Healthy Benefits of Green Infrastructure in Communities
Healthy Benefits of Green Infrastructure in Communities What is Green Infrastructure? to the natural environment, reduces discharges associated with exposure to harmful substances pollutant loading, flooding, When rain falls on our roofs, and conditions, provides combined sewer overflow (CSO) streets, and parking lots, the water opportunity for recreation and events, and erosion. cannot soak into the ground as it physical activity, improves safety, should. If not managed well, it can Reducing these stormwater-related promotes community identity and a lead to flooding, sewer overflows, impacts also reduces a person’s sense of well-being, and provides and water pollution. Unlike exposure to water pollution and economic benefits at both the conventional gray infrastructure, flooding-related health hazards and community and household level. which uses pipes, storm drains, their associated health outcomes, and treatment facilities to manage These benefits are all known to such as waterborne illness, stormwater, green infrastructure directly or indirectly benefit public respiratory disease and asthma uses vegetation, soils, and other health. The degree to which the associated with mold and bacteria, natural landscape features to environmental, social, economic, vector-borne disease, stress, manage wet weather impacts, and public health benefits of green injury, and death. Trees, bushes, reduce and treat stormwater at its infrastructure are realized is and greenery have the ability to source, and create sustainable and dependent on a number of factors, absorb air pollutants and trap healthy communities. including the design, installation, airborne particulates on their and maintenance of the green leaves, reduce surface and air Green infrastructure can include infrastructure features. temperatures through shading and features such as rain gardens, evapotranspiration, and provide a bioswales, planter boxes and physical barrier to traffic and street planting strips, urban tree The City of Philadelphia Triple [5] noise pollution.
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