday over the size of • F o u r sch o o l childrenren do hom ew ork in Lcgislnlurc andite ad aid packagc for public CSI events ’ | a tiny apartment withh onec room and a session. 1 sl roadblock bclwecn lhe kitchenette. A fte r a seriesI oadjournment f 1 o f the 1993 College ofSouthcm Idahot continued “A lot o f the pcopic wc work wilh have e ach cham ber, Hou on a tournam ent w eckcrkcnd w ith rodeo and been knocked down.” saisaid Dawn B o y d , a w h a t Speaker Mich baseball events at thee EExpo and Frontier o fclosed> door caucuses in social worker for Twi‘w in F o ils P u b l i c f m foot called the Housefina Republicans olTcred Field respectively. Schools. . thc original House [ P a g « B 6 - /lichaci Simpson o f Black- Twin Falls is one of)f sixs Idaho school state aid and iliefinal Se compromise bclwecn districts to rcccive Stuaituart B. M cKinney ■ ■ m i llio n r - ;------isc plan for S 5 2 5 m illion in Hoosiers vs. Jayhyhawks H o m eless A ssista n c e: Act Ai grants. Boyd ; Senaie uliemativc at S530 • •• Indiona'and KansasIS pplay a rematch of and Germaine Ruhter.er. onother social on early season win by thc Jayhawks for w orker, a rc p a id from the grant. the N C A A M idw est RRegional ej title today. . T h e p a ir b eg an woricinrfcing last m onth to Id a h o f t i g e B 6 meet the wide-ranging'ng'needs of Twin ■ Falls childrea-who do not hove a h o m e o r - who are living in substantlandord housing.- • Re^onal finals pairings;pi . Ruhter and Boyd cohtaihtact locol agencies. • But after on hou Cincinnati advancesistothefmals^ofthe t< to fin d - f o o d , J o d g in g; aiand clothing for-' Senate Republic NCAA East Regionallal with a 17-point . needy students. They als'also track children ] w h e th e r they wnnteihour behind' closed doors, win o v e r Virginia. - to make sure.they attendhd :school and tutor 1 fe r a n d said iheyjlican wc ■ em erged unsure P a ^ B 6 children who have fallenlien behind in'their. and find a seitlemeninted latake the counter of- snidies. . <* . < ; The House cdm[/ would make a decision — Ruhter and Boyd hnvhove worked with million in aid forthmenl — on S a iu rd a y . about 50 kids from graderade school to 12th ' d u d tion from S300,(dmpromisc calls for S528 grade in six weeks on1 theth job. T h e y a re fbr .spcciol program!)rthe 113 districts.but a re- Figiitiiig the goodod figlit getting m ore referrals us 1teachers tmd od- ffudcnt^climinotioi00,000 10 S200.000 in cash m inistrators leam w hatt they’rethi doiiig. {*ram in w hich rams vel for gifted and talented ■FormprpnZBnghtcrJ:rJrCrHicka-is now - --- Whcn-they hear of a0 needy child, they. itookics an d jusl alionhall ofS850.000 fora pro- am ih iste r— in,Tw inI FoFalls and beyond. | . meet the child’s parentsIts and: get permis- lion originally com . . w ------veieran teachers' help out P a g « B 4 ------■.7 sidh’ fo provrde,servicescesrlfthe'parents— tb fo rm projects inhalfbf si the nearly SI.7 tnil- . refu se, R u h te r an d Boy<;oyd at least m ake . ___ _LEhc_cxtra.Sl.millsormarRed for pilot school Sensationalisni marksm probe' sure the kids htive era}sroydns and note- v/ould be withdrnvin six individual schools...... - books. b u d g e t reserve occo Did the;minis(er try to strangle his million in thc comnromise Sometimes'they sim[imply spend tim e “W e hnd to grab ' wife? T he trial begins. irown from the dwindling w ith ch ild ren . S528 million.” iccounl.Sim P a g e B S led. a boy w h o w a s Ruhter said she asked. th e re co u ld bc rab son- pcopic to b rin g ii up to ,why he wos down. - ‘ looking glum one day.wh just how thc moneySimpson said. But hc said He told her that he wass sad that his m o th - sa Senate Republicsome negotiating room in : e r w as d e a d . Dnvid Kcrrickncy of is spenl. , I ' Ruhter told thc boy he couldI talk to Kis ANOY ARENZmw TknM44«» - ' “se e m s to bc a mocblican Caucus Chairman i mother “In his head."” A little later thc . Hands-on approaoach j " vorking In th e Twin Fall:,llg maybe go to the: of S Caldwell said there boy was smiling, and whiwhen Ruhter asked Dawiwn Boyd^ left;' ahd Gorrarmainoi Ruhter are woi . Jl maybe oiler some c ' . The p resident w ith a p enchant for polir mood wiihin the caucus to ' why, he said he wos; talkingta with his' -Schchool District to meet thcthe needs of hom eless}s and Impoverished chil proposals in their of )in g d e ta ils o f th e :ie S528 m illio n a n d then I ' cy minutiae is shapin; m other in h is head, ond1 shesh was funny. d re n health care package. in.. _____ • Pleasesnc of thc specific spending P a g e A 4 ir offer.” se s e e R O A D B |-O C K /A 2 Year-end s^ n g^ tt moderates A sluggish revival in hiring slows the pi)rotects $263.‘4 bim«onm iliitary bl i nation’s economy of'after a consumer spending spree in lateItc 1992 fu eled the m dget j fastest cconom ic growvth th in five years. jobs legipslatioii P ag e C l SpeedIs post-t-Cold W^ ar Cl The Associated Press The Associated P r ^ led in As- red u ced from uts 78 W A S H IN G T O N — President Prc Clinion’s jobs :r review frqm 201 lo 191. :tcd in the S en ate Fridoy, bill seemed well protected W A SH IN G T O N —- PPresident C iinton o f defense ncci;cds. Tlte numberI 78701 to 667 and bombers !' Escape to IVvin FallsF; in the hands o f a self-de-described “im tic boob is.proposing a S263.4.4 1 b illion m ilita ry w, due to w ould b c reducci191. from ■West.'Virginjo,” Rob.lobcrt C. Byrd. ' . ^ ‘ budget to r riext year tnothat preserves’m a T 'H M be uomptctrt'ti’b y iute—of the fiscal >eai' Randolph King Sr. comcoi e to T w in Falls jrofU .S. troops in Europe In a'day o f colorful rherhetoric but little action, jor weapons systems bubut slightly acccU ■ B f i II outline cal 1993 nnd 304 from Louisiano as a youyoung black man in uccd 10 133.700 by the end imittee chairman taunted inistm tio n ’s p o st- B ipending G.vcrall, the r the appropriations commii September.. 1939, andid for1 54 years has . erotes the Bush admini his colleagues, Republiciilicons ond conservative il the rest__p e rs o n n el w ouU forged a life in the comm mn im ity. Cold W ar c u ts in spendhiding.__!_____ :____ 304.000 in fiscal'1990.' fellow Democrats, whoho criticized the prcsi- ■ Aside from o speeduidup in manpower - m illib n to 1’.6lie nr u m b e r o f a c tiv e duly - —dent^aokago-buUiavcn recze — g n d so m e- cnrs, the subjected to oujda ci bc r e d u c e d from _L7______change it: . ^alin*g°back of ihc Sirstrategic Jcfbnsc— '.6 m'illion with ilie“Navy •■Emerson said .that Go^Gc does not manifest Initiative ^ the Pcntagoigon has^ em braced ' I :a r p la n M arin e Corpsa 8,(cut of 45.000, thc Amiy tyrd said, d aring th e m to ;tandpat spending along ' xt year’s • Thc sclectcd 1 h im self \» co w ard s,” Byrd what amounts to a stat plan for fiscal 1994. • budget "ofthTdccndcr;on docu- duccd by 60,00( Section A Mini-Cassia Mii .....3 offer their amendments. s 8.000. • ...... The jobs bill includes:s SI6.3S billion for sum- The Associated Pressss obtoined copies mcnts. 1 38 billion \ 1.02 million. . R eligion...... 4-5 led reserves would bc rc- j, Weather...-...... 2 Re mer youth jobs, unemployloyment insurance, high> ofthc official Defensec EDeportment doc- from Aspind — Pentasen-haa-tI to fiscal The ovcroll1.000 b from 1.0 8 m illio n 'to \ Nation.;-.j...... 3-4- SpSporte...... 6 -8 ------•-- ■ way projects,-and vanousous othei* c iv ic im p ro v e -' uments from congrcssioisional sources F ri- - 1997 bi its five-ycaiprovided, -billion for.the D W orid...... 5 S e c tio n 0 mcnts. The president issiselling Ise it as a tonic fof day. The Pentajgon plaiilanned to release Amolg wilh dctoils fop the next:s for thc S1Z7 billion IIfor budget calls for S250.7 , C om ics...... 6 BuB u sin ess...... 1 -3. the economy at a time whenwh thc strength of the thcm thifl w eekend.- - fiscalget. y This timo. thc Pentogoi1: -an d o lh c r relotcic Defense Dcparmient and ’ Its, said C linton w ill cu t ,S88ions fitsm d efen se spcndin^i — — MoviB8;.v.-.-....v..7 •MttttielHrufKJe,«2— Mt ------. -rccaviryJs.unccrtain.____ - • “This igJpJMPaLwa^/ovs thc first tnily « Ai for lhe Energy E>cponnient ___ Le_qn P a n e tta , th e presiresidentjs budget cliicfT^ post-Cold W ar budMt."I.” D efense SecreV 14 toI defenseI from fiscal 1994 t j I'he tjgurcs r ------I d a h o .7- — I:®l:eg ai'n o tice9 -w 3 ------loted p ro g ram s. L asi year. ; told a I^otional Press CUCluiniuicHcoh^the'jobs' tooTLes Aspin soidTnfn : a sto te m e n tT c - '' • 7 'A but no other-detoils were priile'lbrCft"r:spenai-ng“for ding th iptoled S273 b iinon^^^ _____ ...... Section B._ ChClasslfled.....3r6 ; bill was "absolutely esseissential" to keeping the companying the docut:um^nt8. “It cuts shipsfimong thc budget specifics ... . . money requesicd Magic Valley...1 S ec tio n D cconom ic reco v ery movin{ving. Cold W ar forces and beginsbc to b u y th e • II Aii year t)cginning Oct. I ore:rom 14 to billio n , downr'thc'Fcntngonr-The fro rcal -. Obituaries .T.;.;:2— CljC la5sifled.....1-8 .j “Thc chance is too greigreot that it will remain . new capabilities we neneed to meet the ' 12 witA cut ili active A n n y divisioand USS 1993. Sled for fiscal 1994 is S277 weak and that it could1 fafall back into a reces- new d angers w e face.”■ Saratofo l ^ - . ------• The budget1 from cc S291 tiiilion in fiscal sion” without the added:d jpush provided by the ■ Biit th e b u d g et terminilinatw no w eapons - AiiA reduction tiTNavy batUhich hove the M-1 unk, ih W e print onI reredded paper. <. jo b s b ill, P a n etta said. . ,prograiiu and contiiiuescs development of aboutis from-443-to‘ 413.. _ . - . -om 28 to h i d e u p g ra dsl e co, n tin u es produi^lion o f A ircraft corners reduced froi : Please recyicycfe it again. • ; Please see JOBS/A^ -. .'mony system s proposed!cd by RMublicttn 24. I ■ coptcr, thc F-16:, lhe Bradley Fighting Vc- , ■ - ■ '• administrations. .The fateffl ofthe latter • with Ini the USS Forrestal anmissiles 'destroyer onddie. the th c B la c k h a w k h eli- itogo targeted. -16 fighter, the Aegis-class A ir Force fighter w ings, whii Ithe C-I7aircraft'. lit 72 aircraft apiecc, cui froi

Intercontinental ballistic n

' ; T " ^ ' • ; / • , I • . 'i • '

,A-2 Tlmos-Nows, Twi J Twin Falla. Idoho Solurdgy.f . ^Morch 27M 993 W eal R^ l Q a d b l b c k 5 Naivy fliersslost^ ith er ______. ■ C ontifitifiued from A1 -; c agreed — and said'thc Sci ublican majority fcit tlic'st in Ioinian Sea!a crash — hat thc Hgusc would nol acccplac( 1. The Accu-u-Weather®forecasasffor noon, Saturdaday, March'27. i a n y thihing ii higher. Tbe W a s h i n g ^ PcPost . There:rc iiis no ejection seat in the twin- ' ’ T hhe e dispute is purely a Rcpuijpubli- propclltpeller H aw k ey e. and -it appeared m c a n one o r since th^.osnls o s arc inadcc^aic. Friday when theirJir E-2C‘Hawkeye Navy ritics maintain the stalcmematc early-warning plantmc crashed into the M“ _ I percentage point of ovci'v c ra ll uireraft carrier US5ss Thcodot* Roo- I r°“'ul deck," * m e a n in g th at som eihing o f a p irucied th e la n d in g area, >ol support is a polilicul dispJispuic sevclt. Navy officialialsspid.i sc h o o l lie Hawkeye is typically thc first 'cd for public consumpt H ours e a rlie r, the th Roosevelt had ' .HJiA*. stagccer Ihan substantiv^ impro nc airborne and the last lo land, r a th e r prove- ,j,g jQnjnian Sen ottn^x- t in education. ' ’f ing flight operations,^ and it is not m e n t il deployment. The „„„„„ ut Senate Education Chaimliraian t"or;tl, Europenn d ommon during muhipic recover-- I Hansen of Idaho Falls defeIcfcnd- c“*Ticr s a ir w in g hadhi just completed jes for ia deck crcw to have momen- . , Jo h n H lis sland for m ore m oney,’, ceven first opcrationa:lal mission, flying tary’ difficultydif clearing the landing ■ n ■ is just a few million dollars, ' combat air patrolI o< ff th c Y u goslav area.L OrdinarilyOi a waved off aircraft b | ? „ 'st jm akes n diffcrcncc to .schschool coast, while Germrmany-bas'ed U.S. circles;les around and lines up for on­ id and cargo planes drop)pped food to be. otherer landingIt attem pt eight miles d is tric-icts t thot arc fallinjj behind 1 Ing m ore and m ore bn propcoperty sieged Muslims ini ^I o s n i a . ______, frline budget slrate. s(n statement said the p •V’ iiat avoided the kind o f laxax in- iniemational airspapacc and its crash peacclin:clime c arrier opeiiitions. / gy Ih at resident Clinton, who visited the A c re a sse c Democratic Gov. Cecilil / A n- w as “n ot related -toto any h o stile fire Presid isevelt M arch 12 as it steamed / d ru s pproposed f to finance His S549 S5 from thc former Yuj’ugoslavia.” " Roosevi ------FRONTS:— n Norfolk, expressed sadness I m illioon n state aid package, Helicopter rcscueue leams frorn the from N ic guided missile Fridoylay at the loss of the crew, I • W hhile il the-House cortipromisctisc is Roosevelt and the - f — r - c City broke off adding,ng, 'T h e y m a d e A m erica proud, ' — ------S 3 1 -mmiliion'above r this .jycar's oilallot- cruiser USS Hue COLD W, I want to say that my thou^ts WARM STATIONARY '______0.l'993Accu-;u-Weather. Inc. ment. cescalating schqof cnrollmillment scarch eports at sutiundown Friday af. nnd 1 w: prayers arc w ith thd relatives Pmssuro • will cat up most o f tfiat so thatlat 1 thc ier finding no tracec o f th c tw o pilots and pra; the shipmates o f those five ser­ ^ a c tu ail l !S la te support per classroc5room and throe flight offl(■ficers wh(f operate and the H L E S § r a E31 2 EZ3 E3 ^ year would be about S45054 the plane’s electroronic equipment, vicemenmon w ho a re m issin g a t sca." ICE SUNNY PT. CLOUDYA I ^ n e x t yi HIGH LOW SHOWERS RAIN T-STOf\•QRMS FLURpieS SNOW ICB 3 / CLOUDY m o r e: tthan this year's levelcl o f ______[ - ' VlaAnoelaiedPnis4a — • S32;74C ri|0! ^ B uIt t it i would slill fall short the Senate Education Comm Russial ’_ _ ___ - ._ )tU reS Son Francisco» rt 53.14 wholthi Temperati as estimated is the minimiim um 57 3 6 ..... h a s M a x * Pep mt needed just to maintainin thet Continued frpm Al “ Dcm)cmocratic rhctoric is not a ■ Albuquoftiuo - 5 4 ' 3 2 ...... a m o u n t iwfMiiVft'r dtytloib tort Jllloni Mti high i« ]tion system at its currcnt oper-opi One calls for puniinishing the presi- guarantcantce of democracy,” he said, ------■ Atlanta { '63 3 7 ..... c ducatic level for aijothcr year. .. f^ dential aides who. d CANADA >>7v Boslon I? £ S .. Twin Fa'l drafted a Yeltsin addinging thal R ussia’s crisis was ills .. drus-welcomed any addittot i i ------• Chicago 44 3 5 ..... speech March 20 ■ iiin which he an- ked ^cd not by thc power ,struggle Doflos e Max Min Pep cash,4ili4iIthough.hc said it'would“ sistill nounccd his grab foror unilateral pow- between "I ..... • Yostorday 'ccn president and legislators Donvor 7 65 41 .06 leave: ddistricts short of,thc mon cr, later ruled illegal»Iby^Constitu. ?! ..... • Lostyoar :d to continue thc school ii by the failure o f the president’s . [Coouf o '^ rwwlso* h I b o s Molnos £ 63 3 8 ..... n e e d e d tional Court. , f l ..... Normol ement campaign, predict!] Ootrolt, < ^ S5 2 9 ...... p r o v e m /ely abolishes the «onomi(omic reform's.” l l " ..... Sunsol todoy 6: others thai districi i wouldId be Another effective! WASH. Honolulu 8„ „ ..... I Sunrise lomom ing constitutional YeltsiiHtsin admitted mistakes in his 7 irrow 6:2 8 a.m . fo rc e dd r to turn to property' taxpayclayers Congress by bannin 1C d e p u tie s’ m ain 10-minuilinute speech, saying his Cabi- tndlonopolls 6'' pf*®*®:0: Now March ‘”‘7 “ Idilional revenue to'bridge tthe amendments -rr the I Lowltlon I ^ ..... , 22: firsl quart. died too much on foreign,aid KansosCity 6 irtor March 30: ’ power — until Coilongrcss and the " ‘‘C' M'ApHI6:la.t did not' pay e n o u g h attention io W W N U is Vogas 6 » t qu a rte r April 8 *'P‘ Supreme Soviet arec replaced with a ' Los Angolos G I two-chamber parlianimcnt to be elect- plunge plui in living standards ss fy o f Vlilbla plonol Memphis 5 lots: Evening. IH al'iho road report■ I! ed in the autumn. broughtght con by the refo rm s. Vanus,Mnrs.^. Moming; Jup- lO H r Miami Boach 7 ------The deputies' cui:urrent terms run It the biggest shock o f the day Io S .O , ISE, Idnho (AP) — The JdulIdaho umil 1995; Yeltsin’;I ’s ru n s o ne y ear : when Vicc President Rulskoi, I ' ' ' ' ' Minneapolis 553 33... Idaho . i' ■ BOI'SI picked by Yeltsin as his run- D ep artnrtment of Transportation” rf®** longer. To sweetenn 1the deal for the handpici Now Oitoons 770 5 7 .3 0 I I mostly clear highways aero tiiate in 1991, read a lengthy NowYortt 6 Max MIh Pep ported ir cross deputies. Zorkin prt.roposed they rc- , I ' ‘I ..... B ol,» . Itc Friday, :h thot one supporter' called thc I City 6 50 4 3 .1 6 th c s ta te tain their “ status’* —- read perquisites ,, id conditions: of his campaign for thc presi- I . . . . O m oho. . 6 S a l::::: ^ 5 ..... „ , R o a d95 ( Riggins^Whltebird l^jll Hi — u m il.1 5 9 5 ...... / in autumn.- ...... - - — ri Phoonix 7 70 3 8 ..... U .S .-9: ™ / U j o * ain; Whilebirtl Hill, wet, roin'roi Congress Chairmalan Ruslan Khns- ^ ^contconservative Afghan war hero, ' ' __^W InFnjl^^ Pittsburgh 7 62 36 .03 wel rain rain; bulotov, a pow erfulII Vcltsin foe, ap- R„m(„i I 5 7 '4 3 tr. Grongcvil;vilie-Winehesler, dry. wet, rai ws, dry; M arsing-Oregon lioe.. lio desp ite h a v in g o p eened r thc session R ono 4 63 40 .04 Meadows amending the constitution as a Friday with a sharrrp attack on the ““J ,-C^ St. Louis- 5 66 39,14 dry. of whittling away at Yeltsin’s ,.- ■state 90 - Founh of July canyonyon. president as a falsese democrat and jt.c«uv Solt Lako city 6'69 4 9 ;::" 55 31 .92 Iniersta pow ers. diy: Look>okout Pass. dry. failed reformer. Uika.VMWw.uw. U .S .1212 - Lewision-Lolo Pass, dry.fy- ■ . - • Inlerstirslotc 84 — Oregon line-UtiU to h - V 1 __ crs. Highs 50s to lowerI 60s. Northwest w i^s 10-15I mph. • line. dry.y. Forecasts 10 55 — Horseshoe Bend-Ne ] Elko Counlyly - Today increasing cloudsds. Chonce of Idaho ; ■New J o b s--- T w in Falls, Buric)iriey, R upert, Je ro m e end Ooodii ws, dry. foiling rocks. showert in the: oflenioon.ofl Highs from thc midild-lOs to mid- Mwdows, Today ond Sunda;nday m ostly cloudy w ith scaite:mered show- jjj, j„„i ,,, hance o f showers snow level nei 10 21 — Qbise-Lowman. dr‘Iry- Continued from A1 l B yrdrd ^was especia,lly critical of ■ te ar 6.000 feet. . rotks; Lowman-Banner Summi ' ers., C h a n c c o f one.inemooh and evening thundeiiJcrshowcrs. L„ws in Ihc 30sIs oiond lower 40s. Sundayichonci In the Senate, coiionservativcs'at. Democriocriils who w ere seeking to H i ^ s in th e m id-- lo'upperlo' 50s. Lows lonighi in ncc of rain and in the lower showers maimoinly cost. Highs mid-40s to u] flcld, ta c k e d th c p la n asIS unnecessarily changcScthebill. th • I to mid-30s. WindsIs Jotoday west at 10 mph. I up p c 5 0 ,. 20 — Mouniain Home-Foirfleli Vrco- ad d in g to th e fedeni;ral deficit, sincc .j.^yrd,rd, an1 expert on Senate rules, l> C a m a s P rairie andand W ood R iv er V a lle y ■ dry; Foirllirfield-Corcy, dry. wet; Arc< la line. dry. ,hance ofr af­r Weseather suinmart t J M ontana I Clinion has not propjposed lo pay for was doindoing his best to make sure it • T od n y m ostly clou:loudy with showers likely. Cha 26 — Idaho Folls-Wyoming lini : 1 ■. j temoon Ihundcrshowhowers. Snow above 7,000 feelfect with 1-2 Unsettled weatleotli^r continued.over the Mag I'"'- il,_ ____: w as his 1fellow senators who were agic Valley on , “Ijsckfoot-Areo.-wet, “ rain. t ! inchcs accumulation.ion. H ighs m id-^Os to lower 50:50s. Tonight Fridoy bringing o ight k in d o f stim . chaineded ddown. He maneuvered Clin- *j. g 0 round bf anemoonihundersjrshowcrs afler U.S. 9393 — Nevado line-Twin Foil:Jniu " 8 V -I ' and Sundoy m ostlyly cloudyc wi{h showers likely.y. (Chance of early morning foo, a„y: ulus packdge/',^ilaid S c n . L a r r y ion's bill so th at e v e n i f a n amend- fog. I wel; Twinvin Falls-Corey, dry. wei; Carej ~ - I I oftcnioon.and cvcnin:ning thundershowers..Snow ab

m e s N e w s , l i . " J q£s u

s y Weath iiig Ma3 v i e s )utdoor C(Cominuriity Sportsi Lottei^i Skii ^ 7 MoyUgttKAramM(«cVoDey JCvCfi c R e p o r t jC a le n d a r Pro . CoOqP . HJflJi School sccra. lAxl and Jackpot evoit>

, g j ^ , ’ * r t o « « i y m a s s m I c m I * j4 _ ^ ~ri s . _ E f m i R yw **ire Idaho Povwb*bal, & S p o n s o r e d byb j Sponsora•rad by Sponsoreda d b y S o d b tis te r rw^ ira n t A B s k s iy ______^ heTbiesNews . ThETniiesNEi™I J. TIie'IniiraNn™ tMiorirtlpBwNMrtMwm ______SuttottA SontTJ8______Claudes S|S p o rta . Restaurai

.~i ------

'■ ' - - I ■ I Sotioturday. March 27, 1993_ Timarimos-Nows, Twin Falls. Idaho !a -3 Nation Lt " espite Slluccess o)f invest]tigation, jmbing; motive remainsis elusive N E WV YORK (AP) — T In v cstigigation i ofthe world Tro ■"Center bobom bing has achieved m ore a m onthJl than i ony law cnforccr dareddai predictt iiin thc frantic days after:r thcl \ ' . A blast. despite five arrests andd t th e :ry of the bomb's ingredieriients, ilottcrs’ motive remain a in s vn. stigators on Friday were on)n thci r another suspcct and traciacin g id s o f dollars from a b ro ad . y a lso w ere try in g to Hnci a ^ d y i : in the. blast that killedd six£ and injured m ore th an 1,0 0 0 suspects appear to> . be ientalist-Muslim5;-whidh raisraised— ...I ispect of anti-Western zealotilotiy. four appeared in court thtl is they proclaimed th thi e ir ice. Far from declaring h im s er in o holy war, one suspiispcct on the Koron itself*that hc involved. ally confusing was the\sufSUS- APplwte ' ' 1 ” jtter failure to evade detectio ide C enter during last avels, conspirators who ne\llcvcr Fjrenghtors gatheie r near the World Trade ioch others’ nomes melt !^wayaw month’s explosloion and fire at the twinI totower complex. Its afler the blast. But the m B u t de l/TJIII cheeked rented vehlhides that were devicee ssimilar to those used in j with the terrorist attack dicc st bombings. er Ihe w as s h o t by.police discovery rcponcd missing. terrorist b ParamfldtcB h atpLRIcKyJhprp. R 30. of Boronnev Lake. W ash., after imeh—Awatl-ond Elgabrowny ------J one person and woundlridlng six o th ers In a ranc th e p lo ? T - j ------A“scarch-of^alam In the town. T horprp Is accused of killing o unknown./ ‘used their names and . h . uncovered bom b mal are some very am atcuri his fellow Palcstiniaian at his office BilalI AlAlkaisi didn't ficc; he-showed to this attack.” :he FBI ofTice in Newaric, N J ., Oncc he,\yalked naked nn inio the gC ^ Eqim ll; Iheir ® phone ntnear the storage up at the : home next! door aiand drinking A former dairy farm p re ts’ utt(•etrospect, hc said, the shed. soying: he’d he heard agents wanted to' also sometimes haulc ntslon was inevitable. ' dishwater fitim the sink.ink. s In nov( Ihe A^yad was arrested:d at home, where talk to0 hhim. Thcy did, and then ' Thorp was convlcte ! the, big break — tl The neighbors wereeren't surprised f ^ — —-i-'''' Qregoo .' speak eac r the investigators say thcy:y found a liminR arrestedd hihim. -J robbery in 1982, said ery, just two days after t Friday that Thorp, 30,), wasv accused o f '— '—;— AP APphde m oments randomly killing onc3ne person and ^ couldn’t give details. T ihottCTcd thc center’s ’bascmsn c e n t on soid Thorp may have been»n been charged in reccr58 Thuraday ;, of 0 metal shard with FO R THIS W EEK’S wounding six others,•3, including his Benson SALE CIRCULAR cousin, as he strolleded down a rural using mcthamphetamincs.cs. drunken driving, twoSaoiti They'll: Identification number. Th COBRSECTION -I' - highway tho evening bebefore.- ...... Toxicologlogy tests w ere p lanned...... accidents and simple a In c rimd in the.FBI to the van th -Due-to tha maranufacturer-siercc County front doooor and shot the first personion including tools and a ch seem inieir g ] bomb wasn’t powerferful venience this malay have caused our vali sheriffs spokesmanm 'Curt Benson that camime driving past his house;”e;” seen him pull a gun c h to pulverize the vanI aiand Ite it as evidcncc, Ackcrmrman' said.. M cG eheeice said. didn’t know whether he ind they should have kno\iown f Q m Even aflcr he was: shotsh and on the . In a cailca to 911, Thorp’s motherher kill him o r n o t," Franklisay 3 d, the - 10 ground, as ofTicers apprpproached Thorp told polit>licc that as h e r so n IcfT thcthe "He was on drugs < "W hatm i f a part w ere not fo u n d , t he ‘Syos trying to get;et up and m ove house, “I “ Ihollered, *Get back here”’e’" always carried a handgctims had less lack of.cld ld investigators, victims,;. McGeheeh said. Benson saidaid Don and Diane Hoid B enson, wh'o'“ d is c o v e r that in recent days herier son had been one w asl3 Thorp’s' cousin, 30-yearK)Idold lived next to the ThorpThorp olso had bomb sho ; ■ - - “acting-very paranoid,4 Jstaying up.all. . Richard.Ci.Gcnhan,‘shot seyera! timesies Mid thot when Ricky entT years with garage, i e tw o exbhimged word& he once walked liakc/o hit-ond-run, vchicle l( night, locking the dooroors," McGehee after thct ------s - 's a i d r " P l c r c c - C o um n tty- Sheriff’s------G len -Ai-Andersonr94,.of.Tacoma,no, -home,-stuck.hisJ)eodunossault. police pointed spokesmanfCurt Benscnson added that shot at closecl< range as he backed his sink and d ran k dirty disi f for'more Informnation 733-7702)2 o r h om e Thorp had }>den covering ci the vehicle outoi o fa drivev^aV, died earlyrly Franklin said he Ittrklin. a retired M ^^m. C ^ all m e .to d a y i windows arid miirorss inir hts bedroom Fridayat at a Seanle hospital.. Anotherher Thoip “tried to do thes b rp h a d stolen it using(-4347. hi col but she k n ew how bad h with blanket. m an-shotot in the head was jn critical -ol occosions, The bo 1983 Chiyaler NcteTg Yorker chalnsaw. "I’ve that thei PrPrcvioualy owned by Mrs.L 1Blonchc Dctwcilcr. I on a guy ond enough'me t car ia finished in bcaulsuUful gold with maiching ctcalfskin interior, fully ccpiip[uippcd nnd cxitfcm cly he was going to eliminatewilh cMily 33.751 miles. Agtotts blast: cult wif[th noisid in soid. said. Anc ; constantly ... that even 1989 MerouiTy Topaz ‘ * igun,” Franklin FBI woi 'rcviouak owned by Mr. (S^ IMrs. Ccorge Gicber saky Hesjart’ neiKly w e all knew i wheel drive model haas ponly -18396 miles and.comcmes-in Anstic white.vili' outaulomatic transmission. i, is lAclihy BreJ cnew he was a jndilioning. ^ cruisc conirol.ol. power steering and po^Dwer brakes. W A C o! T exas (AP) P ) — The high' has gripciped that the tohk movementsnts clan In Mar^oiU'Utah, 1991 H onda Ac.c c o rd E X wo 13*day sranddff in Jae’s"their worst c a rs pitched tone o f arrT b ff-th e .-h o o k ore a brea■each p f trust b etw een thc two Mr& Harold b o u d e r ■ The family membershan domestic ' P^rcviously r e owned by M r.^g phone scrccched fromim loudsp^ers sides. y knew he hod extW jliful while with front wheeleel drive.' pow er ,■ :ge slaying a corrections of s obaolulcly our finesU ThisThi 4 door model is beouL Friday. ^ . D e s psite it the tactics, the siege sion, rcar dcfrasler and1 onlyon 32.851 m iles. ^ I shoot out the spotlightnd no fear of dO ming i & btBkes. air condiUoUoning, autonialic lrenamissi< It was another selselection from enteredi itsit 27th day Friday, and FBI »<>. thesi federal agents in anI e:escalating war agent DieJick Swensen said talks with'ith their sleep, 1991 C hevy Ca.!amaro lot “The trauma-inducioil, who have of nerves designeded to end the KoreshI andai his' followers were not Previously owned - Mrs. Ijois akoug events ore those that rpsa since 1974, montK-long standoff) f f w ith a rm e d pick in g; up-u] ix e inlcrlor and only 2L883J3 miles. This c u te an d sp oorty r car has a floor- t,” unpredictable," sai and rcar window defros5s te r . tto - .. icclin ed to s&y~ jnditionlng. AM/FM s te re o authorities ftwd. lanned to play, The man, whose namena was no^ . ' o 1 /eral days the discldscd, sat on the,le edge of the' O118 J Falls Avee in Tw4n F; speakers at gggff lOTOR bridge for seven hohours before THEISFor Years & Years Tl J ^77)© World To jumping, said Maryxry Currie, a TVvIn Fall spokeswoman -forr Ithc bridge 7 3 4 - ^- 4 6 0 0 I Main Ave. E. district. TION I

^ . | t ~ 'IW b'C qt , D v S ^ -

I l s . Only 1C air conc r a i l s 1 II kmiFt I A-4 Tlmos-News, Twin^In Falla.I Idaho Soturdoy. Maniarch27.1993 \ .

Nation1 ' . ; . Advlave special needs -employe 1 tbe same insurance pool. vice president,, andmd Health and (m ust be) abl^^iJo3 get{ specialized putlntbc iBlala said , “ W h a t the C linton Human Services Secrcicretary Donna E; treatment," said1 Bristo, 39. a Shslal inistration h a s ta lk e d about is to . S halala listened intentlyntly. ^ — quadriplegic. administ yetybody in a large enough risk . ------Hillary-Rodham-re, businesses h as backfliifired, in to ^ hi pool,” said Patricelli, chainnan with the debate ovc;ver health care wife of ^^^e law basiwUlUy says th at a n y rated poc o f Vice P re s id e n t Al Gore.>re. )resldent o f V alue Health, Inc., reform during her abs'absence from the 1 50 employees or and prcsi von,'Conn., w hich has' 1,100 nation's capital. senior WhiteW House aide overseeing:ing governors Thursday uto .update them Presidenent Clinton has promiseded to less is going to gercr charged one rate of Avon She joined ,Ira Magaziner, Mc the the cffoifon, ill a conference call.toI.to on White House deliberations. d sendConjongrcss h is p lan by M ay 3).' .' no motter what the tl age of the employeeoyces. GUnt(on digss into d people His moinother, a retired nun“5“ WASHINGTON>1 ((AP) — Health Amcricairican Hospital Association, said g ra m s en> wnii oncsthclislist, recenlly lost a breast i Tolc in shaping thee ddetails of the n B | ^ se cu re — SlSO y o u 1,1, ® and Human Servivices Secretary thc limliimited increases will create ' health carc packageJge his wife is couragc people his half-brother w ent Ihroug Donna E. Shalala rtrecommcndcd to "somee didifficulty- f o r th e small rural can still piclck your drug rch. assembling. >0 buy privalc ehabilitation and- his fir Congress on Fridayly 0 3.33 percent and urbturban hospitals. One in five ^In th e p a s t w e e k cor so, he has ^ r ^ l long-tcnn careare doctor, yoou’re stepfathericrdicd of cancer. ^ . .increase in-paymerents for treating hospitalstals is in financial peril.” ■c Clinton is the policy leodi ordered up 25 hours? ofo briefings in . " ~ / V 'S insurance. ^ - never goingI to1 lose Where ( Medicare patients inin-urban hospitals “Thesihesc kind o f constraints arc ureas ranging from lonjlong-term care to ’ "—yyJl Tlic poien-: n - - your heala l t h " 'I"com " cs to health care, his wil and 4.83 pcrccnt fortr mral1 hospitils. difficult )ules the political advic< :ull on them becousc they’re malpracticc reform1 to coverage of (inl price lags you’re =omr,but Under a Clintonn administration alreadydy losing I m oney on Medicare in lluirone area insurance, J*\ __ according ing fo one person who ha defense workers. alw ays gon deficit-reduction pla:lan, the proposed pMienis,"Its,” said W ad e, A little morc than,aI,a month before could rnnge l i n g to nttended1 s anywhere fromom . have it, ho nm atter M rs. Clintonc styles herself ° low er th an hospitals I . S2-billion 10 ’ you "citizen rc]representative" o n heolth cot cd sacrifice.’’ h e added, 3 deadline for presenllenting a reform w hether i ‘o l5iTnwin.'"°"'“ packagc, advisers -anii gettingg onxious $40 billiolion. W ilh n rartge lliul wide, change jobst ori lo s e *ias traveledITS frequently to fo'mn: Thc administratioiion also wonts to Shalaliilalo said her department slill for President Clinton> to make the big "it reallyly w ill co m c down lo whiiiL" is yourioh t and o thter er events to gather publi delay thc increase; ifrom Oct. 1 lo expectscts M edicare’s spending on decisions that m ust prC'precede wtirk on palatablelie politically^" snid nnoiher " ' commcnt:nt on thc problem an Jan. 1, 1994. inpatienticnt h o spital-care t6 'rise by 7.6 thc fine-print. person who w l hns bcerf closely follow-)W- possible; sosolutions. .. Shalala said theiC mo.ves w ould percentnl lc10 SSO billion next year, due “ I t’s direction thatt conci only com c ing tltew wc orking g ro u p ’s uctivhiesj — Presidennt Clinton T h e president pi laid out hi save ncariy $1.7 billionbi in fiscol in partart to'the aging of the i from the president," saisaid one person Clintonon snid-earlier this week lhalhat —■ I...... ' ovcrarchiiihing health care goals in™ a . 1994 and “cncouraj•age hospitals to populatioation. , . ------fom iliar w ith the w orkirrk in ^ o fth e lask he had sntsat through about 10-12 hoursurs don’t'think-he’s microtomanaging-thc interviewcw earlicr-this. w eek.- accomplish more efeffective control Thirtyirty-flvc;m ilIion clderly'or - force. “By thc beginisinning of nexl of/‘intens:nse sinff briefings" nnd hadtad working group process."5." assuring; olall A m ericans have access t oftheir costs,’’ whiclich ore rising at disabledled |pcopic n o w a r e covered by week, the roughest outlinesou should' another 12-1512 hours yet to go ■‘beforebre Slill, part-icipants nin' the briefings carc whilelile reining in mcdical cosuasts. gf gg„gnerai inflation. Medicarcare, and the number is - • em erg e pulling togetherher whot the plan I will bec in i n position lo m ake somemc report that the meelings;s m n long and He’s also:o ruledr out a govemmcnt-ru Rick Wade, a spoijokesman for the i; growingng kby alm ost 2 p ercen l a year. ig h ly d etn iled system, insinsisting the reforms buildd oon . • is g o in g to look like.” o f th e se;c ci a lls ." H is w ife, im iniry ry lhe president asks hig <■ F o r ex a m p le , on the thc question of Rodhamni C lin lo n , hud p la n n e d to questions. the privoK'Otc insurance market. “ThThe lo n g - te r m c a re a l h'home and in participulctale in thc briefings, as well,:I1, Bob Boorstin, a spok(ikesmnn for the issue isi howh do we make peopl> p i' nursing facilities,, ClintonC was but spentnl thc week in Arkansas wilh'ilh lask force, suid Clintonm brings to the secure —— so you can still pick you presented with fourir brondI policy . her criticalcnlly ill father. tusk 12 yenrs of expiperiencc as a doctor, you’reyo never going lo •°°»los options this week, fHis choices. Whilee HouseI spokesmun George•ge g o v ern o r “ irying to provide pr health your healilalih insurance, y o u 're alwayrays according to peoplele close to the Siephunonopoulos suid thut whilei le securily and bring downi/n costs for the going lo) have h it, no matter whethcther situation, range from>m p ro p o sin g o C linton has hi been exploring variouslUS pcopic of Arknnsns." - you changcnge jobs or lose your job,’’ h flill-blown social insuniumnce program health issuesiss wilh his advisers, "1“I Clinlon also approacln;hes health cure told CBS."S."’How do w e do that?” l-wilKM What Tworkingg, insure

. . .W A S H IN G T O N (A(AP) — When out, andd tthree in 10 said they hadad from an approved list,t, sw itching lo Clinton path pat is no more burdcnsomiame p e o p le w ith jo b s aiond medical stayed atot a job for fear of losingng different plans lhat ma>ay offer fewer than whatnt tthey.l^ce now. Disruption: insurance examinene President insurance,:e. . set^'iccs. “T here’s goingng to be a rcol. and benefii:fit cuts already>are'a fact o Clinion’s health rcfonform plan over •' But moj[lost people don’t rate healthIth explosion o u t there wheing developed' '’ “ R ed ulicing ci overall costs meansns thnn 3S0 mcdical, busineness, labor and fortunate: —- goes only so far wher in - g o v e rn m e n t g ro u p s E M te in s e c r e c y a t th c W W: hite House -incrcas.ing:tg individual costs, at least in - 5 to s o lic it lhe issue is a s |! ^ o n a l as health, inevitably will invinvolve some IheshorTar'an i.E . • ' M l M i l • 77 3 3 3 3 - I « I by contrast, are abstraitract and long Omstein,1, ao scholar at the Americanin industry. ? T h c a d m in is tra tio n is term — cost cfantrntrol, deficit Enterprisese Institute, concludes in nnin H illory Rodham Clinii„,o,i .hcho«d,'“on „ it. reduction, coverage of 36 million unpublishc(hcd essay. o f.thc health-reform tas!ask force, and * uninsured Americans. Clintonn acknowa ledged ns much inI na Ira Magaziner, the Whiteite House aide The formidable taskask facing the CBS inteieji^iew Wednesday night. Hele overseeing its work,;, hove been C linton adm inistration1 waswi cleor in on said em plcployers and employees arere soothing but ofien nonco:ommiltal. For ■ NBC-W all Street Jourru m al poll this " th e last place pl; wc ought-to look" forbr instance, Mrs. Clintoton. said she I month: Three-quarterters of those more mone;iney, but conccded “you niayly personally wouldn't want\ to tax P Treeasure W A T C H F‘O G R O U R E A S T E R I N c h u r c h . 'V T y w i P - I y /j I i laturlng: ' ( O n Palm Sundaday, April 4t^i; The Tirnrnes-News will publishih I • uKjL i k - ' 5 3 r a special churcf-rch page of Easter acti'itivitles. • 9 Hole Miniaturee G< o lf • KlddieBumper BBo o a ts ^ Thispage..gi.\ks. -• Little-4^ague^in to share, their uniqueur and special seiservices that surroundd ,...... , / j ^ Batting Cages. L th e Easter holid

Advertising Dea(?adllne; Tuesday, Marcirch 3 0 th' J wVe Have Somenething > Publication; Sunijnday. April 4 I ■ ■ 3 fr foor Everyone iiin Your (3 • f C h u rch e s, ifyyou c are interested'iiTn advertising > on this page,, t pleose Billi(llie a t T he Tim^s^Nevlews, , . I Entire Fami«Myi - .fi-Th'he Blue Lakes Malllall • 734-8231:^ r C “733-0931, Ext.xtrzOSTor more'iriftifbrm atidh.

J, ' ‘ {■ 1^...... ■ - ' ■ ! ...... '■ I I ■ ■ • I ’ . / ’ i . • , J • . J , ^ SoSaturdoy. Mofch 2 7 . 1993 T.moTimos.Nows. Twin Foils. Idaho A-5

• T. I ■ I ______\ I ■ " ______1 World ^ S i o ml i a l i ' - P l Russian p] o w e r sstrugglee c o u l d i wart< )rce soled i e r s t o I choose3 s i d e s lords I I en Firem an Union,1, wwho organized a mcciing in Ncwsda;day Analyy # * ® Moscowow ini defiance o f the minister’s I orderss lost los month and-possed resolu- wamtied I )SCOW — It is the kindnd of ‘ "Ccrtainly, the arm:my feels very un- lionsvehcmcnlly denouticing drama- lhat seems, moreore at comfortable in a situtluation o f political Gmclicv,icv, Yclisin and thc govcm- MOGADISHU,J, SomS alia (AP) — H / home min a novel than in the news]:wspa- cijsis," said-.Col. Vladimir Kon- mem'sK foforeign and national security U.S. Harrier ictsts iand C obra heli- VM L.< I pcfs: A IKremlin power struggle: spillssp dalovsky, a memberr co fa group called .policies,cs. Copter gUDshipBps roared over 'ffi , over intinto the Russian military,f, eand Shield that Is campipaigning for rc- ll is; unclcarum how much support the - Kismayu on Fridaylay as an American- suddeni)nly the worid’s largest anarmy forms iii Ihe Russianon military. "Thc Olficcrs:rs-Union I has in Ihe army; ac- led m ilitary coalitfo:Ition sent a message ' to crack into unconirollrolled ' arm y isn..t supposedI t(to be loyal to thc. countss oof f its Fcbruary meeting in thc to rival Somali warl/axlords: Stay 'outof H , I, nnuclear w eapons and all. president, to the parlirliam cpi or to thc Russianon medja n said anendancc num- tow n. : - with President Boris N. Yelt'eltsin Constitutional Court.t. I It is supposed to bcrcd onlyonlj in the hundrcds and that a ; T h e dlBjjlay of aeriala< might over H his opponents in Parliamiament be loyahonly to'thele constitulion large percentage per of those present the southern portt was'wi a prelude to a ■ i in a duel ibr supremacy, moremc and to thc mothcrrand.id." were rclinretired ofTicers. - broad, tw o-day swe -cunslitulion. well, >w hal do you statementent thoti the union w as tiying to Kisihayu. . , one c ain n !say how the army wpuldId re-r mean?" sow divisilivision in thc ranks but lefi no The arrival off tlthe Marine am- fbesmlake j peac And while most sol;oldicrs appear to doubt oboioboui hts gro u p ’s contempt for can stay out o f Grochcv:v anda fo r the president who phibious assault forebrce cam e less than______tf itlnnH w nrm ty___nympntheti now , there is rio evidence: that lh be hoping that they c ------r -w u e k ' a fter-ih e -v Its of'“lhc~armed~forces"ar*arc—ihc-banlersomc-are-a: -alrcady-cagcr-io-•appointed itedhim-.- I ------;------(- - On the banks of the RivRiver 'said. Lomax declinedIdtTb^inTr! ------U.S. A im y 'rapid1 deployment di team prepannging lo intervene in thc powlower Joinit. "Tlic: reresolution .o f *our assembly :wal; below the famous bridjridge viewed. of sop soldiers sent Even as GrachcvV delivered his colled him (Grachcv) a traitor to thc uilt by slaves and POWs, a1 fofor- Japan begiin buildiding Ihe 258- in.the city betw een N . country's lop military lcnd<:ader, pledge of neutrality to a nervous P ar-' mothcrlant:land, ond he is onc." Kutkin x r a s icr Japanese Army • interpretjreter mile railway from NiNong Pladuk. n™ " ___ N o sooner had thithe army left than . >e Minister Pavel Grachcv. hash liament on Sunday,. hc added thal said. pologized I ^ d a y to Ihe form'irmcr Thailand, to Thanbyivuazvat Bur- Defense I '.|um o^^egan circuirculating th al'b o th ■ g'Jjjj to k c^ Ihe army on the sidside* there were troubling■ ssigns o f efforts ' ‘*Thi:: higheriiig arm y ofTiciais fight for ritish prisoner he helped inteinter- mn. in June 1942. 1 The army leadership Thursdirsday lo polarize thc armyy along political YeltsinI becausc bei tlicy know ihere are )gate 50 y ears ago. was intended to supppply Japanese Tor ano th er a tte mpt p t:to t^ c thcicity, firm orders lo all soldiers:rs Ip. lines, especially in unjnils stationed in documentsents thal com prom ise them. Nagosc Takashi and Eric; Lo-L< troops in Burma. • prompting the newcw deployment of euiral, and most of ihoscc rc-r and around thc capital.ll. When YelisinYell; resigns, all o f them will lax, two graying 75-ycar-oldolds, . M alnutrition, tropiipicnl disease. thc Marines. ng say they want lo do exact;actly "The army is undcdcr conlroi right be tried.J. YclisinY< is com cred.” he said. look .hands and wept inI tlthe heat and brutal treatiiment killed fPO^'ne • Army Maj. KcKen Robots, o now, but Ihc siluatioiion is becoming Konovol□volov. th e head o f his insti- }urtyard o fa museum dcdicatccated more than 100.000 /Asian labor. : would never go with armsns in sharper, especially inI thell forees o f the tute’s cciiti:ciitcr for the sludy o f military spokesm an for the: c(coalition, said the ' ,, ,.000 B riiish, " I the “Death Railway.” whO!'hose crs an d som e 16,0 inds against our own peopleiple," Moscow region." Gnjruchcv told the policy, saijsai}! Iic< believed thal extreme Marines, Belgianss andt U.S. Army “ m d A m e n c a n instruction cost the livess inds os they talked. L om ax, a retired unimivcrsity Icc- ' I ^ ^ i Marine Col. Fred Peck, chicf \l K IT C H E NN L O O K . .. ■cd C. Nagase. q longtime activistt forfc turer, Was captured in i thc 1941 L - V ^DOKING FCO R A N E W spokesman for thehe coalition, said conciliation among Pacific w{war fall of Singapore andid sent lo thc __ _ _ each side was acousijusing the other of iterans, , said thc 30-mlnu(inutc- B urm ese border jungh;lc prison. • ( j l - I RIETY OF DC E S I G N S moving into, positionon to tak e thecity, eeting freed him of 50 yearsrs cof Japanese ' militarary policc w i 4■ 0 0 S E F B=10M A VAF but that allied groun(und and ocrial pa- Slilt and sham e. severely beat and totortured him -tafi* trols had uncoveredsd ino troop move- ^ “These arc the happiest mcm o- and o th er ofTicers sisuspectcd of y i/l ■ Q U A L IT Y MATERIAL P LSTQ mcnts. - ■ ■ ents o f my life,” hc said tearfulrful- draw ing railw ay mapsips nnd keep- • ■ ■ITH HIGH-C The allied troopsIS willw set up road- ing clandestine radios,IS. blocks and otherr eople a n d wound- * r accepted th c apology and w aas m eet a t th c R iver Kwa^ai. . • _ ing‘50. The two warl/orlords have been ______' contesting the city for months.'- ^______------Gen.~Mohamed-FniFnrrah "Aidfd, one a « o f So m alia’y m ric lpIpal a warlords who / \ Tfterlkta][ ] EniAboml b i n & i is allied to rJ^ , acciaccused the allied MOT coalition • drT'abetticiting Morgan’s - i '- * takeover and temporaorarily w alked oul | o f a p ea c e conferenceice in neighboring 's awkwanrdlo belrirish ■ T4 E thiopia. AP) year-old club with tw(wo broken win '' The conference dragged dr on Fri- 'Y'^^ARRINGTON, England .(AP ’J l i l l B — ^ a s dow s a nd a fire-blackeicened door. J day, ^ th leaders of Somalia’s 15 — Inshiishman Chris Whitehouse kened as his English neighborbors Police can do nothithing about thc factions holding infonformol meetings “ sicker d in flood of abusive callsIs to thc clu b ’s to try resolve differeferences over the when Wtwo IRA bombs exploded ii -old pliy phone. composition and povpowers of a pro^ <1“'®uiet town, killing a 3-year-ok md m ortally w ounding a 12- 12 Warrington Policei have1 reported posed new inteKm goigovernment. ^oy and ^ said Ameri- yc^-old.)ld. threats and abuse agai;ainsl Irish resi- McMwhile, Robert ight dents of the town, sincesi Feb. 26, nd w ounded four he ' also thought thcy migh 3 3 HP 'AT 1-1 jj|l can troops-shot and when the IRA bombeded a natural-gas Somali teen-agers wl;whbn th eir vchi- ilieve him. )u notice p eo p le io o k ln g at yoiyou works in Warrington1 aand shot a po- cles were stoned in1 twotv separate but Yo“ i furmy — It’s uncomfortable,’lie,” licc officer. T w o Irishshmen w ere ar-1 related incidents near ^hehouse, 42. -“! feel like the'th( rested shortly aficrwiward and face M ogadishu’s port on I ire being m ad e to answ er for foi charges fo r those attacJiicks. h e IRA did.” T he backlash is subdued st com- nathan B all, 3 , w as buried Fri- pared to thc vigilanteite attacks that Steelwoijrkers J grim Pany, 12, died of his in-in­ followed IRA bombingngs in Blrming- juries on T h u r ^ y . ham in 1974, which kllled21 k peo-. Irish Club, which WhitehouselUse pie. Irish em ployees liin an automo- E C O R . S EEE E Y O U R in Germnany run, was closed os a sign o f're- re- bile factory were beateIten by English DMPLIMENMT A N Y D E A spect. OOutside, a policeman stoodood co-workers, a Catholiclie chureh was , against a repeat o f the attacksicks petrol-bombed and an Irish social Q M j /lA T E R IA L (C E N T E R S3 F O R protest ccuts 8^"»o f Ihc pipast month that left the 31-3 1 - club w as set ablaze. JILDING Mi BONN, Germanyf (AP)(- — Swig- ging beers and wcafinfring hard hal5, an r m r o i n fFORMATIOO N , I D E A S , A N D $A VV I IN G $ . anny of- steelworkSrlin, matchcd W 'T r m m m m through Bonn on Frid■riday demanding T he B a r n . SN governm ent help inin rescuing Ger- ^atAd V f Hi (Jermany’s industry,ty, led by famous ' I^EW S h ipm en t OF0 I nd o o r P laANTS ^ - b firms like Kntpp, onceice was the pride ^ ofthe nation. But now')w W estem Euro- . ______voith instotore specials. pean .nations are undeiider strong pres- ^ I sure from the Europeapean Community. Bare Root Fjuitit T rees' $ 2 . ^ J ______to out steel prpductfoi!tfon. to additi6n, <■ 49 ^ m ] iO.vQri’cties to c h o o s e -^ m ...... MX-Ap i tions Is b eing sold at baib ^ a i n prices. ^ _ _ ' L abor union ofiicia:icials say up to > ' »Fackson _ Perkins [ 55,000 of 125,000 job!jobs are in jeop- / J f I ardy from steel compaipanies’ plans to / ^[to s e s ...... ;...... I shut down plants becau»use of oveipro- 1— , ‘ duction an d w orid reces:cession. ' - Tho CUSTOM BUlUT / \ Addlion Avc !. Protesters carried a black coffin W istland. K M BUILDING M)(/lATERIAL CENTERS ■FREE” "F ESiilMATES . 1 painted with the wordsds “Gcfm' im steel f \ TwlnFiFall* 1 industry” to Friday’?J ralfy,ra held on a * 8518 “ ; vast law n in front o f BBoi onn University. Franz Stelnkuehler, clucHairman of 10 \ . ^ O L ' ' I , Metall, the powerftilf\)l steelworkers -CO TWIN FALLS OOODIHa BURLEV union, to ld ,the protestcesters the Indus-. ' i f c e H i i inO lUHO *Vl. ( }1»WU*I>I iijUAiN joimntjoio . tiy ’8 troubles were, ^part of the eco- v •, gA»^m oE^^EirrEn^5^ ' \ - - m 7M>SB71 .3 24-«iei 034*8427 • 678-e3fta '___ I t - nornlc, social and politiclitical m alaise. . SSBSCL j ■ ...... — ' I - \ I- , \ ■ -

... I A-6 •nme8-Now3. Twinn Falls.F Idnho Solufday. MarchMn 27. 1993 ComiciIS

P e a r i u t e ; B y C h a rle)S s M . S c h u lz F o r B e e tto r o r F o r W o r s e •. BylLy'nn J o h n s to n

HELLO? OH. I [ OH.NOTMTMIN6..- I SHE PIP?SHE iY ajf-m ^opveor^ SH E SPENT iHE WHOLE. ^ F HEPnvfe(3oW /sne. n ORRY.. LOE ] JtiiliTa-^.Ei-fSMe'S t ,FnFIa

'"O'f e t e

3-37 ■' , Calvin and Hobbes;es______SS_ : By B ill'II W atterson . 'lUJtR! •nSW ! BVIRHIHGiBftlCHT. \ i im . HRO\t^W^T,, hWAfitHTWM FLAMWfcSlE PEUNE$NE$ - WH^T THIS JS 'rtH'4 I TO Blondfcdfe .By^ean'in Young & Stan Drake T h e F ar S id e By G ary L a rso n J.' IH TOt roRtsts oe tm£ nicNIGHT." IMfnGER W^S CH, Fl'FlBE. A VIEWO SOBitCT.CT FOS, SLEEP THRCWGUGH MOST I------r,nv Mfl. s u m : ______Mktet m s TWL GOT )7 : STRyCK ------PfXJM . r ^ OP W£ W .JM STEAO.^ I'M A ) I \PL&>LeAse, JU ST owB s r o i r y ? ^ ■ s '*:------. WILL vVOI o u T E U .) LITTLE S I fWEI■HEN "IOO CAN 17— - - —r— Bl LlSWrNlHG OR S0M5OMtlVllHG, ^ V i I — ME A^STOBYj^-n^ s t ) i Ia-EBP...le , WELL. ^ y ms... & / ■ ______m ______W-\- --- =H B .C . ______By JoOhnny l Hart ...... ------1 I HOU?J ? tr.* V~^ 1 rHE THE STOItyTELLES HAS HOU?'P IT.' y ' . foO 8I E UP ANO THE LITTLE i^lp HAS TD BB LYINS ; / .• W..

