GOOD newspaper and the Bible in every house, a good IAschoolhouse in every district, and a church in every neigh- borhood, all appreciated as they deserve, are the chief support of virtue, morality, civil liberty, and religion. — —Benjamin Frankun

ARIZONAVol. XVI No. 26 PHOENIX, ARIZONA - THURSDAY, SUNOCTOBER 9, 1958 10 CENTS PER COPY Petition To Pres. Eisenhower Circulated By Coast NAACP San Francisco, September 29, cember. The Petition reads as 1958. A petition addressed to the follows: TEMPERS HIGH AT URBAN “Honorable Dwight D. Eisen- The Honorable Dwight D. hower, President of the United Eisenhower States” was prepared and cir- President of the U.S.A. RENEWAL PROJECT MEETING culated as of this morning, it WE, the undersigned, reaffirm was announced today by FYank- our dedication to the principles By W. Robinson people of Phoenix. Regional A. lin H. Williams, Sec- inherent in our United States About 37 people attended the Mrs. Watkins after the meet- retary-Counsel of the NAACP. Constitution and its interpreta- meeting Sunday night at the ing closed stated to this writer, US'African Exchange The petition calls upon the ion by the Supreme Court. Elks Club when) Mr. Art Merkle that there were people in the President to “use every means WE respectfully and urgently and Mrs. Margaret Watkins at- area who had stated they want- Program Announced at your command to uphold the call on you to use every means * ed to continue to live along supremacy tempted to answer questions 11th NEW YORK Establishment of the law in the at your command to uphold the raised regarding the Urban Re- Ave. regardless of the railroad. face of lawlessness and threat supremacy of the law in the face of a United States-South Africa newal Project on the Southwest Only people who want to live of violence.” In announcing the of the lawlessness and threats side of the city. Emotions ran along the railroad will be re- Leader Exchai\Te Program to petition campaign, which will be of violence. high as it became apparent that located there, she said. Mrs. further understanding between pushed throughout the 7 West- Millions of Americans with faith several plans made as long as three Watkirp also stated professional, business and civic ern states and Alaska, the NA- in the democratic tradition/ of all relocation hous- Regional years ago which the people of times that leaders of the United States and ACP head said that our country and those peopie concerned, “. sd far as she is . . the kind the area knew nothing about, ing, the Union of South Africa was of moral leader- of the world who look to this integrated housing. She were governing the project. will be announced today by Frarlk S. ship from the White House, nation as a beacon of hope, have stated that she is finding such which would necessary to Among the questions asked Loescher, director of pro- be seen our democracy and the and also builders pre- the create a climate of compliance, was, “What will be done about locations gram. principles upon which it is pared to construct such housing has unfortunately been lacking. the TRACK?” This referred to leader founded seriously being chal- at prices within the means of The first South African We have no illusions about this the railroad track running down United lenged over the past few years. many, not most of the people to come to the States campaign. We do not believe it 11th Ave. Mr. Merkle admitted if Hysteria, ignorance, and fear k When asked about the under the program is the Rev- will the President to that the track was a problem. affected. force take nurtered by political opportun- that families, that erend J. S. Gericke, Vice Chan- strong stand in support of the The implication was that the requirement ism have succeeded in halting be relocated with- cellor of Stellenbosch University. Supreme Court Decision, but railroad was a property ownier wish it, must the orderly process of justice. in city limits and near their The Reverend Gericke, pastor of nevertheless want him to that the city and federal govern- the we The immediate victims of this or near transportation to the largest church in South kipw how Negroes and other ment could not coerce. work brutal assault have been our work, Mrs. Watkins stated that, Africa and a leader in missions West Coast residents feel with Rep- about children, both white and Negro. Mr. Merkle agreed while people could accept re- and student work of the Dutch this question. We are hopeful and others The ultimate victim, we believe, resentative Carl Sims location the city limits Reftrmed Church, is studying that hundreds! of thousands of likely be outside will be the American Constitu- that the track would they wished it, they would, administration of American people will sign these petitions. although it con- if the tional system itself, and the free left where it is they requested it, be relocated religious The names will then be trans- blight on if Universities, student world as we know it. a permanent housing meeting ferred to a Master Petition and stituted property. in satisfactory work and basic trends in A- With the greatest urgency, the area as residential the original signatures attached all code requirements ar.>l with- He did feel that by walls or merican race relation fc. thereto. We call upon all those therefore, we respectfully peti- (Continue on page 4' tion use planting of some kind the situa- individuals who share our dis- yoh to fearlessly the to panoply I tion might be alleviated appointment at the President’s entire of moral and some extent. It was evident that continuing silence or equivoca- legal power at your command to planning already made without tion to obtain copies of the Peti- place the full authority of the resi- any participation by the tion, circulate them and return United States government be- now frozen, had as- hind the enforcement of Civil dents, and them to our office for presenta- sumed that a railroad track Rights for all citizens of this inter- tion to the White House in) De- down a street would not nation. a “re- fere with makinjg this newed, safe, and respectable residential area for some of the McFarland Bandwagon Rolls On

nRi H Hkl ' Governor Elmest W. McFar- ENDORSES land’s campaign to return to the United States Senate seat he •TO DR. JERNAGIN held from 1941-53 moved into Dr. Martin Luther King, Jr. BBniHlk 4I *' iiw| high gear last week when he recently issued the following toured 14 northern Arizona com- statement regarding a memorial munities anjd delivered 12 days. to the late D . W. H. Jernagin speeches in 4 who served as president of the Traveling an estimated 1,000 & Congress National SS BTU for miles in a converted bus labeled 32 years. “The McFarland Bandwagonj.” “The idea of memorializing Arizona’s chief executive swept W, Jernagii) which has Dr. H. from Springerville to Kingman. Mission Hi been projected by the Also making the trip were Mrs. Herald, is one that deserves McFarland; State Auditor Jewel . our highest consideration. His Corporation Commis- * Jordan; jj the Christian B commitment to sioner George F. Senner, Jr., and brotherhood, at- ideals of love Wade Church, candidate for judgement, (Bert) his sane and wise torney geijaral; and H. Y. prophetic vision should and his treasurer. be a lasting challenge to every gov. Conducting what aides called McFarland Christian of our day. Moreover, campaign,” Mc- Senator Barry Goldwater (R.- his life should serve as an in- “a sidewalk A*ri2(.) “made another spiration to generations yet un- Farland walked approximately unltrue statement when he said in a born. Probably no man in our shaking hands with 60 miles, speech in Navajo County recent- ranks surpassed him in Chris- literally , THE ARTIST more than 6,000 Arizonans. ly that I voted against re- tian statemanship. He news media across the country immortality. ST. LOUIS—Just a few weeks ago Highlights of the series of organization- of the Bureau of forgot himself into Sad Sam Jones of the St. Louis Cardinals tied only pay flashed that by the Internal Revenue.” McFarland The Baptists would not record for night baseball with 14 whila hard-hitting talks given by the major league strikeout listed the date, and page I a Tribute to Dr. Jernagin hurling his team to a 9-1 win over the Philadelphi Phils. U. S. Senate majority volume, close, had racked former number of the Congressional memorializing him, but they As the baseball season drew to a Sad Sam included — on the diarnonfi, enough to provide leader (Continue on page 4) would pay a tribute to God for up cnsiderable more prestige evidence that throughout the winter mon 1. Documented making such a life possible.” hot stove chatter