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MASARYK UNIVERSITY Faculty of Science Regional Centre for Applied Molecular Oncology (RECAMO) INVESTIGATION OF AGR3 PROTEIN FUNCTION AND MECHANISMS TRIGGERING ITS EXPRESSION IN CANCER CELL Dissertation Joanna Obacz Supervisor: Roman Hrstka, Ph.D. Brno 2015 Bibliography Author’s name and surname: Joanna Obacz, M.Sc. Dissertation title (Czech): Studium funkce proteinu AGR3 a mechanism ů zodpov ědných za regulaci jeho exprese v nádorové bu ňce. Dissertation title: Investigation of AGR3 protein function and mechanisms triggering its expression in cancer cell. Study programme: Biochemistry Field of study: Genomics and Proteomics Supervisor: Roman Hrstka, Ph.D. Year of defence: 2016 Key words (Czech): AGR3, AGR2, biomarker, karcinom mlé čné žlázy, extracelulární protein Key words: AGR3, AGR2, biomarker, breast cancer, extracellular protein © Joanna Obacz, Masaryk University, 2015 Acknowledgments I would like to thank my supervisor Roman Hrstka, Ph.D., for the guidance through the years, and the vital critique of this work; as well as Borivoj Vojtesek, DrSc., for giving me the opportunity to carry out this work in his lab and for many valuable advice. I express my gratitude to prof. Silvia Pastorekova for co-supervision and broad expertise in the field, creating a family atmosphere during my stays in Bratislava and constant supply of encouragement. I would like to express special thanks to Veronika Brychtova, Ph.D., Martina Takacova, Ph.D. and Filippo Iuliano, Ph.D., for friendly and fruitful collaboration in the lab and publications writing. Moreover, I would like to acknowledge all the colleagues from RECAMO and collaborating lab in Bratislava for various ways of helping during my Ph.D. studies, especially Paulina Orzol, Lucia Sommerova, Martin Benej, Ivana Vidlickova and Stela Lausova. Lastly, I would like to thank my family and friends from all over the world for constant support. This work was supported by the project MEYS – NPS I – LO1413 and European Regional Development Fund and the state budget of the Czech Republic for Regional Centre for Applied Molecular Oncology – RECAMO (CZ.1.05/2.1.00/03.0101). I hereby declare that this dissertation is my own independent work. I have only used the given sources and materials and I have cited others’ work appropriately. …………………………....... Abstrakt Úvod: Anterior gradient protein (AGR) 3 je blízce p říbuzným homologem proonkogenního proteinu AGR2. AGR3 je taxonomicky řazen do rodiny protein disulfid izomeráz. Přestože byla p řítomnost AGR3 detekována u řady malignit, v četn ě nádor ů mlé čné žlázy, vaje čník ů, prostaty a jater, zůstává funkce tohoto proteinu v tumorigenezi stále ne zcela prozkoumána. Cílem p ředložené práce bylo popsat úlohu AGR3 v nádorové buňce, p ředevším pak mechanismy regulující hladinu AGR3, analyzovat vztah mezi proteiny AGR3 a AGR2 a stanovit prognostický význam exprese AGR3 u karcinom ů mlé čné žlázy. Metody: Funkce proteinu AGR3 byla studována na bun ěč ných liniích MCF-7 a T-47D odvozených od karcinomu mlé čné žlázy a H1299 odvozených od karcinomu plic, pomocí jak 2D tak i 3D modelových bun ěč ných systém ů. Vliv extracelulárního proteinu AGR3 na chování nádorové bu ňky byl studován pomocí monitorování bun ěč né proliferace v reálném čase, testu adhezivity, metody zacelování rýhy a β-galaktozidázovým testem. Interakce mezi AGR3 a AGR2 byla analyzována pomocí tzv. „proximity ligation assay“ a imunoprecipitace. Imunohistochemie a kvantitativní PCR byly využity ke stanovení AGR3 exprese u kohorty 129 primárních karcinom ů mlé čné žlázy. Ke statistickým analýzám v četn ě stanovení potenciálního prognostického významu proteinu AGR3 byly použity Fisher ův test, Pearson ův chí-kvadrát test a Breslow ův test. Výsledky: AGR3 přispívá k přežívání nádorových bun ěk b ěhem r ůzných stresových podmínek, v četn ě poškození DNA, a to jak závisle, tak i nezávisle na proteinu p53. V případ ě sekrece tohoto proteinu do extracelulárního prostoru, AGR3 přispívá k bun ěč né adhezi a migraci pravd ěpodobn ě díky modifikaci signálních drah, které se významn ě uplat ňují v nádorových bu ňkách. In silico analýzy odhalily, že AGR3 regulované i regulující signální dráhy se mohou podílet na regulaci bun ěč né proliferace, diferenciace, metastazování a celkového p řežití. Dále bylo zjišt ěno, že protein AGR3 nejen že může p římo interagovat s proteinem AGR2, ale u řady nádorových ale i normálních tkání je jeho expresní profil velmi podobný AGR2. Immunohistochemická analýza u karcinom ů mlé čné žlázy potvrdila korelaci mezi AGR3 expresí a estrogenovými receptory, progesteronovými receptory a nízkým grade. Ačkoli zvýšená exprese AGR3 predikovala lepší bezp říznakové p řežití, vícerozm ěrná statistická analýza nepotvrdila AGR3 jako nezávislý prognostický