Hoboken Historical Museum Archives 2007.071.0001


[front cover]


Fiftieth Anniversary

Exempt Assn. Hoboken H.V.F.D. [Hoboken Volunteer Fire Department]

1860 – 1910

April 9th, 1910


[page 1]


To Our Honored Guests and the Citizens of the City of Hoboken:

In presenting this Souvenir and History of our Association, we would call the attention of our friends and subscribers to the fact, that in compiling the same, we have given careful attention to securing a complete list of all those who have been members of the Association, as well as of those who have died within its ranks, and of noteworthy incidents occurring during the past fifty years of its existence. To the older residents of our city, some of the names of members mentioned therein may bring back old reminiscences of the past; to the present generation we can say that we point with pride to some whose achievements have done a great deal in framing the history of our city many years before its incorporation. To our friends, the subscribers, we owe a debt of gratitude for their assistance in making this souvenir what it is, and we take pleasure in recommending them not alone to our members, but to the public at large, as being able to and competent business men. We would also at this time express our sincere thanks to all our friends who have aided us in the past, for the many favors extended, so that we were enabled to celebrate this Golden Anniversary as an

Association of Exempt Volunteer Firemen of the City of Hoboken.


[page 2]

[photo portrait]

George Gonzales. [facsimile signature]

Mayor of Hoboken, N.J.


[page 3]



At a meeting of Exempt Firemen of the City of Hoboken, held in the house of Washington Hook & Ladder Co. No. 1, on the 9th day of April, 1860, there being present Theodore Van Tassell, who acted as chairman, James Housman, who acted as secretary, James Stevenson, Andrew Mount, Peter Schneider, William H. Gelston, Cornelius B. Housman, John D. P. Mount, Henry F. Katenkamp and Charles Chamberlin, who decided to form an association of Exempt Firemen, to be known an designated as “The Association of Exempt Firemen of the City of Hoboken.” The following preamble was then adopted:

“For the purpose of affording such aid to the Fire Department for the City of Hoboken as lies in our power, and also for the purpose of cherishing and perpetuating the kind feelings as firemen, we, the exempt firemen, from the fact of our having heretofore served sufficient length of time in the Fire Department to exempt us from other public duties, and to entitle us, should occasion require, to assistance from the funds of the Department, this Association do hereby form and organize ourselves, and adopt regulations for our government.”

A committee to draft by-laws and to report on a suitable badge to be worn by the members, was appointed, and after considerable discussion it was decided to adjourn subject to the call of the chairman. After several meetings which had been called by the chairman, and the committees appointed reported progress, they again met on the evening of November 23, 1860, in the house of Washington Hook & Ladder Co. No. 1, when John and James McCulloch were added to the roll. The committee on by-laws made their report, and the same were adopted. They then adjourned to meet on Tuesday evening, January 15, 1861, for the purpose of electing the officers of the Association for one year. At this meeting William G. Shepherd, Willliam Hersee, John M. Board, Silas H. Jessup, and William H. Wilson were added to the roll, and the first officers of the Association elected, namely: Theodore Van Tassell, president; Thomas Mickens, vice-president; James Housman, secretary, and William G. Shepherd, treasurer.

On April 16, 1861, the first deposit was made in the Hoboken Bank for Savings, namely $18, and on July 16, 1861, Charles T. Perry, Edward Snedicker, John Kennedy, Charles J. Clark, Martin R. Demorest and Julius Grisbell were elected members. On October 15, Peter Ritter, Charles L Merideth, John L. Merideth and Newman A. Wood were elected members.

1862. At a meeting held January 21, it was unanimously “resolved, that all members of this Association, volunteering to go to the war, they be exempt from paying dues while absent”


[page 4]

[photo portrait]

Charles A. Mohn [facsimile signature]

Mayor of West Hoboken

Member of the Exempt Association of Hoboken

Messrs. Board, Mount and Wilson were appointed a committee to go to Trenton and have the Association incorporated. The officers of the previous year were then re-elected, and the Treasurer reported a balance of $26.00 in the bank.

On June 15, the following resolution was adopted:

“At a meeting of the Association of Exempt Firemen of the City of Hoboken, the undersigned were appointed and instructed to express their sincere thanks for the eminent services now being rendered by you to our Country in the hour of its greatest peril.

“As representatives of this Association, we gratefully appreciate your renouncing all family and social ties, together with all the comforts and conveniences that you are not actuated by any selfish motives, but animated by the most self-sacrificing patriotism, being possessed of such zeal and integrity. Your efforts will secure to you such a degree of success and usefulness as shall render it an event memorabilia in the history of our country, to which ourselves and posterity will refer with pride and satisfaction, earnestly requesting your acceptance of the thanks of the Association, and with the ardent wishes for your health and happiness, we commend you, our devoted friend, through this unnatural and sanguinary contest to Him whose cause you represent and defend, and may He through His interposition speedily terminate, so as to enable you soon again to enjoy the embraces of your affectionate family, and receive the congratulations of your legion of friends.

W.G. Shepherd,

J.M. Board,

J. Stephenson, Committee.”

At this meeting Nicholas F. Lawrence ad Isaac Shreve were elected members.


[page 5]

Compliments of Our Former Mayors

[photo portraits]

George H. Steil.

Adolph Lankering.


[page 6]

[picture portrait of City Hall]

Compliments of our Friends, City Hall, Hoboken N.J.

[facsimile signatures and titles]

Richard Buckley – Chairman Common Council First Ward

Fred’k J. Anderson – Councilman, First Ward

D. Bahrenburg – Councilman, Second Ward

Anthony (?) – Councilman, Second Ward

Peter F. Clark – Councilman, Third Ward

Thomas J. Wren – Councilman, Third Ward

Bernard M Feely – Councilman, Fourth Ward

A.T. Pflugh – Councilman, Fourth Ward

John J. Delaney – Councilman, Fifth Ward

Gust Friedrichs – Councilman, Fifth Ward


[page 7]

[continuation of above]

James H. Londrigan – City Clerk

James Smith – City Treasurer

James Havron – Assistant City Clerk

Wm. J. Fitzpatrick – 2nd Assistant City Clerk Richard Bowes – Collector of Revenue

Harry L. Banck – Overseer of the Poor

Gustav Bach – Water Registrar

Thos. S. Field – Assistant Water Registrar

J. H. Timken – President Board of Health

Thos. F. Devlin – Excise Commissioner

Henry Kilian – Assistant Water Registrar

Henry A. Martini – Assistant Water Registrar


[page 8]

Compliments of the Board of Fire Commissioners

Hoboken, N. J.

[facsimile signatures and titles]

James Whalen President

Wm. L Draffin

Richard C. Greten

August Kirnig

Martin Cooke

D. A. Haggerty Clerk

[photo portraits]

Michael Dunn,

Chief of the Hoboken Fire Department

William F. Fenton,

Assistant Chief of the Hoboken Fire Department


[page 9]

Officers of the Association of Exempt Firemen of Hoboken

The Art Photo Studio, Union Hill, N.J.

[photo portraits]

John Glander – Trustee

John Wagner – Secretary

Louis S. Weinthal – President

Fredrick Schaaf – Treasurer

Timothy J. Conun – Trustee

Charles Taylor – Trustee

William Warnecke – Collector

Henry F. Meyer – Vice Pres.

James J. Farrell – Fin. Sec.

Frank Wagner – Trustee


[page 10]


Kitchen Bouquet

Gives a delicious flavor and rich color to soups, sauces, gravies, etc.

Sample on Request

Used by Leading Chefs and Eminent Teachers of Cookery

The Palisades Mfg. Co.

247-249 Clinton Avenue, West Hoboken, N.J.

Sold by All Grocers

--- 1863. January 20, the officers of the previous year were re-elected, and John H. Suckley, Jesse Fash, Peter Clayton, and Thomas Smith were elected members.

April 14. Committee on incorporation of the Association reported same as having been passed by the Legislature and signed by Governor Parker. On April 16, 1863, the following officers were then elected to comply with the act of incorporation: T. Van Tassell, president; T. Mickens, vice-president; J. Housman, secretary; W. G. Shepherd, treasurer; Andrew Mount, William Hersee and W. G. Shepherd, trustees. John A. Abry, Louis Korbett and John R. Waldren were elected members.

