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High-Resolution Magnetic Resonance Imaging of the Normal Extraocular Musculature

High-Resolution Magnetic Resonance Imaging of the Normal Extraocular Musculature


l 2 3 4 2 A. ETTL , J. KRAMER, A. DAXER and L. KOORNNEEF St Patten, Linz and Innsbruck, Austria and Amsterdam, The Netherlands

SUMMARY Magnetic resonance imaging (MRI) is a good method for evaluating extraocular muscle disorders.l Purpose: Magnetic resonance imaging (MRI) of the Most pUblications focus on MRI of orbital disease,1 has attracted growing interest for but do not provide enough information on normal the evaluation of complex motility disorders. However, orbital imaging anatomy. Since the early anatomical little information is available on the high-resolution MRI studies of the ,2 advanced MRI technology MRI anatomy of the normal extraocular muscles and has led to a marked improvement in the resolution of their connective tissue system. The study describes the orbital MR images, although motion artifacts still imaging anatomy of the recti and oblique muscles and represent a significant problem. The present study the levator palpebrae superioris muscle. was performed to describe the MRI anatomy of the Methods: MRI of the orbit at 1 tesla was performed in normal extraocular muscles under resting conditions four normal volunteers using a surface coil. in vivo. Results: Many anatomical details such as Zinn's tendinous annulus, the trochlea, the superior oblique MATERIALS AND METHODS tendon, the intermuscular septa, the check ligaments, Six orbits from four normal volunteers aged from 26 Lockwood's ligament and the common sheath between to 32 years were examined. MRI was performed the and the levator muscle were using a 1 tesla scanner (Impact, Siemens, Germany) visualised. A striking imaging feature was the curved and a surface coil with a diameter of 10 cm. path of both the recti muscles and the levator palpebrae T1-weighted images of the orbit were obtained by muscle. The also showed a spin-echo sequences with an echo time (TE) of 15 ms marked curvature in the region of Lockwood's liga­ and a repetition time (TR) of 440-520 ms. Imaging ment. planes included axial, coronal and sagittal (parallel to Conclusions: High-resolution MRI is capable of the optic ) sections. The slice thickness was demonstrating the anatomy of the extraocular muscu­ 2-3 mm without any interslice interval. The field of lature and parts of its connective tissue system. The view in the original images ranged between curved path of the extraocular muscles can be 140 x 140 mm with a 256 X 256 matrix and explained by the configuration of the orbital connective 230 x 230 mm with a 512 x 512 matrix. The acquisi­ tissue system which couples each extraocular muscle tion time was 2-13 min. Images were taken with both with the adjacent orbital wall. We discuss the clinical lids closed and the in resting position (slight implications of our findings and review previous downgaze). The structures in the MR images were radiological studies regarding the functional anatomy identified by comparison with the collection of of the extraocular muscles. histological sections of the orbit by Koornneef?

I From: Department of Orthoptics, General Hospital, St Polten, RESULTS 2 Austria; 0rbital Center, Academic Medical Center, University 3 The recti muscles have their ongm at Zinn's of Amsterdam, The Netherlands; CT & MRI Institute, Linz, 4 Austria; Department of Ophthalmology, University of tendinous annulus in the orbital apex (Fig. 1). In Innsbruck, Austria. the region between the equator and the posterior Correspondence to: Dr. Armin Ettl, Abteilung fUr Orthoptik, pole of the globe, the vertical and horizontal recti Allgemeines Krankenhaus, Postfach 176, A-3100 St Polten, Austria. Tel: +43-2742-300-2869 (hospital), +43-2742-340802 muscles are bowed away from the thus showing a (private office). Fax: +43-2742-3285. curved path in the orbit (Figs. 1, 2). On coronal

Eye (1997) 11, 793-797 © 1997 Royal College of Ophthalmologists 794 A. ETTL ET AL.

Fig. 1. Sagittal MR image (right orbit, resting position in Fig. 2. Axial MR image (right orbit, resting position) slight downgaze - section through the ) showing demonstrating the curved path (thick arrows) of the medial the curved path of the levator palpebrae superioris (LPS) rectus (MR) muscle (5) and lateral rectus (LR) muscle (6). muscle (1), superior rectus (SR) muscle (2) and inferior The medial and lateral check ligaments (small arrows) rectus (JR) muscle (3). An intermuscular space containing connect the horizontal recti with the orbital walls. 7, JR. the common fascia ('common sheath') of the SR and LPS muscles and adipose tissue is visible between the anterior LPS and the SR. The culmination point of the LPS is located a few millimetres behind and above the equator of the globe. Zinn's tendinous annulus (white arrows), the origin of the recti muscles, is seen at the orbital apex. The inferior oblique (JO) muscle (4) is seen 2 mm below the tendon of the JR. 0, orbicularis muscle; black arrow, capsulopalpebral fascia; a, ophthalmic . (Modified with permission from [14].)

