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Vol. 120, No. 25 June 26, 2009 7301 Fifth Avenue NE Suite A, Seattle, WA 98115 Tel (800) 305-0217 • www.norway.com $1.50 per copy Online News Dateline Still split on whether to join EU Battle against file sharing Recent poll shows starts in Norway Movie and record companies growing opposition want Norwegian operator to Norwegian EU Telenor to block access to membership, but the Pirate Bay file-sharing site and have filed documents final decision won’t in a Norwegian district be made in the near court seeking a temporary injunction. The battle between future Telenor and movie and record Sp e c i a l Re l e a s e companies has been brewing Norwegian American Weekly Staff for a couple of months. In February, a number of industry Sentio Research Norway organizations, including the recently asked a representative International Federation of 1,000 on their view on the Phonographic Industry, Norwegian EU membership. The which is also involved in the result of the poll was published case against the people behind in three Norwegian newspapers Pirate Bay in Sweden, sent (Nationen, Klassekampen and a warning letter to Telenor Magazinet). The main result is that demanding that it shut down there is still a massive opposition access to Pirate Bay, but to European Union membership in Telenor rejected the idea. Norway. (www.pcworld.com) The poll shows that 54.3 percent of those asked are opposed Goliat approved by to Norwegian EU membership, Norwegian Parliment Image courtesy of europa.eu. EU countries are yellow, EU candidate countries are blue and other European countries are gray. The Norwegian Parliament CONTINUES PAGE 13 Stortinget has approved the plan for development and operation of the Goliat oil Making a difference field in the Barents Sea. The 40 years of oil Minister of Foreign Affairs Johas approval is a step further in the realization of the first ever This year marks an important Gahr Støre visits New York City on oil field development in this area. (Barents Observer) anniversary for Norway June 14 What’s inside? Be r i t He s s e n News 2-3 Managing Editor Business 4 More than 100 people showed Sports 5 up to listen to Jonas Gahr Støre, Op-Ed Norway’s Minister of Foreign 6-7 Affairs, talk about his book, “Å Taste of Norway 8 gjøre en forskjell” (Making a difference) on June 14. The book Travels to Norway 9 presentation took place at The Roots & Connections 10 Norwegian Seamen’s Church in New York City. Faith & Religion 11 To start off the evening, the Arts & Entertainment incredible talented Norwegian 12 composer and pianist, Ola Gjeilo In Your Neighborhood 13 (31), who has been based in the Photo: Norwegian Petroleum Directorate New York City for the last five Norwegian Heritage 14 1970: Industry minister Sverre W. Rostoft proudly displays the first petrol made years, performed two songs from Education 15 from Norwegian oil—a few drops from Balder. his new piano CD, “Stone Rose.” Ch r i s t y Ol s e n Fi e l d years of exploring. As of 1969, the Gjeilo is actually mentioned in Photo: Berit Hessen Copy Editor Støre’s book. The first time the $1 = NOK 6.52 oil companies were on the verge of Ambassador Sissel Breie and Foreign giving up. The drilling rig Ocean Minister visited the Norwegian Minster Jonas Gahr Støre outside updated 6/22/09 Forty years ago, oil was Scandinavia House on Park Avenue. discovered in Norway after many 5/29/09 $1=NOK 6.34 CONTINUES PAGE 4 CONTINUES PAGE 13 2 Norge - Uken som gikk Nytt på Nett Full tollfrihet mellom Norge og Gulfstatene Hamstrer influensavaksine Handelsavtalen mellom EFTA-landene og konkurransedyktige, sier Brustad. Stortinget vedtok i forrige uke å kjøpe inn Samarbeidsrådet for Gulfen (GCC) ble un- Norsk eksport til GCC har firedoblet 9,4 millioner brukerdoser med vaksine mot dertegnet på Hamar i dag. Avtalen vil fjerne seg de siste 10 årene, og GCC er nå vårt 8. svineinfluensa. Forslaget om å bevilge tollsatsene på så å si all norsk eksport og største eksportmarked. Handelsavtalen vil penger til innkjøpet ble fremmet av lederen gi forutsigbare vilkår for norsk skipsfart til legge til rette for fortsatt økning i handelen i helse- og omsorgskomiteen Harald Tom dette store markedet. med disse landene. Nesvik (Frp). Regjeringen hadde planlagt GCC består av landene Bahrain, De for- å kjøpe inn 4,7 millioner brukerdoser med – Jeg er glad for at vi kunne underteg- ente arabiske emirater, Kuwait, Oman, Qatar en såkalt pre-pandemi-vaksine, men et- ne handelsavtalen med GCC her på Hamar. og Saudi Arabia. ter at Stortinget fikk saken til behandling Avtalen er viktig og undertegningen er et Noen norske selskaper etablert i GCC- har verdens helseorganisasjon (WHO) op- sterkt signal om at Norge, midt i den økono- landene: Frontline, Hoegh, Jebsen, Wilhelm- pgradert beredskapen til nivå 6. miske krisen, satser på økt handel. Avtalen sen, StatoilHydro, Aker Solutions, Yara, Jo- Sheikh Ghazi Bin Said Al Bahar Al Rawas (til ven- vil bidra til å øke verdiskapingen og sikre tun, Elopak, NorSun, Kongsberggruppen. stre) og Abdulrahman Bin Hamad Al-Attiyah på Færre barn døpes arbeidsplasser i Norge, sier nærings- og han- Hamar. Photo: Government.no. Men medlemstallet i Den norske kirke økte delsminister Sylvia Brustad. med nesten 1.000 i fjor. Det går fram av - Dette fører til årlig sparte tollavgifter English Synopsis: A free trade agreement between The Gulf Cooperation Council (GCC) Statistisk sentralbyrås kirkedatabase, der i størrelsesorden 150 millioner kroner og and Norway was signed in Hamar last week. GCC (Bahrain, Kuwait, Oman, Qatar, Saudi 2008-tallene ble lagt fram tirsdag. 42.599 vil gjøre norske varer og tjenester mer Arabia and UAE ) is Norway’s eighth largest export market. personer ble døpt i Den norske kirke i 2008. Det er det laveste tallet i SSBs tall- database, som går tilbake til 2005. Totalt Norsk musikkstjerne syk av flått var 3.874.823 mennesker medlem av Den norske kirke ved årsskiftet. Dette er nesten Mørk (bilde) er for tiden sengeliggende vant i kategorien «beste instrumentalsolist 1.000 flere enn ett år tidligere. og har avlyst konserter de neste seks uten orkester» for platen «Britten Cello månedene. Cellisten skal ha oppdaget fem Suites 1-3.» Momsfritak for frivillige flåttbitt på kroppen etter et opphold iUSA Norsk Folkehelseinstitutt innkalte til Regjeringen vil gi frivillige organisasjoner i 2006. Den alvorlige sykdommen skal først hastemøte om flått-tester 22. juni. Et økende kompensasjon for momsen ved varekjøp. ha slått ut under et opphold i Tokyo i april antall personer i Norge blir smittet av syk- Det gir en femdobling av de statlige ut- i år. dommen lyme borreliose, som utvikler seg betalingene til organisasjonene. Dette ble Borreliose er en kronisk infeksjonssyk- etter flåttbitt. I 2004 var det registrert 255 Cellisten Truls Mørk (48) ble bitt av flått i lagt fram på en pressekonferanse 16. juni. dom, som særlig kan affisere hud, nervesys- tilfeller, i 2008 var tallet 347 med denne di- USA, melder ABC Nyheter. Regjeringspartiene er enige om at ordnin- tem, hjerte og ledd. agnosen. gen skal omfatte både varer og tjenester, at Truls Mørk er en av Norges mest kjente den skal vere knyttet til Frivillighetsregis- klassiske musikere. Han er blitt utnevnt til English Synopsis: Norwegian cellist Truls Mørk is seriously ill with Lyme disease. He teret og at det skal vere et frivillig og reelt ridder av St. Olavs Orden og har vunnet en was bitten by a tick in the United States in 2006. On June 22, the Norwegian Institute of tilgjengelig tilbud for både små og store rekke Spellemannpriser, fikk som første nor- Public Health called for an emergency meeting regarding proper testing for the disease. organissjoner som i dag driver uten mom- dmann tildelt en Grammypris i 2001. Mørk spliktig omsetning. Frivillige organisas- joner vil i framtida få tilbake 25 prosent av kjøpesummen. - 175 millioner til forskning i nord Yngre shopper litt mer Statsminister Jens Stoltenberg (Ap) hadde somheten i nord. Dette forskningsløftet er en (Ap) besøkte det nordnorske energiselskapet Yngre låntakere viser større vilje til å med seg forskningspenger da han i for- del av regjeringens nordområdesatsing, sier North Energy i Alta. bruke rentebesparelsen til forbruk enn for rige uke besøkte Finnmark. Godbiten kom Stoltenberg til NTB. North Energy er partner i prosjektet få måneder siden. Dette er et av hovedfun- i form av tildelinger til fem forskning- Forskningsmidlene går til kunnskaps Kald-klimateknologi, som skal forske på nene i en undersøkelse som Visendi har sprosjekter i de nordligste fylkene, melder miljøer i Nordland, Troms og Finnmark. hvordan bygg og anlegg og annen infrastruk- gjort for SpareBank 1. Undersøkelsen om- NTB. Bevilgningen ble presentert da Stoltenberg tur skal fungere i kaldt klima. Dette prosjek- fatter 2.335 personer som ble spurt elek- sammen med fiskeriminister Helga Pedersen tet får 48 millioner kroner. tronisk i perioden 15.-28. mai. Én av tre – Vi bevilger 175 millioner kroner over låntakere sier hele eller deler av gevinsten fem år til et forskningsløft i nord. Pengene English Synopsis: On June 16 Prime Minister Jens Stoltenberg and Minister of Fisheries ved lavt rentenivå går til forbruk. går til fem ulike prosjekter knyttet til reiseliv, Helga Pedersen, visited North Energy in Alta. The company, which is a direct product of energi, arktisk teknologi, og prosjekter som the High North Strategy, received 48 mill. NOK for climate research. Vil ha aldersgrense på Red Bull skal gjøre at vi kan utvikle olje- og gassvirk- Energidrikken Red Bull var inntil nylig ikke i salg i Norge på grunn av drikkens høye koffeininnhold. For vel en måned Ny mobil med sykkel på kjøpet? siden kom den østerrikske energidrikken i norske butikkhyller. Butikkansatte mener Oslo (NW): Nå får du med en sykkel hvis pet til våre kunder, uten at det er en sammen- nå at det bør innføres aldersgrense på drik- du kjøper ny mobiltelefon. Mange er over- heng mellom tingene du får. Norge har altså ken, skriver Bergensavisa. Pågangen av rasket over at dette er lov i Norge. fått samme regler som mange andre land barn og unge som kjøper drikken vært har alltid har hatt, sier han. enorm, og salget beskrives som formida- Tirsdag 22. juni begynte Lefdal Elektro- Han viser til Sverige, der det lenge har belt. marked å selge mobiltelefoner til 1 øre der vært lov med tilgift. kjøperen får med en sykkel til 2000 kroner Men han er spent på hvordan slike En av tre dropper ut på kjøpet. markedsføringstiltak vil slå an i Norge. Stadig flere av elevene som starter på vi- – De første kundene syntes tilbudet var – Jeg forstår at noen kunder er skeptiske, deregående skole, fullfører ikke. Dette for godt til å være sant og spurte om det er siden dette er helt nytt her i landet. Men vi kan skyldes mangel på ekspertlærere i en hake ved det, om de forplikter seg til noe ser på tilgift som et markedsføringstiltak på grunnskolen og at elevene ikke behersker mer. Vi fortalte dem at det nå er blitt tillatt linje med tv-reklame og annen annonsering. videregående skole, og det er bekymrings- med såkalt tilgift i Norge, sier Trond Samu- Vi gjør dette for at folk skal handle hos oss verdig, mener utdanningsdirektør Petter elsen i Lefdal Elektromarked. istedenfor hos andre. Det koster penger, men Skarheim. Flertallet fullfører videregående Lefdal er den første store butikkjeden det gjør all markedsføring. English Synopsis: On June 1, 2009, a new skole, men mange bruker fem eller seks år som benytter seg av mulighetene som åp- Den nye markedsføringsloven stiller law took effect in Norway, which is allow- på dette, melder ABC Nyheter. ner seg i den nye markedsføringsloven som krav om at kundene enkelt skal kunne be- ing merchants to give out “bonus gifts” to trådte i kraft 1. juni. regne verdien av tilgiften, i Lefdals tilfelle their customers. This form of marketing – Det er helt nytt at vi kan gi noe på kjø- en sykkel. has been illegal in Norway for years.