■ ' _ g

■ ■. - 4 i U . IP "Ncvdoubt about il. lK»ya..bo> . . Sm th«M markl^ ■ ' '1*^ ‘ on the bottom? ThiaI lia la an Apache pia p a n r G a rfie ld ______. B y’ JJim Davis DennisIs 1t h e M e n a c e B y’ HankH. Ketcham ' T h e Fam ily C irc uIS s B^ Bil K e a n e I'M TIREP OF HAVJNCING T H E \ SAME THING- POR? CD IN N ER J io T H lN & ^ EVER9 NIGHT.;. ^

i I

■■ ■ I 4 1 ■ / / / ^ . I " I ® ffW,PAV;& »-17 ■ HI a n d L o is ______By C h a n c:eS e Browne i — ■ T \ p j m . . S BEEfJ j TWAT^ 'ALt- r i ^ J l AFT&ZMSlE FOB Y '^R ^ 1___ 5 f ■ i WE CAM APPCf e c c > , ' 1 ^ ^ TO pur^^ /AppmoN'■ ^ i 3 - 2 7 ^ ■ \ ^ O M THEHS Mouse I I

\ “Jeffy’sn oM tv very good at N intendo,). hH e can only > L Ihi I^H i "I canYt cEVEN HAVe A COOKIE,ANDD LUTTLE Ofl£»C ^ b e a|t t C D a d d y ." ?M - i } ■ HORNER•R IMAO A CHRIST/MS P tE j"I// I

ACROSlO S S It [3 Is U 1 Clonninning j______f 11 ! ! / I a -n 1 ______r.n»HCitcc wxcuj^jte implomo m e n ts '* Sydney OmaiH* I The W Irard o f Id ~ {By Brant Parker & Johrhnny Hart swonao.d o rs ------— ■;— •* 10 LoososiOS " H o r o s c o p e —s. I 14 Borderler o n . = ------h loRM /Mg CAN YOV INTitoao £iippoP PneYP -~ y / ^ H Y I ^ \ --ISAuihofo r Zolo ______I —I - IF MAPIARCH 27 IS YOUR BIRra- / I lV/lfJ7 TO W-4&Tg /W'l'‘I le.Opora- n s o n g / You WAH7 V - I I D A Y : Y^ou ou possess secret of “universal Mei&HgQP^ M T^^ 17 Drinks •■». h 2S Sociors _ I I sensitivee .concerningco body image. Flirta- i t ' l .■ . I' - 26_ToII____ “ . - " T n r n r . tion .w in11. . laidle spice during Juy. Your., 1 ; . 20PofJorrT}rm er s _ ^ m esm mo oroble monlh o f 1993 is likely^ —g l I i j omissais a ry ** tobeOctobi:tober. Romance and financel ------1 30 Ovor k ^ S i : 13 (M arch 21-April 19):.Y ou’ll 31 Wiikesr-jsr—.,Pa. •* I - A W E S ( be saying.ng. ‘'What a way to bc^n the . H a g a r t h e H o r r ib ie ^ ______. By ChrisS 1 B ro w n e 32Englno.il e p a r t ■ ^ ------^ 35 Boy- ■« ■ weekcndl"’,dl"’,Reason for odiilantion b s v r 0 Makeup)UP '“ Yejlerday-L PuzzIale Sdl»ed: ; excelleni guidesl Emphasis on . r r c ^ g e l a in 1* 1 ^ HoTtilN& To ^ ( 41 Lacquoiu or 7 Wino I IR M S IA 0 Al wide appealpcnl. larger audience, inore al- E g sfc ia O . Ingrodiod iont 8 Pinir i T / f / J - f EM O V A ll tention 6 ^ 1ent, pTD^lucL c ± ^ ^ 3 , 42 Adjustsits tho ' 9 ElfervoscentIt ■ T E M PmA Tl I lo l — oiarm^ w aters ^ n M w p NloT GEMltoI to (May 21-June 20): Scenario ? > * 7 '•• ■ ^ W . ' ^ 43 Now OflOrleans 10 Potontial BOIBIAIHlBlEI features revelation, rev discoveiy. inspim- playorir V It Abrade tion, fre shih ststart in difleieni direction. L u­ inilinldaIdaiod 12USsatollito j Iw Id Ia Iw | C [E I narpositiontion h ig h li^ ts private screening, Dogonoinorate 13Wnrblod I ll ll m i liulll dining inI out-of-wayoui place. 21 — do lole giras ras |ftjv|||D yffl^||~|'[~[ 3 E R (June 21-July 22): Intuitive B y M ort I e M p I a Ih i b c a n c e r Beetle Bailey irtWalKer O K S sch.sc subj. 22 SharpenV- intellect ““WC w o ria overtime.” Female fam i- ; 7 ] 53 Run awiiwny to 24 Rool edge ■?£ A S E 0 If >er ‘claim^ “No one pays aiten- W H A TS 5 ^ T S y j N S " V 'T H E M c5A f?& E " J . . marryf 26 Mnralhon. lor tion to mic c !” l” Be kind, generous but d o n ’t ^ ) -K? CREATE __ ^ 54 Shoo bcltomt)C ono rew ard blod a d behavior.b - T H A T ? V Q 55 BroQthIr V rA _/T^ SOME R?OC :hlng sound 27 Black, to a poePOOt fM lM SlHtfiHlilplol (July 23-Aug. 22): You'll have- 56 Fall flowowor 28 Mosos' brotheither II llll mM i rilfll’i? I n'TB 5 B I c ^ ITEALS TMAT \o celebmte - you'll be “'re- .>>. 57 BqHoiI movem 29 — and boarr ItIt | d{e Im m B e Ie I|.Ie* Iiiibm I I r»i ^ A P P E A L T O SB RaisedId 31 Indonesian iJfi.^U sJJL i£.^ leased” fromrom obligation both foolish and "^T-pj^TH B MEM iS ,H SiilX iU dangerous.IS. S p o tli^ l on leodciship, pro- M/P P '^ y * ^ 60 Ain distdistance 32 Gnvo a (also0 03/27/93 motion, prodsroduetion; prestige. alarm >' • VIRGO0 0(Aug. 23-Scpi. 22): Let go o f y 7 / ' - OOWNN 3 3 " — ' 40 Church bonchos 463 Clothes( status quo10 -- attention revolves around 1 Alnn AidAlda sorios MIslMhavin'" 41 Caroused 47^ Ollforont( advwisinn.*!ng,'distribulioh. unique wnra of , 4 v / / / / 2 Thooterler a w a rd 34 NY players 42 Singor Kenny 463 Boi foolishly MrmnimiMiiicaiion. Read between fines, N-— , I t 3 Infatunti'intion 36 Newspaper 43 Detection device- t 44 •■— ol Two 5 0^ /«.«? I ' check refererferenees. ^ 3 7 E 4 Rds. section K (Sept. 23-Oct. 22): Those I ' 5 Disproveove 37 Diamond fealutQluro Cities'^ 51I A/ ntlorod animal _ 6 Loavos)s Iout ' 39 Dispatched 45 D^nit (with) ' 54. vaca,spot\ 1 you couldn't write your way • By B o b5 T ' h a v e s apcr-bag-wilt-be-eatmg-crowr^ " sw u s wilh i t h words' and music surge to W HaFitriggers a yaia v r a s a ih o n g ps e o p le • forcfrunt.. Mh arital status emphasized., ) 0 — A ny (Kll./.$ ~ ^ Changc ofif scene SC' will prove bcneilcial. PERSONN[ N E L ' ^ You kno;now how.you yawn when'yoiyou ...... ■" ] SC O Rn PIO o (Oct. 23-Nov. 21): Empha- / M / i ; c i‘IN < O ■othersrs y; a w n ? I t's not ju sl th e sigh^ l y d sis, on harmony, haiT color coordination, • t of Ihcir openop mouths, evidently. Hid-^ LM. BO] iship, musici bringing pleasure / t A U L O O H 1 (lert*camcraera testers covcred yawners'="■ What’s wh'h a t? " to loved onessnes. Finxncial status o f partner t mouths. And A learned onlookers rc* rc- o r m ate coom m mr ands attention. ■te=» • / . . _ 1 - /<■ ^ n i m a u s i (Sf r = ^ - V ., 2 spondeU wjwilll yawns anyway. Foreheadlead — — — - - J j s a g t trTAR t a IU S (Nov.> 22-Dcc. 21): o and eyes ulsoul: irigger. lalk more in private. Thatat has been doc- Maintain auroaur o f mystery, intrigue. C o- Il's ugnir;ninst the law in London.- Ong-Ing- umented. Biit withoutut explanatory worker statestates, "Without you this place JT^' land. 10 makc ma love on a parked motor-tor- noies. w ould fall11 apaitl”aj Accept compliment. ------T M A vE$ g 3“27 _ cy^c' } n 'l a sk m e. I'm no athlQte. Abe Lincoln once dcclidined AH invita- keep it in1 properprc perspective. Love rcla- ‘n - thc ^^iod'to bccome goveniup-^ ~ ------J .headline “p. ' Territory, according to thchc historians. C w U ^' 19): ling Alligdlors grow c i^ t irin c h cs a year. You’ll se c t B y A rt S a n s o m I newspaper. It was ihc winning X people, places in realistic •^e Bom Lp^or ) m agum e stalTcontest for Iheihe Jn Ihc time of King Hcniy I- Vill, i\ li^t .-thislis .contmsts.i to false expcctn- ^ most imagi nd* was considered indecentIt for men, too. lipns. Lunar ETvjhyWJCVOO ^ I f^THeKe^>iNOTHING 1 ^1^IT S OEFlHlTeLY aginatively spcciacular head* nar position highlights excite- /[ ^ line. Siibmimilted by thal wit bf60 yeurs;urs to bare Iheir aims in publii•lie. ment o f disciscoveiy, o physical attraction. WAJOllWiTHAJSlATtCll , ^ B E T T EfEROM f | J weiROiOUTHC J ( 3J/ . '■- ago.DoroihDthy P arker. • Q. did Edstr RiUce Btimni^ AQUARItJUUS (Jnn. 20-Fcb. W): in s t e a d OF A MOKMAi,/ ^ POSHWgA < ■ Avemgeje household piano nowow nomo bit chatscter*T«i2B:aa"? You’ll be askedosk. to do "double duly.” L e t' A. In'the fictional apec lang'jage crc- go of prevtoi C H A M N ^ ? ^ — I l^^w rTtieggJy^ [ ] \ weighs 22525 p o unds. n’toiu notionsaccept chal- ) , . Q.Whyily ia tho air over tUe Arctic so aied by Burroughs, ’‘tor”• meantr •‘white” lenge. prepan:pare'te adventure. You’ll be ' J _npicb moreire'pollutcd air over th e nnd '"zan'' m eant “skin.'* going'placesieesl Itrtn recently missing.wiU‘ —( ' ■ AntKctic? Whni normal animalI tissue grow s be voluntarilyirily returned OoodI A. Numemerous industnal.plants oper-•cr- most swiftly?. Som e s a y deerantlers.de : PISCES3 (F'(Feb. 19-March 20): Individ- r " ^ nte nt far northernno latitudes. I-vcn moreore Thc Netherlands makekes the Cham- ual previoush>usly elusive is now available, I did 50 bcfoefore the Soviet Union camcmc bcrs of Commerce a partt oc f the govern- will respondnd tot calls, requcsts.'Take ini- ' ' undone. • ment. tiative, impriiiprint style, let others knbw, . -rWcn ualk lk m o re ^n public. W om)cn en Whales' songs rhyine. T v e go t pienijlcntyloofrcrl” ." J - ■ ' - " ------1—^ ■i- ' . r ■ . '7 ' .

Saiurday. March 27. 19933 Tlmos-Nows. Twin Falls. Idaho A-7 I ' ' J-1 ldaho“ ^____' • - i ______

Bri^f e f l y ' AndIrus sij[gns g n•oi^p rejform ppackage G litz ey B O ISE (A P) —— Gov. Cccil Andrus jM Jf— a ' Thc small losscjsscs suffered by any given insurer syes Idaho’s ^ 61E^ernatorial race Has signed legii{islation providing . Idaho 11 ^ ’ group reform woui/ould be recovered from a fund ' B O ISE ~- FormerF Populist Party presiiesidcntial candidate James "B”B< o” greater acccss to> Iheallh insurahce for ? a t u r e i f , package r- finaninanccd through assessm en ts on all G litz is hintinging that he may run for govern» nor o fld a h o next year. small businesses,s, aiTecting as many IM * equircs insu- insurisurance companies serving small Oritz d rwN riotldhalr media ahention.la•last August for negotiatingg tlthe as 80,000 uninsurejred Idahoans. SHE vi rcrs offering businusinesscs. surrender “ofR" Randy i Weaver and Kevin H coverage to . State St( Insurance Director Harp' _ I Harris after an 11 -^ y standan d o ir TTje s „ „ | | oup reform package, towaw ard providing health' insunjuronce to .1 .. w ith federal,, statesti and local officers at W a ■:-m small busi- Walt/alrath will im m ediately begin Veavcr’s northern Idaho cabin, produced overr 1two years by ^he empnployees who need it w ith o u t Gritz, whoD pipolled 10,281 votes for pres nesses to puttiutting togelher the reinsurance resident in Idaho last Novemb Health Care Taskk Force, will provide bankinkrupting ihcir com panies in thi; fo r o ne o f h i s t provide a boar(oard imd a benefits committee so is best showings in the natiorion, said Thursday that thc stastate health insurance: fairnessI and equity procio c e s s ," th e g o v e m o r sa id . coutd.leod thehe West in refusing to follow ■ basic health thele programp can be ready to take )w thc rest of the country into “. for small groupss 'of .employees who TliT h e l}ill is o n e o f ju s t twvo o to1 pais single w orld gogovernment , - W policy to oil cfTccl[Tect on July I . • .. have been monost affected by thisis winter that address-ihci problempi ■ ■ He ^ d forei >reign ownership in the Unilc(ited State&iuis reached the pomtpoii escalating healthh care and coverage o f iinadequate or unaffoiTordaWe Andrus small busi- “It will provide insurance,to many that overseas in s investors will begin forecloslosing on thc debt by cxtractircting costs, Andrus saidid on Friday. insuis u r ^ c e c o v e ra g e f o r u p to Ii nesses. Rates wholho have been shut o u t o f th e market natural resoiucc y class and could not q o j irces from govcmmcnt-owncdied land. . . “Through the ctcooperative effort of Idahiahoans. Thc other;'whichh!v“ y, nl|lo would bc-set by nd will eliminate many of the. industry, govemmment, legislators and thcc governor earlier thisis week 'ncrcase more thahan 2 0 p ercen t a y e a r. - jJ uLirrent r rc problems sm all employer Challisci qiiake a small eevent this timeI groups represcntiiting the uninsured, cxtertends existing insurance poliMlicte^lo Policies coulf f aiactivity since (he 1983 Borai>rah quake. n rcgistrsilon requirement*. HB432 (Approprpriations) — A llocates sysiemiiem for periW iance audits. « Signed By Oownoiya ' . JHB^ 8129 (Human RcM>urce*) —• TrTransfers S3l.£ m illion for l<1994 opcraiions of the HBl 16 (Health and W elfare) — Requires Inm atesi solution to g art 1 HB32 (Trantportaitation iind — ^ m ilinistfation n i o f Underground StoragBtagcTank Division o f Vocationainal Education. healthalth district compliance with the rbage pondered Provide* for NaiionianaI?QiiBtfktfiilinctivfrs.^Upgra grade program from Departmrtment of HB433 (Appropria!riations) — Allocates S4.8 adminii . #0CATELL(LLO — -The Bannock Countinty Commission is studyir\gr\g a vehicle plalc* to be>e iducT^Tor extended (%mmnnierce to stale treasurer's oflice.X. million for 1994 opBpcraiions o f lhe Public HB:HB326 (Revenue and Taxation) — proposal fromn a recycling company to use'ise inmates a t the h ew women* HB:1B202 (Judiciary. Rule*les — and Health Districts, Incrcas;rcases revenue to the seareh and rcscue state prison to0 stsort garbage for recycUng: tation ?nd Defcn*e) — Admitministration) — Amends lawsws on the HB434 (Approprpriations) —> A llocates accouni:ouni. Require* tnufners oncn motorbikes and all- crimcnc of fleeing or attempting to eludee a S48.9 m illion & 199^>94 operations oflhe state HB2HB2SS (Resources and Conservation) — The countyty generatesj 175 tons of gagarbage daily, and Americale a n . tcnain vehicles, policcccoflleer. I . Concciion* DepartmeinenL S etsts fefees for reclamation by dredge and Recycling Inc;,c;, told officials Thursday thethe am ount o f debris going intinto HB272 (Local Goviovcmment) — Sew up HB!1B203 (Business) — Makes;es Idaho HB2S7 (Resource*:es and Conservation) — placercer rminers. . — th e county land:mdfill could be reduced by’ 7:75 percent through sortingT fofor procedure* for anncut xation and consolidation collectection agencies subject lo Feder:deral Fair Require archery cduclucation before an a nhery HB261 HB2 (Business) — Allows sUtc , recycling. > * o fh o tp il^ diilricu. D ebtC)t Collection Act. liunting pe rm ilcsn b5c c obtained. investriicstriicnt in federally g u a r a n ty l^ans for • HB29t (TnmipoRflirtfllion *i;d Defense) — HBI1B204 (Judiciary, Rulesles and HB259 (RcMuice*:e* and Conservation) — i undcrgr Amencan RecyclinglsalesRe r^re^tativItive W a^c Baker told count;.“‘’• y . S>rovjdes guideline* for{ot ceruin audit* by Ihc Adminninistration) — Provide* thatI delivery.de Pioiccu 163 m llcsoftifthe Boise River Basin. ■ SBSBI139 I (Agricultural A ffairs)' — and city officialrials about 25 percent of trasiash removed from the county’Ity’s TrvtfpcruirDnOepartirrtment. po**csisession or manufacture o f controlUrolled drag HB25B (Resources:es and Conservation) — Authorithorizes increase in corporate document waste stream1 wouldw< be nxycloblc plasticic andi glass. At>out 50 percent;c n t. HBM 3 (Bnvironmcf,lenial Arfasts) -* Makes o r wweapon ei by prison or jail inmaiimatc is a Allows resident* o f' adjacentac states who own feess by the secretary o f state. anfcipate in depredation SBSBI I 160 (Commerce and Human m ixed paper, wwc ood and lighl plutics, woulould be transform ed a t the plan)Iant leehnicBi changeiI tot thc lolid waste felony. . land in Id ah o to pan HB3j"b 3 13 (Revenue and Taxation) — ,Allows hunu on Uieir Idaho land.Iai R esoursources) — Doubles worker's into pelleted flic "'^lW 34(W «y» endid Means) — Revamp* optionon of declaring a manufacturedd hchome as HB254 (Resource*e* and Conservation) — compennpensation burial benefit to S6.000. law* for county reeeeords retention and real pnproperty and provides/or reversalrr*al oflhe Imposes a tw o-year atatutcst o f limitations on HB3HB330. (Slate Affaira) — Brings i option. fUh and gam e misdenvmcanor violation*. municicnicipal elections under s u te election law*. Idaho Bealls police sdy tlthey need help HB360 (Wayi andnd Means) — Bring* HB3IB328 (State Affairs) — S u r u processor'pn> HB402 (Revenuelue and Taxation) — HB3HIB389 (R evenue a n d T a x a tio n ) — ID A H O Fa A lI l s — Some Idoho Fallsills Policc Department patroItrol leleelion of health careca providers for the strategie ^ e planning for *Ute agencies.I. Formalizes sa les taxX calion for snd mining businesseises devoted to producing breakok IhUial recognizes the tim e they must bold Program in line wilh budgetbu yean. 1994« u;operations o f state Board o f EducationEdi tangible ppisonal propc)pctiy. propcrt)pcrty before realizing iu Riarket value. . ""shortage on thhc e b1 rat ond inod^uale o r incoiiconsistent training. I1B388 (Stale Af\ffairs) — Rcduire* speeial:ial education programs. HB384 (R evenue andai Taxation) — Brings HD4HD436 (Appropriation*) — Allociitcs ■ ■ There is ta lklk aabout organizing a union, j documentation and: vvalidation of federal HB4IB403 (Appropriations) — AllocatiKation for community lib rary districtdi: fiscal years inlo S40.0001,000 to Ihe Govemor'* Em ergency Fund. Police Chiefief Monty Montague said FiFriday that the concerns dr.AIIocalljcalion Tor HB379 (W ay* andid Means) — Gives fire HB44B4II .(Stale Affairs) — Prohibits ; union. “I don'tI’t Iknow how serious they areore,” M ontague said. .“M y doo: 1994$ 01operations ofSUite Historical Society.Soc district b o a rd s authIthority to carry fund designiignation ofa real cstat^ appraisal as is open. I-wouIdjId hope they would com e inn anda talk before th ey organizelize. HB408 (ApprtmristicItions) — Scu the 1994 HB4IB 4l5‘(Approprialions) — Allocati>cation for balances into sutMcqueiueni budget years. ccrtifledJfied unless sppraiser is s u te licensed. . ' ... I w ould b e ha]happy to meet with anyone wlwho wants to.” ^ budget for Itae Depamncment o f Administration. 19944 operations of HumanI RightsF HB392 (Revenuelue'and Taxation) — HB4:4B412 (State Affairs) — Provides 72- HB409 (Appi^riaticItions) — S e u the 1994 . Comim mi iuion. n . Clariiies legislationi requiringr the Fish and h o utr r ppermits for. operation of ccriain ... ^ budget for Ihe Ttaniponorutlon Department. ' HB4B4I6 (Appropriations) — Allocati>cation for Game D e p o n e n t lo0 makei paymcnu in lietj unlicens OfiBcials[s investigate He:ead Start o£Bce SBI002(JudicUiyanand Rules) — Requires 1994I 0|opcraiions ofldaho Educationalnal Publie oftaxeslo c o u n ty for'or land* it owns. HB2:IB239 (Business) — Give* state . o f convicted *cx orfcndenm to register wilh local B roadoidcast System. HB9S (R evenue ancation for properly ta x exemiplion pi for land used in ' statec companiesco: in bidding for govemmrat fedem l m o n ey:y to t repair a house previous>usly rented by '^ te m Idahcano SBI0l2(Judieia(yanand Rules) — Prohibiu 1994I ofoperation* of Slale Library Boardurd. generating o r deliverinring power for irrigation . woric. H ead Start in DDii r i ^ , a local agent conflrmcmed. minor* from posietiinling inhalants or olher HB48418 (Appropriations) — Allocatiwatlon for or transmining and deldelivering natural gas for iht-lipped about the investigitigation’s progress and scope}pc, lubitance* for the pupurpose of beeoming 1994i ofopemlions ofAttom ey G enerarsil's coffice, linlgation. KilleKilled in Sessio Though tight- H B 2I3 (S la te Affi.ffairs) — Brings laws HBllIBI 12 (Resources and Conservation) — nt Wade Shirley said thur: .t,p inloxicated. Special Agent ursday that it centers on the SBI098(Judiciaryanand Rules) — Prohlblu SleatToOovetoor e tt governing library dislistrict elections in line Imposei)oses tbe same penalties for illegally possible misusejse o f govemment funds ancmd possible fraud against thc posioilon of concea:caled weapons in or HBlBI7S (Education) — AllowsiTs schools with other election tawiiws. attempt!mpting to take a decoy animal as for ' government “At“A this point, all 1 can soyay is we are looking into It,it,' around *chools. d isiricricts i to provide retirees'wilhIth other HB399 (State AlA ffairs) — R equires illegallytally taking live garne. S hirley said. “i I canc confinn we are investigtligaling it.” S81I67 (Judiciary andar Rule*) — Imposes benefitsflu in addition to M edicare suppiipplemeni approval o f Ihc directoiaor oflhe Department o f Ad^ministration for expendituresexi on agcncy Confi{^sflmwdByScaifo ss than a w eek ago, follows thc t minimum tcntCTCc for progranram. T h e FB I invesvestigation, which began less ( repeat c ^ m oletten. HB2I8289 (TransporUtion and Defenifense) — publication*, Sen.en. Herb Carlson, Eagle, to Ihc state resignation o f' SusanSi Ohman, who quit asIS executivee director o f Hiunann a n S B II17 (Re*ource** «and Environment) — Esubliiblishes minimum criteria for aa vavariable jHBI88 (S u te Affairairs) — ExempU private Industriaistrial Commission. Services Centeinter. on Feb. 9 after two auaudits showed program anda n d . Impote* noice-rettrictlorionsonmolorboau. .. load sui . . ' association peer revie>iew commltlie records financial problenlems. SB1243 (Finance)—— Sets the 1994 budget HB34S B 3 (Educai'ion) — Dividesdes state from public disclosure,«. IntioiiitiodncedZa House 'for Ihe *ute college*. B o a rd of Education into two separatesep HB3S2 (Sute Affairiun) — Makes technical HJR8[JRS (Ways and Means) — Limits SBI245 (Finance) — Seu the 1994 budget c o u nicils c i for public schools andd h higher correclions in su iee lccection i laws. prppenyK ny assesim enu Tor ta x purposes to 5 D am but;jucst hits Lake C(-oeur d’Alene for Use Depanment of Agriculture.A| cducaticalion. HB327 ( S u te Affair'airs) — Seu out a code percent:ent per year as long as the owner of ,SBl248(Finance> —-SeuthcI^budM SBi:31269 (Finance) — Allocateses S12.4: for relationsbips betwtween beer distributors recordrd retainsre i t C O E U R d ’AALENE l —• A private damn onc Cariin Creek has failed, . for thc Endowment Fundind Investment Boaro. millionon for 1994 operations o f Depanminment of and beer suppliers. HB4JIB4$8 (Ways and Means)- — Transfers spewing a plumeune o f sediment into Lake CcCoeur d’Alene and floodingIga a SBI250(Finance) —~ Seu Ihe 1994 budget W ater» Resources.R HB248 (Judicieclary, . Rules a n d responsllonsibility for ftmding o f th e court syium downstream propropexty. ' for the Inturance Fund,L S B31270 i: (Finance) — Allocatesites $4.3 Administraiion) — AllowsAl unlheocporatod fromI counticscou to the state. s o f entry nonprofit associationi»ns to deal in teal and HB4SIB4S9 (Ways'and Mean*) — Creates iitment of Water Resources3 spokesman Dick Larsen saidmid SB1231 (Financc) —-Seisihe 1994budgcl millionon for 1994 opetslion* o f p o tu of Idaho Depaitn; s\ , for the Per*onhel Commiunlssion. '• underr DciMrunentD o f Trwisportation. personal propcny. OfTicc;c of su te public defender. T hursday it is1 notno known what danaenUiele jplume poses to the creek or HB72 (State Arfainilrs)-Clarineithat - SBI2)I27I (Finance) — Allocates S88S.900..,.$88 HB226 (Revenueje and Taxation) — . lake. But Carlinlin C reek is on im portant sp£spawning stream for cutthroat telephone *o1icltor» whoho are re^stercd with a to Legiisgislative Council and mliliniilion to ExempU certain propenerty from levies imposed , i. IntRXntroduoedia Senate ' trout. The dam,m, about 19 feet high, wass located1 on Finney Brothersicrs *t*te.agcncy arc exem:;mpt from registering Joint Fii nittee for on property w lthm a reereemUondistria SBUIBL287 (Finance) — Allocates $85,000 ------:---- r-H B 2 « 2 ------(Ju d ict*rtary, ' ■ Ruler --and for Ihethe nj».tribuiajyio-Gariii -r— -»-w»th-allorwcy general-t-o,^,‘fflee, ------^...... 1994 op __ _ _£S8S!SS Co-Pn>[ HB85 (Slate Affain)t) -<• Allows!Eloard o f S Bj7272'(inance),— i : •Allocatestes $3.2 AdmiftUtration) — CroCreates a mandaiory civil Iruuranorancc Task Force. Chiropractic PhyiiciIcians to discipline millionion fo r 1994 o p e ra tio n * o f‘ special*p penalty of automatic: licenseli revocation for r licensee*. p ro g rarams r including fore*t utiliziilizalion druakendriving, Elderly mann shoots Leviwiston intruder HB87 (JudicitfT) Rules and research ships and IiB 382 ( S ta te Affaira) A - MSkcs GGROUNDHOG F D A Y h 1.EWISTON>i -— An intruder carrying a icurtain rod was shot in thethc Admini*iraiion) — AllMIbws evidence from . grantss aiidai Museum of Natural History.ty. confidential rccord* ofsif adoption. . 7-CICt i and 9.-1S p.m. ■ Nightly foreniic Istwralory analnalysls to be admitted S BMI44 I I (Commcrce and Human Kt HB396 (Ways andnd Means) — Limits __Dally.Mailnee230pjn._.. ___ head in the kitchcchen o f an elderly Lewistont woman.w . . pony from criminalist Resoureurees) — Rf<)ulres pronB 1994 child *upporl guide]delines. — .Clorilari lie* county option kitchcn andand table mounlain lio n m u st1 do d 10 stock before a « ^ ogainst Chambers•ers, Lewiston police Sgt. Raniandy I^ngsbury said. HBIU (Rc*ourcci andar Conservation) - r wine act. < depredation compensnsatlon claim can be Give* d irc c io r o f Deplepariment of Water SBIOi io i s (Health and W elfare) — ReqRequires nuw . . iCE THEATRE Re*ource* aulh'o’i^ty to10 approve temporary, day carc:are operators to provide at leasteast four SBI 137 (H eallh a nKlWelfm)-p d ' Increases ANOW OPEN 7 DAYS ^ I of training for employee* eversvery 12 state power to forcc no Student; advisera opposeses fee proposal change* in point ofdidiversion, place and hours ol 536j|g049jnW ende« 50, pujpofcofuseofwater.r. monlhs.!«. provide court-orderedS^’heaft^nsu^e'*for P O C A T E L LLO O — Idaho State Universirrsity’s international student adviser said Acincreosing nonresident studniL4...spniN0is - FONDA m W IV E N I " 7 lg special to this campus, academically,ac culturally andJld Eastwood ■ ■ ■ : , “a d d so m eth in g t P O IN T O F linguistically.” “*‘Y Y ou m ay do damage to thele plural!^p an d d iversity o f the Hackman BH < ^ a. R O U G H MORGANN IFREEMAN 1 9 co m m u n i^ w e’re tiying to buil4hcre,” Walliollacesaid. iSU St"."”- N O fiE T U R • - o ALL SEAT: p s M ^7.-rOJ ^;»0 {T2:30^-4 7.00 t2;00-«:Zf:30l 7;Oftg.gO Vets seekk

** B t S a d by rcsolsolutions from several statewinvide veterans’ organlzations, the Idaho Vetertuurtms AfToirs Commission on1 ThursdayT o pposed plans thisS . BOMEiiAI om the Federal Building to)B a Octobcr to moveve ithe ofnce five blocks -fron: HE'S UP. Jm privately ow nedd fotfo near B b & High School,)1. ' . . PAST HIS n M e l MX OF MO JlE T U R lT m i^ H ' “ B uild a V A regregional office on the groundsnds o fth c V A M cdical Centericr BEDTIME... ^^ 'I 'l M G i b s o n sill o f 0)7:t0^!f0 . i f t instead « f leasinging for a decadc,” Commissicision m em ber G ennie Ison o f • aa m ALL SEATS1*1.00 • ALL SEATS.TSS1.00 . 7:30.9;307 Boise said. - 02:30-2.'3aa H:t0-3:t0-fOS:tOI7:fO . ■BtTSBTa ^ a.30.S:2aS 7:20-9i20 y o u A R o n i- O P E N 224 HOURS FEER DAT POR 9:10 ON Never unJemlim«t« th* poixr I : NOM INATEb'lb'pOR 6 OSCAJIS TONAGJM E ^ n T lE S 3 (IK» SFAST.LUNC1IH & D INW ER I INCLUDING.. M-'OOS.-OO; 7:00.$:00 of an unJeretlimaleJ woman. wmm' -essTPiPICTURE ■ ^iTERYOUNaiPOI Melanie GBimiii • B S S T AACTOR ' K K SEATS *1.00 • B S S T SSCRBENPLAY i %3:l0.5!ia 7:10 JOIIN'G{X)(iM.AN-DlJN'Jf)IINmV

H . m r n m r M P M Ban■ THE CRYING( J I / 7.'7(M.-45. ' INOEVHIR] ^30S;3011;30-9:30 ' ■ 1 1 ^ ISH*0-RAI ^■01 ■JUIJI'I.B I tujo^: Ki, Fried a n d F resn laoatodfTt r T | ~ ------ALL SEA10^101 ^ fo i: f O ^ K z S s'wtl i 6U C an Eat! ------Air Y o i: I (1:10^AGE TURTl£S 3 I1>ai I ^ ■ 0 0 .5 ^ 1 7.-oas.«o — 3FF PLACE IPO) H r — SPECIALLSMORGASBORDS i IS 0.3.-40^;50l 7:00.9:10 H > ' . pSBvGUARpJ f e . All Y ou CiC a n E a t! Spedalbmneiners Available t o ^ q . TEENAIi S W l S N f ^ ■ - SATURDAY HIHIBHTS A TURTLES^. I RUMS TKROUOH IPO) :s . wss.^S K ' All Y our Favorltisrites S e r v e d 5 - 9 P M ...... NINJA Iw f^CIENTJAFf n:30.3.-3 IMDAYS I t SPECIAL^ w r m o u T A■ ^ifg.g^s ______BOIULyE n n iw itirw e v e iw w e -{:*• ' - — Dinner. Favofltei1tes 11AM-3PM ...... WITHOUT "A TEENAOts : ■ M g BUI M urray JlL m t f w W iraO U T A (T:00-3.-CSAT8S1.00 K I FAR OFF J _____ ■ . Groundhog Day 0^301 ' I n . 0M-O0-8M0l 7H o f p a rTGRIU 7.-00-9.-00 lt.-0

'''' ^ ' ' V' «CtUE_' — -SyjPlS fipizzn. ES ______-_ ^ --- t13'30^ •5.-0017^:00 ; ' i i w * . i" ■'1 ^ . . } k f HmeS'News. Twin Falls,alls. Idoho Saturday. March:Ch 27.1993



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i ■ i , Mag fallei' I h I Atomnd P a p i» e i ^ (p r k a legal Ibrmoliiy of his owtiwn on Friday. Court charilarges, b ul not over.'a “compliplaint.**,. A ls o . A m c rsi nd with- Buiie County shish crilT s deputy ui his slepfa- i>liishes^i^k .-;deloyed cape case Fridoy.ly. . . Del>eHaan had filcd.n motion1 totc dism iss the___ D eH aanan agreed w ith the-ljudgc one Couple by“CHmbing OtiT a bathroom------• ;,]..Robdrt Andrcw Amerso:rson, )26, is chargcd "commplaint" against Amcrson.3n. contending drew thcc motion.n Hd tlien told BecTcskcr’that Ihcr’s libusc' by' ile the .deputy wailed at thc about trailIpi6heen p w ith rape, nobberj^ dnd twiwc o co u n ts o f sexual the slstatute of limitations hudi expiredc? in the he wouidlid take obout a day lo decidc <1 window while i ; thc “in- door.-accordingng tot the deputy, KIMBERLY - Odi□aiy and Bev Stone of entry with b foreign objebject, in connection ease,e. Bul “ com plaint” is tcrmi:minology Used whether 10lo file a motion to dismiss tl • “J'm going to p ul ihis on u schedule tliui Kimberly are publishirshing a book on the pio- with 0 1986 ottack on ao ( 62-y ear-o ld R ich- in aI NM agistrate C o u rt case, ondnd the cose,has. formalion.’)h.” ncers yho traveled theihe O regon T ra il.' field motorist. ; . alreaeady been moved up to0 Sthi District Thc cosirose hos been delayed rcpcic a tc d ly Please see TRIAUB2 ------— ‘‘Stoneby-Stone-on-on-the-Orcgon-Trail’-f is------the story of Americaican piqneere.who lefl_ .. thcir homes and ttnvelc« le d w est bc^nnniiigln 1843. ______n ^ e s ^ weirkndw'h K.imbcrl~ " E rasetii zrEDoc Gary Slone, a wel 'artist, has traveled thethe trail, painting on lo- cation what,the emligi^ts i^ saw and cxperi-- ;• . enced and mentionedd inii th eir diaries, The book will includrlude 4 0 o f Stone’s ilius- Vh d ia ighoses trations. ■- - '^ 1 ' T he paintings wil!il! be on display at the —fiurley home of DennMinis D ayley from 4:30 . p.m. (0 6 p.m. on Aprilpril 3. D ayley’s home is njetary ^ w a y 81. p la i located at 435 E .H i^ > Hearing on B,ellellevueLlb ■ proposal'niesdsday evening-.. a ilnn e n ts “ . BELLEVUE - A^ pipublic hearing regard- ing the proposed localc ^ imp'roventent distiict ■^By Michael Hof]io ffc rb e r to help fund the Belkellevue Downtown Im; Times-Ncws correspondentcor ^ ' provcincnt Projcct willvill b e a t 7 p.m. Tuesday attheBclle\iteElemennentaiy School, . SUN VALLE’LEY - Thc Earth is like a pa- rding thc project may be Infomiation regardir tient w i^ a seriousser illness, according to pickcd up at City Hall,loll. F o r further infomio- • celebrated physiiiysici:Tn and environm ental ac- tion, call 788-2128. tivisi Helen Caldicoii.Cal and only a radical c h a n g e in thic c lifestylesli o f hom o sapiens Gubernatorialll icianadidate o an save th e plarplanet. . . • . AlVln^eirsefsn^iewTcdnfererice ~ ------Addressing'a"’’a "convention-of thc'W ilder*...... 7 - . ness Mcdicul SSo ociety ot Sun Valley Inn on -'Charles L. Winder, a TWIN FALLS -'C . Thursday. Cal'aldicon described global commcrchil real.estr:state broker and Ada foresiation and the decay of District'commissioner, warming, dcfon County Highwoy Dis 1 ihp ozone layeilyer as symptoms of a life- onferencc ih Tw in Foils will hold a news conf threatening diseaisease. about his run to be Ida- on Mondoy to talk abc “ W e’ve gott 101( years before we lose the tio’s next govemor. patient." Caldic6lic6it warned. . Winder,-a-tnisteet forfc Albertson College ■' A iialivc Aus\UStralion.with expertise in run as a R epublican in o f Idaho, plans to ruti cystic fibrosis.s, CCaldicott worked for many his news conference ot 1994 and will hold hi: years at thc Chil~hildren|s Hospilal in Bosion ’ . Ua C ity Hoil., , • _____ 3:30 at the Twin Falla < , ’ ANOYARENZmxTkn^••I*** and was a facult;;ulty tnc^nber al Ifarvard Uni- H e plans tp visit cv.every major Idaho city 3d Shirley W eeks buildd iu p h e r co llec tio n o f pencilpe erasers."' vcrsity.' ' 10 formally declare his candidocy, occording Family members andam frlj^nds have helped I revitalize the Physicians for it may be the world’s lanlargest eraser cojiectlon., , She helped rc’ to a news release. Below, cartoon charfiaracters, like Snoopy,, arei residents In what n Social Bcsponsi)nsibility pcacc group in the , 1980s and wasJS a key figure in a successful ilnterior,Departirtment awards campaign tqI stistop France.’^ atmospheric .. ..SonfracttobuiliiiIdpo(\yerpljint , . • - tests of. nuclcair&r weapons trTlhe South Pa- ,-cific.; 'Sectctaiy^^ci:’ BabW • ^Caldicott recreccntly authored "If You te rio r D.epoiriitient^ has rannoiucedj the :iiiteri a r k Love'This Plar’lanct: A Plan to Hdal The ^ . .^warded a '^ 3 millioilion contract to build a E]r a s i E o rth " (W .WV. . Npripii. l .l992,J.and wj« a .1^ power plant dt theIhe Minidoka. Dom. kcynolie .speakerker ai last year’s Eoilh S o t - • the Perini Corp. o f Franiingbam, Moss., ' m it in-R io. dee JoJaneiro, Atmospheric ozone will build the new po^power'plant, enlarge an . ought on by the.usc of chio- ' d an d rehabilitate port of' . aw o m a n ’s electrical switchyard oi G u i n n e s s B o o kcto feature:e J e r o m e rOflourocarbons,3ns,-is-onc-of-hcr chief-envi- theoldpowetplaiit. ronmental conce:nccm s. The.conlitctor isi e*expei:ted to hire 50 of ’lease see CALDICOTT/B2 more workers locally.y- 5 , 0 0 0 - pplus eraserr-cbllectiO]m i n i t s 1§94 § editioin . Pies The new power plplant, about 400 feet * ■ downstream of the exisl is tin g plant, w ill house - By'Elodie Mailer two.'turbines each wit)wilh a 10-megavn»tt co- T im cs-N ew s w riter ■pacity, replacing five'e utmits in the old ppwer Fire districtc plant in place since 1909.19C ' JEROME - Shirleyley Wecks hos more . ■ T he toial capacityy o f the facility will be thon 5,0 0 0 w ays lo get;et ith e lead out. -.28 megawatts. A* inegnegawatt is one million T h at’s how m any peipencil erasers Weeks BiU h.[leadiTforr watts - e n o ii^ ^ wver c r JO light 10,000 one-' ' owns in .her private: andar unusual collec- hundred watt light bulblulbs. ' tion; biit if you thoughighl she’d use any of T he project is schedileduled to be complete^, them to w ipe out a smm uudge, th in k again. rus’ desk in 1997. : Weeks wouldn’t useiSe any ofher erasers - not even her Pink.Pc.Pearl - to clean up a Silver junty GOP H j w riter .' . Twin iFalls Cou m istake. Women plan aiannuUbrancIi No, these erasers,,,. arrangedar in a book­ cose in W eeks* living!ing room,-represent ■ ^ he House on Friday, approved TheTvvin Falls County . . TWIN FALLS - T h onc ofthe rorcst collccllcctions in the coun- i )uld allow five rural fire dis- Republican WomenI 'hoveht planned their an- tiy - maybe even thee world,w according lo . Falls County to borrow more jiual inembershii) brunchbn for 10 a.m. to the Jerome Middle Schitchool tcacher's aide. ! 5 their firsi year of operations, 11:30 a.m. on April 3 cat;the home o f Donno Apporcntly, thot corconclusion was con- ^ rc now goes lo Gov. C ccil An- Brizec,2086HiUcrest.St. 9rmed recently by thehe Guinness Book of R 'I g natu re or veto, Celia Gould will1 beb< the guest speaker.' "World Records, Whiehi^ agreed to feature H y rcnt luw, the first-year debt on, coll Gerri McIntyre For more informotion, W eeks’ collcction inl its 1994 edition. ' Ifffl m L districis is a penny for each at 734-2637. “They told me throurough thiiir research, [>g sscd market value oltVropcrty thcy hodn’t found onycnyone with an eraser jW l strict. Senate B ill.12,78 w ould Help library pupurchase new collcction.” Weeks saida id . , ISiisc"the ceiling to 16 ccnts per e o f thc thou- shops for■ herhe erasers and says finding' i A nd th ese aren ’t justju5 ordinary pencil Weeks ” is proud that none c t^ooks; give theilem old ones s. ones gets mcmore difficult ull ihc lime. toppers. All ore colorllorful, and many arc ids oferasers are'duplicatcs. w h eth er in the fo m i o f bond, - Mogic Valley resi* :hildrcn fondly W eeks’’ son.sc Darrin. 26. figures his m Andr ;. TWIN FALLS - 1 pretty enough to sit alojalop a d esk - n o t in a PThc w om an w ho Jerom e chil r otherwise - would be; paid passing on their used hc has no ideo cr has invest'csted about S9.000 in her passi dents interested in po . draw er. : callII 1the “eraser, lady” soys she dislrict begins to colleci prop- cols 10 her so “Onc limcimc in . 1 spent B y D rew DeSilv< books or video, tapeapes may donate ihe Some of Weeks’ eraserscm are 30 years whyly the lowlylcros^appcol Falls Public, Library, on erasers."s." W eeks said, a liltic alwshcd, T im es-N ew s wrii item s to thc Tw in Fall V old; some she.boughtght yesterday. Some ich. rwin Falls County districis ; Thc library foundtndation is holding ils •i don’t know," she said.I. ‘“Somclimcs Weeks{ acknowledgesat she takes s< were purchased forr a thin dime; some BOISE - The:d last year to fill the void cre* • first-ever “roundup3 ondqi recycle” to raise I’llI Iget a chair up there andid sit and ju s t leasing overvcr her colleclion, bul just shru] cost n early S20. . a bill that woulciC Twin Falls Couniy Mutual funds for new acqui:}uisitions to grace the 3k at them all. T h ere’s somome I forget I off. Thc rarest ones arcire canoon figures - iricts in Twine FaC o . dccided to gel out o f Ihc^ . libraiy’s shelves. VMy husllUsbond says we spend more such as Mr. Peobodyly oand his boy. Sher- hadd;” ' . m oney du rin gu th( sincss. . - . The program kicks;ks ofT Wednesday and But life for an eraser collectworse,!] o'ncvi- icm porarily raise -au sw i book sole o[ tW W estern Doys in Cily ^ SIOO. ,Pork oh June 5 a nd16. 6. The newspapaper’s decision has thoihat people woiild criticiz^c izt’" th e w ithhold it. 1 ihouj parents in lhat position. ems donated; McDon- . ByPhilSahm moth- The debt - wh F o r every five item gained intcmoiloiiohol oticritloh. subjijbjccl as inoppropriote'fdi-'o1 0 corii- our'rcaders'would Tim es-N ew s w riter ssion. ban k lo a n s o rut oi homosexuality, but that's aid’s will give oulil a coupon for a free A reporter ftfrom 0 Florida new s- icc strip.si we published th . french fry order, whivhile the' moll will re- : “I’m cxpccting that. 1 I can’li soid. It S65 off when thc thcdist parents to decide, not mc." TWIN FALLS - FFriday’s paper, The St.St. Petersburg Times,' c rty taxes, ward contributors wlwith $1 off on Easter , , 'onh after on opinion:, chaihange people’s m inds ... and am I’m ' He.would not g Iwonh said. * ' Times-News ra n a coomic m strip called Walwoi some The five Twi bunny photo. 5cr deliver- piece in Moilonday’s paper an- notlot trying to chonge'anybcybody’s readers would be he comic strip did not olTcnxl ~ Libnuy oflicials areire iinterested in oil types .. about a known drug uScr rugs it were organized li ing morijuona-spiked brovirownics to /nounccd Theie Times-News w a s mnind. in I’m just showing 0o youngy strip bul said thc n I. and Walworth said the ncw.s- , o f books, video tapesa 0)and compact discs. 1 for 13 "significant.” a ted w h en thicr e T is not laking nn cditoriol', AID S patients, but not onc about a temporarily pu3ulling the feature. ‘ mnon a i people have known f< ire on Fire Insuranceid C against homosexuality by Compilepiled fiom staff rqpoits 17-year-oId boy telling his parents Thursdoy ninight. Toronto, Ont., yea'cars and happens to be: a little While Johnston John- dies ihc emotion!d it’s firefighting busirling thc strip for a few weeks, he is gay. . _ Canada, radio:0 Slation CFRB inter- diffliffercnl from his friends,” , young m an and hi: .However, the Both features might;ht offend viewed Wolwc#orth and comic strip storton w as quoted a s saying. he Las Vegas Review Joiimal lohnslon to terms with his somc'rcaders^ bul onlyy oc n c w a s —outhor Lynn J(Johnston in an hour- Walworth V said he and Joh ised to publish ihestrip. Its cd- how that T/ie T/mcs-Nevvs not suimbic for publishinihing. M an - lo n g call-in prc)rogram. . ogr ¥ ^ r t s . . ■ ...... B ifc B ...-• lcr<0 rrFir},A5(pr80” se nics c s reveals comment F ^ ------Rease see CUMICSmZ ’ his 6oinoseiRiaIiQr. •and Mail saidd she had anticipated prb|irbpriote. w c have €{NiV rig h t to .“T don’t d iinlf'l: fo r the ' I • i*- '• '■ - •• • guess how ynony Walwo ' c ofTended by the • The : n u m b e r w o u ld b e him . ar .... p a p e r in sen sitiv ely han- s ta n d i mal struggle of a pulling his family coming is hompscxualily. „f„scd /s comics page is iate placc for that ' , ■' feature u ality . before his parents -gey •• ses them with the ■ . . h * ° r i

