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Siberian Traps Volcaniclastic Rocks and the Role of Magma-Water Interactions Siberian Traps Volcaniclastic Rocks and the Role of Magma-Water Interactions

Siberian Traps Volcaniclastic Rocks and the Role of Magma-Water Interactions Siberian Traps Volcaniclastic Rocks and the Role of Magma-Water Interactions

volcaniclastic rocks and the role of -water interactions Siberian Traps volcaniclastic rocks and the role of magma-water interactions

Benjamin A. Black1,†, Benjamin P. Weiss2,†, Linda T. Elkins-Tanton3,†, Roman V. Veselovskiy4,5,†, and Anton Latyshev4,5,† 1Department of Earth and Planetary Science, University of California, Berkeley, California 94720, USA 2Department of Earth, Atmospheric, and Planetary Sciences, Massachusetts Institute of Technology, Cambridge, Massachusetts 02139, USA 3School of Earth and Space Exploration, Arizona State University, Tempe, Arizona 85287, USA 4Schmidt Institute of Physics of the Earth, Russian Academy of Sciences, 123995 Moscow, 5Faculty of , Lomonosov Moscow State University, 119991 Moscow, Russia

ABSTRACT et al., 2000; Fedorenko and Czamanske, 1997). et al., 2014; Self et al., 1997; Thordarson and The total volume of volcaniclastic mate- Self, 1998). Similarly, the historic Laki fissure The Siberian Traps are one of the largest rial has been estimated at >200,000 km3 (Ross eruption in Iceland was characterized by epi- known continental flood provinces and et al., 2005), or >5% of the total volume of the sodic explosive pulses accompanied by ash fall may be causally related to the end- Siberian Traps (Malich et al., 1974; Reichow and often followed by a pulse of emplace- mass extinction. In some areas, a large frac- et al., 2009). ment (Thordarson et al., 2003; Thordarson and tion of the Siberian Traps vol­canic sequence The eruption of the Siberian Traps over- Self, 1993). In a further example that may be consists of mafic volcaniclastic rocks. Here, laps within geochronologic uncertainty with particularly relevant to the genesis of Siberian we synthesize paleomagnetic, petrographic, the catastrophic end-Permian mass extinction Traps mafic volcaniclastic rocks, similar rocks and field data to assess the likely origins of (Kamo et al., 2003; Reichow et al., 2009; Bur- in the Transantarctic Mountains associated with these volcaniclastic rocks and their signifi- gess et al., 2014). Consequently, Siberian Traps the Ferrar have cance for the overall environmental impact magmatism has been widely invoked as a direct been interpreted as the products of an extraordi­ of the eruptions. We argue that magma- or indirect trigger for the extinction, which narily large phreatomagmatic vent complex in water­ interactions, including both lava-water began at 251.941 ± 0.037 Ma and lasted 60 ± the Coombs Hills (McClintock and White, inter­actions and phreatomagmatic explo- 48 k.y. (Burgess et al., 2014). However, the pre- 2006; White and McClintock, 2001; Ross and sions in vents, were important components cise causal mechanisms linking magmatism to White, 2006). Volcaniclastic rocks from some of Siberian­ Traps magmatism. Phreato- extinction remain poorly understood. Carbon Siberian localities distinctly resemble descrip- magmatic episodes may have generated tall release from the Siberian Traps has been cited tions from the Coombs Hills and may represent water-rich eruption columns, simultaneously to explain global warming across the Permian- periods of similar phreatomagmatic activity promoting removal of highly soluble volcanic boundary (Joachimski et al., 2012; Sun during the early phases of eruption of the Sibe- gases such as HCl and potentially delivering et al., 2012); the climate effects of volcanic CO2 rian Traps. additional sulfur to the upper atmosphere. do not depend on injection altitude (Williams The extent and style of explosive volcanism et al., 1992; Wignall, 2001). While the enor- during the emplacement of the Siberian Traps INTRODUCTION mous volume and rich volatile budget of the could have far-reaching consequences. If a Siberian Traps could also produce large fluxes large fraction of the mafic volcaniclastic rocks Volcaniclastic rocks within the Siberian Traps of sulfur and halogen gases (Black et al., 2012, were originally fragmented through explosive large igneous province (Ross et al., 2005) are 2014a), explosive delivery of those gases to the processes, they could represent one of the widely recognized but poorly understood and stratosphere is a prerequisite for lasting global largest mafic pyroclastic assemblages known documented. Detailed accounts of these volcani- environmental effects (e.g., White, 2002; Wig- in the rock record. Perhaps more importantly, clastic rocks vary considerably. The thickness of nall, 2001; Black et al., 2012). the type and intensity of explosive activity volcaniclastic material ranges from intercalated Recent work suggests that vol- influence plume heights and the fate of vol­ layers less than a meter thick on the Putorana­ canism may span the spectrum from effusive to canic gases. Plateau (Büchl and Gier, 2003) to hundreds of explosive. During episodes of particularly high The nomenclature of fragmented volcanic meters near the base of the volcanic sections mass flux, fire fountaining may result in erup- rocks is complex and occasionally contradictory. in Angara (Naumov and Ankudimova, 1995) tion columns tall enough to breach the high-lati­ Throughout this article, we follow the nomen- and in the Maymecha-Kotuy area (Fedorenko tude tropopause (Glaze et al., 2015). Proximal clature of White and Houghton (2006). Among scoria falls, clastogenic lava flows, and welded volcaniclastic rocks the terms tuff, lapilli tuff, †E-mails: bblack@berkeley​ .edu,​ bpweiss@mit​ .edu,​ spatter near the Roza vent system of the 16 Ma tuff breccia, and breccia refer to grain size in ltelkins@​asu​.edu, roman​.veselovskiy@​ya​.ru, anton​ Columbia River flood in Washington ascending order, from ash to lapilli to blocks .latyshev@​gmail​.com. denote episodes of pyroclastic activity (Brown and bombs. Volcaniclastic rocks are lithified

GSA Bulletin; September/October 2015; v. 127; no. 9/10; p. 1437–1452; doi: 10.1130/B31108.1; 8 figures; 2 tables; Data Repository item 2015161; published online 30 April 2015.

GeologicalFor permission Society to of copy, America contact [email protected], v. 127, no. 9/10 1437 © 2015 Geological Society of America Black et al. deposits of fragments produced and/or trans- Druitt, 1989; McClelland et al., 2004; Paterson METHODS AND GEOLOGIC ported during the course of a volcanic eruption, et al., 2010). The emplacement temperatures BACKGROUND including everything from fallout to pyroclastic of phreatomagmatic pyroclastic density cur- density current deposits to fluvially transported rents are expected to be slightly cooler due to Field work is challenging in north-central syneruptive volcanic materials (White and incorporation of external water (Koyaguchi and . Siberian Traps sections are exposed pri- Houghton, 2006). In contrast, epiclastic depos- Woods, 1996; McClelland et al., 2004) and span marily along river valleys, making inter­regional its include the transported weathering products a range from ~100 °C to >300 °C (Cioni et al., correlations difficult. Our sample names reflect of volcanic rocks that have been reshaped and 2004; Porreca et al., 2008). the locality of the sample, followed by the resized relative to the original volcanic frag- In this paper, we classify the Siberian Traps year of collection, followed by the section and ments (White and Houghton, 2006). volcaniclastic rocks into six preliminary litho­ sample number. For example, sample K08–11.6 Emplacement temperatures should differ facies. Among these lithofacies, the massive was collected in 2008 on the Kotuy River, from depending on the origins of volcaniclastic rocks. rocks are the most difficult to interpret on the section number 11. As shown in Figure 1A, we Epiclastic rocks should be emplaced at ambi- basis of textural features alone. We apply paleo- visited volcaniclastic sections on the Kotuy (K), ent surface temperatures. Lahars can emplace magnetic measurements to help distinguish Maymecha (M), Angara (A), and Nizhnyaya warmer material, but temperatures will none- pyroclastic rocks emplaced at high temperatures Tunguska (NT) rivers, as well as at Noril’sk theless be less than 100 °C (e.g., Pierson et al., from other fragmental rocks. We find paleomag- (N), in the summers of 2006, 2008, 2009, 2010, 1996). In contrast, the emplacement tempera- netic and volcanological evidence for a range of and 2012. Table 1 contains a summary of our tures of pyroclastic rocks can reach near-mag- magma-water interactions and occasional pyro- lithofacies classifications and interpretations, matic temperatures. Emplacement temperatures clastic episodes. The extent to which such erup- and Table 2 contains descriptions of all samples of pyroclastic density currents with little exter- tions increased global environmental stresses discussed in this paper. To allow labeling of nal water should significantly exceed 100 °C, depends on the frequency with which eruption individual samples in Figure 2, we have cre- ranging up to >580 °C (e.g., McClelland and columns reached the stratosphere. ated alphabetical sample signifiers that are also

85°E 90° 95° 100° 105° 110° 85°E 90 95° 100° 105° 110°

71°N 71°N Noril'sk **Kotuy Ma*ymecha

67° Severnaya * 67°

Nizhnyaya Tunguska * Present-day Siberian Traps 62° 62° Volcaniclastic rocks

1700 m Intrusives enisey Y m m 1700 2000 Section shown in Fig. 2 Angara 57° * Paleomag samples 57° * Field area Krasnoyarsk Ust-Ilimsk 1700 m Thickness of Cambrian Late Permian paleogeography 2000 sedimentary rocks Bratsk Denudation m 1700 m Sea Rivers and lakes Lagoons plains

2000 1:15 000 000 52° 52 Alluvial plains Swamps & Interior basin 500 km shallow basins al Highlands Paleogeography modi ed from Czamanske et al. (1998) Lake Baikal Lake Baik Irkutsk RUSSIA LavasIrkutsk and Volcaniclastic Present-day A B intrusives rocks rivers Figure 1. Map of the Siberian Traps showing our field areas and sampling locations, modified from Svensen et al. (2009) and Malich et al. (1974). (A) Present-day outcrop extent of lavas, volcaniclastic rocks, and intrusive rocks, with Cambrian carbonate and evaporite thick- nesses from Zharkov (1984), (B) overlain with Late Permian paleogeography simplified from Czamanske et al. (1998).