NORWEGIAN AMERICAN WEEKLY • WWW.NORWAY.COM • JUNE 26, 2009 3 Norway in the News Mediators reflect on peacemaking He says UND is preparing a new proposal quickly back to work. (Norwaypost.no) USD $716 million. Norway’s Energy Min- and he believes the exchange will continue ister Terje Riis-Johansen also gave the green Some of the world’s most experienced me- Fight against tax havens diators, high-level decision makers and key in some form. Only two Norwegian students light to StatoilHydro’s Troll extension proj- Illicit financial flows hamper development in peace process actors met at Oslo Forum on attended UND law classes this spring, and ect, with a spend of around $878 million, poor countries, writes the Norwegian Gov- June 16-18. The focus of this year’s forum UND doesn’t plan to send any students to which will extend the life of the field by ernment on their Web site. A government- was “Reasserting diplomacy and mediation Norway this summer. Officials say the sum- extracting more oil and gas. Riis-Johansen appointed commission has now proposed a in a fragmented world,” focusing on the util- mer exchange was suspended because of ac- billed it as a development which will con- number of measures to reduce the adverse ity of mediation versus that of military force creditation problems. tribute to Norway’s economy and create new effects of tax havens. The Commission on to resolve conflicts. Issues included experi- (Kfyrtv.com) jobs. StatoilHydro operates the field, part- Capital Flight from Developing Countries ences of negotiating with organized Islamist nered by Total, Petoro, ConocoPhillips, and Germany and Norway conclude has studied tax havens and illicit financial groups; assessments of the potential for dia- Norske Shell. (Offshore247.com) flows from poor countries. On June 18, Min- logue in Afghanistan and Pakistan; and the agreement on High North research ister of the Environment and International threat of North Korea’s nuclear proliferation As part of the Norwegian Government’s High Green light to Barents Sea cod Development Erik Solheim received the to peacemaking. Participants shared their North efforts, an agreement was signed on The World Wide Fund for Nature (WWF) commission’s report on tax havens and de- perspectives on conflict resolution and me- June 18 between the University of claims that cod from the Barents Sea is one velopment. One of the serious consequences diation in an informal setting behind closed and the Clausthal University of Technology of the most environmental friendly types of of illicit financial flows is that they - under doors. (OsloForum.org) in Germany. Under the agreement, professor- seafood you can eat. According to WWF’s mine development in poor countries. Capi- ships will be established to strengthen coop- annual seafood guide, cod from the Barents tal flight from developing countries is about Norway oil fund growing eration on research and education in the fields Sea is your best pick from the frozen-goods ten times greater than the development aid Norway’s sovereign wealth fund grew by 5 of energy and the environment in the High counter. The cod stock in the Barents Sea these countries receive. The report proposes percent to a preliminary NOK 2.308 trillion North. The intention is to promote knowl- cod is the world’s largest and is jointly regu- a number of measures to reduce the adverse (USD $359 billion) in May from the end of edge development and transfer between the lated by Russia and Norway. The last years’ effects. (Government.no) April, the central bank’s monthly balance two universities in the fields of energy and efforts to utilize this stock in a sustainable sheet showed on Monday, June 14. The value the environment through joint research and Honorable prize to Mari Boine way have been successful, and the spawning stood at 2.196 trillion at the end of April and educational activities. The announcement of The Norwegian Sami musician Mari Boine stock is now the largest in decades, WWF’s at 2.273 trillion at the end of 2008. Common- the cooperation was made in connection with has been awarded with Norway’s greatest web site reports. WWF also puts haddock, ly known as the “oil fund,” the Government the German-Norwegian consultations on en- mark of distinction for cultural work; the pollock, prawns and king crab from the Bar- Pension Fund — Global invests Norway’s oil ergy and climate in Stavanger. Anders Jahre Culture Prize. Mari Boine is ents Sea on the list over recommended sea and gas wealth in foreign stocks and bonds to (Government.no) Norway’s leading representative for “world food. The North-East Arctic cod stock this is save for future generations when the black music” and is known for having added jazz one of Norway’s key fisheries and has his- gold runs out. The fund says it is Europe’s More jobs available than in 2005 and rock to the yoiks of her native people. torically been the most productive cod stock biggest equity investor, owning 1.33 percent The number of vacancies available in the Boine has earlier been awarded with the in terms of commercial landings. Over the of all listed European stocks at the end of job market in Norway has remained high Nordic Council Music Prize and several past five years, an annual catch near half a 2008. The central bank’s monthly balance and stable, despite the strong increase in the other prestigious prizes for her work and is million tons of cod have been caught in the sheet gives a fairly accurate first glimpse of number of unemployed. More than 1,000 appointed professor in music science at the Barents Sea, and Russia and Norway are the the size of the fund ahead of official quarterly vacancies are registered at the National La- Nesna University College, NRK reports. only coastal states sharing the management figures on the fund’s performance. The bank bor Office (NAV) every day. There is also a (BarentsObserver.com) of the stocks. (BarentsObserver.com) is due to report the fund’s second-quarter re- higher number of vacancies advertised now sults on August 14. (Reuters.com) than when the last time a recession hit Nor- Green light for Oselvar and Troll Biggest Gas Find in 12 Years Law exchange program suspended way, around 2005. “It is mainly at hospitals, On June 19, the Norwegian Government ap- Royal Dutch Shell Plc, Europe’s largest oil schools and in municipalities that most va- proved the development of the Oselvar field, company, made a natural gas discovery at a The exchange program between the Univer- cancies are found,” says NAV deputy director located in the North Sea, about 250 km from record depth in the northern Norwegian Sea sity of North Dakota’s (UND) Law School Yngvar Aasholt. He says most unemployed the Norwegian coast. The project is esti- that may equal the size of Norway’s annual and the University of Oslo (UiO) has been get a new job within three months. Aasholt mated to provide an increased employment production of the fuel. The find was made in suspended. UND officials say an exchange says that although Norwegians are not very of 5,600. Danish group Dong Energy is the the Gro prospect 360 kilometers (224 miles) program between the UND law school and mobile when it comes to jobs, he would now operator. The other licensees are Bayerngas offshore Brønnøysund in Nordland county the UiO in Norway has existed for 27 years. advice those who become unemployed to be and Norwegian Energy Company. Produc- and is estimated to hold 10 to 100 billion UND’s interim provost, Paul LeBel, says the willing to look outside their own district, and tion from Oselvar is planned to start in No- standard cubic meters of recoverable gas, the UiO is raising questions about sending stu- even outside their own trade, and be will- vember 2011. The operator has estimated the Norwegian Petroleum Directorate said on dents to the United States rather than having ing to accept something else, in order to get investments in relation to Oselvar to reach June 19. (Bloomberg.com) them take European Union study programs. Subscribe Today! The most comprehensive news coverage of Norway and Norwegian American culture in the U.S. 47 issues for only $50* a year *$50 a year in the U.S. - $70 a year in Canada - $175 a year in Norway and all other foreign countries Norwegian Sports Travel Cooking Heritage Events Education News Arts & Entertainment

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Norwegian American Weekly (USPS 679-840) (ISSN 1942-1389) is published weekly except the last two weeks of July, the first two weeks of August and the last week of Dec. by Norwegian American Weekly Inc, 7301 Fifth Avenue NE Suite A, Seattle, WA 98115. Periodicals postage paid at Seattle, WA and at additional mailing offices. POSTMASTER: Send address changes to Norwegian American Weekly 7301 Fifth Avenue NE Suite A, Seattle, WA 98115. Phone: (206)784-4617 • Email: naw@norway. Proud to bring you the com • Website: norway.com. Annual subscription cost: USD $50 domestic; USD $70 to Canada; USD $175 to Norway and all other foreign countries. Norwegian American Weekly NORWEGIAN AMERICAN WEEKLY • WWW.NORWAY.COM • JUNE 26, 2009 4 Bu s i n e s s Exchange Rates Oslo Børs: (June 22 09) Vinnere Navn Siste % Aqua Bio Technology ASA 0,70 59,09 Norsk Kr. 6.5291 NorDiag 4,85 18,87 Badger Explorer ASA 8,50 6,25 Dansk Kr. 5.3658 Aker Philadelphia Shipyard 8,56 5,29 Spectrum ASA 5,20 4,00 Svensk Kr. 7.9972 Tapere Canadian $ 1.1541 Navn Siste % Repant 4,21 -28,76 Star Reefers Inc. 1,20 -25,93 Euro 0.7206 Nio Security 2,11 -19,77 RomReal Ltd 1,36 -15,00 Sevan Marine 10,00 -13,79