Fig. 3. Coronal MR image (right orbit - section plane Fig. 4. Axial MR image (right orbit) at the level of the behind the equator) showing the recti muscles coursing at a trochlea (white arrows) showing the belly of the superior distance from the globe. The superolateral intermuscular oblique (SO) muscle (8), the reflected part of the SO tendon septum (arrows) connects the LR (6) with the superior muscle (r) and the pretrochlear part of the SO tendon (p). L, complex consisting of SR (2) and LPS (1). 5, MR; 3, JR. ; a, . images just posterior to the equator, a gap between contact with the globe in a wide circular path ('arc of the globe and the recti muscles is noted which is due contact') towards their insertion. This segment of the to the curved path of the muscles (Fig. 3). The line of muscles or their tendons respectively, cannot be tangency where the straight muscles start to touch clearly differentiated from scleral tissue on MRI. the surface of the globe is located in the equatorial The medial check ligament that attaches the region or 2-3 mm behind the equator (Fig. 2). After (MR) to the medial orbital the line of tangency, the straight muscles run in close wall, is visualised on axial images (Fig. 2). Due to the HIGH-RESOLUTION MRI OF THE NORMAL EXTRAOCULAR MUSCULATURE 795

Fig. 6. Coronal MR image (right orbit - section approxi­ Fig. 5. Axial image (right orbit) showing the reflectedpart mately at the equator) showing the superior (2), inferior (7), of the superior oblique tendon (r) and the trochlea (white medial (5) and lateral (6) rectus muscles, the levator muscle arrows). 1, LPS; 2, SR; A, levator aponeurosis; L, lacrimal (1) and the trochlea (white arrow) in a cross-section. The gland; V, superior ophthalmic . inferior oblique muscle (4) is bowed away from the eye in the region of Lockwood's ligament. The medial check ligament (thick black arrow) connects the MR to the orbital isointensity with lacrimal gland tissue, the lateral walls. The inferolateral intermuscular membrane (pair of check ligament cannot be seen in mid-axial images. black arrows) is noted between the inferior muscle complex Low axial images show parts of the lateral check and the LR. The common sheath (thin arrow) is visible ligament (Fig. 2). Coronal sections behind the between the LPS and the SR. (Modified with permission equator show the thick superolateral intermuscular from [14].) septum. Weaker intermuscular septa connect the with the medial and lateral upper lid. In the posterior and mid-orbit the LP is recti muscles (Fig. 3). Septa coursing from the situated in close proximity to the orbital roof. In medial, inferior and lateral rectus muscles towards primary gaze or slight downgaze, the location of the the orbital walls are also noted (hardly visible in the culmination point of the LPS is located about photographic reproductions). 4--5 mm (anteroposterior distance) posterior to the The (SO) originates from equator of the globe. Between the culmination point the lesser wing of the sphenoid and courses in close of the LPS and the superior rectus (SR), a space that contact with the superomedial orbital wall to the is isointense to orbital fat is noted. This intermus­ trochlea (Fig. 4). From there, the reflectedpart of the cular space also contains hypointense structures SO tendon courses postero-Iaterally in an estimated which are interpreted as strands of the common angle of about 45-55° with the sagittal plane (Fig. 5) fascia of the LPS and the SR ('common sheath') to insert in the superolateral quadrant of the globe. (Fig. 1). The trochlea is visualised in axial and coronal images (Figs. 4--6). DISCUSSION The inferior oblique muscle (10) originates from The ongm and course of the extraocular muscles the just lateral to the entrance of the (EOM) can be demonstrated on MR images with and runs po sterolate rally to insert sufficient detail. However, due to the varying arc of in the inferolateral quadrant of the globe under the contact (region of tangency between the EOM and inferior border of the (Fig. 6). globe) and the isointensity of tendon and scleral The 10 belly appears in a cross-section approxi­ tissue, an exact determination of the insertion of the mately 2 mm below the inferior rectus (IR) on mid­ recti and oblique muscles is not possible. sagittal images (Fig. 1). The lower lid retractors Koornneef was the first to describe the highly (capsulo-palpebral fascia and inferior tarsal muscle) complex connective tissue system of the orbit.3-5 Due originate from the anterior border of the 10 and to the good contrast between hyperintense orbital fat insert in the tarsal plate of the lower lid (Fig. 1). and hypointense connective tissue structures, various On sagittal images, the levator palpebrae super­ parts of the connective tissue of the EOM were ioris muscle (LPS) courses upwards from its origin at visualised on MRI: the so-called medial and lateral the lesser wing of the spenoid until it reaches a check ligaments, the common sheath between the SR culmination point about 3-5 mm (craniocaudal dis­ muscle and levator muscle, Lockwood's ligament and tance) superior to the equator of the globe, from its arcuate expansion, radial septa coupling the EOM where it courses downwards to the insertion in the with the orbital walls and intermuscular septa in the 796 A. ETTL ET AL. anterior orbit. In