July 14. Uniform adopted, consisting of a red shirt, black tie, belt and fire hat, and a resolution adopted, placing the members of the Association in command of the chief engineer of the fire department at all fires, when called upon. William Tanner, Henry G. Timm, Samuel Large, Theodore F. Prudden, and James R. Hill were elected members.

October 13. Wm. Hersee was appointed a committee to wait on Commondore Stevens in relation to securing a steamer for the use of the Association in extinguishing fires. John L. Mathey, William Letts, Sr., Theodore S. Parker and William G. Plummer were elected members.

1864. January 12. Badge adopted, and Gordon Farmer, William H. Peckham and Robert McCuague elected members.

April 12. Annual meeting; the officers of the previous year were re-elected, and J. M. Board trustee for three years, and Eugene Robert, William G. Odell and Daniel Mystere elected to membership. Committee on procuring a steamer for the use of the Association was on motion discharged and the idea abandoned.

July 12. Samuel Archer and William F. Kost elected members.


[page 11]

[photo fascimiles and titles]

Emil G. Wagener – Member W&O Fund

Patrick Hayden, Pres. – W&O Fund

John J. O’Brien, V. pres. – W&O Fund

James Harksen, Treas. – W&O Fund

John Flattery, Member – W&O Fund

Geo. F. Seymour, Chairman, Anniversary Committee

William Lee, Member Anniversary Committee Charles Stumpf, Member – W&O Fund


[page 12]


Meyers and Naegelis Hotels

Hudson, at Third Street, Hoboken, N.J.

Conducted by J.H. Timkin

Known all over the world

Restaurant open from 6 a.m. until Midnight.

Private Dining Rooms for large and small parties.

Banquets my Specialty

Catering at your home in up-to-date style

Estimates given. Prices Reasonable.

Try Home Patent – I carry out your ideas.

Card Tables and Cap Stools to let.

Billiard and Pool Parlor

Bowling Alleys for Clubs

Separate Entrance for Ladies


[page 13]

August 14. President announced the first death of a member, namely Peter Clayton.

October 11. Valentine Lange, Samuel S. Plummer and Charles Detloff elected members.

1865. January 10. Robert Currie and John Howard elected members. April 11. Annual meeting; the officers of the previous year were re-elected, and Peter Ritter as trustee for three years. Henry Brown, Lawrence Kennedy, William N. Parslow, Sr., Herman Luhrs. William H. Curtis, William Buck, Louis H. Osterndorf and Timothy Foley elected members.

June 17. The Association paraded and acted as an escort in honor of the return of Major Woerner Battery from the war.

July 11. John E. McWorter elected a member.

October 12. Charles Feickert, John R. Terry, William A. Macy and Augustus E. Mathey elected members.

November 10. Death of Valentine Lang.

1866. January 9. Ramon M. Cook and John McAllister elected members.

April 10. Annual meeting; the officers of the previous year were re-elected, and Andrew Mount as trustee for three years.

July 10. William Smith elected a member.

December 12. The Association moved into a house on Second Street, between Washington and Bloomfield Streets, the site of which is now, as the compiler is informed, the rear of the F. Cordts Furniture Co., the use of which was donated by J.M. Board, with the carriage formerly belonging to Oceana Hose Co., No. 1, which had done service in as Amity Hose Co. No. 38.



Geo. Focht Sons

Iron Works, Inc.

Telephone, Hoboken 10

Established 1857

Hoboken, N.J. – U.S.A.

Office: 117-119 Adams Street

105-123 Adams Street

124-128 Grand Street


[page 14]

[advertisements] Telephone 1025 Worth.

T. Brauback & Co.

Bankers and Brokers

Steamship Agents --- Foreign Money Exchange

85 Park Street

171 Worth Street

New York.


Telephone 269

Black Diamond Express

Emil Le Fevre, Proprietor

219 Bloomfield Street

Hoboken, N.J.


Compliments of

Henry Schwiering


John Mojes

Restaurant, Hotel and Rathskeller

14th and Fourth Ave.

Tel. 3693 Stuyvesant

9th and Third Ave.

Tel. 3818 Orchard

New York


August Kope

House and Decorative Painter

Paper Hanging, Kalsomining and

Hard Wood Finisher 115 Maple St., Weehawken Heights, N. J.

All orders promptly attended to.


Wm. E. Carroll


1200 Willow Ave.

Hoboken, N. J.


[page 15]

[photo fascimiles and titles]

John J. McGovern,

Recorder of Hoboken


Ivins D. Applegate,

Ex-Chief Hoboken Fire Department

Last Chief of the Hoboken Volunteer Fire Dept.


[page 16]

[group photo facsimile and signatures]

Compliments of

Board of Assessors

Of Hoboken, N.J.

1 Henry Lohmann, Jr. President

2 J. Wm. Bender

3 Charles Guaraglia 4 Thomas Coughlin

5. Thomas F. Carey

6 H. J. Murray Clerk.


[page 17]

1867. February 11. John Lewis, Michael V. Cadmus and Francis Johnson elected members.

March 11. Alfred Aeschman elected a member.

April 9. Annual meeting; the officers of the previous year Were re-elected, and John M. Board as trustee for three years.

April 23. President Van Tassell resigned, and John M. Board elected. Secretary J. Housman resigned, and Samuel Archer elected.

May 14. Vice-President Thomas Mickens resigned, and William Hersee elected, and John Borchard elected a member.

June 11. George Luerssen elected a member.

August 13. Samuel R. Terhune elected a member.

September 10. Stephan Bayles, Augustus Pierez and Graham M. Sinclair elected members.

1868. January 14. Fredrick W. Raetz, Adolph Keiser and Seba M. Bogert elected members.

April 14. Annual meeting; J. M. Board elected president; W. Hersee, vice-president; F. W. Raetz, secretary; T. S. Parker, treasurer, and John T. Bentley a member.

May 12. The resident announced the death of Charles C. Clark

June 9. Peter J. Powles elected a member.

August 11. Conrad Schmidt elected a member.

October 13. Louis Meister elected a member.

December 8. John R. McCulluch elected a member.

1869. April 30. J. M. Board elected president; W. Hersee, vice-president; T. S. Parker, treasurer, and

J. Housman, secretary.

May 18. John J. Robinson elected a member.

September 14. Charles G. Clarke elected a member. November 9. John F. Shapter elected a member.



[photo facsimile of monument]

William Luckhardt, Marble and Granite Works

Opposite the Entrance of Flower Hill Cemetery

Weehawken P.O., West New York, N. J.

Branch Yard. Opp. Fairview Cemetery

Monuments, Tombs, Headstones. Designs and Estimates Furnished.

Sculptured Statuary a Specialty

Work Done in all Cemeteries.


[page 18]

[facsimile picture Hackensack Turnpike, 1850 Weehawken, N.J.]


L. E. Manley

The American Lithograph Co.

19th St. and 4th Ave., N. J.


George P. Christman Ex-Chief

North Bergen, N. J.


Thomas Gryburgh

Troy Laundry

43 W. 8th St., New York


Wm. Hauser Life Insurance

312 Maple St.

West Hoboken, N. J.


Henry F. Meyer


127 Garden St.

Hoboken, N. J.


Hannan’s Café

Union Hill, N. J.


Louis A Ramsay

Exempt of West Hoboken, N. J.


Morris Appel

Dealer in Furniture

64 Bloomfield St., Corner Newark St.

Hoboken, N. J.


John Canavari

Hoboken, N. J.


Herman Seeck, Ex-Chief

Union Hill, N. J.


City Hall Café

Fred W. Grube, Prop.

Newark & Washington Sts. Hoboken, N. J.


Edgar T. Humphrey

Sec’y State Exempt Fireman’s Association

181 prospect St.

Nutley, N. J.


Edward F. Hupfer


Charles. F. Lihm, Jr.

Union Hill, N. J.