Photos courtesy of Norwegian Petroleum Directorate. Do you have roots in the Møre and Romsdal area? 1973: The first oil crisis brings car-free days and 1978: Responsibility for petroleum matters passes petrol rationing - and Norway’s King Olav takes from the industry ministry’s oil department to the Join us! the tram. new Ministry of Petroleum and Energy. Bjartmar Gjerde (pictured right) becomes Norway’s first 40 years of oil … petroleum and energy minister. ø r e o g o m s d a l s l a g M R (…continued from page 1) 1972: Statoil is established to secure We’re your relatives, your friends, Norwegian sovereignty over its rich offshore Viking was going to drill one last well, and resources. Arve Johnsen serves as its chief your homeland neighbors this last-ditch effort for a well ended up executive. changing the Norwegian society and the Newsletter — Genealogy Assistance — Vennskap lives of every Norwegian. 1973: Members of OPEC (Organization of “We have taken good advantage of the Petroleum Exporting Countries) boycotts opportunities we were given back then. We countries in support of Israel during the For more information, go to www.moreogromsdallag.org have shown responsibility, and we have Yom Kippur war, setting off a worldwide oil made sure that Norway is now one of the crisis. best countries in the world to live in,” says Kristin Bremer Nebben, OLF’s director of 1977: On April 22, the first oil explosion communications and government relations. takes place in the Ekofisk field, and took This year, the oil and gas industry wants eight days to extinguish the blaze. The each and every citizen of Norway to share international community reacted strongly, their story. Thanks to the Web site www. and the incident laid the groundwork for the Boat Tour oljenorge40ar.no, 4.7 million “blopps” strict environmental rules for the Norwegian (personal blogs) have been set up for oil industry. Open Daily people to blog their own part of Norway’s Through Labor Day oil history. “Every single Norwegian has 1981: Oil discovered in the Norwegian Sea. Seattle’s Fishermen’s Terminal Dock 9 Mon-Fri 10-6 p.m. and Sat & Sun: 9-6 p.m. reaped the benefits of prudent management (206) 550-2623 • www.seastartours.com • Don’t miss it! of the assets below the seabed. For some it 1984: Snøhvit oil field is discovered in the has meant good healthcare, for others, an Barents Sea in Northern Norway. interesting job… The oil and gas industry MULLAVEY, PROUT, GRENLEY & FOE wants everyone to share in this national 1986: The supports the development celebration. That is why we are inviting all of the gas fields in Sleipner East and Troll in a t t o r n e y s a n d c o u n s e l o r s a t l a w Norwegians to tell their own part of the oil efforts to establish Norway as a gas country story,” says Bremer Nebben. in addition to oil. Advice regarding maritime and civil claims, disputes, In December 2009, the Norwegian Oil commercial transactions and estate planning. Industry Association (OLF) will publish a 1996: Norway is a leader in the European book telling the people’s oil and gas history. gas market, and becomes the second largest Here is a timeline of significant events gas exporter to Russia. 24001 NW Sixty-fifth P.O. Box 70567 Seattle, WA 98107 in Norway’s oil and gas history: Telephone: (206) 789-2511 Fax: (206) 789-4484 1997: Ormen Lange oil field begins 1958: In a letter from the Norwegian development, and recognized as the last large Geological Survey to the Ministry of oil field within Norwegian borders. Foreign Affairs in 1958, “Man kan se bort fra LUNDE MARINE ELECTRONICS, INC. mulighetene for at det skulle finnes kull, olje 1999: Oil and gas industry museum eller svovel på kontinentalsokkelen langs den established in Stavanger. Sales and Service norske kyst” (The chance of finding coal, oil, or sulphur on the continental shelf off the 2001: Statoil makes its debut on Oslo Børs Norwegian coast can be discounted). (Oslo’s stock exchange) on June 18.

1965: In March, Norway and Great Britain 2005: The Frigg field stops production. hold talks to determine the borders for Frigg was the first gas field in production in Seattle,WA Tacoma,WA Dutch Harbor, AK Norwegian continental shelf. In December, Norway, and had platforms both in Norway phone (206) 789-3011 phone (253) 627-6968 phone (907) 581-1498 similar talks are made with Denmark. and Great Britain. fax (206)782-3188 fax (253)383-4965 fax (907) 581-1402 1966: The first oil platform, named “Ocean 2009: 40th anniversary of the Norwegian Traveler,” is installed 180 kilometers oil and gas industry, which is recognized southwest of Stavanger. The Esso platform as Norway’s most important industry. The [email protected] did not find oil or gas, but discovered some 5415 24th Ave NW, Seattle 98107 oil and gas industry in Norway directly and geological sediment that indicates petroleum indirectly employs over 250,000 people. reserves. To learn more about the Norwegian oil 1969: Oil is discovered on Dec. 23 by the and gas industry and its 40th anniversary, Phillips Petroleum oil rig “Ocean Viking” visit www.oljenorge40ar.no. For further in the Ekofisk oil field, which is one of the information, visit www.olf.no largest oil fields found in the ocean.

Proud to bring you the Norwegian American Weekly 1971: Oil production is in full swing at the Ekofisk oil field.

JUNE 26, 2009 • WWW.NORWAY.COM • NORWEGIAN AMERICAN WEEKLY Sp o r t s 5 Tippeligaen Results & Standings Tippe - league round 14 Fixtures & Results Tippeligaen PLD PTS Viking in trouble saved a draw 6/20 Sandefjord 0-2 Vålerenga 1. Rosenborg BK 14 32 Saeternes 38, Abdellaoui 90 6/20 Ålesund 0-3 Rosenborg 2. 14 25 Konan 9, Olsen 20, Prica 76 3. Start 14 22 6/21 Stabæk 5-0 Start Kj e l l Ol a v St r ø m s l i Berglund 21, Kobajashi 51, 61, 4.Vålerenga 14 22 Nannskog 67, 83 , Norway 6/21 Lyn 1-1 Odd Grenland 5. Odd Grenland 14 21 Guastavino 14 Hagen 90 6. Ålesund 14 20 6/21 Strømsgodset 2-1 Tromsø Kamara 50, Storflor 90 Moldskred 47 7. Brann 14 20 Viking’s home statistics have 6/21 Molde 2-0 Fredrikstad 8. Sandefjord 14 18 been bad lately and without a Mota 13, Hoseth 74 6/21 Bodø/Glimt 1-1 Lillestrøm 9. Stabæk 14 17 victory in the last three games Stensland 40 Riise 19 10. Fredrikstad 14 17 on Stavanger Stadium, the club 6/21 Viking 1-1 Brann needed all the points. The visitors Bertelsen 80 Sigurdsson 55 11. Tromsø 14 15 Brann had no interest in helping to 12. Viking 14 15 end the trouble for the Stavanger 13. Bodø/Glimt 14 15 Club. “Bergenserne” took the lead 14. Lillestrøm SK 14 14 early in the second half when from 15. FC Lyn Oslo 14 13 a free-kick, Erik Huseklepp curled 16. Strømsgodset IF 14 11 the ball into the Viking area and Kristjan Örn Sigurdsson’s power header flew into the net. Viking steered the game after the goal, but Second place again for Thorkildsen an effort from Vidar Nisja went No r w a y Po s t wide. Viking came back strongly Pitkämäki won with a throw measuring in the 80th minute and scored the Norway’s javelin ace Andreas Thorkild- 86.78m. Thorkildsen stopped at 85.04m. equalizer on a long range shot by sen had to settle for second place yet again, Norway placed third in the overall Eu- Trond Bertelsen and gave some at this weekend’s European Team Champi- ropean Team Championship, thus qualifying space to a pressured head coach onship, in Fana, near . Finland’s Tero for the European Team Championship Super Photo: studvest.no Uwe Røsler. Pitkämäki won the event. League. Erk Huseklepp curled the ball into Viking territory for an Rosenborg continued their un- assisted goal by Siggurdsson in the 55th minute. Thorkildsen stopped after only two Norway was last qualified for the Super beaten run in the Tippe-league, and throws, with a pulled groin muscle. League in 1997. swept over Ålesund at Colorline the rival Start. Stadium with a 3-0 win. The forward Ko- Bodø/Glimt and Lillestrøm played a 1-1 nan Ya was back in front for Rosenborg and draw at Aspmyra in Bodø. Lillestrøm’s goal scored the opener for Trønderne. scorer Bjørn Helge Riise felt his side was Like players in several other Norwe- cheated for the victory since the referee de- gian clubs lately, the Stabæk players have nied Lillestrøm a spot kick when Nosakhro accepted a wage cut to save the economy in Igiebor was charged from behind inside the the club. The nine percent cut has obvious box by the Stian Theting in the beginning of not affected the sportsmanship and the squad the match. fights home a deserved 5-0 victory against Stryn Summerski is open

Sp e c i a l Re l e a s e

Stryn has been a natural playground for The season at Stryn Summerski runs summer snow lovers since the 1930s and until early August. The quality of snow the management works to provide excellent condition depends on the amount of snow high alpine experiences all season long. melting during the long summer days and In the middle of the glacier landscape at weather conditions. The ski center is oper- Tystigen, the lifts will bring take you from ates from 10 a.m. – 4 p.m. 1080 to 1600 meters above sea level. On The base lodge has all facilities includ- top, you will get the feeling of being on top ing rental shop, café, restrooms and instruc- of Norway. The terrain for the descent is tion. For more information: www.gostryn. wide open and smooth featuring soft sum- com. mer snow! NORWEGIAN AMERICAN WEEKLY • WWW.NORWAY.COM • JUNE 26, 2009 6 Op Ed • Westby celebrates its Scandinavian heritage and the Thrune families. The property also by hosting the annual Syttende Mai festival features the Bekkum Homestead, the original with music, traditional arts and activities, log buildings constructed by Norwegian Letters to the parades, heritage tent, and entertainment. immigrants to the region.

• The local newspaper, Westby Times, puts Editor: out an annual 17th of May issue. Do you have something to say? Send your letters to: Jake Moe, Editor-In-Chief [email protected] Westby has much to offer the Norwegian 7301 Fifth Avenue NE Suite A, Seattle, WA 98115 American community!

Dear Editor, Alexander Rybak is my new favorite! He Sincerely, We would like to compliment Solveig sings of young love, which is timeless to all. Dave and Jana Dregne Lee on the excellent article she wrote for the He is so talented both vocally and playing Westby, Wis. May 22 issue titled “The PBYs of the West his . Frikar, the folk dancers who back Westby Area High School band director Monte meet the PBYs of the East.” She described him up, really add to the excitement of the Dunnum has fun driving a tractor with the high Dear Dave and Jana, very well the significance of PBY Catalina show. The song has a familiar folk sound, school band parading behind him. We apologize for not including Westby Squadron 333 of the Norwegian resistance which I enjoyed so much more after visiting in the May 29 photo spread. We agree that to the Nazi’s in World War II as well as Norway last year. The dancers even kick their • Norwegian immigrants settled in the area in Westby is a wonderful Norwegian American Nils Christensen’s personal involvement in hats off of a tall pole during the video of the 1848. In 1867, Ole T. Westby built a general community and would love to hear from its the squadron. The memorial luncheon and song. It is great to enjoy a modern and high store here. Ole also served the Union in the residents more often. We invite all Westby the presentation of the PBY exhibit in Oak spirited version of this Norwegian tradition. Civil War. When the Chicago, Milwaukee residents to send us updates and photos. Harbor, Wash. was very inspiring and made I’ve been watching Alexander Rybak on and St. Paul Railroad completed its line from We’d be happy to get them into future issues those present of Norwegian heritage very YouTube all afternoon—he looks to be a Sparta to Viroqua, it made Westby a station, of the Weekly. proud. Our thanks to the PBY Memorial great ambassador of young talent in Norway. and named it after Ole T. Westby. The village If you have any questions or would like Foundation for a job well done along with Thanks for the front page article to introduce was incorporated in 1896, and became a city to send an update, please contact Managing our thanks to the Sons of Norway Foundation me to this new artist and his music that just in 1920. The current population of Westby Editor Tiffanie Davis by phone at (800) 305- for their contribution to the display. makes me happy. I put it on my iPod and is still mostly Norwegian. In fact, no nation, 0127, or by email at [email protected]. Alexander can sing in my ear anytime! except Ireland, has provided the United States Thanks again for showing off your great Sincerely, with as many immigrants in proportion to its town! Dick and Ingri Johnson Tusen Takk, population as Norway. S/N Whidbey Island Nordic Lodge, Diane Olsen Sincerely, Coupeville, Wash. Ashburn, Virginia • Westby is home to Dregne’s Scandinavian Editor Gift Shop (www.dregnesscandinaviangifts. Dear Dick and Ingri, Dear Editor, com). For over 32 years Dregne’s has been Thank you for your letter. We consider Regarding your May 29 issue: How could offering a variety of unique Scandinavian Solveig Lee a very valuable member of our you possibly leave out Westby, Wisconsin? gifts, and they ship anywhere! team. For years she has been an outstanding Here are some reasons to include us: contributer to the paper. We appreciate you • As part of their May 17 celebration, Westby taking the time to let us know that you crowns a Syttende Mai Princess each year. enjoyed her article “The PBYs of the West meet the PBYs of the East.” • Westby’s neighbor, Coon Valley, Wis. is The story was indeed inspiring. Our home to Norskedalen Nature and Heritage utmost gratitude to the men who make us so Center. Norskedalen, which means the proud of our Norwegian heritage, and also as Norwegian Valley, began in 1977 as an you mention, to the organizations that help outdoor laboratory and arboretum when us remember our important history. Westby photos: Dorothy Jasperson/Westby Times Dr. Alf Gundersen and his wife Carroll REMINDER Thanks again Dick and Ingri. Wishing The 2009 17th of May parade in Westby, Wis. donated the 112-acre Gundersen farm, to you all the best! the University of Wisconsin-La Crosse Foundation. They established an arboretum The Norwegian American Weekly Sincerely, in memory of Alf’s mother, Helga Isaksaetre summer break is coming up! Editor Gundersen. Since then, Norskedalen has grown to include over 400 acres of wooded No papers will published July 17th, Dear Editor, coulee, goat prairie, springs, creek and fields, 24th, 31st or August 7th. Something about the May 22 issue crossed by over 5 miles of nature trails. caught my eye. I wondered what the fiddle Acquisition of the adjoining properties as Regular printing will resume music “Fairytale” sounded like from the well as the Skumsrud Thrune home farm was beginning August 14th. winner of the 2009 Eurovision Song Contest. made possible by bequests from the Wehrer Have a safe and happy summer! I decided to go on YouTube and check it out. Westby’s 2009 Syttende Mai royalty Trust, the Paul E. Stry Foundation, Inc.