1438 Geological Society of America Bulletin, v. 127, no. 9/10 Siberian Traps volcaniclastic rocks and the role of magma-water interactions

listed in Table 2 along with cross-references to the full sample name. As described herein, we cient applied petrographic, volcanological, and paleo- magnetic methods to investigate the volcani­ clastic rocks. Figure 2 compiles several composite strati- graphic sections showing occurrences and char- acteristics of Siberian volcaniclastic rocks as

ity currents. well as the stratigraphic positions of the samples eld observations alone, but eld observations alone. Rocks we describe in this paper. The volcaniclastic­ rocks attain maximum reported thicknesses near the center of the Tunguska Basin; drill core suggests that mafic volcaniclastic units could n

o reach 700 m in thickness at the base of the vol- i t a t canic sequence near the Nizhnyaya Tunguska e r p cult to determine from fi cult to determine from fi r River (Levitan and Zastoina, 1985; Sharma,

e associated with phreatomagmatic eruption. sedimentary material. phreatomagmatic pyroclastic density currents. most consistent with phreatomagmatic pyroclastic density currents. may originate from hyaloclastic, autoclastic, magmatic, or pyroclastic (phreatomagmatic magmatic) processes (likely from some combination of all these). t

n 1997; Zolotukhin and Almukhamedov, 1988). Produced by pyroclastic dens Originated in pyroclastic density currents or fallout Originated from interactions between and wet Originated in subaqueous hyaloclastic density currents and Diffi I Diffi

While the volcaniclastic rocks are particularly sk common in the lowest several hundred meters LOCALITIES DENOTED ON FIGURE 1 of the volcanic stratigraphy in many localities, Noril’ AT the relatively well-studied Noril’sk section hosts Angara nguska intercalated basalts and tuffs, lapilli tuffs, and Tu Angara River tuff breccias (Rudakova and Krivo­lutskaya, nguska Rive r, nguska River 2009). On the Maymecha River, the basal k Tu Tu Pravoboyarsky­ Suite, which is dominantly com- Angara River (~25%), n

o posed of volcaniclastic units, reaches ~300 m in i t , Noril ’s u thickness (Fedorenko and Czamanske, 1997), b i r t (<15%), Nizhnyaya River River (~30%), Kotuy (<5%), Nizhnyaya (~35%), Maymecha River (~10%). Inside diatremes (Svensen et al., 2009)? (~45%), Nizhnyaya s aymecha River (<15%) while the corresponding Arydzhangsky Suite i Angara River (<10%), Kotuy Angara River (<1%), Ust-I’limsk Maymecha River (~30%), Kotuy River (~30%), D Kotuy River (~50%), Maymecha on the Kotuy River contains a smaller but still significant proportion of volcaniclastic units TRAPS VOLCANICLASTIC ROCKS (Fedorenko et al., 2000). More detailed physical volcanological study of the large igneous prov- ince as a whole is urgently needed to assemble a

f, often complete portrait of the magmatic system and .M f is most common), a chronology of the eruption. Recent paleomagnetic studies of the Siberian TION OF SIBERIAN Traps have focused on characterizing the mag- to lapilli tuf ne- to medium-grained ash ne- to medium-grained ash netostratigraphy (Gurevitch et al., 2004; Pavlov f to lapilli tu ff

ne tu ff et al., 2011; Veselovskiy et al., 2012), the impli- cations of secular variation of the magnetic field for eruption time scales (Pavlov et al., 2011), and geomagnetic field paleointensities and ACIES CLASSIFICA the paleolatitude of Siberia (Veselovsky et al., n Abundant sedimentary clasts ranging from Abundant angular to rounded basaltic clasts o i t 2003; Heunemann et al., 2004; Pavlov et al., p i r c

lded and compacted tuf 2007). Here, we use paleomagnetic studies to s displaying well-sorted grains with normal grading, accretionary lapilli. fragments, typically 30 cm to 1 m in thickness. typically lacking well-developed grain size sorting. Angular lapilli-sized juvenile and minor accidental clasts within a medium ash to lapilli-sized matrix. matrix. angular to rounded. matrix. (5–50 cm in diameter). e We Thinly to thickly bedded rocks (lapilli tuf Thinly to thickly bedded fi Dikes with ash- to lapilli-sized basaltic and sedimentary Massive, poorly sorted with fi D Massive, poorly sorted with fi constrain emplacement temperatures of vol­ . caniclastic rocks using techniques pioneered by Aramaki and Akimoto (1957) and Hoblitt and Kellogg (1979) as refined by Kent et al. (1981). The component of natural remanent magnetiza- breccia with f breccia with with tion (NRM) carried by ferromagnetic grains in ABLE 1. PRELIMINA RY LITHOF f

T lithic and cooled juvenile clasts with blocking f, or tu ff f, or tuf temperatures above the emplacement tempera- ture will be magnetized in random directions f and lapilli tu ff and lapilli tu ff when comparing individual clasts. Grains with f and lapilli tuf f, lapilli tuf f, lapilli tuf blocking temperatures below the emplacement

s temperature will be unidirectionally magne- e i c In the column listing distributions of each lithofacies, values in parentheses denote estimated volume percentage rela tive to total volcaniclastic within study area, where suffi tized across multiple clasts. Consequently, a f eutaxitic tu ff bedded tuf o al: bedded tuf h T: T T: clast s accretionary lapilli abundant lithic clasts primarily juvenile clasts for magnetite-bearing clasts emplaced at tem- t Note : i eL dl: volcaniclastic dikes with abundant lithic bL bL ml: massive tuf L mj: massive tuf

observations existed to warrant such an estimate peratures lower than the Curie temperature of

Geological Society of America Bulletin, v. 127, no. 9/10 1439 Black et al. t

a T. s d t l e T = u z i s t e e r n c i g t a e m n g y Nonuniformly l a T. m m r T. o o Cold emplacement? f e i l A low magnetized at high Emplacement at 270–340 °C? temperatures (T). T. all Incoherent intraclast directions. Unknown overprint? / n a N/A N N/A U N/A Uniformly magnetized at all N/A N/A Randomly magnetized at all N/A N/A N/A N/A Uniformly magnetized at Randomly magnetized. P N/A N/A TRAPS h t i w , r a l u c i s e and irregular v THE SIBERIAN y l e t a r s e t . Poorly vesicular d n o e and apparently deformed m m g o t a r ow or compaction. Other f y l s k s a scalloped edges. equant altered, formerly glassy material fragments. glassy material fragments . formerly glassy material fragments. material fragments are highly vesicula r, by fl fragments are poorly vesicula r. altered, formerly glassy material fragments. a with scalloped edges and mosaic cracks. e eakly to moderately vesicular l W See Figure 4F Small, equant, altered, formerly Equant unvesiculated altered, Some altered, formerly glassy Rare, poorly vesicula r, G W

. . . e e y l l i i r t n n n e e e v v n u u j j o p % % m 0 0 o 0 0 1 1 90% juvenile, 10% accidental. 60% juvenile, 40% accidental. Feldspars: 27% plagioclase, 73% alkali feldspar 90% juvenile, 10% accidental. 95% juvenile, 5% accidental. 80% juvenile, 20% accidental. C Feldspars: 25% plagioclase, 75% alkali feldspa r, 50% albite. f ne FOR SELECTED VOLCANICLASTIC SAMPLES FROM

f, ne ow? directly TA al ) breccia, al ) al) T ngusskaya ed 8-m-thick capped by fi

Tu f. Outcrop 10 m ) f. Purple-gray with eld photographs and outcrops. See Figures 1 an d 2 for sampling locations. Arydzhangsky suite, f with angular igneous clasts. f. Outcrop 50 m high. (ml) ALEOMAGNETIC DA f. 15–30 m in total thickness. al ) al) T fy basal lapilli tu ff f-forming 30-m-thick tu ff ) ) j j AND P m m ( ( lded rhyolitic tuf . . e e f. (ml) t t oat, 1–2 cm basaltic clasts within fi i i ne-grained tuf u u S S from near base of y y T) Altered, formerly glassy fragments. Majo r, k k ngusskaya sedimentary rocks. (b LT . s s n ed gray-and-white volcaniclastic rock with large g g

Tu o n n ed and plane-parallel bed forms. Near base of clif i

t a a p i h h r ry abundant spheroidal accretionary lapilli. (b LT f with well-sorted plane-parallel beds 1–3 cm thick. z z c lapilli tu ff c d d ll-lithifi s tuf ~8 m total thickness. (b LT (mj) y y matrix. (bL sampled from fl high. (dl) intercalated with alkaline lavas, ~220 m above base of Arydzhangsky Suite. (bL Ve of volcaniclastic material ~200 m high. (bL stratifi unconformable contact with underlying sedimentary rocks, abundant unsorted 1–50 cm clasts of country rock including coal, limestone, and rounded pebbles. (ml) lapilli tu ff areally extensive unit. (mj) clasts (up to 3 cm) of heterogeneous igneous and sedimentary rock. Fine ashy matrix. (ml? ) feldspar laths. 10–20 m thick. (e LT above limestone blocks and small rounded pebbles; rare lenses of well-sorted fi (ml) e r r olcaniclastic dike crosscutting lapilli tuf Pravoboyarsky Suite. Clif Steeply dipping 10–1- m-thick unit. Lahar or debris fl A A Ma fi V 1-m-thick reddish accretionary lapilli–bearing lapilli tuf Morongovsky Suite lapilli tuf Abundant accretionary lapilli organized into low-angle cross- Pravoboyarsky Suite. Clif Pravoboyarsky Suite. Dense, strongly lithifi We Clast-rich lapilli tuf Delkansky Suite. We 1-m-thick accretionary lapilli–bearing basal lapilli tu ff D Fig. 3A. Poorly sorted clasts include large stromatolitic Poorly sorted lithic-rich lapilli tuf s e t °N a n 14°N i d r GPS 0.768° E o 71.131°N 71.203°N 71.181°N 71.049°N 02.633°E 71.181°N 02.590°E 58.773°N 71.203°N 02.590°E 88.331° E 69.620°N 58.738°N 72.497°N 70.741°N 66.414°N 70.8 11 64.1 64.172°N 58.878°N 58.940°N 00.636°E 00.867°E 00.505°E 01.239° E o 102.663° E 102.355°E 102.620°E 102.616°E 102.370°E 103.105° E 102.723°E 102.122°E c 11 1.6 ID Full 09-7.7 08-3.4 09-12. 11 08-10. 31 sample NT12- 11 09-10.4A A10-7.1 A10-3.5 N12-8.2 S10-2- 59 M09-3. 31 K08-7.1 K08-1 A10-A9B K08-7.1 01 A10-10.2 A10-13.3 ABLE 2. SUMMA RY OF FIELD, PETROGRAPHIC, NT12-4. 21 T er IK JK LK A P KK E XM B H D C G Sample signi fi Componentry is estimated from thin section analyses and visual inspection of fi sk unguska Note : Kotuy Noril’ Region Maymech aN Severnay aQ Nizhnyaya T Angara