[page 19]

1870. April 12. William Hersee elected president; J. D. P Mount, vice-president; J. Burckhardt, secretary, and T. S. Parker, treasurer.

1871. May 16. William Hersee elected president; J. D. P. Mount, vice-president; J. Housman, secretary, and C. Chamberlin, treasurer.

1872. January 15. The president announced the death of Charles T. Perry.

April 9. Officers of the previous year were re-elected.

October 8. Hazen Kimball and Charles Beberdick elected members.

1873. April 8. Officers of the previous year were re-elected.

October 14. James O. Sexton elected a member.

1874. April 14. Officers of the previous year were re-elected.

July 14. Edward Kennedy elected a member.

1875. January 12. Edward G. Jewett, Michael H. Murphy and James H. Kniffen elected members.

April 26. Annual meeting; officers of the previous year were re-elected, and John E. Eberhard and William Weyhausen elected members.

October 9. The president announced the death of John McCulloch. 1876. January 11. William H. Havens, R. B. Totten, James Cranston, Joseph Russell, Henry Heuster, George M. Dede, George Ritter, Adam W. Peer elected members.

April 4. Annual meeting; officers of previous year re-elected, and James Geyer elected a member.

1877. April 23. Henry Bischoff and William Schmidt elected members.

August 20. Officers of the previous year re-elected.

Nov. 19. President announced the death of Henry Otto.



[fascimile of horse and carriage]

Highwood Park Boarding & Livery Stables

Stephen J. Allgaier

Coaches, Cabs and Landaus – Wedding Coaches a Specialty

Horse & Dog Clipping – Taxi-Cabs to Hire

Bulls Ferry Road and Gardner St.

Union Hill, N.J.

Telephone 613 Union


Chas. A. Mohn

Ranges, Furnaces and Heaters

Telephone No. 371

156 Seventh Street

Hoboken, N. J.


[page 20]


[facsimile picture of rug store]

Chas. Cirincion Largest Dealer in the State in

Linoleum, Oil Cloth, Carpets, Rugs,

Matting, Window Shades, Stair Stays, Etc.

Estimates Given


Union Hill, N. J.

Phone 148-R


Stuhrmann’s Hoboken Express

Rabold & McCarthy, Props.

134 Park Avenue

Hoboken, N. J.

New York Office: 239 Washington Street.

Telephone 395-W Hoboken


[page 21]

1878. Jan. 20. President announced the death of Henry Bischoff.

April 25. Annual meeting; officers of previous year re-elected, and Peter McGavisk, Timothy W. Diorcett, Ely Gilkinson, and Louis M. Stein elected to membership.

July 29. Thomas Dooley, William Wheir and George P. Schinzel were elected members.

1879. April 21. Herman Schmidt, Louis Pfeiffer, Thomas F. Redmond and Thomas Robinson elected members.

May 11. William Hersee elected president; Peter McGavisk, vice-president; J. Housman, secretary; C. Chamberlin, treasurer.

July 8. Abraham Sandford and John Flattery elected members.

October 21. Patrick Farrell, Anthony Mullen and Rudolph Naegli elected members.

1880. January 15. William bonner, Erastus Hedges, James Curran, Patrick Londrigan, Daniel Eagan, John Kivlon and James Clark elected members. April 20. Annual meeting; the officers of the previous year were re-elected, and Charles Kaufman, Charles Dougherty and Charles Reinhardt elected members.

July 13. James Fenton, Fredrick Schoenfeld, James Kenney and Michael Kivlon elected members.

October 12. Michael Fitzpatrick, Edward Stack, James Smith and Louis Hart elected members.

1881. January 11. Henry Winkle, Thomas J. Rodgers, Robert Russ, Fredrick Koch, Albert Lindeman, Edward Cook, John Green, William Miller, Jr., Robert A. Anderson, *Henry Burke, Dennis Ryan, Joseph Molz, James Hanlon, Bethual N.

*The name of Henry Burke not appearing in the City Hall record. I think the name should be Henry Borck.



W. A. Gahagan, President

J. A. Gahagan, Treasurer

J. Gahagan’s Son


Mill Workers

Doors, Sash, Blinds and Trim

217-221 Adams Street

216-218 Grand Street

Telephone 168 Hoboken, N. J.


[page 22]


Telephone 442.

Ivins D. Applegate

Late Wm. N. Parslow

Funeral Director and Embalmer…..

225 Washington Street Hoboken, N.J. Liberty Stables, 220-224 Court St.

Coaches, Landaus, Broughams and Victorias


[facscimile picture]

Patrick H. Duffy

Member Hoboken Exempt Association Treasurer

Stevens Hose Co. No. 3

Mr. Duffy has represented the First Ward as Commissioner of Appeals, and also as Councilman.

He now conducts a first-class Barber Shop at 88 Hudson St., Hoboken


Telephone 52-J Union

George Miller

Hotel and Restaurant

Corner Hackensack Plank Road and Hudson Avenue

Union Hill, N.J.


[page 23]

[continued from page 21]

Crane, Michael Peer, August Schasberger, Michael Bows, J.J. Smisson and Joseph H. Lips were elected members.

May 3. Peter McGavisk elected president; B. N. Crane, vice-president; R. Russ, secretary, and J. Eberhardt, treasurer.

July 19. Joseph Forst, Theodore Russ, David B. Salter, Frank Herwig, Jr., William Flohr, Charles Krueger, Robert McCurdy and Charles Stuart elected members.

August 10. After many years of inactivity, due in a great measure to the action of the citizens of the city by vote declining to properly equip and house the Association, it was decided to put [continued on page 25]

--- [facsimile picture of Fireman’s Home, Boonton, N. J.]



Compliments of Clarendon Hose & Hook & Ladder Co.

No. 2, Secaucus, N. J.

Henry F. Praet, Foreman

Jerome E. Anderosn, Ass’t Foreman

George W. Zulauf, Secretary

Theodore Werner, Treasurer

Henry Zulauf, Ex-Foreman

Fred M. Woeckener, Ex-Foreman

Eddie Lord

Charles A. Lehfeld

William E. Habe

Frank Trappe

George H. Liegel

Louis Jansen

Andrew Degelmann

A. W. Hilbert

Henry O. J. Knoch

Frank Reinl

Herman Reinl

Eugene Griglio

Ernest Griglio

P. Knoch

George Block

Adam Zengel

S. Hassenforder

R. Bodei Joseph Heitmann

Andrew Deckelmann

Fred Lehfeld


[page 24]



[facsimile drawing of factory]

Iden & co.

University Place

9th & 10th Sts.

New York

Manufacturers of Gas & Electric Fixtures


Ab. E. Solomon

Newest Creations for Men and Women in

Cloaks and Suits

314 Washington St. Tel. con. Hoboken, N. J.


Telephone 6393 Spring

Established 1836

Manufacturers of Uniforms, Equipment and Supplies for Firemen

186 Lafayette Street, New York

Cor. Broome Street.


Telephone 297-W Prospect

Frank E. Houts Military Band and Orchestra

382 Bergen Street

Brooklyn, N. Y.


[page 25]

[continued from page 23] new life into the members. They therefore participated in a dinner which was served in Mayor Conners’ Hotel, Coney Island, forty-six members attending.

1882. January 10. Patrick Sullivan, Jeremiah Scanlan and Henry Blohm elected members.

April 18. Annual meeting; P. McGavisk elected president; Robert McCuague, vice-president; R. Russ, secretary; J. Eberhardt, treasurer; S. Archer, trustee. Michael J. Coyle, Henry A. Topser and Charles German elected members.

July 11. Oscar Hauger, William Decker, Adolph Brash and Frederick Hill elected members.

Sept. 11. Annual Dinner of the Association held at Steinbrenner’s Rock Cellar Park, Guttenberg, 65 members attending.

Oct. 10. Joseph Kemp, Edward Hackman, Michael Breslin, David Higgins, Fredrick Finken, Louis Israel and Daniel Quirk elected members.

1883. Jan. 9. William A. Willig, Charles A. Hicks, Willilam Doser, James Patrick, Ferdinand Muller and Charles Stumpf elected members.

