3 Contents 5 Maclays of Alloa: a phoenix from the ashes Duncan Kellock, former head brewer at Maclays, tells its story 17 The James Fleming Scrapbook John Martin discovers a “little gem” in one of the SBA’s oldest items 23 The Tartan Club George Douglas examines S&N’s remarkable mobile Tartan Special party trailer 26 A pint of Scotch Inspired by his talk last year at the AGM of the SBAA, Allan McLean has written some personal reminiscences on the subject of Scotch ale 30 The Youngers of Alloa: Part 1 – Through the generations Michael Clark tells the story of perhaps the most famous Scottish brewing family 36 Brewing in Leith John Martin discovers a rich history of beer and vinegar production by the port 41 It’s coming home Ivor Reid tells the story of a shipwrecked beer bottle finally returning to Glasgow from Australia Back issues Back issues of the Annual Journal are available from John Martin, e-mail:
[email protected] or phone 0131 441 7718. Prices include postage and packing in the UK, and cheques should be made payable to the Scottish Brewing Archive Association. Journal Non-members Members Volume 12 £4 £3 Volume 13 £4 £3 Volume 14 £4 £3 Volume 15 £4 £3 Volume 16 £4 £3 Volume 17 £4 £3 The Annual Journal of the Scottish Brewing Archive Association ·2018 4 Writing for the Annual Journal of the Scottish Brewing Archive Association We welcome articles on any aspect of the Scottish brewing industry and these should be sent to the Journal Editor, Robbie Pickering, at
[email protected] Articles should be supplied in Word, Open Document Format, or plain text, and the rights to use any illustrations should have been arranged by the author(s) and/or copyright holders.