1440 Geological Society of America Bulletin, v. 127, no. 9/10 Siberian Traps volcaniclastic rocks and the role of magma-water interactions

Lithofacies classi cation ml 600 m (~2000 m) mj

X bLT e nes s

e bLTal 400 m dl lava sequenc continues continues lava sequenc unclassi ed volcaniclastics lavas (undierentiated) e e

? E* ed maximum thick rt not exposed

F y suit 200 m y suit A* B repo of Siberian ma c volcaniclastics * paleomagnetism sample D M ydzhangsk C avoboyarsk ? base of volcanic Pr Ar Q* G* H I K* N sequence 0 m J L O P* r r r Tungusskaya yayaa River sedimentary rocks Kotuy Rive Nizhn Angara Rive ymecha Rive vernaya River Ma Tungusk Se

Figure 2. Stratigraphic sections of basal volcaniclastic and lava sequences of the Siberian Traps, based on Fedorenko ­et al. (2000), White et al. (2009), and our own observations. Thicknesses are laterally variable. Noril’sk is not shown because volcaniclastic layers are intercalated with lava flows. Letters denote units as follows: A— A10-A9B (paleomagnetism sample) and A10–7.1; B—A10–3.5; C—A10–13.3; D—A10–10.2; E—K08–11.6 (paleo­ magnetism sample); F—perovskite-bearing flow dated to 251.7 ± 0.4 Ma by Kamo et al. (2003); G—K08–7.11 (paleomagnetism sample); H—K08–7.10; I—K08–3.4; J—K09–7.7; K—K08–10.3 (paleomagnetism sample); L— K09–10.4A; M—volcaniclastic sequence described by Fedorenko et al. (2000), including “agglomerated tuffs”; N—M09–3.3; O—basal bLT with plane-parallel stratification and sand-wave bed forms; P—NT12–4.2 (paleomag- netism sample); Q—S10–2.5 (paleomagnetism sample); X—welded rhyolitic tuff from Delkansky Suite (~1700 m above top of Pravoboyarsky Suite shown here), dated to 251.17 ± 0.3 Ma by Kamo et al. (2003). Sampled units are described in more detail in Table 2. The contact with Permian sedimentary rocks at the base of the Angara and Severnaya River sections is covered, and erosion has removed the overlying stratigraphy. The volcaniclastic rocks of the Maymecha and Kotuy Rivers are capped by thick lava sequences (not shown here). The reported maximum thickness of the volcaniclastic rocks is based on drill core from near the center of the Tunguska Basin (Levitan and Zastoina, 1985; Zolotukhin and Almukhamedov, 1988). See Figure 3 for lithofacies descriptions.

magnetite (580 °C for pure Fe3O4) but higher and stratigraphic positions). Sample A10-A9B 2G Enterprises Superconducting Rock Magne- than any postemplacement thermal conditions, is composed of individual oriented bombs from tometer in combination with stepwise thermal clasts should contain two NRM components, site A9B of Latyshev et al. (2013). In addition demagnetization (increments of 15 °C to 50 °C) assuming no subsequent overprinting (Hoblitt to the basaltic (and in some cases sedimentary) in an ASC Scientific TD48-SC oven housed in and Kellogg, 1979). The maximum blocking clasts contained within these samples, K08–11.6 a magnetically shielded (<200 nT direct current temperature of the unidirectional component also hosts abundant accretionary lapilli. [DC] field) room. Hysteresis data were collected is then a measure of the emplacement tempera- Paleomagnetic measurements for samples with the vibrating sample magnetometer in the ture. Information about emplacement tempera- K08–7.11, K08–10.3, K08–11.6, S10–2.5, and laboratory of C. Ross in the MIT Department tures can in turn correlate with distance from NT12–4.2 were acquired in the Massachusetts of Materials Science and Engineering. Sample the vent (McClelland et al., 2004) and can Institute of Technology (MIT) Paleomagnetism A10-A9B is the only oriented sample included help to differentiate rocks that originated in Laboratory. For these samples, we obtained in this study. Paleomagnetic measurements of pyroclastic density currents from the lithified paleomagnetic emplacement temperatures A10-A9B were performed in the Petromagnetic deposits of lahars and debris flows (Hoblitt and from the Siberian Traps volcaniclastic rocks by Laboratory at Moscow State University and in Kellogg, 1979). We do not apply a cooling rate extracting mutually oriented 0.5–2 cm clasts the Laboratory of the Main Geomagnetic Field correction (McClelland et al., 2004), because from unoriented parent samples. Most samples and Rock Magnetism of the Institute of Physics­ the thickness of individual layers is often dif- were subjected to low-amplitude alternating of the Earth (Russian Academy of Sciences) ficult to determine. frequency (AF) demagnetization (to 10 mT) to with JR-6 Spinner magnetometers, as described We subjected clasts from six parent blocks to remove any viscous remanent magnetization or in Latyshev et al. (2013). In total, we measured paleomagnetic analysis: K08–7.11, K08–10.3, isothermal remanent magnetization associated >100 clasts from six samples, searching for a K08–11.6, A10-A9B, S10–2.5, and NT12–4.2 with exposure to magnetic fields at ambient tem- thermal overprint associated with emplacement (see Figs. 1 and 2 for geographic distribution peratures. We then measured the samples with a of the samples.

Geological Society of America Bulletin, v. 127, no. 9/10 1441 Black et al.

RESULTS fine-grained and medium-grained mafic igneous River. These rhyodacitic and rhyolitic rocks fragments (the medium-grained clasts are likely are among the most silicic volcanic products Field Evidence lithics, but the fine-grained, weakly vesicular of Siberian Traps magmatism (Fedorenko and clasts may be juvenile). On the Kotuy River, ml Czamanske, 1997), and they crop out as dis- Based on bedding thickness and structures, rocks unconformably overlie Permian sedimen- tinctive purple- or red-colored layers within the grain size, sorting, componentry, and clast tary rocks. Svensen et al. (2009) have described sequence of mafic lavas with which they are shapes, we classify the observed Siberian Traps the fragmental material, including altered mafic intercalated (Fig. 3F). They often include crys- volcaniclastic rocks into six distinct lithofacies. blocks and fragments of evaporate, that fills tals and crystal fragments 0.1–3 mm in length Because we have visited just a fraction of the diatreme structures throughout the Tunguska and small pumice fragments. localities where volcaniclastic rocks may be Basin. These fragmental rocks may also belong present, these lithofacies likely represent only to the ml or mj lithofacies. Lithofacies dl a subset of the overall diversity of the volcani- Lithofacies dl is represented by volcaniclastic clastic rocks. We describe our lithofacies next Lithofacies bLT dikes with abundant lithic clasts (Figs. 3H and (sorted in rough order of decreasing prevalence Lithofacies bLT (Figs. 3B and 3C) is com- 3I); these dikes have ash- to lapilli-sized basal- in the areas we visited) and also provide sum- posed of bedded tuff and lapilli tuff (lapilli tuff tic and sedimentary fragments, typically 30 cm maries in Tables 1 and 2. is most common) characterized by 1–100-cm- to 1 m in thickness. Where observed in Angara thick beds with angular lapilli-sized juvenile and outcrops, these dikes crosscut ml and bLT units Lithofacies mj minor lithic clasts (locally imbricated) within and can reach >100 m in height. Lithofacies mj (Fig. 3A) is composed of fine- to medium-grained ash matrix. Bedding massive, poorly sorted tuff, lapilli tuff, or tuff is commonly plane-parallel, though sand-wave Petrography and Geochemistry breccia (lapilli tuff is most common, followed bed forms are present in the Maymecha region. by tuff breccia) with primarily juvenile clasts Thinly bedded (1–5 cm) layers occur in pack- We examined the volcaniclastic rocks in thin and fine- to medium-grained ash matrix. These ages with thicknesses of 1 to 8 m, occurring near section with a petrographic microscope and an volcaniclastic rocks contain abundant mafic the base of the volcanic section on the Mayme- electron microprobe. Possibly because of their clasts 1–50 cm in diameter. They comprise cha and Kotuy Rivers (Fig. 2). More thickly and relatively high porosity and original glass con- layers ­reaching approximately 10 m thick on faintly bedded layers, which can be difficult to tents, the volcaniclastic rocks are particularly the Maymecha River within the Pravoboyarsky distinguish from massive ml rocks, crop out on vulnerable to secondary alteration (Büchl and Suite (at the base of the volcanic section in the the Angara River (Fig. 3C): These rocks are Gier, 2003). Nonetheless, many primary volcanic Maymecha region). Layers are typically inter- poorly sorted, with shallowly dipping beds of features are preserved. The shape and vesicularity­ nally structureless, but they may be bracketed 50–100 cm thickness. of formerly glassy fragments, which provide by lavas and gradational or sharp contacts with information about the fragmentation mechanism ul, bLT, or bLTal layers. On the Maymecha Lithofacies bLTal (Heiken, 1972; Wohletz, 1983), are listed in River, mj rocks contain angular to fluidal mafic Lithofacies bLTal is composed of bedded tuff Table 2. The approximate proportion of juvenile igneous clasts, flat-lying clasts, and occasional and lapilli tuff with accretionary lapilli (Figs. 3D and lithic particles is also given in Table 2. clast imbrication. Angular sedimentary clasts and 3E). The thinly to thickly bedded fine tuff to Altered formerly glassy shards vary from (1–5 cm in diameter) do exist in the rocks of lapilli tuff (beds tend to be 1–10 cm thick) usu- sample to sample even within lithofacies, rang- the Pravoboyarsky Suite, but they are entirely ally display good sorting. Accretionary lapilli ing from blocky grains (Heiken, 1972) with absent in intercalated mj layers higher in the range in diameter from 1 mm to 30 mm and mosaic cracks (Büttner et al., 1999) and negligi- Maymecha and Kotuy sections. include discoidal, spherical, armored, rim-type, ble vesiculation to highly vesicular, irregularly and multilayered morphologies (Fig. 4). Blocks shaped fragments (Fig. 4E; Wohletz, 1983). Lithofacies ml and bombs are rare. Some bLTal rocks on the Some smaller ash particles have moss-like Lithofacies ml (Fig. 3A) is composed of mas- Angara River include thin beds consisting pri- shapes (Wohletz, 1983). Because most of the sive tuff, lapilli tuff, or tuff breccia (lapilli tuff marily of accretionary lapilli; these beds contain formerly glassy fragments are altered, however, and tuff breccia are most common) with abun- low-angle cross-stratification and normal grad- some of these cracking patterns may postdate dant, poorly-sorted lithic clasts with fine- to ing. Bedded layers of lapilli tuff with accretion- the original quenching of the glass. medium-grained ash matrix. The distribution ary lapilli also occur within the Morongovsky Figure 4F shows fine-grained material that of these lithic-rich rocks includes the Kotuy, Suite, ~1000 m above the base of the Noril’sk appears to have armored a small, equant, Angara, and Nizhnyaya Tunguska River regions volcanic section (Rudakova and Krivolutskaya, un­vesiculated­ altered glass fragment. Generally, (Fig. 1). Thicknesses reach more than 200 m 2009). Fedorenko (1994) and Fedorenko et al. thin sections of accretionary lapilli revealed along the Angara River and ~30 m on the Kotuy (1996) suggested that these rocks may be coeval fine-grained rims and inwardly increasing River (Fig. 2), though in the Angara region, it with the Noril’sk-1 intrusion, which has a ash grain size. The maximum grain size at the can be challenging to distinguish rocks of the age that overlaps within uncertainty with the cores of accretionary lapilli (except for armored ml lithofacies from bLT rocks with faint, poorly onset of the mass extinction (Kamo et al., 2003; accretionary lapilli) is ~300 mm. developed beds. Angular to rounded clasts in Burgess, 2014; Burgess et al., 2014). While it can be difficult to differentiate true an ml layer on the Kotuy River (sample K09– juvenile from cognate fragments, the compo- 10.4A) include coal and siltstone fragments up Lithofacies eLT nents of volcaniclastic rocks in Table 2 range to 50 cm in diameter (more typically <20 cm); Lithofacies eLT (Figs. 3F and 3G) is com- from ~50% to 100% juvenile material and from angular clasts in Angara River outcrops include posed of eutaxitic tuff and lapilli tuff. The eLT 0% to 50% lithic material (excluding the clastic distinctive white limestone and sandstone up rocks occur only as 1–10 m layers within the dikes, which can include even larger proportions to 1 m in diameter (Fig. 3A), along with both late-stage Delkansky Suite on the Maymecha of sedimentary material).

