
-Associated Chest Pain The differential diagnosis for cocaine-associated chest pain is broad and can involve symptoms commonly seen with other conditions. In this review, the author describes the complex pathophysiology of these disorders and the specific diagnostic and therapeutic approaches necessary to prevent serious consequences.

James H. Jones, MD

ince the first reported case of cocaine- anesthetic properties of the ester type and also has associated acute myocardial infarction a direct effect on the myocardium, where it blocks (AMI) in 1982,1 the incidence of cardio- fast sodium channels. The systemic effects of cocaine vascular disorders arising from cocaine use are produced from the inhibition of monoamine hasS steadily increased.1 According to the Drug Abuse reuptake pumps (both peripherally and centrally) in Warning Network, the number of cocaine-related the presynaptic membrane for norepinephrine, epi- (ED) visits reported in 2005 nephrine, , and serotonin. This inhibition, was higher than in 2004, reaching nearly 484,000.2,3 in turn, produces increased extracellular and plasma Not surprisingly, chest pain is the most common concentrations of these neurotransmitters, leading to symptom.4 Cocaine accounts for 25% of AMIs in the typical sympathomimetic toxidrome seen with co- patients aged 18 to 45 years.5 The incidence of AMI caine. The drug’s metabolism and elimination occur among patients who present with cocaine-associated by several mechanisms. Between 30% and 50% of the chest pain is as high as 6%, and AMI is 24 times more drug is quickly hydrolyzed by and plasma cho- likely than not to occur within the first hour after the linesterases. Nonenzymatic hydrolysis accounts for drug is used.6 Thus, the clini- another 40% of its breakdown. Several of cocaine’s cian must be vigilant when caring for patients who metabolites are thought to be biologically active, in- present with cocaine-associated chest pain. cluding benzoylecgonine, which is typically found in the urine for 48 to 72 hours after the drug is used and PHARMACOLOGY is the compound detected by most urine drug screens.7 The pharmacology of cocaine plays a significant role The combination of and cocaine produces co- in its clinical effects. Cocaine can be ingested, insuf- caethylene, which has a half-life exceeding 2 hours flated (snorted), inhaled, and intravenously injected. and prolongs the euphoric experience associated with The onset of the drug’s effects cocaine. It is also a potent blocker and >>FAST TRACK<< is dependent upon the route directly depresses the myocardium.8,9 Cocaine possesses local of administration. With in- anesthetic properties of travenous injection and inha- PATHOPHYSIOLOGY the ester type and also lation, the effects are almost The pathophysiology of cocaine-associated myocar- has a direct effect on immediate, whereas with in- dial ischemia may be best explained in terms of the the myocardium, where sufflation, they peak within drug’s actions on the over time. Its immedi- it blocks fast sodium 30 minutes. When smoked, ate effects take two forms. First, the and channels. crack cocaine gives an almost hypertension that accompany this sympathomimetic instantaneous high, an effect toxidrome lead to increased myocardial oxygen de- that contributes to the drug’s potency and increases mand, which is primarily centrally mediated.10 Sec- the likelihood of addiction. Cocaine possesses local ond, cocaine causes coronary vasoconstriction of both healthy and diseased epicardial coronary ar- Dr. Jones is a professor of clinical emergency medicine 10,11 and vice chair in the department of emergency medicine at teries. This effect seems to be greatest at sites the Indiana University School of Medicine, Indianapolis. involving atherosclerotic lesions, which, when com-