April 11. Annual meeting; Adam W. Peer elected president; R. McCuague, vice-president; F. Herwig, secretary; J. Eberhardt, treasurer; R. McCuague, trustee. William Koehler, John W. Eaves, John McMahon and Hill F. Kennedy elected members.

July 10. Charles Mahde, Jacob Schuetz, Charles H. King, Jacob Geiger and Herman Arends elected members.

Aug. 20. Annual dinner held at Roton Point, Connecticut, 78 members attending.

Sept. 28. President announced the deat of Gordon Farmer.

Oct. 9. Sebastian Goehner, William A Gahagan, William W. Moore, James Tanner, John C. Crevier, William M. Chapman and John Logan elected members.


[advertisement] Chas. H. Focht, President Max Schalscha, 2nd Vice-President

Leo Stein, 1st Vice-President Otto Zaremba, Jr., Sec’y & Treas.

Jefferson Trust Company

Cor. Jefferson and First Streets.

Hoboken, N. J.


Henry W. Bahrenburg

David Beck

Claus Botjer

Gustav W. Draesel, M. D.

Hans C. Jensen

Peter H. Kessler

Eugene v. Magee

Leo Stein

Chas. H. Focht

Louis S. Fugazzi

Christian f. Guth

Charles Hoffman

Bernard Vezzetti

Max Schalscha

Louis Schmalz

H. W. Schmidt

Henry C. Steneck

Counsel, Henry A. Gaede.

Office Hours: Daily from 9 to 3. Saturdays from 9 to 12. Monday Evenings from 6 to 8

Statement, December 31st, 1909

Resources Liabilities

United States Bonds and other Capital Stock Paid in………… $ 100,000.00

Securities…… 79,819.00 Surplus and Undivided Profits.. 61.793.98 Bonds and Mortgages…………………… 267,200.00 Deposits…………………………… 867.034.99

Loans on Collateral and

Bills Purchased……. 455,310.86

Furniture and Fixtures…………………………. 4,095.45

Interest Accrued………………………………….. 7,295.52

Cash on hand and on Deposit

In Reserve Banks… 215,106.14


$ 1,028.828.97 $ 1,028.828.97

Entire Capital and Surplus invested in Mortgages in Hoboken Real Estate.


We pay interest at the rate of 4 per cent per annum in our Special Department, and

2 per cent per annum in our Commercial Department.

Deposits made on or before April 15th will draw interest from the First of April in our

Special Department.


[page 26]

The Volunteer Firmean’s Association

Of the City of New York

(Organized February 22, 1884)

Composed of Members of Ye Olde Volunteer Fire Department

Which was incorporated by an Act of the Legislature of the State of New York, March 20, 1798.

The Association, since its organization, by mutuality of the members, assisted by the returns from their annual Ball or Picnic, have paid the beneficiaries of departed members, and reliefs to needy comrades, moneys aggregating $ 193,642.00.

The Association Picnic of the year A.D. 1910 will be held at the Manhattan Casino, 155th and 8th Ave., on Monday afternoon and evening, September 5th (Labor Day), under the auspices of the Officers of the Association, with the intent, or hope, of replenishing the fund created by, and for if need be, the last survivor of, Ye Olde Fire Guard of Old New York City.

John J. Maloney, President

Simon Hexter, Vice-President

James D. Ridley, Vice-President

John A. Patterson, Treasurer

Board of Directors:

Daniel Bradley

Richard Cullen

Joseph O’Donnell

Herman Drypolcher

James J. Capper

Thomas C. Cornelius

Chas. H. Stegmann

Chas. P. Ling

Michael Arnold

John J. Eagan, Secretary of the Committee

John Nichols. Custodian

Office Hours: Board of Directors, 2nd Saturday at 8 P.M. in each month. Association Meeting on last Saturday of each month at 8 P.M.

Financial Secretary’s Office, 220 East 59th Street. All Communications answered daily.

D. B. Scofield, Secretary.


[page 27]

1884. Jan 8. John Bahrenburg, Andrew Cullen, John King, Theodore W. Goerig, Patrick Hayden and John Lanigan elected members. April 16. Annual meeting; A W. Peer elected president; R. McCuague, vice-president; F. Herwig, Secretary; W. Hersee, treasurer; P. Hayden, trustee, and Henry Bahrenburg, Peter Wiese, Henry Brown and Patrick Ryan elected members.

Aug. 20. Annual dinner held at Rock Cellar Park, Guttenberg, 49 members attending.

Oct. 14. Charles Koch, James Harksen, John Cannon, Charles N. Gerken and J. Louis Meyer elected members.

1885. Jan. 13. President announced that since the last regular meeting on October 14, 1884, we have lost by death: Jeremiah L. Scanlan, on Nov. 4, 1884; Thomas Robinson, on Jan. 13, 1885.

Jan. 20. President announced the death of Vice-President Robert McCuague, who died on Monday, Jan. 19.

April 22. Annual meeting; A. W. Peer elected president; H. Winkle, vice-president; F. Herwig, Jr., secretary; W. Hersee, treasurer, and C. H. King, trustee. J. William Kaiser, A. C. Schlosser and Robert E. Layburn elected members. President announced the death of William Koehler.

July 14. Charles Soffel and John W. Hagen elected members. President announced the death of Jacob Schuetz.

Aug. 5. James Shearan, Charles Ford, James Lanigan, Robert H. Alberts, William H. Runton and William N. Parslow, Jr., elected members.

Sept. 6. Annual dinner and reunion held at Shore House, Bergen Point, N. J. 71 members present.

Oct. 21. William B. Crane and William O’Donnell elected members.


James Thompson & Company

Sole Manufacturer of

Thompson’s Tarlatan Fruit Basket Covers

16 Greene Street, New York

Our Specialty

For twenty years has been the manufacturer of Covers for Peach Baskets. We canny in stock all sizes, cut ready to fit the basket.

Our Covers

Enable a grower to pack his fruit in such a manner that it will reach the consumer in perfect condition, and thereby command the highest prices.

[facsimile photo]

William McGrath

Fire Chief D. L. & W. R. R. Formerly Member of Engine No. 3 H. V. F. D.

Ex-Capt. Paid Dept. 1891-1904

Hoboken, N. J.


[page 28]


Bernard McGovern

Practical Plumber and Gas Fitter


Hoboken, N. J.

Residence: 1309 Garden Street


Tel. Call 120 Hoboken. Established 1878.

John F. O’Hara

Funeral Director

309 Washington St., Hoboken, N. J.

Exempt Member

Of Hoboken Engine Co. No 1.


Geo. H. Steljes John Steljes

Telephone Connection

Steljes & Steljes

Real Estate and Insurance

1122 Washington Street

Hoboken, N. J.

Estates Managed. Commissioner of Deeds. Notary Public.

--- Telephone Call 560.

Louis Behrmann

Elysian House

No. 40 Fourteenth St., Hoboken, N. J.

Near the Ferry.


Telephone Connection.

Rock Cellar Park and Café

Andes & Weiss, Props.

Most Beautiful Park in North Hudson

For Picnics, Outings, etc.

5211-5233 Hudson Boulevard

Opp. 26th St., Guttenberg North Bergen, N. J.

Books Open for Engagements

Large Dancing Pavilion, Shady Park, Bowling Alleys, Shooting Range


Daniel Cohn

Loan Broker

229 Washington St., Hoboken, N. J.


[page 29]

1886. Jan. 20. James Gallagher, Harry Snyder, Louis Schulz, William J. Winjes and Thies Biel elected members.

April 21. Annual meeting; A. W. Peer elected president; H. Winkle, vice-president; R. Russ, secretary; and P. Hayden, treasurer. President announced the death of Stephan Bayles, October 22, 1885. Simon Donohue elected a member. July 21. Thomas Caughlin, William Stanton, Otto Wolf, Washington Staab, Ernest Brunck, Joseph Ryan and Lawrence Fagan elected members.

Oct. 20. James Kennedy, D. H. Mahnken, Frank Cassidy and Charles Sipple elected members.