1442 Geological Society of America Bulletin, v. 127, no. 9/10 Siberian Traps volcaniclastic rocks and the role of magma-water interactions

ml Figure 3 (on this and following page). Examples of Siberian­ mj Traps volcaniclastic litho­ facies as described in Table 1. (A) Lithofacies­ ml with poorly sorted lapilli tuff and tuff brec- cia containing abundant lithic clasts (including stromatolitic limestone blocks), overlying mj lithofacies with poorly sorted lapilli tuff and tuff breccia with predominantly juvenile clasts A (samples A10–7.1 and A10- 1 m A9B). (B) Lithofacies bLT, with shallow-dipping beds of lapilli tuff including both lithic and juvenile clasts (in the Angara ­ region). (C) Close-up view of bLT rocks on the Angara River, with abundant angular basaltic clasts. (D) Outcrop on the Angara ­River with abundant bLTal beds (shown in E) near the base of the cliff; rocks near the top of the cliff were not accessible, and hence their lithofacies are uncertain. 10 m 15 cm (E) Lithofacies bLTal: accre- tionary lapilli–bearing lapilli bLT B bLT C tuff with thin planar beds (low- angle cross-stratification is also present in the same outcrop). Sample A10–13.3.

15 m 5 cm bLTal D bLTal E

Because of the large quantity of accidental that the juvenile materials in Siberian Traps whole-rock geochemistry for the volcaniclastic material incorporated into many of the vol­cani­ volcaniclastic rocks are predominantly basal- rocks in the Maymecha and Kotuy regions, and clastic rocks, whole-rock geochemical analy- tic (with the exception of the silicic eLT rocks; Black et al. (2012) presented melt inclusion data. ses often do not reflect the composition of the Sharma, 1997). Fedorenko et al. (2000) and Heunemann (2003) has characterized the magma. The available geochemical data show Fedorenko and Czamanske (1997) presented petrography of Siberian Traps basalts with an

Geological Society of America Bulletin, v. 127, no. 9/10 1443 Black et al.

eLT Figure 3 (continued). (F) Litho- facies eLT rhyodacitic tuff in the Maymecha River region. (G) Reflected light image of eLT rhyolitic tuff in thin section 100 μm showing eutaxitic texture and eLT broken crystal fragments (sam- 8 m F G ple M09–12.1). (H) Volcani­ ­ clastic dike (dl) with abundant juvenile and lithic fragments crosscutting a 100 m cliff of pre- dl dominantly ml lithofacies lapilli tuff (Angara region, hammer ul for scale). (I) Close-up view of the subvertical contact between a volcaniclastic dike (dl) and mj dl rocks (Angara region). uj


A C E 1 mm 1 mm 1 mm

B D F 1 mm 1 mm 1 mm

Figure 4. Petrographic images of volcaniclastic rocks in thin section, taken with plane-polarized light source. (A) Rim-type oblate accretion- ary lapillus in lowermost Nizhnyaya Tunguska lapilli tuff (sample NT12–1). (B) Multilayered large accretionary lapillus with grain size increasing toward core (sample A10–13.3). (C) Abundant spherical accretionary lapilli from Morongovsky lapilli tuff in Noril’sk (sample N12–8.2). There are numerous broken fragments of accretionary lapilli within this sample, as shown by the partial rim center left. (D) Well- preserved rim-type spherical accretionary lapilli from Morongovsky lapilli tuff (sample N12–8.2). (E) Small fragment of highly vesicular, formerly glassy fragment from Pravoboyarsky mj lapilli tuff (sample M09–3.3). (F) Fine-grained material armoring an equant, poorly vesicular altered originally glassy fragment (sample K09–11.6).

1444 Geological Society of America Bulletin, v. 127, no. 9/10 Siberian Traps volcaniclastic rocks and the role of magma-water interactions emphasis on the magnetic minerals. He reported this sample, the peak 585 °C unblocking temper- netites from near Noril’sk (Heunemann, 2003), titanomagnetite/ilmenite intergrowths in lavas ature of the NRM for most clasts of K08–11.6 consistent with the large number of high-Ti from Noril’sk, indicating primary high-tempera­ (GSA Data Repository Fig. A11) is consistent lavas endemic to the Maymecha-Kotuy region ture oxidation of grains that would not inter- with near-stoichiometric magnetite as the major (Fedorenko et al., 2000). Our hysteresis data for fere with the fidelity of the rocks as magnetic­ NRM carrier. In addition to magnetite, K08–7.11 clasts from K08–10.3 and K08–7.11, including re­corders (Heunemann, 2003). The mag- and NT12–4.2 both appear to host a mineral with the ratio of saturation remanence to saturation netic mineralogy of Siberian Traps rocks, and of a Curie temperature close to 300 °C, which is magnetization (Mrs /Ms) and the ratio of rema- our samples in particular, is discussed in further likely titanomagnetite (Kazansky et al., 2005; nent coercive force to ordinary coercive force detail in the following section. Pavlov et al., 2011). Curie temperatures of (Hcr/Hc) for K08–7.11 (GSA Data Repository titanomagnetite­ may depend on mineral com- Fig. A2 [see footnote 1]), indicate that as found Paleomagnetism position and oxidation history (Dunlop and in previous studies (Gurevitch et al., 2004; Lind Özdemir, 2001). Heunemann (2003) has argued et al., 1994; Pavlov et al., 2007), the ferromag- Previous paleomagnetic studies of the Sibe- that titanomagnetites from Noril’sk lavas expe- netic minerals are predominantly in the pseudo- rian Traps have identified magnetite and titano- rienced high-temperature oxidation. In that single-domain size range (Dunlop, 1990). magnetite as the primary carriers of magnetic case, a Curie temperature of ~300 °C would During our optical and electron microprobe remanence, with grains predominantly in the correspond to titanomagnetite with a composi- investigations, we did not identify any ferromag- pseudo-single-domain size range (Gurevitch tion close to Ti0.45Fe2.55O4 (Dunlop and Özdemir, netic minerals, consistent with a relatively fine et al., 2004; Lind et al., 1994; Pavlov et al., 2001; Schult, 1970). Such a composition is more (pseudo-single-domain) grain size.

