Masakazu Konishi
Masakazu Konishi BORN: Kyoto, Japan February 17, 1933 EDUCATION: Hokkaido University, Sapporo, Japan, B.S. (1956) Hokkaido University, Sapporo, Japan, M.S. (1958) University of California, Berkeley, Ph.D. (1963) APPOINTMENTS: Postdoctoral Fellow, University of Tübingen, Germany (1963–1964) Postdoctoral Fellow, Division of Experimental Neurophysiology, Max-Planck Institut, Munich, Germany (1964–1965) Assistant Professor of Biology, University of Wisconsin, Madison (1965–1966) Assistant Professor of Biology, Princeton University (1966–1970) Associate Professor of Biology, Princeton University (1970–1975) Professor of Biology, California Institute of Technology (1975– 1980) Bing Professor of Behavioral Biology, California Institute of Technology (1980– ) HONORS AND AWARDS (SELECTED): Member, American Academy of Arts and Sciences (1979) Member, National Academy of Sciences (1985) President, International Society for Neuroethology (1986—1989) F. O. Schmitt Prize (1987) International Prize for Biology (1990) The Lewis S. Rosenstiel Award, Brandeis University (2004) Edward M. Scolnick Prize in Neuroscience, MIT (2004) Gerard Prize, the Society for Neuroscience (2004) Karl Spencer Lashley Award, The American Philosophical Society (2004) The Peter and Patricia Gruber Prize in Neuroscience, The Society for Neuroscience (2005) Masakazu (Mark) Konishi has been one of the leaders in avian neuroethology since the early 1960’s. He is known for his idea that young birds initially remember a tutor song and use the memory as a template to guide the development of their own song. He was the fi rst to show that estrogen prevents programmed cell death in female zebra fi nches. He also pioneered work on the brain mechanisms of sound localization by barn owls. He has trained many students and postdoctoral fellows who became leading neuroethologists.
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