JUNE 26, 2009 • WWW.NORWAY.COM • NORWEGIAN AMERICAN WEEKLY Op Ed 7 Norwegian American Editor’s Notes with Jake Moe W EEKLY Who are we?

WEST COAST 7301 Fifth Avenue NE Suite A, Seattle, WA 98115 Is the Norwegian American Weekly liberal? Is it conservative? Is it socialistic? OFFICE tel:(206) 784-4617 fax: (206) 448-2033 email: [email protected] Is it democratic? Is it agnostic? Is it toll free: 1 (800) 305-0217 fundamentalist? EAST COAST Berit Hessen - (914) 337-4737 Exactly, what is the personality of the Norwegian American Weekly? OFFICE Just recently, I have been receiving Publisher & Editor-In-Chief Jake Moe [email protected] letters from many friends and readers of the Weekly and I must say that due WA Managing Editor Tiffanie Davis [email protected] to the varying themes in the letters, Go to www.government.no to learn how to voice your opinions NY Managing Editor Berit Hessen [email protected] the Norwegian American Weekly is to Norway’s government officials. Copy Editor & Christy Olsen Field [email protected] “everything” above. However, we always try to include features Just recently, one reader suggested Subscriptions Manager (206) 441-3044 and articles that reflect what is going on that we get rid of the Religion page in Norway. Our mission is to include Assistant Layout Editor Harry Svenkerud [email protected] because it was all from the land of the material in the Weekly and let you, ‘“make-believe” anyway and therefore our readers, respond to the appropriate a complete waste of space. Others institution. The government of Norway Contributing Editors have suggested that our inclusion of the does not pay us nor do they own us. We are “immoral society” in Norway shouldn’t an independent newspaper with one stated Anita Alan Carmel, CA Inger-Torill Kirkeby Miami, FL be reported on as to hint that writing about goal of providing Norwegian Americans Eric Dregni Minneapolis, MN Dagfinn Magnus New Orleans, LA it actually supports it. We have received Marit Fosse Geneva, Switzerland Donald V. Mehus New York, NY with a vibrant and current look at what is Heidi Håvan Grosch Sparbu, Norway Berit T. Mesarick Williamsburg, VA letters about Norwegians and their whale going on in contemporary Norway. Victoria Hofmo Brooklyn, NY David Moe Juneau, AK hunting, excessive oil exploration, over If any of the features that we include Leslee Lane Hoyum Rockford, MN Roman Scott Herre, Norway -building of military weapons, alliances in the Norwegian American Weekly Else Hvistendahl New York, NY John Erik Stacy Seattle, WA with Nigeria, prostitution laws, public Solveig M. Lee Seattle, WA Rolf Kristian Stang New York, NY disturb you to action, my hope would Nina Lichtenstein Hartford, CT Kjell Olav Strømsli Trondheim, Norway drunkenness, Muslims in Norway and of be that you follow these strategies. course any interaction that Norway has First, send me a letter or e-mail to be with regard to Israel. published in the Weekly—it doesn’t CORRECTIONS: Norwegian American Weekly strives to make its news report fair and accurate. If you have a I sincerely find every single letter have to be fancy, just an authentic report question or comment about news coverage call (206) 784-4617. • Norwegian American Weekly reserves the right interesting, insightful and look forward to edit any and all submissions for style, grammar, accuracy and/or space, and the right not to print submissions of your opinion. Secondly, I suggest deemed libelous, in poor taste, or not suited for publication in this newspaper. • The opinions expressed by opinion to reading about the particular opinions of that you log onto the internet at www. writers and letter writers are not necessarily those of Norwegian American Weekly, and our publication of those each reader. I wouldn’t be in this business government.no. The site is available in views is not an endorsement of them. Comments, suggestions and complaints about the opinions expressed by if I felt any other way. the paper’s editorials should be directed to the editor-in-chief. • Norwegian American Weekly is published weekly English and there you will find current except the first week of the calendar year, the last two weeks of July, and the first two weeks of August by Norwegian And, with that in mind, I would like to news on Norway’s government and the American Weekly, INC. • Please send address changes to 7301 Fifth Ave. NE Suite A Seattle, WA 98115 • Annual clarify exactly what the editorial approach Subscription Cost: US$50 Domestic, US$70 to Canada, US$175 to Norway and all other foreign countries. public contact information for a number of the Norwegian American Weekly is so of Norwegian government officials. that everyone knows. In no way, does this SINCE 1889: Formerly Norway Times & Western Viking & Washington Posten. . . Comprising Contact the appropriate official with explanation attempt to reduce the number your opinion, suggestion or complaint. Decorah-Posten og Ved Arnen, Minneapolis-Tidende, Minnesota Posten, Norrona and of e-mails, letters and phone calls to my Skandinaven Norwegian citizens living in the United office. Please keep them coming, asI States will soon be able to vote, which welcome each and every one of them. NORWEGIAN AMERICAN WEEKLY, INC. is a tremendous opportunity. And, lastly The Norwegian American Weekly I would suggest that you discuss with strives to capture a glimpse of what is your friends and relatives your position Proud to bring you the going on in Norway politically, socially and elicit their assistance in getting your Norwegian American Weekly and environmentally. In the process of message through the proper channels. It that effort, it would be our hope that both is with this dialogue that policy can be the radical and the mundane are included. changed and government can work more Just as in the United States, some official effectively. positions just don’t seem logical – that is Please don’t “shoot the messenger,” What did you pay for that? how governments continually show that because the Norwegian American Weekly they are not infallible. I get pretty hot is an important tool in bringing light to under the collar with some of the actions USD USD many policies that have been developed— $2.34 $2.99 of our government – and, thankfully I sometimes behind closed doors in the have phone numbers, email addresses, dark. is the median price for is the median price for town meetings and the voting booth – to Thanks for your partnership the a pineapple a pineapple voice my displeasure. Norwegian American Weekly. The staff at the Norwegian American in Norway. in the U.S. Weekly does not generate original opinion All the best, pieces as to what is right and wrong with Norway. We are not the New York Times! Jake Moe

SAM & ELLIE By Ray Helle

NORWEGIAN AMERICAN WEEKLY • WWW.NORWAY.COM • JUNE 26, 2009 8 Th e Ta s t e o f No r w a y For your sweet tooth Snøfrisk Trifle Snøfrisk Pannacotta

Light, creamy and simple. English with Fresh Berries dessert trifle can be made in many different ways. We suggest Snøfrisk as an ingredient to give your trifle delicious taste. This recipe A traditional south European dessert has been created by the chefs of The Culinary Serves 4 Institute of Norway. Pannacotta Cream 1 tub Snøfrisk Fresh spreadable cheese (125 2 tubs Snøfrisk Fresh spreadable cheese (250 g) g) 2 dl / 1 cup whipping cream 6 tbsp crème fraîche 1 dl / 1/2 cup milk 1/2 vanilla bean pod 1 vanilla bean pod 3 tbsp sugar 1 lemon (and grated zest) lemon juice 4 tbsp sugar 2 leaves gelatine Scrape the seeds from the vanilla pod. In electric mixer, whip Snøfrisk and crème Soak the gelatine leaves in the milk. Slit fraîche, sugar and vanilla seeds until stiff. vanilla pod and scrape out seeds. Combine Berries Season to taste with lemon juice. cream, sugar, grated lemon zest and vanilla 10 tbsp sugar Peel and dice mango. Cut orange cake seeds. Bring to a boil and simmer gently 1 dl / 1/2 cup water Orange cake (a ready-made sponge cake into small dices. for approx. 10 minutes. Strain. Remove the 1 lemon can be used) vanilla pod. Heat milk, Snøfrisk and gelatine berries of your choice 100 g unsalted butter Jelly leaves gently, without boiling. Combine the 1 orange, zest and juice 4 passion fruit milk and cream mixtures and leave to cool. Boil sugar, water, finely grated zest and 200 g sugar 2 oranges Pour the mixture into glasses and chill in the juice of the lemon. Leave to cool. Clean the 2 egg yolks 6 tbsp sugar refrigerator. berries (cutting in half, if desired). Toss them 200 g plain flour 4 leaves gelatine in the sugar solution. 4 egg whites 60 g sugar Soak gelatine in cold water. Cut passion Cheesecake fruit in half and remove the pulp. Add orange Whip butter, sugar and grated orange juice and sugar and gently heat to a boil. Base zest until light and fluffy. Gradually add egg Squeeze the water from the gelatine leaves. 2 eggs yolks and orange juice and, finally, the sifted Add to the hot fruit juice mixture and stir 100 g sugar flour. Beat sugar and egg whites until stiff. well. Let cool at room temperature. 150 g oatmeal biscuits, crumbled Fold the mixture gently into the buttercream. 1 tbsp. white flour Pour cake batter into baking pan and bake in To serve a pre-heated oven at 180ºC / 360ºF for 15–20 Layer mango and cake pieces in the Whisk the eggs and sugar until thick minutes. bottom of a glass. Top with a little cream. and creamy. Blend in the flour and crumbled Repeat with another layer of mango, cake oatmeal biscuits. Press the mixture into Filling and cream. Finish off with the cooled gelatine a well-greased 22-cm pie dish, or two 12 Decoration 1 mango mixture and chill. cm small pie pans. Bake the base at 170°C Berries or fruit (350°F) for about 30 minutes and then allow it to cool. Dessert Sauce Allow the sheets of gelatine to sit in cold water for approx. 5 minutes. In a bowl, mix the Snøfrisk, cream, sugar and lemon This sauce is perfect as a dip for pieces Filling peel together. Squeeze the water out of the of fruit or berries. It can also be served warm 2 tubs (250 g) Snøfrisk gelatine and stir into the boiling water. Blend with vanilla ice cream or as a fondue. 4 sheets of gelatine the gelatine and cheese mixtures together. 3 tbsp. water Ingredients Pour the resulting mixture into the base 300 ml light sour cream so you get an even layer. Refrigerate the 150 g Ski Queen brown cheese, shredded 100 g sugar cheesecake until it has set. 200 ml double cream 1 tbsp. finely grated lemon peel Peel of one orange, grated Decorate with seasonal berries or fruit. Heat the cream and melt the Ski Queen 500 ml boiling water 2 tbsp. orange juice in it. Add orange peel and orange juice to Lemon balm, finely chopped taste. PlaceRecipes and your photos from order www.jarlsberg.com. today! On vacation from June 28th to August 4th!

