0 Still National Osteopathic Museum, Kirksville,MO the Object and Aim Of
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0 Still National Osteopathic Museum, Kirksville, MO I/ J Jr I Treatment of The Object and Aim of Osteopathy Is to Improve and Advance Our Present Systems of Surgery, Obstetrics and General Diseases to a More Satisfactory Position Than Thev Now Hold . VOL. I. KIRKSVILLE, MISSOURI, JANUARY 1895NO. 9 It has been said t(rme fyou now and mot my desire . talc(" heed should die even ROW your children that. you on improve your present opportunity for gainingthebread of Osteopathic would have much to be proud of." But I say if I die crow put on am extra knowledge fro",headquarters I, tra shovel of dirt for the things I may be called on to have failed to accomplish, but if I You dispenseitinEuropeAsiaandother die in 18 months from mow cast off' distant points of the globe . See to it the added amount for the mew tits that your supply is of the right kind . discoveries 1 bolt(, to make in this Am Osteopath asks no favors of science by that time . drugs-if you go out to your patient accompanied by a physician This requestis am informal schoolbenefittaught andallowhimtosuggestvariousmedicines at my- for your If as remedies them yon have disgraced you make one subject thoroughly it diploma. will take all your brainsThissubject your Eitherjest is . roam . Know yourself, if yon God is God or He is mot. do it in <r years yon will do better is Cod's law and than I did in :1 :r, Tear, ago I duo, Osteopathy whoevercamimproveonGodslawi- one skeleton after another out of the superior to himself. sand heaps of the Indian burial God Osteopathy opensyoureyestoseeandlee grounds and studied them until I was truly ; it covers add fields of diseases familiar with the use and structure of, and is the law that keeps life in mo- every Moue in the human system . tion. From this I went on to tile study of As am electrician controls the elec- muscles . ligaments tissues arteries, tric currents, so Osteopath an controls thelifecurrents,andrevives etc. It has been my lifework and' yet there are for me to learn, natural forces. of am You are admittedthingsto theschool mow incandescent'1'o turn on the blaze make a as an accommodation lweause you deseent light, would you hyperdermicinjectionintothe did mot know that t his building would 'fail to be ready for occupancy at the would you give a dose wire al- eoc^:- . belladonna promised timeYou see one die ! Or apply times thousand A ways calls for more to cover it up. no would. your 9114!11 it proceedure be DO mot think that payment of idol more ridiculous than pouring On Monday morning January appearance of a Luau physically tired $500.00 will make nre '.(31r1'ly. 14th the students "-:,f Osteopathy out and exclaimed --well. after , Smell those things into Mali, who is but a I is not the ease. Iwould d far met in the lecture room of the A.- T.Still Infirmary out and exclaimed"well afterlaboring alldayIhavesucceeded ingetting all day Ihavesucceededin getting out 160 papers, rather machine. 'rake the course of Vi,- have a much needed rest than add (loll), :and Dr. Stilladdressedtheminthefollowingcharacteristic- bonesstudy to understand your money, pmt since yon are here 'ro-(lay- such is the rapidity with muscles ligaments. nerves . blood 1 will teach you ill I cam . tic manner which our giaut printing presses Yon wild supply, and everything pertaining to enter upon mew fields of learning lint Good morning I'm from Virginia work that with ease 680,000 copies this human engine . allot if your work do mot think for a moment that after and shall introduce myself dry saying are struck off in 1'? hours. But so be well done; you wild have it under L or months of class work you will How are you? I am mot very accustomed are we to the magnitude 3 perfect control. yon will lied when be shoved into the operating rooms weld in. myself but in --we of that little - of the results obtained in this day diptheria is raging and its vie- That is a procedure ill which I have drawback wild talk to you for a short that we fail to appreciate thegreatness ofour acre. tins dying at tile rate of 11-1 per )teem time As I said. I is from Virginia I bitten. Before entering tile day, a was tile case in Operating rooms but :1 came welt at an early day and Nothing looks large to us mow. In yon must make a Where my son is located . that 1)v am pratlically a Western man. the past a spoonful of. castor grade of 90 on a scale of 100 in playing along the limes of sensation, : '1'o admit My father was a minister--in ()o(" oilassumedenormous proportions.to-day you there motion and nutrition--if