j! I w - y - r ■ - ’l ' • ■ B-a • ■nmoa-Nwvs. Twinwin Falls. Idaho Saturday. Mari.tafch27:i993 , Buhi;School1 Districi:t consicders ^ State SSenate aim en d s waterv ■ bondss to impprove blluildingi ' cconserva!Ition b ill[ be^fore Ipassage ^ ByBenmaLRedfeniisnj ■. po rts fromfroi u building committee thatthu In other business: N.S. Nokkentved »' . . . "I A 's to:ory ry that‘.a(iDeared in The - T im cs-N ew s corresporpondent m et luslisi yqar to exomipe ihe condindi- • A proposed d^c.^ess code policy ies--Ncw.s w riter I d a h o Times-lic./yewsiearlicr this week ex- - tio n ofr B uhl’s three schools. whs scni back .by ihi:he' bourd to the .eg h latu re pre.,singVg oppojjjtiqn< from the da- BUHL - R esid enIts ts mayI be paying Somed irrigation. . ' . . ■ penalties outlined forir ;students not in m entIt oc f W ater R esources, w hhich it had some concems Toi float a bond issue: tcto pay for im- Acl rcquiquirements. ould change Idaho water J new low would allow-low- an irrigator to retain the compliance. abputut Ithe original bill that woul provemchls (o its buildjildings. i The districtdi focilitic.s^committec ri^ t to water saved throughJg h conservation in cdse the . (J ,o • The board approroved spending That,meeting is set for 7 p.m. on has been:en looking ul alicrnalives tc he bill was introduced in thith e Senutc by Sen. John faiFarmer [everts to a' less efficifficient, butlstill reasonable, fa- S3;600-from-thc plant,1 racllicics fund, i" ' April 20 at the d istricicl i Ioffice. m ake the thc best iisc of ihe currcnt fa- vcyl D-Curcy. on behalff oof Hagerman cilizens m to upgrade eight conOTpalers al Ihe cemed the Snake River BasinBa adjudication will •But the n ew version o f' the bill rcq[iin;s that before ' Members have beenI ststudying the rc- work. middle school. take; a\away the righls lo water;r saved's Ihrough con.scr-., rc’reverting to the less efncieni:ieni water user the irrigator vation.on. : ____ • thiiiust get app?ovaI from thelie \W aler Resources Depart- ut if ihe stiitcTaw was toio 1be changed. Director mg fifee must be filed with the— • LAPWAI (AP)) -— The Nez — ' Ihe Idaho W ater Rcsijsources Board Qnn,ppositicfn,to the amendedd vversion is noi iroming deleparlment. which must>t p publish a notice of the Perce Tribe has filedledl.lO O pages • ------in - D c c c m b c r - P e n n c yiy_said . prelimi^.. tthc-dcparrmcntrHigginsonion-said.-Thedepartmenl—di: ritunge und allow an opportl>ortunity'foF~proiests to-be- p - bf clafms seeking wfwater rights for s vory Important nary indications sho^owed the siatc neitherier supports or oppo.ve.s‘ thlie e currcnl> version of Ihe Jjcjjeard in .sinijlar manner'asas /for'an apphcmion for an ', its members and foror the fish that. would be rcceptive to0 negotiations, Kju hehe.iaid. CXI:xienlion to avoid forfeiture.ire. ^ a rc part o f its h eritaglge. e. ' Ob eca u se this They alsd met witith th e s ta te ’s The cloims filed TliTliursday focus g ||jdjudlcatlon'ls a congressional delejegation. Both hoth on the north-cii-ccnirul Idaho groups will ultimately5ly have.to ap- . {■ reservation and onI streamssi in the OHO-le-tlme process, prove' any agreement. •port could1 1lose certificcation Q qi ' .nearly 13 million acacres the tribe WOfe only got one On the reservation Airi 3mmehts :re-fect of wa- -ip, ceded to the fedei'al1 gw ly a s l8 5 5 . pal airpon here could losee itsii ‘ He‘said federal reregulations re* SL m X j trial and irrigation use diUIplki Samuel Penney. Nc:Ncz Perce Trib- ttthese rights.’ ation if another safety violtiola- quire that ull vehicles5s must. y l?ld to On lands once contnI^lled,by Ihe ' al .^ecutiye Committnittec chainnan.______ctin>..B F e d e ra l.A v ia iio ;^ i said the trfbc hopess tot< ncgotiaic a ntion ofTicial said, ■ T he i.ssue carne upip during a re- fomnalize—- Samuel Penney, tribalI tomed fishing place ... ' se ttle m e n t w ith statetatc authorities — ^31 rueling truck drove too clos I seeking water flow.ss surncieni lo -f- ilose of a propo.sed ccity ordinance . rath er ihan g e ttin g intcinto a court bat- gexecutive chairman (iing airplane at the a'irpoi th e n e e d s o f f is h . P°ri on traffic at thc airport. tie ., fio wu «c laim s would Airport Manager■ JJack Jeppson_ • , ■ ’ The claims arc part>art o f th e m as- s is an extremely seriou ~ affect the Clearwa;aler. Snalte. ' said the truck was clc:lose'enough tb ‘ MOSO . sive Snake River udjudjudication pro- — jroblem and it's not one w 'SCOW (AP) — A^task force ’ ffcrs the best hope of savingng Salmon\'W eiser and P ay clie rivers. P™ the aircraft that the piijilot was angry, formaliziilizing the University of Ida- cess that Idaho Watcater Resources ment offc lable of negotiating with^ ■money and time, They refiect the amolounl of waler " ''W S egulating motor ' ho’s relatelationship with its fraternity Department officialsIs iembarked on a lol of m Handke told the St. Georg3 ' Thc city has a law reg taken almost five years to getgel needed to protect boilOlh m isro lo ry , H ?™ '" orority system scrapped the, in 1987. “ It’s tal< : Advisory Board later tht traffic at ihe airport.•I. b u l it is n ot a n d soroi . More than 150.00(000 claims for to the pointpo where we’re at now.” salmon and steelheacad runs, and * . ;ipccific. he said. d ead linine e for adopting a plan after 1 had been filed Penneyf saids: . ’T h e optim istic c.st'i-;t'i- resident fish .such as trtro u l, , flootled with comments on a water righls already hi le community cannot sto>top O lh e r airports,. ia driver who **>”8 noi :fore thc iribul mate toI getgi this done is three lo five;ve Thc amount of wuwater c la im c d . " iroposal. across thc state befo IC of operatidn. we ^nvei 'no'n< makes such a violatiItion is barred P«>P lUtion process-is years. If If thin»t breok down it could)ld v a r i e s .a c c o r d i n g l o t:the river and Ihjs Iyp» . ce Pitman, dean of students, claims. Thc adju'dicuti< bul to request thut you givgive from.driving-on-the..aiairport until he exQecied to continueic w' ell into the bc.iO , 15 15 o< r 20 years. - the fish tharlive theic r c ; il v a rie s choice bul Ylday that most 'of the com- US y our cccehincatc back. That’s ho\how or she. i^ retrained, Han . n ex t century. “ T he: mo.Stm important part of thisiis seasonally, too...... ; he has received since the The goal of the procrocess is to sort whole thingIhi is the tribe is willingng “Il’s very importantt« because Ihis j , , task force announced its rec- out who has the righlshis to the water to negotiotiate rather than going to adjudication is u one-t:-time process. XC13J1C10 men surviveve small plane! crash °,SS^nd“lndations in January have been in the Snake River bas:3asin. .costly iitigation.’’iitij he said, We only.get one.chanmce to quonti- positive,'e. Penney said negotiadialing a settle- Thc tribaltri committee met with:th fy these rights." Penneiey said. JORDA3AN VALLEY. Ore. (APAP) Regionol Medical Centn ter in Boise. But he isaid the 10-page document , — T he injured inj' pilot of a small plarilarie His passenger. Tii'imothy Allen would neen e ^ som e revisions before it'"' I that crasiashed near Jordan Valle;Iley Schmitt, 27, of Coeurjr d’Alene, had is readydy forI consideration by. the craw led aboutab 7 0 y a t^ s to a h ig hw aya 10 be pried from thi^' wreckage.^ He Universit:rsity of Idaho fraternities, A O lo.get helpelp for himself und a pa.ssenscn* was hospilalized in critrilical condition sororitiesies and their riatibnal organi- . SerViiices ^ Deatlth noticc gcrtrappecpcd in the wreckage. ' Frid&y tvith head injuriiiries. zations.5. ------^----- W ade: DDelorc McKay. 54. of Haylay- Tlte plane left Bumsns about 4 p.m.' The deadeadline for adopting a “relar JeaneOB M . R b eibel. b el of Jerome, commiiial .serverviccwiii Amy E. Smithth . , den Lake,:e. suhcred leg and knee; inin- M ST e/1 route to W inninemucca, Nev. tionshipip ststatem ent"-w aspriday. beheld at 11 a.m. todaoday 01 thc Jerome Cemelery.’• A >ncrTlo. KIMBERLY -- A m y EMhci- Sm iih. 97, o f Klimbcrly. ir died ju ries inI ththe cruHh, w hich occu rredd aat Sheriffs reports saidi the plane ap* i - 'The: di:discussion may, be as impor- - '• •< rial .rtuary ChopcI in Rupen. Moffci’s M emorioh-iol ChopcI in Buhl. h a p p e n ihthat has hippened in th th( e bail. '. . . . Pitman isaid he plans to organize pi«t." The rope occurredd eariy-an thc succestiontions In an inch*thlck stack of L incoln'In C o u n iy I ro se c u io r J een- n ' morning of,Dec. 18,8. 1986. The ,e,Ss fromfror chapter advisers,and na- : . nifer Browown has sai( she can proveo ve woma^n was driving we;/est from Rich* tional fraie'raiem ity and sorority leaders^ that A mlerson en was obiside of Idahcaho Hcld^o Shoshone on1 H ighw ay 26 as w ellI as comments he received. , i I HospHitais in - when a man driving a n ' ■" m uch o fr thell lime s ^ce 1986 ~ in- maroon sports from loctlocal' qlumnl' at' a' meeting ’ cluding-10.10 months Amerson'speni,ent ' carT^werve'd ih frontnt of her nnd Thursday,lay. He then will reconyene M A O K i V A L L ESY Y REGIONAL MEDICAL CECENTER Releaaed > in ' Slopped, blocking both . . Eari Carlson. AmAmyCoincr; Penny Russell; RubenP Tor- /in Montantana State Penitentiary ir h lanes of traf* the tasksk 1force.:make necessary i A toittad ■ f ' rex. Linda T ucker;r 01and Roy Wright, all o f Burle;ley: Rosulin- 1989 for alattempting jo rape a motel3iel fic. according to an arrcTcstworront. changessandask.thc'chaptcrstorati- ar ■ | ...... -The nion approached Bessie Ellis. AlytfsVifsa Keppner. K atherine Milkliller nnd da Chavez of Heybuy b u m : John R cm sbcfg o f Rupeipert:andVo- cleric.-...... d the woman s fy the docilocument. I • . ' . — '•Leonard Peierson, all of Twin Falls; Melanie BiBurk and Icrie O’Conner of Boisc.B« ' T im e IhnIhat Amerson spent outside;ide cor on fool and signaUaled'for.her to Evan GInde W ood, bon has lold DeHaan he did her and sexually assault:,rcd"Kr. Perot) t ; Valdez supporters rill Poner. Jcnie Snow,ow. Shoun Stokesbeny. Amberjer n ot com mtnit ii th e crim ej D eH aan said.id. flashlight, according toOlhewanram. i and Kate W alker, allII oofTw in Foils; and Glenaleeec Herting1 MINIDO]OOKA MEMORIAL HOSPTF/ KANE (AP)I— Supporiers “ ' and Neal D al^n, bothih ofc Buhl. o f H . Ross R o: Perot met with U.S. Adm itted House. SptSpeaker -Thomas Foley and ; CASSIAKA MEMORIAL HOSPTTAL Crysul Swearingengen of Rupcn. sa id h ce hihas agreecTto-pneet with j Cal.Jdiedtt— them pcrioeriodically to d iscuss the fed* i Admitted Releajed dgetdeflclt. I, ‘ * Elwin~!car8itl. Mablable Green. Sherry Shell amand Gary' ' Haivey BamgrovcY>ver of Rupen. . Continuedod from Bl ^ paper and building mote uriey; Domingo BSrro andnd H elen / spokesman Jeff Biggs said I Thomas, all of Burl “ W ithoutt>ut th? ozone, life is in terri*rri. "Trees are absolute!) Hellcwell. bolh o f Heyheybum: Gcrchord Monosmithith o f Ru- Biidi that .Folcyi prom ised to meet bli! peril,’'.s,".she said. terms pf survival, of pbn; imd Sandy Pouliorlion of Oakley. ..- A son was bom1 to Laurie Pcrotio of Rupen. icmberi of the group “from T he holeole in the ozone layer overver sphere," she said. “It : I time," blit that no specific thc Southh Pole'expandcdF by 14 per*ier* (wrong) to ever use a ti iments had been m ade. ccnt this; year,y< she reported, andI is our nose in agoin." SH larger thanan it has ever been. The de­dc- Use h,^ndkerchiefs ininstead of pa- ls cau sin g serio u s, m e d iccal a l per tissue, she suggSgested. And For obituaryol rate informa' | « o n r cibtheslines should repeplacc clothes ± 1 1 - 'C 733^31, extension 276 ? in A ustralia. Obituglaries call 73 “ F o r thehe first time this year wew e dryers in most hom es, — wcrc sccinj:ing children wiih third de­de- “if everyone in Amcicrica quit us- Continuedjed from Bl -ers we co^ld , Koe 1. Misnick( Memorialal fPark in Twin Falls. Friends5 pitali Dialysis Cenier. gree sunburbums requiring skin grafts,":s,“ ing their clothes dryei ng property taxes until next II Irom noon until 9 p.m . on she said,[. ““Malignant melanomasi a s sh u t dow n all th e nu< id the cuiriuit debt limit isn’t GLENNS FERRY --K K o a Irene Mis- .g fy n S S 'lfat the Blay Colonial Funeral ' have dotibliibled in ihe last three years,irs. plants in the country." slshe c aimed. enough lo i hick, 35. of Winterserset, lov»a, and ! Wanda Silver to allow the districts to' buy 2551 Kimborly Road in Twin' JEROME - W anda Silvilver. 72, of C ataractss aarc becoming very com-m- . Likening-the over-p« ipment and meet the other formerly ol G lenns FeiFer^,. died Sun- te™ ' homo sapiens to H a e S l a « day. March 21. 1993.93. in a hospital • Jeromo, died WednesdaSay. March mon." . :s necessary to provide fire in Des Moines, lowa,va,ol.compiica-.^^^g^^j 24, 1993. at Ihe Magic; Valley’Re-\ Global warmlngw hus a similar po*30* Caldicoti said that only i>n to rural county ruidents, tioii from m eningitis. ter E. Partin igional Medical C enter in1 TTwin Falls. te n tia l to0 affccfj the heijlih of the;he lifestyles in the worid*L^fXp^d^~.• :p, Celia Gould. R-Buhl.- Koe was bom Junejn e 23. 1957, in CASTLIFLEFORD - Chester E. She was born Mdy 24,!4, -]920, iri E arth ’s inhinhabitants. It is theorizedicd countries ran save the E sponsored the bill on'the . Creston. lowa. Ihe dai . . Sail Lake City. Utah,ih. Ihe daughter Partin, )8,68, of Columbia Falls. Mont.. i thaldeforesrestat.ion and thc burning of “I believe we aref^'^able.of loor. : - of Samuel and'Ruby/ JcJohn. Koe took and lormtmerly of Castleford. died'1' < 1 aimosph’cric temperaturesres doomed." she said. “C )il Regional Hospital' In1 '1930. They resided In KIr riikthe Senate. Under Senate was only 10 days old.5ld. After gradui K alisp ell muA.slvu m m iutuH e ' iii ddstroying the planet. ;atlng from Glennsn s F erry H igh Kalispell.I. . a short time and then r 78. districts woiild have to Jeiuiiiu. Wafia& m am ed[■j!'a J silvd?” change; Cal:^a!dicott .said. Caldicoti praised thec 3.000-raeiTil )ublic hearing before taking * ive bef'Wildemess Medjcal )76. and moved Castleford3rd. the son ol Huam 'and"I'- (on July, S. 1938, In Shoshsh o n e.'an d “ W e’re: iivir the micidle o f a ma.ssive If on debl.. arand publish notice of Ihe RIcte C ^ege in 1976 he its concern for nature ai to CenlervlTle. Utah.h. She : married AmandaI KingKl Partin. He w as ra ise dI theyt m ada their hom e in1 ithe.Wood ■ experimenent," she noted. “As the and apprccia- hc^„g a t le a s t ID days before It o c - .. •, MIphael Misnick J r. on Jan. 4.1980, and attendinded school In Castleford., RiverF Valley until 1979. vhere Wan- Earth heatsIts up; no one knows whattint tiflaof the outdoors. in Knoxville, Tenn., ancand they moved He marriecried Dorothy L. Reagan onI dac worked lor the Sun Va/alley Com- will happen,«n," ■ “When we lose touch!h w ilh nature, 6-cent debt lim it w ould drop to fowa a few y e a rs ^go.^gc • July 2, 1941947, in Elko. Nev. The cou*■ ' fpany. Following their reretirement, Caldicottott advocated a halt to thehe wc lose touch with ourur souls," she ta " dl^>wn to a-p en n y o n A p ril 1, ^ I th ^ moved to Jerome. She was a /nemberier of Ihe Three pie livedI InIn Buhl. Oregon, Twin Falls t f trees for the production .of,o f said. ■ 1995. Island Riding Club DrillOr Team and a n d Mountuntain Home. In 1968, they S he w as a m em ber of tl-thoBapllsl. »f,“ the 4-H Club. She broijroke horses for m o v e dto to Flathead Valley w here1. . (Church and. Order ol Eatastern Star riding. th e y haveve since resided. He en-- iiin Blaine County. S h e and Koe Is survived by)y herI- husband, lered theIB U.S.I Navy during WorldI tband celebrated their 5< d ing anniversaiy In 1988,M^:'CoIl lilies ' Michael Misnick Jr.;; and ai two sons, Wer II andan was honorably dis- c and Devori Carl charged.I. • • - ' ...... -Survivors include her hLhu sb an d ol — !------• Mlchan Misnick 111 anc “Doohcsbury’s" stoc Misnick. all of Wintef8ck in trade; Readersrs wishingv free copies, of the , stepsons. Patrick Misnlisnick of Biloxi, C o lu m b)ia ia Falls;' two daughters, cof Twrin Falls and J e a n Tho that’s why the paper printspr the fea- "For Bettert^er or For Worse" episodes -ie8~of~CdlOmbIdTalls a n d SSanta Barbara, Calif.; ani il litre on the editorial pagage. Walwonh may ask-al Mo., and A ndrew MIsnlisnlck of Provi. Ruth-HInei mc^-'Neivs decision to pull ral (he newspaper, or call d ence. R.I.; h e r p a reranis, n Sam and Janel eenov id erg rass of.Libby, Mont.: nnieces and nephews. SheS'lS'pS S'ty,... said. As editorial t n ^^nl.,^ * ,■ - ' * ■ ■' - er.'Carrie- DeGraw« ofc New Ply^ ter, Sarah^ih>)all of Mountain Ho(ne: a.m. a Tuesday. March 30,D, 1993, at nothing to"da do w ith Id ah o ’s, projM sed , "It's natural and heasalthy that on ■ mouthy and several *au‘au n ts a n d un-. five grandeidchlldren; end one great* the tl Jerome First Baptistst Church. anti-gay-riglrights initiative, or' the na* that, poge we nre freqiquemly chai- lild. He was preceded In . withw the Rev. Ellis Keck cles. . . gcandchlld »te on gay rights ;and gays lengihg the i d ^ .and vai/d u e s o f som e • Tbe funecal.will b e) held',ath< 1 p.m. death byly hI is p a r e n ts a h d th r e e Rev. R Cerl Pershall offlclatir itory, W a l w o ^ s^id. , Willie, LOren and Leslie. will follow at the Je ro m e SC n l l f r ? : ■ .bfourwadei«.” ' Monday,'March .29.. at the Glenns brothers, W v, le sees no cotmarisonfber I, with Bishop The familimily h a s requested that fn Friends F may call from 5; tto 8 p.rn, . Also, he i But not, ort the comiclies page, and ^ l^ B B H Ferry X ds Chapel, vi 'br'fletter or For W orse" Donald Bryant conducd ueling. Burial lieu of flowowers. memorials may be ^Moriday at the Hove-Robe:>eflson Fu* tw e e n ‘ F o r c” not iii “For 'B«ter.or ForF Worse "A ilH n n i will be at 4 p.m . M ondin d a y a t Sunset^ macJe toihcIhe Kalispell Regional H os- neral n< C hapel in Jerom e. nesbury." ,1 which daes^aot dutiliflify as social 11 and social, commentary 'sis c p m ^ r a ^ . Hc.MK*-,;,

• V ’ ■ •! , : j ■' : . . y v

sSaturday, march 27,1993 Timos-Nows. Tim Twin Foils. Idaho B-3 Mii/lini-Cassia

I Strolltllin’ ^longI''- ■' ' H e yi ^ b u r n 1 tig h tte n s viise o n for a1 numni ber o f years, but no uclionuci crease in criinc. holioweW».t8««v1d» T w o g e e s « wwalk a along a grassy pallath a?kmerald Lake near . Heyburn recercentiy. -JRupeert, My]^rtle Keelly realc h a g r ceement i I M in i^ C ^ sla N e wa s ;Service lowedd tot keep five cuts, a badgidger. many. ’ rcsidcni.s3nis should be more politni^' a skunilink and ten dogs that Boi3ollar Kim Bcllision., tone of Kelly's and lhal thai the agreem ent'w as a ’ I . RUPERT-Theei city has reachcd suid wiwill eventually drgp in nunum* neighbors, believe^es the animals.' workableib le one. ■ I .Brieflfly in Mihtii-Cassia* an ogreement withth^ M yrtle Kelly, bcrs throughth attrition. A'il oilother, pa.rtfcularlythe dogs,dl make too ••|l's.s. sudst lhat p e o p le d o n 't give - but at least one Rulupen resident is unimoiilois will bpcomc custody'dy'of much noise. . • Ihe agreejreemeni a choncc to work,” ’ sfill unhappy. the Hurlumane Society. "Five dogs cannonot he t]utei. Ten ,,csiitus other critters on her hahalf- Belliston previou:■usly nlcd ucivll T rejo w as onin eme ployee o f Eugene Priceice Sr.. who lives in Minidoka for'working hard to come to. , ; property next'monti1th. acre lotlot in Rupert. Kelly has> s:said suit with thc cily.. saying: Kolly'., C otiniy, when1 hehi ,^vered voiious fingersers while using a table saw at ' The Humane Sb(b c ie ty ,>vill h av e m any.of y , those animals were wc menagerie of aniinnnul.s vlblaled ll.c . He added K e lly was^ to be Ihe P rice resideniience. ■ ' responsibilijy fpr rremoving aban- dumped>ed on h e rd o o rs te p by towjwns- i city’sHji(>isc ordiJinancc. Kelly applaudiuded for making .so many I T rejo is seekinkingSl million in damages, I doned vehicles, vegetationv and pcopic.lc. counlersue'd. arguining it was inhu- conccssicssions. Trejo claimsns he1 lost the .fingers afterer someone removed several ' J most of Kelly's aniilimals. hc said. Howewever. one resident believlieves mane of the cily toic tnkc her ani- Neightghbors not happy with thc safety devicess andai guards fro m tKe saw.M. Those devices ore required er. agrcemement may always lodge a byiheU.S.Consonsum er'Protection Safety’ Commission,G he said. K elly . 7 2 ’ w h o i;is known as the the nunlumber of animals Kelly/ m will mals uway from her " R u p e r t z6o la dly;" y will be al- be allollowed to keep is stillI t'too Rupert Mayor Biltill Whjttom said complainlaini with the cijy. he added..' __ . M anheldId on lew d condiduct charge ■ BURLEY-A■ A Rupert man is being heldildon'$25;000 bond after beingi„s Send|us your> newswivorthy items charged w ith Iew(ewd and lascivious conductt involvingir a 16-year-old, court lassiP^ig CiCity Prifces"! W e Want new s aiboUt b your meet- the Mi’i4i’ni-Cassia News Servic records show. • - PoIiM say MicVlichacl J. R obinson. 34. hadlad sex w ith the girl when she ‘’’S* event, weddinfng. engagernent. 627 Frei’remont St.. Rupcn. 83350’5001' ^ e n t tb a Burleyey Ihouse to obtain a lotoo onm FI eb . 8. ^ club or other news''swonhy item in call-43<436-1129. Or send to TiThe the Mini>-Cassia areirea. T/mes*rs-News. Box 548. Twrwin BipiiPiPV A preliminaryry hearingi h as been set for Wj ednesday. P le a s e d e liv e r iiinform ation to Falls, 8:,83303. 733-0931.______B o y s i n jiured u in car-bicjcycle m ishap T lm e s - Nslew s C lassifieled 7-33-0931 BURLEY^TwiTwo boys w ere hurt Wednesdosday afternoon when the bicyclccle L=| I «W E'LL BISUY YOUR GAS HEHEBE & BACK ^ they w ere ridingg cccollided w ith a car. Accordihg toI the Cassia County sheriffs dqdepanment. a car driven by Aii- I J ^ W H I T EE lir FARM EQUIPMEflENTAUCTlOH^ ciaMoMnce,31.Bi. Burley, w as nortbbouiui on1 BElba A venue at the inierseclion 29,1993 =^>1^ o'fEustl3S(ieet.v:t. when tw o boys on a bike putpulled in front o f her. HMONDAY, MARCH 29 Thctwobjcycl;yclist8, M ax A quinaga. 13.3. and C had Pelton. 13, were;re LOCATED: 1 mile weirest o f sto p sign In O akli^, Idahilaho. OsM sy is 20 mliatl fr^lh of knocked to the groundgroi and w ere treated at Cos:^ i a M emorial Hospital.' BurtsyonHwy.27. WliVatch fo r Au'cSon signs. ^ ■ \A l- L N IEW Pelton ( o ld d(puties ^ i ilut'the bike die) not havtiave any tirakes. S A t E T I M E r1:00 n a.m. , binchb|DehlilB&ft M igrantt council.plansc co e r e m o n y ‘ HEYBURN-'- The Idaho'Migrant-Countuncil h a s set a ground^brejik*,k. 10 TRACTORS & BAI ■; for a $1 million, 24-unit famu m la b o r housing com plex‘in ing cerem ony for Ca»3294lllis>llnair4l^ H eyburn. HR transmEsslon, 18.4x3^ ni^Srm rear,w , 14.9x38 rubber on front. 3054 hoursXJrs- I It>vUIbeheldflId at 2:30 p.m ; n iu rs d a y atU thtl e housing site to be locat-a,. :ase 4490 d l i ^ tracior, 4 wheel drfve, c I e d at 14 Street neinearlStreet.' The new compmplex will consist of two-,o-i three-, and four-bedroom M RPM R to ! SvoSSs^'SSi'S units for amcukuiltura] families. " S40 dr 1000 RPM .to;, olegoty II3 pl ‘T h e Minl-CasjCassia a re a 'is a strong agriciricultural force in our stote." ront end, single hydraulic oullel - Farm X 1/2 TON, 33/4fdiN and'i TiTON TRUCKS . - - said HumbertoI Fuentes,Fi executive direclorlor o f th c council. "However, I I REGUlILAR OR EXTENINOED^AB ; . ho u sin g fo r agricuricultural workers has becoirome a very real problemr-We ' '(desainractor^'speed'trahsrS i l S S S i w ! a t the Idaho Mignigrant C ouncil hope that thishis.complex will help to alle-le- hydfaullcloaclefW«gnefVir WA14 diesel Iraclor. 4 wheel drive,' ,200 MODELS v iate so m e o f that p roblem iand .will a s s isist t:in providing a stable work ipaIr, d i^ hydraulic ouUeb, WheaUand with i force for agricuituilturetothQarea,” . . The developmeiment will be. called ^ y eci'ecto Esperanza, Spanish foro r ' P ro ject H ope; andm d is financed through a loaioan a n d g rant frpm th e feder-'ir-' • ItMk’Mn'screw. 5x4 speed trensnrisslon bea; eiedric 24* bell slals with chain drivi al Farm ere H o mn e e, A dm inistration. • a ',■ ■■' ■■■ ' ■ ■■ ■ Compiled C firoiD staff rqiprts iwer steerfrn, single axle, 9.00x20 nibber ~'v I ■ . ^ _ _ _ ^ ------' 15'steel IW bed - 1963IHC ^ ^ ^ . L s ^ o a o m o W ^ Med -1858 IHC SlSo^Uui, SttScyllndei at bed with hydraulichobt-1959 KC I ith nith wheel -1963 C50 Chevrolet bud IS* flat bed bodI aaad hoisi need reaalred - m ifiO00 O IHCI trud( V8 e r« V twin screw.. 4x2 ; fescappee surrr e n d e r s 20 rabbet, 2 ? (lal M • 19761BOO LoiLoadstar tmck, ^ V 8 gas engine, 5x4 9.00x20 rabber, cuslcm Leonard feedleed box. ail hydraulic wllh-front augeruger ■ 0 tmck, 5x4 transmission. 9lXx20 rubbe SISiS E PICCK U P& ONE TONTi S c s E X P L O R EERS f to Utiaah TFsis t a t i o n *&. Mja custom trade aluminum catile lansBigafeYti1 a oiMma's nedal In great condition - SALT LAKE tlTY:XAPjii#;J.CoiyCl ^y said be had been'staying'in g 1969 Fort] ,1/?ton, 6 cylliidef H Ad • 1970 FoidF250.360 V8 engine Cody Judy,” who,ho, h a d ' 'eluded^V '.'up inI tf:th e m oiihtains. m aking alittli searchers, since hiss TTuesday, esci^fc •. bed, justust lik e a deer.” ...... |. ^ ^ e ^ ^ ,'a u t« i m Uansmlssion, power:« r steering -1974 JIO Jeep, 360 V8igas gas ; from th e state' mentalmal hospitali w u '' AuthoIhorilies had worried that JudjUdy arrested Friday duriniring a live inter- wouldd appear at the Mormor D U M P T R UH Cm & CONSTRUCTIIriON EQUIPMENT view at a televisionn stationst where he Church'ch's annual General Confcr 1.9.00x20 Rjbber, duai telescoping hoist. in S alt L ak e next>weekend. Bu 'Olst. ^ ' tu m ed h im self in. ‘ ence in ! Bm iSSISS-'M •20 nibber, single axle, hoist, metal bed-ied- ' ' — Ju d y , 2 7 . is chargedged w ith th re a te n - - Judy sai

.. ) ' ' v ' ■ ■ ■; ■ . ■?' s ' -' _ i \ - I- • . • . '. :d II , ■ '

I. '' r

3 eiSiion . . -I,. ' ' ' “ M eental All e ih ristiains sho>uld hejed meijssage co f Lent if our willful ond thoughtless Lent thc seas'onI iiin thc traditional ' ’ us in spile of o . Facing our guilt and Christ’s church yeor thul leads up, up. to th e celebration ^ L a w p i A boiou t Lawrence Vedidder -’'disobedience. Fr rence our behalfis the object of Lent. o f liaslcr. There lire prob,robably a good mnny I 9 ^ suffering on our illnesss can be 'worshipping coninuinittcsties thul arc not very f V e dddep i I T h e FRev. Lawrence M. Veddsw«fe, Luther said, we are at the same limc “saint borrowed y o u rs. YcYour kids hove played the Lcnicn'seiwoir ------— .— growJwth.,greening fields, thc; Itlengthening of Sharon,?n, have three children of and sinner." We^ e deserve hell, but Chrisl has wirti his. Y ou’v e chaiihultcd amiably andof^en . . .. . L sh o u ld .b eg in by nclncknowledgjng my_.dnysys and ihe end pf*^inter^srl^S'hold-onthe ----- ow iranand-have-^n:fostcr-parcnts d i‘6;?ince—;_Vkron -h eav en T6F^iis.and:givcst-us:tbiSTgifl fo r ------^ - over Ihe fcnce. aIt t thetl store, ol church, on biases. 1 um u lifelong member, mc o f w hai the . earthnh arc contoined in the wordjrd-lent.” .1988.. VVi ed d er is tui ordained m ini:iistcrof through faith.. mcdiu rcjcr^io jiS'"a maj^nUne ma Protestant___ ThThe church yeor season o fr LentL is 40 days the Luthutheran Church-Missouri Syi — ihebusJfoulhintyo.you.knowhjm,., '.Use what's-!eli-!eft-of-this Lei\,len season t o ------ig. It b"egms on A sirW cdncJncsday. which. denomination,’'"wFatcvcrvcT-ihut is supposed- long, eakness and his strength. Then 1993. fell on Feb. 24. ft.cononcludcs on the , p onder o u r w eak to imply. More to'thcc point,p my church in 19 ler fo r all you're worth. cd as "conscrvalivc.’’ d.ay/ Ibefore Easter, which will/ill be on April or® -J*”ittle ' Easters’’ celcbratiitin g the celebrate E aster i Joseph body is widely described i ction ofour Lord and his> itriumph - ,In the cliinolc of politicaical correctness ihat IQlthllhis year. If you count thcic Jews cbrrespondenl do.” . T hat’s w h y y b uu probably p don’t even ' hting to But the world,irid continues to get sm aller. . ■ know oboul il. O h , yo u ’ve noticed lhat Ben ?M E - From prizefight B y H . R . \ his Twin “We’re living^ng^iri a day of change; walls gets a little d o w n in the i dumps from limc ng — it’s round two for thi T im es-N e^ are coming do'down," Hicks said. "I’ve to time. And Sheiloa gigoes up and down like Inister. hristian spoken in Cathcitholic Churches and black n yo-yo - s o m e tiirtimes she’s ihe most :s (J.C.) Hicks is Chi ■ J E R ODn N director and prayer coor;oi^inalor churches; a fewiw y: ears ago w e d id n ’t c ro ss delightful w om an, in town,i and sometimes p re a c h in g 'irst Assembly of God ,Chuhurch on over like we can-:an-now ." she looks like she’dH’dTiiie your hand ofT if . F alls m in i: Street. He started boxingng “as a Hicks contendends that Christians need to you rcachcd out toI h«her. “That’s just Ben," ■ J a m e s :lIow" growing up in solouthem focus on tbeir• strengthssti ahd not “major in . you've reasoned, andmd ‘That's just thc way ed u c a tio n ri. m in o rs, lik e a particular c doctrine." He Stieila is," ■ at th e F irs s’ father, Wilbur, was v a pute lots o f emphn p h asis o n family, ^ Bul it isn't. T h e: r«real Ben is warm and L o c u s t S t onal gambler in Kansas CiCity and He explainedned, “In today's society, witiy, carefree andid . “He was also an amatetir r . ' ' a H M isso u ri. lid. ■ own thing. WeVe let children be leaders sccu rc a n d y e t gigentle and loving, t y g o o d at both,’! H ic k s saic ved. wilh without discipHnpline. Everything is, catered Wicnever you see somsoi elhing else in them, g his childhood, Hicks live he local to the child. Inn th e H ebrew philosophy w e you're seeing thc illillness. Or'maybe thc ndfather, J. B. Hicks, the der man ore taught to streiitrengthen the family, while, . mcdicntion. Or moylaybe a combination of n Forsyth, Mo. The olde ork hard in the Mediterratrranean and Asian, cultures, Ih e tw o . But it is n ’tt ththem. N ot rcally. he young boy how to wor the e ld e r is th ee pep atriarch .” Ben and Sheila are meijtally ill. Which rig h t." Grandfather Hicks was a circuit Hicks' familylily is part othis ministry is not ju s t an o th er wwa; ay o f saying Ihal their -lissouri. team. "The Hlckiicks’ — Evangelists," reads illness is all in th e ir heads.I Mental illness re'acher in Arkansas and M i ) trained the brochure.i. FFamily members make can be just as real and an just as debilitating ng his own career, Hicks i jromoter themselves avavailable for "general ’ as the.most devsstatirating physical maladies, irofessionol boxer under pn ms tnln evangelism , Holy H< Spiriti children’s Il binds viclims in tntransparent chains and ake, who helped Doc Kem crusades, pas)astors* seminars and holds Ih em s c c u resly ly in prisons without temper, missions." wolls. But b ccau se it can't 'oe seen or fell had a terrible t< lid. Phyllis, Hicks’ks’ wife of 27 years, assists physically, m any of us are inclined lo In’t smoke-or drink," he sail ly playing the piano, organ, dismiss mental ilinilincss as a cop-out - 37 years'ago, someone invitedi her husband by p 1 accordion and] ststringed instruments; She . espccinlly when wce ssee il iii people who t c h u rc h . * said.'He also sings in churhu rch . appear to be ... weH,ll, inomiair You know ~ got.hold'of me,” Hicks sa to.4eavc the boxing -worl>rld an d ------UisJlrst. w ife,.fe, Fnmcine, died while the Hicks fam ily’ w;was sending the Lord in Ben c e ^ in ly se e mm s ihdi way. H e's gol a a trjinister. ' ' ssionaiy Emmett, Idaho.3. great family, a love!)'ely home and a good, a self-taught preacher; miss sccurc job in a p ro fitditdbld l field. He’s got no :hen ‘‘I did take some cour by Hicks’ childrerIren have follo>led in their reoson in thc w o rld to be depressed. But he ondence and at Bethanyy Bible father’s footsteps:eps. A son James,- Jr., is a is.-phronically. -Therhc medication helps in Califomia,” he said. . „ p asto r in W a llaIla Walla, W ash.'Daughter sotne, but he still1 b:battles his personal 3, 65, has ministered in 10 Debbie is marriarried to Dan Miller, the demons daily. Am\nd. privatelyg And natl'pns. Including a-stintIt in Ihc p asto r o f F a ithI ChapelC l in Jerome. Another occasionally, it shows>ws through iheT acadc-. ’acific, whe/^e he w orked“ as an daughter, Mary,ry, is .married to Marshall he has learned to h idde e !behind. missionary, evangelisisl and Duff. They live^e itl'Springfield,i Mo., and- . "Comc on, Ben -- echeer up!" associates It the Tonga Bible School, ‘ assist at the chunhurch there. The Duffs also tell him, •’You’ve: ggot a good life. Be is tmveled ta Tonga fourir times served in an orphirphanage in Juneau; A lask a, 982;, taking along clothi happy!" ANOYAAeNZi hing to forZMyeora, e o ij th e difTerent is la n d s .. "I know I’ve got a good; life," Ben told And there is} mmore to come. Tbe Hicks A self-taught preacherer and fomier boxer, Jaiames (XC.) HIcKs has n ’t k n o w i f I’ll go b ack ; it de mc rcccnily. “I love; mmy wife and my kids, 14 grandchildren In 10 denominations, r ices,” Hicks said. “W e hihave to fnmily boasts 141 and I’m grateful for»r vwhat I have. 1 don’t H i c k s ’ know why I'm depres>ressed. I just am. And y______profession: telling me to b e h a p p y is a little like idling Chicago. ** a bold person to growiw 1hair. You can't do it a n d p re tty if you don't have it.. A And right now, I just D u rin g I. r don’l have it.” Churchh new s his gr^ndl Neither does Shellicila'- not thal-you'd ’ judge in 1 e -will share his ReSUI know il by a superfic•ficial look al her life, St. Edw ard’s olteiters mission in Spaiinish the Iron Cun taught the urrection Breakfastst sets for April 3 gly loyal lo her and lo . . experiences of t n these countries. T-.,fn Her family is lovingly TWIN FALLS - St. Edward’s Catholic Chu an d **do ri{ W FALLs - H eritage A lllailliance Church, located on each other. She is acti\ctive and involved in a hurch hos ori April A, a will speak 01 11 ^TWU planned a four-day mis;nission in Spanish for thc 1 G re a t Gi omer of Sixth Avenue'NoiNorth and Fourth Street lot of different things,;s, and she works hard ■ H.'spnnic „„S R„bii ,o Romania, wm jj” «' Catholics of Ihc Magicic \Valley. . p — riding pre'a i, has planned a Resurrectiijction Breakfast for 8:30 to keep her home andid Ifamily together. But speak a t 6 :30 p. ' .Deacon German Torooro will be the S e e k in g a.m . A\p f ril 3 at thc church. R a y' L ewe is and Jack M uldoon everywhere she gociocs, she carries thc featured speaker al serverviccs set for to be a pro •e the featured speakers. AMl ll Magic Valley are men ' physical and emotionalmal scars of horrifying ^ jB L Ed’s on ,sic choir 7:30 p.m. April 4 andd 17 p.m. dally s t R oy D rak e viled. Cost Is S3 p er persom. n . abuse lhat cXtendccded throughoui her April 5, 6 and 7 att llthe church. • T W IN FAL^L Jock D emsb p is organizing a childhood. C hild corc and c h ildren’e n ’s catechism Latin music c “ A s ale fi; 11'a.m. Easter "rm getting belter:r - rcally, I am," she will be provided dduring the M -Am Sunday mass. 1 but I didn’tp.m. Monday and oU riCley Catholics plan spaghettisp dinner ' says. “Most o f the timcimc I do OK. Bul once sessions. Following theIhe session on ' ^ April S in the. ! Then, ch.3' All interested b URRLEY - The Little Floweriver Catholic Church'lias in a while ... I d o n ’t’t kknow ... I just can't A pril 7, a reception forar 1T oro w ill be ’ persons are enci H ick s toir. cY • ' p la n ned e t Its anntial’spaghetti dimdinner for April 3 in thc handle it." fP^ .. L^tin hymns : “ G o d ion g o of thc Catholic parish1 Hall,I 1601 O ^ e y A v e. . ______Whotcver “it" is.' held in thc Parish HaU- Colotnbioand — Church a n d ac - decidedmy, to parishioners. Dinn, Just IU there a re thoselose Who usiTttelrown------mer will be served from 5.5 .tc to 8:30 p.m. Cost is S6 has developed andnd directed >fO------^----- EngltslMnass-i become a n I physical disabilityy asa a manipulative falts nnd, S2.5 0, fo r childjrenIjrenfmnder' 12i"The fund* . , \ " ministry to the Hispaniianic CalhoJ^s , < C ouncil since th H e is a s device, I’m sure therere arcs some who try to ...... r a is e r' \will include an auctionn o f item s m ade b y .th e iL ofUtah for II years. and teache: use mcQlal illness a s an ai excuse or as part correspon' m qf the parish, includinglg an( afghan, latch-hook of M elaborate plan to engender sympathy Communit College ringmeetag^rs.'p'Siin iilow doll, lap.robe and.ceroisroinic ^ t e r centerpiece.’ (which, when you stoptop and think about It, Fellowship breaksks g^tihd for new ctchurch heyburn - H ic k simmunity , Services Also includedin will be two mealial'certificates * to George ■ is in itself an (ndicatioItion of some kind of TWIN FALLS - AnAmazi'ng drace Fellowsl'ship has of the Seventh d e n o m inh a thas planned ils K ’s, tw:wo dinners for two fromn J.B.'sJ and a doorknob problem). But I rum. "I’m noi running,:fo TN FALLS - Nominations15 SundayS at St Edward’s Ito feel that people a w ill be the guest said. "I’d just likoto Missions C^onfereirence at Grace Bapt)tist Russell Johnson o n f in a n c e 1 is April 4. Nom inaiion-fn forms for new parish doing the best I can, _ , . s p e a k e r s , a n d ut will give Ihc understand that I’m do il members w ill be in th c pewp ew s Sunday and A pril 4. ond that they d o n ’t ju drdge g i m c when my bcsl . T W IN f a l l s '- Giracc rac Baptist Church, 798 EjstlandE dJvolion. - Drive N., has scheduled'led'o Missions Conferencee for this , . . , ■ T w o ojpcnings p arc three-year term::rms,arc available. Forms isn ’t good enough.” Johnson ts 1 ecretary for the mustbe» |um cd ih by A pril 4 . Especiolly when theyley don’t rcoily know week. uthem Idah'^'ind • Ed Nelson of Denveiver, Colo.', will be the fcalurcdfc Scvcnlhj^yA, him. ' immunity service ' speaker at services sett for fo 11 a.m. and 6:30-p.mI .:Sunday Oregon 5 --. , i coo rd in ato r fo r { em Oregon. The.;f. Times-News welcomes ne bisbop itt the Church and at 7 p.m. Monday, throughthr Friday, ■ news o f church events, Joseph Walker is a bii urtain came down. Hesryl i Siver, area Send min/b/nur/o/i'ro Ellen Thomasmason, The Times-News, o f Jesus Christ o f Lattiatter-day Seihta. His Nelson has traveledled throughout the -worlirld as a For more afthin e struggles going o n in tl every other week on misslonury statesman. HiHc went into Russia, Yugcigoslavia, president^ at 78£ on, vice president, BoBox S48. Twin Falls, ID 83j83303. Deadline is nopn column will appear eve 4, Brian R ager o f N ev ad a \ . T au rsdd^y a for publication on the SaiSaturday religion page. the religion Czechoslovakia, Poland,'nd,’ Hungary' ahd Romaniaia before at ,829-5550. ibln Bumelt, missionary to I p.m. y - ■ • 'l' •• irganizes L atin musl< L^LS - St. Edward’s P arish : choir to perform at the }. Practices arc set. for 7 p.r 1C.c hoir lofl at th e c h u rc h , ncourdged to jo itrth e choir, is have' been a long trad itio n are still familiar to man}

: th e early 1960s. ;------

li ty g r o u p p l a n s s p r i i vI - The Magic Valley Comi ith-day Adventist Church I ing for 10 a.m'. Tuesday a Adventist Church on Alfre concludc with a potluck c

itlves of the scrviccs from < Hailey, Jerome and HeyJ le activilies in community ion and Virginia A lsbrooks v nd Pastor Charles Stout

s the adn»inlstrative seci Adventist Church in soutt :on. Alsbrooks is the com i >r southern Idaho and eakern information, call Chery ^88^2153 or Neva Robinson, ' . A , J , ...... SlSatufdny. Mjircti 27. 1993 Tlmos-Nows. Tlrr Twin Falls. Idaho B-5 ■ I -

