Policies and Guidelines Sustainable Urban Infrastructure

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Policies and Guidelines Sustainable Urban Infrastructure Sustainable Urban Infrastructure Chicago Department of Transportation Policies and Volume 1 Guidelines MAY 2014 EDITION 2 Sustainable Urban Infrastructure: Policies and Guidelines - Vol 1 August 2014 Chicago Department of Transportation TABLE OF CONTENTS Letter from the Mayor 5 Letter from the Commissioner 7 1.0 INTRODUCTION 4.0 IMPLEMENTATION 1.1 Philosophy 10 4.1 Processes 78 1.2 Document Development 26 4.2 Matrices 80 4.3 Worksheets 90 2.0 PRIORITIES + POLICIES 4.4 Illustrative Scenarios 92 2.1 Sustainable Infrastructure 4.5 Use of this Manual 110 Performance Standards 32 2.2 Environmental Categories, Objectives, Requirements, 5.0 CONCLUSION Organization 34 5.1 Public Process and Professional Contributions 114 W Water Energy EN 5.2 Ongoing Committees 115 mw Materials and Waste ca Climate and Air Quality 5.3 Acknowledgements 116 bc Beauty and Community Task Force Members 117 UE Urban Ecology 5.4 Commissioning CM 5.5 Glossary 120 Photo Credits 122 3.0 METHodoloGY 5.6 3.1 Applying Sustainability to Chicago Streets 70 3.2 Strategies 72 Chicago Department of Transportation August 2014 Sustainable Urban Infrastructure: Policies and Guidelines Vol 1 3 4 Sustainable Urban Infrastructure: Policies and Guidelines - Vol 1 August 2014 Chicago Department of Transportation OFFICE OF THE MAYOR CITY OF CHICAGO 121 N. LaSalle Street • Chicago, Illinois 60602 www.cityofchicago.org • @chicagosmayor Dear Fellow Chicagoans, Bicycling is an integral part of Chicago’s transportation system. Everyday thousands of people bike on our streets, whether it is to ride to work, to the store, or for recreation. As we grow as a city it is imperative that our streets include safe bicycle infrastructure that encouragesOFFICE all residents OF THE - young, MAYOR old and in between – to ride their bike. Bicycling is a reliable, fast, affordable, healthy, and fun form of transportation. Developing this infrastructure will improve the quality of life for all CITY OF CHICAGO Chicagoans and will catalyze economic growth in the neighborhoods throughout our City by improving access to homes and businesses. 121 N. LaSalle Street • Chicago, Illinois 60602 www.cityofchicago.org • @chicagosmayor My vision is to make Chicago the most bike friendly city in the United States. The Streets for Cycling Plan 2020 helps bring thisDear vision Fellow to Chicagoans, reality by identifying a 645-mile network of on-street bikeways that will encourage all Chicagoans to ride their bike.Dear By Fellow 2020, we Chicagoans, will build more protected bike lanes than any other city in the country, redesign intersections to ensure theyWhen are we safer released for bicyclists, Sustainable and Chicago improve 2015 hundreds last year of miles I stated of residentialthat “A sustainable streets for Chicago bicyclists, is a pedestrians,city that spends and less the on people energyBicycling use is with an integraleach passing part of year, Chicago’s creates transportation good-paying system.jobs in up-and-comingEveryday thousands industries, of people responsibly bike on maintainsour streets, and whether that live on them. upgradesit is to ride its toinfrastructure, work, to the and store, ensures or for every recreation. Chicagoan As we has grow the opportunity as a city it isto imperativelive a healthy that and our active streets lifestyle.” include safe bicycle Bestinfrastructure of all, these that improvements encourages doall notresidents just benefit - young, bicyclists. old and Theyin between also benefit – to ride pedestrians their bike. and Bicycling motorists is by a reliable,making ourfast, The “Sustainable Urban Infrastructure Guidelines and Policies” fulfills many of those goals. Our city’s commitment to create streetsaffordable, safer. healthy, They will and be fun safer form to ofwalk transportation. and drive on byDeveloping encouraging this motoristsinfrastructure to drive will theimprove posted the speed quality limit, of andlife forthey all a sustainable city is more fully realized by implementing this document. It will help create a healthier, more beautiful city, willChicagoans be safer because and will pedestrians catalyze economic and motorists growth will in havethe neighborhoods a better knowledge throughout of where our and City when by improvingto expect toaccess see bicyclists. to homes drive the creation of new “green” jobs, and make our infrastructure more resilient. and businesses. I look forward to riding along with the Department of Transportation and the citizens of Chicago as we implement this plan The Chicago Department of Transportation—along with all of those who participated in creating this document—have andMy transformvision is to into make the Chicago most bike-friendly the most bike