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JUNE 26, 2009 • WWW.NORWAY.COM • NORWEGIAN AMERICAN WEEKLY Tr a v e l s t o No r w a y 9 Hunting and fishing in Norway An interview with Dr. Scott Brainerd

Joh n St a c y due to forestry practices and few wolves and Seattle, Wash. bears mean that the harvestable surplus of Free Checking. calves and yearlings is available for hunters. Many Norwegians hunt and fish. But is Moose hunting is scientifically managed, Free Gift. hunting and fishing open to visitors from the and Scandinavian hunters are highly skilled, United States? Scott Brainerd is an authority efficient and organized. Free Smiles. on hunting and fishing in Norway and in the United States. Scott grew up in Tacoma, Can you tell us a bit about bird hunting Wash., went to college in Alaska, and got his in Norway? Ph.D. from the Norwegian University of Life Ptarmigan is the “national game species” Sciences. Scott worked for the Norwegian of Norway. They shoot about 500,000 Receive a ptarmigan a year in Norway. It is a pretty $25 Grocery Gift Card Association of Hunters and Anglers (NJFF) when you open any personal checking account!* until his recent move from Norway to accessible species to hunt, due to the extensive Fairbanks, Alaska, where he now works for alpine region in Norway, which is mainly in % Alaska Fish & Game. Here are some excerpts different forms of public ownership. Grouse Plus, earn 3.00 APY** on the first $1,000 you from the interview. species such as capercaillie and black grouse save with our new Summer Saver Account! are also very popular, and hunted extensively A basic question: Can U.S. citizens hunt in forested regions. Ballard Branch 2237 NW 57th Street (206) 784-2200 www.vikingbank.com and fish in Norway? How about fishing? Yes. It is relatively easy to purchase a Deposit funds used to qualify for gift and Summer Saver APY must be new to Viking and not a transfer from another Viking account. $100 Saltwater and many inland fishing does minimum to open. Offers end 9/30/09. *Offer applies to all personal checking accounts. Penalty for early account closure. Gift given at fishing license, but you have to know the account opening. **Annual Percentage Yield current as of 6/19/09 and subject to change without notice. $200 minimum daily balance to not require a license. Salmon fishing, however, avoid $4 monthly fee. Offer applies to consumer customers and valid only with active consumer checking account. One account per tax ID. local regulations. Information is available Balances $1,000.01 and above earn current savings posted rate. After 9/30/09 full balance of account earns interest at the current savings online and in brochures. Local municipalities requires a license and pay for access. Char, posted rate. Fees may reduce earings. MEMBER FDIC. and clubs often provide public information grayling, and brown trout occur naturally and are often supplemented with hatchery (at gas stations, for example). To hunt, you Norway Lodging provides easy access to all types have to register in the Norwegian Hunter fish, and such fishing is generally available Registry. You have to demonstrate that you for low fees. Children under the age of 14 of lodging in the beautiful country of Norway. are qualified to hunt in the United States by can fish for free! Adults need to pay fees to sending a copy of a recent hunting license. landowners (including public land) to fish. Once you have done that, you need to have an invitation to hunt from a landowner, if Can you compare and contrast your norwaylodging.com you plan to hunt big game such as moose. experiences as a sportsman in Alaska and Since there is very little guiding in Norway, Norway? this means that you must know someone In Alaska, many hunters and anglers with hunting rights that is willing to host compete along road systems on public you. In some areas, hunting rights are limited land, and as a result they must compete for Be sure to visit norwaylodging.com to local users, particularly where small game available permits. Further afield, however, to help plan your next trip. is concerned. It is possible, however, to hunt hunters and anglers that are willing to pay for small game on state land, and actually buy it can be transported into remoter wilderness day licenses online. Extensive paperwork areas and experience near-pristine hunting is required to bring guns in and out of the and fishing opportunities that most can Proudly made in Scandinavia! country, so it is usually easier to borrow a only dream about. In Norway, the nature is gun, with written permission of the owner, still wild compared to the rest of Europe. Ideal for rather than taking one to Norway. Hunting and fishing are organized in a way that controls access through landowners, U.S. East Coast, I have heard that it is common to hunt which means that few places experience the The moose in Norway and Sweden. “tragedy of the commons” where too many hunters vie for a limited resource. Hunters Each year about 80,000 moose are T harvested in Sweden, and 35,000 in Norway. are highly skilled, and generally tied to small Great Lakes & Pacific Northwest In Alaska, we only shoot about 7,000 moose hunting territories where they have exclusive Boa annually. Scandinavian forests are productive hunting privileges. TheFor All Seasons! • Generous Wheelhouse with Wide Around Decks • Fuel Efficient Volvo Diesel Engines • Scandinavian Craftsmanship • Available throughout The U.S. and Canada • Starting price $ 99,000

Call Nord Star USA toll free: 1 (877) 833-1219 Photo: Terje Rakke/Nordic Life/Innovation Norway In Norway, children under 14 nearly always fish for free! [email protected] • www.nordstarusa.com

NORWEGIAN AMERICAN WEEKLY • WWW.NORWAY.COM • JUNE 26, 2009 10 Ro o t s a n d Co n n e c t i o n s

By Solvi Dolland SUNN MAT Answer Key from June 19 LETT-X nr. 5

26. juni Mrs Erling Eilertsen Ketchikan AK Nancy Ring Issaquah WA Ivar Strand Winnipeg Man Marit Warberg New Town ND 27. juni G N Karlstad Sacramento CA Eunice Bellerud Auburn WA Clara Odegaard Kirkland WA Borgny Simonis Sidney MT Else Bentsen Seattle WA 28. juni Frosty Jenstad Minneapolis MN Joan L Rynning Seattle WA Kristian M Seljaas Lindon UT Ole and Tonny Larsen Staten Island NY 29. juni Lena Earl S Hanson Poulsbo WA Mrs Tokle Mo i Rana Norway Greta Aberg Ripon WI 30. juni One day Ole comes home Ole P Forsgren Bodø Norway from work and announces, Sigvart Oswald Clear Lake IA Emma Solberg Coeur d’Alene ID “Leena! Pack your bags I’ve Thom Hansen Stabekk Norway won the lottery!” Leena replies Sigrunn Olaussen Bellingham WA with excitement and says, “O 1. juli Hans Staveland Denver CO Ole Where are we going?” Ole Peter S Endahl Spokane WA replies, “I don’t think you heard 2. juli me right, I said pack YOUR bags Andreas Anderson Choteau MT I’VE won the lottery.” Hjalmar M Kampen Winnipeg Man Can Erling Lee Palmdale CA Olav Riddervold San Leandro CA Ingvald Grimsbo Lake Mills IA DeLora Olivers Kent WA Meridith Wardle Minneapolis MN 3. juli Mrs Arthur Kildahl Mercer Isl WA Howard T Wogen Redlands CA Teresa Tengesdal Bartlett IL Haakon Leiren Marysville WA Kjell Jordheim Columbia MO Norwegian American Weekly Amy Jordheim Parker CO Joann Thompsen Tacoma WA Photo of the Week

4. juli Froidis O Pettersen Vermillion SD Barbara Arnesen Summerset KT Dofny Egge Everett WA Clara Erickson Seattle WA Knut Vik Freeland WA Rolf M Tharaldsen Port Angeles WA Howard Olivers Kent WA Her Majesty Queen Sonja Oslo Norway

5. juli Henry Nissen Everett WA Magnhild Fjarvoll Seattle WA Gerhard Gjertson Cambridge WI Ebba Johansen Cleveland OH Oscar T Omodt Spring Grove MN 6. juli Alph Ronholm Valley City ND Ole Hansen Sherman Oaks CA Sverre Haave Hanford CA Malven Arnum Raleigh NC 7. juli Lloyd Loven Dallas TX B K Barney Grinnvoll Harlowton MT 8. juli Lette Grodem Loves Park IL Arthur Nilsen Miami Beach FL Gustav A Nelson Ottawa IL T Wollen Portland OR Egil Larsen Mountain View CA Erik Thorgesen Gansevoort NY 9. juli Oliver Hawkensen Eleva WI Bernardine E Takalo Vancouver WA Mrs Marius Holje Salt Lake City UT Lois Aubol Wise Fountain CO CT Kathleen Nesseth Lake Forest Park, WA

Want to see your birthday in the The Breakfast Seminar “Corporate Social Responsibility in Times of Economic Recession” took place at Scandinavia House on June 15. Norwegian American Weekly? From left: Kristin Holth, Executive Vice President and General Manager of DnB NOR Bank ASA, Ann E. Condon, GE’s Director and Counsel Give us a call at (800) 305-0217. Birthday listings are free, but must be of EHS Programs, Stephen L. Brown, Director and Corporate Governance of TIAA-CREF (Teachers Insurance and Annuity Association, submitted one month in advance. College Retirement Equities Fund) and Luann Smith, President of Statoil Marketing and Trading (US) Inc.