bined with the increased oxygen demand mediated by cocaine, can produce myocardial ischemia.12 TABLE 1. Differential Diagnosis of The intermediate result of cocaine’s effect on the Cocaine-Associated Chest Pain myocardium is due to enhanced thrombus forma- tion. The drug’s direct effects on platelets lead to ag- Acute coronary syndrome Pericarditis gregation.13-15 Although thrombus formation is more Pneumothorax Myocarditis common with underlying coronary artery disease, it can occur in healthy coronary arteries.11 Pneumomediastinum Pneumonia The long-term consequences of cocaine use on the Pneumopericardium Endocarditis heart include accelerated atherogenesis, left ventricular hypertrophy, and dilated cardiomyopathy.10,11,16 Pro- Aortic dissection “Crack ” longed cocaine use increases the risk of premature and Pulmonary embolism Musculoskeletal pain more severe coronary atherosclerosis.17 Angiographic studies show that as many as 40% of long-time users of cocaine have significant coronary artery disease, defined as stenosis involving greater than 70% oc- initially denied using the drug.20 In addition, the clusion, often in the absence of other established risk method and amount of cocaine use are not predictive factors for ischemic heart disease.18 In addition, this of the development of myocardial ischemia, nor are disease is generally more severe than that observed the location, duration, and severity of the associated among age-matched control subjects. Left ventricular symptoms. Almost all cocaine-associated MIs occur hypertrophy that occurs with prolonged cocaine use is within 24 hours after the drug is used.6,21 similar to that seen in other hyperdynamic states such The ECG is the most important initial test, as as thyrotoxicosis and aortic stenosis. the results likely determine the appropriate ther- apy. Unfortunately, as many as 35% of patients DIFFERENTIAL DIAGNOSIS presenting with cocaine-associated chest pain may The differential diagnosis of chest pain associated demonstrate signs consistent with benign early re- with cocaine is broad (Table 1). Although the imme- polarization.22 This, along with ECG evidence of diate evaluation for myocardial ischemia and infarc- left ventricular hypertrophy in some patients, can tion is mandatory, it is important for the clinician not make interpretation of ischemia challenging, espe- to establish a specific diagnosis too quickly. In cases cially when J-point and ST-segment elevation are of cocaine use, many other causes of chest pain can considered. Research has shown that the sensitivity be seen, such as pneumothorax and pneumomedias- of the ECG for AMI is lower in cocaine users than tinum. Cocaine has been noted to be a cause for aor- in other patient populations.21 tic dissection.19 Pneumonia, pericarditis, endocardi- Clinicians also rely upon the use of cardiac mark- tis, myocarditis, and pulmonary embolism have all ers in determining the appropriate treatment for been associated with cocaine use. If not considered patients with cocaine-associated chest pain. Such and promptly recognized, all of these disorders can assessments can be complicated by false elevations have serious consequences. of creatine kinase and cre- atine kinase MB, which are >>FAST TRACK<< EVALUATION presumably caused by agi- Almost all cocaine- Patients with cocaine-associated chest pain must tation and rhabdomyoly- associated MIs occur undergo an evaluation that focuses not only on the sis.23 Troponins I and T do within 24 hours after the toxidrome that may accompany cocaine use but also not exhibit cross-reactivity drug is used. on specific end-organ disorders. As mentioned pre- with human skeletal muscle viously, chest pain is the most frequent symptom troponins and are therefore as sensitive but more among this population. Unfortunately, such patients specific than the creatine kinase and creatine kinase may not always be forthcoming about their recent MB measurements.24,25 drug use or may present hours after symptoms be- Another important diagnostic test is chest radiog- gin. In one prevalence study, 28% of cocaine users raphy, which is useful for determining any noncar-


tional series, case series and reports, and very small TABLE 2. Treatment for Cocaine- clinical trials. In general, patients who present with Associated Acute Coronary Syndromes cocaine-associated chest pain and suspected myocar- dial ischemia and should undergo the same Oxygen Recommended treatment as those with traditional acute coronary Recommended syndrome (ACS); as exceptions, beta-adrenergic blockade must be avoided and block- Recommended ers may be considered as an option (Table 2). Nitroglycerin Recommended Decades of clinical experience with intravenous benzodiazepines demonstrate that these drugs are ef- Heparin Recommended fective in attenuating the rise in heart rate and blood Beta-blockers Contraindicated pressure associated with cocaine use and lead to a decrease in myocardial oxygen demand.10,28 Calcium channel Consider if benzodiazepines Aspirin and heparin are important treatments. The blockers and nitroglycerin are pathophysiology of thrombus formation secondary to ineffective platelet aggregation suggests that the role of both of Phentolamine Consider if hypertension these agents makes theoretical sense, although little persists evidence supports this approach.27 Nevertheless, the benefits of these agents likely outweigh their risks. Ni- Percutaneous Preferred over fibrinolytic coronary therapy in the treatment of trates are a mainstay in the treatment of ACS and may intervention STEMI also have a role in the treatment of cocaine-associated chest pain, as some studies have demonstrated that STEMI = ST-segment elevation myocardial infarction these agents can relieve cocaine-induced vasoconstric- tion.29-31 Again, their risk-benefit ratio is favorable. Beta-adrenergic blockade is the standard treatment diac causes of chest pain. Because significant cocaine for patients with AMI. The traditional approach is intoxication can lead to hyperglycemia and hypoka- to avoid beta-blockers in the treatment of cocaine- lemia, and severe intoxication can also induce acid- induced AMI. The concern is that with the blockade base disorders, routine blood tests can be a valuable of the beta-adrenergic effects of cocaine, unopposed complement to the cardiac marker assessment. The alpha-adrenergic effects with coronary vasoconstric- urine drug screens can detect the metabolite benzoyl- tion and increased blood pressure develop. Labetalol ecgonine for a period of 48 to 72 hours after a single can be an alternative, since it possesses both alpha- use (longer in chronic users), but the impact of this and beta-blocking properties, but its beta-blockade finding on the initial treatment is minimal.26 effects are significant. In a recent retrospective cohort study involving 363 patients admitted for cocaine use, TREATMENT the rates of AMI and death were lower among those Traditional emergency medicine protocol empha- who underwent beta-blocker therapy,32 a finding that sizes assessment and stabilization as the paramount contrasts directly with the results of previous studies first steps of treatment. For patients presenting with warning against the administration of beta-blockers to cocaine-associated chest pain, the first priority is to patients with cocaine-associated AMI. This study was stabilize the airway, breathing, and circulation. Af- limited, however, by significant patient selection bias, terwards, a more focused assessment and treatment and it included patients who had and were undergoing can begin. The recommended treatment strategies treatment for other diseases besides AMI. In addition, for cocaine-associated myocardial ischemia are not the study did not address each patient’s actual time of strongly evidence supported. As noted in the 2008 cocaine use. Therefore, in view of this study’s short- American Heart Association (AHA) guidelines, few comings, these results must be considered preliminary well-designed randomized trials have addressed the at best and the use of beta-blocker therapy for co- treatment of cocaine-associated chest pain.27 Most caine-associated myocardial ischemia should continue studies are based on animal experiments, observa- to be contraindicated. continued on page 26