you do mot grad Anatomy soonererwould,betoconniveAyourruin. u smissionary . I've said it does mot for it is seldom seem and play ignorantly--you wild win the re- y . to make yon prayers ? mile longaslong g as the is to use only among the stupid. marvelous, to send yon wnrol due your intelligence. and out in longest ,e,}±,tI chapter inthe Bible)-said But I will not assail the M. 1)'s, the world to make money. to' mot a single case . You ,viii also those prayers as 1 walked between j Make yon think that Solomon's bend i some of them have come and placed meet that terror to the ordinaryphysiciandisease.letmemake would be too small to fill hat the plow handles that a lapse of themselves among us and when a your memory in that directionmight mot man sweats in agony over a lost Motion begins in tile human foetus am illustration along that dine, by ;,trapping- ' result in a from tit ;- father . cause (even fears being kicked out ;' at about 4 1/2 months after conception . the in were of of the lunatic asylum) ^it would be Activity Of the Osteopath begins, at comparing progressions kidneys diseasetothedifferentstages Those the days smallthin'-s. father's salary the firstyear t111 ungenerous to (INN-ell our his defeat. about tile same date. of milk. Place milk in a pan it is was munificent $6.09 the one of After I year in school yon willarriveatthestagewherewithoutproper, simply- milk and represents tilekidneys innaturalworking order:leave Think of it ye Beecher's and Spur- Between yon and me as far as the - Spurgeon's and your with Talmage's lunatic asylum is concerned I would er guidance you are likely to take a the milk at little longer maid it is cos tabernacles awl your salaries as soon go to a sausage mill :( to hammer to a looking glass . At the (rid, diet, it corresponds to diabetes, = rising high in the thousands. enter one. cud of 18 months provided volt have leave it until it, rots, and you have ` Our schools were of amide western Homeopathy has reduced the dose gone out into the worldyou reach Bright's disease. l nature, and one paper to a family in drugs and in tile same ratio has tile point where yon are anxious to Even here you wild mot experience was a big thing. While I was at Allopathy found it possible to get see Pap defeat, for with your accurateknowledgeofthehumanmachineryyou school in Tennessee. the editor . of the along with less of those deadly arti- In two years yon just learn that Holstein Journal-a paper in which cles . Every step that drops even 1 steam blows up but do mot yet know will mot only know, but meetall its my father war interested-carne to grain of drugs develops mind that how to control it. requirements ; and so it will I)(" all our one hearing house evening every' sees more deity and less drugs. It is a privilege for yon to begin continued on 5th page © Still National Osteopathic Museum, Kirksville, MO the early- days of Osteopathy . In HONOR TO OSTEOPATHY . 1o- m an addle,_,,s by b11 . S 31. Pick- l 111 of l ,C the opposite corner is the present Pickler a piano solo by Miss Smith of residence . In the lower left corner Dr . Still's Magnificent Near Building Denver ; speeches by Mr. Dodge of the large new boarding house and in Dedicated . Sedalia . and Mr. Stripe of St . Louis ; I CAT E lower right corner the magnificent the presentation of a stunt! number of THE GRAND AND IMPOSING NEW BUILDING infirmary., building In the centre is It was a Splendid Occasion . A Great Crowd . handsome gifts to Dr. Still ; the sing Music and Eloquence Galore . Speeches ERECTED BY DR . A . T, STILL DEDI- a very large picture of Dr . Still, ing of an ode t Osteopathy : and by Mr . Greenwood, Judge Ellison, CATED TO THE SCIENCE OF seated in a large rocker ; with the the benediction pronounced by Rev. Dr, Still, Prof. Laughlin, Mr . most natural and pleasing expression OSTEOPATHY . Millan, Mr . Pickier and John GilliesSuch was the menu, oil his face yet :seen in a photo. Be- Others . musical . literary and spiritual, of the A BRILLIANT AND MEMORABLE OCCA- tween and along the margin are evening . With the exception of Mrs. SION IN THE ANNALS OF THIS photos of the mother of Osteopathy, Frcm Kirksville Journal . F. I). Parker - who was accompanist SCHOOL . a bits. Still, and all the children besidesare photos of Mesdames Bolles With brilliant program ultofsonvg l at the piano, all those who and eloquence and in the presence contributedtothe musicalpartofthepro- The Building Thronged With Students, Pa- and Huat and Secretary Patterson of a brilliant audience in " Memorial ,grain were connected with theOsteopathicinstitutionaseitherpatients tients and Friends From Morning and wife.