Africa restoring 100 million hectares of deforested and degraded land by 2030

Through AFR100, national governments, public and private sector partners, international development programs and local communities will restore productivity to deforested and degraded AFR100 contributes to the Bonn Challenge, the New York Declaration on Forests and Sustainable Development Goal 15

POLITICAL FINANCIAL TECHNIQUE technical 26 Countries $1B in 21 partners development • Catholic Relief Services finance • CIRAD • Deutsche Gesellschaft für 86.2 Internationale Zusammenarbeit (GIZ) Million hectares • Food and Agriculture Organization of $481M the United Nations (FAO) • Heinz Sielmann Stiftung • private sector • International Center for Tropical • commitment Agriculture (CIAT) • • International Tree Foundation • Acumen Fund • International Union for • Conservation of Nature (IUCN) • Ecoplanet Bamboo • Central • Nigeria • Jane Goodall Institute (JGI) African • Form International Republic • Republic • Justdiggit of Congo • Germany’s Federal Ministry • Kijani • Cote d'Ivoire for Economic Cooperation • and Development (BMZ) • New Partnership for Africa’s • Democratic Development (NEPAD Agency) Republic of • • Global Environment Congo facility (GEF) • Partnerships for Forests • • Solidaridad Network • • Green World Ventures • • The Greenbelt Movement • • Swaziland • Moringa Partnership • The Landscapes for People Food • and Nature Initiative (LPFN) • • NatureVest • The Nature Conservancy (TNC) • • Permian Global • • United Nations Development • • Terra Global Capital Programme: South Africa Country • Office (UNDP-RSA) • World Bank • United Nations Environment • &Green Fund Programme (UNEP) • World Agroforestry Center (ICRAF) • World Resources Institute (WRI) • World Vision • World Wide Fund for Nature (WWF)

Contact Mamadou Diakhite NEPAD Agency [email protected] Find out more: Africa Faces Increasing Resource Challenges Africa's population is expected to nearly double by 2050, increasing demands on already-scarce soil and water resources and exacerbating existing challenges: 65% 3% 2.8M of Africa’s land is of GDP is lost annually hectares of annual affected by from soil and nutrient forest cover loss degradation depletion on farmland (larger than Rwanda)

Restoring Degraded Land Can Improve Livelihoods Africa has the largest restoration opportunity of any continent in the world—more than 700 million hectares of degraded land, or an area the size of Australia. This degraded land can be restored to forests or mosaic landscapes, providing many benefits.

1. Boost Productivity 2. Improve Food 3. Protect Biodiversity In southern Niger, women used to and Water Security In Malawi, increasing trees on farms spend 2.5 hours a day collecting slowed deforestation by reducing the In Zinder and Maradi, Niger, adding trees firewood from sparse landscapes. need to cut existing forests to farms increased crop yields by 15-30% Now, they spend only 0.5 hours by pruning on-farm trees.

4. Increase Climate 5. Reduce Disaster Risk 6. Combat Desertification Change Resilience A single mature baobab in Niger’s Mirriah Trees help restore, maintain and improve district produces leaves and fruit worth at soil fertility by increasing organic soil In Tigray, Ethiopia, restoration least $28, allowing farmers to buy cereals matter expanded dry season farming from and other food during droughts 40 to 40,000 hectares over the past 20 years