Oct. 27 President announced the death of John Eberhardt, on August 24 and Charles Schmidt, on August 30. Frank Schatler elected member.

Oct. 28. Association took part in the parade in honor of the unveiling of the Statue of Liberty, in New York City, with their hand engine, presented to them by J. Louis Meyer, 68 members on the rope.

1887. Jan. 19. William Letts, Jr., Valentine Rutterer. Jacob Buchman, Emil Russ. C. M. Stinis, John H. Taylor, Alfred B. Hartell, and George M. Mechler elected members.

April 21. Annual meeting: officers of previous year reelected. Francis S. Haughey, David F. Hearn, William Meiche and Fredrick Bartels elected members.

July 20. Henry Wagner, Louis Weilie, William McColloch, John J. Davitt, William Maloney and Herman Kammerer elected members.

Aug. 27. Excursion and re-union of the Association tendered to the families and friends. Steamboat and barges donated by Captain Gilleyson.



122-124 Hudson Street Hoboken, N. J.

Regular and Table d’Hote Dinners

Served daily from 11 a.m. to 8 p.m.

A la Carte Day and Night

September the first, I will occupy the entire building at 200 Washington Street as Meeting Rooms, Banquet Hall, First-Class Café and Bowling Alleys.


[page 30]


[facsimile of horse drawn wagon]

Compliments of

The Keystone Dairy Co. Purveyors of

Strictly Pure Pasteurized Milk, Cream and Condensed Milk

Delivered anywhere in Hudson County.

All of our Milk is produced under the jurisdiction of the New York Dept. of Health, which insures you that it is produced under the most stringent rules of sanitation.

Produced, bottled and delivered clean.

Call at our Bottling Plant and see how we bottle our Milk. Visitors are always welcome.

632-642 Madison Street, Hoboken, N. J.

Telephone 799


[page 31]

Oct. 1. Association paraded in New York City in honor of the return of the Veteran Firemen’s Association of the City of New York from their excursion to San Francisco, Cal.

Oct. 19. James D. Sinclair, Charles Gross, Leonard Bradbury and Frederick Jurgens elected members. President announced the death of Louis Schuetz, October 7; John Eagan, July 16; Christopher Clark, March 5; Charles N. Gerken, July1.

1888. Jan. 18. Michael Giilloon, John T. Hourigan, John F. O’Hara and Charles B. Palmer elected members. President announced the death of William Maloney on January 5.

April 18. Annual meeting; A. W. Peer elected president; John Green, vice-president; R. Russ, secretary; and P. Hayden, treasurer. James R. Hill; Timothy J. Conlin, Joseph Cereghino and Patrick Maloney elected members.

Oct. 17. Thomas Sloyan, Richard Carr, Ernest Schmidt, Andrew Blackburn and Joseph Madden elected members. President announced the death of J. Louis Meyer on August 11, and James Tanner on September 2.

1889. Jan. 16. Henry Walsh and Frederick Zimmermann elected members.

April 17. Annual meeting; A. W. Peer elected president; R. E. Layburn, vice-president; R. Russ, Secretary; P. Hayden, Treasurer, Owen Mulvaney, Jacob E. W. Kuper and Oscar R. Palmer elected members. President announced the death of Henry A. Topser on April 5.

June 29. The president announced the death of Frederick Schoenfeld. July 17. William Lee, George Weidinger, Leo Kemerer, John Nelson and Herman Futterer elected members.

1890. Jan. 15. John J. Carr, John Moore and John Thorpey elected members. President announced the death of James Kenney on December 17, 1889.


Phone 600 Hoboken

A. J. Dittmar

Druggist 1100 Washington St., Hoboken, N. J.


Established 1867.

James B. Fitzpatrick

Wholesale and Retail Oyster Dealer

The Oldest Continuous Oyster House in Hudson County

Oysters and Clams a Specialty

405 Bloomfield St., Hoboken, N.J.

Oysters furnished to Families or Parties by the Quart, Hundred or Thousand at Shortest Notice.


[page 32]

[facsimile of Fireman holding a Child]

[names and titles of firemen]

Lawrence C. Schach

formerly Stevens Hose Co. No. 3

James Harksen

Treasurer Board of Trustees, W & O Fund 1877-1910

Oscar Hauger

Formerly of Hoboken Engine Number 1. Louis S. Weinthal

President of Exempt Association Formerly of 3 Engine

Patrick Landrigan

Formerly Treasurer of 2 Truck, Hoboken

August Schell

Formerly of One Engine

John Flattery

Formerly Liberty Hose No. 2

George F. Seymour

Formerly Liberty Hose, No. 2

James J. Farrell

Formerly Foreman Elysian Engine Co. No. 4 Hoboken

Joseph S. Weinthal

Formerly Hoboken Engine No. 1

John Wagner

Ex-pres, Sec. of the Association, Sec. of the W.O. Fund, Sec. Hudson Co. Exempt Assoc.

Frank Wagner

Formerly member of Empire H. & L. Co., Mgr E. & Stevens Hose Co. No. 3

Thomas Bearchall

Formerly Foreman of Empire H. & L. Co. No. 3, Hoboken, N.J.

John J. O’Brien

Formerly Foreman 4 Engine

George T. Johnson

Ex- Chief of West Hoboken

J. E. W. Kuper

Ex-Asst. Engineer, M. W.R.D


[page 33]

April 16. Annual meeting; the officers of the previous year were re-elected, and James H. O’Brien elected a member. President announced the death of Valentine Futterer on March 17, and Edward Kiley on April 7.

July 16. Thomas Bennett and Herman Brockman elected members.

Oct. 15. The committee on building, consisting of Messrs. Schinzel, Hayden, Archer, B.N. Crane, Kuper and R. Russ reported that they had met with the committee on fire and water of the Council on July 21, and the following agreement was made: That they had secured the upper and parlor floor at present occupied by Washington Hook & Ladder Co. No. 1, the same to be a permanent meeting room for this Association, after being vacated by the Company. George Skidmore and John Whalen elected members. President announced the death of George W. Dede on October 11.

1891. January 21. Building committee reported that they had bought the furniture and all properties contained in the room of Washington Hook and Ladder Co. No. 1 for $300.00. George F. Johnson, Ivans D. Applegate, John Cassidy, Eugene Pahud, Thomas Bearchall, Edward G. Sheehy, Bernard Hagan, Daniel Fenton And Thomas Gaynor were elected members.

The hose carriage doing duty with Elysian Engine Co. No. 4, formerly with Hoboken Engine Co. No. 1, and having done duty in the City of New York, known as Empire Hose Co. No. 40 (Red Bird) rescued from the Crystal Palace Fire on October 5, 1858, where it had been on exhibition and received second prize, was presented to the Association by the honorable Mayor and Councilmen of the City of Hoboken. President announced the death of Thomas Sloyan on January 17.

Feb. 7. Messrs. Kuper, Hayden and Harksen were appointed


[picture facsimile of A. Frank]

A. Frank

Hoboken City Electrician

Electrical Engineer and Contractor

99 Washington St.

Telephone 262-R Hoboken, N.J.


Firemen’s Headquarters, June 18, 1910.

Hendrick Hudson Hotel

A. W. Lucas, Prop.

European Plan

413-415-417 Lewis St., of Union, N.J. Rooms Single or En Suite,

Weddings and Private Parties Catered to.

Automobile Accommodations Telephone 72 Union


[page 34]


Compliments of

Lohmann’s Café

1321 Washington Street

Corner 14th Street

Hoboken, N.J.


“FAAS” Union Shop 2 Labels

The Printer

205 Washington Street Hoboken, N.J.

Formerly a Member of Hoboken Engine Company, No. 1.


The Imperial Engraving Co.


Designing, Illustrating, Retouching

Half-Tone, Line and Color Plates

Branch: 411 Lewis Street, Union Hill, N.J.

Tel. 3074 3075 Stuyvesant

32 Union Square, New York.


[page 35]

(continued from page 33) a committee to procure a silver trowel for the purpose of laying the corner stone of the Firemen’s Monument in Church Square Park on February 23. Badge No. 222, as well as names of the members engrossed on parchment were ordered placed in box under corner stone.