JUNE 26, 2009 • WWW.NORWAY.COM • NORWEGIAN AMERICAN WEEKLY Fa i t h a n d Re l i g i o n 11

The King, the letter, and the attic Norwegian Lutheran Memorial Church 450-year-old royal edict protecting 11th century Den Norske Lutherske Minnekirke The Norwegian Lutheran Memorial Church offers the best venue in Chicago for Norwegians, Scandinavians and others who are interested in the wonderful language, culture and people of Norway. We welcome you to our warm and friendly cathedral in Norway discovered in attic in family of members. Please visit us soon and help support this Norwegian tradition. Portland, Oregon July Ju l i e Wh i p p l e 7/5 - Portland, Ore. Norwegian service 7/12 - Norwegian Service 7/19 -Norwegian Service/ English A long time ago, Service In a country far away…. 7/26- English service It was a cool day in the beginning of April 1561, when Fredrick the Second, King of Norwegian Services the first two Sundays of each month. Denmark, Norway, the Wends and the Goths, English Services the last two Sundays of each month. duke of Schleswig-Holstein, Stormaren and Ditmarsken, count of Oldenburg and Delmenhorst, set his hand to a parchment spread before him in Denmark’s Nyborg Photo: Johan Berge/Innovation Norway No one ever would have expected to find a piece 2614 North Kedzie Boulevard Chicago, Illinois 60647 • (708) 867-7051 Castle. The document renewed his late of Nidaros history in Portland, Ore. father’s pledge of protection for the priests and properties of the great from 1781, coins from 1762 and 1771, and in Trondheim, Norway, and though he underneath it all, there was another smaller Don’t forget! mistrusted the loyalty of the clergy there, he wooden chest bearing the same ornate iron The Norwegian American Weekly is taking a summer break. understood the importance of preserving his strapping. No issues will be printed July 17th, 24th, 31st or August 7th. father’s wishes. Twenty-six years had passed Inside, folded neatly to fit the 10x11” since the Protestant break from Rome, but interior, and wrapped in a leather pouch and The paper will resume printing August 14th. King Frederick’s authority was still needed a vellum sleeve, was a heavy parchment in the unstable northern realms to oversee document. Paul remembers thinking, “This and defend the ancient cathedral and shrine looks very, very old.” The date on the of St. Olav and maintain Danish control cover confirmed the impression: 1561. He Kong Olav V’s kirke of region. He took up his pen and signed carefully unfolded the packet but couldn’t Sjømannskirken the royal letter confirming his protection read the words covering the page—except The Norwegian Church in New York of Nidaros Cathedral and all its chapters, two: Protectorium and Frederich. 317 East 52nd Street (Betw. 1st & 2nd Aves.) servants, and properties. “I didn’t know what it was, but I New York, NY 10022 - Phone: 1-212-319-0370 Fast forward four and a half centuries… recognized the word Protectorium and felt it Portland, Oregon-native, Paul Clinton, was important. But I didn’t tell anyone right [email protected] - www.kjerka.com was recovering from a leg injury that put him away. I wanted it to be a surprise, so I took it Åpningstider i Sommer: mandag - søndag 11-17 out of work, and was looking for ways to to a friend of mine who’s a history buff and occupy his time. His elderly parents’ home started doing research.” Gudstjenester: where he was recuperating was badly in need With the help of digital photography of organizing, so he decided to focus first on and the Internet, Paul contacted Dr. Ken gudstjeneste og søndagsskole: Hver søndag kl. 11 med kirkekaffe the attic, where the oldest family things were Christopherson, professor of Religion and Washington DC: Hver 2. sønd. i måneden kl. 15 (sept.- juni) Emmanuel stored. Chairman of Humanities at Pacific Lutheran (7 Locks Rd. og Bradley Blvd.) Bethesda, MD Paul remembered childhood forays into University in Tacoma, Wash. He recognized Lutheran Church, 7730 Bradley Blvd the attic where ancient books and maps in the language on the document as the Danish Philadelphia: Hver 3. sønd. i måneden kl. 16 (feb-april og okt-des) ved unreadable text, and very old pictures were used in both Denmark and Norway during “Gloria Dei” - Old Swedes Church, Delaware Avenue / Christian Street stashed in boxes and chests from the Indahls, the 1500s. He wrote in an email to Paul, the Norwegian side of the family. Nothing “From the three photos you sent, I conclude What’s Happening: much had changed in the intervening years that the document and its folder are almost as he began his work. He recalled one chest surely authentic.” As to the contents of the Åpningstider og Aktiviteter i Sommer: I sommer holder vi åpent in particular—a classic treasure chest—and document, he wrote, “I could read it if it hver dag fra kl 11 til 17. “Sommertid” gjelder fra 15. juni til 1. september. here it was still, carved in dark wood, clad in were in the print of that day, but I find its old Besøk nettsiden vår www.kjerka.com for informasjon om kommende ornate metal strapping with a stout iron lock. handwriting too difficult.” It was inscribed with the year 1768. Eager to find out what the document arrangementer. Kom gjerne innom for en hyggelig prat, en kopp kaffe, ny- Being somewhat of an amateur historian, actually said, and going on the only clue he stekte vafler og for å lese norske aviser. Hjertlig velkommen til 52. Street! Paul, then 46, was excited to find something had, Paul emailed the Fredrickstad museum that dated back even before the American in Norway, and some of the pieces began Grilling på takterrassen: Sesongstart 21. Revolution. Inside, there was even more to fall into place. But it was the note Paul juni, kl. 19-21. Hver søndag hele sommeren. Donas- to pique his interest. There were letters and received a short time later from Øystein jon: $15. Studenter og au-pairer: $10. Værforbehold! a book written in 1744, a map of Norway Ekroll, the Nidaros Cathedral Archeologist in Trondheim, that Paul says struck him as nothing short of “surreal.” Norske matvarer: Savner du brunost eller fiskeboller? Eller kanskje “Dear Mr. Clinton, norsk sjokolade eller ukeblader? Vi selger norske The document in your possession is, as far as can be understood from the matvarer direkte importert fra Norge. Norske fiske- photograph, the original protection letter for kaker & fiskepudding er blant de sist ankomne varene. Trondheim Cathedral and Chapter issued by King Frederik the 2nd at Nyeborg Palace on Trygve Lie Gallery: www.trygveliegallery.com April 3, 1561. The letter is a key document in the "Kaleidoscope" by Harald Schioldborg Jr.: history of the Cathedral Chapter, which in Until 4 years ago Schioldborg’s professional life revolved the 1550s struggled to keep its position and privileges. …The letter is a most valuable around shipping and international transport. Today he is by part of the history of the cathedral, and it is many considered to be one of Norway’s most promising of vital interest to secure its future, preferably contemporary artists. His paintings vary in expressions, in Trondheim. It could be exhibited in depending on choice of material and size – but ultimately Photo courtesy of Paul Clinton. colors and light is the main emphasis. May 7 - Sept. 16. These chests sat quietly in the attack for years CONTINUES PAGE 13 before their secrets were revealed. NORWEGIAN AMERICAN WEEKLY • WWW.NORWAY.COM • JUNE 26, 2009 12 Ar t s a n d Entertainment Book Market “West Oversea” A Norse saga of mystery, A Norse SagA of Mystery, Adventure and Faith By Lars Walker adventure, and faith

Lars Walker’s third novel about the Vikings in the year Ch r i s t y Ol s e n Fi e l d 1001 is a thrilling novel that captures all the adventure Copy Editor and drama of exploring in search of a new land to practice religious faith. “West Oversea” is the inaugural book in the Noble Novels series, published Only $9.75 (plus S&H) by Nordskog Publishing. This thought- Visit us online! www.nordskog publishing.com provoking tale by Lars Walker follows the (805) 642-2070 Viking’s conversion to Christianity in an engaging and exciting plot that appeals to all HIDDEN FALLS Behind the Blackout ages. The Noble Novels series is comprised by Carla Danziger of fiction books that are exciting, enjoyable Curtains and fun in the Christian context. By Ellen Dahlberg Zahl ystery Author Lars Walker is not new to M writing—this is his third novel about Vikings. & omance A Young Girl’s Life in R Nazi occupied Norway Walker’s story is based on true, historical in western Norway only $14.95 plus $5 shipping facts of the Viking era at the turn of the first See www.carladanziger.com millennium. Thanks to his careful research, send check or money order: or order book through Ellen Dahlberg Zahl Walker’s characters are based on real Vikings, www.barnesandnoble.com P.O. Box 96 and as publisher Jerry Nordskog puts it, “men 1-800-843-2665 X 3 Saint Helens, OR 97051 (503) 366-9493 who were courageous and indeed noble.” The story begins in the year 1001, To advertise in the Book Market call 1(800)305-0217. and is told from the perspective of Father About the author Aillil, an Irish priest and friend of Viking Lars Walker is a native of Kenyon, Minn. chieftain Erling Skjalgsson. King Olaf and lives in Minneapolis. He has worked We want to hear from YOU! Trygvesson is dead, but his sister’s husband, in a number of interesting professions Send your letters, photos, recipes, travel stories and Erling Skjalgsson, carries on his dream (including as a crabmeat packer in Alaska, of a Christian Norway that preserves its a radio announcer, and a church secretary), event recaps to: [email protected] or by mail to: traditional freedoms. Rather than do a is presently librarian and bookstore manager 7301 5th Ave NE Suite A, Seattle, WA 98115 dishonorable deed, Erling relinquishes his for the schools of the Association of Free power and lands. Lutheran Congregations in Plymouth, Minn. He and his household board ships and He is the author of four previously published sail west oversea to find a new life with Leif novels, and is the editor of the journal of Eriksson in . This voyage, though, the Georg Sverdrup Society. To learn more the fi rst annual will be longer and more dangerous than about Lars Walker and his other novels, visit they ever imagined. It will take them to an his Web site at www.larswalker.com. unexplored country few Europeans had seen. Demonic forces will pursue them, but the About Nordskog Publishing greatest danger of all may be in a dark secret Founded in 2006, Nordskog Publishing carried by Father Aillil. is committed to finding and publishing Walker’s novel has garnered praise from “meaty, tasty, and easily digestible” books many leaders in the Christian publishing on Christian theology, American and industry. Rev. Paul T. McCain, publisher and Church history, and Christ-honoring true executive director of Concordia Publishing stories of men and women of great faith. GREATER SEATTLE CHAPTER House, writes, “This book is not only a Our authors seek to illuminate God’s Word delightful tale of adventure and bravery, but and God’s Laws, applying these precepts there is also an undercurrent of commentary and truths to all areas of life and living. on contemporary culture and values.” Rita Visit nordskogpublishing.com for current Elkins of Florida Today remarks, [“West information about their books, authors and Oversea” is] not for spiritual sissies… related events around the country, as well Rowdy action and a realistic look at the as background information concerning the human and spiritual costs of religious and Nordskog family and publishing ministry. cultural conversion.” August 31, 2009 at 12 noon If you have an interest in learning more ISBN #: 978-09796736-8-9 about the Vikings, “West Oversea” will Price: $9.75 + S&H HARBOUR P OINTE certainly whet your appetite for more! To order, visit nordskogpublishing.com or Golf Club call (805) 642-2070 11817 Harbour Pointe Boulevard, Mukilteo, WA 98275 COST: Early Registration $150 per player or $580 foursome After August 10th Early Registration CLOSES: $160 per player th AUGUST 10 INCLUDES: LAST DAY to Register: 18 holes of golf AUGUST 21st Cart Rental Beverage Tickets Box Lunch Giveaways if you are interested in being a sponsor for this event Raffl e Prizes and Awards please contact the NACC for further information Dinner

