V ' ■ . / • . ' I • ’ 31i e ^ V G o o d T i waofning Y e lts i n i m i p e a c;h m e ililt e f ififtr ts s t a l l Today’s forecast:st: \ Knight Ridder News Semvice o “ Res.esign!” deputy V ladim ir TikTikhono^de- But Yeltsin insisl- Mostly cloudy w ith:th scaflered showers m andeded Friday, charging that Y e ltsin ’s I ud h e w o u ld ' go emoonund evening i H l \ and a chance of aftem MOSCOW — A.crusaiisade to impeach' “shockck iheropy” reform s for thcc rapidr irons- allend with an April ghs 53 fs 58. Lows , thundershowers. Highs President Boris Yeltsin stalltolled.in mid-bottle formaiation to ^ free market-et- had only 25 picbiscitc on his vinds. r near 30. Light west win Fridoy, g iv in g w ay to a scaiscorch for compro- “pushchcd Russia back into lhe; 118lh centu-, rule, a new constitu­ P a g e A Z J miso in a crisis that couldId Ulead to presiden- ryj' i i t j S i T B l - tion heavy on presi­ tial and p o rliam cntary electlK tions in o u tu m n . Ouisilside the Kremlin hall, 0 fevfew thousand dential powers und Vice President Alexam:ander Rutskoi, a commimunists,'nationalists nnd mmonarchists an election luw abol­ Y eltsin a lly tu rn e d foe, bliblostcd the pr^si- 'waved:d flogs nnd chantcd onti-Yi-YcIlsin-slo-^ ishing the Congress ----------------------------- ------------- dcnfancl'his adviserS'forthrthcir“dcmocrBlic—ganrsi -such-ar“Trcason}"You-sol( :old'us'to'thc~^^^K w | and its smaller stand; Woman collects\s <erasers rromanticism” and econotnlomic bungling in Amcricricnns and'the Z ionists.” ‘ what one supporter dubbedbed "his first cam- ButIt 1thc hard-liners’ prospects:ts victory Shirley W eek s o f■ JeJerome owns more ^ paign sp ccch .” sqnk aftera Constitutional Counm C hairm an ing^parliamcntrtlic ------------ than 5.000 pencil eraserisers. P Hard'line Yeltsin critic:ities niay still de- Volcryry Zorkin ofTered a I0>poinoinl compro- Rutskislioi . ' YellsinI Khasbulatov Supreme Soviei. mand an impcachmenill vvote when the mtse tcto "resolve 0 power struggfi Iter said the president wouliuid ac- jjj jj, legal lungua{j Congres.s appoinl- cC ongress o f P e o p le ’s Depui:puties resumes an Yelisirilin and law m okers that lins n ov ed u coininillee 10 cept the fonformation of a “National Ha^arnio- clear whcilicr Yells Gay comic strip . eemergency meeting called■led to c o n s id e r a o f civilrilw or. put Z o rk in 's- propo.s- P mment and early prcsidcniia:ial and accep t som e o f Eort decision not^'*hia ppresidential p o w e r grab thoithot was ruled un- • Yelt!iltsin told Ihc d ep u ties heIC 'welcomed govcmir ;uage. although it wus not The Times-News' de ; elections._______________^ —the—For-Bettcr-or.FoFor-Worsc!!-ccmic- - . cconstituUonal. _____________________< I som e: 0o f Zorkin’s points, ahd a1 totop political .jlr'SJsJoth^I elisin or lhe deputies could strip has gained intematnational attention. Zorkin’s o th e r p o in is. P a g e B I --------------'— J — _PIease.see_RUSSIA/A2...... Scientist worrieses about earth \^orkerj ^’homekless- Schc . - - -Helen-Goldicott,-a phphysicianand-onvi- ------------ ronmental scientist, toldold a Sun V alley au* lOOl _ dience the earth w ill die jn lO^Kirs.^^. yountigstersi schools fun(j I By Mitchell i U i i i B H a T im es-N ew s w riter d in g TW IN F A L L S - A sirsingle woman liv- Cracking downI on0 crim e ;les to m ake a liv in g unse ing in a c a m p e r struggles Nex month. Heyburnum will have police os a waitress and to findnd 1time to help two covcroge 24 hours a dayda> for thc first time children do homework,rk. She must leave T b e A ssociated lettledPrct in years. thc tra ile r c o u n wiihin,.two twi weeks. P » g e B 3 • A 6 -y c a r-o ld boy’ tritries to leam how BOISE— TheiPress to r e a d ^ h i l e ^ e v i n g: foifor his mother and ' to rcach agreement brother who died in a ccar accident last n e x t y e a r 's .stntc;ie Housed u n d .Senjuc failed year. schools, the lasllent r Friday over the size of • F o u r sch o o l childrenren do hom ew ork in Lcgislnlurc andite ad aid packagc for public CSI events ’ | a tiny apartment withh cone room and a session. 