Feb. 23. The Association, at 2:30 P. M., headed by a band, proceeded to the headquarters of the Monument Committee on Hudson Street, and escorted by them, proceeded to Church Square, where the oldest living member present, William Hersee, laid the corner stone.

[facsimile of Rommelt & Leicht’s Hudson City Brewery in 1855. Foot of First Street, Hoboken.


Telephone 620 – J Hoboken.

Compliments of John L. Himes

Café and Restaurant

1001 Washington St.

Hoboken, N.J. Near Gayety Theatre.


[page 36]


Compliments of Lawrence martin

Formerly with 2 Hose

Hoboken, N.J.


Louis J. Bechtold, Pres. Henry W. Hauser, Treas.

Harry L. McLaughlin, Sec.

Thomas Hanlon Co. Manufacturers of Coach, Carriage and Automobile Lamps

Repairing promptly attended to.

Electro Plating in all its branches

433-435 W. 42nd St.

Tel. 3132 Bryant. New York


Riemann V. Fiencken


422 Washington St.

Cor. Fifth Street, Hoboken, N.J.

Tel. Connection


Telephone 39 Hoboken.

August Schell

Funeral Director

And Professional Embalmer

165 Third Street Near Garden St., Hoboken, N.J.


Tel. Call 648 L.

Dick Ruroede

Wines, Liquors, Cigars

Sample, Billiard and Meeting Room

239 Bloomfield St.

Cor. Third Street. Hoboken, N.J.


United Waiters’ Local No. 10, of Hudson Co.

K.U.V. “Unter Uns.”


Tel. Connection. B. Siegel

Clothier and Furnisher

232 Washington St.,

Hoboken, N.J.


[page 37]

(continued from page 35)

April 15. Annual meeting; the officers of the previous year were re-elected, and Phillip O’Reilly, John J. Cavanaugh and Joseph Brauback were elected members.

May 30. The Association paraded in honor of the unveiling of the Firemen’s Monument.

June 17. President announced the death of John Lanigan, on June 3.

July 15. Thomas Kennedy, John Raboldt and Joseph McArdel elected members.

Aug. 19. Edward R. Stanton, Charles A. Medel, Henry F. Meyer, Emil Tietje, Henry E. Quidore, Capticolo Aldoretta, John J. Gilday, Thomas Walsh, John W. Moots. William Wilcox, Michael B. McIntyre, Thomas Goode, Sr., George Fuessel, Charles A. Mohn, Henry Wagner and Jacob Bollinger were elected members. President announced the death of John W. Eaves on July 29, and Vice-President Robert E. Layburn, July 22.

Sept. 16. James D. Sinclair elected vice-president; John J. O’Brien, A. P. Wallers, Patrick Lang, William Warnecke, and George Wehmann elected members.

Oct. 21. William Ackermann, William Linz, George Awee, Louis S. Weinthal, Joseph Gonzales, Charles Walrath and Edward Quirapel elected members.

Nov. 18. William Harras, Frederick Frudden, Joseph Meeks, James J. Farrell, Frederick Schaaf and Charles F. Strebel elected members.

Dec. 16. John Wagner, John J. Malley, Edward O’Brien, Charles Pahl and Henry Pahl elected members.

1892. Jan. 20. John Glander and Isaac Mansfield elected members. President announced the death of Joseph Madden on December 7, 1891. Charles Gross on December 21, 1891.


John Gloeckler


89 Hudson Street Corner Newark Street

Hoboken, N.J.


[page 38]


[facsimile of union logo]

Union Hill Hook and Ladder Co. No 1. Organized Jan 30th, 1860.

Union Hill, N. J.

Anniversary Committee

Fred. Doerner, Chairman

Louis Seeck, Secretary

Louis Schmitt, Treasurer

John Seeck

Herman Seeck

Julius Simon

Ernest Kreamer

Louis Haas

Fred. W. Weiss

Charles Kappes, Ex-Officio.


Charles Kappes, President

Fred. Wm. Mann, Vice-President

Louis Schmitt, Treasurer

Louis Seeck, Rec. Secretary

Max Ulbricht, Fin. Secretary

John Miller, Sergeant-at-Arms

Charles Lerch, Foreman Ernest Kreamer, Ass’t Foreman

Fiftieth Anniversary Celebration

Parade and Picnic

Of the

Union Hill Hook & Ladder Company, No. 1

Will be held at the

Union Hill Schutzen Park, Saturday, June 18, 1910.


[page 39]

[continued from page 37]

April 20. A. W. Peer elected president; James D. Sinclair, vice-president; R. Russ, secretary; P. Hayden, treasurer, and the following members elected trustees to the Hoboken Volunteer Firemen’s Widows and Orphans Fund, in accordance with an act passed by the Legislature, approved March 7, 1892:

Henry Borck, representing Hoboken Engine Co. No. 1

George Mechler, representing Washington H. & L. Co. No 1

George P. Schinzel, representing Oceana Hose Co. No. 1

Peter McGavisk, representing Excelsior Engine Co. No. 2

John Flattery, representing Liberty Hose Co. No. 2

Joseph Kemp, representing Empire H. & L. Co. No. 2

James Harksen, representing Meadow Engine Co. No. 3

John Wagner, representing Stevens Hose Co. No. 3

John J. O’Brien, representing Elysian Engine Co. No. 4

Patrick Hayden, representing Exempt Association

Adam W. Peer, president of Exempt Association, ex-afficio

Thomas Byrne and Charles Spohr were elected members, and it was resolved to meet on the third Wednesday of every month, instead of quarterly, as heretofore.

May 18. Theodore Russ resigned as secretary, and Henry Borck elected. E. Brinckerhoff, George Pahl, John Callaghan, James E. Dollard, John J. Murphy, John J. Cuddy and James E. Prentice elected members. July 20. George J. Stoors, James Madden, Charles Jann and Joseph DeMartine elected members. The president announced the death of Joseph Molts on July 16.

Aug. 17. William J. McGland and Phillip Hagedorn elected members. President announced the death of Joseph Lips on July 29, and Herman Kamerer on August 15.

Oct. 12. Association paraded in New York City in honor of the unveiling of the Columbus Monument, as the Guests of the

[continued on page 41]

[facsimile picture of Emil Berckmann and announcement]

Compliments of Emil Berckmann

200 Bloomfield St., Hoboken.

Announcement of the Sixth National Schutzenfest to be held at Union Hill Schutzen Park from May 29 until June 6, 1910


[page 40]

[facsimile Old Bolivar Ale House]

[list of Supporters]

Cornelius J. Donovan Hoboken, N. J.

Earnest Behr Ex Chief Union Hill, N. J.

M. Berman Hoboken, N. J.

John Seeck Ex-Foreman Union Hill H & L Co. No. 1

George J. Williams Hoboken, N. J.

Ferd. Wohlfahrt Hudson Theatre Inn Union Hill, N. J.

Louis F. Piser Warden Hudson County’s Institution

Elysian General Expressing and Moving Van August Zatta 61 Fourteenth Street Hoboken, N.J.

Henry Icke Ex-Chief Union Hill, N. J.

Ernest Lehmann Café 147 New York Avenue Union Hill, N. J.

Fred Wahlers Manufacturer of Birch Beer Tel. Call 145-L Union

George F. Seymour, Jr. Counsellor at Law 113 Washington St. Hoboken, N. J. Lahtniew Forp Hoboken, N. J.

Chas. F. Lehue The American Lithographic Co. 19th St. and 4th Ave., N. Y.

Compliments of Go-as-you-please Bowling Club. Union Hill, N. J.

L. S. Fugazzi Real Estate and Insurance Broker 106 Willow Ave, Hoboken, N. J. Telephone Connection

C. J. Tahen Café 1314 Washington St. and 1436 Park Ave. (The Bolivar House stood about 100 ft. East of this Park Ave Café.


[page 41]

[continued from page 39]

New York Volunteer Firemen’s Association, upon which occasion Edward R. Stanton, Mayor of the City of Hoboken, presented the Association with the handsome banner now in its possession.