city friendly in the country. city in the United States. The Streets for Cycling Plan 2020 helps bring helped advance Chicago’s goal of becoming the most sustainable city in the country, and I thank you for your interest, this vision to reality by identifying a 645-mile network of on-street bikeways that will encourage all Chicagoans to ride their Sincerely,support and commitment to our city. Working together, we make Chicago a great place to live, work, and play. bike. By 2020, we will build more protected bike lanes than any other city in the country, redesign intersections to ensure they are safer for bicyclists, and improve hundreds of miles of residential streets for bicyclists, pedestrians, and the people that live on them. Best of all, these improvements do not just benefit bicyclists. They also benefit pedestrians and motorists by making our streets safer. They will be safer to walk and drive on by encouraging motorists to drive the posted speed limit, and they will be safer because pedestrians and motorists will have a better knowledge of where and when to expect to see bicyclists. RahmRahm Eman Emanueluel I look forward to riding along with the Department of Transportation and the citizens of Chicago as we implement this plan MayorMayor and transform into the most bike-friendly city in the country. 5 Sincerely, DRAFT Rahm Emanuel Chicago Department of Transportation August 2014 Sustainable Urban Infrastructure: Policies and Guidelines Vol 1 5 Mayor DRAFT 5 6 Sustainable Urban Infrastructure: Policies and Guidelines - Vol 1 August 2014 Chicago Department of Transportation DEPARTMENT OF TRANSPORTATION CITY OF CHICAGO 30 N. LaSalle Street, Suite 1100 • Chicago, Illinois 60602 www.chicagodot.org • @ChicagoDOT Dear Friends, Dear Friends, In 2012, Chicago Forward laid out the vision for Chicago’s transportation network. It committed to “Ensure that Chicago continuesMaking our to bestreets a vibrant safer forinternational bicycling willcity, benefit successfully all Chicagoans. competing We in wantthe global all Chicagoans, economy withfrom a an transportation eight year old system just learning thatto rideprovides their bikehigh-quality to an eighty service year to old,residents, to have businesses the opportunity and visitors to ride - anda system feel safe that onoffers our City’sa solid streets. foundation However, for the the only city,way regional we can andaccomplish national thiseconomies, is to build yet bicycle is sensitive infrastructure to its communities that makes and them environment.” feel safer and The more report comfortable. shared concrete, measurable goals to achieving that vision. More specifically, in A More Sustainable City chapter CDOT committed to continueThis plan to wasbe a developedleader in innovating through aand partnership demonstrating between to the the nation Department the value ofand Transportation viability of building and the sustainably. citizens of Chicago. Chicago is a city of neighborhoods and the people that know each neighborhood best are those that bike, walk, and drive The Sustainable Urban Infrastructure Guidelines and Policies encapsulates all of the innovative techniques we have been employingthem on afor daily years basis. and We expands are incredibly to incorporate thankful new to elementsall who shared in our theirwork thoughtsto further andcreate experiences a sustainable on bicycling infrastructure in Chicago forwith our us. residents, businesses and visitors. The purpose of the Sustainable Urban Infrastructure Guidelines was to establish an agency and city-wide approach for integrating environmental performance goals into infrastructure design. It focuses onThe all Streetsaspects forof ourCycling infrastructure Plan 2020 including bikeway water, network energy, connects materials destinations & waste, placemaking, and neighborhoods economics, for commissioning,residents throughout urbanChicago. ecology, When and complete, climate & Chicagoair quality. will These have policies hundreds are fullyof miles aligned of andbarrier integrated and buffer with theprotected complete bike streets lanes, process bike lanes, andneighborhood comprise a progressivegreenways, set and of additional guidelines innovativefor infrastructure treatments and thethat public will create realm. safer The transportationstreets for bicyclists, right-of-way pedestrians is an and essential component for improving environmental conditions as well as mobility and accessibility in Chicago. motorists. This August, 2014 edition of the Sustainable Urban Infrastructure Guidelines and Policies reflects the feedback from a year-longThe plan implementation includes a 645-mile phase network and ensures of bicycle the successful facilities adoption throughout of the all requirementsof Chicago’s neighborhoods.and policies set forth The within overall
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