2007). The magnetization components we iden- Ti-enriched than that of Ti0.2Fe2.8O4 titanomag- The results from stepwise thermal demagneti­ tified provide additional context for the miner- zation of our samples are shown in Figures 5 alogy of our samples (these components are 1GSA Data Repository item 2015161, Additional and 6 (for clarity, AF demagnetization steps are details of paleomagnetic analyses and the complete described in more detail in the next paragraph). set of unprocessed paleomagnetic data, is available not shown here, but are plotted separately in GSA While the >585 °C component in two clasts from at http://​www​.geosociety​.org​/pubs​/ft2015​.htm or by Data Repository Fig. A3 [see footnote 1]). We K08–11.6 suggests that hematite is present in request to editing@​geosociety​.org. used principal component analysis (Kirschvink,

Figure 5. Paleomagnetic results Z, X 270 °C 295 °C Z,X Y-X projection Z, X 25 °C, 10 mT A B Y-Z projection C 270 °C from clasts from parent block 270 °C K08–7.11, a mafic lapilli tuff 220 °C 10–4 Am 161 °C from the Kotuy River valley. 25 °C, 10 mT 585 °C Y 600 °C Because the sample is not ab- 220 °C Y –5 10 Am –5 solutely oriented, all directions 420 C 10 Am 270 °C are oriented relative to an ar- 25 °C, 10 mT bitrary coordinate system fixed 25 °C, 10 mT 220 °C 25 °C, 10 mT to the parent sample and not 10–5 Am geographically. (A–C) Ortho­ 380 °C 161 °C 220 °C graphic projection showing the Y clast 1C natural remanent magnetiza- 10–4 Am tion (NRM) of selected clasts 10–4 Am 295 °C from K08–7.11 during stepwise 270 °C thermal heating. Open symbols clast 6A Parent block K08-7.11 clast 5A 270 °C indicate projection onto the 0° 0° horizontal plane; closed sym- D E m2 bols indicate projection onto 1b the vertical plane. Most clasts 2a 1b 8a 1c reveal two components: an low- 1a temperature (LT) component m2 7a 6a (light dashed arrows) blocked 1c 270° 90° 270° 90° up to ~270 °C and a high- m1 3a 10a 10a temperature (HT) component 7a 5a 2a (dark shaded arrows) blocked 9b 1a 3a up to >270–330 °C. Alternating 11a m1 frequency (AF) demagnetiza- 8a 6a 5a tion for these clasts is shown in Lower hemisphere Upper hemisphere GSA Data Repository Figure 3 180° 180° (see text footnote 1). (D) Equal- area stereographic projections showing nonrandomly oriented LT component directions in individual clasts (resultant R > R95%, where R95% is the critical resultant at 95% confidence). Open and closed symbols denote upper and lower hemispheres, respectively. (E) Equal-area stereographic projection showing HT directions for which randomness cannot be rejected at the >95% confidence interval (R < R95%). Indi- vidual clasts are labeled. Subsamples from the same clast are linked with dotted circles.

Geological Society of America Bulletin, v. 127, no. 9/10 1445 Black et al.

0° Parent block K08-10.3 Z, X NRM Figure 6. Equal-area stereographic pro- A B jections (left column) and orthographic 5 25 °C, 10 mT projections (right column) showing com- 1a 6b ponent directions in clasts from parent 1b 6a blocks K08–10.3, K08–11.6, NT12–4.2, clast 6A 8 and A10-A9B. In stereographic plots, 270° 90° open and closed circular symbols de- 7b note upper and lower hemispheres, re- 25 °C, 10 mT spectively. In orthographic plots, open 10–4 Am 7a square symbols indicate projection onto 3 the horizontal plane, and closed sym- NRM bols indicate projection onto the vertical plane; dark shaded arrows denote high- 585 °C Y 180° –4 temperature (HT) components, and light 10 Am 0° dashed arrows denote very low-tempera­ Parent block K08-11.6 Z, X ture (VLT) components. Because sam- C D NRM m2 clast 7 ples in A–F are not absolutely oriented, Y –3 600 °C their directions are given relative to an 10 Am arbitrary coordinate system fixed to the parent sample and not geographi- cally. (A) HT components from sample 270° 90° K08–10.3, interpreted as a conglomer- 10–3 Am ate produced by a lahar or debris flow. (B) Zijderveld (orthographic) projection 3b of remanent magnetization of clast 6A m11a from sample K08–10.3 during stepwise 3a 4a 8a 5a 2a 1b 6a heating. Many clasts in this parent block 7a NRM display complex behavior that differs 180° from clast to clast. In this clast, the de- 0° NRM magnetization has a low-temperature 8a 8b 5 Z, X 25 °C, 10 mT 1b3 1a Parent block NT12-4.2 curvature and may retain a component 2a E 4 9 F at >585 °C. (C) Sample K08–11.6, a red- 6 2b 7 dish accretionary lapilli–bearing rock, which is uniformly magnetized at low and high temperatures. (D) Zijderveld (orthographic) projection of remanent 270° 90° magnetization of clast 7 from sample K08–11.6 during stepwise heating; this 10–3 Am clast was not subjected to alternating Y frequency (AF) demagnetization prior to 585 °C heating. (E) Clast-rich NT12–4.2 displays 10–3 Am a single, uniform component of mag­neti­ clast 3 NRM 25 °C, 10 mT zation.­ (F) Zijderveld (orthographic) projection of remanent magnetization 180° of clast 3 from sample NT12–4.2 dur- N ing stepwise heating. (G) A10-A9B is the Parent block A10-A9B G H only oriented sample and is consistent N with an HT component overprinted by the 3 × 10–6 Am NRM NRM present-day field. VLT component plot- 136 10–5 Am 127 (LT) 131 (LT) 139 W ted in light gray; HT component in solid 134 (LT) E 128 Up Down black. (H) Zijderveld (orthographic) 129 (LT) 131 140 580 °C 290 °C 128 (LT) 140 (LT)141 clast 127 projection of remanent magnetization of WE129 127 132 clast 127 from sample A10-A9B during 130 134133 138 S stepwise heating. Sample A10-A9B was not subject to AF demagnetization prior Lower hemisphere Y-X projection to heating. NRM—natural remanent Upper hemisphere Y-Z projection magnetization. present-day eld 252 Ma eld in Angara S

1446 Geological Society of America Bulletin, v. 127, no. 9/10 Siberian Traps volcaniclastic rocks and the role of magma-water interactions

1980) to identify NRM components. We clas- that in combination are most consistent with lowly dipping beds in the Angara region (Fig. sified the components as very low temperature particular genetic interpretations. Here, we out- 3B) resemble deposits in Iceland, Japan, and (VLT; when blocked from 50 °C to 210 °C), low line our preferred interpretations based on the the Faroe Islands that have been interpreted as tempera­ture (LT; when blocked from 50 °C to attributes of each of our proposed lithofacies. hyaloclastite­ foresets (Yamagishi, 1991; Bergh 300 °C), high temperature (HT; when blocked Lithofacies mj: massive tuff, lapilli tuff, or and Sigvaldason, 1991; Jerram et al., 2009). from 50 °C to 585 °C), or very high tempera- tuff breccia with primarily juvenile clasts. These However, the high abundance of sedimentary ture (VHT; when blocked above 585 °C, which rocks are the most difficult to interpret based clasts in the Siberian rocks and the rarity of pil- applies to just two clasts from K08–11.6; GSA on textural observations alone. We interpret low fragments are atypical for bedded hyaloclas- Data Repository Table A1 [see footnote 1]). Out thin layers of mj rocks with negligible ash that tites (Yamagishi, 1991). In some outcrops on the of six parent samples, clasts from two (K08–11.6, are intercalated with lavas as either brecciated Angara River, bLT rocks include charcoalized and NT12–4.2) contain only a single coherent flow bottoms and flow tops or as the products woody fragments ~10 cm in length. Because component of magnetization (with the exception of magmatic fire fountaining (these alternatives the Siberian Traps erupted in a continental basin of two K08–11.6 clasts that have HT and VHT could be tested with further mapping). We inter- rather than a submarine setting (Czamanske components). Clasts from A10-A9B, K08–7.11, pret mj rocks in the Kotuy and Angara regions et al., 1998), we suggest that shallow surface and K08–10.3 contain one or two components of that contain overwhelmingly juvenile clasts (in water encouraged a hybrid or changing eruption magnetization. Clasts from S10–2.5 do not display particular, clasts with glassy rinds) separated by style that included episodes of proximal hyalo- coherent magnetizations­ within or across clasts. ashy matrix as possible hyaloclastites. Because clastite formation and episodes of phreatomag- We applied Watson’s (1956) test to assess the massive hyaloclastites should be spatially asso- matic explosivity. Subaqueous and pyroclastic randomness of the distribution of paleomagnetic ciated with subaqueous lavas, future identifica- density currents resulting from these two erup- directions. The resultant vector for a set of unit tion of nearby pillowed flows or pillow frag- tion modes could both produce bLT volcani­ vectors oriented in the clast NRM directions is ments would buttress this interpretation. Some clastic rocks. compared to a critical value at the 95% level mj rocks in the Maymecha and Angara regions, Lithofacies bLTal: bedded tuff and lapilli

(R95%). If R > R95%, the clasts are nonrandomly especially those that underlie or overlie ml or tuff with accretionary lapilli. This litho­ magnetized, and the test is considered “failed.” bLT lithofacies (Fig. 3A), may also result from facies includes many of the best-sorted and

Conversely, if R < R95%, then we cannot reject pyroclastic density currents. most texturally rich volcaniclastic rocks in the randomness at the 95% confidence level, and Lithofacies ml: massive tuff, lapilli tuff, or areas of the Siberian Traps we visited. While the test is considered “passed.” tuff breccia with abundant lithic clasts. The plane-parallel stratification is most common, The Watson test results for all components poor sorting, rarity of fabrics, and presence of some beds are cross-stratified at low angles or for each sample are listed in GSA Data Reposi- large blocks in ml rocks could be consistent contain sand waves. As with most ul, uj, and tory Table A2 (see footnote 1). HT components with original deposition by lahars or pyroclastic­ bLT layers, the absence of channelization and from three samples (K08–11.6, NT12–4.2, and density currents (Ross and White, 2005). In one high-angle cross-stratification, and the rarity or

A10-A9B) fail the conglomerate test (R/R95% > outcrop on the Angara River, we observed a set absence of rounded clasts argue against a flu- 1) and so contain nonrandomly oriented magne- of lenticular beds (each ~10 cm thick and 1–2 m vial origin. Taken together with the presence of tization (representative orthographic projection wide) with abundant well-rounded 2–5 cm well-preserved and often abundant accretion- for K08–11.6 is shown in Fig. 6B). Both LT and gravel (both igneous and sedimentary) and ary lapilli (which typically coalesce in water- HT components from sample K08–10.3 pass the high-angle truncation surfaces. These features rich, turbulent eruption columns; Schumacher

test (R/R95% < 1, as noted in Fig. 6A). S10–2.5 are consistent with fluvial activity (and imply and Schmincke, 1995), the bed forms are most contains clasts with internally inconsistent and that there was a source of erodible country consistent with deposition by moist, dilute pyro- unstable magnetization, and so the conglomer- rock nearby and that the Angara region was not clastic density currents. While such density ate test for this sample is inconclusive. The LT fully submerged at the time the volcani­clastic currents are not unique to phreatomagmatic component of K08–7.11 fails the conglomerate rocks were emplaced) and are markedly differ- eruptions, many bLTal rocks (particularly in the test (R/R95% > 1, as noted in Fig. 5D), while the ent from the ml rocks. Most ml layers are very Angara region) also contain high proportions

