The Governor General's Decision to Prorogue Parliament

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The Governor General's Decision to Prorogue Parliament PointsPoints of VieVieww PointsPoints de vue DiscussionDiscussion PaperPaper No. 7, January 2009 The GovernorGovernor General’General’ss DeciDecisionsion to Prorogue Parliament: ParliamentaryParliamentary DemocracDemocracyy DefendedDefended or Endangered?Endangered? AndrewAndrew HHeardeard Centreentre forfor Constitutionalonstitutional Studiestudies CCentre d’études constitutionnelles Th e Governor General’s Decision to Prorogue Parliament Heard PPointsoints ofof View/PointsView/Points ddee vuevue NNo.o. 7 PPointsoints ooff VView/Pointsiew/Points ddee vvueue iiss aann ooccasionalccasional ppaperaper sserieseries ppublishedublished bbyy tthehe CCentreentre fforor CConstitutionalonstitutional SStudiestudies atat thethe UniversityUniversity ooff AAlberta.lberta. Th e seriesseries isis designeddesigned toto publish,publish, inin a timelytimely mmanner,anner, ddiscussioniscussion ppapersapers ooff ccurrenturrent constitutionalconstitutional iinterestnterest ttoo bbothoth CCanadiananadian aandnd iinternationalnternational aaudiences.udiences. Th e CentreCentre forfor ConstitutionalConstitutional StudiesStudies waswas establishedestablished toto facilitatefacilitate andand encourageencourage iinterdisciplinarynterdisciplinary rresearchesearch aandnd publicationpublication ofof issuesissues ofof constitutionalconstitutional concern.concern. Th e CCentreentre isis hhousedoused iinn tthehe FFacultyaculty ooff LLawaw atat thethe UniversityUniversity ooff AAlberta.lberta. Th e CCentreentre gratefullygratefully aacknowledgescknowledges thethe fundingfunding supportsupport ofof thethe AAlbertalberta LLawaw FFoundation.oundation. PPointsoints ooff VView/Pointsiew/Points ddee vvueue eestst uunene ssérieérie dd’articles’articles ppubliésubliés ooccasionnellementccasionnellement parpar llee CCentreentre dd’études’études cconstitutionnellesonstitutionnelles ddee ll’Université’Université ddee ll’Alberta.’Alberta. AAuu ffaitait ddee ll’actualité,’actualité, eellelle ssertert à ddiffiff uuserser ppromptementromptement lleses documentsdocuments dede travailtravail parmiparmi lleses llecteursecteurs ccanadiensanadiens etet éétrangers.trangers. SSituéitué à lala facultéfaculté ddee droitdroit dede l’Universitél’Université ddee ll’Alberta,’Alberta, llee CCentreentre d’étudesd’études constitutionnellesconstitutionnelles a étéété ffondéondé pourpour faciliterfaciliter etet ppromouvoirromouvoir llaa rrechercheecherche interdisplinaireinterdisplinaire eett llaa ppublicationublication ddee ttextesextes consacrésconsacrés aauxux questionsquestions constitutionnelles.constitutionnelles. LLaa CCentreentre bbénéfiénéfi ccieie dudu généreuxgénéreux soutiensoutien fi nanciernancier dede l’Albertal’Alberta LLawaw FFoundation.oundation. AAuthor:uthor: DDr.r. AndrewAndrew HeardHeard isis anan AssociateAssociate PProfessorrofessor iinn tthehe DDepartmentepartment ooff PPoliticalolitical SSciencecience aatt SSimonimon FFraserraser UUniversity.niversity. HHisis ppublicationsublications oonn cconstitutionalonstitutional cconventionsonventions iincludenclude tthehe bbookook CCanadiananadian ConstitutionalConstitutional CConventions:onventions: Th e MMarriagearriage ofof LLawaw aandnd PPoliticsolitics, Toronto:Toronto: OOxfordxford UUniversityniversity PPress,ress, 11991991 ((2nd2nd eeditiondition iinn pprogress)rogress) aandnd sseveraleveral aarticles:rticles: ““JustJust WWhathat iiss a VVoteote ooff CConfionfi ddence?ence? Th e CuriousCurious CaseCase ooff MMayay 110,0, 22005”005” ((2007)2007) CCanadiananadian JJournalournal ooff PPoliticalolitical SSciencecience 3395;95; ““ConstitutionalConstitutional CConventionsonventions aandnd PParliament”arliament” ((2005)2005) 28:228:2 CanadianCanadian PParliamentaryarliamentary RRevieweview 7;7; “Constitutional“Constitutional CConventionsonventions andand EElectionlection CCampaigns”ampaigns” ((1995)1995) 18:318:3 CanadianCanadian ParliamentaryParliamentary ReviewReview 8;8; “Recognizing“Recognizing thethe VarietyVariety AAmongmong CConstitutionalonstitutional CConventions”onventions” (1989)(1989) CCanadiananadian JJournalournal ooff PPoliticalolitical SSciencecience 663.3. Th e aauthor’suthor’s vviewsiews ddoo nnotot nnecessarilyecessarily rreflefl eectct thosethose ooff tthehe MManagementanagement BBoardoard aandnd sstafftaff ooff thethe CCentreentre forfor CConstitutionalonstitutional Studies.Studies. CCentreentre fforor CConstitutionalonstitutional SStudiestudies / CCentreentre dd’études’études cconstitutionnellesonstitutionnelles 4448D48D LLawaw CCentreentre UUniversityniversity ooff AAlbertalberta EEdmonton,dmonton, AAlbertalberta TT6G6G 22H5H5 CCANADAANADA PPhone:hone: (780)(780) 4492-568192-5681 FFax:ax: ((780)780) 