1 sl roadblock bclwecn lhe kitchenette. A fte r a seriesI oadjournment f 1 o f the 1993 College ofSouthcm Idahot continued “A lot o f the pcopic wc work wilh have e ach cham ber, Hou on a tournam ent w eckcrkcnd w ith rodeo and been knocked down.” saisaid Dawn B o y d , a w h a t Speaker Mich baseball events at thee EExpo and Frontier o fclosed> door caucuses in social worker for Twi‘w in F o ils P u b l i c f m foot called the Housefina Republicans olTcred Field respectively. Schools. thc original House [ P a g « B 6 - /lichaci Simpson o f Black- Twin Falls is one of)f ssix Idaho school state aid and iliefinal Se compromise bclwecn districts to rcccive Stuaituart B. M cKinney ■ ■ m i llio n r - ;-------------isc plan for S 5 2 5 m illion in Hoosiers vs. Jayhyhawks H o m eless A ssista n c e: AiAct grants. Boyd ; Senaie uliemativc at S530 • •• Indiona'and KansasIS pplay a rematch of and Germaine Ruhter.er. onother social on early season win by thc Jayhawks for w orker, a rc p a id from the grant. the N C A A M idw est RRegional ej title today. T h e p a ir b eg an woricinrfcing last m onth to Id a h o f t i g e B 6 meet the wide-ranging'ng'needs of Twin ■ Falls childrea-who do not hove a h o m e o r - who are living in substantlandord housing.- • Re^onal finals pipairings; . Ruhter and Boyd cohtaihtact locol agencies. • But after on hou Cincinnati advancesistothefmals^ofthe t< to fin d - f o o d , J o d g in g; aiand clothing for-' Senate Republic NCAA East Regionallal with a 17-point . needy students. They als'also track children ] w h e th e r they wnnteihour behind' closed doors, win o v e r Virginia. - to make sure.they attendhd :school and tutor 1 fe r a n d said iheyjlican wc ■ em erged unsure P a ^ B 6 children who have fallenlien behind in'their. and find a seitlemeninted latake the counter of- snidies. <* . < ; The House cdm[/ would make a decision — Ruhter and Boyd hnvhove worked with million in aid forthmenl — on S a iu rd a y . about 50 kids from graderade school to 12th ' d u d tion from S300,(dmpromisc calls for S528 grade in six weeks on1 ththe job. T h e y a re fbr .spcciol program!)rthe 113 districts.but a re- Figiitiiig the goodod figlit getting m ore referrals us 1teachers tmd od- ffudcnt^climinotioi00,000 10 S200.000 in cash m inistrators leam w hatt they’rethi doiiig. {*ram in w hich ramsvel for gifted and talented ■FormprpnZBnghtcrJ:rJrCrHicka-is now - --- Whcn-they hear of a0 needy child, they. itookics an d jusl alionhall ofS850.000 fora pro- am ih iste r— in,Tw inI FoFalls and beyond. | . meet the child’s parentsIts :and get permis- lion originally com . w ---- -------------------------------- veieran teachers' help out P a g « B 4 --------- ■.7 sidh’ fo provrde,servicescesrlfthe'parents— tb fo rm projects inhalfbf si the nearly SI.7 tnil- . refu se, R u h te r an d Boy<;oyd at least m ake . ___ _LEhc_cxtra.Sl.millsormarRed for pilot school Sensationalisni marksm probe' sure the kids htive era}sroydns and note- v/ould be withdrnvin six individual schools. ....... - books. b u d g e t reserve occo Did the;minis(er try to strangle his million in thc comnromise Sometimes'they sim[imply spend tim e “W e hnd to grab ' wife? T he trial begins. irown from the dwindling w ith ch ild ren . S528 million.” iccounl.Sim P a g e B S led. a boy w h o w a s Ruhter said she asked. th e re co u ld bc rabson- pcopic to b rin g ii up to ,why he wos down. - ‘ looking glum one day.wh just how thc moneySimpson said. But hc said He told her that he wass sad that his m o th - sa Senate Republicsome negotiating room in : e r w as d e a d . Dnvid Kcrrickncy of is spenl. , I ' Ruhter told thc boy he couldI talk to Kis ANOY ARENZmw TknM44«» - ' “se e m s to bc a mocblican Caucus Chairman i mother “In his head."” A little later thc . Hands-on approaoach j " vorking In th e Twin Fall:,llg maybe go to the: of S Caldwell said there boy was smiling, and whiwhen Ruhter asked Dawiwn Boyd^ left;' ahd Gorrarmainoi Ruhter are woi . Jl maybe oiler some c ' . The p resident w ith a p enchant for polir mood wiihin the caucus to ' why, he said he wos; tatalking with his' -Schchool District to meet thcthe needs of hom eless}s and Impoverished chil proposals in their of )in g d e ta ils o f th e :ie S528 m illio n a n d then I ' cy minutiae is shapin; m other in h is head, ond1 shshe was funny.
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