Oct. 19. Julius Jurgensen, Herman Schultz, John H. Bock and William H. McMahon elected members.

1893. Feb. 15. Patrick Connick elected a member.

April 19. Annual meeting; A. W. Peer elected president; Washington Staab, vice-president; R. Russ, Secretary; P. Hayden, treasurer; George M. Mechler, recorder and librarian; M. Peer, janitor; H. Borck, T. Bearchall, J. Harksen, J. Wagner and P. Hayden, trustees to Widows’ and Orphans’ Fund. President announced the death of Joseph McArdel on April 9.

June 21. William T. Taylor elected a member. President announced the death of James Stephenson on May 30, and Sebastian Goehner on June 20.

Aug. 16. Frederick W. Bender elected a member.

1894. Feb. 21. President announced the death of James Fenton on January 22.

March 21. President announced the death of Robert Russ on March 9.

April 18. Annual meeting; A. W. Peer elected president; W. Staab, vice-president; George M. Mechler, secretary, recorder and librarian; P. Hayden, treasurer; H. Brown, janitor; Peter McGavisk, G. P. Schinzel, J. Flattery, J. J. O’Brien and F. Schaaf, trustees to W. & O. Fund. Thomas Mulvey elected a member.

July 18. President announced the death of Thomas Doorley on July 17, and George Fuessel on April 23.

Oct. 17. Owen Duff elected a member.

Dec. 19. President announced the death of John Logan on November 3.

[facsimile picture of Charles F. Lehne]. Ex-Chief of the West Hoboken Fire Department.

[advertisement] Lehne Designer 411 Lewis St. Union Hill, N. J.

Designing, Line-Work and Retouching of Half-Tones

Engrossing of Resolutions, Diplomas, etc. a Specialty


[page 42]


Telephone Call, 696 Hoboken.

“The Bloomfield”

Conrad Becker, Prop.

Cor. Seventh and Bloomfield Streets

Hoboken, N. J.


Telephone 404-J. Established 1880

Otto Burghhardt

Interior Decorator

Specialty in Applique Relief

922 Washington Street

Estimates Given Hoboken, N. J.


Compliments of

Fred. Johnk

Formerly of Hoboken

Now Opposite Town Hall

Union Hill, N. J.


Telephone 856

Henry Dohrmann Café and Restaurant

Steam Heated Furnished Rooms

Hotel for Gentlemen Only

Cor. Fourteenth St. and Willow Ave.

Hoboken, N. J.


Compliments of

John J. Daley

Guttenberg, N. J.


Jos. F. Sullivan

Madison Café

514 Ferry St.

Cor. Madison Street Hoboken, N. J.


Telephone 177-R Hoboken

Francis J. Ross


1014 Washington Street

Hoboken, N. J.


Telephone 670 Hoboken

F. & L. Nuzzo

Dealers in all kinds of Meats and Groceries

Also a full line of Country Produce in Season

536 Bloomfield Street and 151 Sixth Street

Hoboken, N. J.

Teas, Coffees and Spices Butter, Cheese, Eggs.

---- Wm Patterson & Son

Hoboken and Jersey City Express

Furniture and Pianos removed with care.

Separte Rooms for Storage.

916 Washington Street

Tel 173 Hoboken, N. J.


[page 43]

1895. Feb. 20. President announced the death of Erastus Hedges on February 18.

April 17. Annual meeting; A. W. Peer elected president; H. F. Meyer, vice-president; G. M. Mechler, secretary; P. Hayden, treasurer; W. Warnecke, recorder and librarian; H. Brown, janitor, and J. Glander, W. Lee, J. Harksen, J. Wagner and P. Hayden trustees to W. & O. Fund.

Sept. 17. The president announced the death of Adolph Keiser on September 1.

Oct. 16. The president announced the death of William Decker on October 12, and Charles German on September 26.

Dec. 18. President announced the death of William P. McCulloch on October 30, and John C. Crevier on November 20.

1896. April 15. Annual meeting; James D. Sinclair elected president; H. F. Meyer, vice-president; G. M. Mechler, secretary; P. Hayden, treasurer; W. Warnecke, recorder and librarian; G. P. Schinzel, J. Flattery, F Schaff, James Smith, and J. J. O’Brien, trustees to W. & O. Fund.

[facsimile Shad Fishermen’s Huts, Elysian Fields]


Phone 90-L Union Musical Entertainment

First-Class Restaurant and Café

Nungesser’s Hotel

Henry Nungesser, Jr., Prop.

Hudson Boulevard and Bergenline Avenue

North Bergen, N. J.

First- Class Accommodations for funeral Parties, etc. ----

Compliments of A Friend


Chas. Weber

518 Washington St., Hoboken, N. J.

Manufacturer of and Dealer in

Window Shades

Framing of Pictures a Specialty Glazing Done to Order

Telephone 117-L


[page 44]


Telephone 648-J Hoboken.

Wm. Heinrich

Imported and Domestic

Beers, Wines, Liquors, Cigars

231 Washington St., Hoboken, N. J.


[facsimile of riding horses]

A Large Assortment of Saddle and Harness Horses

Always on hand and for sale at reasonable prices.

Every Horse Guaranteed to be Exactly as Represented

Hexamer Riding Academy and Horse Exchange

215-223 Hudson St., Hoboken, N. J.

Established 1850. Circulars Mailed on Application


[page 45]

Oct. 21. President announced the death of Andrew Cullen and James Kennedy, on October 12.

1897. April 21. Annual meeting; J. D. Sinclair elected president; Charles Stumpf, vice-president; G. M. Mechler, secretary; P. Hayden, treasurer; W. Warnecke, recorder and librarian; H. Brown, janitor; J. Glander, J. Harksen, James Lanigan, J. Wagner and P. Hayden, trustees to W. & O. Fund. George Koehler elected a member. President announced the death of John J. Smisson on March 29.

May 18. George Simpson elected a member.

Aug. 18. President announced the death of Ex-President Adam W. Peer on August 5.

1898. April 20. Annual meeting; J. D. Sinclair elected president; J. Glander, vice-president; G. L. Mechler, secretary; P. Hayden, treasurer; W/ Warnecke, recorder and librarian; G. P. Schinzel, J. Flattery, G. M. Mechler, J. J. O’Brien and W. T. Taylor, trustees to W. & O. Fund. The president announced the death of Charles Krueger on March 20, and George Koehler on March 30.

April 25. President announced the death of William T. Taylor on April 24.

June 15. Patrick H. Duffy elected a member. President announced the death of Charles H. Medel on June 15.

July 20. President announced the death of William Wehr on July 7.

Oct. 19. Peter J. Murray elected a member.

Nov. 16. Daniel J. O’Brien elected a member.

1899. Jan. 18. George Georgot elected a member.

April 19. Annual meeting; J. D. Sinclair elected president; C. Stumpf, vice-president; P. hayden, treasurtr; W. Warnecke, financial secretary; P. J. Murray, recording secretary; J. J. Far-

[continued on page 47]


Telephone 823 W. Union.

Israel Loevsky

Custom Tailor

103 Bergenline Avenue Union Hill, N. J.

Cleaning, Dyeing, Pressing and Repairing.


Tel. 826-R Hoboken “The Puck”

Imported Wines, Liquors, Beers and Cigars

Cor. First and Garden Sts., Hoboken, N.J.

Aug. Puck, Prop.


Andrew Lamprecht

(Bruning’s Café)

Wines, Liquors, and Cigars

Pool and Billiard Parlor

Cor. Fourth and Washington Streets

Hoboken, N. J.


[page 46]


Telephone 603

Carlton House Café

Herman Mutschler, Prop.

1036 Washington Street

Hoboken, N. J.


Colored Portraiture a Specialty

The Twentieth Century Novelty

The Art Photo Studio


Enlargements of Every Description

200 Bergenline Avenue

Union Hill, N. J. Permanency Guaranteed.

Portraits, Groups, Babies’ Pictures, Houses, etc.