4492-995992-9959 [email protected] © CCentreentre forfor ConstitutionalConstitutional SStudiestudies 22009009 IISBN:SBN: 9978-0-9811751-0-278-0-9811751-0-2 i Th e Governor General’s Decision to Prorogue Parliament Heard I. INTRODUCTION in national politics, the right of the prime minister to lead the political system, and the We are fortunate that real crises are few powers of the governor general were all pitted and far between in Canadian politics. We against each other and called into question at have a fundamentally stable system of gov- some point. With such a potent concoction, ernment, and most political leaders both un- it is little wonder that matters boiled over. derstand and play by the rules most of the Th is study will try to unravel the main issues time. As a result, it is something of a shock involved and explain the constitutional rules when a real crisis erupts and fundamental which apply. diff erences unfold over basic constitutional rules. Canada’s parliamentary system has For some, the Governor General did the been under increasing strain for several years, right thing in acting on the Prime Minister’s but matters came to a head in late 2008. advice to prorogue Parliament. She correct- While Governor General Michaëlle Jean’s ly ensured that there would be a cooling off controversial decision to grant Prime Min- period before a new confi dence vote is held, ister Stephen Harper’s request to prorogue and she prevented hasty actions by opposi- Parliament was the high point of this crisis, tion parties to hijack Parliament and install there is so much more about this episode that themselves in cabinet, when the Conserva- needs to be understood. And it is crucial for tive Party of Canada had been empowered us to really understand this aff air because the by the last election to form the government. ramifi cations of the 2008 crisis are profound For others, however, the Governor General and enduring. One reason the events erupted inappropriately suspended Parliament and so quickly into a crisis is that they dealt with set a dangerous precedent for the future. the unwritten rules of the constitution, which Now prime ministers can avoid defeat on im- are seldom discussed in depth even at the best pending confi dence votes simply by prorogu- of times and, as a result, are subject to mis- ing Parliament, only to return months later interpretation and misrepresentation in times when they feel they have the situation under of confl ict. Th e tension was compounded by better control. Th e result is a severe blow to the unprecedented nature of much of what the principle of responsible government and transpired. Without clear and easy parallels Parliament’s ability to decide which party or to similar crises in the past, the public and parties has its confi dence as the government their advisors in the media were left confused of the day. Such widely divergent views at- as to what was or was not the proper course test to strongly held beliefs on each side that of action. Nevertheless, there were clear con- abuses of power were being perpetrated by stitutional principles at play that would have the other. been able to give better direction to the Gov- A clear review of the events as they un- ernor General and the Prime Minister if they folded is useful to refresh our memories about had been heeded. what exactly transpired and in what order. An examination of the 2008 crisis is need- Th is review is provided in Part II. Th en, the ed both to put events into perspective and to relevant constitutional rules will be reviewed. discern lessons for the future. Although the In order to better analyze the relevant consti- events were relatively simple, their context tutional rules and the outcome of the 2008 touched on deep and confl icting aspects of constitutional crisis, a fuller understanding our constitution. Th e meaning of elections, is needed of the nature of election outcomes, the role of Parliament in deciding who gov- the essence of parliamentary democracy, the erns, the legitimacy of Québec separatists signifi cance of the principle of responsible Points of View / Points de vue No. 7 1 Th e Governor General’s Decision to Prorogue Parliament Heard government, and of how governments are eral Party leader Stéphane Dion announced formed. Th ese matters are examined in Part within days of the election that he would re- III. In Part IV, the analysis turns to the role sign as leader, but would stay in offi ce until a of the governor general in a Parliamentary leadership convention to be held in May 2009 system, and continues, in Part V, with an as- produced a replacement. Harper remained sessment of Governor General Jean’s decision as Prime Minister, and there was no serious to prorogue Parliament. Th e concluding Part discussion that he should
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