HT component passes (R/R0 < 1, as noted in Fig. poorly sorted, without channeling, rounded of lithic material. We interpret these lithic-rich 5E). The majority of the clasts from this final clasts, or high-angle cross-stratification, argu- bLTal rocks as the products of phreatomagmati- sample exhibit a sharp directional change in ing against a fluvial origin (Ross and White, cally derived dilute pyroclastic density currents. the demagnetization path around 270 °C (Figs. 2005). It is more difficult to identify or rule Because exposures showing relationships with 5A–5C), although two clasts (9b and 11a) con- out deposition by lahars. The ml rocks often preexisting topography are limited, we do not tain only a single component up to the blocking contain altered glass fragments, abundant lithic exclude the possibility that some bLTal rocks temperature of magnetite. Where possible, we clasts from specific sedimentary layers appar- also originated as fallout deposits. subsampled large clasts to check the consistency ently not exposed near the surface (such as the Lithofacies eLT: eutaxitic tuff and lapilli tuff. of intraclast magnetization. With the exception white stromatolitic limestone in Fig. 3A), angu- The eutaxitic texture suggests these well-sorted, of S10–2.5, all samples displayed homogeneous lar upright blocks, and rare composite bombs fragmental silicic tuffs were emplaced while directions within clasts. with sedimentary rocks armored by igneous still hot by pyroclastic density currents. material. While these features do not conclu- Lithofacies dl: volcaniclastic dikes with abun- DISCUSSION AND INTERPRETATION sively exclude transport in lahars, they are more dant lithic clasts. The subvertical contacts and Interpretation of Volcaniclastic Lithofacies consistent with phreatomagmatic pyroclastic crosscutting relationships indicate these dikes density currents. postdate the surrounding volcaniclastic rocks. While uniquely diagnostic features are often Lithofacies bLT: bedded tuff and lapilli tuff. The mixtures of lithic and juvenile clasts sug- absent from Siberian Traps volcaniclastic rocks, We suggest that these rocks originated in sub- gest these originated from interactions between many rocks do preserve sets of characteristics aqueous or subaerial density currents. Shal- magmas and wet sedimentary material.

Geological Society of America Bulletin, v. 127, no. 9/10 1447 Black et al.

Interpretation of Paleomagnetic Results the conglomerate test and are tightly clustered of this evidence, we conclude that the uniform (Fig. 6H). HT component in K08–11.6 supports emplace- Paleomagnetic data can provide insights into Sample K08–10.3 (lithofacies uj) passes ment at greater than 580–600 °C, most likely likely formation mechanisms for volcaniclastic the conglomerate test for both the LT and HT associated with pyroclastic volcanism. This rocks (such as those belonging to the mj and ml components with consistent intraclast direc- range of temperatures exceeds the emplacement lithofacies) where the volcanological evidence tions. The unit from which we obtained this temperatures expected for systems that incor- is inconclusive. Because lahars and epiclastic sample also discordantly cuts several lava flows. porate abundant external water (Koyaguchi and deposits should be emplaced at temperatures Accordingly, we conclude that K08–10.3 origi- Woods, 1996; McClelland et al., 2004), which less than 100 °C, and because juvenile fragments nated as a debris flow or lahar. This determina- contrasts with the presence of accretionary that were initially moving while cooling should tion is consistent with the findings of Pavlov lapilli. We infer that the eruption that produced not retain a random HT component (McClel- et al. (2011), who reported that clasts from K08–11.6 incorporated relatively minor quanti- land et al., 2004), our paleomagnetic data allow another volcaniclastic layer sampled nearby ties of external water. us to positively identify hot-emplaced pyroclas- also pass the conglomerate test. The evidence is more ambiguous for sample tic rocks. Depending on the behavior of clasts Clasts from parent blocks K08–11.6 (litho­ A10-A9B from the Angara River and sample from each sample during stepwise thermal facies bLTal) and NT12–4.2 (lithofacies ul) NT12–4.2 from the Nizhnyaya Tunguska River. demagnetization, we attempted to differentiate each contain single unidirectional components Neither sample is welded or sintered. However, the original conditions under which the sample of magnetization blocked to temperatures above the minimum temperature to incur welding of acquired its remanence. Figure 7 summarizes the Curie point of magnetite that fail the con- mafic materials may exceed the Curie tempera- the framework within which we interpreted our glomerate test. As mentioned above, the VLT ture of magnetite (Sheridan and Wang, 2005), in paleomagnetic results. and HT components in clasts from A10-A9B which case deposition could occur at or above Clasts from sample K08–7.11 (lithofacies­ uj) also fail the conglomerate test. These three the Curie temperature without leaving textural contain nonrandom LT and random HT com- samples are widely distributed across the Sibe- evidence. Latyshev et al. (2013) reported sta- ponents (Figs. 5D–5E). We interpret this paleo- rian Traps (Fig. 1). These results allow two tistically uniform directionality at the 95% magnetic behavior as a record of emplacement possible interpretations: Either the samples confidence level among a subset of volcani- at ~270 °C, consistent with pyroclastic eruption. were emplaced at temperatures greater than the clastic rocks (including A10-A9B), dikes, and Sample A10-A9B (lithofacies ul), our only blocking temperature of the high-temperature the Tolsto­mysovsky on the Angara River. oriented sample, hosts a VLT component. magnetic carrier, or they have been thermally or Because other volcaniclastic rocks and intru- While mean paleomagnetic direction for the chemically overprinted after emplacement and sives retain HT components that are distinct Angara region at 252 Ma is very similar to the primary cooling. from that of A10-A9B and the Tolstomysovsky direction of the present-day field (Latyshev Several lines of evidence suggest that the sill at the 95% confidence level, and because et al., 2013), the present-day field direction lies Kotuy River volcaniclastic rocks (includ- Ordovician sedimentary rocks <1 km from the within the 95% confidence angle of the VLT ing sample K08–11.6) may record a primary contact with the Tolstomysovsky sill have not component, whereas the 252 Ma field does not. magnetization from the time of emplacement. been remagnetized, Latyshev et al. (2013) inter- The 95% confidence circles for the mean VLT K08–11.6 is well lithified and contains millime- preted the directional groups as distinct primary and HT directions are very close, but they do ter- to centimeter-scale accretionary lapilli. Fur- magnetizations associated with rapid magmatic not overlap. Given the VLT component’s low thermore, two volcaniclastic samples collected pulses that do not average secular variation. The (~200 °C) blocking temperature, we therefore several hundred meters away have passed the balance of existing evidence thus suggests sam- interpret the VLT component in A10-A9B as conglomerate test: sample K08–10.3 (reported ple A10-A9B may have been emplaced at high a viscous remanent magnetization (VRM; here) and a nearby “tuff interlayer” (Pavlov temperatures. However, this conclusion is less Pullaiah­ et al., 1975). Unlike K08–7.11, both et al., 2011), suggesting that these rocks have certain than in the case of samples K08–7.11 the VLT and HT components in A10-A9B fail not been collectively overprinted. On the basis and K08–11.6. In the following section, we synthesize the volcanological evidence and these paleomag- sills and dikes show regional-scale netic constraints on emplacement temperatures same uniform directions overprint? to estimate the extent of Siberian Traps pyro- sills and dikes show emplacement T uniform inter-clast clastic volcanism. di erent directions Tem pb > T lock directions low T conglomerate paleomagnetic consistent intraclast directions Extent of Pyroclastic Volcanism random low and not overprinted measurements high T inter-clast of volcaniclastic rocks directions random intraclast directions post-emplacement ne- scale remagnetization Regardless of the origin of the volcaniclastic uniform low T, rocks associated with the Siberian Traps, pulses random high T low T directions align probable recent directions with modern eld low T overprint of particularly high magma flux likely resulted bend allows estimate in fire fountaining and injection of gases into sharply dened linear no alignment with of thermal overprint the lower stratosphere (Black et al., 2012; modern eld demagnetization paths (emplacement T) Glaze et al., 2015) accompanied by emplace- curved potential chemical ment of flood basalt lavas. Because the Siberian demagnetization paths overprint or non- single domain grains Platform was located at ~60°N in the Permian (Latyshev et al., 2013), the mean altitude of the Figure 7. Flow chart showing potential implications of partial thermal demagnetization tropopause above the magmatic center was only measurements of volcaniclastic rocks. ~10 km (Grise et al., 2010; Black et al., 2012),

