Cross Products, Automorphisms, and Gradings 3
CROSS PRODUCTS, AUTOMORPHISMS, AND GRADINGS ALBERTO DAZA-GARC´IA, ALBERTO ELDUQUE, AND LIMING TANG Abstract. The affine group schemes of automorphisms of the multilinear r- fold cross products on finite-dimensional vectors spaces over fields of character- istic not two are determined. Gradings by abelian groups on these structures, that correspond to morphisms from diagonalizable group schemes into these group schemes of automorphisms, are completely classified, up to isomorphism. 1. Introduction Eckmann [Eck43] defined a vector cross product on an n-dimensional real vector space V , endowed with a (positive definite) inner product b(u, v), to be a continuous map X : V r −→ V (1 ≤ r ≤ n) satisfying the following axioms: b X(v1,...,vr), vi =0, 1 ≤ i ≤ r, (1.1) bX(v1,...,vr),X(v1,...,vr) = det b(vi, vj ) , (1.2) There are very few possibilities. Theorem 1.1 ([Eck43, Whi63]). A vector cross product exists in precisely the following cases: • n is even, r =1, • n ≥ 3, r = n − 1, • n =7, r =2, • n =8, r =3. Multilinear vector cross products X on vector spaces V over arbitrary fields of characteristic not two, relative to a nondegenerate symmetric bilinear form b(u, v), were classified by Brown and Gray [BG67]. These are the multilinear maps X : V r → V (1 ≤ r ≤ n) satisfying (1.1) and (1.2). The possible pairs (n, r) are again those in Theorem 1.1. The exceptional cases: (n, r) = (7, 2) and (8, 3), are intimately related to the arXiv:2006.10324v1 [math.RT] 18 Jun 2020 octonion, or Cayley, algebras.
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