I .1—i- ' Religion , Mys a-veyetative-stflte—San.Ai.Antonlo..Texa 8,Jor.attaclacklng.his_wlfe^egoy-Ri Ralley.^ix- ______cor<.,___ from which she will'ill neveri recover. y e a rrs s ago. T h e a s s a u lt left h e r In a v eg etativ e stateto- T h e 1Dallas district attorney In the spring of /ering machine. “I’m.callirIling. questiori.Railey abouout_discrcpancics J pffi_cee filed no charge_s_agairi^CKns stian^OT WaHceTRoilcyrd:^roomis ondsociffl y j,<,„ frrom „ , my mobile phone. Peg.I. itit’s in iiis story, he Iockq(cod him scif inSide Railey,y, citing insufficient evideni conscious, was Ihcth< high-profile S m e v . W O R T HH, , Texas "(AP) - probabllably a RrobJem." said Don t,.oh, I d o n 'fk n o w , ^ don’t haveha> a hospital suile and 10look an overdose Then Hii'last year, Dislrict Attorn uns a Christians- 'Jnekson,son. president o f tJic Fort W o rth ' . sen io r m inister o f■thc6,000-membcr thc a walcl to a 'county jail rui :tch. It’s somewherc'bctwecveen bf tranquilizers. ' John VanceVa reassigned^the case tc i thc "God pod" chapterIter of thc American Civil First U nited Methodi:odist Church. . i0-30ai chief prosecutor, Cci''ccil dubbed ) and 1 0 :4 5 ....” I In a rambling notee addressed1 to no new c where inmates have h ucccss to Liberticrties Union. Hc said he has' Short, bald an son, and a grond jury indict Therecre was n o response, lone,' he told the' read'nder to “Proy for Emcrsoi ;ions. videos and fieldedled three inmaic 'oomplainis unimposing except)t fifor tloshmg dark “My < religious TV static ly concem is that you’re safeafe," •’Peg ^ , lake care of mym children, and RaileyY o n A ug. 25. in fro m o u ts id e since JulJuly. blue eyes, he ran a1 vigorousvi m in istry he conli Bible instruction intinued. fo rg iv e m e for Ihe pailain I inflict on s6 T h atIt day, police converged'don < teachers, - Tarranrrant County Chief Deputy Pat a nd o fte n aim ed agiagainst p re ju d ic e A t that tl: moment, his wife; layla many." , Immantiinuel Presbyterian Church and injustice. ch Civil libertariarans suy that the Howellell said the only spccial • ' . . unconsinscidus oti the floor oftheIh eir ------5iThere-is-a-dem hishi records showed Rail< blood unconstitutional, c o m pilaint la i from a Jewish inmate appeared serene andid 8solid. movemc ess DNA test; results on blo< meijts the night of her attack.:k. D allas psychologist. f»ice the nigh. f ro m "W hy can’t an iniinmate get a liltle who saisaid the tank offers special T h e n cam e th c: letters. lei The first He > aliva samples obtained fro had been doing lib'rarra ry o fM rs . Railcy’s atuicl lilted spiritual uplifting oronce in a while?" privilegeeges for Christians, called R ail^ “a nigg(igger lover."' „searcl / in 1990. He also permilt' irch lhat evening, he said,d, iat On July 29, Railey:y wcnt before a ' ip ie d he asked. A n oother th prisoner complaincd he T h e u n signed typn after, the FBI concludedI theth bishop, told the grandid'jurors that she Amonong potenrial prosecutic Two nights Icter,er, Railey called threatentening letters were compose'js e d a n d R a ile y w ere lovi)vers for a year wimessesses a t th e trial are R liiley’ss s51 o n ' ' hom e from his cor phone.ph< on a typtypewri^er a t R ailey’s church.h. and he had visited herhe thc night of Ryan,, now1 11, who once to l d _ ‘‘H i , B a b e ," hebe said into an On MMay 1, as police preparedd tot< M rs. R ailey’s attack. investigaigators, "M aybe Daddy d id" it Brief!ly C atedihism conntrovers>y centerss aroundd gender 8.2milUonin view Grahamtn in Germany "If this documentI wiwere to come out in Englislish Congregation for thele IDoctrine of the Faith short I ESSEN. Germany - EvangelistE Billy Graham T he A s s o c ^ r f P r e:ss s s ■ in exclusive language,ge, it would insure a masslvlive before Christmas, PcPollard said. Jn a meeling I this week completed:d his\ mast far-reaching alienation immediailiately." said Mary Boyilys, . early Feburary atteiitended by Law and other I crusade, transmitted fromfrc here by satellite to T h e new .R om ann CatholicC catechism is a bebeat associate professor o3f ft th eology a t Boston Collegi!ge. o b je c tio n s w ere rail'aised over ihe use of moi I more than 1,400 centeinters across Europe with seller in France andnd Spain, but a disagreeipeipent Law "is sticking his9 n eck o u t a bit vis*a>vis theth inclusive language in translating1 Scripture ond tl I attendance totaling 8.2 mmi illion. about gender referenrences is keeping the Engliglish V atican, and I respectc t hhim fo r that." writings.of church thelieologians. l] O f these, about 250,OOC,000 responded to G raham ’s translation ofTU.S., bobookshelves. Thirteen U.S. publublishers are preparing1 t‘0 The translators susubstituted phrases such i I inviution to accept Christirist. ade, translated in various First due W in MaMarch, tbe translation was1 stillst p u b lish th e 676-pagee document,di the first unlverst p e o p le, m en and w omam en, hum anity or hum ankir I Thc five-day crusade 3cd as reaching the largest being worked on thishis week. T h e U .S . trtinslatoiItors’' catechism ofthe churchu c h sin ce 1566. at various points whivhei«'ihe word man was m ■ 'languages and described ; 50 years of ministry, also original version, wniivMch broadened referenceses to . While it maintainss atraditional bans.on divor« sp ecifically referringg tto m ales. G raham audicnce in Graham’s 50 :n priests,'the iratechlsm alS' w ent to sites in fo n n er' coicom m unist countries, tnan 19 include membtmbers o fth e h u m an familyf andai abortion and women f • S o m e ,o f th e mor89. unfaithnil to thet ccompefadium of Cathol Jesus in the Gospel,, saids the Rev. Joseph Fessii teach in g approved bby y Pope : John Paiil II last Jun'une. homosexuals. ■* e d ito r o f Ignatius Presi-ess in San Francisco, In the middle oftlif the dispute Is conservati'ative "For any Catholic: totc be completely informed Russian cl:hm-ches avoidI Yeltsin\ tiff Cardinal Bernard Lau;^w of Boston, who originalnally they would want to haveha\ th e catechism as a poin)int T h e saying in M attlatthew 25:40 when Jesus tel suggested the ideaea of a new catechism at a o^ reference,’’ said theth e R ev . Jo h n Pollard « f th'the his followers "as you)u (}id it to one ofthe leastst ofc MOSCOW - ClChurchcs say they are stayiraying neutral in the currenl bisnops* synod in Ro:Rome in 1985. H e nQW flnifinds. Education Departmement o fth e U.S. Catholicllic my brethren, you didiid il to me" was changed‘d tot struggle for contrUrol between Russian Presiresident Boris Yeltsin and • ’ ' '■ him self accused'of bo\bowihg.to political cprrectnetness Conference.-':------•— ‘-‘just as-you-did-itto>'one 0 o f th e least o f these wwho h Communist hard-li•liners. intheEn^ishtranslatiIation. The English versic‘sio n 'w a s su b m itte d to thilhe are m em b ers ofjipy ftnfam ily ." • • - • Russian Ortholodox Patriarch Alexy I!, II, withoul taking sides, appealed to politiitical leac^rs to tum awayy fifrom personal ambitions and end their standndoff for the sake of the peope ople. t Religiolms newsleetter helpss people ivrestle wiith issues' . The Rev. Geororge Lozuk, a SouthemI BaptistBt missionaryr'said Baptists are "prai•aying that the Lord will1 bringbi the right thing for tiobr-homosexuality, sexuo ByTomSchadisr “ • Issues of abortio , R ussia." to th e sexual agenda as bein] Knight-IUdder News■s ServiceS ‘TlienaW'iv-arana Is the behavior "Get used to board: schoitool board, town the one that tears apanlart local, denominational am Protestantits assail Vaticanm appointment Waming: If you wawant to a v o id thinking, reall ecumenical (orces." , 11''^ board, llbrar■ry board, clinic Iiat happened to mainstrear thinking, about religsligious and ethical matter • A rep lay o f w hat earn .WASHINGTON)N - Num erous ProtestantI leaderslci hove criticized the ie 1950s as churches try t< d o n ’t b o th er to readI anany i\irther. board, zoconing board Protestantism of the y . Clinton adminisiistration for continuingg a policy of naming an ers with market strategies But if you want to wrestle> with some complc attract new memberj ambassador to theic Vatican, but the head of RomanF Calholic bishops P'“ andd 1s o on .’ leaders may have forgottei bioethieal issues andid tto explore how beliefs mma ay Today’s religious lea applauded it. ers Bid 40 years ago:. "The; affect society in theie (coming years — for goo;ood what religious leaders . “It is gratifyingg that thc government... continuescoi to recognize the who were casually attractei a nd fo r ill — then conconsider the following helpfiIpful — ExcerptIt ffrom the newsletterr retooled for people wl cted value to our peoplipie of diplomatic relations5 withwi the.Holy See, whose ing lots, spectacle and lov resources: and liked big parkin] morol leadership ono behalf of peace, justice.:e. humanI development and „ ... 'Context: ACI C om m entary on the seople left as easily as the; j Martin Marty iss a historian and aii expei ’ demands, and the pec human rights hasIS been so iiniversally praijraised," said Archbishop co nm ientator on the: ininteraction between religiorions , Interact!ictldn of Religion and1 cam e.” William H. Keelersr o f Baltimore, president o f 1the Nalional Conference ' • New religious movementsm (occult, cultic and various cultures.}. HisH talents a n d contributiorions Cultun , I I®’ of Calholic Bislipg)gs. ;ure.' by Maiiih Marty lian re lig io n s ) w ill still bi are to o w ide-ranginglg t(td note in a few paragniphiphs. ' alterrrative and Asia ' But protests comime from a range of Protcstarstant leaders after President around, "though withithout changing thc map o I Boslon ^ayor Raymon-to- ’ Clinton named I ' c u ltu i^ i n s is ts , Mait>arty is.som eone to listen to. U,S. religion." , continuing a polic>c y established in 1984 by foformer r President Reagan, . them predictions by b] M arty on religious : from Marty — on Judaism A g o o d soiirce of NM ail's wit and wisdom i T h e re ’s lols more fr 'srn. The Rev. Jamescs M. Dunn, c.'^ccuiivc dirccircctor. of thc Baptist Joint | development^' in thisihis country and in othci Mormonism, Orthodoxloxy, R om an Cathojicism an« his newsletter “Conteintext: A Commentary on th iey portend. T hey include: C om m ittee w as amimong those objecting, countries and w hat they evangelicals. Bui youo u ’It h av e to read the issu< Iation of thc principle of ' Interaction o f Religionion and C ulture.", tribalism in which God gets “Such an appoiointment is a clear violati' tter ■ "lethal tril ^ yourself. Call Contexiext newsletter at (800) 328 church-state sepo[loration. a dangerous andnd divisive precedent o f Published 22 timpmps a year, the ncwslette called down on our sids ii govemment meddldling in church alTairs. andd tl:thc occasion for practical includes excerpts fromfrc secular and religiou il's p eo p le.’” publications alongng with M arty’s cogenc n t ® $24.95. -problems'forall th'those engaged in thc far-flunlung missionary venture in ^y, the religious righl. ‘‘Thehe Hurry, though. Mart;irty M ys in’this issue that.Hi; comments. (M arty^y'says he reads dozensj oof • New strategies by, ' developing countriiries." hc said. > • • n ew arena is the board:■d: schi o o l l^ a rd , town board,rd, re tire m e n t day is "fivirive years and 33 days fron I ' publications w hile soalwaking Iq the bathtub. Keep board, zoning board and so now,” adding, withI a h isto ria n ’s penchant fo fo: r , CCompiled on fiom wire reports the creative thinkingng processes warmed to th e library board, clinic boi ____ o n ." . a ccu racy , " at 5:00 p.m.m ." -taskri'guess:)------Features Sp>y p e a k e r a t ^ Sometiiimes fussiing faiths ]jlink up fo]>r causedlear to all1 GRACE BAPXIS1ST CHURCH _____ — lit-view-of tlic massxsscu*sTipport^Richsru~C3m V, . ^ G e o f B e W .C a m e ] ^ ------M ftsrimponum plcues ver. 798 E astlaiiarid D r. N. ' hove seen for years,’rs," soys the Washingtonan of Nashville. Tenn.in.,-head ofthe Southen ' r„ T b e A ssociaited P n ^ . I D 8 3 3 0 1 public-policy oflice oof f the National Council of Baptist Christian Lifeife Commission, soys. "Wi Tw in Falls, I are.confident th^t.1 1 the restoration of true -American-religious)us forces, often in confli?1i9t Churches...... —...... - 2 0 8 - j ' 7 3 aa-14 T 523: * . us religious freedbm is ncnow within our grasp." over various issueslies, have lachieved raH:iris, **It afTects the interterests o f every religious in behalf o f a principle the;hey body," added the councuncil. which embraces most)st • TTiat ram part was considered cc sholtercd by thth< e ]D r. E d Nels'oi^ o f: D enver, Colorado, I sweeping solidarity in >90 rtilin g that abandoned ,i hey consider e n d an g ered anianrf m ajor Protestant arand Eastern- Orthodoxjx Supreme Court’s 199( w orld-w ide m issionLonaiy statesm an I cherish bu( which thw longtim e standard1 tthat any l;iw restricting I se v e re ly eroded — refi]religious libcity. *'• denominations, w ho has beenlbehliM nd the former I together for the proposedcd religion must serve a "compelling govcmmeaient J T o p ro te c t tb at basicsic right, w h ic h th e y say wwas a The groups drawn to Iron C urtain countn t r l e s o f R u s s i a . ion, leg islatio n — 58 o f therhem in thc Coalition for thehc in te re s t" a nd bc thc leastlea m eans to do it. j tmderminedbya 1990>90 S uprem e C o u rt decision Rom ania, Qzpchosl^Slovakia. P o l a n d they’ve united behie h in d a b}ll now befonore Free Exercise of Rellg:ligion — form one of thc Calling-fhat an unanaffordable "legal luxury^' and Y ugoslavia, wl]w ill be speaking , Congress, the Religiogious Freedom Restoratioiion most inclpsive combiribinations o f religious and the court upheld an OiOregon law prohibiting Slist c . ^ ! 'A c t , . . rights organizations, of peyote in a casee involvingi siich use in'tn ' * Sunday, MM arch 28 at 11:00»0 a .m . "Never before 'have hi so{ many diversirse V'-They range from conservativeco evangelicals'Is troditional Indian rituatual o f the Native Amcri,c»r and 6:30 p . m . ■ ... ideologies come togetlDctlln' to s u p p o rt a p iece'orof^- such as Southern Bapbaptists and the. National C h u rch . tQ ^ ngelicols to liberol groups A l s o J o l nning l him M arch 29 i. h u m a n r ig h ts le g isislatioHi,’* li Isays Steven T.T Association of Evange [j Since thatjmling, morem< than 60 cases m lowei y’s such as People for- thetk American Way'and t h r o u ^ ' Akpru i 2 at 7:00 p^mm . w i l l b e M cFarland of the ChristianCfa [Legal Society’i courts have been dedecided against religion American Civil Libertiisrties Union. Also included “S; Mr. R obta1 B urnett of Roma an n i a a n d C ent^ f9r Law and ReiReligious F ^ r e ^ m . generally fhvolving miminority groups, says Olivei the are national Jewish andnd M uslim organizations, r i a n R a g e r o il N e v a d This latest, weightyhty contingent joining thi TJom as, general couiouhsel o f the Baptist Jp.ini Pastor BrL fouiid ourselves raking up b ro a d efTort is th e actionion ami o ^ o m an Catholifslic “ " W e ev an g elicals foi -V;^>Committee. Bishops, the U.S.. CCatholic Conference.. 1It arms alongside seculaular civil liberties groups, "It Has made the Constitution’sCc free-exercisc;ise ^ i a l music nightly. previously declinedi tcto back tl^:act, but afteifter who' werc usually shboilooting at us. not with us,’’ is clause a dead letter,”'’ hhe said. "Every religion1 inir Nursery provided c larificatip n s, g ot behinthind it last w M k . says McFarland, whoseise C h ristia n legal center is ■ Amcrica has sufferedd d ire c tly q r ipdircctly>" Jor each service. For religious organiznizations,' “this is one o f theth< based in Annandale, VVa. a. • k ^ w ) i _ _ ------V' r ■ J. • ' •


x > r t s L i n e lITicTimcsNnTO | CSI c r u i ssies o nI W ini g e t ’s>5 n o - hf l i t t e r 0 ^ . F o r the latest i I ■ The Timcs-News - ' "I m inim um o f 15i hlucrshiti in the contest, scores, call- 1 _ "It seemed likekc «cverytlilng was falling for 1 TWIN FALLS - A\ n no-hitlcr. a hard- W a lla W a lhla s e e d e d NFo. o 1 forfmalii S strik es;’ the riglit-lijit-handcr from Mumiy, Utah I hitting lineup and agres;ressive bascrunning said.^’Everytliinging was working. My slider 7 3 4 - < 6 3 2 6 ! made life easy for Collegeege of Southcm Idaho T h e Tim es-News with Northirth Idaho meeting JSU at Br3ruin w as working redidl «w ell, and m y split they just atid/oUoii'fhc stniplcsin Instniciions. I Coach Jim Wlilker Fridayiay night. -.1, ■ Field andid 1TV C C taking on G reen Ri'River couldn't hit.” 1 Sophomore Cody Winginget frustrated Green, t W iN f a l l s - W alla1 VWalla. Wash., at Frontierier Field. - • Away from CSl2SI thc last>'two seasons on a J River with an eight-strikeiikcout perfom iance in tatakes thc tbp seed into todi:jd a y ’s finals o f In thc semifinalssei at 12:30 p.m.. WrValla m ission, said hce threwthi a couplc no-hittcrs in ' the Golden Eagles' 11-0-0 fivc-inning win at ilithc CSl Classic followedI in ord er in the W «N a faC'races the Bruin Field wintnner high school and’surfsum niijr leagues., Frontier Field in the C Sl>1 CClassic. ’ nirankingi'by College of Soi)Outhcm Idaho, there, andid iCSI aw aifs

T oday _ Cuiitton lui&cB^iii ^ Beaiircats Ounnoifirinia (6aj>n FxTklliii.OFtool«f jnO F-olOI 10nm Eaglile rode50 o ff toi a faiist* start iHlFtonlWfFialB) 1230pm. ^oid.nino innlno»)3pm ' C011..U0 KoOro ; L. . . By R on Gates CSI HfxJru nt (;«l>o 2 i) m . I) | T im es-N ew s w riter ■ run-upast— 6oif , Ciinyon Siuiinji Amntouf TW IN FALLS — Victories VI in all three , i;oughsiock events pro]propelled the College ^•Southern Idaho menten into a fast ston for I Cav:m liers 'frteir own l7th annuallal < CSI Intercollegiate 0 n m — Worn.Vom«.i » bortotonit, NCAA Eotl Rodeo Friday evening.'g- '______Tbc A ssocii PPic ress Htjgponai Imui 11 It m — cnn"''"' t2., NCAANC tiaikelDiill. Oi«ition II CnnmoioriMi.p Champ throirown “ B7 B y EAST RUTHERllERFORD, N.J. — Nick Van ^ Aulo rucine. NASCaR Murk III V^inn 200 W B Exel was at his best nnd w orst Fridoy night, Noon - C«mmr,'» 7. M. Coif.Golt. Pinyets CnsmpontXip Zane Oavis contini:Inued his quest for . His worst got hinhim a seat on the bencb. His , . 1 1)... - D.nnnoi. 0. 3S, Oo-f.ng.Oo- Long Igiam OlW'i Iniermountaln and NaiNational All-around best was good cnoim ough tb- get Cincinnati into tpm — CMfiimi 23. Womon)m«n s tuitknlbaii. NCAA KniJ'lltl.ll (rllnl honors, tying teammatnate Robert Bowers m m th e NCAA East RC{Regional final, 1 30 u m — Cnm.noJ 12.. NCAANO Datknttwil. S'ouiniol and for the bareback leadead and posting 80 Van Exel, senticnt to the bench after a ■ .'■"’r s o o T '-* Ch«,.noi1 30. JO AuIo .ocind, NASCAR poinis to best all come")meVs in saddle brone ’, 1^; technical fouLondnd a blown breakaway layup Gooaw.rpnch W» riding. Hfe early in the sccondond half, hit two 3*ppinters 2 JO P m. — cn.inno't 0.. 3S. Women's goll. 0.n«l> SWo CSI’s Bodee Allredd wworked his bull for mm a n d o jum per toI capcaj a 23-8 sccond-half run 3pm.-Crunnql2a,*9« State University cowbovboy Shone Holt for 13. Skiing. World Froni1yi«-.^ 7 1 -5 4 ' v icto ryy cover .1993N C ^ ClinniB-on&n.D» first in that event. Virginia. S 30 Djn — Chunnor 23.1. WcWomon's DnsknibaM, MiffwstI Weber State boastsISIS lc a d e rs " in c a lf ■ The win moved th e ^ 30 p m — Cn'ar.rei a. OauBauBaH. N.Y. Vanksss vt. AllanU ro p in g ’s top regionalal performer. j Justin ' V sccond-seeded Beat • 7pm — C>i»nnoi 23. Womon>mon-« basketDsii. W»»l Regonal Hodson, and Jason EigiEiguren. w ho hooked IV (27-4) within a victovie ry up with Dixie's Clfadd LDrake for the best I, Tennis, Oavit Cup U S al o f m ak in g th e F:F in a l time in team loping. Four for thc ssec e c o n d Coby Jones helped1 Utah U Valley with a straight y-y e o r. bull dogging 4riumph.ph. Damon Baisllc, Cincinnati willII mn e e t y y f l | | n m H SUSU, finished four3urth among steer . t h c Ni-inner o f t h e . wrestlers. That, combinbined with,second Arkansos-No!^orth K 9 K b | Q | I Wrong-wayy Riegels place in calf ropingg wouldv make him Carolina gamene o n Davis' moin competie tito r ifl th e c a rly S unday, with a trl]trip ‘o dies in Califcifornia going. New Orleans ono n th e Roy Riegcls. wiiosliose wrong-way run Weber State Univiliversity cowgirls line, '-‘rtii happy' to still during ihe 1929 Rose3se B ow l game runk'ii claimed two of threerec events' on the be playing," Cincinicinnati coach Bob Huggins uinong llic mosl lVmio{iio{is plays in football womens' side. CSI’ss FHeather Williams - ', satd. "We figuredircd this was a two-game history, died Fridayly ini .his sleep at his won thc other, brcarcakawoy roping, toumament and we’iwe’re here to w in it." liomc in Woodinnd, Calif.Cni H e was 83. . Shannon Sisson standsids .second In barrel Van Exel gotDt tthe Bearcats post the Ricgcis WPS ihc Caliralifomia ccntcr when racing. Cavaliers despite)ite another'inconsistent hc pickcd up a Georg!jrgia Tech fumble on Action continues:s with a 2 p.m. performance, his third straight in thc T c c h ’s 20-yard-line,, spun sp around and ran performance this aften'ternoon which will tournament. He hodhod 10 p oints in the first two in thc wrong dircctio:tion toward his own sort o ut thc top' 10- for tonight’s 8 p.m. gam es. goal. Ci^lifomia quaneiirterback Benny Lom, final go-round. Againsi Virginia,nia. Van Exel scored 19 but ' sensing whut was wronrong. pursued Riegels Bowers was buckcd:d off( his bronc and hc made only 6 of 21 shots and turned the b ut c o u ld not calch hithim until he rcachcd Jeff Rupert failed onn hisli first bull, but b all over five timcs.nes. Thc senior point guord th c 1-yard lino. both will be amonglg thc top 10 this also, got hit with ate0 technical foul and blew an On the-ncxl play,,y. Loin's punt was evening. Rupert joinss BowersB and Davis o p en layup eorlyy irin thc sccond half when ic of a fourth place ' ^blockcd for a safety.'. w\s hich turned out to In boreback by virtue ( stin Hodson of W eber- SState University whirlsIs ai calf during his go*'. Virginia (21-10) put Cincinnati on the ropes ""be the decisive marginin iIn an 8-7 Cal loss, showing on ppening nigh with'a 16-5spiirt. ■ '. : ' , u . r o uLind r leading perfotTnanonee of 12.0 seconds InI the'calfi t roping e v en t Riegels was clcctcdcd captain of thc Cal - Junior Burrough,igh, who led Virginia wiih B«r«Meii nong — 1, (u«) Raowt1 Oowsf*Oo< and Zan« Davii, CSI. susc 113.2 3. Oanek Smiin. Riciis. 10.4, 4, Ryanfty< LkUay. ISU. ' Oloakapay rapingng - 1. Haalhar WUIlams. CSI. 3.7. 2. H( 15 points, cappedd ththe run with two jumpers team thc next season>n i and w as named to 72. 3. JsrM Rcgtnon, WSU, eO....4,Jar. susc;S ee. 4, Cody J•^s«^ UVCC. flfl.2. 3. W« D*k>ng. CSI. 7.7. 4. Damonwm Balsle. SUSU. Goal lylog - 1. Shady9M Pannun. WSU, 9.3.2, (Ua) Tracy'B<« w ith 14:38 to ploy.ly. UVCC.65. DSU. and Ibra Runolunioftt. WSU, e.fl. 4. Magart Coon. ISU, fl.e Rose Bowl Hall of Fame. Hc was Bu9 rxwig — 1.8odM MrM, CSl.11. a 1.2.I Sh H a lt. SUSC. 7S. Taw rop»*Qrot — 1. Jason Eigurs, WSU, aod CnadCha Oraka, Duia. DarrahraOng - 1. RactwlF Drvdg*. WSU. 1S.73. 2. Shann “ I don’t think wwe c ever felt it was slipping president of an agricricultur^Uchemicals 3.JatonUndeo,ISU, er. eo.2.Ki. KM« OaUrd artd Greg Paea. SUSU. 0.1.8,1. 3i Dane*Smm ' 8i»on;CSI, 1601.II, 3. Jadclo SUSU. le.M, 4. Mi4li!«•»■ oway,” sold Von ExtE xel, w h o spent 72 scconds dealership in Woodljdland for 20 years Can roping — 1, Jutlin ^ t o n ., WSU.WS 12.0. 2. Oamon BkM. and Tomara Elmofa.Riekt, 12.0. . . . AsMay, UVCC. Ifl.27.fl.27. o n thc bench thinkiinking ab d u t his Woes. “We b e fo re retiring in 1976.76. ------■ o n ly gotfour down points foi and then we started picking upp o iu r defensive intensity." ' F ir s t m en’s scrairamble set r T . . —-Virginia also helpiclpcd w th a couple of bad \ plays while goingB fo:for th e kill. ' , fo r th is Sundayy aj t M uny Midw(^est maitchupI Oil tapp toda>/ “Wc had expcriperienced some succcss TWIN FALLS — The Twin Falls attacking their pressprc and we got ti little M en's Golf AssociatioItion will conduct its ‘ ' The Associated Press T hee ttop two seeds in thc regionDn Indiana. tlic teams playing pla; now arc far, far difle:Terent carried oway," Cav3avalier£ cooch Jeff Jones kicKofl' scramble Sundimday, reminds Muny (31-3)J) ulso is No. 1 in thc nationn oand Kansas ' teoms fromI thithe ones lhat played Dee. 5.”." said. "We commiim itted-a few unforccd' Professional Mike Hamiamblin. ST. LOUIS - The BigIg 'Ten vs.-the Big (28-6)j) Is ninth — meet for thithe right to Indiana coa:oach Bob Knight was even amore turnovers by rushiiishing and not taking our Breaks will be scrvecved starting at 7 a.m. Eight. Indiana against Kansainsas. odvanciICC to New Orieons next weekendwc and. direct whenicn asked about the ^revliv io u s t‘nie.” Entries must be compln pletcd b y 9 o,m. to Yqu can’t get much mornore M idw est than the natiItional semifinals, meeting.. Thot allowed CincinnotiCu to come buck that was led by Von Exel jillow for pairings andid teeti assignments for ji' tjhat' and those school)ols from those Theycy m et eariier this season ai dn'fj[|ilnk the.first gaittq w with a 23-8 run tha ;tart. gg JJ and Coric-Blount,’wIt,'who also hod 19 points, a 9:30 u.m, shotgun stan confcrcnces meet Saturdayay to represent lhat won 7474-69 in from of|3 1 .l9 7 at tl ould make any difference M en's association duesdu nre 535 for thc career high. ' region in thc Final Four. Dome,e. thc Jayhawks’ second gagame of the he said, 'it was played in «nri«ei • o n e less than his care cap fee. missed three free throws, year, including handicap “Any gaipc belwccn twovo schoolsj with this seasonn and1 Indiana’s fiflh. , D ecem b er.r. 1T h is is o g am e th a t w ill K - T h e Beorcots mis eir b ig ruii. much bosketboll tradition.in. i there’s going to "1 dcdon'-l think that.game will norrow , not by what hoppcne< in 'before starting thcir I U N L V says helpIp fo r R id e r’s be a lot of exciteaicnt,'’ IndIndiana ccnter Mott bearingng on this game," Kansas c G uard Coi? Alcxi.lexander gave Virginia its Nover said Friday. "11118s shouldsl be a great Willianams said. "Both teoms arc muchmi better. . lost lead, 44-43, onon'a'3-pointer with 11:26 parenls^violatedd NCAAi rules gom e.” , . But huluman nature being whatIt it i is. kids As W.llialiams said, Ihe playersi 'did igft t^fore a reboundlund basket b^ Erik Manin, it and in great detail. . L A S V e g a s —NCAA N( rules were Even if these teoms hodha no tradition remcmtmber games ond a s much asoj wc want rem'mbcrita, w h o hod 15 poinis,US, p u t C incinnati in front ap p a re n tly violated whci/hen free hotel rooms ' |behind them, it should be a greatg gam e. them lo b lo w it out, it’s hurd to0 : - ' • - 'l-j I ■ ' -i ■ - SatiBturdoy. March 27.' 1993 T l^^os-N o s ow s. Twin Falls. IcJaho B-7 G a reolin a €e d g e s .A rk ain sa s, 81 0 -7 4t Wilde[cats rip tthrough N ew p o rt N e ^ D a i ly('P Pi re ss arch M ac EAST RUTHERFC:FOR d ;' n .J. — Ma idness V •• Swoon all you want o o v e r, hig h -\e ch , CHARLOTTE.I, N.C. (AP) — *i Ihinklink we all saw one o f thc\ specd'of-light, dunks* iks-at-every-turh Kentucky’s Wilde;Jcats art turning great halves ha in basketball.” \ 1990s basketball. O Old-rashioned M a rc h M a d n e s s into ii March AM Kennedyd y sas id . ' execution still works. O v e r Y o u r O p p o nnents c Month.. Whilele Kentucky’sI blitz made So. with their scaso ason on the line . “ T h e w a y I feeil, l, if wc can keep K ennedy:dy gush, it was nothing Friclay night, N orth,C I ,Carolina’s Tar ^ H ||H playing thc way wwc are now, we morc. thanthar business as usual for Heels reverted to one ie iof their oldest . can beat anybody3y." guard Dole theW ildcjId ea ls. tricks: the back-door 3or cut. Donald Brown said Friday.ly. .In winti»inning the Southeastern W illiams ran it perfcTfeetly, George The W ildcats’s' accomplish- ConferenTcncc toiirnamcnt. feet pass, and the . Lynch threw the perfec m e n ts t"his m o n th:h do nothing to Keniucky:ky boiled to leads of.14*0 top-scQdcd T ar H eelss survivedsi fourth-1 cast any doubts onn thal statement, over Ten;renncssec and 17-0 over seeded A rkansas 80*7 0'.74 in the Ease Kentucky is 8-B-0 this month. Arkansas.UIS, In the opening round of Regional sem innals at Brendan£ Byme and the Wildcats; haveh won those the NICAA C/ tournament, thc A rena. gan)cs by an avererage rnargin of W ildcatsIts pounccd| on Rider 29-9 North Carolina (31-31-4) led ,75-74' l ^ 3 | ) 28.5 points. ... and raceciced to a 27-8 lead over'. . when’ Coach Deann SmithJ callcd ample was thc Utah, timeout with 51.7 secorconds remaining. Thc latest cxaional semifinal .Thosese numbers point to a After the inbounds; pass.^pi W illiams - ' c ' ^ Southeast Regioiwhen Kentucky potent KentuckyK’e offense, righl? , fooled Arkansas’ Core]>rey B'eck with a Thursday night, 24 w 3-pointers. Thc Wildeildcats beg to difTer. , J step toward holfcourt:urt. Hc then cut made 16 of 24-15 in thc first, ‘‘It sceircems lilce a lot o f teams in behind Bcck towardird the basket, including 12-of-la-103-69 victory collegec basketball^ get big lcAdir>______— galhcrccj'tyneh^s-faouiounce~pass~ond~~^^^^| H W _ half, en route to a-r.------and'ch’d u; cJ up.losing,'- guard Travis. . made the layup wilh\ 414 seconds l^ft over W akc'ForeStrIt the top-seeded Ford'uDid.lid. “But wcj’vc gone to big to com ijletc a p l a y/ the tl Tar Heels The victory sentlurday's regional leads andnd we' Jiavch't relaxed. Wc -■prflcticc b a c h d a y . - Wildcats,.into Satuigame against Kept playiia y in g d c ie n s c . whicUTSTlfiS Lyncli)itnd W iH ia mIS s (henI combined . cliamptonship g m a i n thhing. in You don’t’have to •to force'the Razorborbacks’ RoT>ert? Florida State. e coach Pat play great,eat. great ofTchse. You just Shepherd info a travel:veling violation. ||||B |S ^ Florida State.valching from needto to keep playing great Willioms. m ade 3-of-4-4 iivI c throw s in p., Kennedy, was Vi'stucky hit its first deftinse, andar it will come.” thc final, 21 secondsds to close the S jmjfe i ... press row[as Kentui:s in building a. “Ashot hot as we are." coach Rick scoring.'“Ifs a playay we drew up ^ *' eight 3-ppint triese over Wake Pilino said,sai “it's our defense . specifically for that situsituation,” Smidi 34-8 adyanlage -that's winrvinning it.” u.. said of the back door.or. “I think they - Forest. ^ ' -. about taking From1 a a defensive standpoint, " -prob'obirthWgTit-W c-vc-W trc-gomg'to~ '— g a ______.lYou.italk rt al oul quickly," Pilino said,saii his latest group of (Eric) M ontross.” "All.11 thct crcdit goes ^ s o m e b o d y ’s h e a rFriday. t “They' W ildcatsits “is the most taleqted , to Coach Smith anand George," r - ™ Kennedy said Fren the Chicago team thatlat I've I coochcd.” - ' APphele . Williams soid. “A ll I hhad to do was hoto ' -'*'0“ ld h a v e g iy e n “ I t 's nothing noil I'rn doing," Pitino ' ' lay thc ball up.” N orthI Carolina’sC Scott Cherryy 8scram btes for a lose ballb betvyaen A rkansas'as* W arren Linn, front, * Bulls a great run.”0-26 al halftime. said. “It’st’s whal> ihcy’'re doing.” Kentucky led 60-: Thc Tar Heels playy S“s « ncl-sc«lcd R(oger o Ci'awford during fireflret-half action Friday nlnight In E ast Rutherforc3 r d , N.J. t Cincinnati on Sundayly Ifor a berth in thc Final Four. The Beabearcats defeated ' After' tlthe Tar Heels missed twovo Lynch led the Tar, HeelsH with 23 on (he boiboards 45-3.1, 24>12 in thi sixth-seeded Virgini;inia 71-54 in shots, Ark;ukansas had a'-chance to takeke points and 10 rebountnds. W illfams sccond halllolf. I. .■ eads own1 tourney Friday's first East semifinifinnl. thc lead.I. £But Elmer Martin’s jumperer added 22, seven in thiIhe final 1:57. Despiteite constant defensive:' Buhl le live , North Carolina tookik itsi largest lead w ith thee shots clock running dowiim Seven-foot ccnter Monontross had 15 pressure,, bboth teams committed onl) d o w n e di BBishop i Kelly n -7. ' iamS;’Jum per", wasn’t clo;:Iose, and Brian-Reese scorcdcd points, eight rebounimds and two 12 tumovt3vers, the Tar Heels a mer star came to the fore ; late long-range shootinIting barrage by rcgibnalII finali against M ichigan.n. thc Commodores wori>rkcd thc ball Rick Brun•unson with 7.3 seconds to Vanderbilt to beat thcic Commodores• Vanderbilt»lt took only one free throww to Ronnie'McMahan. p lo y . ) iH . 67-59 Friday night: inir thc NCAA in thc gamime, and made it. M cM ahan,.who manade 7 of 1 i McKiee scorcds 10 ofhis 14 pointsf Basebal in thc top3p ofthe0 seventh lo turn bock , the game and for 'the OwlsO' in the second halfiints West Regional scm iflnaInals. Vandcrberbilt (28-6), a leam that hasIS from 3-point range in tl 2]fr Continued from BQ iliver 9-7. Mike Moorehouse If, missed one Temple shotsh just 28 pcrccnt froni nse look some Thc ow ls (20-12),, u:using only six lived onI 3-pointers3' all season, madeic five in the sccond half, oni -T he Eagles’ offens e.Gorro had one-run singles, I. the field1 inir the first half; but hit 67 ■cher wilh nine “"J J f ? “ ployers' in thc garne,, ralliedn from a three duririring a 13-4 run thal cut thcIC with 15 seconds to go. 67 pressure, off tl\cir pile ■is.Anlhony doubled in two os e throws with pcrccnt afteraf Intermission.- Baltic ,8eofsixOn:e„. four-point halftim e defi CaM. wmoat and 8«)d». W.VVngal scconds to stand woricorid saddle bronc Etbauerr ssaid wilh a smile. “She’s’s said o f last year’s finals,Is. “ I c o u ld n 't C o w b o y s Association A circuit, thal after thal h c and ; s t o b e a n y w ill ju s t hay«» hnrcg gnn1 jijum p Ifi t?Tn<»«i in giptu hits'in closing this oi '~!ntdrcoilegiate Rode>deo.- W hile-the—sma»er-aiMum-than-tho-$-KM-»000-hp- 19------lll-tcnd-lo favor win Li------inningsr-Brian-Keswick 00000-0 3 0 result sent somete fans home picked ufup in 10 days at the 1?92'2 than just getting in theic average. If seconds.’’ 1 put the Eagles m in the top o f the sixth f 103 08-10 7 0 lim it a n d th e y orevor »nd1 wnateoii.wm cnufen and McCuiioush. W- — over thc 10-run rule li Church. odded three more. inued winning, -rvcce.o>MnR•wiRhrr? ^ I Wollo Walla contini 10-2 in th e o th e r tvcc ' 140i4o 0004^143 [ lo p p in g N o rth Id ah o 10- GnanRlvOT 005002 005 0-7105 ■ ‘morning gome. nd Moorohouaa. Jsckloy and Cata. W- Scoi^ej»s and Stita ts te C h u rc h s h u t wawm*. North Idaho's Note ngvw 3942-71 . OWM* on a two-hitter - Hp.playMcninoa.SOe- CN ON Ro>]ng> out Idaho Stale 10-0 oi ^ ■ j | l atSaxgiau: DoWr IMMa* • ' 3045-71 H»*nl The Cardinals' 10.NafflMM2 III 8448-132 AIGMwrp«I 3845-71 CMm*! 000 02-221 , lale in the afternoon. 1 8747—134 MAaJra 3548-71 ToranbInb M E*n0nlDn.'e:10 pm. •run fifih inning wMaWau 4^4^13-1090 GM5—134 WaMrZMnenltmu 3744-71 nm-mlcd it with a six-ri NBA standings “*** NA-n^liAO 0940—134 KanmZail^r ee ISU cnt)rs. thal was helped by three 1XTVCC4 gASTW c oHTO mMCe ce OnWnM IS 8 s. .< 0849—135 fter w o stin g a n J J J S w S J ’ oio01033-131S2 eit OndfaMssasr. 684S-130 HnidHamint I Treasure Valley. aft( W L M OS ee-70—138 OuKftBdrd ^ Wi I with four runs tvcc ooo00004-440 -< SS S 5 S S S ■ ' carly 5-0 lead, rallied v Nt.YM 45 » M2 -». , ^ i; ’I i.u s RonrMBUck tor u ^ n DOSTOr 40 2S .SaS 8X K tlS SfflSi, 7“ hSuMWI 10 ' 9, .«# MOuRWi 7145—138 lanyaMM( . 3847—73 RoowO sa s s :Si 524 MnOfMA II, ■ » !!' ’.! :i.522 PautABBOW sstis- ssSS - " . 3 l& : S , S■RCilT - TIMR3 Claanoa Oify Thonnaft st!::------I ! .1 in 24N S J Hcrtd* It 11 .!500 FftdCou(«M 8840—137 Doug6anMn «Ua«. ed wtlvw* don tria Karaaa car Midwes .iOO SimEkinglon 87-70-137 - g a m e .” Kansas K a guard Rex Wallers WMtangton 19 4 ^ .288 ?VI-3M SwiCMpo to to .: 38-38-74 SEATTUiTTlE UARnSRS-Ptaaid Oax Fl«rang. a s a a s a , Kk 3945-74 OnaiHonHoknanaAdKanyWooaHn. pntfwn. Continued from B6 What* you saw there was i-Ctago 4S 30 .706 — 3840-74 antf Mae • 43 24 .M 4X N nom 9s ttlg •: K t , l S r MaeUySa*Mr,calct>ar,annel5««. pkctw ,al hun us Ihc J*r Oahw. em tMtaamtn « CoUnao XX LaA/VM0.All«Mv(.Calan(>o«ITtoo> ■ l i t i i ! ■ st outplayed us ‘he Hoosjcr day. “Their guards just : final. Hc had 32 points on > I! S SS W» , s a x ™ K f c i s r s s I g wc can't let fi" OcMsnn.WimMota^Fall _ 70-70—140 NYRw>90rt lli : _H and that's something'c to take it as a ^ 2 shooting a^iost Louisville 68-73-141 NYlMmMn1 34 3 33 8 74 293 182 ' NBA-A*-ApprmM M uta o( na San ADanU . ^ g r i S T SM - tIM lA. t M (MSw AMcnto Sptfi Ud. haadatf happen ogain. Wc have y n ig h l. ^ ------nnM*«*-Uon»Ml«iWHl8HlSlMDMCfi.Fla. MMWWM 71.70-141 PMaiMi'M 3<28 34J1 87 279 291 • ■ 9P«»»I md stop those Thursday m DoMEini08.DMnsr 7M8—141 .i . M personal challenge an IIASain. ' VAUICeDUCKS-AcMtatf Moaa* “ H c 's’ s smart m and very difficult to Tonwo V*. CN s r s s - , 7447-141 >J4an««il ^ 4! ^ 308 281 ComPnn 89-73-141 i4eMon 4: g u y s.” J osing team that guard bccaiccausc he uses screens so 11:05am. 71.70-141 .■-a4Xi(6*& 4(S S l S S S J S ? Sil^m s-P laoad Jarred MuMif...... T«iUvi.'CMeaoeVM*9oiii 7348-141 >.gww0 3( Ktf.ennanuradHi. It w asn't only the Iositgame. ‘well,” Kansas Ka forward' Darrin • W.r3—1«1 HkM 21 TUNO TIM DLAZERS-AcBvaM CN^107,OtMndoaO • Okwd. kvn lha lr«in<] M. recalled a lot atwut that/cd | them in Hancock: sa:said of the man he will try Vi'l S«)M a n a r l^ OuaM.on na klind “W hen-'wc playc Eriarss.“.» QMlMid n . PRBbuQn M On ^71-141 ' . “ *"cAMpeaeiowFEraMCg *** • 2 * ’°' ;ry competitive ai]d guard.•d. Nm IM « lA Li*an. (n) • vJ - December it was a ver^ LAClw»»n«IPotB^i(n>__ _ U1^n.BannmilSlP r|.70—141 CNcage 41 71.70-141 . (Mroa 41 Nmt .Mn«y « OrUfKM. &30 p m. 88.7>-141 Torens X o'lSmwmcfl-sw^ an------MM « Asra. SM p.m. New IM IMS |u).n. OMUrw m .lN n . 70-71-141 ' - »3J 32 9 79 25J 2M TOid. 0U*«-Ft*** ^ Michiga for. M ic hligan ig a i (29-4). but it moved thc S S i S S r s o p m SciiiorCclebiebrity Classic I ‘^"ZS^& a-gua -PmAD£ADEIPHIA eAOlEn-»gfwd Mafk ' C o n t in u e d f ro m B 6 W o l v e r iines n e a step closer to the ■' |^vt.C okn«)«IT iiaar I-Vvicwvw 3C «»C»OOD.t™l«h. X 10 83 278 349 ' eM n.««. OOM lo No ee«i«eli. ' o n fre e th ro w s. championshinship game they rcachcd last - - « 2 b « £ S a s - ! SOUROH STEEl£RS-6v>ad Ong Howard, w ho' y^ar. Forr George-WG, oshington (21-9), ^'fnncM OX't.Qyweu SKKTsISSicSi OT F o r w a r d J u w a n Hc ^enolwo'htt»ot&-si^ SooB ,:03 Icfl. led j, I remarkable „ way to .end ^ foiilcd oul with 2:0 Exhibition basebal»> ii ■ SSfSS**’"”' r o3atooa>.mtti«*ar.antfCM* s s linls, including surprising s< •rU M t^P un 3944—88 i-AicMpMyvl lg sca. taaa n, «Wa racaMr«ck ralum« and Tom mne on frde throws! Jal igah Iwilt ils early lead by HMVofk te . a * M7 ; sccond half, pushing the ball inside and intimida ’! I ,. a .;.ei9-. ssis sss.w,: 16 poinis. 12 in thc s ■ MarBMw “■ ■ couEoe - tin g G e ojrgc rg e Washington on defense, 3445-eO lo«Aiv*M«e<«e*niMe«>.(n) • •• LONOBSa BEACH 8TAT6-£iaai^ ly . .W ebber added 14 [Mints led George Thc Colonloniols looked thoroughly ■ ■ I 2 s : s - J i S i S "^SSjlUa. ? ■ ■ • 'Kwame Evans I ■ 1 1 ^ . MwtAMeTiln *nF*tsa IVft3K«on.1IJ0am. u is J S points, nine in beaten, and the Kingdome crowd sa t, !#■ Players Chaiiiin p io n a iu p Recinr'nwrncaon gsis fassiffl W ashington with 13 p( 3844—70 ..V PNMatMTMO back in nearneai silence with no prospect ■ --ss. !i a.s ' ilO«MC.12:iabm. ‘Sr,ST, thc second half. ;. 3 M ^ 7 1 . . . 8«klManMci.S:40p.tn. W lW i juishcd victory of an upsetset ini sight. aara, s ,s . .a _ _ It was an undistingui