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Two other warrant a brief mention. DISPOSITION Calcium channel blockers such as have The disposition for many of these patients will be been shown in laboratory experiments to reverse co- straightforward. Those with ACS will require ad- caine-induced coronary artery vasoconstriction.33,34 mission. As previously mentioned, patients suffer- Phentolamine improves coronary artery diameter ing STEMI should undergo immediate PCI. Others in cocaine-induced vasoconstriction and has been should be admitted for ongoing evaluation and treat- shown to decrease blood pressure.10,28,35 The 2008 ment. Those experiencing other cardiac complica- AHA guidelines consider these second-line agents.27 tions such as congestive heart failure and significant Timely percutaneous coronary intervention (PCI) will also require admission. Noncardiac by experienced operators in high-volume centers is complications of cocaine, including seizures, stroke, preferred over fibrinolysis in ST-segment elevation and , will necessitate inpatient man- MI (STEMI) and is even more desirable for treat- agement. Most patients with cocaine-associated chest ing disorders associated with cocaine use.24 Many pain, however, will have nondiagnostic test results and young patients demonstrate ECG evidence of be- an unremarkable ECG, an absence of cardiac mark- nign early repolarization, but only a small percent- ers, and a resolution of symptoms. Research demon- age of those presenting with cocaine-associated chest strates that almost all cardiac complications related to pain and J-point elevation are actually experiencing cocaine use will be apparent within the first 12 hours an AMI.22,36,37 Case reports document adverse out- of presentation.42 A period of observation and serial comes, including a higher occurrence of intracranial testing is therefore warranted for such patients at low hemorrhage, after fibrinolytic therapy is administered risk. Several studies support this approach and recom- to patients using cocaine.38 Therefore, the AHA rec- mend an observation period of 9 to 12 hours. If serial ommends fibrinolytic therapy be reserved for patients testing (ECG and cardiac markers) continues to yield who are clearly suffering STEMI and cannot undergo negative results, these patients can be discharged and immediate PCI.27 return for outpatient follow-up.43 It should be noted is very common in patients suffer- that longitudinal studies have demonstrated that the ing from the acute toxic effects of cocaine use. Most greatest risk factor for the development of myocardial atrial arrhythmias will respond to benzodiazepines ischemia in this group of patients is continued cocaine and resolve over time. The treatment of ventricular use.44 In addition, among patients who have cocaine- arrhythmias depends on the interval between cocaine associated chest pain and low to moderate cardiac use and the onset of arrhythmia. Ventricular arrhyth- risk and undergo complete evaluation in a chest pain mias occurring immedi- observation unit, the rate of AMI in the ensuing 12 >>FAST TRACK<< ately after the drug is used months is less than 1%.45 Thus, discharge planning Case reports document are thought to be second- should include drug abuse counseling and aggressive adverse outcomes, ary to the sodium channel modification of the traditional risk factors. including a higher blockade effects of cocaine occurrence of intracranial on the myocardium. The SUMMARY hemorrhage, after administration of sodium The differential diagnosis for cocaine-associated fibrinolytic therapy is bicarbonate is thus war- chest pain is broad, and the pathophysiology of co- administered to patients ranted.27,39 For those ven- caine-induced myocardial ischemia is complex. Except using cocaine. tricular arrhythmias that for the early administration of benzodiazepines and occur several hours later, the avoidance of beta-blocker therapy, the initial treat- myocardial ischemia is the more likely culprit. The ment of cocaine-associated myocardial ischemia should standard therapeutic approach includes address- follow the standard ACS guidelines. Percutaneous ing any metabolic derangements and administering coronary intervention is recommended for STEMI. antiarrhythmics such as .40 The efficacy of Patients at low risk can be discharged from the ED if amiodarone in this setting has not been studied. Tors- the results of observation and serial testing are unre- ades de pointes has rarely been observed with cocaine markable. The long-term prognosis is good for those use.41 If it is present, is the initial treat- who abstain from continued cocaine use. Q ment choice. continued on page 28


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