1448 Geological Society of America Bulletin, v. 127, no. 9/10 Siberian Traps volcaniclastic rocks and the role of magma-water interactions though the precise altitude depends on atmo- directions are inconsistent (ul S10–2.5), one ally crosscuts apparently related volcaniclas- spheric CO2 levels (Held, 1982). Plume heights sample likely emplaced at temperatures above tic rocks (Wooden et al., 1993). However, the above fire fountains during large igneous prov- 580–600 °C (bLTal K08–11.6), and two sam- largest diatremes have not been definitively ince eruptions are expected to reach 13–17 km ples emplaced either at temperatures above linked with specific volcaniclastic layers. If the (Glaze et al., 2015). Exceptionally vigorous fire 580–600 °C or at unknown temperature and diatreme structures and a large fraction of the fountains during the historic Laki flood basal- subsequently overprinted (ul A10-A9B and ml volcaniclastic rocks are in fact cogenetic, they tic eruption produced columns that breached NT12–4.2). Thus, depending on how many of represent a major phreatomagmatic province the tropopause (Thordarson and Self, 1993; the uniformly magnetized samples all record similar in style to that reported in the Transant- Thordarson et al., 2003). The eruption of the hot emplacement, on the order of one sixth to arctic Mountains (McClintock and White, 2006; Roza Member of the Columbia River Basalts two-thirds of the texturally ambiguous mj and White and McClintock, 2001; Ross and White, probably generated kilometer-high fire foun- ml Siberian Traps volcaniclastic rocks we ana- 2005, 2006; Ross et al., 2008). Overall, the vol- tains surmounted by convective plumes (Brown lyzed may retain paleomagnetic evidence for canological evidence for interactions between et al., 2014). emplacement during hot, pyroclastic eruptions. magmas and abundant external water supports With this background in mind, in this work Given the heterogeneity of Siberian Traps the paleogeographic reconstructions of Cza- we focus on the volcaniclastic rocks. Why are volcaniclastic rocks (Table 2), these results manske et al. (1998), in which much of Siberia there unusually large volumes of volcaniclastic may be most directly relevant to the regions we was water-logged in the latest Permian. rocks associated with the Siberian Traps, and do visited (Fig. 1). We estimate the total area cov- these rocks reflect unusually extensive explo- ered by our field work as the sum of L2, where Effects on Gas Release and sive activity beyond the expected magmatic fire L is the length of each of our sampling tran- Environmental Consequences fountaining at vents? sects. This estimated coverage area is ~100,000 We envision a diverse array of Siberian Traps km2, compared to an original area of volcanic Why do some large igneous provinces appear eruptive styles (Fig. 8). We estimate that ~5%– activity spanning ~3,000,000 km2 (Reichow to coincide with mass extinctions, whereas others­ 10% of the volcaniclastic rocks we sampled fall et al., 2009). If the mean thickness of volcani­ ­ do not? The mafic volcaniclastic rocks of the into the bLTal lithofacies, which we interpret clastic rocks is 200–300 m (Zolotukhin and Siberian Traps have been linked to unusually here as likely pyroclastic rocks (Table 1). A fur- Almukhamedov, 1988; Ross et al., 2005), the extensive explosive volcanism and to more pro- ther ~20% of the volcaniclastic rocks belong to volume of volcaniclastic rocks in this coverage nounced environmental consequences (Campbell the bLT lithofacies, which we suggest includes area is around 20,000–30,000 km3. Any attempt et al., 1992; Black et al., 2012). However, the both bedded hyaloclastites and lithified pyro- to estimate the extent of pyroclastic volcanism correlation and potential causal links between clastic density current deposits. The ml and mj incorporates considerable uncertainty in the the volume of volcaniclastic rocks and extinction volcaniclastic rocks are massive, poorly sorted, volume of volcaniclastic rocks and the degree to severity are not clear. The Siberian Traps, Karoo- and difficult to interpret texturally, and the dl which the paleomagnetic samples are represen- Ferrar (White and McClintock, 2001; Ross and and eLT rocks are volumetrically negligible. tative. However, if we assume that our samples White, 2005; McClintock and White, 2006; Our paleomagnetic measurements and field are representative and that in total ~30%–70% White et al., 2009), and Emeishan (Ross et al., and petrographic observations (Table 2) offer of the volcaniclastic rocks (across all lithofa- 2005; Peate and Bryan, 2008; White et al., 2009; some additional constraints, in particular for the cies) result from explosive volcanism, we find a Wignall et al., 2009) large igneous provinces all ml and mj rocks. As described in the previous volume of pyroclastic rocks within the area cov- contain significant volumes of mafic volcani­ section, we find evidence for one pyroclastic ered by our field work of roughly 10,000 km3. clastic rocks, whereas the Paraná-Etendeka,­ sample emplaced at ~270 °C (uj K08–7.11), Siberian Traps diatreme structures infilled Central Atlantic magmatic province, and Colum- one debris flow/lahar sample (uj K08–10.3), with hydrothermally altered basaltic fragments bia River provinces contain fewer volcanicla- one sample with overprints or poor magnetic are synchronous with volcanism (Svensen stic rocks. Of these, the Siberian Traps, Karoo- recording properties such that even intraclast et al., 2009), and at least one diatreme actu- Ferrar­, Emeishan, and Central Atlantic magmatic

ozone Cl + O ClO + O transient SO-driven cooling destruction CO ClO + O Cl + O long-term CO greenhouse episodes of phreatomagmatism tropopause HCl SO CHCl SO and hyaloclastite formation acid rain re fountaining ‘pipe’ eruption HCl CO a.l. HF eusive lavas hyaloclastites PDCs evaporites mass wasting bedded hyaloclastites aureole gases

Figure 8. A schematic cross section through the upper and atmosphere during the Siberian Traps eruption (with emphasis on processes forming volcaniclastic rocks). Not to scale. PDCs—pyroclastic density currents; a.l.— accretionary lapilli.

Geological Society of America Bulletin, v. 127, no. 9/10 1449 Black et al. province ­coincided with mass extinctions, within phreatomagmatic eruption columns did pene- which is one of the most voluminous continental uncertainty, whereas extinction rates were low at trate the tropopause, a large fraction of the sulfur flood basalt provinces to erupt in the Phanerozoic the time of the Paraná-Etendeka and Columbia emissions would likely reach the stratosphere (e.g., Malich et al., 1974; Reichow et al., 2009). River eruptions (Wignall, 2001). (Textor et al., 2003). The resulting stratospheric Siberian Traps magmatism has been linked to Our interpretations imply that the majority aerosols would have resulted in a temporarily the end-Permian mass extinction (e.g., Campbell of the Siberian Traps volcaniclastic rocks origi- increased optical depth and cooler temperatures et al., 1992), the most severe loss of floral and nated through magma-water interactions. In in the Northern Hemisphere (e.g., Stothers et al., faunal diversity in Earth’s history (Erwin, 1993). the case of the subset of bLT, uj, and ml rocks 1986; Oman et al., 2005; Black et al., 2014b). The origins of Siberian Traps volcaniclastic that fragmented during interactions between Recently, Callegaro et al. (2014) revisited the rocks carry implications for the release of vol- lavas and surface water, the atmospheric con- possibility that high sulfur emissions could be canic gases, and the fate of those volatile species sequences are likely minimal. In such a setting, an important link between large igneous prov- governs the environmental impacts of magma- the level of explosivity is typically low (Batiza ince eruptions and mass extinction events. tism. Recent research has shown that magmatic and White, 2000), and the majority of volcanic The pipe eruptions described by Svensen et al. fire fountaining likely delivers sporadic injec- degassing occurs near the vent (Thordarson and (2009) are an unusual feature of the Siberian tions of gas to the stratosphere during high-lati­ Self, 1998). Traps large igneous province. They may have tude large igneous province eruptions like the

We also interpret some volcaniclastic rocks released large quantities of CH3Cl, CH4, and Siberian Traps (Glaze et al., 2015). In this work, as the results of phreatomagmatic explosions. other metamorphic gases, many of which could we use volcanological and paleomagnetic data to In certain regimes, phreatomagmatic explo- yield global chemical effects even if emitted to investigate the origin of Siberian Traps volcani- sivity may enhance the likelihood that a buoy- the troposphere (Black et al., 2014b). However, clastic rocks. While many of the volcaniclastic ant volcanic­ plume will develop (Koyaguchi as discussed herein, the pipe eruptions have not rocks are most consistent with nonexplosive to and Woods, 1996). However, in the case of the yet been conclusively related to the more broadly weakly explosive lava-water interactions, we Mawson Formation in the Ferrar large igne- distributed volcaniclastic rocks that are the focus argue that a significant fraction of the Sibe- ous province, Ross et al. (2008) argued that the of this paper. The potential environmental effects rian Traps volcaniclastic rocks originated from coarseness of the deposits and the paucity of of the pipe eruptions are discussed at greater phreatomagmatic eruptions. Whereas HCl is widespread ash-fall layers are consistent with length in Svensen et al. (2004), Svensen et al. preferentially removed from water-rich eruptive subplinian eruption plumes generally <10 km (2009), and Black et al. (2014b). plumes, the majority of SO2 does not partition in height, limiting the environmental conse- Finally, we speculate regarding the weath- into water or ice particles (Tabazadeh and Turco, quences. Similarly, few continuous, extensive ering of the volcaniclastic rocks. The volcani- 1993; Textor et al., 2003). Thus, if eruption basaltic ash-fall layers have been identified in the clastic rocks are more porous, less well con- columns above these phreatomagmatic vents Siberian Traps. If plume heights resulting from solidated, and more susceptible to physical and reached the tropopause, they would have supple- Siberian Traps phreatomagmatism did not reach chemical weathering than the lava flows (Büchl mented gases delivered by fire fountaining with stratospheric altitudes, most environmental and Gier, 2003). Their total volume is also very an additional flux of sulfur to the stratosphere. effects from phreatomagmatic eruptions would large (Ross et al., 2005). Because CO2 is rela- have been regional in extent. While mapping any tively inert in the atmosphere, the eruptive style ACKNOWLEDGMENTS individual ash-fall layers would be challenging and altitude of injection do not determine the This study was funded by National Science Foun- given the discontinuity and inaccessibility of environmental effects of volcanic CO2 emis- dation Continental Dynamics (grant number EAR- many Siberian Traps outcrops, such an effort in sions (e.g., Wignall, 2001). However, if the vol- 0807585), by the Russian Foundation for Basic the future could constrain column heights associ- caniclastic rocks promoted rapid weathering, Research (grant numbers 13-05-12030, 15-35-20599, and 14-05-31447) and the Ministry of Education and ated with Siberian Traps phreatomagmatism. they may have expedited drawdown of atmo- Science of the Russian Federation (grant number Hydrogen chloride is highly soluble in water spheric CO2 (Dessert et al., 2001, 2003; Black 14.Z50.31.0017), and by the Massachusetts Institute and relatively soluble in water ice (Pinto et al., et al., 2015). Furthermore, Meyer et al. (2011) of Technology Wade Fund. The authors benefited 1989; Tabazadeh and Turco, 1993; Textor et al., have argued that high productivity in the surface from careful, thoughtful reviews by Pierre-Simon Ross and two anonymous reviewers, and from the 2003). The additional water in a phreatomag- ocean delayed benthic recovery from the end- skilled editorial supervision of A. Hope Jahren and matic eruption plume would have expedited the Permian mass extinction. Relatively rapid weath- Benjamin Laabs. Vladimir Pavlov, Anna Fetisova, rain-out of HCl (Tabazadeh and Turco, 1993; ering of the volcaniclastic rocks may have pro- Sam Bowring, and Seth Burgess were valued collabo- Black et al., 2012). Accordingly, magmatic fire vided a larger-than-normal flux of nutrients to rators during field work, and Seth Burgess collected fountains were likely the dominant mechanism Permian–Triassic oceans, fueling this surface sample S10-2.5 from the Severnaya River. Bernhard Peucker-Ehrenbrink provided generous assistance for transfer of HCl to the stratosphere, and productivity. Rothman et al. (2014) have sug- with the electric pulse disaggregator at Woods Hole phreatomagmatic eruptions would not have dra- gested that Ni from the Siberian Traps fueled Oceanographic Institution. Sonia Tikoo, Roger Fu, matically affected the stratospheric ozone cycle a surge in methanogenesis. In these scenarios, and Kyle Bradley shared expert perspectives on the (Beerling et al., 2007; Black et al., 2012, 2014b). the weathering of the volcaniclastic rocks may paleomagnetic analyses,­ and Steve Self offered valua­ ble comments on the volcanology. Mehmet Onbasli Sulfur dioxide is soluble as well, but it is have been as environmentally significant as their assisted with vibrating sample magnetometer mea- less soluble than HCl (Tabazadeh and Turco, emplacement. surements in the Ross laboratory at Massachusetts 1993; Textor et al., 2003). Sulfur degassing can Institute of Technology. The authors also gratefully be less efficient during phreatomagmatic than CONCLUSIONS thank Brenda Carbone for administrative help. magmatic fragmentation (Ross et al., 2008). REFERENCES CITED However, in contrast to HCl, only a negligible Eruptions of large igneous provinces are rare Aramaki, S., and Akimoto, S., 1957, Temperature estima- proportion of the SO2 that reaches the plume but geologically significant events, with poten- tion of pyroclastic deposits by natural remanent mag- dissolves in water or ice particles (Tabazadeh tially cataclysmic environmental consequences. netism: American Journal of Science, v. 255, no. 9, and Turco, 1993; Textor et al., 2003). Thus, if Here, we have focused on the Siberian Traps, p. 619–627, doi:​10​.2475​/ajs​.255​.9​.619​.