Questions? contact the NACC Jerry Nordskog entered the book publishing Author Lars Walker is a native of Kenyon, email: [email protected] • phone: 206.441.9298 industry in 2006, specializing in Christian books Minnesota, and lives in Minneapolis. our new address: 7301 Fifth Avenue NE Suite A, Seattle, WA 98115 in a new series of “Meaty, Tasty, and Easily Digestible Theological Offerings.” JUNE 26, 2009 • WWW.NORWAY.COM • NORWEGIAN AMERICAN WEEKLY In Yo u r Ne i g h b o r h o o d 13 Still split on… their approach on “creating opportunities” Difference between men and women Making a difference… (…continued from page 1) (…continued from page 1) for solving problems. He also commended Fifty-five percent of women are negative the Obama administration for respecting up 5 points from the May poll, while 35.6 toward EU membership, whereas 53 percent people with different backgrounds. This of men have the same perspective. Seamen’s Church on 52nd Street was in percent say they are in favor, 1.6 points down September 2008, during the Church’s 135- approach brings people together on many from May. According to the research, 10.6% Difference in Education different levels, said Støre. In his book he The level of education makes a difference year celebration. Here, Støre was introduced of people are unsure about EU membership to Gjeilo and his music. He has been a fan talks about the challenges in the Middle for Norway. in the polling data as well. Opposition to East. He takes us along on journeys to the joining the European Union is strongest ever since. Norway is one of the few European “Mr. Støre has an impressive capacity Arctic and Northern Norway, to show us the countries (along with , Switzerland among those who do not have higher importance of the High North, and reflects education, but those who were educated at for achieving his goals,” said Norway’s and Liechtenstein) who is not a member Consul General in New York, Ambassador on meetings with world leaders. of the European Union, citing reasons for the university or folk high school level have The base for the book is that Norway is a number of “no” votes with 51%. Sissel Breie. In between his day job, flying agricultural and fishing autonomy. Norway around the world from meeting to meeting not as “small” as people think. Norway is the is a member of the European Economic World’s third largest financial contributor to Nothing any time soon with presidents and other dignitaries, Støre Area and participates in a number of EU wrote “Å gjøre en forskjell.” In the book the UN programs, second largest exporter agencies and programs, but with no voting According to politician Per-Kristian of gas, sixth largest exporter of oil, second Foss (Høyre), there won’t be an EU debate he shares his experiences and personal rights. Norway has held two referendums reflections on his role as Foreign Minister largest exporter of fish, and Norway (with for EU membership in 1972 and 1994, but any time soon. “I believe that there can be only 4.7 million inhabitants) has the second some way that a political party can shift from and gives a rare insight on how Norway’s both were defeated. Norway is as integrated foreign policy is shaped and practiced. largest pension fund in the world. Size is in European policy and economy as any “no” to “yes” to the European Union. We not what matters, but what you accomplish, want to debate about the European Union, Støre has a wide experience working with non-member State can be, and the close EU- international issues. Before being appointed explained the highly respected Minister. Norway relations generally run smoothly. but it is difficult to find someone to debate On June 15, Støre held the opening with,” says Foss. to his current position in 2005, he worked with several international organizations, remarks at the seminar “Corporate Social Difference in age including the World Health Organization and Responsibility in Times of Economic Opposition to the European Union Satisfied Recession” at Scandinavia House. The Since everything is going well with the the Red Cross. is strongest among the young people, the Despite having an extremely hectic Norwegian Government recently launched survey shows. Only one in four under the Norwegian economy, Foss doesn’t believe its first national white paper on corporate that there is enough momentum for Norway schedule, it was a smiling and relaxed age of 30 would have voted in favor of EU looking Minister who took the stage to social responsibility (CSR) in a globalized membership if a referendum was held now. to seek EU-membership. economy. The discussion was moderated by “We are practically part of the European be interviewed by VG’s correspondent in the United States, Anders Giæver. “How Kristin Holth, Executive Vice President and Difference between political parties Union, with the exception of agriculture General Manager of DnB NOR Bank ASA. and fishing. We don’t vote for anything, but did you find time to write the book?” the The largest “yes” party is still the interviewer wanted to know. “The book was The panelists were Luann Smith, President Conservatives (Høyre), where 58 percent is are a little passive and comfortable on the of Statoil Marketing and Trading (US) sidelines.” written at airports, during early mornings in favor of EU membership. The largest “no” last summer,” shared Støre. “For me, writing Inc., Ann E. Condon, GE’s Director and majority is in one of the governing parties, Foss believes that he has seen a Counsel of EHS Programs, and Stephen L. signal from Venstre (Socialist Left party) that is a way of unwinding,” he explained. the Centre Party (Sp), with 95 percent no “Writing ‘Å gjøre en forskjell’ was part of an Brown, Director and Corporate Governance among its voters. The largest party, the ruling there could be a time to change its position. of TIAA-CREF (Teachers Insurance and “We’ve seen Venstre’s sister parties ambition I had as Foreign Minister. I wanted Social Democratic party (Labour party, to open up the debate on foreign policy in Annuity Association, College Retirement Ap) is evenly split: 44 percent “no” and 44 in Europe are for the European Union. The Equities Fund). Socialist People’s party in Denmark had Norway,” he explained. We should have percent “yes.” more “open doors,” and invite more [young] While in New York Støre also presented Those in favor of EU membership is success in the opposition, and is now a clear the 2009 Report of the Global Campaign for supporter of the European Union. But I people to come into the arena for an open concentrated in the two central districts communication. It’s important to break away the Health Millennium Development Goals Akershus (surrounding the capital Oslo) and don’t think the Venstre party in Norway will (MDGs) at the United Nations. This report change any time soon,” says Foss. from the tradition that foreign policy should Oslo itself, where 45% of the voters are in just be for the experts and the insiders, “shows the way forward in coping with favor of Norwegian EU membership. clarified Støre. serious health challenges for mothers and With profound knowledge he spoke children in a time of economic crisis.” This The King, the lett … about the vital relationship between Norway important campaign was spearheaded by (…continued from page 11) and the United States. He emphasized that the Norway. It was launched in New York (Sept. “long-standing friendship” is stronger than 2007) by Norwegian Prime Minister Jens the Archbishop’s Palace Museum next to ever, and the two countries are now working Stoltenberg. A network of global leaders the cathedral where other treasures of the much closer on several issues. He applauded was formed at the invitation of Stoltenberg cathedral are exhibited.” the Obama administration for looking at the to provide political backing at the highest climate issue as a “real challenge,” and for possible level. Paul was stunned. But how, he wondered, did such a valuable artifact wind up in his Brian G. Andersson honored family’s attic in Portland, Oregon? Paul Photo courtesy of Paul Clinton. After talking with some professionals Paul Commissioner of New York City, Brian recalls, “I was almost afraid to know how Andersson was honored as “Man of the Year” we ended up with a document signed by a discovered that his deocumetn was authentic and signed by the King. at Sweden Day in the Bronx on June 13. king.” What happened after that? Ekroll Andersson has dramatically raised Information in hand, he told his the profile of the Dept. of Records and has parents, Harvey and Helen Clinton about writes, “Before the archive system was fully organized, much historical material was improved public access to the vast holdings the incredible discovery. “First my dad of the municipal archives via the Internet. said was, ‘We’ve got to give it back.’” Then, ‘floating around.’” In the 1850s, a major restoration of the cathedral was begun, and He is a historian and genealogist of note, within days of receiving the message from specializing in 19th and 20th century Nidaros, Paul’s mother, fell seriously ill. Paul’s ancestors were involved in various capacities. immigration, focusing on Castle Garden and Paul says his mother was a deeply religious Ellis Island arrivals. Most recently, he was Catholic, and felt the letter belonged back in “Ellef Indahl served as an officer in the Archbishop’s palace, which then was the involved in the discovery of the true story of Norway at the cathedral. A short time later, Annie Moore, the first arrival through Ellis he recalls, “She told me on her deathbed to army Barracks and Arsenal. He could have found the letter there. His wife served for Island, which made international headlines. give it back to the church. ” He is a friend of both the Norwegian and Photo and text by Berit Hessen. The discovery coupled with his mother’s sometime as a maid to Lt. Otto Krefting, who was deeply involved in the restoration of the Swedish Community in New York. Jeanne Eriksson Widman Andersen, Co-President subsequent death caused upheaval in Paul’s of Sweden Day, and Brian G. Andersson. family, which delayed arrangements to restore cathedral. Also, with Ellef’s strong interest the letter to Norway, but Paul continued to in history, he could have bought or been correspond with Ekroll at the cathedral, and given the letter in Trondheim. No one can tell today, but the possibilities are many,” Don’t miss your chance to archive and remember research the Indahl family history in order Seattle’s 120th May 17th celebration! to piece together an explanation for how the Ekroll notes. letter had come all the way to Portland. He What’s clear now is that the letter was Get your keepsake photo disc today! among the many other ancient books and learned that the last time the letter had been The photo disc includes 200 quality images of the 17th of mentioned in historical documents was in a papers related to the cathedral the Indahls May Luncheon at Leif Erikson Lodge, the parade and the book about the cathedral written in 1762 by brought with them to America when they Gerhard Schøning, the rector of the Nidaros emigrated in 1882. dinner event at the Bodal Estate. Cathedral School. No further reference to Five months after his mother passed Samples are available via e-mail upon request. the letter was recorded after his book more away, Paul contacted Larry Bruun, Discs are $19.97 plus $3.95 S&H

than 240 years ago. To order or for questions e-mail [email protected] Photographics Maeland CONTINUES PAGE 15 NORWEGIAN AMERICAN WEEKLY • WWW.NORWAY.COM • JUNE 26, 2009 14 No r w e g i a n He r i t a g e Treasure Island, Florida 2-Bedroom beachfront condo Vacation Rental on the Gulf of Mexico Amazing sunsets Large pool, jacuzzi & Beautiful interior Rønningen Ramblings & dolphin viewing tennis courts on site features: stainless steel appliances, 3 flat-screen with Heidi Håvan Grosch Just 20 from 3rd floor corner with golfing, hiking & balcony fishing nearby TVs, washer and dryer, minutes from and amazing views Heidi was a long-time Minnesotan until she married Tampa! her favorite Norwegian, Morten, and moved to his Museums and Art Galleries in St. Petersberg, only 10 minutes away home country of Norway. As a recent immigrant she is To see photos and for more info visit: www.arnt.us experiencing Norway with a unique perspective, filling us Questions? Call (631) 375-6075 or Email [email protected] in on the good, the bad and the unexpected!