V , ■ ■ .'* ■ I ' i . i

B-8 jjlmos-Nows. TwTwlnlFalls. Idaho Sftlurday..M M arch 27, 1993 I' B ainties railIlies Orrioles pj a stRlangerr s I Sprirng trainiring notes ------ST. PETERSBlBURG. FUi. (AP) -r Ha-la ro ld off Bob McClurerc in the eighth, his'fqurthirih thi.s Hii(Auoclatoi Baines, who hud justjui four hits all spring, w wi ent 4 ’>•' ■' spring. llevcland Indians feuding: thcthe Florida Mariins 5-3 in the for 4 Friday JO rallyIly the Baltimore Oriolcs.to : ..J, But Cleveland’s’s bullpen was unable lo) piprotect With this Clc 0 . friday, the script called for>r a closer lo end thc game. victory o ver th c Tcjc;'ejcas Rangers. the lead. Eric Pluniunk left after giving up aI leadoffIc inning Fri fo kbep bringing ii up. butIt if Olin was here, that was his Thc 34-ycur-oldaid Baines, acquired from singlo to Gus Polidilidor; Derek Lilliquist allovlowed a "Youhutd to rieveland manager Mikeike Hargrove said, “But it's > Oakland Athlcticss diduring the offseason, cumeTie m m iwo-nin triple by MMoniy Farris lhal lied the: gdme.gd siluation,” C l our relief pitchers to be: in lhat situation and gel over ' Ihc game butting .143..14 But he got Ihrec singlc^ H B Florida got threeee yneamed runs 6ff Clevclivcland's imponant.for 0 ow ." a ('oubI to H m Charles Nagy.-whtk'ho pitched six in n in g s. Florida Fl( hurdle, metlenlally and physically, now.' ^ starter Charlie Hoi-iough allow ed tw o ru n s in n v e ' Sieve01in,ww ho led C leveland in saves^.k'cj^.last yeai w ith 29. w as killed Exhibitionn baseballI innings. . along w!th leanimmptc Tim Crews in a boattx>aling accident M onday nighl. ig c to I p B H A third pitches:r, Bob'.O jcda, wa.s injured. ------:------.230. The bullpen] blewb the lead, hul Puul SonSorrento, whose two-run homer Baines singled, undur scored a run in thc setsccond - I fy g M f Tigers 8, CardinI in a ls 2 . ' .. gave Clevelandnd a 5*3 lead, won the gungame 6-5 with a single in thc inning, and his RBI;BI single off-Matt Whitcsidiiide (0- M r ” / LAKELAND, Fla.Fh (Al») — Kirk G ibsonl l" hi ''.” " bottom ofthc ninth.Hi >run seventh iluil gave BalliiItimorc ^V . 3) canpcd a threc-ru homers and CecilI FielderF hit his. first o f thee sprmgs| WORRELL'I-'S-START: Los Angelescs bullpenI acc Todd Wonell, , a 5-4 lead. us Detroit ended aII I16-gamc winless sireuk. • limited by tendndinitis.'n sore hamstringg andui u lot of rain, needed an Ol nine hits off Baltimore ststarter ” The Rangers got H m . Thc sircak, whi'h ic h included a liei* bega•8«n on in n in g sSo manager Tommy Lasorjsorda stoned the right-hander ncluding a three-run homeTier by Rick Sutcliffe, incl ■ M S ' M urch 10 wilh a 9-9-4 loss 10 Florida; Detroiton IS 4- jiguin’st Atlanta.a; >avid Hulse went 3 for 5. givinggi Juan Gonzalez. Dav ll was a sm anan m ove. lust 16at-bul.s. , him 12 hits in his'lus M ikc M oore (2-12-2). one o f several freeJ agents aj . Worrell pitchchcd u prefect'inning andd gaveg; way tb Orel Hcrshiscr. Sutcliffe {2-1). w ho will face Tcx;is in the / M signed during the ofoffseason, becariie the firs|'^Ipgcr Then the rainsIS came, ending a scorelessess game, in thc seventh. As a season opener atll CamdenC Yards, ullowcd al 5 10 pitch seven inrinnings. Rcne’Orochu (0-: “ closer. Worrellll 1probably would have been;en raineci out again. one baserunncr inin solo Thomas; a:and George Bell opened stancr Greg MadduxJux in the top of .seventh, bi Ih with singles uguinsl^Ru:Russell . my ERA? It realally got swollen up today." JSC the game was halted byly :rain shot in Ihc founh oof f / Pirates sta rte r B ob WiA'alk bottom of 'he lOlh didn't, counl bt^causc Iwforc Dan Pasqua'sI's sacrifice fly relied the garcame. Sutcliffe couluid a ffo rd to sm ile, evenn tlthough his ERA ballooned in the bottom o f thele ii intring. Daulton raised his avcaverage lo .46^. *. from 1.98 to 3.0.05. Thc truth of Ihe matterler is, he didn't plan.to use all on Alvarez struck oiit six in Maddux pitchcdicd shutout ball through:h six Duvid West, minoinor-leaguer Andy Carterr 1anil Chicago’s Wilson anyw ay. r Ben innings and did nol9l 1allow a hil until B ob Zuphander willill Ibe facing opening day at finished. Walk, pitching foror the first tilne in 10 dayss due1 Cartidcn Yardss 1on April 5. “There a ^\ a couple1 of'^uys over there I >runs « n s 1 i,. u. “ slightly ^trainedrd rightr groin, guvc up two r Blue Jays 9, Twin who will be inI tlthe lineup for the opener,"T," !hc explained, "You have, a , Mcts(ss) 10, Astn5 tro s 1 ; ^ " * on four hits in four inrinnings. DUNEDlf>J. Fla.a. (AP) — Devon Whitetc hod book and you halave a n idea o f h o * you'wwant an to get some players out; I K ISSISSIM E E ,, Fla.FI (AP) — A six-run Til ihrce hits, includinglg his first hom er, and drovrove in didn’t even Icraklk at th e book today." R e d s 8 , R o y a ls 65 ironlo. • inning, featuringg 1Kevin Baez’ grand sh four runs as for Toroi ■ p ow ered a N ew YcYork.split squad in a game gu PLANT CITY. Fla.•la. (AP) — Hours uflcr gell:lling Paul Mojiior hit ua .sacrifice fly off W illie Banks Bii NO PPT -TP-P; Other than Ken Ryan, the Boston bullpen continues , shonened to .six innin,nings by rain. a new conlnici. Cincincinnali's Jose Rijo gave upii| u in thc first inning. WWhite.and Roberto Alomarlarhad to struggle. Eric Hillman .shutil cout thc Astros for five inni:mings firsl-inning homer. : consecutive homersers in ihc ihird. In the fourth, fou Ryan pitchedd a scoreless ninth inninglg aajainst the White Sox and on two hits. • • B ut a fter W ally' JcJoyner's iwo*run shot, Rijo R John pierOd hoincrcc:rcd. While hil u thrcFrun1 Iriptr le • striick out two:B; Fut Jeff Russell gave, up the tying run in Iht^ bottom o f Doug Drabck (1-lj,-l> allowed all of New Vor'ork's allowed jusl one runn iiin hissix'innings, .strikingg out> ■ and Joe C arter an RBilBI single. - - thc ninth and Chi’hicago won the game in Ihethe lOth against Daryl Irvine. ruas on 1 i hits an dI twoiw walks. . seven. T oronto’s-Todd SiotilemyreSi« went six inningsngs for RussefI has alallowed nine runs and 15 hitsI in seven innings this , Afier Chico Walk*ilker’s sacufice fly and a1 rirun- Royals starter Kevin:vin Appier (2-2) struggled withw tJie-sccond slraighl slart.sli ullowing six hits. spring. Signed a;as a free agcnt-shortly befcbefore spring training, he hds scoring single byby J e f f Mcf^Knight. C hlurlie u r his conirol, giving up eighl earned ru n s on eight cij . ^ ■ been outperformrmed by Ryan — who hasias allowed just one run and O ’Brien’s bloop-singlnglc loaded the bases for Baez,Ba hits and five walks in 3^ 2-3 innings. Cubs (S5 ) 3,.Athleilelics 0 . three hits in nine1C innings d uring spring trainraining. .t, , He hil the first pitchh oover the left field fcnce. Chris Sabo homerei;red and drove in four runs'IV for MESA. Ariz. (AP)kP) — Mark G race g o r onlynly his Manager Bute]tch Hobson hopes historyy i:is repeating ilself as far as The Mets scoredsd ith ree unearned runs inn ithc the Reds, who ulso> gotg< a homer from Joe Oli’Hivcr qy n ih hil o f the spriniring, but it drove in tw o run:runs as Russell is conccriemed. biit not the team. “Fr“From everything I've heard, Ih ird ..- ■ unda two-run doubleIc from( Kevin Mitchell. Chicago beat Oaklancand in a rain-sh'brtcncd gume he always has all1 lough sp rin g training." Hrlobson ob said of Russell. G race’s hit aguinsi1st Bob Milacki (0-2) raisedsed'his m a y b e , m[AYBE a NOT: Pittsburgh’sh*s Andy Van Slyke, whose PhUI!es4, Pirates:e s 3 Indians 6, Marlinsins 5 average to.176.:' right knee remanains swollen from anhroscoiscopic surgery, estimates his 'ing by opening day arc 50-5*0-501 hia’s WINTER HAVEN,•N. Fla. (AP) — Clevelaniind’s Mike Morgan;(2-.i;I-.*)) allowed four hits and strstruck chmccs o f playin B R A D E N T O N ., FlFla. (AP) — Philadelphii ]ger Jim Lcyland nor V an1 Sl;Slyke plans tp piAh thc Gold ninth Paul Sorrento hit aI two-rimty homer ih the cigtighthout three. He pitchcdcd the lop of thc fifth in poutouring Neither manogi Mill Thompson hitI a leadoff homer in the nil lelder if he’s not ready untiluni a week or so after thc • inning und a gamc-winA'inning single in th e ninth. rain. Glove cenicr fic inning off Denny Neajleagle. season stans. Darren Daulton coiconiinucd his strong spring;g by Sorrento broke a 3*:3-3 tie with a two-run honjm er T he gam e was callcillcd after .15 m inuies. -TT------Briefly , I I --- j;---- - I PrI'rice blazes into Chaliampionship lead bock., ^ followed by MillerIcr Barber. Bob Charies and Spopts D eW itt WS^ belt local athlete!Ites ~competlng“ ln—out-(t^olM he^'-area ------at hand.-! know it sounds borin]tring..bul-it.works.” ‘ 1'.invesiigator said Friday; Mitch MartinI totook third in lhe senior br .KcKciping his thought^ in thc present —^ even when middleweight. compeiilions. “Sometime early nexlt weekw we'll have this thing be dropped oH at The Timeses-News office thee ppresent included seven holeloles played in showers and < ^w rapped iip,” s&id Lt. Vinarinard Hitt of the Florida Fresh Uriah Hollowaway was first in the boy.'>ys’ 13-14 {i32*’| ^ ) ’.^rn mailed (P.O. Box 548,, 'Twin Falls, drizzizzle — Pricc shot un admiJmitiedly cautious 68 and vW ater F ish and G am e Comnm m ission. lightweight. Ramandy Hamillon was seconond in the 83303-0548) I oro r FAXed (734-5530). ^ -reactiiichcd the 36*holc m ark in' 132. 13: \ . [ ' T4ie. c ra sh o n L ittle Lake L al Nellie in this Central boys’ U-12 heavy-vyw cight. Items shoulcluld include first and last.,a.aames and Th That's 12 under por on the TPC at Sawgtiiss, Ihe pFlorida tow n Noonday night,ght,killed Steve Olin. 27, and Kjys' 11-12 hometowns forfor airpeople mentioned; tithe d ate a n d ,,om< Eli Holloway finishedfn second in the boy imo counic ibr thC' PG A Toui'our and the {xrmancnl site -rT im C rew s, 31. lightweight. Zachai:hary Lynard was first in theh i boys- 9- place ol the oveiivent and w hatever s ^ r e s or the annual cham pionship ofo f |goir.s touring pros, S u & S Bob Ojeda, 35, the onlyily survivor: of ihe^crtish, was 10 heavyweight. ^ recorded.by the participants. Please incli It’s also one better thun thle e cold two-round record sei 1.. o and num ber whjw here an editor c a n gel morc=,e Into,mation reponedly not under thc inflinfluence of alcohol when the rcl’was third in the girls’ Krista Cambrel is 8 -u n d c r j, needed. Mark O’Meara and Stever JoJones in,1987. Jaccident occurred Mondayly nnight. . . <• lightweight. Ojeda’s physician. Allanan Zubkin,2 told the Cleveland Bradley r a supplants LoLopez atop LPGA pplain Dealer that Ojeda’sI’s Iblood tested negative, for RRANCHO / MIRAGE, CalCalif. Nancy Lopez aalcohol, which the doctcjctor hopfcd would temper ' ' Scorce s and ssta ts Strug,xiggled 10 a 78 —: includingDg a1 two-stroke penalty for S]speculation lhat drinking wa;w as a factor in the accident. ' slow)w play — to drop txick inlollo the1 puck Friday, and Pat Ojeda suffered a scalpJ lmlaceration and was relposcd ' ending March 20.0. Briltsan 146. Tonibni Wiiholm adlcy chargcd inio a share: oof flh e lead with a second-' TThursday from South Lakeice NMemorial Hospital, Mon’s Sinqlos • Rlor lho wook onending March Lopez, L o who shared thee first-roundf lead 'i'ilh Mon'8 singles - Jorry Iko 20. Wins aro IfsIfstod first Figuund with birdies ' General, manager Lou 7 d Avo Allen 223, Cathy/ VMcGowan Prop Girl's Soriosios - Shontot, .6; Woslorn Farr exercised;an option in ClemIcmens’ contract, making the Rocky Bonnott 677, C arm Sorvico, 3- K IN • G W O O D , T e x a s —- JjJjm Albus sank eight Parsons 375. Mine 0: T um or Chlroiropractor,3-10: . . * current deal a’five-ycur- papackagc for thc three-time Horton 661, Gory ChtChoppio Women’s S e rie s1 ..• Calhy 366. Jlllian Ashcro di6^. including five on ,’»y Clemens Feb; 8. 1991, Jori Hamilton 20&.- 1-0; Dietrich T»mii included a signing lx>nusio o f $621,000 and a salary of T Women’s sories - KatKnrnn Sonlor Mon’s SIngliglos - Hug . Junior Boy's Sorioi.rios-lan ’3-0 mpa. R a., had a 3 2 on th e baiback nine and didn’t have in leko sao Parmer 246, Henryiry Dovrfos 511, Scott:ott Michaol Ranches. 12-2;2; Coors Light. ' “ "’P $4.4 million for 1992. HeIe willv cam a salary of $4.5 , -Poe 626. Patty Waskc h 413. David 11-3: Canyon MotorsM u pullutt o f more than 10 feet fo>r r hhis emire round. ^ Cori Block 545. LoriS RrownB Buchanan 222, Hoi=logorBoyd 460, Josh Krosh 4 million this year,.55 millionion 1next year and $5.5 million an 538 • 222, Tom Bonvossiissa221. Sartaln397. Subaru. 9-4: Lo;Leslie Davis & ' Boi3ob Murphy, u Senior Tourur rookie1 making his third m 543. Jorry Thompson^ n 538. lolos - Missy Sohs, 8-4; Corltifjbpu start. in 1995. Senior men’s singles • ■rios • Hug Junior GW’s Singlo rt, and Lan^ Mowry, wholio tied for second in last >23 Paul Farmer 648. Tom1 BBorryossa Hinkle 183. Shonn.innon . Construction, 8-8*5: Tho vi*nr*men’s tourne;i e y n - Pnul Tuckor 204. Shirioyloy Griffiths Junior Girl's Soriosrios. Nurseries. 7-7;^ShSi i -s V OhMarcJi31,T?T993 Sonior mon's.sorlon - Ilin 481, '5 h o k o O ul, 7-7:7:0a^u1ls. 5-' n \o # t miller 632. WondellP 197.iNollie Skaggsg s 188. Shannon Laughlin Tollo Senior Women’s ScSorios • Missy Hinkle 396.16. Angolat 7; -Toman TV, 66-8: - General U U »sts L ra re sellout ■ G e m s t a t eI F I u el Injectio n 6-& T’ urbo R epair . Creaisey 625. Gion Toi lophanio Building Supply.itfc4-8: ^ 560. Kon Courtney 55ssfl Thelma Tuckor 578■78. Hortha Bronnon 391. Slop R«Anr Leavllt 515. Lols Lulow505,Lu Kiosfg391. A m olgam atodlSugar.3-11: S ATLA.ANTA (AP) — The NCA: a a w i l l c lcilose th e Tw in Fallalls' B ranch. Courtnoy KrofI 544. Ri g lo a. Kylo Clear SprtTOsT,Trout Form. 2- ,,,1 Graefe $22. • ’ . Shlrloy Griffiths 489189. Major Boy's Singloi :n.'s Final Four officinllla lly nglos - Krous 224, Rick; CaCarpenter 11; RWG Farmsns.2-11. Women. Senior womon's singlelolos-- Bantam Boy's Singi bccamc 0a sellout Friday, the secor Mary Larkin 169. Dotiot >Van Nylo Malsuoka 126,26. Poto 207. Brion Dovlnono 201.5 C League-GorlOriatriC. 12-2. The B oise IB ranch w ill provliivlde the needed . Hook 180, Joan Frasie McMulIln 113, Brondy Barnes Major GIri's Sirigles)les - Misty Mechanical/Firstrst Security, 8> Ihe O mtini, n said all 15.811 ticket: t e s T h e p 447,Freida Rosa 435.3B^ . t67, Nyie Mstsuoka>ka 178. Young 182. Margo , • 7:K A W Z, 7-7rD•DGS ^ ..have been bt sold for the t\v igles - . Marcantonio 174.i S Shalonp Motors/SmKh’s F Audrey Lipe 433, Edllt- elon McNish 5 ,7 ; i v ) n pajia ia l gam es on A pril 3 and^ili{ Z . Carroll 425. 114, Bemont 160. Jooloi Jessica Athcroft 96, Holly 140. . 7:SS0DFarms.w.6-8: • ,1 cnompjoiiion.ship game lhe followintving ■ ■ ^g m Bbwladrome - , Brtttsan-82|^l WilWilhelm Major Gfrl's Sorios ■ , 3'10: Blue ‘ day. I d r e s s l s . I Marcantonio 4 ^ , tJ ann. 3-10: The ononly other tim e the W om en' The following sco ras8 a re Bantam Girl’s Serialries- ! Young 469, Sholeni■«hO.. SA G P ro d u c e. 2 \ f : r , 1 9 9 2 S> ( ^^le (by WilVild Waters) reported Irotn th o , ® , Ashley McDewoil 212 1 4 .. ^ Boment 400, Joelers le n o t , . 2- 11; R unning Reff?-?^:R FmalFo^%ur s^Id out was in 1987 1 , • Bowladromo for th e woweek Josslca Ashcroft 15:152, Holly McNish390. Coca-Cola, 1-1212,« Ih e University n r of Texas whe'hen ■ ____I 15,615 ticketstit w ere sold. J.'^ ^ " T ^ ■ . - I . ■ I ' -» ‘ / » Inim FM Hy S lo w g ro w lt h d aiim p eiiis rec<:o v ery J ] TbeAAssociated j Press ' { definitelyly slowings from what I call1 ia^faiidy rcccni recoveries, strong*paceace in thc final quarier o f las;ast year,'! - Thc revisedI 4.74.‘ percent growth rate was iitbu!isiness► G ro ss I ASHINGTON — A consursumcr spending contendedled Sung Wofn Sohn; an ccoconom ist -slightly less thanan thei department's 4,K pcrccni ' ______< c helped fuel lhe_fa.stesl ccor:onomic growth with thc NoNorwcsl Corp. ir\ Minneapolislis. eslimate last monilonih. The economy expanded dom estic ve years in late 1992, thchc government “Rcccntnt datac suggest that growth duiluring the at a 3.4 pcrccnt^nlU ratc.in the third quarter. 1.5 Utah, otheter states push rted Friday, but analysts said)id the economy flrsl quarteiirtcr is dccclcrailng sharply,” agreed pcrcent in thc sccondsec and 2.9 pcrcent iiuthc c-hos slowed due in partt tto a sluggish economistlist Marilyn Schaja of Dontn ald so n , first. Nissan to buybi back vans p ro d u ct’ ^ S revival/al ' in hiring. Lufkin & JenrcttcJ Securities Corp.. iin New For the year, thcthc cconomy grew 2; I pcrccnt. SPRINGFIELD,3, 111.,I — Twcniy-one top The GDP m easures all ithe g oods Thele Commerce Departmentt saids; the gross ..York. the best annualI performance pci since J989 when . la w c n fo rc c m c nIt t officialsI nationwide an d services produceded'by I workers - domesiesilc product grow at o 4.7J pcrccntp annual^ Tlic 4,7,7 pcrccntf growth rate was- thehc fastest it expanded 2.55 pcrccni. pi The GDP edged up ' urged Nissan Moto:ators C orp. on Friday lo an d capital located In1 theth United rote fromfr< October through Dccccccmbcr."whicrt' sincc ihc'cc} cconomy expanded at a 5.99 pcrcenl, .just 0.8 pcrccntnt in ii 1990 bul contracted 1.2 <1 buy back thousaisands of “potentially States,, regardless ofF ovownership. - cconolomists said confirmed thlh e econom ic rate in ihele fourthf^ quarter o f 1987. butI wasv slill perccnt a year later,late the first drop sincc .*1 2.2 — ------dcodly-—ntini-vans-ns-because-of-fircs-and—------PoreonlctMngaHfompnvIoBv/ousMuaiMr _ r ^ vvery c rem ains in p lace.__ below par|r f(for an economic recovery. ______percent-declinc in j I ^ 9 8 2 . ______IS. ______Butit analysts predicfol the GDIIDP — Ihc total DuringB IheIf seven quaners smce the1C end of * The report conlirms con “our view thal the Illinois A llom ey:y Generol( Roland Burris ______output ut o f goods and scrviccs producedprc in ihc the feccssijssion in Mnrch 1991, outptpiit has beginnings vfif au meaningful economic and 20 oilier ott'6m(km cys general, including UnitC(led States — will grow' onlyo about 3 grown onlymly about 4 percent — halff ithe 7.9 recovery lire att hand,"ho Commerce Secretary 4%------::------Utah's, wrote aI letterle to the National percei:ent this year. “Economi'mic growth is pcrccni avciiverage for the .same periodI o f other Ron Grown saidJ inin a staicment. H ighw ay TrofTlc; S;Safety Administration I recommending a fulliul investigation of the ' problem if.NIssnnI rcrefu ses to repurchase C- a inalysts: 1ProductiVvity boostits dbiporaiate profits 22 mini-vans madiade between 1987 and B 1990. "Tlie combirbination of thc various M ^ Associated Press profits jumumped 8.5 pcrccnt in 19900 before deporiment suidaid the storms, which hit mairunctions conne hodho fallen 4,5 perccnt. to auS222.2 ; increased profit>fits resilltcd from higher -1M 0-I -1991- bobste Riley, o f Park RidgeIgc w as driving, on a year corlier. It wasas th c b ig g est billion rqte.qte, from July ihrbugh Scptes,from economic growl>wlh. which boosted sales —^ g o v e r r SyO-Nissan-l. ' ScuK«; U.S. Oepl. o/Comm«no rter dropping by 4.2-,pcrccrccnt in 1_389, J lu r r ic aines n e Andrew and Iniki.:i. Thc volumes.-- __1 Tlie -1992- totolci E x p ^ t I d a h o) jobjl gains to set t i l l i o r pace, economi:nist announces increas NewB A neMueCiEEG fact:es monLument:tal tasH BOISE — Idaho'iio*s cconomy continues lo thrive, saj-s n ]cading-U:S.-~econoniisl—;lea - -— The-Washington Post— consultant who who predicts it will'bir b c N o. I in job growth jumpi:d into thc ' thi.syeac. . Putting Intemotionol E Prlmie candidrdate presidency of The top billing willwi extend a three-year Baby B American Express Corp. back on its feet n strcuk of obovc^ic^ovuragc increases, toughest jobs ever attempt for CEO I Co. and Ihen the top KeyCorp chief■ economisi c Jeff K. American business.-And job at RJR. i;uist find Thredgold prcdictccted Thursday at Key jv. Gerslncr Jr. is taking . . ■ people lo help him Bank o f Id a h o 's 191993 Treasure Valley ll Business Machines rccreatl: IBM. |colleaguessoy. :t moy.be one ofthc ■ Business Briefing. IBM Friday nomed Gci m pted in th c annals o f. -Idoho ranked scciiccond in that area last I RJR H oldings C orp., ils n )artm wth College. M .BAi^^Harva^ BUsfn^ year, behind Arkansimsas. “It turns oul ihcy md that’s why Louis ^ ;''of1iccr^ ending o difTtculiing it on. friends and I.'*; odded 0 subst^inliolial number of cliicken in January with thc sur J.^iefi^^ve pluckers.” Thredgoldold said, refcning lo the announcement of John F ., 1 ^ rn^sTve restructuring Gcrsincr. chairman of H 'S- . G e r s tn e r Thc computer in- ' dom inant poultry indiindustry in thbt state. Thc problems will be $28 blllion^debt iti half. ' dustry the company Thc Salt Lake:e City-based expert IS new chicf executive H Akers’s Armonk, N.^:ult scarch that began H . more scary w ords I opcc dominaled has , predicted grow th inn tlth c gross stoic product ^ Gcrstner moves in. Mu Co>^ chairrhan and CEO 55'*®d IBM is s iill, entered the “post- — th e v alu e o f aill ll goods ond services surprise resignation H ^Americ^ E ^ r e ^ in 197 recent losses and staffF. cu Akers. ■ J'® hardware manufac IBM era."' said p ro d u c e d — \CTll’11 jum p 5.1, perccnt. &feloh,int6:a pioflt* ‘ become trapped Anderson. "Yhrec' , the poin is a long way befn staekcd deep in ■. ranking Idaho finxIt iiin the couniry for the . servicc and prolrds hc will never hear." IBM, according lo indu'I.Y., officc when ' second yeor in a row>w. . Howard Anderson, manag machines, said 11.Ro first and foremost, a Massive though its ' I h Utah likely w ill bbe e second, he said. Yankee Group, o Bosto 36V‘&^6oT' ' a^n lE m M efh ei^ of Annex Rcscarcliifoeluring company lhat has npUed fiximwuerqwrts . " cutbacks' have been. l^j ^ w G om pi . orgonization. ;-lh firrn!s>hl8t6iy-1burye^ ; ' ” “ It will .haveicd to in a world looking for ’ from being over for v 3roblem«solving. .not just Gerstner’s tosk will idustrybe experts like '5 7'v compony. do^cn^ reinventing IBM. analyst: ‘aS S E panking, insuranctRobert Djurdjcvic, president naging dirccior o f Ihe :■ AP/Wm, j! c arch Grdup in Phoenix. .that grew fat and profston-based' research - ^ The upheavals i technology — thc mainfr itcnd. One Horvard Busiisiness School job espcci?:cially hard, analysts say, iss i Ihot hc 3 0 0 ,0 0 0 c jn p: lo to j turn it-self into a servicc must now adapt to the nc ifessor likens the compan;any's plight to probablyy willv hove ,19 fire many tholousands traum atized b:cns y tl ofcompanies. serving ! C2 be nothing less thon Mutual funds .. computers that store thc it o f m o n o g e rs in th c st: MoMTvS22.00 Feb . 46i90 40i90 47i?9.79 40 22 •02 Ptadnum • 5390.001 MTm 15M.0S 1941.07 1«1 1091JM -2.31 UahoplnkKla: <20.00^1.00. Jul - 3.14 2.30X 3 2.30X 2.30X I Handy ft Harman (only daay quote). ISUa Z4IJ4 342.ie 230.11 230 230.07 - 2.07 8mo»wWtot:«•; NoiEttabUtrtod EtL*alet2,231. Thu.'atolet2.( I boy ot.. NY Comoii tpol month Fn. OS Stk 1280 02 12U.20 12001200.09 1273.70 -0.40 OuoudonoanI aro Idaho prtoot eoOodod »«oWy by Doon up2S2 Sugari r ' Tho.'toponmt 7.070 Handy i MamWi (cwy daty quolo). Indra 23.303.300 MorkMNovA.mt. U.8. Oopartmont o( Agrlculturo. Pilcai 2.94X 2.59 -.OOX • ^ O por iroy o*.. NY Comei tpol month Fli, 3.124J00 aro not lo growwi,grot IOOpogndt.U.8. No. 1 boant, . : 1 ^ )—Sugar ruluretVading on the New . Fossil1,004210 fl 00 per 70 lb ftatk. Now >Wk. Tran ‘2.40X o A a 3.47X 3.40X NEWVORKIW cetfCC. NATIONAL STOCKYARDS. IB. (APJ. 3.332.H0 iMOldattaPM. Man tax and ttcraoa eharoM. OuMet trade acUva; at compared wun Thur*,urtday. barrow* and NEW YORK (AP)6.00-5391.00 — troy u .. N.Y. (eontraet). - R . 31.700.000 , eurrenton Matt»tMa 23. Produce!* dotimo mora rw^l : gftt over 230 lb .2540 hlohor; underMt230lbttaaOy • MwcanUla EKhang.660 N.Y. Mort tpol per Boy of. Fri. pnes Mlormtunalion aAmM coniact dealer*. Sop ' . lisM I. SUOAR-WORU - K ' - 1-3 230-2701b46 00:3-3 270400 to Ln.a.-AotavaUbio ' Doc . 3.4W 2.49X S.*‘^ 11£000lbO4C« . 200-230 Ib 43 004500. UO«T»wlS"c«J Most achves 11.77^ 11.00 'fl.72 11.69 ’ *.13 I.90k>»er.over900 .1.000 bN,: deOotlM Graill i n s May 3.5M 2.B9' 2,9-U s S :-SSl' » 12.05 13.20- 12.01 12.29 >34 [fuels NEW YORK dotingtlnfl pnoa and nel • OraJni 1,37 1.30X *.00* ‘ S J jl11.30 tl.OO 11.30 11.00 ♦.33 Over500lb4400>t0.00. Oec 2.47X 2. 10.00 10.70 IDOO 10.75 *.20‘y. Ooan: Over290 m 30.90; undor 2901110 10 40 00-40 90. ^ ^ P) -Fuluret tiadmo on Iho New Yotk nMI par butOol: barloy. m ud onn. oals. Thu.-o aalo* 97.003 1004 1000 1004 10.73 * 24^ CatOe and eoh«t. none. SSuy'^nSSo^ • . 'n>u.'oopenlnl2W.100 . lilX V42X *:0M “ 7 II10.79 10.79 10.79 10.79 •20 |ep ' g i4 l Nm* __ Volun*ihana Lm I CM com and Man OATS Eat. Mie**23.900. 23 Thu.** tole* 37,900 OanknLrH n —~----- . 0.932.000 MX So«;r««f " i? I.400JOO M -IX I S9.90. com 54.00 (I9« moliture), Pnco* Thu.'a openenM120J11, li up1,130 Mtnk f ' • B.«« Mly by Ronoont. May 1J4M 1.3? ^ 1.: SUOAR14 Metals Dm 2030 NonnnTW 4.00 (ocMnan'a lnc.'ln Mountain Homo, quolad I f i l III ||1 RJR Nab ■‘•'^■“ro»3?52“ ‘5 isioewnan't lt«. el Ooodu>g, roponed ton ^ l!u 1.UX t 1.3 s . . .7» ..«» .tw naperfc.^ 2l.tJ0 21,04 - W..04 ThoAaaodatedProoa W««to*iEI 2.635.201 2.63 'm - X It. 8^ Morcfi delivory In Mountain Homo. 53.35. Deo 1.30 1.30X 9.00X IJ 0.02K ♦.OOK '^ 7 21 ,. 61 21.03 21 01 21.63 - .0303 Selected viorMgoWpncat. Fridoy: ' S , i20i43 s 2090 2043 W99 - -.01 PtUUpMonN 2.465.3001..02 2.40 lX Mat 1.41X 1.42X « 1,. 9 02K S.B5X *.01 i21.70 21 04 21.70 21.03 - .0301 Hong Kong tala 5332.09. unchanged _ , IOM ' 2 2.4. 400 000 91K • X Rood Orolnn andon Boan m Ouhl and Hanton repont tne,1_ Thu.-B»ale» 1.203 5.04 9.00X •,00X w ^ 2 ^ 300 '1 M - X t» 1 ror Friday. March 20; ^ May 9.60 9 00 51 31.02 21.64 21,02 21 05 -.05.05 Fnnklurt rumg 5332.47. ofl 50 25. Sep 20.33 SeonRo«t> ■ 1.0: ^ Jul , , 5.W 5.09 9,1 Zuncn tate afternoon. 5332.09. up 50.10,5332.6550. 201111 33 if ii • ■ LO-Wnno whoal3 22 « —UI Thtj-toponlrenlnt tO.071 , -J .trflkop 1,4« 4^po^nl ipnng 3.60 {up 0). 11 percent ^ ^ 5.98*’ * ? M ^ .» 20.30 20.30 20 30 2010 <01 NY Handy ft Harmon: 5332,70. up 50 I8ii??0.30 20.30 20.30 20^9^^ Com*. Edit 1.470 ■ Whhowtwat 3J!3 (Deady); barloy 4.09 NY Engelhard: 5333.02. up 50,10, NY Engeinard tabrkialod, 5390.02. up50.ll.up 4 poroern * ^ XU (i«~d)i); 11 porwnt i s i . OlV ’ O .u ’ 013 LivestS t o c k NV Cbmen goM tpol monlh ckita Fn.Fn.5312.4q,on Local interesest , D — White wtieot 3.01 (up 3). bailey May OJOX O.TOX 0.10 Intormounwn JO 33 lo33 70 33 20 M ;p JM 0.20 031 0 20^I” i:-!'; E s W^RtpubW Nabonal Dank 4 p.m. Fn.53U29,VFn «ja'S®,Sr«a p2 Do««don , Oom3J, ■ r.fSK’, L29 2S:36 - i t ! I and Fned

    03.00. tlaugnierheiters 1090-1125 Ib ' Aii ■ 97.99 ConAgra ^ 27X a^Th o ^ a ^ ln l 137.403. up423 I tteen 600 050 lb 03.9044 00. feeder Nirw YORK (AP)—Futum tradingjonineCome. a MjV MOO?0i23 20i23 2033 2020 -.02 Coon 17X ly) 100 Ib 60 0041.50. leodor HoMtem tleonHS Friday; 0,000 Thu.'t tAiot 07.021 OO.OCORwdolMpvlOOtoo. '■” Pfo =1 Open Mgh U»» ScO»eoe CM -Ju' C‘^59 Cuf1le0 Burnt . . 14X MINNEAPOLISXIS (AP) — Oraln hAtfot Fn. 4«t Holtleln tleen 1200-140010 76 50. Aufl • ■ mi90.29 300.177 Dufl&PhalO* . 11 Opan Hlon Uiw OoOo - 0>6. AUCTION — Welter Ltvettock Sep 97.40 ...... Plntlntit.Dsnoprs W j 7 2U 5 21.'29 31.0C In Wetter hek) Thunday. MaroT) 25: Uvuty ttperg^ ' FHI8«iCo«p?^ Ita I ' ' i K S , ™ * and eomiporcialMl eowt< 42.00-59.90: heavy re«>er* ^ “ ■=M27oW?M 240,0 332 40 - 30 oa i7.99 9M« 97.40. 97 07 - 5 9 Orend MotroplUin ■ U 3.32 3 ^ 3.20X 3 20X - 02 § 5 . . Vdl l\fo llll, ' . .; l«h:l«hl Isedon 00.50-05 00; ttocker Apr 332 00 333 40 332,30 HJ.HMni iK CW '■ ■ :S IS 3.00X 3.10X 3.00 3.00X -.OOK oa 21.00 21.00 21.3S' •. leoden l.tO-1.2:,132: noMhoWoin reoder tiaera 00 00- ” 33390 " i o ^ “19 49’0 90il0 M40 MOI Tos IdMwPoworCo. 2VX 3.00)1 3.01 3 00 3 OOX eec 21.07 21,70 214! V ., 80.00: heovy holileHiholi teater ileort 55.5040.00: Jun 334 4 0 339 (» i334 00X ,S .^ Koy Corp. 4X _3«) Jan . . >ger heifera no quote: baby calvet .. Aug 330 00 330 00 334,00»M»50 ,-.M X 66i79 Longvtew Fiber OK I" ffi IQ par head: lal tambt none: utiviy and <1 S7i40 97.99 97 40 97 01 ■*>< '* Thu.-ioaloilalot Z023 *■ - . 5 :S H Swet 90 0043.90. heavy loeder hellers '' Dec .330 60 330 30 330.70ro 330 90 'i -i20 fg , , U 'S mSS wSSISSw »e« leoder hotter* 04 90-03.00: ttocker» Feb 340 90 340.90 3^0-9010 340.10 — 10 ^ jMn^l 13,7t0. up 335 341,70 P»e*eofi> ' s7X '^5 ssiias:. !:!S1S:“ .:S -103.00. Remark* LlgntIoedwiup2.00K) Apr 1 li IIIIII ]ti Mknuntidsaatsparbuahal . £? •«l“^opo!l'lnT65!^l. UP021 upi 00 lo 2.00 Jun 343.20 e.iw0e»323t« Pr»m»rk 40Xw -J iflooburnmmi ^ SOYSeANMEAL » il9 .00.49 00il9 MM- - M I SaraU* 27K 3:50» 400lonc:dQOirsP*riDn P) — Fuluret trading on the ChKago 56.79 •60.79 56.79' MIS —00 Sfnpho Inc. 19F ■! ichinge Fn- Dec { 57.20 97 20 97.20 9711 • 00 Sm«n» F/O too. 31».,1» ' Ix i93^ • MOO 16700 Im S Opon HVi Lwr . SoO* Q>g.g. 'nu't talet 30.304 50 00 90 00 90.00 9000 * 09 • _ °*^.-ooponIpon Ml n.a. " CAToe UnlvwMl Foodt 34X Sop . 100 00 16000 1009 aiSSi- ' MOO 9548.1 .00 OO 100 00 18000 100.01 ^.TT-oii.OO 62 40 62.02 -.1916 0.000 R>y OX.; cent* por boy Qt s r . - s5* ? PORTUufcjAl Dec 101.00 10I.M 10j.0 nil 120.905 VSOUNE W*« Oy^Bonw^....eowwd 0 juthel, e»e»pt oat*, com. bonoy and . 7340 73 47 7320 73 40 1.0539 , May 372i0 374i| 37|9|iS |J iS I i S .. ^ iJm 101.00 102,20 10300N.IO[n».lo* O ? 7373.49 73.00 73.25 73.32 --.0 3 «<*y oittncti. Dec 73 Ji9 370il ^ '3 Dee 5.§?'®90.19 90.30 . 5900 . 28 ■'I milt »t>oat 3.92 30 301,7 .1,3 -Ion 5040 00.10 5030 0002 >30 , \ • dub«rt>Mt 9.37” ml'^oSwtntM^V UP2W 72i00 73i« 7305 ^00 Dec 301 9 30^ 9 300 0 10 00 00 99 50 00 00 90 * 27 dome*t)outo 5.37 modorale. Market Apr 73 09 73 09 73 OS 73 05 *05 •302,1 .•1.3 F»b d o sin g futjuiures , Ruttel Durtwnk. . Thu.'a talat 1 * 104.0 309,9 304.0• 0 309,9 *1,3 E.I. aalet 24.017M29 00.00 00 29 00 60 . 33 * No.2boftey.iny. unit tramt and barge* 500 May 164 0 304 0 30410 0 100 0 ' l l Thu a open inl 10 Mnm ConvmdRy HWl tsw ; Potatoes I, baled SnO Ib moth Thu.'t open.ninl Im 03,003, up 730 •• 10 00 90 00 90 00 50^0^ '23^ XMar«haalordMary^?Mln 4:01 :e A 000.0 00; baled FEEDCRCATTU 3007 .1,1 NATURALOAS A«r U v e o w S u 61.41 Jht. non alze A 7,00- eaOOO bo.: ovmaniaporft. ..,5«o 303.9 303 9 303 0 Jun, Uvo^stM 70.89 70.0)r0.07 70.B2 .,09 lOpetprotoln*m ', 4.01 I IDAHO FALLS (AP) — FrWay-* potat 17 ^ Oec Apr FMdtre»W«e9.70 BSJ>undr«or 10-12 ounco Eat tale*003. OU Thu.-ttaiet 1,707 The bultton prKe (or tiiver aarUer In Uodorike 3.7179. up j ^ 2370 Apt Pltinmi . 3S7.B0 3U.KSS-3So’i § - - .’ig CKIC*00(AP,AP> ~ Fiiwao mtei« A the 00*0 on Iho35 l>undro4woleM.non*tt*A10.0a.11.»oek>.r>on»lroAe.OO-7,Oa5TMmutn 0.00-0.00, 40.000 bo.: oaniaarMperb. NY Como« t*vw tpM mon9i Fnday-MTio: H UP 0.013. ^ Mar TrootDood 100.30 100.1MM»1«.W . i » WHEAT /, >7 hunOndwalght. 70* 20 00.26.00. occ 4009 61.20 40.05 9060 >.09 1 ^ 1.629:is!i iii i:ss iii z "i Jun CM4oni 00.77 00.16«.io 00.90 . » IfiOObumWfw U 00*2«^l00.occa*l0ntIykM«; 55,15 50.05 05.07 5507 ^1.12'I ' NEW YORK (AP) — Spol nanterreueitmalaipncea r J ? ' Jun S-Fnne OO.OS 09.3619.30 D9M *J9 May . S7 motoy 10.00^.00. lew 21,OOst4.DO: T ‘i53.00 54 00 93.00 93 90 * 00S - Fnday. ' 15J9 oo.od *.a Jul- Ijo ' 9030 wi 01.10 60.00 •90.79 -.70 0 Aluminum-91.7cantapet BLoMOon* C iSi^filiili;; o ■ i s SSio. : S§5§ 'l§l3 0 mnetou Norm Oct 44.03 44. 49 00 4,»0r 4920 •295 Copper>51 0049perpound.U,8.cMa 3.I6X 3.17 3.14 3.15K 300X 0 00-0 25: ruaaol* Ooc 49. 1 Coppw-50 0590 per pound. NY Comsssv«. a" !ssS !SSS ISS 1!!S. Jun B-Poond 14040 140.90 ,2?:Si .1 ,5 SS l9.00-9.79; Feb 49il0 49. 49i39 49il0 4525 0 6S • load-32canl*apou1109.960. UP 407 . ' I 11 ColorKto4.60«.00;kMno 000-7.00. '-r-fcrtTir.------^ \ ------• -."I ■'■ ...' ’• 'i\ ■

    ■ '-t ' • '1 : J — '

    •; .( , , C-2 Tlmqs-Nows. TwinI Falls.Fa Idah& Soturdoy, Morch•ch 27.1993

    I ., M u t u aII l f u n d s 9* 03 C«jrr l»tl Nl-.IO Eg DnOA t»M H- #4 VitMf '6M s* s s s io4» mK s SnTssits.' Ei-'iiiiETEiMi ' g f c S g i ■ s s s fSSi i I ^ 1*1^ M SS{ ' wi- OS gs?- «« ..rs • gsi? IS^ s iis?!?g:g; a sssrs 2K1 i:s ^ p S n f c Jl ^ WOI^ M •'"?S-,g ss fSSKIS KtiM i; MaM«iiu»erta^(>A« SrCtSxCon« 10U W.* D? 0«enp § C5J. ^ EmGfp 2141 or ■mTnac ^ - “ - 1 ^ , = . S» «M -S55S',5£I S>--■!!?! S-Ss s?" ssW -.11 r “ B ”■ r;li S' s S’i:»s“ i i£|- iS'iStS 5S“ '.r.'ffi-5% • tSA ^ i;“ij£:i4Mi40t. a . snri io9ttou-= a§ £ is £s- s a s - i,*.,*'i45:S . £ g ^ •'’t%'t4l* -"tl l4 WBd 11.14 M^ioa Jirilsiifcs S M. hCO ,M » - M UOTT IIU 1217- 02 MMi =si ms ti« nas- 08 _v»o ia» » • n 'i ” i;i-i" .I' KE. 11:5!S:S ST ■ ■ *2 S.“ SSI i X X, .% a 1 cS g l io?SH,!ts H 1 sa,''a'fiSrS SK SrKS I Eft ili M K K S Si, S S S r S SS'.SfcS SE lS!l!Si.J W'iEl isgsrs a. .^t£:s ^ ^ - l i S S r S ‘XS K £ ; s ' £ ? ■ Jl ! S E Ii K . S |j ”£ 3I i ' i i l i s s - £1 ,:si,:fco“( ill a !siss=:si l S ffl'lli :i M P*TF 1047 1011- 01 A1>Ki’ i •( I Nl. 03 usa 1102 1103- os s r i^iC's » M i Fl0) OtM lfM< ^ g )• .19 »K IOIS tou-«a . RM SS£ ! 55 S : § u t I f l i ! I ilii I 111' iir -Ss S ,iir„E” k.BSI S'i1090 I9t2-.0. . AtfUp lOtt IIJ»- .a 5??.— ''r'sltl ^ 'I'S;! nMFiMC' ' OC* <3.n a,_^xg » siS FS. S Krwp »»1D3*-.01 AtoCi ;r“*!W„o- 0, K !!,'!» - .01 fteDrt 1.01 110. >M U> S5? In S" S5 wSp" »« M CAU«» t.14 KL- 04 AdiA - a s«esp .vra 1943* os -E So '-iil-i-rl C»p •« M.- 01 Cnne 1J4 » NTUxp 134 K- Ot (Mi* ,'!S!iS: S SSI'■” - It liiAv '«* «' 5!? S J ' '"XZ „ s ? , « tf iir r m 511 i'lfl 2liKl..0l ss K' 'fA'isI l?u' iVo^ M NMMfllldE 'mCf 0} DSCnMTj£«• «34 M.* 0? 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    ^ . ^aiufOjrdoy, March ?.7. 1993 Timus-rlUS-Nows. Twin F a |lsJ d a tio _ _ C j_ - ' !

    • T h e ' f i m e s ^ ' f e wm s . B u s i n e sS ! S ______

    M \ . . . .— lE D S Marke;et surviives bornd plurnge SSed |ro m 0 1 ^ I F I ------KccfnitC-virvtfry'bcst-peopipr-whosW'is«— Je climorelhanK53.0(10 readers d day witlilitli iu s t one phone call! Knight-Ridder News SenJervice t------crsiner'will have to depend ______M archh ^26. 1993 advicc Gers 1— ----- 1. on. sm cc hishi: direci know ledge o f ihc N E W Y O R K —- 'The '• Dow BIM 3,439.98 FpEiph 13.484.281 H ighcT Iidi;^'3.478J4 ’ computerr industryin is thin, induslrinls fell 21 pointsnts ID close at IlfRTfP -2 1 .3 4 , ■J'*ow: 3.428.631 UanhlQ.IW I.'I- -IZ ----- 1 ••He’s goi goi lo keep the key people': 7 ; , I 3439 Friday, but broaclosf ordersrs iappeared to quarter pr pf all. he was complclcly price deflator to up-2.3t I data, it also announced i tack another 3 poinis ontonto the day’s percent comparedcoi to a 2.0 percent « idem, said Robert Schmii/. • losses. rise initial! ) the fourth quarter. • of Trust Co. of the West, ially estimated. They'also i I, 2I 1 TteMCll m But trading volumele contracted< mentioned s corporate p ro fits rose 9 9,.rp e r= e „ , jrk e d with Gerstncr at :d deteriorating technicals i al 2 2 TWM 1t07 onnaiMiSaia ^ - - • significantly from Thurs* 702 CKM about the struggling, automau: aker. 74,000 job And Ihc resignationn o f V ice L e v in s oin. n . an executive with jobs by 1995 and shrinking iffi S S " * ” . The cover o f the repreport is on flat its factor; Presidenl of W orldwide PurctasiiigPu , Creative ArtistsA Agency lnc..-ihe ory .space by 20 pcrcent. Jose F Ignacio Lopez dp / r hm 'while pajMt vs. ihcco; colored glossy “Nevenhel leading Hoilollywood laleni agcncy. ■ ■ BHI I i i . heless we. need — and 1 usk.. Jcame loo late to have hisi sscciion of >• . 401 soweh/rnttrucilon stock o f last year, andhd readers leam for — thc;ic support of our employees, c L evinso:son. whO' worked wilhII, 4IB MBcUuora i s s i s a s - in.thc second paragragraph of Chief to get ( the report redone. • al McKinsey and Anicricanan our North American tl inner said jCers'neral I I711 tWMEqmonurt r Jack Smith’s operations Spokesman^ M ark Tan Executive Officer Jt ms profitable.” :nnl eosl 'Express,.'added. a ‘.'He-s definilelyly ^ ' oldcrs jusl how The rep , **thcrc were* significa message to shareholdi rcport. mailed this week. ” Ihc repori anraeled lou. ttiugli problem s, and as much GM .lost in NoNorth' Amcrica comains I savings" in p ro d u c in g ih •vc.known him. very skilledcd !!! a * “ ” s 10 fewer pages than thc I but s wouldn’t release comllljparalivc !“ S „ ' ™ last year — $4.5 billiorlion. .1991cditi03"' m g j m lamboyant lacocca. who. c irdStreefW est.P.O .-B lasl year and $5.7' m illio n m o re re tire d , a: • Aboul $700,000 in penensionand And.iiI

    k ' ' LIneAds: Stock Ilistin g s 3:00 P.M. Monday lext day's publication' 1 i ChMm 5J0 17 « o ao*-*_ -QM 220 2M7 4U-'k American ' 5:00 P.M. Friday I ■ a S NewYork ! Ss III;:', NEW: lOAK (W>) -Fn nuenN e>en i» • 1 0 :0 0 A.M. Saturday Ilirough T hursday for nexlItion. 1: sris a . ' i S ! i .A ™ .’’ !x.'wctn Snu Eicung* niMt , -sisss^sr.;, I ^ S.. zV iu e^ ' X Soup to ' 16 22U MWI flor Sunday's publltallon : Qiwn .e (2 m i ini B ra '‘4.’as-1 " pesutUHCxe : i bisnlayAds: ;..K Ctta i« a «ss u -* ts T '.s “ S & t e : . -W M 22“ J • 3 b u sin ess days prirday lor Monday's publlcatioi1 Times-News -J O " ’ • I - 2W = a .SMTtitto IS 177 »>;. N. 1 information. » imco IjT Ts »*. * ; Advertising.Sales R ASA U9 t 1077 MK .3 ‘ H S - ■ !! NM 'u 'Mt too Mxlx ^ ' ' ‘i o t i n irior to publication. Call a Tii X It _ 14 sm 4i«t n t ! t n » ,|g J g l i ‘ r ’* " w . l ’t‘ Representative lo r more Info 'zl S £ , r « SiAl'2n 17 44»u7St!]H AyMi 12 2) 7X--% Am Ti « It m R SMPS 220 14 U12 m IUNO 7J 4«.S'lt ii S s • flXTM 7S* JO 70 t4WI le ! s : IS f" “ l Ifl 244J »V- A 1er»o 10 »«. ^ , : ==‘!S, ’£ ' ! . Bj,U«i 40 It 4 11^ ^ ' • Senior D ular opeii rates i i.i: i i s2§, ■” lijii! 1^ 40 II t022^ Itw { SS‘" " . 'S f f i SnMft U ts «77 I9<- >1 Jiar open rates i 4 WStOtll M IUI A Si/iCa 1 to 4«a »«- X I • Sliidenl SiMiW» It 2M M'lvA c2m5i "” 68 7»‘” $^ Discount-25% off regularIday, $8.50 E : S ‘S 1 • Memo rss,. “'“."A ' ■ 3 1 II D iscount 2 5 % off regularaway 3 lines, 3 days- *.■ H " 5 S S'* : ili HMMIU It 7*' 1• NM B n ie 2172 7U-» » I • Free Ads-Lost! /, MKSs.tK It 743 UX-.X Ttco .I»2 I§ “ : j £ A - | WWtolorlal Notices 12 lines, sper1di insertion. ■ Ix BP JO l3Mt l»-X 1.4«o’?lw‘J I [ & found, Items to give aw f i i -Xi.nr M -20IUI5-*. tM, e i ID«i ion » » ... •Ss ipen rate 0 Buy ad^, up to 30 days pi „ 5»a “ifrii D«W> ^ :' rfouo 740 ---- S ”l! S r - “«— Ew • 42 622 M - . Seeorder form for om oper ! s s . i , , f s r z i . EnKs. in II IC'Mt S» , I ■ .SS-'A ' = tWCO 11208 «2 Mt.7 i« r i "SS I d u p lo S IOjO ■ tU S uo • 18 77*4 63WU ] ______$2.75/1 ilS i iSuS ! S 'il a E : s r - , . * ■ Sl5f 'V !fiwv^osj eotio 9 is^vitr • i^ast Cash Ads • " a f ! ToUH )M 15 1742 444-* I Bs* 7% oSmr* a 27e7N mk. k ! s : « rtd i ” ' '* a^i««'"io\ 5/llne. 10 days, for items priced up X Ortrt .« Kinn124 12 2731 4J«. ^ 7 days I innol be used S ’S - r t ”* ! : E! Mil .iT 10 4C3 2AX- H TflM i n 70 tM4 MX. « . I lor sale ads. - Wm > 1«^ W 2»4- I wllll ot • Guaranteed m* TMMm 22t 7A. /« I l i l mm X ra 112 H IM SfH* * IJ « 7 'sreiularprice/7daysfree. Cannol»ely w u 2se laIB 0>mi CCug 2M0 11.1S. . ! fS ,. S . “ 1 other dlscounls or real eslatelor 'MM tsr * ‘ — • oiT.i's" • 'M d $2 lor eich 3 Weeks ifiiisl run consecutely.0 it will be included in S ’ l ' E £ £l { i : f f i s . r imS ' II »982 IS Ift-1.18 Ar* " Mw. H 30 lU U(. i IK»,C« .X 11 24 »V- - » -5 ■ isis!** ■ 473 3i—1'16 !S!“ "’“‘S.'S 1iCH 2in «■- X ad, that runs Sunday so it 'zl Sw* .S S S1 i k TpoU) M ri» “ W* . I '■ f i 1 1 X .Pwmst 3 IM BII 97X- ^ Msgic Values -News Ciislorner & , ’i! >?»‘S g = S t l a , '5 n ; s j s : ! . - a . — ‘ Bet details on spec, SS.1S SlSifc , ! B s ' v ^ jtM 11 S27 181. >• Service Represents, B S i ’S E i - f t l ! I 1 a , " " V S - ; iciais by calling a Times-Ne Utitm • ; 28 »x. ; -.J lAft « . J -Pleiseclieclfyoiiri ars. In case of - ' K i 'u !^ 44 28 101 - tative. ' error, report it to 11} epartrnent ______; Hftn Bl ’^'^''8 I 5 ------17 47T U ' i s i i : : i rad the first day it appears, ■ ![JfrJl, M « •t4«8’‘x '; - \ toreceivesn adjust J l t ! S S 3 S , . --isfafs >5 • -trnn the Customer,Seryice'P'epa .MM ' ^ 2 0 Kor, 'reclassify or : K ".'l -fl& is:! Iff ? 'n: <0 SM u»i. « M I ak 210 u S^. ■> 'I 'The Times-News restme'nt. r; sr,’“ ! g S " ' ! ! reject any clissifiec eeting ■ ■ X PSCO 2>a IS 2112 Slx-x ■ »I K . i ' ^ | 6 » r e M s the right to censoi ! S s J 'i S ■'SS " y £ ' ] i the standards of thi it x P FoMM IflO* I ««« i I j a* S2' 1>4 'u im ^^ J S l HBV, ed advertisement nol meeti W _FfpM ;»'l2$ .. 'IB»(7um«K i a s » , - ■ ‘he publisher. ■“ o « = i » S r ; : i s H ^ S J S S .SSfS':! Is s f , n e s - N e v ^ ; i ' • n s ' v ! • " “ ■ F i . - X owraa 1^ a lot si»-uii5 ^ K s ; s ” ! k ;“ " . S ' I t i --I'SSc ? ■. S ' S f i t ! M g : S J ; 1 :TIW IS 2 ^ ^ . J a T h e T u i nOMER - ! S S ” Ss t!j isi™ ejj-« i w ' M i E : -’ K X i S ■■ Wi^ 40 IS 2UU\ ‘ : ss s ,.=a"g^’i 120 24 UU.41i.-i I g ' s . s nm i f r eiS i M a a ’f “. . 'S i 'W ! ^ C U S T CriGE ! r - ' ” S U " ,’7* S ‘ lVx*:i 1 - ! SSS’i'S. 11SK 5 vmw/ ' It 114 'ISX- i IusiSa J7*n«.v Vtl«l42 ' ! S T " ’ VMM l a 22 127 ;I71- ( |15,^? X V P. i l f i f l.? S S S I n>|0'4i0l 14 40tt B7X-X W«»*« 2» IOI ' 7»- * 1 JSERVI Wem 1.12 IS 1717 'IIX- X 1 . ( ■ « >6-53751 ■ . . S S .S .f.iS’.Pi! wgna <0 IS. le U - X- i ^ - X OM .73 a m l X i . S i “'M ii/'- , I JEROME/HA< VENOEU 536-2535 a r a X S«M1X II t]l4« 4«x>n »«, J .18 IM7 MX. X IWBEI t.i: 25 858 t7 . ' 552 IBjMM k ss?.'? « ’ J4$ 1». X M C '»» »» SO 4X- * BUHl 543-4648 • BIER 326-S AGERMAN • GOOOING/WEN . . _ I - BiURLEY/RUPERT 678-2552