faktor. Záv ěr: AGR3 představuje potenciální tká ňový a sérový biomarker, který se m ůže podílet respektive p římo ovliv ňovat fenotyp nádorových bun ěk a s tím spojené projevy nádorového onemocn ění. Abstract Background: Anterior gradient protein (AGR) 3 is a highly related homologue of pro- oncogenic AGR2 and belongs to the family of protein disulphide isomerases. Although AGR3 was found in breast, ovary, prostate, and liver cancer, it remains of poorly defined function in tumourigenesis. The aim of this study was to elucidate AGR3 role in cancer and mechanisms responsible for its induction in tumour cell, to study putative AGR3- AGR2 cross-talk, and to determine the prognostic significance of AGR3 expression in breast carcinomas. Methods: AGR3 function was studied on breast carcinoma cell lines MCF-7 and T-47D and lung cancer cell line H1299 using both 2D and 3D models. The effect of extracellular AGR3 on cancer cell behaviour was assessed using Real-Time cell proliferation monitoring, detachment, wound-healing and β-galactosidase assays. The interaction between AGR3 and AGR2 was determined using proximity ligation assay and co-immunoprecipitation. Immunohistochemistry and qPCR were used to study AGR3 expression in a cohort of 129 primary breast carcinomas. Statistical analyses used for the determination of AGR3 prognostic significance included the Fisher’s exact, Pearson`s chi-square and Breslow tests. Results: AGR3 promotes survival of tumour cells upon DNA damage and microenvironmantal stresses both in p53-dependent and p53-independent manner. When secreted into extracellular space, it promotes cell adhesion and migration, possibly through the modification of tumour-associated signalling pathways. In silico analyses revealed that AGR3 upstream and downstream signalling may coordinate among others cell proliferation, differentiation, metastasis and survival. Furthermore, AGR3 directly binds to AGR2 and when compared to the latter is expressed in a similar manner in diverse carcinomas and normal tissues. Immunohistochemical analysis of breast cancer specimens showed that AGR3 expression correlated with oestrogen receptor and progesterone receptor positivity, as well as low tumour grade. Although in the whole cohort AGR3 positivity was associated with better progression free survival, the multivariate survival analysis did not found AGR3 as an independent prognostic factor for breast cancer patients outcome. Conclusions: AGR3 is a potential tissue and serum biomarker which modifies tumour- associated phenotype in a context-dependent manner. Table of contents 1 Introduction ...................................................................................................................... 10 1.1 AGR protein family ....................................................................................................... 10 1.1.1 AGR proteins in lower vertebrates ..................................................................... 10 1.1.2 Human AGR proteins ......................................................................................... 11 1.2 AGR proteins as PDI family members .......................................................................... 12 1.2.1 General features of the PDI family ..................................................................... 12 1.2.2 Evidence for the belonging of AGR proteins to PDI family .............................. 13 1.3 AGR proteins expression in human tissues ................................................................... 15 1.3.1 AGRs expression in healthy tissues ................................................................... 15 1.3.2 AGRs expression in pathologic conditions ........................................................ 16 1.4 Role of AGR proteins in tumour biology ...................................................................... 16 1.5 AGR proteins as components of tumour-associated pathways ..................................... 18 1.6 Prognostic significance of AGR2 and AGR3 expression in carcinomas ...................... 20 1.6.1 Significance of AGRs tissue expression ............................................................. 20 1.6.2 AGRs as secreted biomarkers ............................................................................. 22 2 Aims ................................................................................................................................. 24 3 Materials and methods ...................................................................................................... 25 3.1 Cell cultures and drug treatments .................................................................................. 25 3.1.1 2D models ..........................................................................................................