TALKING PO BOX 10823 FARGO ND 58106 701-552-1940
[email protected] Rene’ A. Smith Executive Director Volume 47, No. 1 Spring 2017 The President’s Victor Heitkamp Perspective Osgood Golf Course Fargo Park Dsitrict NCTGA President Greeting NCTGA members, I would I would also like to thank all the board like to first take this opportunity to members who have served in the past, thank the board of directors and you, and a special thanks to the four the members, for giving me the directors who went off this past year, privilege to serve as your president. Vice President Craig Vigen and It is with great honor I accept the Directors Dave Bietz, Kyle Fick and chance to keep working with you and Aaron Johnson. Your time and continue the momentum we have seen commitment to the NCTGA is over the last few years. appreciated and you will be missed. I would like to extend a special thank Our 2017 conference and trade show you to our former president, Aaron was held this past Feb/March and on Motl. Your rein as president is behalf of the board I say thank you to appreciated by us all, and you are all the speakers, vendors, and leaving some big shoes for me to fill. members who made this a great week. Inside this issue: It’s a good thing for me that you have As a board we work hard to bring you one year left of your current term. I the best of the best and with your President’s 1 & 2 would also like to give a mention and continued support we will continue to Message thank you to our returning board work and make future conferences just members, Vice President Gordy as great.