    » ■ . — ■■ - f ■'l

    I. . ‘ ' C-4 Timos-Nows. Twinin Palls.P: Idaho Saiurday, Mnrt|i27,-1993Mn

    -.1 It 1 0 1 - 2 1 3 «• Legals-i■Announceements-Emnployment

    ' LEGAL NOTldl6E 107 SPECIAL.. ' 201 ADMINISTRATION/IN/ 206 m ed ic a l ; 210 ^ALES ; . MANAGEMENT DENTAL ------• NOTICES >ooplo orlonlod insuranco LEGALNOTICE CNA'a lulMlmo day shilt.It. AfAp. CO. looking for on ag g ro s- Tho South Conirol Pdviiiivalo ATTENTION RANGERS nur. Votorons ol: World Wor 11 DEL MONTE FOODS US.JSA ply In porson at Wos] MogIMogic sivo agoni to loko o v e r an — IndusiryJJawflcilJnc^P Ihoosl D el M onto F oods USAA-in Caro Conlor, 640 Rlor»r AvoAv oxisiing book ol business in su a n t lo tho Jo d iroinl — KoresrVlouiom^QuUiot f l S ' Afla,DominiconRopobIijublicr ~ 0 nflO7rtdohalff«oekini>-iio-ap------W e s tJ F ... ' . .___ TF. S inor liconsod or non- Portnorshlp Aci (JTPA). Pona- plicanis lor a salary dopeipan- ' tic o n so d ^ h oxpor in prop- h o rb / issuing 3 roquo:juosu Lebanon, Gronada, Pm Gull. mont supervisor In our a 207 OFFICE/ orty & casualty will bo con* for; p ro p o sals (RFP). O MY ning plant. A bacholor's d sidorod. Inlorostod pan lo s is (or tho Adult V Yo^ r JOIN THE U.S. ARMY CLERICAL 1** liy RANGER ASSOCIATIOInONlI g ro ete roquirod ond oxpo _____ should conloci Doug Hart- > Round Program. (TiUo irdod o n c e In suporvlsion In loy 1-800.368-8981. A), ono is for ttio YoiYoulh H you boon owofdoi tfio-Rangor Tab* or hnvohnv production onvirortmont111't* Full limo position availablillablo ______H—- - Yoor Round Proflrom ( ]or*by prolorrod. II you oro ird llo 11/ C). a n d ono isu '(or oarnod tho trtlo ■Rangor* approx April 12lh. NC iionev sonring in a tocognizodlizod oslo d o n d q u a lily .p lo ai olM ronlc roglslor. SlanirlM?n3 !1'2 TRADE ' conducting a Compolor >001 or sond rosumo and aala Systom (or both Iho AdAdult Rartgor unil lor ono yoar ‘■“'y wago $6^0 to $7.65 pt & Youth programs. moro.orhavosorvodind in a history to; . hour, depending on qualilluan?i- ^rivors. musl havo CDL. ox- sh n ll' R angortypo unil (LRRFRRP. DolMontoFoodsUSA cationB.Ouiiosaroprimarimatilv collont pay and b onoliis. Sucossful bidders oh boon BryonFtakp oporato Irom Ju ly 1. .19 cashiering, wilh somon o rer< - Yoarround wotk with stabloi' CNB Porsonnol Mandgor Iated ollico woik. Nood■od 101 company. Wookly pay. Lo- / ■ 1 ■ ' " ^ 'through Ju n o 30, 1904. somo cal oul ol Wolls, NV. For .Estim alod (undlng ovi koy calculator and som Toblo is $216,000 lor. I |;S s”. —- bookkeeping oxporioncconco moro inlormalion call 1- 1 Aduii program, $147,07 000 a r a . For your momborst•orship Im m odioto lull-tlmo roll‘’.'“ 'l Applicanis musl bo porsoiorson: 800-952-3444 wookdoys ?)■ lor tho Youth progroi snioct c o m p u to r salos/sorvic/ico/ ablo, ond enjoy workinrking )rIvors-OTR. Expandng and $50,000 lor Iho S:Co Aiox managomont position oa with Iho publie. Estatsta b - Woslom flooL Ilalbed, corv " mtoncy Syslom. skh.POaox24B7TF,TF. Id in ost&iirshod storo in pBi - lishod. growing rolaUorir wilhwil .vontlonals. Slart $.26/mlie, • . . . _.To_obtalnJurthof-lnlo{n'p»n,n._ 83303 or eatl 734-5309a09 _|oy, MusliJO knoHlodgago:— prolit^naring..molor.modmodL-.. .23yoarsC^yoarsOTR,.ridor------lion ond o n R F P p a « ablor porsonable, org'00/ cal and dental bonoliltolilsl program. PFT/Roborson intorostod pocsons, orSr?*' < OVEREATERS3 nlzed & havo oxcolloni n JPtoy- 6 (^ 8 8 -7 3 8 8 .______, ANONYMOUSa ' oroncos. Solary based I gaplzations should co J IM 5 n ^ W ^ M id - W o « ^ ^ _____ ability. Sond rosumo, sal Electric and Plumbing. 13 SoutfT ConirarPnvoto SIS':------ry/wBQ(rhtetoryft.8-sh------School Dislricl'odicli(lco Interior o r exterior pointlnnting, Novrs, PO Box 548, T F ,:IU shoots a mpsl. Also0 in- NAIL TECH . r ...... Feist Caiish Jr. i^, • S3303 I ____ eludes some Porsonnol,moi. Pun work onvironmont. sal- untill P.M. on tho IS I CafM 7j9oS7S4°^; Bdto*500) day ol April, 1993. 2817._ EX PERIEN CED EQUIlLIIP* Humon Rosourco dutios, (for items priced T ho B oard ol Truslooiloos Lown mowing,, gardonI roto-rot MENT OPERATOR3R S Salary com m onturatea wilh s2,5is?orni5S'o°?*.Fo;; - Long distance lumiluro haul.hat modoltractorsandavarioirioiy resu m es to Controllor., Box w oiti^ lor you lo toko ovor. < 29 olcrops.'Somolruekdrldriv- S25.- Haitov. ID 83333. ■ doomod bost lor■tho th ing anvwhore. 438-5029 $10 forli10 days -rrjr ing oxporionco noodoi y Noodod: Diosol truck/ (arm School District, ^ nf d I» Provide professions! law SECRETARIES DAY .. 3 - waKro a n y tochnicaiity.W: . malntonanco.Jotomoan Coll 3‘f»-5S11bolwoon machinery mochanic with rite ,------April2l,1993 1 T raco Mickolson. Clorl »aroa aM and 5 PM Moo • Fri | ■ s . °"IV-3g4.BM4,______------ODolfcolionS;_EOE^_^^_^ - WIN a se cretary lor Iho doy K im borly S c h o o l Dii Quality ButlnassSsrvlce ------a n d givo your’s tho day olli and4lilines. ^ trict 414 y '” * EXPERIENCED FLOOD S en d resum e; Box 96672, . 1 - PUBLISH:^March 2< IRRIGATORS noodod. Y< Sen d ’u s your businoss card. m u sl b e oxporloncod wi T h e draw in g wiil bo ahold i M aSneSlb'iiSia"’' Q uality cleaning. Commo open dflcn and slphc . Plumbers, Idaho liconsod d e l & residential. Wal! lubes. Call349.5511 b< ^Ry journeyman, $12-$1S an windows ft moro 734-730<^30^ Iwoen 8'AM and 5 PM Mo hour, Sond resumo lorBox . 5 - - :y/SSI dav throuoh Friday. EO^s » s te - I s SodolSocunty Disability/Si P— 1025 Shoshono St. No.0. 95580, %Tho Times- - Fran R. Kornblum' E xporioncod holp wonldcled:' SuHe2 Nows, POBox548, Twin Attomoy al Law irri. 734.6452 _ Foils. ID B3303______I 733-S900-Frc<.Consulinllo PTSI 48 Stale carrior b ased. 209 RESTAURANT/ in Boisoi looking lor quail- ' Farm hand wantod lor gor 1 LOUNGE fiod ownor oporaiors ol Iiot eral larm work, noods O) ifnj Donny’s Is nyihlrtoa oil»^ M e t r b M : 113 CHILDCARE ^ r’"S„VSf"!rS-I ol silions availablo li(U.|lmon o & i 289-0113. Bud Dodge. tot- LOsl&jFOUND SERVICES alos. oqu^ont~734-5123.— pan-timo, all shills. A{)plyiiy, in Soamslr.oss Wantod. Port- 1 M otivated person In charg— poreon 3.5pm or 8.9pmL ._^ 1 _ lime work Inlo lull.tlme. . FOUND 3 Christian cassott Child caro In my homo. 2 0: Salary DOE Send rosumo: topos.C all 793-0020 olior - r - r o l row cro p & hay rancT I .per mothers, nutiltlou. J 5 ‘ Som e cattto-tooding In wir 210 SALES - Seam stress. PO Box 1786, 'o d a lm . I______moals, reasonable ratoi lor. mechanical slJlls notloc* I ------Twin Falls. ID 83303 I Found: Drop Hitch on corni^ 324-6028 or324-3076.._-'u ossary. Year-round Ofllam. > ■ 2 PROFESSIONAL TCT hiring drhrora' X . SALES POSmONS of 3rd St & 6th, Twin FpHHorS C h rlslia n m othor ot t i I’noo lorvandivlslen.CDL&eyr# ' -**• 733-1901 ask lor KoVin.____ South Joromo area hasiis di F Lost: Hondhold radio I C/O TlmDS.N0WS, P.O. Bo sa^, M ci^nt 2 )rn0( cora service lor 18 mo. to a exist (or mon & women with Soulh P a rk aroo. Rowarcrpte! S yrs old. 324-6453.. I Call 736.2299 a 'la rg o Foriune 500 Inlor- t___ COLLEEN-SCLUBHOUSJ™TovT Noodod: Good roSablo oxpo nalion Organizallon.ThisbJuu Wantod: Licensed Journey-. nte for ' Lost: Molo Chocolato Lab,0 in Homo day co/q^roschool1 and rioncorfslphon lubo Irrlgi a n Im pressive opportunityJpit" m a p elecirlclat) w llh AG Rceal Esta 11 mos old, Momingsido ____ lor tuid .some iraddr worl ,ardl Agos 2-S yrs. f34,9948_ lor an ambillous porson O L o w or Dopol Gril aroo, Hove openings In 0 lun lo> Relreoi423-S008 — w bo wants to gel ahead.jl“To To &3artG"a%tf%*ockford I REWARD OFFEREOI ab, : Ing day can», nowbom an Nood oxperlonood larmTl &J qualify you need a posltlvodtlvo • Ploasocan 734.4620,to UP. Call 734.2952 lu s m ontai allhudo, soll-confl. SahIc^Gum a n t ^ ! - toavomsfl.' •___ r - Mth d o n w ,a n d b e 6pM sm5 |nd- IU Wanlod. mobile homo so t u p ...... L ost:. M ale S am oyod.5j“- al |Hnvotfa»!logo7 roloreiT cos 10 Walioito n o d . O ur corporation ollorsIlors porson.salarybasodonex- ; whilo, 3-4 m onlte old. Loi 183. R a n c h C o , Ino.. 2414I E.E com ploio benelils: Malorlalor porionco. Caillor Intorvlow : at Tonttls courts In Joromo ------1150 S., Gooding. NNo m edical, dental, disabilily)jljl^., al32^-pS16------. 15 daysd regulilar price/>1 '' : 324-7607______^ ““k HS' xro Is phono calls please, ___ andli(oln8uronco.40lK «& end ESOP Plans andl oa 33 213 Lost: matoyoBow Lab, chaiilo« d’dho ^^1983n 18 NOW HiRir^: Top wges I MSCELLANEOUS collar. 310 4lh Avo; N .C a )ving . .cood working conditionsI lolor' wook training program,nm. OPPORTUNmES ■ : 734-4288or733-0028 ' UTTLE GEMSCad irrigallen clrclo toch onn lgli PREVIOUS SALES, • Lost N.o|Joromo:.BUid(— Lot Preschool & Child Coro It Pasco area larm. NooilOd EXPERIENCE NOT' Comodians wanled: Serious Zdaysfifree. A chocolate Lab, lomalos^ 2 now occepllng childron H tys. NECESARYI a cts, great opportunity (or Call 324.7499._____ Col m os - 5 yts. «5uality, teylni » « ? « . ■ ! (Ils. : $2800 1st 7 wooks guaran-'OX- now e x p o su re . C o n tac t (Canno!b)t be used with other discoicounts. Offer applies to ___ child care. Liconsod.1.., Cal Jqb roquiros managomone n l to e d . O nly thoso who sin-sin- Boyd's - Underground Lost: Sm all malo, Bonji typiLab 736.0382______■ 1.1,' & mainlenance ol eomploiiioie co ro ly w ant lo got a head do0 , crom o color, thoggV ood Lounge In Burloy. 208- llos. * Q u ality child c aro In‘®'“ m] - s y s lo m s , Musi have 3-! ■ 678-MIS. 11am-6om. privirivote party real estate foifor sole ads only.) ■ I;! '“Sffii.Po*,™ , S' h o m o , FT only. A gos 1( ' Full tlm o holp w anlod (or 734-5000 REWARD! S43-8414. typo . m o . to 5 y r s , b ro ak la st nu lartn supply rolail alore. ggK lu n c h & sn a c k incl: Rols — Monday,thru Wodnosday »- Lost: Whilo & bull lomali t0:00>Mlo5;WPM spayod Cockor Spaniol H - 204 CHILD CiWE 1 — Forffpiorsoiialond h ^ tes MdsI FIBmoro & H Sl ^ conlldentlal Intorivow Jorome, 324-27S7. [ i f i l ChiW caro attendant no o ^ ~ resu m e to: Box 95106 c/o; iaio ■ ■ Hours 11am-7pm. r ; r - Tho Times Nows, P.O. Box' For extra «urnm«r http, rur ■ A M m 0911^11 at 733-9i^, AUTO PARTS OUTSIDE>E 549. TwHn Fans ID 83301. an ed in dassiCM. ITa last “ SALESPERSON. , Fuil-tlmo Inside salos pbsi- It'e'Ineipenilve.. and li 9 206 l£OICALy Must havD own vohldo.'■ lionJor local slool waror woiks.Ctf'73)i^1. ^ DENTAL ' Commission basod on exp, haute. Good math skills t . ___ Call 886-7034 — noodod. Good bonoGls. Re- »x- Duo to In c re a se d salos wo 102 CARD OF,. d It iwo sumo loBox 1413, Twin I I • ®^*MdT*®lhofr‘o?to” Mr?ilIII- neod2salonoopio. Falls. ID 83303______t h a n k s ' Nm ^. & a : ' 'opoKTio.lor W om on, minoritlos. A ox- Idaho Paronis-Unllmiiod Is — 201 AOMINISTRATIOWv ice' ' F-T LPN 2.10pm.,AS>ly/ irin perienced salospooplo aro * Wo wish to e x p re ss our sin MANAGEMENT accopling applicallons lor islve P o r» n al ISMBndgovtowow oncouragod lo apply. an eager paroni ol child core thonks lo Iho kind poO' Juror . Blvd..Twin FoUl . ,. Integrity is a must. plo at Hospice Proaram a Carnation, a Division o iT iu w ith disability to bo a re ­ thoMagic.VdlloyStallint^ tie Brands Foodsorvlci Full lime or part time poslttor gional parent education co- i S orvico. A nd Iriends thai Company, a progresslvit Li.ui available W prolosslona ordinalor (or Rogion 5 who m odo ll possible lor mo tc Irozon potato monulacturo n u rse wilh toadorship abPiti prmddos resources, training & support to pthor paronis. 3 c aro lor b y husband Bill 81 Is seeking a Warehoiui a ';, hom o In a 5 m onth ordoo . Will ^ I d o iraining. Must ■_ii Como In boiwoon 9amr * & be a&o to travol A work 54 that ended In death on upon &uali(icalion. Cal noon. Apply lo Teresa ed Ads March 23rd 1993. It hoipoc:?,i? b o a p a rlo lth o D lv Is lo n i hours por month. For moro Ginlarantei L— Chalwin, Salos Manager, c h e e r Bill u p , to know41 scm Logistic Toam which su'pa re - K ilchen help noodod. Mus inlo contoct I.P.U.L. 4 696 USI, C hris Jo rd an Mazda; 1534 Overland Rd «478. Boiso. m any poopio carod. ThanJ ports tho dislributk)n/waraSvs* ' be willing lo porlorm allel Blue Lakes Blvd.N,,Twin 'you again. rare- kllchon dutios & mui|P‘ b< M s JO 83301. _ qys regula ' Mw.A^onoCob^& ^ l i s a ■ floxibk>,CallVicUoln------Meat assislant sUporvlsor_ '. 7 do coordinalo Plonl Wore ___ _ Lookirm-tor.oxpo'rjo'ifced. ar prfce/ :e d ___ waniod.lorjiaw4)rocory____ .. h o u se Adminlstrativo Sys -SSS^L*ro-com o7ior,i salciperson In madhlnoryyA & - storo In Hailoy, 3 yrs exp. ' 105 PERSONALS , toms and manage Ware}x)k8 Oooding. EOE------(ood Industry, M ust'havoa'Ott ossonllal. For dolails call houso Oporatipns, This is ) ICO. Torv726-5668- Seeking Med Tech lor bus! 7days frirbe. Divorco kits. $30.11 — • ••'choDonglng and rewondlni 1.1- OPERATOR HELPER ' ' opportunity lor an aggros mo boneDU ft salary. Sond re- X?"' polillonl'fSus'^l.Musl'^bo sum e 10: PO B ox 268, Twin ■ (C therdistolmts L oae u p to 30 pounds sive soll-startof who sooki ■«l" E n v k S f f o ^ S ^ ' ^ , (Cannbtlbe used with othc In 30 days i ^ a ^ I ' l o h wilf* flfowth po A SC P, AMT or oquivalon Fotls. ID 83303.______For $34.60 ■ cenlllod. Salary DOE, ox SalOBporsor) lor exteriorrlor iMtfeMatmont-slorago- or real estate for saliialeods) ' Dodorrocon»nendod^ The iniorosiod appllcan“ j ; collora.bonolMpiiclugo. home improvomont prod, 100% moooy batf( guarantoo* should p o sse ss a workin] ucts. Provteus satos export.Sl sW rarM - v knowlodgo and oxwriona V'* once prokirrod. Salaryplus3lus llos aro similar 10 that ol a - in transportalion, lorwari equipped lab, excolloni sal- Ing- gonoralW xjrorwithsomo V \ t 107 SPECIAL I . ' ’ distribution networks. In Mi^l'resu*mo*lo:V.O."Box uoo veniory transactions, com ary & benollls packago, iNOTlCES _ putorized warohouso ’”^sys 2' M ust b o Mod Toch with ‘•“ “i: A S C P . AMT or equivaloniin'l WE’RE OROWtNG—. ^ ploma or GbD. InienMiod torns and warohouso man SALESPEOPLE. appSeants should pick up ALCOHOLICS agomenl. Wo have an Immadlato ANONYMOUS Tho intorost applicant mus3 rrs&s.-'""’' 3TheT inm e s - N e w s S«Sdro8omelo: oponing lor a qualiliodr.!5 . Call 733-8300 __ : ;bo highly soll-motlvatod >uld Envirosaloat 208-384- •JS."k JII Howoll,POBox 586, . sa le s p e rso n . II you would s - . p ossos oxcoiiont communi liko lo work lor an organiza-Iza- ISOOtoroquoslanappEca- HOTUNE-733-01M^ caiion skills, orgonlzationa lion that respects you asla an n lion, or sond a covor loner ^CUSTrOMER • abaHiosandbeablotowwi — IrtdMduaJand-your custom-om- olintofest and resum eto; without diroct supontslon imo - E nvlrosale Servloes Health A 88^^m .7afn.>9 D eg ree d candlaaios oarswill - ADVERTISE------30rl- ^ 1,1 r ,,e h 32,000 our , ' o l Idsho Jn c . .i rr„ c o n c e n tra to d stu d io s li toam.WepaycompoiTtlvo-Ivo- ' P O B o x m iT JB o lsr.T O :' ySERV#IGE businoss. logistks or transI *i.L lem lllas e«»*ryday snd lha ly, WB oile r paid vacation,lon. VI • 83715 O P E N H O U S E ponatlon, plus 2-S yean results will a m u * .you- Catl a n , •EOEM/F/DA/ Fri 3/26. Sat 3/27, today and ooe ol our htmSy 10:004:00. ‘fTi. previous induslry oxpori — onco prolorrod. IAM. Ad-Vlson win help you word^ surar>c|i and more. II you'reu're C ook's a ssista n t (or sonior TrinalHalrSatonB, your ad so that rtwll b# most BUHL 543-4nL ln g ,h o a v y lilting. Bogin 2 5 5 2 . ■ . . 234 W Main. J«roras. , . BURIEY/RUPERT 67B-2& iS^ollskinthdrapy&gly. . HUMAN RESOURCE MJM- . ‘ ConPalitosCttwolot.Pon.'on- $4*2S/hr. 7 3 4 - ^ Miko or AGER ..J - .. oollcaddaklnprodvco...- . '.733-p?3l'^.. tiBe.QMCTruck.QEO. J^ aihv. 616 t o t t a ^ ^ r. TF, ’ . r ' ~ nnt. PO B OX 8089' -■ NAMPA.I099652 .. 1 ' , y

    Satufdirday. M arch 27..1993 Timos-hos-News. Twin Folls, Idaho C-5

    ; //• 2 1 3 - 2 1 3 Employivm e n t ' ' -

    r .

    lieTiiiiesNsws' BUY I T - SELL . I T - FINIl b IT USTOMER ; w ] . i EftMICE— -CLA ISSU J F f E Ip L J z aUMM ■■ SEfiVICgS— I------!

    213 MSCELLANEOUS 213 USCELLANEOUS OPPORTUNmES . OPPORTUNmES s3 o s T“” . Enlry lovoi teb, B shirt. (Spm •2am). 5 u y s a wook. Must E A S Y -P A R T T I M I L i L k t - l 11 be obk> to liti 100 Bm.. soil- DONT LAUGHI motivaled. wani to work. Bi/i wo havo boon bronzingQ High school diplonui roq. baby shoos k>r ovor 50 Applications Mon.-Fri. yoors. Our poopk> onm ox-(. Gom Slato Papor & Supply. - collonl incomo calling on, 1801 HiflhlarffAve. E. NONONESENSE LEADS. Thoy may bo lauahing, but\ TWIN FALLS V E S 5 H-sonihowaj^toihobankl0 JUNIOR ROUTES Pre-Ouaiifiod U o d Source m , avnilablo.Nocolloctino.No0 AVAILABLE 9 H D 1 SM ^------invontoty.-No doEvonos.—k) Roula 742 > Display 1”x( 33" ad runs Values, Ag\g Weekly pitis SatuntrdayforSyS/mo: Saturday 'S48/mo. - 400-600...... AddtsonAvo______Jl 400...... Borah Avo D i r e c t o ry y R a te s - 5 lines M onday - h. 100-4^0...... Monroo Sl Backhoe. & dump truc|( • 734f6271 n o u n c e s a vo concy lor a AVAILABLE AT Custom Carpentry MAINTENANCE senlce • septic systenisI F E N C E S ! ______SeftviNojme valley 733-7221 M igm JEducotton Aide po-* II you live near thoso eraasft ' — sliTon-at-Fllor-Mlddie- r i v e r w e a r?• ‘ucensed, l»nd»tfriMure• Tho suceosslui condidato Sklwear, Sportswear. gravel & dirt delivery to lUIng your o r hor oWn Iransponaliqn.« wiii havo a working knovyf- Construction laaky faueats. soalors. 1. odgo oi chomlstry and , SNOW REMOVAL CONSTRUCTION • LA ND SCA PIH 6 l.oak8 ropoirod In 24 hrs, Solary is occording lo ttio Jackets. P ants & PocksI Michaol 733-9063 Concralo, carponuy. salary schodulo. Closinge wood control . preciic- FREE ESTIMATES plumblno. el«c(ff«ii. dry Wall. 6 70-1751 • SP R IN K LE R REPAIR Roof maintenance dato:Vl5.1993. .1 g os,(ochniques and applica­ .•SHRUB TRIMMING program. tion equipment. Drivors II- . 737-1010 (xUnUno. (wpwtna. Roquirod method ol opp^- CUSTOM SEWING nwMnfy. . • LAWN MAINTENANCE Sraphlloftolllng. (■ conso. written ond vorbal _ or 543-89'48 30+y e a rs oxporionco- ] • •C A R PEN TRY WORK 52 colors of coatings to communication skills, pub- I- lie relation skills, knowlodgo of Riverwear Fleece— S en io r d isco u n ts. chooso from, Uconsod '. bondod ft 2. Throo kutors ol rok>ron«. ol gonoral ollico proce* „• Gormonts & Shell poata Indopondonl ogoncy 1L . Free EstlmatesI duros. and the abiliw to op*. _ FREE ESTIMATESI —offors low -r«t«a due to—I Insured: -eralo a four-whool drfvo vo* -t.: Sizes"XS through 4XL ■ ^ & w 3 2 4 ^ 4 2 8 o r many Insuranco sources,- 7 3 4 - 8 1 4 0 Paraonnal Coordinator hide oro roqulrod. Sok>dod in R efluiar a n d Tall for CONSTRUCTION C«rt«r ln*ur>nc« 7344041 Filar SchOQlJ>l»trlet ■ individual wIB havo tho abil­ STARCRAFT 1.800-491-2428 ity to discern color dilloron- THE HARD- T O - FIT Your one eall contractor I Filer. ID 83328. llotlon. to toiorato'choml* G lass & aluminum Contm9reM'& cals usod In spraying, to Un boats R9SldBnHal Tho klaho Migrant Council -is 40 pounds, and lo work In . Pishing or skiing em atorai Maam® f L A Y T O N R V * S *s advorso woathor condl- PROMPT SERVICE AT All styles In atocki I THOM PSON flora for'^tSiew nlrJ^Jl. In**• < ttens. REASONABLE RATESI Bulldlno a ramodollns NEED A by SKYLINE stm clor for our Burloy slio.>* Solary range is $1000 lo . ' MERCRUISER R^ng&8ldir)g IjipW IN ^ We have a good Bninguol pralorrod. Appfica- S1200 por month. Inter* 7 36-8714 Stem drives Concrete foundations, QUICK lions can be pickod up at>- estod porsons may com* drivoways. SPRING selection of NEW 1260 Normal in Burloy. Or>■ ploto a job applicalion in FORCE & MERCURY sidew alks & patios SERVICE Sth W heela, Travel " Ihe Twin Falls County Com* outboards is in theairi call678-1J71 bolwoon 830 FIX-ME-UP? ; Trailers & Expandos aS:30.Jobciosos2/2. 0 misslonor's ollico. fourth FREE ESTIMATES .. floor, Twin Falls Couniy ■ FULL SALES & •. REI^ODELING Sprir^^ clean-ups. '• in sto c k l - TUPPERWARE Counhouso.Ctosing date is ■ SERVICE Prompt & courteoua “YOU CROWEM Grool busines qpporiunltk)s. Service NEW, lawn & garden t Also^arge selection of BuyorsoII.34?B47or ^ CONSTRUCTION maintenance, A u th o rtu d repair 25 yaars expeHsnce I M O W EM *" Starcraft tent trailers. 1-800-437-7001 ooDOriunitv omolovor. tarvic* for ^ . ’Wputqumllty construction clean-up. U S E D R V *s Mercury :& Force FREE ESTIhUTESl Spoclaltzlng In'driveway iprldalnouryfoftr. BARNS 8X16, & rtV REPAIRS UBBBBBBBBBt p r ^ u c ts '- Affordable •■Reliable BBBBBBBBBB &-parklnglot88phatl Chuck 420-2391 S W E ARE NO $ 8 9 9 K 8 C ' BERT ICW TAKING J . patching. Atl work Wayne 733-6839 • Pro/cssional S APPLICATI guaranteed.' BERT ■ LANDSCAPING HARBAUGH TIONS FORs • ' Froo Quotes 734-4228 HARBil^GH ■IS&IL CONCRCTiybRK. B • BARTi 736-1843 L A W N C A R E . MOtORS, INC. TE/SDE/? - motors;inc. B •LEAD i 536-6323 ' SERVICE 536-6323 D BAKER ProMct y o u r mv««tm «nt WENDELL, ID FREE ESTIMATESI TONY’S WENDELL, ID , g M ust HAVE E NEW & r e p a i r ', C a ll 1 EXPERIENCE Professional asphalt USED BOATS Call Ron Hamey landscaping ropalr P a v ln o & road INSTOCK ondalv-forw.A 4^3-6262 o r 423-5516 • G reg B A pply a t PersQ*Paln«ng,*, TREESERVICE WELDER Rebate for $20 from C«p«U * W ater hMtar & Taking care of yoor- home remodeling, tfSo topping, tro# rwDovQl. Rock chips repaired Your : hMilf>o* Pum pi* chabt’taw wofK ttvub 800 100-200 ALEX ’panH" . - Idaho Power LEXANDER ST. Windshield replaced reb a te coupon on • large or'small • Rwnodel)i>g & Rapalr ’ ' blmning or rwnoval. tiaullr>o Bonded & Insured $10 "Extra Touch” ol any Mod. Vard wwK or 100-200 BELI .-Window tJntlng o ther senHce calls for • AdditlpFts • 736-3964 WHATEVER E U S T . . ■ Free e ^ t e s 670-2763 .•2 n d stories* Landseqper FREE ESTIMATESI March . 4 0 0 . CANVANYQN'VlEWbR.' ■ FREE QUOTES . , • Air CondlUonlng • G arages • . 73 4 -4 7 7 6 ' 1O0-4OO OIAM wE.cpM Ejr^guL . l.-. -.-..Rofrigoralton -- _ Kitchens'etc, lAMONDAVE. - -- 3 0 0 - 5 0 0 ,'-G A R [ h e I -D<REESERVICE ARDNERAVE...... J. ______1^00^00^52' DECKS T LONN ...... •Haatlng - Trimmed or shapod. 1 0 0 -5 0 0 HIGH OR 736-1114 IC om m ercial & ResldonUal IGHUNDAVE. ' ' romovol, also sh ru b s ■ ' i 7 » S MOWER 2 0 0 ILLIN Idaho and N evada F ree estim atesi S/CK c Ia R? Free EsUmaloa. In s u re d .LINOISST. ^ I (208)733-0548 Serving all of . 536-5165. '100-400 LOIS Magic Valloy Competitive rates B R O K E N * o is s T . I p ^ e s 2 0 0 NOBl Commercial or resldenUal Senior Discoiirits APPLIANCES? OBLEST. ■ CAUBREkr ' "HARDWARE------1 0 0 -2 0 0 PARK SOFTWARE 736-1123 o r 67fr<)719 ' D O N T T A K E (T ARK AVE. T O T H E SH O PI ASSOCIATED shareware I Colorado 2 0 0 - 4 0 0 PARKARK DR.' — ,— .. , . . . ■. specializing LETMEFIXIT GENERAL - 1 0 0 -2 0 0 RAMJ ..CONTRACTORS ■ in Larger country W H E R E r r SITSI Blue Spruce AMAGEST. U pgrade your old 3tyle yards 100-200 SIDN OF Call and Austrian Pine IDNEYST. AMERICA, INC.. ..system to JOE’S M O B IL E For salo and . 1 0 0 - 4 0 0 SOU!OUTH PARK AVE. , HANDYMAN M E C H A N IC & transplanted at . 386$r4^po^Mr 7 S 3 t 4 4 2 7 100-500 WASI/ASHINGTON ,S ^ SO. SERVICES HOME MAINTENANCE- reasonable rateisi Blueprint copies Starting at ' Remodeling and all kinds • . if you Ilv of repair work. p R ^ M i i n ^ ' "I'LL D O IT T re e s r - 1 2 'a t l i v e n e a r $199.00' these,areas i REQUEST JOBS 6 years in the COLORAbO . 4400 N. 1754 E. Buhl IS and you are - TMagte valley and ----- F O R L E S S r N O R T H V IE W TO BID IN ALL INFORMATION BLUE SPRUCE Interested In \ CONSTRUCTION 2 0 y M i» M |>«rl«nc»l . A»k»bout10% T R E E F A R M . In delivering MANAGEMENT . r & s ’ t h e T i m e ! FIELDS SYSTEMS 3 SPRINGS TREES discount for rtfemis ■ e s - N e w s ! 415 ADDISON AVE R eferences & Call 543-4530 . 734-704d o r 543-6714 1-800-300-7049 734-PL A N Free EstlmatesI 734-1667 326-5683, FILER

    .V.-' . 1 . : — ■ M iiiliiiaiailH ilil ^ . ' '[{i 1______I C -6 Timo5-Nbw5; Twl/iNvlft'Fatls. Idaho i.itinii'y,y, Miltcli^ 27, 1993 - ■ ...... IttttilllHlllTliftttiniiiiiiiTiiniiiiii ioflSErAT-MARiiHiyTMp: g 1 3 - 4 0 r OPP E N H O U S E lynrientfF innancial ^ S A T .r., ^ M ARCH 27, 19E S Employ 1:00-4:00 P.M. | H 2 t3 . MISCELIANEOIECUS - 213 WSCELUNEO'lEOUS 216 EMPLOYMENTn- " 301 BUSINESS 507 RNANCIAL ' ’ ‘CnES SERVICES f Klpii'INE REALTY -OPPGRTUNmEm ES - o p p 6 r tu n itieUT1ES .AlDS/iNFO. ' OPPORTUNmE d d ls o n Ave. E. i i j AVON IS CALLINGi loilo'’ Indo-, • Ordor iakowrwodo AMERICAN TEMPOlo r a r y " Vonding machinos;^ 1 5 2 5 A dalls. d ID • 734-3373 pondonl Solos Root^ □ sl F o r Ploasahl onyironmoimoni SERVICES, INC ^ - .-.<»otail6colM23-5eM-M ------; - C o n to d Tom at 733-S33-9901------WO'clinTioIp'yoU ^Wt^ Twin Falh 'E lomMroty, soosonal,lal, PT. & — ^ — , 302 MONEY TO ‘■LOA 0 " ' ^ ^ 9 NELSONIN RR^LTY Is proud tod. 733-09311 I Prices Slan at $87,500 n 6 t t i n g h a m laiy Baty______a 304 WVESTHENTS 2 7 5 T w in F a i ls r ^ J i O N 2602BdStE.• Twinfai ______Invoslor doslrod, KO.O-50.000 at H n K t l M j M j n ^ 8RAH0 NEW HOME) (I ' 2009. 10%, 2 yoars, socur( tiomo ontf eani wait to Uta 734-3930 165 aero yowl Como on ovor on( s!i— lost on^rmal on t Can't filfind w hat you're Local InvestmonuIsn u 401 SCHOOLS a n d ' -- • look in g ; foiror In a used hom e 217 hESUME • HighytoW^low,ri8k.li INSTRUCTION Pi;^EPARATIO^ so o j rod. SOiyoar su CO L e t S taar r Q ualitv H om es rocora.h3.96SB, t i i i i T V . r r« - >658. . Leorn to Fly HelleoptersI , s h o w yy o o u h o w t a r y o u r ing 4% In- R-22 FUoht fnstnjction. B rS % a n d Whho Cloud AvIallon. 4300 tS|tHllTlilllllllti lg do llar w llligol! o d a s s o ------KonnodySt., B otorlD ------

    S a i l teawJey„EAty j y . iL v a tE H !" l ! O P E P N HOltfSI 1ABCH27.1993-1-4P.H 'E arl O lsen 1 z:|2 ^ ------SATURDAY, .. MAF ourlly. Nood S15.000 h o sh o n o SI. N. ■ 734-5858 - Saturdayy & Sunday 1 to ^ rAN ' II ^P *^"^ttlllB ■ ' . 735 S hoa ^OUSE TODA'i ------M S - tCONTRACTSAN T h e ElE m eraidailM il^ O P I i N HAY, ( MARCH 27'I MORTGAGES^ n n t . . SA TU RDA M ) TO 4:001MV1^^ 301 BUSINESS •S ______^------. ; 1 : 0 0 ^ , 4 OPPOHTUNmEjlonirn 800-541-0828 ■ ivaJlabla. . 609-838-3111 2 S 2 FILERFl W EST DIVORCE SALET& 502 HOMES I lishod tanning and ll ' ‘'% S S ? A ^ = FORSAIE;______JS8S,000 PTin businoss. Tarms avo t e l l e r HOME with 2600 sq. ft., n i l Sorious inqulrlos o u, family room, woodstovc ar | | B Call Lori t1m -23S: ■ I crc lot. Lots ol room for pla 502 HOMES c. Includes 26x38 heated shoj■ 9 5 , 4 0 0 FOR SALE id 10 S8S ,000. )STESS: SHEY PATTERSON Buck Brush Circle 502 HOMES ‘ a n d . GREAT FAMaV HC andlEANNIE OLSEN ^ FOR S A U lAIN-GOODIN( b e d ro o m s 2 biitlu, f }ath,3 CAR GARAGE. 2144 s ; m / loc.itcd on a 1 .icrv ;'o^: .. , $ 9jplace, redwood deck, nly *69,000 gordon, or storage. Ii 2 7 7 5 Bl O nllis l with lols of sKinijJc aiiJ roc g a r ag e. |us( reduccd lo a closet door, ranjge, 4 iKtlnioms, 2 hiillisi< iirca a n d fcncud vard. y o i m H p S T & HOSTE ier, central air, garbage ?S: Lois BratfiJ _ 3 brm.,T batosal, lot included. ■ wood firepi . vjyfii^'iteKSsr H| mirrored' 25 dishwasherD irections: . ■■ d is p oabeth.from s O'Leary Ir. High,, n righl Into Pace Subdivision R A N T S T M E T ^ s tc u ld c s a q o n left. IATION. Close to schools Bar b-ORTHH_FLA_GS_!J_ l imlly room w ilh cozy fireplace-J— • _ EasLon£lUab( , ■'i '■ back yard fencccT for privac I \/A mile (urniformation rl Call: 7 3 6 - 3 9 7 3 c w/AC. Aluminum siding, On First:op < by our office at , ; " 778 CR/ ■ @ )ONNA BACH L O y K F CI Washington St. EXCELLENT LOCATI 1 NORTi«TARSHbdlvl»lot .MWOOD RD.t ^ 5 jh o p p iiig . U rg e family For M ore Info Wesi ol thc coUege jtiF bedrooms, huge bac o r stopVS:r PACE SubdlvUien 1 8 4 0 e liJNG p ! • *71,900■ 9ft Newer gas lurrtace w. WESTERN REALT 321r > E.ist ol O Lcary Ir. High S67,SO0. a GOODIIiHic Icvcl-«\crst/cd iliiniCcB w,H YOUR HOSTESS: OON 7 3 3 . 2 3 6 5 ! I F.H.A, V.A. 3 bedroom till on, on well lundscapcii and fcnu^ luOo. Conventional, I.H.A 'shop!! One iicrc, w ).- ...... - Tinanclng av allab k )S: IJ! UnrdinU ^ Itlon ?OUKii()SIT;SS; 0 gJ.!1.1IIJIIow ned a n d o p e ra te d ^ L - - I'i' ble L S S s S S S ttAtGary’sw nunda^fiO lM a S e ^ U a n d H y u 733-1825 y D o w n t o w n KlainAve.E* ’


    ;R PIKES-PEAK h i l l CLI^ UNDAI SCOUPE Tl i 9 9 ? ^ W ! 5 ^ i 1 9 9 ¥ Mssette & CD Player, A/C, r., Auto, Air nt. wipers, rear defroster> 5-Speed, Cassei locks- Spedal Turbo Ini Ito, A /C, T|ilt W heel, Cass rackSt pinion steering • ! windows & 1< #3H044 idows & locks. Rear deck m Price ^ 1 2 , 4 8 issette, Power- ■ 4 Dr.fSale P rice * 1 ( 3 Dr.. Hatchback, Int.c e * 5 9 8 8 ■ S a l e P r C, Power V-6, Auto,, . P „ g t 3 , S :k release cutpiled r a ^ e t^ c Interior wlndo 1 , Rear defroster. Int. < Cassette . . 773 s S a l e P r i c e 8 ' 7 S a l e L d ,9 1 1

    •ONTIAC GRAND j g g l l ^ l i ^ ' riAC SUNBIRD ^ ^ ^ 1 9 9 ? P OA/C, tilt wheel cruise cc 2 PONTIAC GRAN] -eed, AM/FM Cassette. A! F Equipment, Just in Time 4 Dr., Auto,AM/P Al m . U k e N ew ! i^-6,‘^ P o w e r W i n d o w s & L Car Is almost new! Pr: eat Buy at this Price #0^841-0 _ ' : AM/FM Rear #06891H1 •JD PRIX 1991 1991 PONTU i y n 0 , 9 9 7)AM 19921 Locks, Tilt, S-Spee -Sale P rice * 9 Convertible, Lots of«S Eq ^88 O n l y control, 4Dr., V-6iccd Price * 1 2ir Defroster for Spring, Great^ Cruise, fi I' 2 , 2 7 9 Wowi J 7 Reduc( ® T1 9 9 9 4 ■^gaaiiajyirafrr.T"]

    - - » 1 GMC SAFARI VAI 1989 DODGE CA] IRD 3 /4 TON 1992laUc, G A ir. Tilt. Cruise, Ca >2 FORD AEROSTA Automatic, A l r ^ ^ l l VER.VAN v-6, Automat! #06956-0 5, Local one ow ner. Very Lots o|^|iU D m ent,W i . ?ricc * 1 3 , 9 7 ARVAN 1 S a l e P r i c e * > 1979 FORI ■ ' S a l c ^ * r \N 1992; J Clean, - " CONVI Cassette V-6,l eL P r i c e * 1 3 > t l A R A V A N L E . 4 Captains, Cou^^te ette. Very Clean ^ " S ale P rice 877 • . ^ ^ r s r s 77 ^ ^ 7 9 ? 7 ^ - ' - BSIE ; ^

    [ S S A N - 4 X 4 »921SUZUFUF 1983 SUZUK 1985 S-10 BLAZI Clean ^ ^ ^ r o m e Wheels 199 V.6,5.Spe^^jSh|5,Cas Low, Low Miles, m i p r i c ^ 9 9 9 ® R *111 Nice, 5-Sp«d, C a^tk i S ^ e P ■ . ] * 5 2 8 8 assette , Cassette ■ v . V-< All sale I 00 doc. fee I 9 w , - E8.00 title fM and $4q.p0(I. OJMaj] itf S I lie prices plus sales tax $6 t s - , , ' 733-: B S T L im l ^ atovme S e n s e , ...... ■ lig-' ^ ■____ ;______in Ave. ] w e s M ; a k e ------r ~lY ^ U fm - 1 8 2 5 A ^ e r e C a l u .------:— -

    ■ 1 ' ■ ' ...... ;

    . ' ■ Saturday, s March 27. 1993 Timos-News. Ti Twin Fails, idaho_C^ .

    Rigjaj Es^ate/Sale-? - R e a l % s t ^ate/Rent-F

    $02 HOMES 611 FARMS FOR 503 BUHL/RLEH • . 513 . ACREAGES ANOMD 602 UNFURMSHED 607 OFFICEAND I 613 WANTTOREHTrr 702 CATTLE ' 702 .CATTl£ reR SA LE ______HOMES HOUSES RETAIL SPACEE RENT T r n r r r Woanod Hobtoin bull calvos.' ______■ LOTS 6 Holstoin springor hoil BY OWNER] O ood N E t 5 5 aOacrodoirytoront,It, 1i100- ' Sofliof dtizon\vants lo0 rontr 2 To colvo b o tw o o n no 00.324-4561------4 E ara«l FILER BEAUTY 23 acros lor sa lo by owrownor 6m 2 bdrm. 1 car gar.o r a g o ^ OFFKSES. 736-6022 ------^107B-0*i«rt*;V»«wmw~Orr 8;6aeros-wIih'1ovotYtlybrlcR- -FuII^torrTghTsrsOCSOO S r -Buht.-423^37rattor7[ ■ — -■'•ZOOoovwrffoeatalb;albfol— bdritr-homo-or-dujluptoxT- -May-l8t.-CaB-Uoon'or»-OTM6r.^-YooTlIngb"oIl8:'30rahman ------Lovoly 5 bodroom ., 33 1bath, homo plus 1800 s q n s woolhor.comont.0^BiihoS. • $400-t30 ront + roasoiwnablo- ,|[| Robinson 678.3.8 -3 4 6 2 Umou«‘!nX.e86-29§6_____ 2 llroplacos. dbl oor ^**^4 100 E., Joromo. TonTorms. Smal 1 bodroom houi )ncos. • dop. Cnll 734-1432. lays osk oarago. Homo foqturos up»‘o tc 6 - 7 0W(WfcatTV.a24.3t23.~23.'— “ V4BothTN6‘^ . $ 227” 7 ; 609 WAREHOUSE/ ______ovos or 578-6622 days sprinklors. $89,900jO FirmF . bodrooms w ih lom w r T CO. STORAGE RENTi« r * L ; W anttorontnrtoasopapasturo lor Loon or 678-7768768 a sk 704 CUSTOM FARM Call colloct 603-667-! 2 ^ ocro building sito,ko, 1N ol THE MANAGEMErO < U7SBa ■ torMwriil. ^6491 2',4baaa,ha8toUol ^•covok ^733-0739. - Crop aharo or caah.ah. 230 fof40.10Qpiilm.32i3 Of OtfO«, 603-658.2000,>00- boards In (dtchon wilhIlh iSI S r Viow.privaCT-co 777— ; WAREHOUSE wHh otoct.oto acroa, 2 bdrm houso.>0. corralc A.P.H.A.rog.bulls.$15 2 BDRM. loncod b aickyard, ck ) dining aroa. Pricod rinh{®«^rig nants. $14,600.,Casilash or Wondoll: 3 b d rm . $ 4 5 ( hio. * outbuildings, row' cropscro & 614 MOBILE HOME al! m o u w w o r k ■ lHFili1i^ ?7g{5 '® Largor 1 bdrm. utilitioss |paid,' 120 acros of choico^o l U i l W odnosday.Marchh 331 1 MACHINERY 5 4 3 -4 3 7 1 - modom • 7SOhoodolml|kiiwcow8 walking diatanco toItown. l< ground. N. o l R uport°»-A II 3 bdrm hom o. 345-27Ka g ____— - 2 = _ _ 19^8 John Dooro A with ------ALL.BR1CKII!. ------$350, cail Ruth a t------{iandlnoBr832.i^— 3 bodrooms. 1 both hom 515-COHMERCIAL“ 734-5797 or 733-2513 g ,1 - For ront: Pivot lor si ■ . ' Registered Maln-Anjoi 13___ _ 12 ocros, closo lo TwinF ' boots In Jorom o Sugar 'S ; HGcm mod uuck. bT m fal an exeotlont a ro a . G ------• PROPERTY ■ Studio with sh o w o r. all 702 CATTLE Bulls. Pollod ond solic I M ^ c ta ^ U 510 OUT-OP.AREA afoa.Coll23e-1765 S i H s color. Call 733-2269S " ® mixor box. no aMloa. 200 acros land, apudi ^ Wanlod lo buy 30 piast L — ^ — c o m m e r c i a C innm r -RogistoiwrpoHo^orofojrofwd- 'SsrrraO T ironat'iw ; ------hood. 1 car gara0o,%»r OTwri- 613 Wa n t t o RENTIff------jf«iroTnjrii»-»rifortn — — . r LA N D ------W who«,il25“25a« lopay yoorlingbulis. , *2500. O rtra d e forTia)f. In back y a rd an< / fovofy(o« LOGAN, UTAH1 120' frontage on Eastlaistland. ~ -584t aia ^-4610 londscoping. Pricod id sots. N o o d 2 lo 3 b d rm b o tw < ______Cad 886-2301.______L c o d a t Boautiful b M homoawlth w noar Kimborly Road.lod. .8 604 UNFURNtSHEO . $62,000. Ptoaso c anQ R a ^ h basomont apartmont. c „ a A ' g a . y______Twin Fails and Jorcloromo Wantod to buy: HolstcitoInX SiMMENTALS T polktd^d!d«-^K 1972 Chovy potato truck. It. good ' acre, h a s com m erdalAi^fo- ^|j APTSrt)UPLEXES id. Call r o d .^ ^ o y o d , b u llsIs. . CallC bod in oxc. cond. $2000. at 733-9576.1934)60a cosh Bowl Exchangeq o ^ - fosslonal poaalbllltii 69 dcros N W of Joromimo o ior prolorooly, roasonabloblo iront. brod calvos, w oanod. acroago. Call 6 7 6^ ^ 19 7 - Pricod at $74,000. Ploa ------ca»hront.324-3SM.7.7 ’ Call 324-1112 ovos 934-6573 ahor C81I436-6999. . . o v w . . call John Forbes for doti al734-457Z»«66.. w l 512 FARMSmANCKE!^E9^•. • . • 734.4195. GEI\/” ^ ANODAIRlES " 1 CTATEREAL-n m 1 bdrm basomont apt., o ^ 73»0400— J l ------H:loan-a-quietrA¥util " j g - ■ g l LAND & WATER sm larrla n ^ & B*i,''M ^/mo.+dop. ~By ownor; 3 yr old,J. WillsV , nawdafa{08.Orwalar GEM TV : 734-6^ Twinhome. N.-CollSojlogo __fisfi»>lton.«fc»i; . STATEREALTY area. L o ^ 3 bdrm1, 2 W h . Sli— 734.0400 ' ibdrm bsm t. atovo.rofrio !PW with oak kllchon. ------potsi An utils p aid. $300 872.000.73»4234. 513 ACREAGES AND 518 ■ MOBILE H O I«S' S \ . * dop. B m N . 733-0051 I ' i Q By owrwR Coco iovolyrtyoWer < ■ .J___ 1 bdrm noar downtown, hom o, solid bMt n e — ^ 196712x60 SKyllnolbdrbdm, ‘ tios paid, no pota.N SALE THRU \ cloanod and palntei iK R oa- 4n port(. good oond. $ ^ ■4494 • c a l l ^ - « 6 6 » or 637.65 m T ‘ bdrm. 2bath; $52.£ S. MAROfSIST 733-959 3 _evos or loavo rrxno. ■ wookonds. • 1971 Buddy 14-x 6 6 ,2! bdrbdrm. 2} 2 bdrms, d o s o to hosi I ' = m ~EXCaLENTINBRICKII 1 bath, must bo movelOvod. •w a te r.sa n it. B osic ci TNGI $5596. ^ 7 6 6 0 ^ 4 bdrm 2 bath'. Sawtc School district. Fon « 1972 Barrington 24x56.x s iT s N e w i:: i n I S e w Eai^agle y ard, dbl c a r o a r a g o ) A B ' bdrm: 2 bath, good condi-com 733.0739. 99 — : — storaoorMujWoiKdram •:®7 - llon. To i)o movalOVod. z aS B E D R O O M tios.^K onf 733-0746 . ;ig ,llM.tM|ffi»-5CT.27. - TOWNHOUSES |ag le Awim _ AWD tralon i 1973 12x60 N ashua 2 bdr b r a w l e ------good cond;;$6000.-CiL“Sii. • E Y: ^ - . 352.4669 or 837-65: u r S o l _ ' S u l nmmit .JHaf.i g o i i ^ T S T T u i REALTY moat 2bdrm.appls,W/Ohoo> carport, patio, w alor & a 734-5858>8 ' 7 3 4 -5 6 5 0 _____ lation furn. $450 + d E yeaptlonal 3 2 0 0 sq^. in and -734-7527 i hom o In o x c lu slv o Ci okor !1*!7 Kaufmanai iltv AD* MaryAxkorman 734*%>4.3862 Brood Sohcra. 733-3028028 a bdrm, 2 b a th , db l g a ra dlorldgoaroa. Finally < [fS— good location. $700 a’l boIntmontodSbdrm.:m 'ab Alda Strong 733-09(0 9 0 5 2BEDROOM.2BATH bath on quid eul-do-s DonlsVoDmOT 733-9)-9l09 1981 Broadmoro, 14x66, ^ Lowoll Wills 733.6516562 oloctrk:.$14300. ■ fo aso Gorgoous maAle firopb , _opllon. 7 3 ^ 2 5 2 3 NO SALES TAXI with ornalo wall-to-«o -w a ll ...... niua 4bdrmapi.Availabio 1Is st of bookeaso. Gourmete t IIsle _____ FrootocaJdoIhwasolw ( t f April $ 776 m p , $ 2 0 0 d kitchen. 2 family rooro o m s . BEA U TIFU L BROCKMAN^IbOBILE Finlshod bsmt. Wc r . - ■ HOMES >eefl. H i-back C loth L oaded w ith i W p o d T H O U SA N D |.84^iJ^W ^winM blinds. Formal B W naft! L iiti'L ocfc . Ing room. CatbodraTcoUl S P R IN G S • 803. A cloan 1 bdrm , c a rp o t. :ket S eats e c Ntiorel i A l B rak< Balcorn ovortooMng tan PROPERTY 7 0 '2 pla. utiljtios, no amokoi $ 2 1 , 9 7 2 room. irnaW maator95* li^1 6 ,9 9 i , For salo: Large 4 bdrm ! ± > ! $200* dee. 32 4 ^ 1 ^ Newfy rodono 2 bdim , apF ss’tsssy***”' house, ortd lo u o l & n 206.734.9I97' /olK sw agen 1989 Ford Teempo - 108838 Jeep 4x4 Hagerman homa, ahop IO S & 1-^00.779^87. . M 1 9 7 2 V c aero. 100,500 .peatli 5 5 ^ - I , - C a mi p i e r ' V a n ~ - r^GLS"^ CPI-E- — CC t taero k ee...... lease optfar>.837-fe34.- f»>y. COME SEE US 0,000. ,torthotargostseloctk>n aoluto #93^ ^r^ara^^^^g.OC J l ° b^lhmldaho. . p GEMi l Magic Valleyy 733J^oc'>36.72l1 ------MOTIVATED^ STATE BEALTV5v— —Homoi Gehtorro r^ ------Q U I E T L IV I N G » SELLER, ! '^ .------5365U S 93 , Cloan com plex. 1 S 2 bdi b : s m . hasrodueodthishomotoito sea ------a c to a Irom P^ T r u ^^ ^ , apts.*$325aup. K * .ie 0 4 T ' s iK « l e o s c Stk.f'^IOT '. i ' nowl'Cutaroleanrdbo ------A u t o - A i r r C a s s e« i t t e , — ------^ o b eaeeF=-Pli«.,-Auto,-:— « I ------B U IC D 'T H IS ” S = - i— Rolurbishod,'doonr: rU ke-new l------room, mainteAince fre e 4 DOUBLEWIDE . dishwashor, Uundiy SPRINQI letfor. Over 1300 s q II. E 1085 Fleetwood 24x48lidos iaciDlies..n^ts ®“ «, bdrm, 2 bath, wood sldoi aunny window* and eo ‘ wh’k gg^Qulnffy.TMrgwg. , s v : g a s h e al. L ocated in Ji ^ I ? i ^ D >2,000‘ ||gPgjglD >95‘ Ifep '‘^ 9 5 - o m e . Priced a t $ 4 7 ,0 0 605 ROOMS FOR RENTi n ...... ' CaB JoAnn lor d» taaa.« f 301 Hip. t loom With laundryT i i ■ ■ ■' '1 9 8 9 Dodge i n 1989 Ford Miis■ s t a n g 1 9 9»1 1 C lie v r o le t ] * ^ B * A o re s, C a n y o n i : ''BRTO lffiifeSif ILE kllchen.(sieUllioa.utila(5St- ' ■ --iCsinra v a n ' L E C o n v e r ttbtl i e AWDP Astro Van ' ! f l ;_ v' GEM S h a k e River, a d jio o n i ivato FY course abountry Cl f e ‘^SiSSSSTifira . E 5 * ^ g P I I , STATEREALTY bd. $175^-5483. ______J3&93SSL------, Kida cond., auto sprinUeis, co< now'. ■■|||||H j^U Newer home, exo n ^ h b c c ^ o r l ored d e c k f.e a ip o rt, 8x1 M o r f. ____ haftrt, W «^rAI tUoa— - -H H W P— ■ i bath. 2 car'garag* wl H . ____ .. 'S Uk ta« 14«9T ' . ’ - 9 t k « , i s e o c 9tK« ISS5T ' ' . IES yyiW.<¥»73»?1W- Room for rent. $ 2 2 5 ♦ dop.do < 6Cyl*«'Au%uU>. L o a d e tL Loaded;-A uto,r 1 w / Lbadeid«1« ExtendedE Van, w/ SK 'tJSM p'Sl! ROBEFitJONE Uesl AnU'Locli>ck Brakes ar Morel 519 CEMETERY LOTSS Can 7 3 3 ^ j ______L ROOMS FOR R EN T: l o i bu m . 736-3904 by ownofi ; - . 4 plots. Sunset Momoriasrlal. occupants, no pots, col r g % 9 5 - l lj^ : m 9 * 1 5 T 4 9 5 1 QUET COUKTRY UVINQ C a ll3 2 4 « 8 4 . ■' ____ cable TV, wooWy ratos , I ^ Pd.fum. 1201 Kimboriv R 1 ^ 2 O akley, Idaho. B e a uS tif Family plot in R ockQ ar^or i l L ■ ^ .viewormountain:.1004hl OHC 4 x 4 r 1991 Chevrc- o l e t 1 9 992 3 Cbevrolet orlo 2>atory Vlctorlio rla n Hagorman; 14 acros, 3rpgr pl aasfisg'^^^r 606 MOBILE HOMES 1 9 9 2 C If house. 4 bdrmt. I b a thh , II Ov- ted parceta. all or parti l a z e r ; 172 T oon n 4x4 E»t-Cab ; 1 1»76Naahua.14x70,3 S p ort-S fa ■ S -10 4 x 4 B la n . la ' 521 REALESTATE 1; ".ScSd^rSf^nIonal 72^8949 attofSpm..___ ' bdnnJV^ bath, now cai aeraage avail on roquoiruost. l a r g e P I E C E Oo l r ______L Caatefaar&2<>4A r Interested in 10-20 aero 119 lo* with house. Je ro m e aroivea* 607 OFFICEAND . retai, 'T ^ j l h ift 1 , . . T ^ 3000 sq It omco sp a c o . $6( Id a t s m por mo + utilities. Afs kf'lSMT' "9tk«'ie06T SUtf'lSOOT' ' lols of Dossl^lNtMa. I I. >rft£ ' -SCOttKt a d a l e 'P k 0 ., A ir. ALSO NEEDS LOTS 0 ■ -sm all rotall s h e i^ $ 1 2 5 pMf rSUE'.PIqI t a .. L o a d e c l, •XT’ Fka.. Loaded, WORK, b u lc a n b e a 'fito f mo. Downtown Twin Fallall*. witbBiica c k e t S e a t s 1^000 MUeal»l ' B e d l l M '707-943-3124, ovoa i SALE $ 1 A Q & nhi!^^obi7. IM 707444.60t9.dava. 1 5 , 9 9 y HPRICED g I 'O j r S y G E M I M 36* X150* offico a n d sioras^ Pgj&D l95jggf&D * - Y statcrealty i m n n - spaco, addHlonal covorc*rod nr I HHI BHMU i . tmdcparidng.7340651 i-.B R A W L E \ C bevrolet. Diet If TiSS T o y o ta North RimFalrwyalotlot lo r ^ 640 sq. R. in dudea 2 oltkM^ Y 1 9 9 2 C —1991'Chevnol f ««iahYnMmar. 788-0065 also 1000 aq. It. ahoi'Jgl . 1 /2 T o n 44x4Ext-Cab :3 /4 Ton 4 x 4 ExIK t-C ^ b i - A U --Trac" T P*evla REALTY 6W UMFURWSHED S4a5Anonth. 7 3 3 -U 5 0 ai 734-5858 PRIME^mjILDlNC •. SMlkeorChria. •