particular the superolateral inter­ 1. The muscle tension and gaze position. In primary muscular septum ('tensor intermuscularis muscle') or resting position, the recti muscles appear connecting the superior muscle complex (LPS, SR) curved. However, straightening of a contracting with the lateral rectus (LR) was clearly visible on muscle occurs if the eye is moved into the field of coronal images due to its thickness of up to 1 mm and action of that muscle, as can be seen in the figures the content of striated muscle fibres.5 The thickness of a paper by Bailey et at.12 of the superolateral septum has been found to be 2. Intermuscular forces due to intermuscular septa enlarged in patients suffering from Graves' disease.6 that limit the side-slip9 of the muscles. In the past, it was believed that the recti EOM 3. Musculo-orbital forces due to connective tissue follow the shortest distance from their origin to suspensions of the muscles.l1 insertion because they appear straight in anatomical 4. Retrobulbar forces caused by the counter-pres­ specimens. Previous models of eye muscle sure that is built up during muscle contractions.8 mechanics, such as the 'Fadenmodel' ,7 have been The contrast between the straight appearance of based on this assumption. The MR images confirm the recti EOM in dissection specimens and their the CT-based observation of Simonsz and co-work­ curved path in imaging studies may be explained by ers8 that the recti EOM do not follow the shortest the fact that during anatomical dissections where path from their origin to the line of tangency but are parts of the orbital walls have to be removed, the bowed away from the retro-equatorial region of the delicate connective tissue system of the muscles is eye. Simonsz's CT studies demonstrated that there is destroyed. no significant sideways displacement (relative to the The course of the oblique eye muscles is also bony orbit) of the horizontal recti muscles during determined by connective tissue structures. The vertical eye movements or of the vertical recti trochlea, as the pulley of the SO, translates the muscles during horizontal eye movements? The antero-posterior muscle force of the SO into a course of the bellies of the recti EOM is hardly downwards movement of the globe. After surgical changed by surgical muscle transpositions.lO All disinsertion of the trochlea or luxation of the SO these findings confirm that the path of the recti tendon out of the trochlea for treatment of Brown's EOM is stabilised by means of the orbital connective syndrome,13 the SO belly does not significantly tissue system?-5 displace laterally but still maintains its proximity to The recti muscles enter sub-Tenon's space by the superomedial orbital wall as demonstrated by CT passing through the fascial sleeves of Tenon's scans with three-dimensional reconstructions. Again, capsule. These fascial sleeves are attached to the this stability against displacement can be explained medial and lateral orbital walls by means of by connective tissue septa anchoring the SO belly to connective tissue septa ('check ligaments') that the superomedial periorbit?-5 The 10 also appears contain smooth muscle cells.4 The smooth muscle to be pulled away from the globe in the region of cells in the check ligaments may serve to adjust the Lockwood's ligament, which may therefore represent tension of the EOM.4 Derner and co-workersll have the 'pulley' of the 10. The pulley of the IR is located recently suggested that the sleeves in Tenon's capsule further posteriorly, as can be observed in sagittal together with the check ligaments represent fibro­ images (Fig. 1). The 10 is surrounded by a strong muscular pulleys for the recti EOM. The symmetrical connective tissue complex, which explains why arrangement of the rectus muscle pulleys is thought following a surgical disinsertion of the 10, the muscle to be the mechanical basis of Listing's law.ll The rarely retracts further than to the IR. anterior part of the SR is coupled to the superior The LPS muscle also follows a curved path in the periorbit via the common muscle sheath, which has orbit: it ascends towards a culmination point which is connections to the orbital walls via the superior situated under the anterior orbital roof from where it transverse ligament and the radial septal system. descends towards the insertion in the upper lid. The Outside Tenon's capsule and behind the equator of location of the culmination point of the LPS a few the globe, the recti muscles and the SO belly are millimetres superior to the globe suggests a suspension coupled to the orbital walls with connective tissue of the LPS by radial connective tissue septa coursing septa anchoring their fascial sheath to the from the muscle to the orbital roof. The common periorbit?-5 The supporting framework of connective sheath in addition to the globe may support the LPS tissue septa around the EOM would explain their from below, thus acting as a fulcrum for the LPS.14 stability against sideways displacement during ocular Our study has described the MRI anatomy of the movements and following surgical transpositions.lO normal EOM. A thorough understanding of the The fibromuscular pUlleysll can be regarded as the normal morphology of the EOM is a prerequisite for functional origin of the EOM. 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