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Now is the time to book your Dream Cruise VaCation Call or email us for the best offers Super Rates to any destination of your dreams Available! Photos: Heidi Håvan GroschIt’s persistance and determination for Heidi’s husband Morten as he bikes Den Store Styrkeprøven. 7906 Fifth Avenue, Brooklyn, New York 11209 • [email protected] Fax: (718) 238-3604 • Tel: (718) 748-7400 • Toll free (800) 822-5838 Den Store Styrkeprøven (The longest one-day bike race in the world...) e Scandinavian Hour In the beginning it feels good. shining, the wind was at his back and he Celebrating over 40 years on the air Everything works, you meet lots of people never fell off his bike when he fell asleep, and when asked if you trained enough, you so he considers himself lucky. He finished KKNW - 1150 AM feel confident saying “yes.” But… when in just 26 hours, 27 minutes and 10 seconds you reach Dovrefjellet (1,000 meters above (in 2008 Henning Gulliksen Rodequist won Saturdays 9:00 - 10:00 am sea level) only a few hours after leaving in 15 hours, 14 minutes and 9 seconds; if Streaming live on the internet at: Trondheim, you begin to wonder if you’re you ride slower than 44 hours, they stop crazy. It’s only the middle of the day, and counting). www.1150kknw.com even though it’s downhill to Lillehammer, Morten says when you finally cross the you have barely begun to cycle. finish line you’re sore, your knees hurt and The “Great Trial of Strength,” or Den you are positive you will never ever do this Full Service Agency With Experienced Store Styrkeprøven (June 19-21 this year) again. But then you stumble to the showers, Norwegian Speaking Consultants! Don’t forget! started in 1967 and has been held every year get your diploma, buy a couple souvenirs, Our daily specials and regularly updated information will help you make wise travel The Norwegian since. It runs along the E6 from Trondheim to sleep all the way home and the next day (or decisions in a constantly changing world! American Weekly is Oslo, the main North/South highway through month) when you are no longer sore you Specials to Scandinavia taking a summer break. Norway, and people of all ages participate, think “Hmm, this was really good. I made it. Europe & the Caribbean No issues will be although there are more men than women I just may do it again.” Call us for details! printed and most are Norwegian. Some bikers are And Morten did. He was back the July 17th, 24th, 31st serious contenders while others just want to following year, but this time the wind was Verrazano TraVel & leisure or August 7th. go for a ride; some even use old bikes with against him and the dark and cold would 1 (718) 979-6641 We’ll see you again no gears and ride in their army uniforms. have nipped the spirit out of a less stubborn [email protected] August 14th! There’s a 30-50 percent dropout rate, but man. It rained so hard that at one point he was [email protected] those that complete the race range from 17 – riding in rubber boots. When his knee gave 74. No special equipment is required, just out about four hours from the Oslo finish Sons of Norway Building, B-20 a bike, a helmet and a whole lot of spunk. line, he refused to quit (despite the advice of 1455 W. Lake Street Norway Art Riders can refuel at one of the 10 rest stops the Red Cross volunteers). He strapped his Minneapolis, MN 55408 (612) 339-7829 along the way and many have friends or foot to the pedal and finished the race with www.norwayartonline.com • email: [email protected] family drive a support vehicle. 4,000-5,000 one leg, and in just over 30 hours. It took the By appointment please people participate each year so small groups following two years to get his knee in shape of 10-40 people begin early in the morning so he could ride again, but now he’s talking and leave every few minutes until close to about tackling the race for a third time. SeaMates Consolidation Service, Inc. noon. Some people call them insane. Some My husband, Morten, wanted to do more are full of admiration. Some just have pity Ocean Freight Consolidators for Household Goods, than just talk about the race, so he trained on these poor souls who choose to ride Personal Effects and Commercial Cargo hard for over a year, 40 km every second 540km on a bike from Trondheim to Oslo… to Scandinavia and other Worldwide Destinations day from May to September and often for in one very long day. I will support Morten an entire Sunday, sometimes 140 km to the 110 percent if he chooses to ride in the 316 Main Street, East Rutherford, New Jersey 07073 Swedish border and back. In the spring Styrkeprøven again…. and it’s lucky for me Tel: 1-800-541-4538 • Fax: 1-201-460-7229 he clocked over 1,200 additional km on his someone has to drive the support vehicle. www.seamates.com bike. For more information: His first race in 1993 proved relatively www.styrkkeproven.no (in Norwegian). Contact Sig Samuelsen: [email protected] easy (his words, not mine). The sun was JUNE 26, 2009 • WWW.NORWAY.COM • NORWEGIAN AMERICAN WEEKLY Ed u c a t i o n 15 Events on Norway.com

For more information on these and other events visit us at: www.norway.com/calendar.asp Does your organization have an event coming up? Would you like to have it added to our events calendar? Send an email to Christy at [email protected] or give us a call at 1(800) 305-0217. Iowa New York 43rd Annual Nordic Fest “Crown Of The Lost” Show July 23-25 Through July 16 Decorah, Iowa New York City, N.Y. Join us to celebrate the spirit of Nor- FIFI projects and Julie Pike (a resident way! In 2009, Nordic Fest will celebrate of Oslo, Norway) open the doors of their its 43rd anniversary. Since 1967, over New York location with the group show Photo courtesy of Paul Clinton. 1.5million visitors from throughout the entitled “Crown Of The Lost.” The show’s Grandma Inga Bertelson on the porch of the Indahl home. country have attended our festival. Your main focus is the foreboding aspects of brought only what they could – and what whole family will enjoy delicious food, nature and the inevitable decay of beau- The King, the lett … they couldn’t bear to leave behind. The traditional crafts, a colorful parade, live- ty through the exploration of behavioral (…continued from page 13) archive they packed with them reflected a ly entertainment, and our Saturday night aspects of biological and technological Portland’s Honorary Norwegian Consul with family history long interwoven with that of torchlight parade and fireworks. “Northern ecosystems and environments, their de- an astonishing story. Communications from Nidaros Cathedral. Nearly one hundred and deLights” will begin with Thursday night velopment, peaks, and ultimately their Ekroll in Trondheim, and the Norwegian thirty years ago, America promised them a opening ceremonies, followed by two full breakdowns. For more information, call government confirmed the value of the find, future, and now in return for that gift, a little days of fun activities for the whole fam- (786) 280-5783 or email gallery@fifiproj- so Brunn, an attorney by profession, helped bit of Norway’s past has been given back. ily. For more information, visit us online ects.net. Paul and his family begin the formal process at www.nordicfest.com! of transferring the treasure safely back to the * Norway’s Nidaros Cathedral, built in 1070 Nordic Noir- Crime Series Norway. on the grave of the martyred Viking King St. Minnesota July 8-13 In Oslo, the letter was studied by experts Olav Haraldsson, is today considered one 78th Annual Norway Day New York City, N.Y. at the National Archive and authenticated as of Scandinavia’s greatest cathedrals. The July 12 Scandinavia House continues with the one of the two letters issued by Danish kings coronation of Norway’s royalty takes place Minneapolis, Minn. ever-popular crime series, Varg Veum, to both control and protect Nidaros Cathedral there, and it is also the terminus of the 1,000 The Norwegian National League of Min- featuring film adaptations of Norwegian during the tumultuous years surrounding year-old Pilgrimsleden, or Pilgrim’s Way, a nesota will host its 78th annual Norway writer Gunnar Staalesen’s crime nov- the Protestant and Counter- walking track that stretches 400 miles from Day Sunday, July 12 at Minnehaha Park in els. During the last two decades, Gunnar Reformation in the 16th century. Oslo to the cathedral in Trondheim, and is Minneapolis. This day-long event brings Staalesen has published 13 Varg Veum A special climatized display case was still in use by spiritual seekers and hikers of together some of the best and brightest novels and two collections of short sto- constructed to hold it, and then several all kinds. entertainment talent in the Norwegian ries, and has become a household name months ago, the document was unveiled and American community. An open-air Chris- with the Norwegian crime audience. In dedicated at a nationally televised ceremony Translated text of the Royal Letter of tian worship service opens the day at 10:30 2004, Varg Veum was honored as the Nor- in the Archbishop’s Palace in Trondheim. Protection: a.m. Entertainment begins at noon with the wegian crime hero of all time. Staalesen is Although Paul and his family were unable We Fredrick the Second, with God’s barnetog children’s parade. Music, song known for his talent to create complex and to attend the ceremony, the Norwegian grace king of Denmark, Norway, the Wends and dance follow for the remainder of the exciting crime plots, and at the same time Secretary for Church and Culture, Mr. Trond and the Goths, duke of Schleswig-Holstein, afternoon. For more information, contact displaying a consciousness of the social Giske, acknowledged their great gift to the Stormaren and Ditmarsken, count of Shirley Evenstad at (612) 861-4793. injustices through his lone-wolf hero. For Norwegian people in his speech, saying the Oldenburg and Delmenhorst, more information, document, “a fantastic find,” was “one of Makes public, that We have, of Our 6th Annual Midtsommer Celebration special grace and mercy earlier, and now visit www.scandinaviahouse.org. the oldest original documents concerning July 16 Nidaros Cathedral.” Aptly, he added, the with this Our open letter anew take the Excelsior, Minn. Cathedral of Trondheim, its Chapter, their Washington Royal Letter of Protection is now on display Join Norway House for the 6th annual at the entry to the wing where the crown servants, their property both movable and Viking Days Midtsommer Celebration in Excelsior, jewels of Norway are kept. unmovable, under Our royal protection, July 11-12 Minnesota! This “all things Norwegian” Although the full story of how the defence and peace, and protect them and festival celebrates Norwegian culture and Seattle, Wash. letter came to be in an attic in Portland, Ore. defend them before every court: lifestyle. Includes a banquet and recogni- The Nordic Heritage Museum’s annual Vi- will probably never be known, it’s likely Likewise We have, of the same grace tion of outstanding Norwegian American king Days Festival celebrates its 26th anni- that this is ultimately what saved it from and mercy, formerly agreed and confirmed, elected public servants, presented by Hon- versary July 11-12. This eventful weekend destruction. Records show that cathedral and now with this Our open letter again orary Consul General Walter Mondale. offers unique Scandinavian entertainment, treasures including relics related to St. Olav, agree and confirm, every freedom and Honorees include Anderson Kelliher, Mc- food, arts and crafts, merchants, and real the first Christian king in the Viking era, privilege which the mighty, high-born king, Collum, Moe, Quie, and Sabo. For more Vikings, only seen in Ballard! Our Taste along with other documents and artifacts Lord Christian the Third, King of Denmark, information, visit www.norwayhouse.net. of Scandinavia will represent each of the were taken and subsequently lost by the last Norway, the Wends and the Goths & Our dear five Nordic countries. Admission to Vi- Catholic Archbishop when he fled Norway in Lord Father, his soul be remembered and 10th Anniversary of the Norway Lake king Days is free, so bring your family 1537. Later, Ekroll notes, fires and humidity praised, formerly gave them and confirmed, Log Church and friends to this great event! For more claimed more of the archive. King Frederick should keep their rights, with every word, August 15-16 information, please call (206) 789-5707 or II’s Royal Letter of Protection is therefore a sentence and article, which the letters state, Norway Lake, Minn. visit www.nordicmuseum.org. valuable piece of a largely silent historical according to the confirmation letter of Our The Norway Lake Lutheran Historical period in Norway from 1400 to 1800 that dear Father. Association will hold the 10th anniver- Centennial Kickoff for Sons of Norway the famous Norwegian author Henrik Ibsen Thus we forbid anyone, whoever they sary celebration of the Norway Lake Log District 2 called “Norway’s 400-year night.” might be, especially our bayliffs/sheriffs, Church in August 2009. Featured speaker July 12 Apart from its value as an original officials and all else, hereafter in any way to on Sunday afternoon will include Gary Blaine, Wash. documentary record, the significance of the harm the aforementioned Trondheim Chapter Gandrud, Norwegian Honorary Consul to Join us for a fun-filled Sunday to start off letter itself is difficult to assess since history on their freedoms and privileges as written the Midwest. Friday night’s vesper service the 100th annivesary party for the Sons of has a hard time recording what didn’t happen, stands, against our will. will be led by Pastor Dean Elton Johnson Norway District 2! Joining in for a year of or what might have been. But as Paul likes to Given in our castle Nyborg (New Castle), and Sunday morning’s 10:00 a.m. worship celebration are District 6 and 7, formerly observe, at least during the reigns of King the third day of April year 26, will be officiated by Bishop Jon Anderson of District 2. The party begins at 9:30 a.m. Christian III and his son Frederick II a fairly of the SWMN Synod of the ELCA and at the Peace Arch Park, including games, successful, albeit self-interested, attempt Under Our seal former member of Crow River Lutheran a potluck lunch, Queen for the border Fes- was made through their letters of protection Frederich Church near Belgrade. For more infor- tival, and a kite-flying contest. For more to preserve one of Europe’s most important mation, visit http://www.nllha.org/index. information, visit. www.sofn.com. cathedrals. Who’s to say what would have html happened to Nidaros without them? When the Indahl family left Norway for America, they like so many other immigrants NORWEGIAN AMERICAN WEEKLY • WWW.NORWAY.COM • JUNE 26, 2009 No one fl ies to Scandinavia more often than we do. By the way, “Velg” means Velg.choose in Norwegian. As in, sometimes you need the highest comfort level, other times a low price, and many times both. 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