    UNIQUE ANo'wbNDERFIJ do^ iowtrafBol^ion: KS ia_ 2pM aonar«a^460/m ) ; >111^^^111111 Allarched , graanhouesu a e.; ;M2-343. . >' V m ‘ ' new^p^edexiariorar B ' l soca 4600T . ■ S tK « 15D 7T ,(. '• * g ; i ' 9 U^•■laoTT t* r ‘ mo- V •’SUvermdo" 1 'S nyeiegtorj^.. Sa u Io , j ' l!j70^8^®jlfivhoM n - ' ^ 3 bdrm. IW bath, wooc - w l U i o ^ l “ GEM irJt Indudea heal, watar, Ights S. taxes. Ca»736-9919T. Pg{&D * 1 i 8 , 9 BRAWLEY S ;; jjfrll )9g- y REDUCEDll REALTYr S u iw iu lh irlo l. L o w ly pj iEfVOUIIK^^r iOJUY A C/SAROR ®f^J?TwIn?a!ls!"HotBreq Olflee space: Ideal to r roUre i y - lo jfiv lW o f oth e r, uillHie 734-$858_^ 3 S S S Callevonings at 324:2047. I T K i x x v nr i a o u r c H E aagRQUSFlBiSi S f t ? ■ • , . :-V Very oxclualve Ail T roul;ii Hailey and Ketohum < o i % ^ S s f ^ & ^ r K de^nedjjon^on a ^ W asis^ofW ghww.l. ^ $1004125 a m onth. Arch! 11-Ll- a c re s. P lease call W an Ibr detaila.- Priced 509 BOHlk£R $160,000. fSe-SM ^ •* . , ^ - r 7 4 ^ ^ a g g ‘ . . > hqies. • joNKWEmuT : ' Byewnerin8uM:l8B0aq.f Nie«2 bedteiB(nand1 bat I ’ : home.wllhfullbatomorM'^GEM ' ''I and’slnala oar garage *37,500.'b4.3967 •• ,L ____r ____ _ ' * : I .•■'i ______1__- J i; . ■ J _ •___------• ‘ I' 1 ______^ ------:. \ t , ___ . ■ ’ ■ - . C-8 •nmos^News, Twin FalFalls, Idaho , Saturday, Marcarch 27, 19^3 ' ______HE j g e g g i Q

    S m a rtc: C A R s | Isn't it tim e y ou(got gt tm lly srmirt/^M i9 9 g ESCtCOBTUt f l 1993 FE!S T IV A 2edoorI • I.3LEFI4C yl.'-5S !Speed M anpal *Clorioth Bucket Sects | H • Full C a r p M n g *l• Hip Out ReOr Q uart!irter Windows HI • Power B rakess <*lndependent FronitIt iSuspension OIII.Y...... 8 ls s W I •42 MP^ Highway •4Cyl. *A/> a a * a / c ' 4TOCHOOSX^se FROMI— — ■—^ B — 1 * — I Ifl02 TEMPO Cl 3 5 d f | 2 S ntiol$129Mrmonth,' X (oo ol 1 9 9 7 I • 4 Cyi. •A•AA*A/C /l : ■ •Som e with' Power Wir>doy>dows& AM/FM Cassette W 3 tEMPO 2 1998ESC0I■ B T ^agoo B S p o b ^ ^ J — - — irrocHooiIII I IHIIIIII M ' Wr a as s $ l 2 , 1 3 3 ■ I V a s j I OJ , ,7 ; S 7 E «.LUE PRICED ■ 1992 MITSOBIi^ u S i u i n r H VALUE PRKRICED R D ,593l ^ »89993 ■ ! fter rebatiB f l afl«r rebcbate h— d f h Defrost • M uch M orel H M o S ^ S l l nual OD *A/C "Cruiso • MucAuchMoro^ 1.9L SEFI 4 Cyl. *5 S p d . MeManual OD -A /C -Roar DoFi I HSC Engino *5 J ^ J HS PRICEI______• ' •C ost Aluminum W h eels ••G € T Sfipit Buckot S e a li 5 AAT l THIS PRICEI ONLY...... II, \4Cy\. •A/T •A /e-'C *7ow er Windows ^ | ...... •iWefLocla*AMAM/FM Cassette -- - - ■ ■ H 3ATTHISIUSPfUCEl H tPROBE SE■ ' VALHE C l ' Was$tS,061 VALUE PRICED J S » S i ^ * 1 3 ,9 9 3 1976 HONDA SEDAN ' 1 .^ ^ 2 1 after rebate 20R.;«32803;WAS$i:£...?«6P ||“ S A T THIS PRICEI

    y . - 5 Spd. Tronj. •A/C *CiCruiso •Tilt ‘ Rear W indov/ uoi Remote Control M irrors> aConvonionce■ Group Interior Upgrode •IS " Alumlmlnum Wheols •______1973 D A I^ PfCKUP «42655/WAS'S995.. ^ h H S ^ 5 . i IMllUOESPOn 1993 M M G E 1998 ECI.:upsE i m B 1 9 8 3 CHEVY S-10.PIC KE^l U * 4 2 6 1 5 , WAS $ 1 6 9 5 -1 9 7 9 01EV Y LUV PfOCUF IE •Four W heel D!scifBrokes Br •S tereo #4 2 6 4 8 , WAS $ 1 9 9 5 ------•Front W heelII DrivoD •Economical Perform •Front W heelleel Drive 1 9 7 3 FORD M O O PICKUl ------...... — Yeor/or/50;00(^MIIe-WQrfan»y’ 'FM Co$»e«e ^ l o y W h eelsIs •Rear Spoiler. •Powrer M irrors 2Jg 'JT H ISS J ^ W C f / - - ______«42558> WAS $ 1 9 9 5 ..____ U 3 9 B I > AT THIS PRICEI - ' “U019541 * 979 FORDT^m PKXUIm > — M M y - M - 9^jiffW A^iEBi*4 f' ofhH- VALUE [ O aflar Vi !:^:*I877 I ' ' VALUE $ IQ rsbota PI rv 4 DR. • | ) f g 0 PRICED ...^i , T T n r e l ic i ls ^ H PRICED.s J 9 8 « i« -* IO » ^T n ^ 9£?vCwflS?4 d £r""'"'n "" g o tt '■ «32770, WAS $3995 ____ 1 9 8 4 B U iaC LeSABRE 4 C «32721, WAS $2995 _____!!_ e::>i988 I ...... * 1 9 9 6 ■ .

    i i L • 2 9 8 8 B ^^...... •2998 ■ 1 9 8 6 FORD TEM PO 4 DR. #32795, WAS $4995.:r.;...... * 8 4 9 2 ■ i.OMB^PB. 1985PONT.GRANDAM: BAHCEB S DiPERCABXUr^ i l993EXPft #32 7 5 9 , WAS $ 5 4 9 5 ___ _ Was $19,542 1 9 8 6 |4 iSSAN p u l s a r 2 1 ^ W a t $ 1 T ,2, 2 . 2 7 ■ ' L!.!7!^.. * 8 9 7 9 ■ i i l VALUE PRICICED I VALUE PRICED lllsAt^RY Z4DIL8j^B8 4 ■ l^*FC>RDRS3OTR'fta I *14,999 3 I *1 #42553; WAS $4995.;..—^*3999 ■ 1 7 ,9 9 3 1 9 8 7 DODGE RAM 5 0 after rebal L.....:..*4971.'| I •AM/FM •4.0L)L EFI V-6 *5 S p e ^ T rans.. •A/C •, •XL Trim *A M /FM St« ' i R R I U k H - *3.01 EFI v -6 • 6 0 / 4 0 Cloth Bench Seot •Al # 4 2 5 4 7 , WAS $ 6 9 9 5 ......

    VALUE #^2^**^995,!^.E*ig.989| PRICED...... JMENDSMONi

    i | C T 3 l f ■ KB

    ------■ .u -.-.jf ;------—r r - ' - - •

    '■ .If• ‘7.^,1'. V...... ■ ...... ■■'.-■II

    Salurcjrday, MofCh 27, t993 Ttmor,mon-Nows. Twin Falls. Idaho D-1 - U ' ' ' i"' ~ 7 0 5 - 6 1 1 F a r m e i ' ' s5 M a r k e t - M W isceiianec^ O U S j

    804 6U1D1NG 809 COMPUTERS 705 FARM . 710 HORSES . 712 IRRIGATIofl ' •; 713 POULTRY AND 801^ ANTIQUES 70S FARM 707 ' FARM SEEir - MATERIALS MACHINEIty MACHINERY — RAfaBfTS- , . 386DX, 2 MB RAM 80 MB ~ -ViruB-iefitod-potalocood,tcp..V-- Wantod: Buckaioos iB uck.--' 2030 ll. oi 8* PVC flotod — B o i s o '^ s l Aniiquo Show /C * RobiSil’c oQ os.i^vararcizar JP— -HDr2-FD.-VGAffvontIor.>______iln NH 5 0 5 ,3-cUing, PTO, now;w: Qunlltv. 8 oz too. 588-2283L , /orotios lor Fllor Jr. Ridingr plpo.$1.35oll.:6'PVC fOff------THarg) 26.-77 ft-28------1 0 7 5 D iam ond Rio, (win , Fairgrounds W $1069. Tho Computer 6 0 0 W. oxcol. cond, wih’or'or G as 30 0 0 FoA, cab. IH-C. Ckjb. Trail ridos, parados & oil a oriees..324:4(KftjaP8- spocial loclory purchase.^ Place. 734-1667______w iihoul 20 (I. comblnitlionon 4row cutlof. 733-214B-^ 708 FERTlUZEa driUs, horso nocossonr, but 7 ~ -Admisston U w/rolum privi-’■ longih cut lolS.Umitod ;:t: Galt Closililod. 733-003t.;• .••kwos.,Fridoy Spm -10pm'• , quansybolowwhoJoooloQ CommodoioM2S olso runs bod a holsl. 934-5922 r& AND TOP SOIL n o oxpor. Aoos 8-18. Forr 28 usod Funk oloctric whool^ WaYoiMdyv^youarat —. Portabto Lincoln woldor & ^ Inlo 3 jM 0 4 y or 734.4202. . linos, 76*. $2600 o a .1 usod ' Sol ft Sun H om -6pm . price3.Call678-1450- 64 programs, cokK monilor. 1 Sch.wartz 125 lood box, 1571 oiskdrivo, word pro- . X, comp/ossor on irailor.. ThundorbirdNvhool lino, ______344.9931______MQg:Call324.4717.______$16s5 . 734-8083 ■ v. 2* U anslor pump with B«6 5 cossor, sproad shools. data !® 711 HORSE 7 i5 SWINE 28 tt. BartMf fotlUizor sproad­id- Tractors C a se 2390 PS, cab, HP onginos. VA' & 2 ’ manogor, s^o^go^os. d ^ o ^ t o wotor pum p lor ir- 802 APPUANCES ^*?0 EQUIPMEKT r ^L^o woano^|ig^$30oa. p la n te r wIlKfool b a r & 3 ’ w ith quic k couplers, lots 01ol —— - riS^lioo. $300. 432-5613 _ t o HP^VwSra CS portablo, 2 HD ^ , 3 d roulics. 3200 hours, oxc.yg q u ic k c o u p le r s . 1’/4* & 2 1991 Charmoc Doluxo. 2 less than $200: • point hHch.Cdll 678.7967 _ cond.$13,600.Caso»70 ■ 900 It Ol 6* portable, alumi­ _ Now Joh n so n metai ly jwrM ^loUto^^lAtk- num mainline, 60'risers- 3 0 2 0 Joti/T O d o ro , dioBol, [onk8.CallM6r3369.' *■ . . • ____~ Eiocirlc stove, oxcol conci/d /. Insulated 6 panel doors. Syrwroronga transmission,S vaigt^".ss42*"‘'*^™ : I $150 or bost oflor. Must sell _ 4 horso sloni, ooosonock, bvWodnosdavl 423-5230 ONLY $35 IBM PS /2 computer w/Loltor 6,000 hrs, 2.000 on ovo(-i(- Usod 1 9 7 7 Massoylorgusion«n ------:------^ lully oncl080tf.S24.5129_ haul. $ 6 5 0 0 . 7 3 3 ^ modol 80, iraclor loador - F or so lo : 6 s h a ro s o l Twin- ^ Sava1000'sof$S$$ Porioct. Express Publisher, T 709 Hay. GRAIN on doors & windows with our 4186 IntornallonaU whoolloi b a c k h o o w /c ab . Excol. '93 14 ll. goosonock frontI Foils C o n a l w alor in Filor °^^jaM .3Kyg48 iLogitoch scanning, and an cood. Call 324-2050 _ . AND FEED dross. 3 or 4 horso:2 horso' nron. Call 733-9249 ovoa (Juickon progroms: Howloti , drivo iraelorwUh 12' Loon _ uaod trnilor. 324-3972 ■O- • • warohouso invonloiy. . b l ^ o , oxc. U td modol 760SO W antod: IHC 200, 230, or Packard Omk Jot SOO laser “f too tons ollst.eO tons ol Oldor 2 horso uailor. $400 orr Gatod pipo 16 * aluminum- l l ^ l _ SILVERTHORNSALES’ prihtor & com pulor hu tch . M a s s o y com bino HoldId 2 4 0 : fn h a ll w ay docont -- 3rd ft 4th cutling allollo. ^ III I ■TniRlallT'IailTra, Mnnitovroc, 500 lb. commor- roady. 2 board pullor spudud conditton. Coll S2»51S4. O- ollor. Call 543-4898 oves. . and libor sirong. 438-5822 >r- BURLEY678-1459 Purchased now 9/92. cial cubor Ico mochino,®- GOODING 9 3 4 - 4 5 6 6i _ $2500 fim). 423-4700. ' trailers. tSSOMacfioavyfy Wanlod lo buy good tractor ^ Usod GM 4 horso stock Uoll- =3 MSS, CaB 436-4949, duty 1 0 whool dump iruck, i?O T% rd cut allalla. $95 o r. 16x5, gooBO nock. Portablo Hydroulic with loador, 7 0 ^ P , roason-o s ion. 9 3 ton 1st cut, $90 lon. ~ Crushed or pit run grovolI& & ------14* John Oooro prossBs ablo prico. Call 324-3106 $ 2 2 0 0 o r givo ollor. CollI Sprinkler Plpo Ropairs. Moving: Slovo. $75: rolrig, pumico dolivorod, Minimum ,.lr) sta ck . 366:2466,______, 601 ANTIQUES $50:lS*/{i* saddlo, $150; 811 FURNrrUBE ------w hoeLdrilI,.80V oralgood_if loovo m ossago.______637^769 ______. Handlinos. moinCnos up lo s c - 12 733-3951 ------d io s e l trucK tractors wilh 77 -l50lonshaynin3cunlrwB— - 6 * .^ o o I linos ovon itrtho rr— aoybod-withtmndto.-misc ------AND CARPETS------;------'' ' W atts 4 bolo straw sproador. ® 22nd annual VSW PostfJ lurn. Call 423-4007. pow er stoorlnq.678-1184. 1"; EXCELLENT QUAUTYI floki with whools still on tho 2146, onliquos show and — 805 CAMERAS - Whool ditcher. 3 point Call 326^040------' 712 IRRIGATION p l p o . C ^ o |P ^ ^ Ropoir. „ Refrigerator DEU CASE, 140 yds.carpel 8 pod. in ox- 4360 JohnOooro Iractor,>'• d itc h er. 1077 Chovy 1 ton '• . solo. Shilo Inn Convontlon •8 AND EQUIPMENT d . , - 8 'long. 4-8* ton. _ cel cond, toss than 2 years ____4 2 0 0 h o u rs . O ood cloJn BIsckera 733-1604 corn hoods. F^O oloctricu sp ray o r with 25 ' booms. 6' ^ box scrapor. 6-box scnuor. 500 b a lo s of cloan siraw (qrqr conirols'for spout ond (lip- s a lo . inlrhodlato pick up.'p.' por. Hydraulic iit hood. Call5 Powdor. River loading chuto. NowMFindusliialI’n'l 423.5 6 2 0 r J k s m ^ ------buck o t; W ostoc triple colldll SO lo n ol 2 nd crop hay, goodid I — ACU'disk.-dualnibborjw/cul- u-^ --Qua!ity..noialn.Ellor aroa...a . ______out on 9^^did row singlo da?l hutchos.,8. Coll B79-2440 ’ 5. C a ll b o tw o o n 5:30pm to 60 to n 3 rd . 20.0% protoln; 85is . 1 0pm , 3 2 4 -2 4 5 1 , ask lor.or. ion 2 nd. All ox6ollonl quali-ji- ComtSno &tractor pans _ tv.Call 326-4076. I_____ Paul. ID7438-S420 750 to n dairy hay. All Mtting. CoboyvPTO manuro sprood­5: 706 FARM & RANCH ,. Dolivory avail. 324-5t67_ o r. » 4 2 5 ; NH choppod hoyij ■ IMPLEMENTS ALFALFAHAY A s il a g e loodor Irlr, $350. — 324-2254 CanaZ4-3S47. ■ 1956 D odgo 2 ton, 15 It. boot« i Doiry or sto c k ‘ dolivorod in “ bed.$9j&.733-^tO, Ford ON. oxcoliont condition. ^ lond lots. Cuslom hnutog. 1077 robuill Logan poloto>0 For Salo: Approx. 50 ton F o r s a l e : Olivor 6 row boon~ planter: 1977 Logon hor- - 'mKm plaotpr, oxcol. condi Jlobo/oW . 324-4227. __ F o rsa lo : PLOW.314tH,^ 1978 Internatioriai truck,h S E E D FOB SALE A l 1700 sorios. w/1052 hoy I n H 2 w ay 3 bottom, Irash lurn- rotriovor; 60 Ponia posts,•; " “ K i i ” ' ' , n o w ,8 lt. long by 10*^-12*.^ • P ica b o . ldiJioB334e - tfoaiod. 324-4068 ^ , H oaih 1 2 row Mono-AIr bool -TT 208-788-5765 — o r b o o n planlor wilh 2 so u OH BARLEY; [ o i p la te s , flood condition.'“ 6 7 8 -M sT ______C o n .M o ro x ...... '..$12.50 cwl#1 ______• ______676-7325 or 67841248 h. Cort. PW oIno...... $13.00cwWf l' (after tono T34n.______lio C on. S to p to o ...... [.$13.00 ewt«t 0. Cort. h e av y WT..I.$13.00 ewtWt J D 5 3 5 ro u n d balor, Lorialn whoel'brush lypo, $150. round baloWaoon, IH 315fy Bolh o x e cond. ^3-4755 . WHEAT: -ronorhamj»n5*witffirow-iW~ OuaHty-Travaling gooseneck' ~ feet fronts roar. $1800.3. ' tra ile rs, 6 '8 'x 1 ^ -$ 5 3 4 0 , H oalh H row boot liftor bad-d- . 6*8‘x 1 8 '-$ 5 7 9 0 ,6 '8 ’x20-j : OATS: C' er.SgS00.934.S21S. ‘ slant load; tack room.n CoR. M onida...... $13.00 cwl ■ H o y O ats...... $12.00cwt JO 7 0 0 0 5 unit corn planlor,7 $6895. Flat bods also, )}. MKUvostock823^6A__t» •DI«eount.:8ulkftqusnlly2L B B B H H I K i good condition. $1500 or. ig W B B M B W a i B B i i bo st offer. 678-7106 ” TopquaIily2nd*3rdcolling Roko UpTllko now, SliU undoror h a y .2 strIng.baios. JO H N OEERETRACTORS3 w arranty. C^ail 543-5382, — Can536-jV46,------990ISUZU^.. 1 9 8 0 4 9 5 5 MF, 200 0 hrs.I. J il l b o d 1 6 'llBt trailor o n i 1992P0>i ^ t i A C H 1987 NISSAN 1 9 9 1 H O N DDA ' 19W 20.8 x 4 2 duals, $59,900. ton Iruck axle, $200: 10’0' 710 HORSES . CRX IMPULSEIM 19B9 4455M F , 770h(S.14xX . C a so culilpackorw /3 point GRANDPI>RIX ■ 3 0 0 Z X jn 14 yoar old AOHA youlh I, Only23>000 Miles, pick-up, $ 1 2 5 :4 row MPton J5 # 0 6 9 2 4 - b ;A u t6 mrriatlc:, V -6, ‘ '((33111-1, #340B8<1, AutommaUc, ■ #22176-1,0 w b o o t p la n te r 3 'V drop, 3 golding. Has boon shown 1 0 % ^ ^ o ! 2 i 6 o hoursi now , Sha^^C ar SharpSh Car , { 16M R42 tiros, $62,500 ^ point culttvalor typo Iramo,0, Wostom and English, Ground Effects;;> ILoaded - ' Sho\lowroom Condition ' 1 9 8 7 4 8 5 0 MF, 2500 tf, $500; 6 row S-lino cultiva­a- W ould m ak e oxcolloni 4-H tor. row .shlolds ft corrooa.-V hofTO.Call423.5217evos. ), - tor8:«g000 c^423-40ft-: m 9 m r >995 j 1984'S860.20.BR42.31000 707 FifiRMSEro . di t *■ ' , -5 . ; - . • j ^ 1 ^ ' I ^ ^ F . auals & WIS.B. 1 AA ota lta sood. Grand Va}- lional's twico, grool lor ley c o rn so o d . oals, poas,*. h e e le r o r beolnnor'H Sro- 1983*4450 MF, 3200 hrs,i, g r a is o s . a n d pasluro mix­;• doo. 886-2317 $ 3 9 ,5 0 0 ' es. Bob Hamilton Sood,d, 1982 44 4 0 PF. PS. 2350 hrs.8, 734-3587, 733-1477, 866-5- ______-7753 o r 536-2293. jP _AQHA maro^8^ ,j^rto d , __lM il^oso.8fiaQi>alor.ju:.- -Altallaooedbygrowor.-Cofll- L cum . $4 6 ,9 0 0 . tlodWrangkir4-,Arc,V.N.S. 1984 J o h n Door6-467 bolor, Black ro g . OH more, tralno^ oxcol cond, $5500. '■ 3 ^ 7 3 5 “ S S o S ' c u ttin g . S y r . old boy rog.i 326-5495 — Q H g o ld ln o .g ra n d so n im- A llalla s o o d . farm lo larm, <»aiIlv..7S3jl74 ------M F -S 7 0 4 boH om T B ' irlp-’pi -many-varielioBr$.Offpor boom plow and 1600 gaUonn poupd. can deliver; Ray i n r I WR h o n d a w alor tank, mounts ol truck,k. c5yrmon46S^60._____ V w Im u i c l ^ GEp Irnm *. 2 eempartm^nts.I. Altalfa s e e d , Pubiio &V.N.S. TRAcii; Metro «J24 ACO: c o w L x i varieties. Call 326-4141 or 1, Autom atic,'Power r, 4 2 0 4 1 4 2 (mobio). _ •“ Ackson’s #33193-3/>uito #22158-1; Automrhatia #35258-1, A h y d ralic folding markors &6 Conillod seed potatooi,1, H o r s e s h o e i n g • Air Conditionin' iroof/Uke New M cloan C a lilo m la roadinos,s. y35.eall736^af ..1. rebiSld^n^d"o*i?*8i"^•I G2 ft <33's. Call 1-662- Rogistorod 8.yr old Blue op o n o r discs; sood whoots.>; 5260 or 662-6283...... _ Golding, hoad h ^ . lou ol drive p a rts and booiings. 6* I . ' Colior barloy seed lor salo.D. handles: rogislorod 9 yoar spacing ft 4M p«llotodd 140 b u sh e l average. Good•d old B a y Qoldlng; rope, cutJ, ,■> I . so o d . F ront pross whool &1 testwekiht.438.sfe4 _ ft 4H. 15..3 hand sorrelJl . . ; dip conirol altachmont.i GarmainsWtAltslfaSoed,1 mukt rides Apacto,gontk>;9: — , •TJj I I , Oood unil. Hold roadyl 13 .yoar olo calf horse. $6800. call 034-5215. - Bi^oii^i^**' _ 324-3972_:______NH 1048-'& super 1048e ' Patty Alfalfa SMd,$1.20l.^ Rog. Paint Toblano 3 yr old balow agons, nm good, roo->• Dollv»rMf.Wal^Kastor. lilly. unbrqke - ready to ElH £onable.45^ra. 643-681& B tnrt.S1500.934-5770.

    r T H E A c i;S s O N BRIDGG t BOa^YWbLFF

    ' ‘L ife iio ’taU beer andiskltaes; st but '■ NORTH s-WA - EX'T 1 9 8 Q T 0 Y 0 1 i MITSUBISHI . ■!. ^ b eer en d skltUes, drsomtomething bet- , ♦ J 9 ■-TcA B '4 x 4 ■ ■ iTV M A X ^^4 ‘ te r o f the iaOfe sort, mtmust form a > 5 • • ■ ‘ ■:’'#2i664-2 . liS124-1,V-6, I ' good p a r t o f every Englisbmaa’s Eni ♦ 7432 ■r#3S,r25-n’A utO;350V-8, .,; #06i)6M 7-1, V-6, Shell, ♦ A KQIO 8 6 ' c , ' Lo\Low Miles ' 1 education.' • M ile s ,; 5 Speed: , Sharp^Trijejc — Tbom:jmas Hughes. ' WEST EIAST ...... '♦Q432 ♦ 5 VQJ9 V 10 7 6 4 2 ' m m I99SJ j; )5 ,.. ♦’9.8. — ... i'Today's hand was onele ofo 24 hands ♦ A K Q 10 5 7 M m J included io the 1986 InteritcrcoUegiate ♦ ♦ 4 » J 9 7 S 3 , P a r co n test sponsored by the Amer- 1SOUTH , I I ican Contiract Bridge LeLeague. P a r '♦ A K 10 8 7 6 ------wa»-for-North*South-tO'rto-reach-four------_ j r A K 8 3 - -- ■» ■-, I - h spades and score 10 tricicicks. < ! J 6 . The directed defensele iJis for West '♦ 2 r i H i H D to talce his king'and ace6 of diamonds Vulnerable:'N::*Nelther • and switch to the clubI fofour. W hat's Dealer West!St the best way for deideclarer to The bidding;g: • • proceed? orth Bast Soutb T h e Itey to the hand Isis &South’s pos- J''"* 4 P a s s 2 ♦ IceP '- ^ ■' session of all the high trunrumps except pju, 3 44 Pass '3 ^ " i 9 »90 CHEVY thje^ueen. Ti^refo^. it'^(t’scasytosee pass 4 4♦ A ll p a s s ¥ l - silVrEe i R A b04x4 ' th a t ^ i^ th should ruff twotwc hearts in - * — 4 H #20562-1, 7 P ^engeiv r #33233-1,3-1, A/C, 5 Speed, ’ 'dam m y. willing to conce#352i4-i,1 ,: . , # 3 31201-1, 2 ( Super Sharp; Shell ; to th e spade cjueen. - 6 7 ;6 b b ^ & ail l Miles V . G reat Dealt ; . A utom atic, A/CK The- trap lies in thele timing of BIDW»WITH TH E ACES h e a rt ruffs. If South cashcshes only one MJ-B high h e a rt and then prociroceeds wllh South holds:' ii : Ir :7JS9S ; if im m # n i l,jW5| rcd'SUlt ruffs, the 4-1 trutrump break , p rev en ts South from scorlcoring his re- “ . J♦Q432 m aining high heart. ▼ QJ9 ♦AK_Q10 5 ^ ^ < T ' ' ' ' j To cinch 10 winners, SouthSoi should ] 1 4 2 7 Blu

    r z : ■ 7 ■' I ,

    D-2 Timoa-Nows, Twin Falls.alls. Idaho Saiurday. Marchch 27. 1993

    n^Scror^Tosl^noBoseTOoi c e n w e ^ n ^sofiavQwe^ wer^iavingo ^onepnoesH SleoneveryiTelew veichicle and manjnyjmodels are3 priced at ort' below manufcifacturers Invoicce.* M prices aare clearly mai3i

    — H o t D o g > D A 5 ft « P o p _ I ★BB o llo o n ! —I I—

    ^ 5 ur ^ H O I C

    f c 1 ^ * * ^ 1 Toybta , 7 4 8 8 L 19931Toyota >i «0(idown/^167persrmo. . • ••O.A.C.., 60 paym ents, = rice + T a x + Title + W O < >d In paym ent, \ ■ - A % A.P.R. M odels T301 oi ■ I.

    •m. , f .. . 1 I * -T’ ' \ r*Pi 1993Toyot

    ^^#P0I06131 . 1993 T o y o ta 1993 Toyota3 P o se o ^ ta Previa , ‘ Cruise. Cassette. Reorr Spoiler.S| Survoof X Cellsllog ST C oupi 1993foyotc y AlrCCorKJItlonlr>g. C a s s e tte All 7 Possang^, 2 and 4WDPrevtaVans4 ^ ^ 2 a t l N ^ice \ ’2dbOBeelow ^ 1 ^ 1 l . W M anufdptureis: T- 1^ 1^ _ RelcflPrt I " <

    _ /- U-:: .1 I •9 3 ” ^ — o t a ^ —A — - olla ^ ALL^NEWXTRAC/fi :AB % Drive for onlnly'174AnO) * ^ ^ 4>1X2 PICKUP'S ’O.A.C. 4 8) rrrTK>. closed end lease. FirsFirst pymt. + security depo!oslfofS 200d u e o t leose Iriceptioitlon. P a v ^ n t subject to3 n-monfhly soles tax of S8.70'0 for total payment V of $182.73. 48«8 pymts totoIUng 58769.60.60. Customer has option to purchose vehicle V ^ P R IC EB>ArJAC10l a t l e b s e erxand fof S5049. Customer■ svivirin hove no furttier llobllllyly ex cep t for a n ^ ^ ^ ^ * ^ 1/ i Q Poyments based on 15.01 ^ l T ^ exC'xcesstveweoronvehilcle f .000 miles X i ^ BINVOICED annual mlle

    ; We hove3 appraisersc on duty' and( trade-ins are welcome,w paid for or not. ' This Is your chanceice to own the car or)rtruclcyou wont dt de price you didn't ItiinkItl posslblel ; - ■ w S ® iT0Y01TA ‘7 /Jove 6 what^i' Q ^ ^ o ^ r mne Toyota. ” oty Invplce may not deoidp octuoicost • 2 3 6 SHOlOSHONE STREET vj falls ;* 733-282891 ' . _ , I

    I- ( I

    :______J '■'fi______

    ------Saturdifday. March 27.1993 ' Timos71o5 N>!W5. Twin Foils, Idaho D-5 Miscellaiinepus 811-817

    8t1 FURNTTURE' l,“ ■ N ANO CAnPETS 2 yrs old: Twin hoadboard. dbl dfOBSor w / oval mirrof, ^ singlo drossor. w/ Ig Kghlod hutch,balcholorscmiw/ sm hulch. rog prjco $1900. - golHof$12SO.734-9223, . 4 0 'good u s ^ c a y o l. Call

    ' 43 yds of gold plush carM i. m oxcollont cond., rubbor pad,$100:also10ydsofI of , rubbof pad. $10.736-8336 4 postor klns'slzo walor bod, B ^ lo d mallroftS,$125lor or bost oHor. 733-0788 ■ 5 pc. soaional, couch with^ Z H bTI wl roclinors, 4 pc. dinolto sol,■Ol. ■ L k ^ ^ i largo oak vonoor colloo ta> blo. GE washor & dryor.. Call Norwosi Financial to b o submh bid 733.7202. "° 82H(MBA«X0RD 50. AO:.,NC..-...... *2490 ...*9750 ' 5 t — 1 7 ------“ 'B u n d b o d so iro o o d condl*rdi- *2490 : *9871- tion. ^ n g | l S o ^ d a y s 82 MEACURYLYIIXU 02 DODGE SHADOW 4 OR. ^ PPMHK Chromo drop loal tablo &— 4 Sporty,2*Sealer...... “ *2490 Aulo, Air, Power Steerino.... , *9890 ^ 3 ------ehBtfSrVgS, 0 drawer ■■— -gjrvwflou*"------^ ---^ ----- dosk. $ 6 0 .3 ploco colloo & ) ond tablo sot. $75. >» 4Dr../n>rtlW>«ledOfh«...Z = * 2 9 9 T = * 9 9 9 0 ^ N _■ ^ CJ Full stzo hIdo-a-bod. $125.5. .68D0D6EC0LTHIRB( -92 TOYOTA COROUA 4 D01 R . $ 9 9 9 0 •« Lovo so a t; $85. 4 Dr., Prattler Model..... *3890 Auto. Air* Stereo.-,-...... \ 87D0DSERAMCHAR6Ef 221 UalnAvftS)^66S6, ) 993 Mazd 4 Dr., Pioneer. Sharp...... *10990 i u • Early Amorican sofa, $175;rrr 2. •ErfrOTdynlca.-.-i-....-...... *5883 m apio o n d tabloa, $2S oa; \ 89 TOYOTA 4X4 VAN 6 5 mapIoeoKoo table, $35; T ...... *5990I 7 Passenger, dual air...... *11,490 •AtterRobote ^ chost of drawori, $65:\1‘ 87IUZIURX7 V 92 FORD F-180 PICKUP kitchon se t with g l u t top, I Underfl,OOOMIIes-..... *11,990 $46; microwavo. $60;g: Auto. Trafo., Art:-...... *5990 kZDA’S , wdlght bonch A weights,ts,' 64C«DtUCSEVlli£ $ 1 SSO. 7 3 4 - 4 ^ . _ Low MIIss, Exceptional__f...... *5990) rsgsid.ffisir * ll,9 9 0 _ ^ _____ ’ 1 J 0 , 9 7 ' m °i,OOO KEEB l^ T B ^ ?5T ■flffTOOmWUP— r-VrOEVYtAPRtCEiaAS ^ : 9 « ^ F R!IE i E AIR CONDlTIONllUNG « AUTOMATIC TRANSMISSION TF g co'uoh, $ 1 2 5 ; 30* ta n g;r o , AM/FMCasseIt0..... ,L. *5990I Under 15.000Miles.:...... >?^117990 M5.Cflll733U805. L 87PtYII0imiVnTA4 I 91 TOYOTA 4X4 PtCXUP O ak de sk , S150: sola, $40:10: VMyShatpVehlciel...... ‘“*r!:.*5990. I Automatic Transmission...... ■ *11990 locllnor. $30; love soat, BSFOROBmRCOII I 90CHEVYB1AZER I i:,.' $20; cofloo tablo. $10; end ...... *12,975 tablo, $10.734-0901 ■ V-6./VC______...... *6880I Full Size, Auto. Air..- 'c : ] ■ _____ S J 1 OAK FURNITURE - 850MC15004X4 k 92F0RDTHUIIDERBIRD bunk bods, $12S-$176oa.la. VeiyCieanTfuck.______*6990I Save lots over rtewl... *12,990 - NVWJCTTA ------9I 5-Speed, 92 TOYOTA A/C. Cruise,CAMRY CasseRs. 4 DR.? *14,990 Can 423-4411 - »»• • .Nice, Nice Car...... J 6 9 9 0 Q 88 TOYOTA COROUA « I 92 TOYOTA w a SPRING CLEANINGX 4x4 Traction in this wagon.... *79909 T-Tops.^Se8l#r...... *16,990 2ND TIME AROUND I 92ri0«iAPRaU0E Sofa&kJvosoals. nOEVYCAVAUBIIi: r Sunroof. Black & sporty...... *16,990 NOW 'A prico, 4df..Auto.7Ill.Alr.Cful8e....!“...... *83541 1 19‘?93 Mazdc□ Protege I r Lvgo choir &onoman, PI Silverado, 90 CHEVY Exceplional SUBURBAN...... 4X^ W \ A^rt^^&$5-$25. ^...... *8990 *17,990 . r AlAir Conditioning, Pb'bwer Wlndows/Locki=ks, ■ V Tablo & chairs, 4 sou, SIBUKXSXYIAAK I 91 TOYOTA PREVU VAN _ Cruise C ontrol>1 & Much Morel . ■ cn ' $1294185. - 4,dr.,Auto,Air,Cruise-—--: _ *8990f 7 Pass.. Dual Air...... -_■ *19,990 Prices,plus tax. tfti«tnie & $40 dealer doc. fee) S It's (■ Mahogonoy buffet, $325, OF ^ 3 , 5 03 0 I •Aflw Rebote ^ NOW$176. Small trunk, $110, ® T O YrOTA . -N 0 W $ 1 » 9 ,...... ' W lIL L S < 14 gun cabinot. $300, NOW $260...... “Ilovewhatyoyou do form e Toyoti ees Washington SIN. -Tw|r^F^|.,W )08 . 236 SHOSHONE SHiEErVTWESr-TWIN FAUS •733-:W 8 9 I ______- Ip.

    - 612 HUTINQ&AIR • • CONOmONINQ i‘: pThaInn M otItors h a s Jiist tracaded for IO boai■utlful one- ^ ver got th Information 73:1 3 - 7 7 0 2 o r " RS. Call mot todayI for moro li : h e S S E ' s .% . homo734-430 4 7 . . - ■ ON Tl 12400 will aaerlllco.iforor . 1983 ChfYaler;r Ne-g Yorker* ■ ilS00.73fr7284. 1 . I Qiamond ring .90ct, $1795,. -r, full/ equipped and R m " TRACKE ^ R . : Verybrlll.lant. TwinFalls^i&t TW* floe .car, _ cxtreoely deamrilh *3^ iMj 815 LAWN & GARDEN ' -f For salojpoal m « . 4^w. fTft. ^ Ir.'ffi^Mrfl. SSigc Q'ebcr bag e, $7.50 a bag . Phoneiai Itiie 4 vheel drive iik les and coiDe« m An^c vhrhilc wtii blodiBtic 1»e0(M73-5794 . — air cond po^ abeering and power e r brakes. JCLavmCaro Lawn mowing, aoraling. 1991 Honda/ toftOizina. You nam e it. wo . can<lRoaaonM rates. Can 736-6638. ^ ■ntiBte'abflojulelyourfIT I R0T071LLINQ. 324.1330 _ ileerifig^rakca. airBlr cooditkMlng. suUnaUc UranaSff m S^dcfrcwlcr & So ars 8/30 ride mower withth bsooof, $500.543-4898^ 1991 Chewr'Camaro C R& 1 9 9 3 GEEG

    817 MSCELLANEOUS Ahaipbluc nelallk; ti Jte and spody car TRACKEER FORSALE .. p o w w b iw » 5 Speed Transmissilsslon. _ hBA'b fiooMnountedd t ^ ereo Aislesleffl. power elcering’and p Rear Folding S=at,=Stock , H ust soUl $400 wwth ol air-If* 1991 Hondai (Civic 4 Dr. HirrarScoa: Hamilton ~ T IwnationS! $ I S o ^ *■’ 'iWa bcBiiUful ccnotic.o S s r 's S Ssa i and is white In color rith front whcc! 734-1809 ______“ drive, flooMDOuntedd trensmiuioa power «teeriwring, powisr biakea and1 d. usod oxloivli) lliia cor ho& o n !/8491490 inilea. flooMKxnti^ trajIraSraiMion. rierco syslcozm. oir oondilioning,, sivoly (In Riy droam i), will power wifjdowa. powower eeala and nsar windowo r ddrofllcr. For solo Nintendo tytlomm9 1993 Metx^i:Mry Tracer PnsviouAly owned b ^Z^t^aftoraiayffl --- powerp ^ccrin^ Froo bidg materlaJslocr«ru » ond reor Tlndor defioi m oval of Ig w ood Iram atlw SJSSWCIBS Stk.# PI • m etal bido in TF. Galya*: c g s ^ l a 7 W M ? C 2 » ^ nized m«rai, dimension, Pickups;;:-, C a G EISEN M DTlORS Vansand vS2!,r!: , French doors - 5s- $226; mlN. S Y e a r s T h e E a s i e s t mR ace^lnnp World 7Tb B u y A Car Rent T654 Bl ine Rd. <(208)733-3033i3 3 )lb,6DBi

    n ;. , ’ ______J.'L______PRESSURE! NO HY PEt’ Bfae Lakes N a t PoleUn

    . ■ ' r ' ” -1 '

    ‘j . D-4 Timos-Nowo. TwiTwin Falls. Idaho Saturday.ay. March 27, 1993 , ’ 817-82-17 ick D ey's^— MisceHi l a r i Q o u s Sat. && Sun. Grand

    817 USCELLANEmEOUS 820 PETS AND 625 WANTEDTOBUYBUY (125 U a HIEOTOBUBUY 825 WAKTED TO BUBUY 825 WANTED TODBUY Bl 825 WANTED TOG>BUY Openining Specials SUPPUES • FOR SALE lOhp outboard motor.!or. 536. COWBOY GEAR: P Pi a y in g Wanlod: Wontod to buy olura^minum yvontod: Volkswagor - Quolity purobrod Sio ilna, flcroon door. 733-001•0016 phalio cam por, 19G Log cabin packago,I, $8595SG Kinorw lor ta lo . SoalPa'lTsiSS i S421k>avom ossngo_10. ' cash for blls. spurs,s.sod- Fronclsclonchlru « 24 (I bv 32 It with B nporchfl | poinis. 734.6330 .1101illorSom. -1970 flarrncudo cancars or dios. bridlos. Frooapfipprals- Del^^^^tlerr:e ra Wantod to buy lill dirtliti nnd0 lop 733-2058.______pons. 326.5471. .______als. 733-9169 , ■______■ coil In Richliold area;area Calf - W anted: Wall Disneyoy vidoos ■ • T ' foot. 7‘ Swodlah copo.K^c* Tr Quoonland rod dingo! T3nyX^j3 ' 7 dio notch logs. 2*, by i :oo cnnoo 1976 DataunPU. oulomlomatic; Modium sizo ham storcanoS ea Wontod: Goneralor.or. Irom ' 734.7039_19 in good condition.. Reason* P . J ' tool docking. Plons. v igS.3670 1979 Morda.RX7. onolnosong occossorios 734-733535'' 2500 walls ond upu p . Call W anlod to buy fillI dirt.dir Call a b le rolos. Can 734--^ i72^ • "’Jf" 733-2178 doys, oro r 326- 423wt319______W ontod: Wood workifl fiQyjQ Rogislorod Lhasa •^^74. Nowor Boy S e o u l unll'" ° ™ ' 3275 .v .» . _____ o n a l lI Inew & used Moving aalo! Lg dog hc ’6540*’**° 1982-87 Chovy Silvorodc■rodoPU siio.14.16.734.6612. — Wontod lo Buy: Gooclood u se d ioots. Coll 734-6915 ' soloUito dish, washorIOf st dry- on 736-65. • , ' W oniod Jo c o b so n hammorhai pickup, roasonobly;jlypilcod. Wanlod: Your lole woniod: long bod, 4W Robons rhodol 1725 roc le modei C M V C or, riding lawn mowor.'vor.;disf.. g2i STEREOS/ “ 2WD, 350 QOS or dio 'OO','®* mill 4 0 10 60 HP. 764:;54-2254 In good runningcondiiion. con (ig e 4 or nowor) CUJLEAN24 's & trucks! os.Con733-6765. musl bo cloan, AT, roas,g,?a'g.""°'« rw n g w ontod: Lorgo lo.astor;tor ovon • Foratoonngor.733<33j»16_^ tl. (or more) comp,pl,ollor ,7 3 Q ijj O T S ' RADIOS/CDS so stin g , W antod lo buy goodod troctorI 734.9393 ------X)S TORONADD Now CVA block powdo ’ milos. original paint & Shooi motol broke, 4'.., wilh swiich lor loo! kH. SO calibor. ^ 0 : Cl r s T s o " Cnll 73 4 ,^ 7 4 ______“ *'" • Broyer horses ft-Bf-Borbio with loador, 70 HP,P, rooson-ri Want to buy: Grass h Ook Storoo cabinot. 1 Coll 326.5471 , bridlos. able price. Coll 324 7'A hp o u tb o a rd mi Call934.4561 . 1" ft Larger non-worl — horses & saddles, br 324-3106 buy ono balo lo lie' S a ■ . S 4 S200; 3- moial lalho..1 . Solid Stale color- JV-s”T r oldor, alablo, loncing, otc.c. Child-( . lonvo mosg.______3 2 6 - 3 ^ . • Porlablo Cd playor wilh ■74. , rons biblo story book ^450 734-8005______4?3wi676ov08ftwknd! loks thnl W oniod lo buy: Hols(olstoin X . W ont lo buy: Hoi woti Now LonahornBill/CIly C ook J -‘l°.2S?-.f i g Oji3 4 _-;4S fatoror aro titled ‘My’ ®^'{! brod calvos, weano(mod. Coll sloam doonor. 733-f 1 whito buck rabbit. ' irox 6'. Frienda*; lloor lamp ' 8 2 FOREM) THUNDERBIRD soddio, Uzi-. Ig gias’sloss low- Sloroo systom ; roaovoi "LTrisi5ri^ri,\“SS mpCall 934-6573 allor 6om. iodel146 A , ]hl on In- sono dock, and CO p ______TTT^ 733-2395.______733-4356.______I'T'. . ■ W ant to b u y : JD moc olry counlor wiin lighi < D°;Cr1 ■ Woniod; Oulsldo dog por W anlod to buy, IHCIC 8ft John o r 148 Ioodor; 122' ’Ever- 9 A s id o , $ 1 5 0 : Ig dbl'-g^'ilflTas. $450. cad 934.4561 P Usod p a n e ls for callIpons. p Wanlod: Marlboro 1 ------runs. 324.2600.______0 m llos Dooro wido from onds.ondi Also a m o n lond plono;e; smoll ■ door rolrig, oxcol-c)l-cond, ------Cnll 733-6030. pflckagos. Coll 543.69 non running tracKaclors or grain drill; f^O sperolodop ------■ ____^A9T $ 1200; 2 cash rogisigislors, 822, TOOLSAND Wanlod: Oldor cowo or p lor with Wanlod: Oal hay also» :straw. pons. CaB 735.8143 l-663-4477.Mud Lako. Wnniod: 1 lO-voli woidor *3 manuro spreader w ork g ood, SIOO oa; accossorios. 733-6187B7____ Coll536.-2236.or_____------,------W a n te d 'to b u y mirroIrrorrap:----- f ro n tfo ro n Olivt>r-7SW"S- _ -! Z 6 FFORD C PICKUP ______Wavn's Oul Woal; Cobinol Stand for-20 go Of Wontod: 20* scroll saw. -5 3 6 -2 2 9 4 .______- ■ - - prox. 58x38 or smallololIor.Cnll 678-5746 osk for Boi: _____ A J B344 or 934-5174:34.342B Conaatombcorwontanted. long aquarium (30* o r ! Woniod; Old pop mnchliChino lor 423-6480______MnlnSi. Goodlnj. '■ . Ughi duty.-Eloeiricilric. ^ o o d ^ u a lily only.V afilosk for ■ Call 536-6452 oftor“L., 6 packing. $125. f36-833 & TELEVISION ic o o to r nroa- Cnll 326-3262 I a g o N______Cushman motor'scoi ______condition-Call 733.1961967. ■ Sharon PC oompatiblo conwutoi lsh. I’A yr wantod. 734-9393 ______Wanlod: Colloo iablo/2 Echo Slarsalollito dish. Wanted: Smoll lot In tho W anted io buy: Usod H JVWGOLF meg hard drrvo, $300, < Houston Door&elkonllorawaftivaftiod. tables ihol havo drov TV, $75. 2 hvin bods.5 - i old, lop ol Iho lino. Ho couniry. in Kimboriv’school *c sorjol.llorlll.-Coll?oll543.' S27. OABAGESAli U63S7 ‘rackor wilh sm a nI romoto.ro Top pricos pold. 324-751.7591. cabinot. Call 733.4356. — district, Ihal would oxoxcopt 6022 or 543-6908 tum, Boat oltor. 733-63I _vidooxyphot-2«-ft-m: 9^(^^<)nS^i^oy^22 oxcpr-______’T J I LjnodulQ. .Dfiii e/osB woniodrS43.6t3.6901- Wanled.9 oquiFKo e a r l y BIR D S, « ^ 9 ^ 0 STORE SHELVINd; IslandsIsla 10'aluminum boal.ll. clions. used rototillor. Kid's's rmotor- ■ .y 3 0 Q |;,^ 4 y i4 ^ ------______i Wanted for kkJsbirthdny:ly. $5 a b a r to ll.C a llS^SS41 ^ a 934-8893.------jr^doW ?220f|S !; '89PLYMMOUTH < ACCLAIM _Call543.fe9e ■ cycle 50-90CC. Goodlodusod j will haul owoy anyory o n e 's Lllllo M erm aid ft My' L'lttleL' W anted lo buy childrenen out- Wanlod: Van lor sioragirago, or Blvd. ocross Irom TF T-SHIRT PRINT EOUIF3UIP. f lh ^ at loost 8- x 10'O' orc big. Honda'90 Junkors. DooiDood or Pony vidooi;;por1oblot10 tape door p la stic gym or>r play-p as irailor, running3 or not. - S o n lo rC o n to r. FrI,,I. S a i l 4colfirproaa, gor, 734-4507. • olive. 734.0722, cassolto plover. 733-88:0026 house. Call 734-6667..7 .. • Coll 324-2758. S on. Cam.6om boll d iy o rio lo t morolorol 1 0 SO S7200of otlor.S31-41S1 1 S 2 ______Wodding dross, slzozo 12, ------'8 9 HClONDA CIVIC w oslorn Ivory la co .$ 1 Call 536-5507. - VO:>LUME PRICIr s G ^ ^ SELECCTION f g€ISO 818 MUSICAL ' 9 1 P L Y MMOUTH ( ACCLAIM INSTRUMENTS