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1452 Geological Society of America Bulletin, v. 127, no. 9/10 DR2015161

Supplementary Materials

Supplementary Figure A1. Intensity of natural remanent magnetization during thermal DR2015161 demagnetization for three clasts sampled from parent blocks K08-7.11, K08-11.6, and NT12-4.2.

Supplementary Figure A2. Hysteresis loops for selected samples measured with a vibrating sample magnetometer, after correction for paramagnetic high field slope. Hcr and Hc were measured on different clasts from block K08-7.11.


Supplementary Figure A3. AF demagnetization and NRM for clasts from parent block K08-7.11 shown in Figure 5 of the main text.


Sample Clast Component Temperature Declination, N steps MAD (˚) Range (˚C) Inclination (˚) * K08-7.11 1A LT 25 ˚C – 270 ˚C 213.1, 14.1 9 11.4 HT 270 ˚C – 570 ˚C 52.7, -21.7 5 6.8 1B LT 25 ˚C – 270 ˚C 202.3, 14.1 9 6.4 HT 270 ˚C – 585 ˚C 31.5, -21.9 6 4.8 1C LT 25 ˚C – 270 ˚C 201.6, 11.0 9 11.7 HT 270 ˚C – 345 ˚C 44.5, -17.9 5 7.4 2 LT 25 ˚C – 245 ˚C 174.5, -65.0 8 14.2 HT 245 ˚C – 585 ˚C 42.7, 17.3 8 3.9 3 LT 25 ˚C – 270 ˚C 60.2, 14.9 9 6.2 HT 270 ˚C – 380 ˚C 247.1, -14.1 5 10.3 5 LT 25 ˚C – 270 ˚C 31.3, 2.0 9 11.2 HT 270 ˚C – 585 ˚C 164.7, -16.2 7 8.9 6 LT 25 ˚C – 270 ˚C 39.7, 15.6 10 4.2 HT 270 ˚C – 585 ˚C 198.4, -16.4 11 5.8 7 LT 25 ˚C – 220 ˚C 346.4, -72.2 6 29.6 HT 220 ˚C – 585 ˚C 100.5, 41.9 4 8.6 8 HT 25 ˚C – 585 ˚C 70.4, -19.7 10 4.3 9B HT 25 ˚C – 585 ˚C 116.2, 31.6 19 1.5 10A LT 25 ˚C – 295 ˚C 79.6, 50.2 9 30.2 HT 295 ˚C – 420 ˚C 109.7, -60.7 7 22.1 11A HT 25 ˚C – 350 ˚C 222.6, -28.9 12 3.4

K08-11.6 1A HT 81 ˚C – 585 ˚C 198.4, 0.7 19 5.8 1B HT 50 ˚C – 585 ˚C 199.9, 1.7 19 4.9 2 HT 25 ˚C – 600 ˚C 190.3, -3.0 14 5.2 3A HT 25 ˚C – 570 ˚C 193.9, 11.6 16 11.1 VHT 570 ˚C – 620 ˚C 10.1, 21.3 5 12.3 3B HT 123 ˚C – 585 ˚C 205.8, 9.4 15 8.2 VHT 585 ˚C – 620 ˚C 10.7, 16.9 4 6.6 4A HT 50 ˚C – 585 ˚C 194.9, 3.7 18 6.2 4B HT 50 ˚C – 600 ˚C 199.8, 4.6 17 6.6 5 HT 25 ˚C – 585 ˚C 195.1, -3.4 20 3.9 6 HT 123 ˚C – 585 ˚C 190.4, 8.7 16 7.0 7 HT 50 ˚C – 600 ˚C 197.9, -2.5 20 7.2 8 HT 81 ˚C – 620 ˚C 196.2, -2.5 19 3.9

K08-10.3 1A HT 50 ˚C – 585 ˚C 348.5, -53.7 22 23.2 † 1B HT 50 ˚C – 585 ˚C 288.3, 21.1 21 7.1 † 3 HT 50 ˚C – 585 ˚C 218.3, 1.2 13 5.2 † 5 LT 50 ˚C – 530 ˚C 231.9, -25.5 12 13.1 DR2015161

HT 550 ˚C – 585 ˚C 16.5, -33.9 3 4.8 † 6A HT 75 ˚C – 585 ˚C 29.8, -48.0 20 5.0 † 6B HT 50 ˚C – 585 ˚C 25.5, -38.3 21 6.8 † 7A HT 50 ˚C – 585 ˚C 226.3, -21.7 21 6.3 † 7B HT 50 ˚C – 585 ˚C 259.2, -46.1 17 3.9 † 8 LT 50 ˚C – 220 ˚C 356.2, 81.8 7 26.6

NT12-4.2 1A HT 50 ˚C – 585 ˚C 15.7, 10.6 18 2.5 † 1B HT 50 ˚C – 585 ˚C 10.8, 8.8 17 3.0 † 2A HT 50 ˚C – 585 ˚C 4.3, 18.6 19 1.9 † 2B HT 50 ˚C – 585 ˚C 5.2, 19.8 17 2.2 † 3 HT 50 ˚C – 585 ˚C 7.2, 12.7 21 2.2 † 4 HT 50 ˚C – 585 ˚C 8.5, 10.6 21 2.7 † 5 HT 50 ˚C – 585 ˚C 14.4, 4.5 21 4.3 † 6 HT 50 ˚C – 585 ˚C 352.9, 22.4 20 3.2 † 7 HT 50 ˚C – 585 ˚C 6.8, 13.9 21 2.1 † 8A HT 50 ˚C – 585 ˚C 7.3, 6.5 21 3.8 † 8B HT 75 ˚C – 585 ˚C 6.7, 9.9 20 2.3 † 9 HT 50 ˚C – 585 ˚C 9.8, 9.6 21 2.8 †

A10-A9B § 127 VLT 20 ˚C – 290 ˚C 345.9, 75.8 4 0.5 HT 400 ˚C – 580 ˚C 71.7, 87.0 6 2.1 128 VLT 20 ˚C – 290 ˚C 340.0, 69.2 4 3.4 HT 350 ˚C – 600 ˚C 36.1, 78.4 8 3.9 129 VLT 20 ˚C – 210 ˚C 306.8, 69.7 3 6.3 HT 400 ˚C – 600 ˚C 208.9, 78.4 7 1.7 130 HT 400 ˚C – 640 ˚C 231.6, 81.1 9 1.3 131 VLT 20 ˚C – 210 ˚C 336.7, 62.1 3 4.0 HT 400 ˚C – 600 ˚C 34.7, 86.6 9 1.5 132 HT 350 ˚C – 600 ˚C 146.1, 86.3 8 1.2 133 HT 350 ˚C – 520 ˚C 93.3, 81.5 5 1.4 134 VLT 20 ˚C – 210 ˚C 50.6, 80.9 3 12.2 HT 350 ˚C – 580 ˚C 127.0, 83.8 7 1.1 136 HT 350 ˚C – 520 ˚C 357.0, 83.2 5 1.5 138 HT 350 ˚C – 640 ˚C 99.3, 56.4 10 1.0 139 HT 290 ˚C – 640 ˚C 49.4, 83.0 11 0.8 140 VLT 20 ˚C – 210 ˚C 56.0, 81.4 3 13.3 HT 400 ˚C – 620 ˚C 67.6, 77.4 8 1.2 141 HT 400 ˚C – 640 ˚C 49.6, 75.9 9 1.9 * Note that orientations are relative except for sample A10-A9B; all other samples are unoriented relative to true geographic coordinates. † Indicates that the fit for this component was forced through the origin. § This sample was analyzed at Moscow State University with a JR-6 spinner magnetometer.


Supplementary Table A1. Paleomagnetic components and fits. Note that S10-2-5 is not included in the table above because clasts did not yield coherent components of magnetization. DR2015161

Sample Component N Watson R Watson R95% Conglomerate Test A10-A9B VLT 6 5.88 3.85 Fail HT 13 12.75 5.82 Fail K08-7.11 LT 8 6.65 4.48 Fail HT 10 3.76 5.03 Pass K08-10.3 HT 6 2.45 3.85 Pass K08-11.6 HT 8 7.85 4.48 Fail NT12-4.2 HT 9 8.92 5.59 Fail

Supplementary Table A2. Results of Watson’s (1956) test. If R exceeds the 95% significance value R95%, the clasts are non-randomly magnetized and the sample fails the conglomerate test. We did not include matrix samples in the Watson test calculation.

Supplementary References

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