    . _ Awiquo piano; Schlltor cj noi grand. $1200.r ia C P AVYXEM 5 FOR YOURLNEWiGMC! 1 0 5 0 .43&^aftof6pm. Consolo piano good corcond., ' 9 2 H Y UJNDAI P XL 4 DR. b o a oHor. Call 324-2491■491. - H ^itofd Planoi.7a3-3B S am ick boby g ran d plono,plai '- , 1993 GMC:c JIM M Y X 4 * a1 8 5 0 oak linish. oxcoiiont corcondi. IIncludes n Air, V-6, Gruise,se. Factory S tereo Tape, SSt. #33303 , tIonl$5200. Call 702-712-752- '92 GMCIC SAFARI VAN 3863 (Wolls! NV) Thomas California Thoaheairo 527 organ, lull pod30d0l, S . 9 9 < k m ulli-koyboard. gr< , N e;w v 3 ^ *1 5 grool sh a p o , $1750 o r o olli llo r. ___ _ -825,5104 - ^ f ^ h i p ml e e n t o f ' 9 2 C H EVYS-IOBL/^R' V ' Thomas etodronic organ,an, h jp S i e r r aL CI l u b keyboard w/boncli andind In- ^ 1 : 1 siructions. Nico cabinbinot, ■ Vp^S C o uip n e s ' ■ . y .o o a M a n y j nnore.to-choose t _ _ A r r i vv i i n g f r Q t n a t i > a ilily ! 820 PETS AND ROCI^'C B O T T O M SUPPUES kA I 1 AKC Shollio *Lasflio', %Z PRICC C S p lu s ... ollor. 13wks. 82^5811. W ^ i s► ,9 9 5 ' 9 2 I S U ZZU I PICKUP 2X4 , 2 yr old, foiiralo, Orog 1 . Pyronoos, spayod, hasIOS alli ^ shots. Noods roomloruoro n ...... lll l...... $100.Cal734.6967. FOOO Akc block Lob pu>s tor sol $200.46 AKC^amps '93 ISUiUZUSTYLUS pod.Aflof5pmTOM9|4_ AKC pot TOY POODLES,£ s . : 16 wks old, shots & wormo<-mod. Ma)os$100.fomatos$20( 1 0 0 0 (200. J H B P I ■ <23-5935 ■93 OLELDS ACHIEVA AKC quality Scotly malos, 1 9 9 3 QMC I yoarold whoaton, 10 mon: okJbrindlo,$300oa. . CttU352-4466. m a m a 4 » i aj.OOO AKC fofl. black Lob p u p f^ 3NOMI A , 4 X ^ roody 10 go. oxe. hips, do i 9 3 O LJt>S D SUPREME claws.’anota, champio bloodfino. $200.788-9/96g r : Facictory Price *]* 1 3 ,6 2 1 ® ^ AKC roglatorod blackk LLi ab *1 35 .0 0 0 pu p s. 5'A m onlhs old,rf.$80 $i , oach. Coll 386-213434 or '93 ISU>UZU RODEO

    AKC rogistorod RotlwolU fom ale. Z'A yrs. housobi Sv*1 2 5, , 3 9 9 * l g& .900 . kon. SaOOtotrof. 736,1639 Boaullful Sun Conuro, vo '9 3 BUIUICK REGAL ^ tamo ond friendly ■bwbir . . -■|:omo‘ with almost no c ago. $350/ollor. Bolso.» . i IS W l * 1 6 9 3 S ^ 1 6 .______E HAVE <6 .5 LITIERTUR]LBO DIEJiSELS! 5 .0 0 0 CATRX>D ' 9 3 I S UJZU Z TROOPER Nufro^Max. LikeJr h i s O n e ! 20# $18,60 GLOBE SEED & FEED)CO CC Twin Fnlla* 733-1373J3___ * 1 8B .9 9 0 Oinoo ooos. Iroo. 543-8283 . Ooggrc»mingblowdfyorlyor -SLE Eqiquipment ‘H.D.'. (6.5 U ter Turbo '93 OLDS3S 88 ROYALE ' w in oxtrA powor, novor Diesel •'•4x4 »Air Conditilitioning •Power * i a^ .9 9 0 Frool 2 yr old, nouloroorod W inddiows •Power Locks:ks ‘Stereo Tape ’ molo. Indoor Tabby cal. A ' 9 3 B U IICK C LeSABRE fodionato ft k3vos attonlioiniion. •H.D. TrailerirPkg. 1 Call 733-6765. Froo cats. Good mousori * 1 0 long hoir. Call 733-332W i ■ Fadctory Price. *22 4 , 7 4 3 » .4 0 0 wooKondsftovoa. '93 BUCK RCR0ADMASTER4DR. F roo 10 good hom o: Bordc I* ..: ■ ■ ' Collio Heolor X pups. *2 1 , 9 9 2 I ^ 9 0 m lnlaluro Sch n a u zo r du|i AKC rooteorod. 655-4341i and many more at Paronia: AKC rogialorodrod. ^ 1 4 2 7 1B l u e B rinany pu p . m alo, 8 wkwks ROCK old, shots. 1125.324-8452452 tf Lakes Bl3 1 v d . N . 'ffl BOTTOM , sho»a,^^, 034-5559,_ PRICES Purobrod Australian Shoph o ? 1 h e rd p u p s, goo d WorKIn(King Come in and see . porents.gb!*&4.75e8_ MTBSrT L ^H o ' ou\>ur hew.showrdomi Purebred B usel Hound, 1 year old male.'good wltrX fad«.$7S.324-36'67ovos I ■ ‘ . KDEY Purebrad Bordor Collie pup­ 7 0 - i m 23 ■ / . r a i C l p ie s from working stockr Iw e t oLdSmobiueILE • BUICK • ISUZU *AII p ric e s p lu s t^ xI, , Ititle & DOC fee, after rej^i ^ t e . . ' 1310 Poiaih e ■ , ______------— i t ------— ^— ------1 ; —

    ...... - t ■f ' I- -itufd.iy. Marcn 27.199313 Tlmos-NowsrTwIn FnHsJHAhci_nj_ n iWisceellaneous-l•Recreatioi)nai 827-91908 s 3 U O/VRLJ. / 627 GARAGES/: SALES II H 904 CAMPERS> g06 GUNS ANONO ' S08 MOTORIHOMES HC FIHESSTEHD-DF-THE-IE-MGNTH SPECIALS :vCl e s a n d S H aLLS i R IR E S ANDRVS 601 ABuras Df.,T ih F. S a l 10-? H i B V - 8 $ Q Q Q Bed.lpblpychOLrMs.JLni)sc.. -88 Y om nha XTSfT 3 5 0 , 3 7 0 0 llV b' campcrr, gosi18 rplrig.. fur- Rugor P -9 0 .45 ccol o l.w /c n so i 1987 EldoradoodoProlud^ 1 1979 OLDSMOBILE0 4DR 734-9291 noco, bolhroom,n, iloops 6. e x tra m ag. Loatisathor shoul- Gloss C, Fordrd460,15Kmi, 4( 3-04602’ IRUNS GOOD Moving sola, 1250250 Sunbursts I I i B l j M S 7 msa. dor holstor && t box b lo c k now radials, go Ffi&Sn^9lo2 Cbon^b^m^/M■82GS1100 S1000.-734-7S77I WAS 1 .49 NOW W J w a 4-0543. Insuiotod sholl, caiaimo'oil '84 Talon am m o. VtVoluo, $560 lg pod, iiko now! Moving SnJo. a IftlkIrRlobit ol o v I I I j m i l l d D ...... ■ ' lo n g b o d Chovy./y. Sholl Is nskinn$450.734r34-4510 Cnll 733-t22^245---- 1967MillRCURY COMET izb2DR I Mn carpot wilh carpopot kit. Exc. Snvago 99 308 ca M motor. Runs 2-190C LOCAL OWNER, RUNS GREAT, >4-6447. Twin F oils C oir 2eihSlo3.747l ■I ■■■I.I «03 BOATS AND . shopol$450.3&. =^lSl49l?j ucnw Jnyco 8'pop-upIp cam por, Cnll 733-4050., ^ T TRANSPORTATION Woa______«0t ATVSAND^ ’ MARINE fTEI ------“ro somHrlr stor ...... NOW $dQQ WAS 1,29>95 ...... Rain or Shino movmoving u lo ll MOTORC« noior lits o n ovofshol. gas/oi£ ■40MES trodo. 326-S > BrowrtsodtionI, I 5YCLES i2'boat&9.emoi(innhftrf PII hooter, Jocks,"ix 0 c c o n S : 80S MOTOR HOI d o o ^ p o ri^ la 1979 250 Husky 28 or 324- ANO RV'SS MOTOR HOMI5 m e : 'm u s t 1Q7AS1I F t siools, old (ridgo, ______SELLM99123J 230 DODGE IUBARU4DR SEDAN sowirig mochino,no.oldwicluf i i-fflodot. runsBtto/dwlbito^OR Jidoo lorboth or 3-Q46B1 GREAT FUEL ECONOMY, RUKS GOOD rockor, carpot,I, gigam ing ta- 326-4786. r 6W ovor- 25’ '81 W onoaco) mmolorhomo. X PL O R ER. . 360 3( onaino GR 672. Air, microwavo,-4>,-4.5 kilowatt with OD. Exc. c 1 9 5 ...... bio, conning/ar/art. lots ol 1979HottdaXR1 j . . — 12-boal wfth SoaKir wits 1-,491 m s gon, now tiros>s <& battory, gon, Ironl & loi misc. 242 BuchorA o n jm :fri,0 1980 Hondo XRS S 500 Of bo st o » •taS'Snl910? I' • -a?-S389orS37. many oxiros. $1S$15,000 Auto lu rn a c o , mIcr ;HEVYCHEVEnE2DR w Im bS i 736-8019. r. with 150 — ------dofly. $1000.543.>43-6592. burnor stovo,t d 3 l Z H 1980 S a t 12*4 Roin e3T rst Shino. 40S IM I Honda 650 C ,odo oul boo. 2-093A GREIREAT FUEL ECOIIDUY, RUNS & LOOKS G ^ 'RosoSt.tSt. N. ______now caiborotioh,OCBcustom ’8’Soa Raidpr.oord » motor. goB GUNSANO3 1983 33-SoulhvIhwlnd. oxc Evinrudo outboan condi $24,000.1.324-3232. Si bolh. 423-4711'II WAS 1,49i sk,,..„^995 Saturday, 9-5. Com:amoorahol' and. _733-OS22dov».3 op«n bow. SKIrr'drSsk'fil < waior bod. dfossoi M 4 ^ i M b o o l, oxco^ cond, tilo, potlory. nowrawoolorod 1985 Suzuki quad -0011543.8800. —— ^— - 1 RomlnglonllOOjK)«miau1o _ ~ 1983 Al(UDI 4000 4DR ______sltiiu.ctoihaLooLoolcvanliy,------collont shapotS DLET 3-030AmOCALLY OWIIEOj FWO ' > 1 2 9 5 modicino cabinol3no1,eotti4 a29-S0if ’ rS-CHEVRQI -was-1,991195...... MOW------wood hoal Slovo,irt>, ^i n k b o d . 1987 Suzuki R \ ivor, S8500. gungo shot gun. % 1104 lOlh Avo,tE - TF. coolod,80cc. - — calibof black powi; « S £CZ Crolt. 16’, «50 oach; 1 SCso calibor 1 T O N 1973 CHIHEVY P/U V-8 454 ' Two^tamilyjjOTy^jiflO solo - Sot 324-8430of32. GREAT FOR PULLING, RUNS GREAT 1992 Smokor ir.ollsr.Vfiod.Crt _blocxp.ow5ki!l!876.Co»73?-e^j^oorricor -tS S iffli® " h X ^ " "" 'WA5^:‘19 540 RIdaownv.TF. I you o 12 « W O; a ls o hav o 5 ------1089SU2UklQu« whh SV& hp munition and roloodingri Slk. *74289. 1982 DDATSUN P/U 4GYLtlSSPD $ .J 4 Q C -iD ic e 250. m olor roco 7 • suppllos. Coll MikosMi Gun . 828 COLLECTIBL 577 4.3 Litree Enalne, 5-Spood M anual ^-179C niWNS GREAT EfriH— niip^r.1543^ , d R . d , . l ANO VALUAIJJABLESir 1090 Kawasaki I nshotaun TrorjsmlsaUaion. Ffadlo. Steel Belted 1 ...... NOW ^ W W ^ Ithaca12gauooi gine Oil Cooler and much. LondIr>g $30 0 ; Borrota mdol§4B:mc Tires. Engir Doolittlo •E agioHH woon'U m it^' ■ S m ; 7 a “ fl3tB -Seo.coliborpiSliSlol,$450. ilDGECOLfiibRsSAN FWO M c n c odiiion print, un ,S € “ 0 0 ; 2-147B GBGBEAT.FUEL ECONOMY . Mako oflor. BidsdBond4/30' 0 1W0WH250,no» ■ — For salo BrowningSwiihSsr f . > ?mS2^oo.°- -flffl«!733.8133i.nowtop, runs doiuxoiloaltubowmly u so d 3 Long-rango vormti5=715= ' N O W« * 1 3 .9 9 5 ' WAS 2.99 ...... 1.....NOW \j H\J aaHorSpm. dis pro fins, only -nil. F«|. K 5.ofl)«l.r noeii..iia Popular Scioncon 'mii'oJIinm o •84 Honda Asponc •bostolior. a m /f m 1 ^incado , ( 12M, lImos.S120prboi TRANS. Q Q C collodion, noa/ltr.i ) CB.-733. :C0il6S5-433B suo tor33 yoare,-: t b S a t s , ' C « " ^ -3 5 8 5 . H B ^ C3-012AKCEFIXFARUtHUCX 733-14B4. Evorybodv wonrjogvom sg _ ucK inza DRIFT Bl hhS ...... w o w __ Q 2 s i —;------• now 's yourfihonrants thorn. Groot soloction, mi & MIKE'S OENER 734-6565 siophon Lyman'im 's p ic lu ro w hoolors. lowlancol h Tw o 3 turor ol aluminumi’Hj^'orill ..REPAIR 643^57 3»«»» *so o t H s. MMCOCM,^ i ! hoitor lovor /OLkSWAGEN^ w h o u rs, o x c fllo u drilt boats.»nchoriO Hi r.. Modol 95, Wincho 2-1706 s«5Ci£CIW, FIH CAR. GSat R£L ECOOUY, VWIA M f« I - a r? .'®r 7 3 » , SJiKsI?>00s$.1100a BoalsJSOO PanelM 343 or Action 30.6 goodjiiditond.: liko ? 4-9om. lost Ional 324-661X 70 < rw o n 1 Idoho Nolls. 620-4^ now whoclchsfr. 934-86196 . ' w aS/3.491 9 5 ...... ■--■a.^2495 6612. ,l-80(M44-4933 ______iMcii IHEVY SPECTRUM 4DRI 2-1210 LOV.ow MILES, EXCELIiNTCONpiTION m WA? 3,9911 9 5 ...... ^rrj2495 ■tX# 1988IVMAZDA B2000 P/U . iv^ '3 7 9 - J 2 6 9 5 • 1S74FFORDP^ ^ — — ■super CLEAN'EXCELtENT CONDrMUi WAS 3,49>95 ...... -;>iii.^2995 1983 FOIORD RANGER P/U 3-057C 70,(0,000 ACTUAL MILES, WHITE IN COLOR, CLEAN, 8,000DO MILE ON REBUILT ENGINE, VALLEY E! wa6 ,5 ,9 99 ( 5 ...... = k . „ ^ 9 9 5 1978CHE1IEVY VAN MARK Jii |j >N, GREAT FAMILY VAN, RUNS & LOOKS CRE n W 1986 HOND 1 IDA CIVIC WAGON 3-(M3AMiaBA BLUE IN COLOR, LOCALLY OWNEO t 14 T q % WAS ^ 99£ NOW .2 9 ^ 1983SIIBA1ARU4WD SEDAN GL SC lioo8e^~ 1^80.000 ACT. «IL£S, LOCALLV OWNEO. SUI ^From! '■ . Sirni! °'”"s^3295 1985 CU)4X4WAiiiiH...... ILLENT CONDITION. LOCAUY OWNED | H WAs4,99i NOW ^3495 B 1986 DDDCKEcbifiiisAVMi...... M77A m CLEAN, LOCAUY OWKD, GREAT FORTXErUULY.w^youmustskthisone!! V . WAs4.99i » n w ^ 3 9 9 5 ^ 1984 MERln i o i i i i l i l 2KB3DZ59.I19.000 ACTUAL MIL£S, RED IN COLOR, AIR, ( CTIE. LOCAL 1 OWNEfl, NICS - 1 ^ 3 9 9 5 i W l(M d ¥ i5 P ^ = MO uiifs, CUSTOM Piutt «o *Mas. Sira ft WAS 6,99^ 9 5 ...... ;...... ”“r,;Dw^4995 1985 ClCHEVY S-10 4X4 BLA 2-17ZB LOWJlADEO, SUPER CLEAN; A/C, CRUISE, CASSETTE ■y • smism.,« WAS 6.49jgf..:...... :...... NOW$ 5 2 9 5 19S93 1/2 J Sf .STANIDARD 1tru c k : . . 1989 FOIORD TAURUS WAGON • 3-059A.IOADJADED WITH AIL THE OPTIONS, AIR. STEREO, HE IN COLOR > $ 6 4 0 5 m i l a iDVEBi B e S i ...... NOW T h is Q4 t£ er} 1987 CHIHEVYASTROVAii A M78Av{.%. Aint. AIR, LOADED, NICE CLEAN b i e i i T lh e y ’r e B O o n c ' VAN.LOCmVC.Y OWNED Re]$ p e a t e 1 ^ WAS 7 .9 9 f J 6 7 9 5 1991 VOIo E B t o i l i G i »]¥E!!! , ■ • • ' 3-033A suftiIPER CLEAN, 23,000 ACTUAL MIUS, TlM E Va l E lG i - - . fl(MAININGFAC'ACTORY WARRANTY wa? 9 J 9 . » 7 7 9 5 1990GEIEO STORM 2+2 GSi -0 ^ . 3-026A25.Q5.000 ACTUAL MILES, FWO. LOAKO, AIR. AJ ]1 9 9 3 Niss: ajSIOM WHEELS, TEAL IN COLOR. SUPER SW san Altim a b ^ e r y . V is s a iI I -:, S l - . J 8 4 9 5 #34077,77, A ir CoiuUUon!|u, Auto L ., E v Pow er Window*,utoznntic. D river’s Side A ir . .. 1991ISUZUZU IMPULSE 2DR SPORTS w»,.Tilt & CniiM M53Auw)tDXD WI'IH AU IK OniOlfi, Al!l CRUISE, CASSETTt O li l S a i le - O i i i *■ . - LOwuiifs.uaIC* BLUE HHALUCIN COLOR w a s IO.9!9 9 5 ...... ". ” » 8 9 9 5 I l l ' 1991NISJSSAN240SXSPORTSCOUi r l i i g rjW ssaiI A M , 2-166A'jpillilCX>c n CCtOH,-lOU(0 WITH AU THE OPnONS. MR, ^ S m ,U(fF}fCASS{rTE.IIEaM^U]lES,SKtRCl£AN " $ 9 4 9 5 ( WAS 11.4 wow . 1990 DODIDGE CARAVAN SE liBD^ I r , J € .l l e a r a AiieeS ADED, AIR, CRtnSE. CASSETTE, LOW MILE, •' M58A10ADE . M|R^™,SU™CLEAN.FAMILYVA« L ^ 1 0 . 9 9 5 Sale /R i r i c e jBARUi£GACYU4DR$E[$EDAN mmC3-069A'5snTiQ T ^ 15,000 UIS. LOCAL 1 OWfR, lOAKD » T o d di y e. AIR. cause: AU/nj CASSEITi. POKR wum & • - A OOOALOa.KLKLMWeiGFACTOfiYWARfWtrt.UUCHUORE , ;t T WAS 13.0!.995 ...... -I...... :..... N * 1 1 . 9 9 5 1 3 , f» 9 7 •T ' o m 0 i 1991HA2AZOAMPVVAN M61A ma.\D, v{, «A, CniSE, (U/FU CtSSETTl. LtMUlB.lWie■IfiV, LOCAL lOWXR • ' WAS 15,9!995 ...... *14.795

    p iu e Iiakes. . . w n m.. NEW TtffiS. UMIO) WTH UL nc s' vV' ■/ ■ ‘ CPTW6,«OUO« lvd«IV. SW?®"'H g ik NO m l i S i

    u r a O e s b b 1Q i I t i ' 9 2 3 A 5 U Bi A R U ; ^ 3 - i 8 H rin'FM to «.734-8860 ,cciplu. U x& UUe. after r«h. __ J___ ^--- ■'.I- ■ ' : >AUpricc. H ; ' ■ . ..-i '• “*.r1 _.

    ■ (, ■ D-6 Tim os-N ow s. TwiiTwin Falls. Idaho Siiluiday,iy, IMarch 27, 1003 iI ^ Recreaatioi^al-Ti'aansportatioion > 9 0 8 -1 0 2 8 “

    5ES T 1027 CADILUC soa MOTOR HOMESES 1002 AUTOPARTSfS 1005 ANTIQUE AOTOSTOS 1006 S^MIS&HEAV^VY 1007 PICK4^PTRUC»JCKS 1000 4X4 TRUCKSI 190a 4X4 TRUCKS 1008 VANS* b u s e s ' ^ A REPAIRS ______EQUIPMENT AKO RV'S ' ______1991 block Nissan, bw 1.4 spd. 1987 Dodge Caravan^an SE. '81 Cad Coupo Oovlllodlo- lovv siio '56 N ash Ram blor wag 1981 Dodge Rom ChaiJharger, 7 9 Chovy % Ion 4x4,. ------z - 2 doors Irom 75 Chov; n r ? w For sale: 47T Colerj/illajlar No. P U , wilh $3000 in oxoxtras. 4 epd J 10 ongino.lo.now n Irosh poinl. looks;4runs 4 65K. AC, goodI cond. co soi. ioathor. Immaculate 79'Dodgo Trans Van.in. 19' tt,. pickup, w ilh glass“n'ooJS in S605.-eSChtyslBr! 786 SflOOO/oHOT. 734.5076.)76. c a r , r u n s g re a t. $ 1 2 9 0 . sloops 2 +. Slovo, comploio, Yorkor, 5500,734.7090rogn ' 12 m olor m ad o r, in> goog d Shell, storoo syslom,’'■mogs r tiros&brakos,$2100.100. C al . oood toeOO. 326-478 ■vo. oic. cond.$150.AlsocofT - condiiion.Soaloti bl*!(^ac. & tiros. Bosl ollororovor 1 423-4141. ira cab. •78 Chov conv van. S ' 72.000 mis. $4000.>00, Coll Chovy 3/4 Ion roai _____ L_ -84 Toyota SR5 Extra copiod unlli April 15ththwilh $5000.0oys,366-2tC Icrulser tCa(l733-0931. w/wilhoul boot. 733-243-2491 676-5959______” th o goodies. $6000.00. 829- *86 D o d g o 'A ton 4x< ______CUy of Hogormon. PO 577jflll1Cif5wi.______ARE YOU OESPERAiRATE 350 Chovy & Ford la«c flT^Td 15fHnonrman.lD833 — _____ A C , PW , PD. cruiB< aooryro- 1971 Inlornalional 6 y St: r - r r r 1883 Ford F150XLT.LT.4x4. running boards, mat tfOO 1028 CHEVROLET . To soil TOur RVW * built shorl blocks wilhwill now d u m p truck. $4 0 0 0 . < • e s FordFISO. 6- utility 8 2 5 -^ 6 pd. sholl. topper. $7S00/ollor. oil pump & all gaskots;ots. 788-4525.______1007 TRUCKS 302AT,$4950.734-90» f4So«^g?,Vlali 423- 3815 o r 465 Fiomnmoro 736-S581 ' i973.Suburban. 350 aulo, jckwood No. 1 Auto Part.s. 324-1 SACRfF4CEi -92 Rocky 24-ej2l_ 1974 potoibilt cab ovor, '8frr Nissan PU, chn -63eaotior_6pa______3rdsoat.$1000bostolfer.. Frontior. stoops 6 .7.1 7 0 0 7*16aulolraiiors,$1. ------t t t ’89 Chovy 4x4. V4 ionn jsaver- aots tires, asking i3£ $397 a mo. 423-4f8a188 ask l.e0Q.36S<}74242_____ -essg. Mon-Fri enm-SomSom 1 9 6 8 2 lonC hovyliuck, ______1986 Chovy S-lOoxloixiondod odo, only 2 5 . ^ mitostos. 350 Call726-958J______lor Ron or lonvo msn. OCum . axlo. 900 rubbor. 5 spd —— lioni 4 door, AC, cruise, i'l. . . - Now O odgo long bocbod bo* 1975 IH2070A290Ci *91 Mazda, AC. oxc. cflndct cab,4spoed, 81Km.hiJSl V-a.A^AC PW.CI $2999/oflor.324.23S3.____ •88,^500.734-8383.3^ ______mins. Iroch rods 4 mains,mni Spd axlo. now 22 tl. flail: TIONS b o d lin o r, g^roat anapol a h sloroo, trailer low BUICK IriJklTon 'Call324-5538. custom vrtioels, OPTIC ______76 Nova, aulo. 2 door, good .909 SNOWVEHICLES Rebuilt small block: 35350 on- 15 spd trans, Hendrick: ------$6500 oftor, 734-6905J5 S5200/ollor.734.8ie6.IS6. _ matching sholl. UKE I ndlo2l 1970 Cbovy iruck w/now 6:30- '82 Buick Skylark,, nei n s o d . e o n d.C all73M e7§------ANO EQUIPMEN!ENT gino. 4 bolt'main. fits 1967 susponsion. will handle ‘9 3 Nissan PU. DON’T•t 'pI a Y 1S88 Toyota 4 Runnormor, ex.- Call 733-8567 i clod lunl II- bod, Ono ol th oI nicestnie gino. 16t Eagle sell unio v m ile s, 7:30am & 4i9om: transmission work,, will sell Good running reliable comly —rn r or nowor luol In|ocl0( RETAILI Paid$13,000,too so l c o llo n t c o n d , low m U. Somo car, 1965 Chovy Caprice. 1966 Skl-Doo formula MX. vnhlcio Cnll 676-7035MS trucks in tho Magic VolloylVnll Tng pololo«ool bod hydi S;'a T now tires-. CaJ 733.264 -91 EXPLORER Sporl,t t t h T or uade lor small PU. S< long track, hand warm $ 10,000 FIRM, 436-5S6-5506 lie or oiecl., excel co . S9800.3000mIs,AC, iio o cash available. 654.2>4-2166 Air, o u lse , now radial tiros, “2!!2;___ P S , chrome packago, 1 llvorado loadod, 46Kmi. $14, »aoo. $2600. Call 324-376i6. ______-£2000. Call P34-4604- 'i005"A f^iQ U E A irrCjTOS------dnvsr436-0138oves—5:------$l2;ooo.'CoII Stovo K iToxcdi- - 543:8179 ovos.------l l r g - - - -e v o s . or loovo m essaoa loador 326-5646 or 734-1991.,'<•“* 0901 or 733^1298.- '93 700 Min. Cat. 1600>00 mis, ______1979 Bobcat with loai lonl cond. $10,900) or bosl m u s t SELL Iln. Cot 1929 Ford 2 door ludeu dorso- buckol. Ford industrial , $5500, -93 700 Min. Ifl?' on- 1973 Chovy ’A ton. AT.•. PS,I ■ ■’ ------ollor. Call 324.7129.I ------1986FordBroncoXLT,.T.302 I f 0 0 ^ I V EFI.700ml8.,WavoavoAg- dan Hiboy, choppoipod 4*. nine, $4000.768-4525. 1 1 = -^ .radioJUDESJUCELSlSI1695^ JQSOLJXi______IfiaOfoalt&cissUSSSrSSfiftj?L. VS. now oxhausi svsl. GEO PRIZM ^ r"* -grooslvotnreictism[rcKitFsi— SHnsffljnnbflTunrwtfrntlTTbar 'fgscnrr'Alby'grainlloiiy t f C Call 324.6021.______onta. automatic, axe. c o n 16000. 734-7577 roso.so, narrowoa. 934-8342 Sg- ; 142 days hoppor bottoms, good ii 1974 Chovy heavy %nSn t ie47W/lly'c Joop. CJCJ2A. '°Cna7Mg7°'^“______$8000 or offor. 733-3i er 934-4385 ovos. ______& brakes. $8500. 423-5£ '3-5059 sorvleo irujc. 543-/382,9 runs excollont, $150(so o or . — Now 2 placo till Iraikir.tr, S54S5. C ho v y 2 door f 4 S I 4 DOOR jr p o sl. or 423-4214. . bostolfof.423.5247. ov. S tk .# 3 p ? 5 _CnllS44.7S71. ■■ $1200/olfor&4 doo -r— T 1974 IH TravoI-AII. ru - - . r m ! loor so- i980Potoibillconvonlior 1971 Ford'4x4, SWB, 3 ' B'iIa T^ 1009 VANS* BUSES (’o"' $600/oflor. I X o i - i?oo«.^0-«23-45S4 _ ^ ’“vlSfosTMtet 810 SPORTING GOOD Both PS , AC. 63* walk-in tlo< 3 7 T 33x12x15* lires & whe. CONDITlOIMorods WU!> but roslorobto.bki.Call *or,aluminum IramoAo T o ll 1975 T oyoio pickup, ,7'^wi . ^400,,536-6733., . 733.6162 alter 5pm. lowbia s h o c am p o r, now Iiro J_____ $11.950. Call ^ 0 3 7 4 • l^lrampolinowiirtpdi '■ alumlnumwheois, nowJ M 1977 Oodge.4 door cr U S ’l?0»S ®)7 ”7' alter ■ ' 1 . 1957 Plymouth 4 dooloor so - CAM III 4 0 0 ongino'. 1®91 Chovy V4 ton oxtoi • Call733-0a89 c a b , Vt ion. P S , rocolcolvor e a b , 6 ’/4’ bod, AT, loai eofanyllmoon.woolgiImnds. Power Door Loeki»eka. Electronic Rear Window ansmis- spd, 370 rOai'onds,5 ,22< 4 6 ’ 1980 F-100with sholl, oxc" " X hllch,$2950._432,660a_ FM Casaette, Air Conditioning, 3 wliool oloctric golf c .2225 V^B. $18.000.423-5792792 condl $2500,637-4444, s ------Trlr pkg, Qlosstlghtth tlO D - 1978 VW Brown Vai now batlarlos, &.charit t — • 1960 Chovy Suburban IoO.eS- $1500.543-6612, fmoia Mirrors and much, much . , . oxcol cond, $400/bosltsioTlor. 0 1964 Ford Falrlanono SOO 24-pull troilor \vilh hay/oxton- 0x1 l983ChovySilvorado.m. Ion 4x4. Sllvorado, Iri odblos: 454 high porformanco e 566j____ 1986 Aerostar XLT. AT. 423-6411 altor 6pm. • Sporls'Coupe, omone ol sions; hoppor/llat oodbl 4rfun o f'd roar air, 3 seals, b :S ,4 x 4 . tow miles. ntee.733, every.o iorms, Hoallh Dopt^ < M S M Pii,.3.k.T«,im .B., lirm. S43-8348. ______thing now, robuili orir excol-o: proved, doiivory trucklekwiih * 19e6C hovySilvorado%Uton l 1980 OMC Solrra Claslassie 1992 Ford Exoioror 4x4 zonoor ' original. $7500/<30/ollor A-lraiho&nowbOOOfhoIf hoist. P U , 350 rogulor gas, AT,A 4 x 4 , AC. crulso. Iill.I, nnow m odal with XLT packi Brand now sot Slo^n AC, crulso, $5500. CCi oil p a in t, chrom o ') m s|G(oat ^ r atiN under warranty.^ly!^all ^®B7VW ^06l^Ii^ golt clubs with ^ mo S n S ^ ^call 788-9719 Call 939-8684.'- rain«r- - ^ - C t w ^ y SS S ir^icttrO 734-3648 aa?r 6pm------n ramod baor4g9«Sa76- redi j399S/otfor7a«fl5Tr io a h td l 1992 Ford XLT Club wi l i p s i ! ' - zppcB proioct, nmrowodd ror ar, on g , now p a in t, alsoso 2 yr 1966 Dodgo 0 5 0 , lowore DP Primo FU AIR STEPP ipoiior tim ed window s, sun rocool, 1980Toyota4x4,goodco »0n9W . . JBMOM oxcollont cortd, usod oxi d motal. old g o o so no ck Supoi 34-8129 24* trlr, dual tandomloxlos, 0x1 nico looking truck. CallCl now 33'tires, bost oilollor. 71 Bronco, lols ol extra ...... ' sivoly (in my droams). 736-8321. I. ^ aolHor $200:324.4616 'or 734-6620 12loncapacity,543-638-5362 934-5894. Coll 326-5633 , . tn«v» nAtli>».4609. Now W oidor powori t IloxI woighl noachino. Hass lo{log liti. buttorily lot. pull dow 340 lbs. In froo woiglsijlhts. ■ •. ' $475,736-7210attofg Schwinn Air«dyno oxorc(oreiso ■ - Uko, oxcol cond. $450.150. Coil ■ , ovos. 733.8369.______811 TRAVEL , , - TRAILERS i f i [ i s iEN n v ii 6 if o iRS 17' travol Irallor, eolt-ciIt-con- I ■ lalnod, good shapo. $17 Cnll 543-6800. 19662rShasta.lullys^ l*1984 CHFHRYSLERLeBAROtON c ^ i 2 9 C V UmOVBIMCADPRiam t S A T SI *1985 commINY PARK WAGON rooo.ees-ziiM.______■ MUST SELL11992 26'/^- IhTu'tone.full potver Potver seats, powerver tvindotvs-the\ works! Torry 6(h whool wiih sids ■______— 1991 MERIICURY TRACERR 1989 OODIDGE CARAVAN out. Immaculato conditlor »A.5S93. Blut In eeler. t, Front wherl drivr, vacat.leatlen rta d y ! FARMERS EXCHANGE»» 1984 WIIWJETTA4DR. Inttrier./ronl whtti drit • 1986 FORDDTAURUS TRADE •iN'SWELCOMIQME f l AircondUiiV//on/nj./ro«/ wheel drive n Front tvhtel drive, air cond., automatic trans. FIKANCINO AVAILABU THEtSEMMOnRS 733-3961. - J S B . .i k z M S O CIf utwrnumma Rooso friction control^ bl I* 1983 CHIHEVY CAMARO i- *1985 SUBARIUtUGL-104 0R. I wUh nlco oquolizof hitch lr B Aulemaliclrons^ai, dir cond., potver steering & brakes 1991 MERCURY COUGARI 1991 DOlODGE SPIRIT 1198989 GRAND MARQUIIIlS Air conditioning, stereoereo system, potver windows son whh toad iovoEng ban mt wheel drive, lotv miles Tu’h''u - lm , $160,734-7963 delttxe interitrJuU^t STARCRAFT — I* 1987 MAlAZDA 323 •1986MARQUlUIS BROUGHAM TEMTTRAILERS . • . I Floor-tfiounled transmiuion,fronl-tvhedIrt drive, } 4 7 7 _ J 4 dtfor, automatlcjv^rii<^rive trans., air conditioning

    vyondoll. 10.636-63^3,^ I H a n d p iiaked i Personaia//y Selectedi Autom obile 012 UTILITY TRAILERS 1 F r o mn Ford M oiorr Co. RepurCi<:hase P lan To t ?M s n E C IA L BUYS! I 12,000 GVW 16'utbtytralloi axMHonl condition, $120C 326.3262 Of 736-0766. 3 axle GoosonocK impteihonihom Irir, 6'6*x24' dock, $1900 0^1423.6272, '______Aulo Tow. (Its largo & smal cahi. $900. * 1 ^ 9 4 9 w m n t l SRCURYCOUBAI i Custom built trailor, 6x10^ I 1992 mlERCURY TOPAZU 1992i m oOLH TOWNCAR” ■ This cute cat Is fully equipped eqi Including oir condltionlr£ l99llltERlRCURY CAPRI exc lor motorcyclos or lowilawn ■ Fully e q u ip p o d wilh'Ilh a u lo m a tic tra n s m issio n , IroiIronl This Town Car Is equlppdcMd with pow er steering & brakes power sleoring & brakeskes, power s e a ts S v/lndows. sterlereo Practically no miles withvith removable1 sports hard.lop. mowors. brand nowiew, ■ w heel drive, air condllnditioning. pow er stooring & brakeakes. powrer se a ls & windows,s, pow er locks, air condllionlngIhg. syslem & morel A m uis st t aee1 i air.condillonira. com ^etehlately toaded! F un to drive! tiaoo/olfer. 326-5007 un ■ pow er s e a ts & windowSows, cruise control-all th e opiionsions, stereo, cruise control, tillI slsteering wheel & morel . Like nowl Suporior gooB« ■ Tlieisen Motors)rs Low Overhead Price...p... Thelsen Motors LlLow Overhead Price... SPEI UMLBUY nock 24' troilor, 2 years old ECIALBUY d u ^ tandom axles, 12 tor caffrty. 64^5362.------Uliiaylrlr, 6'xl0'x3'. brakes,isr I Q\ l 8 8 8 _ * 2 0 .>■995i * 1 2m S 8 M 9 £ ^^Mmgl0|0j82iggg^« 990 “ M 'E m m ett y^U TTison's •Momoa8fBowttQ.A.4.C . r r h e H e ^fjencC e Continuess:..Our Sifputai:ation Qroxus 1 HE ISIEN M 1 0 1r o iRS J t i F o r Y eears i & Years The Easiest■t R face in Tht'le World Tp BBuy A Car 1001 AVIATION . -.1^.761 Mai H eart of-B eieautlful DowijmtoVtfn^l^lit 7 3 3 - 2 1 2 0 . Private pitot ground aehooL Stam[Mare#J 27.734-30677* BipHflpflflB =: -f '.."I

    vV i ScSaturday, M arch 2 7 .1 9 9 3 TinTlmos.News, Twin Falls, Idaho D-7 . 1034-IOS ^ l - i E EIS EN I I V l 1D34 DATSUN F o i

    7 9 5 or ' m m - m h ia oitof. Soil 324.320i^ £ 1 1 . 1037 DODGE H vavnmm iM filiimo » ON i ISSO FIt IM I BSRD ■ A H Y mm i m im R D U m i f S im m I com 1972 ford Movorick lit» g> Oneof)hem. railed , m" beoutifulcofsirs me U n p o r t i l -SS— cucrsnoten! comfort & 1072 rodLTO.Sdr,0X1 Lusi j , 1081 Escort w agon. $eO( b a a oltof. 7 3 3 ^ 8 9 0 .. 19Q7 T au ru s w a s o n .v low m los. oxe. cood,$6i IV mako oWof. 734-7408S r ______mllos, now liros andi’dffi- t —iiBFi ' tory, SIOOO. Calt 736-7:6-7210 . J >. 9 3 G R J ) ARQUFS LOU)taT uw Tt Wi’W W i ^ N i r p . niWkH ------87 Tauras LX staKon wac E S S E m w y. «3WERS7E£»Wft ' llko now . 6 0 .0 0 0 mU W H®? iwwoows;'ws; cnmsecoKTROL. the woma B e a u t j f u l ch inM a bBLUE METALLIC. SOFTMATCHINIING CALFSKIN IN7EF/0/J. HEYLESS. & •FORD MOTIITOR SPECIAL DISCOUNT;m:SSOa -THEISENMOIOTDK DISCOUNT: S347C[70 POWER BRAKES.>, PlPOWER SEATS, POWER tVINOOWJWS, SPEED CO rm O L, POWER DOOIDOOR LOCKS, REAR WINDOW EM, THE w o r k s ! ! dipon •FOR^MOTIitors; GASH TO YOU: $$1500 -TOTALSAVII1N6S: ^ 77 0 0 D EW5STEB, /m CUMATE CONTROL AIR: CONDITIONING.0 STEREO SYSTEM, ' •OOCrown.Vlcloriau'4 rosowood’eolorinsld' 99 Y O U i out. fully loadod. eari l THEISENi MOTORS LOW I WAS *35,799 prico. * f2 .0 0 0 . O u1!^! r pr OVERHEiEADPflYMENL...,L » 1 ^ 8 .MBI NOW *27,991196 SAVE * 7 , 8 r 0 3 1044 HONDA © l9B3HortdaAecord4dc 4 to . (• . 6spd.alr.bwmlloaoo.l boon kopi in sto ra g o» . e a s s ; choose, eonditfan.'Call78ej7S5 ghen 1066 Honda proludo. ^2.0 croiud u)*! loadod. s u n ro o f, aski , , i f f i . — ------WgQ0.-42a.6g7S.------£ -84Clvic4drsodan. AC.l L pricc! , ' AM/FM cassotto,’93K rr nico Inlorior. ru n s woll,oil. Ex- ' c o ^ P Q ^ I^ u ^ h t^ a1 Ir^uirucki y 4 . PPM '01 Accord LX. won mam ain- talnod,-sharp. WHYfcFYbuy now? 734:7606,______•i ------1048 - B i J ^ ------T 1 9 9 3IMERCURYr V I I U G E RR -W A G O N i _ V 9 9 e m i t S lm E r G S . En jo y a ir coNdiTionilONINft KOOM hJR 7 PASSENMRS, STEREOST. SYSTEM; POWER STEERING.C. ClCRUISE CONTROL.. FRONT WHEEL 1066 Ituzu Doluxe mod3 Me m 5 DRIVE. HEAR WINDOWVi DlDEFROSTER, POWER BRAKES. POWElVER mROHS. POWER DOOR LOCKS.S, VIm.TSTC£R/NC. DELUKE INTERIOR. -tongbod. cassone.PSr e BEA im W LXV LY EQUIPPED w m AOTOMATTC OVERIVEROR/VE TRANSMJSSK5N,'a;R CONJNDmONING, DUAL AiR BAGS, Emit od slip roar ond, 4 Sspe o d POWERSR STEERIW POWER BRAKES,' TWINN aCOMFOKT LOUNGE SEATS WTTHi IIINOmXJAL RECUNERS. V-21 C r y s t a l B lu e • V -2 2 E le c tTRic r . R e d • V -2 3 S il v e r • V-241-24 G lacier Blue tninsmkslon. now dutciutch,

    lO.OOOmlUM, you install,IE THEISEN IMOTORS LOW ' i THEISEN MMOTORS LOW i j drivo lino. $ 1600/oltor. OVERHEAAD PRICE...... JM f OVERHEADID PRICE...... 1 1 7 J8 8 8 1087 Isuzu Impulse,.g go o o d - cond, AC. c ru is e , (in,it, bra,b ^ tufbo. 89,000 ml. Conlfl 734-7; - ■ Ves 42tO aHof S om weokdavtdftvs- 1987 isuzu Troopor II. 4door.5spoed.4eyL. 86,000 mUos. E x c conc»n d . ^ _____^.800.324-5850. Isuzu 1-Mark 3 d r hatchba 1987, AC. storoo w /am a 1 _»d.fe99Wnof..43fr4^ \ -.1050 JEEP W ! 1076 Jo m W agonoor, 4x44x4,4 door. $7265. fe3.799S . 1977JoopWagono«r,$& ' or bost'oltor, n o o d s woi 73Mg6ao.j313W6« 1 9 9mC U R Y C(: o i i e A i^ i 1 9 99 3 HON(IDA 4 DDOOR ^3 MER< 5. T h is H ondNOA/ HAS FRONT W H ^L DftOlE. AIRIR BAG. REMOTE MIRROR. REAR WINDOWWINI DEFROSTER, ■■ POWER BRAKES, POWER WINDOWS. '• ’e s Jo o p C h o r o k o e , 2

    I 1057 UNCOLM ~ THIISENMOTIiroRSLOw$| E J theisenmotor:IRS10W $ A f t iee9ConlInontal. 57Kn rwENT..... y , y t lesihor Intorior, mint »con OVERHEAD PNPRICE..... 7 ’MB'.MO. OVERHEAD PAYM IW /'t ______110.400.73»7^. J 5 - \Mm MAfrlS WHY lOUlPPtt^raAlfrPgKfO,*^[JJ j ...- ^pEESjaxwoud^ ^ W IC^^M ^ riUEO WITli OAS. ^ .1062 MERCEDES BENZ 1B73MQreede«Benz,4( SE. «3400 or oflsr.i 'cCi i i i 432-6S42. ______1063 MERCURY i,

    1084 Morcury Lynx. 4 ^ooT,doc : AT, PS, PB, new tirei 072. •

    1066 MTTSUBISHI r C U R Y 1r R A C E RI 1 9 993 TRACC E R WA<^ G O N 1 6 'w H o e ls .« p ^ , loadoi 93 MER< i-F M STEREOtASSETTE. A IR COI*O N O m O N IN G , POWER WINDOWS.3WS. POWER OOOR LOCKS. • i 1 ;, POWEff BRAKES..REAR WINDOWVDEntOSTER, C nNTED CLASS, JtZ-lOl wrmAM-Fl _Ewoond»egaa4-S56(^ 1>ilS FINS FAM.AMB.y o w MW POWER CTEEmNO. « VTROL POWER DRIVER'S SEAT. &i AUALL THE GOODIES! fROWr WHEa DRIVE. AIR CONDm OaUXE fNTER/OR, &^ ^MUCH MORE/ ’ TILT STEERINGING WHEEL. fINCEKTTP SPEED CONTI 'T070 O U } ^ B I L E £ 0 5 8 I THEISEN MOlOTORSLOW i 1976 d d s C udass Supromi^ THEISEN MOTORSH LOW ^F * P!9rPiRMo.). OVERHEADII PAYMENT..... t S m i l o . OVERHEAIIVD PAYMENT.....^ ^ 1 8 REMn). NOT OME C£NT oor Of YOOR 1961 08 Rofioncy, dioso pnoM Fohd Monw1 Co, & $400 5 Firstr Time Buter's bonus. 8.25% APR. 72 n m ThiseCAimnn. car is m boautiU carl U sos ^ rur ,C.,-8AIES T« wauKO IH THIS PAWtfKTOT. Wini A WtfElBASE Of 98,4% & THE 1.52. OCLtVERED AMYWHERE IN IME =ty;ssmiF®'S: MAOICVAlltYflLUDWITlviT>i(M. Salcs-tax INaUOCO. 1 tQroall«00tirm.32^t_e WK. Otuvm o ANVW>IER£ IN TKE MaCIC:iCVAlUYFIUEDWIp

    . jSb^S'feVolle^yiSyiJ; :" •4559 alter S « n a wknd>_s m f COUPEE 1 9 «9 3 T O ^i»AZ 4 D(IOOR - 1084 SUBARU 1 9 9 ; z s p o m 3R, FRONT W7IEEL DRA^ AIR CONDmmONINO. TTLT STEERING. A0TT5MATIC/JTIC TRATsSMISSION, TILT STEER. ^ 3 l< 0 ^ 3w *T-93 P l u s h interior, i :—r '£-115 Y o u w ±tL/UWECHTE L . THE Am OONDmOMTOANG, fTONT WHEEL Vf STER£0fc«SET7E, REAR WINDOW DECHUD & WOGAGE RACK. INC WMEEL. POWER LOCKat CCROyP, REAR WINDOW DEFROSimat. SPEED CONTROL POWER WINDOWSX3WS. AM/FM STEREOCASSETJE. •I' 1961sass&i'”- S u b a ru G L F , (■Iron! r ^ DEFROSTER,X . UGHT O ja jft-T jm D CLASS. POMOWER STEERMG, POWER BRAKES, OE jr THEISEN MOTORSA LOW ^ } THEISEN MOlOTORSLOW $ P W P i B MO.0. OVERHEADII PAYMENT...;. > 2 0 1 ^ OVERHEAI\D PAYMENT..... 18. ocrtnReo $15,042.24. rS, 72 H0KIM8,8.65 APR. S2588.22» sVi„«,j;tij|gg.6|M 6 wmi NO MOHfv oM i OAC J2 moniOHtw, 8.90 APR. iHttflEST 53465,18. t> Sau PRICE $9584, wn OC FEES. SAUS lAx iwauoco. OtirviREtRED AinWltB£ IW THE MAdcVAlliY mnu£DWTHCA^__^^^ ill loee' ^ K i'' ______WTtREST, NO C MaCIC VALltY nU£D WIIH OAS. 1087 Sanwral $3000 or bei DEALER RETAlNlNS REBATES. IFANY ‘Uie £^gi.gencC Continues•s...Our Hi^putatation Qroios ' oHer.Newislobeoo^iSf. *Bmmett^y^rrison's- ■ ed. Can be seen al 61i6 1 9 -

    1087 TOYOTA ’63 T oyota l o t ^ b o d , AC ■ g t o r f 3 g 4 ^ ______I 1089 VOLKSWAGEN T HE i S IEN M 1 0 1r o rRS I F or Ye.’ears & Years3’The Easiest' , i P lace I n T hhe > World To EB uy A C ar I '6eWVbug.newp^nt.tlrM I B' 701 Mslaiin Ave. E. in T h e3 Heart of Beeautiful Doww ntpw n TWin1 F ails - 7733-7700 IT’’b iiiiiin i j ::\ • ; V •

    0-B ' Tlmos-Nows, Twinvin IFolls. Idotio Saturday. MtMnrch 27.1993


    I H ^ ’ 5 ^ 3 \ ' m^Spl i l ■ xsssi. Wim I ^ I I \

    H f f o Tr » J ( ^ ; f l l ' r n m '■B- '■'•"■'aiZ^%r!^ ■■ . I ||Ti ir«e H m i | | S3"’ ■ ■ ■

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    I IrstbS?*^w II V j ^ > X iik I »'E,-.„.. K T^7«jT^r^^H fj ir«^ H ...... I ii*ss? 9 r « 'j I I f • ;j rn ii >.W iV M I |il""^;^=- M

    '-;tt~ '- 7 ^ ' V-' _'V.;.'r..;;,J/:,:^V<:"

    I —.All Unit'nlta Subject To Prior Sale ~~ S a le D o e s N o t In c lu d c DocDodg^ Intrepid, Chxytler Cotloncorde. Eagle Vision, Grama n d C h e r o k M O r.C lu b C alb b Diesel*C — "Fadbry Ihvoin« M a y N o t R e flec t D ea le rsiActualCost A< —

    , | g h f l w l l ■Qh I IIQiiectivef7 fp - i ; tim t'^ H V Idaho • 733- j s j l

    ’’. ;■ .. .::''''? i :,V‘ : , ■ ■ -.••'yT'.’- .- .- ' ' ^ '^:.------a: - - : J ______^