Telephone 1213 Hoboken

Hudson Tunnel

… Cafe …

Voll & Kuhn, Proprietors

82 River Street

Hoboken, N.J.


Chr. Feigenspan Breweries

Newark, N. J.

Direct Receivers of Rockland, Maine, Baby Lobsters

Guaranteed to be boiled alive, 25 cents each.


S. Beer

Dealer in and Importer of

Wines, Brandies, Gins

And Rye Whiskies

301 First St. 98 Willow Ave.

Hoboken, N. J.


The Uptown Department Store

Max Polesie, Prop.

1028-1032 Washington Street

Hoboken, N. J.

“The Always Busy Store.”


Fred. Bramkamp Dealer in

Fine Confectionery and Ice Cream

Churches, Parties, and Festivals Supplied at Short Notice

308 First Street, Hoboken, N. J.


[page 47]

[continued from page 45]

Rell, H. Borck and G. P. Schinzel, trustees of the Association; W. Warnecke, J. Harksen, J. Wagner, M. B. McIntyre and P. Hayden, trustees to the Widows’ and Orphans’ Fund.

May 17. President announced the death of Charles Ford on April 30.

July 19. John L. Lee elected a member. The president announced the death of Louis Schuetz.

Sept. 20. Henry Ciola elected a member.

Oct. 18. President announced the death of Robert McCurdy on October 2.

1900. April 18. Annual meeting; Frank Herwig elected president; Charles Stumpf, vice-president; John J. O’Brien, treasurer; William Warnecke, financial secretary; P. J. Murray, recording secretary; J. J. Farrell, trustee; G. M. Bechler, G. P. Schinzel, J. Flattery, M. F. Gilloon and J. J. O’Brien, trustees to the W. & O. Fund. Michael McIntyre, Charles W. Schalck and August Johnson elected members. President announced the death of Charles H. King on March 23.

May 23. John C. Antes elected a member.

Aug. 15. Walter Burke and Abraham V. H. cook elected members. President announced the death of William H. Havens on July 26.

Nov. 21. Henry Faber elected a member.

1901. March 20. Lawrence Martin elected a member.

April 17. Annual meeting; 72 members present. Treasurer reported total assets of the Association, $354.53. John Wagner elected president; John Glander, vice-president; J. J. O’Brien, treasurer; P. J. Murray, recording secretary; W. Warnecke, financial secretary; Henry Borck, trustee; J. Hardsen, M. B. McIntyre, W. Warnecke, W. Burke and P. Hayden, trustees to W. & O. Fund. President announced the death of Frederick W. Raetz on Jan. 3, and Ernest Schmidt on April 8.


[facsimile bottle Porto Rico Bay Rum] Most Refreshing

Porto Rico Bay Rum Pint Bottle, 50 cents.

Selected by

De Trapani

‘The Universal Perfume”

Delightful. Imparts a Sparkling Brilliancy and Velvety Softness to the Hair. Gray Hair resumes its Natural Color and Beauty. A positive Cure for Dandruff. For Bath, Rub-Down and General Toilet use.

Sold Everywhere and Used by Barbers.

J. De Trapani

8 Bergenline Avenue

Union Hill, N. J.

New York Office: 77 Houston Street

Telephone 5911 Spring.


[page 48]



Washington Street

Bet. 10th & 11th St., Hoboken

The Ideal Theatre Party Resort

Presenting Only the Best

Burlesque and Vaudeville

By Organized Companies of

50 – Star Artists – 50

Ladies to all Matinees reserved seat 10 cents.


Union Hill Schuetzen Park And Odd Fellow’ Hall

Largest Park of its kind in New Jersey

Road House always open. Convenient to all Ferries. 600- and 200- Foot Rifle Ranges. Nine modern Bowling Alleys. Three Dancing Pavilions. Miniature Railway. Toboggan Slide. Japanese Bazaar. Panoramaphone.

Fred. Hagens, Prop.

Tel. 651-J Hoboken Park Phone 330 Union


Telephone 489 – J

D. Beck

Importer of Wines and Liquors

Wholesale Liquor Dealer

Overholt Rye and Cased Goods a Specialty

401 First Street Hoboken, N. J.


Notary Public Commissioner of Deeds

Henry J. Weidner

Successor to Stein & Weidner

Real Estte and Insurance

504 Washington Street Hoboken, N. J.

Telephone 337

Unlimited Reference and Security Furnished.


[page 49]

May 2. Association paraded in honor of the first steamer of the North German Lloyd being docked since the destruction of the water front by fire.

May 22. Frank Wagner and Charles Taylor elected members.

July 17. Patrick Driscoll elected a member. Aug. 21. Henry J. Moller elected a member.

Sept. 18. Memorial meeting held out of respect to the memory of William McKinley, late President of the United States.

Nov. 20. Communication from President Theodore Roosevelt received, regretting his inability to attend the annual ball of the Association on Thanksgiving night.

Dec. 18. President appointed John R. McCulloch, James Smith and Richard Carr, all members of the G. A. R., on the Memorial Committee of this city.

1902. Feb. 19. James Layburn elected a member.

April 16. Annual meeting; 69 members present. Treasurer reported total assets of the Association $513.27. Total membership, 108. The officers of the previous year were re-elected. G. P. Schinzel, Association trustee; and J. Flattery, W. N. Parslow, J. J. O’Brien, G. M. Mechler and G. P. Schinzel, trustees to W. & O. Fund.

May 4. Death of Henry Brown.

May 28. Louis Peiser elected a member.

July 16. James J. Scott elected a member.

Aug. 20. Frederick Kaufmann elected a member.

Sept. 17. Death of George P. Schinzel.

1903. Jan. 21. Michael Barrett elected a member.

Feb. 23. Death of Ex-President James D. Sinclair.

April 15. Annual meeting; 61 members present. Treasurer reported total assets of Association, $579.69.

105 members on the roll. The officers of the previous year were re-elected, and

[continued on page 51]


Wm. Schoenebaum

Butter and Egg Depot

400 First Street Cor. Grand Street Hoboken, N. J.


[page 50]

[facsimile of portrait of supporter Henry Horstmann] Compliments of Henry Horstmann

Hoboken, N. J.


[page 51]

[continued from page 49]

F. Schaaf elected Association trustee, and W. Burke, J. Harksen, P. Hayden, M. B. McIntyre and H. Borck, trustees to W. O. Fund.

April 29. Death of Richard Carr.

Oct. 28. Death of John C. Antes.

Dec. 16. Death of John L. Lee.

1904. Jan. 20. Thomas McLaughlin elected a member.

Feb. 17. Emil G. Wagener elected a member.

March 16. George M. Ancel, George Busher and William E. Cahill elected members.

April 20. Annual meeting; 72 members present. Treasurer reported the total assets of the Association at $720.71. Total membership 117. The officers of the previous year were re-elected, and Henry Borck elected as Association trustee, and F. Schaaf, Charles Taylor, J. J. O’Brien, E. G. Wagener, J. Flattery, trustees to W. & O. Fund. Dennis D. Sullivan, James B. Fitzpatrick, John O’Donnell, Henry Erion and Henry Vollmer elected members.

Nov. 25. Thanksgiving Day. The Association paraded in the city in honor of receiving their hose carriage, which had been thoroughly renovated by order of the honorable Mayor and Councilmen of the City of Hoboken. After the parade, a grand dinner was partaken of.

1905. March 28. The Association paraded in honor of the fiftieth anniversary of the incorporation of the City of Hoboken.

April 19. Annual meeting; 69 members present. Treasurer reported total assets of the Association, $836.21. Total membership, 112. The following officers were elected: Charles Taylor, president; M. B. McIntyre, vice-president; F. Schaaf, treasurer; J. J. Farrell, financial secretary; P. J. Murray, recording secretary; W. Warnecke, Association trustee; H. Borck, P. Hayden, J. Harksen, J. Wagner and M. B. McIntyre, trustees to W. & O. Fund.


Compliments of James J. Manning

Elizabeth, N. J. President New Jersey State Exempt Firemen’s Association


[facsimile of badge and watch]

The C. G. Braxmar Co.

Telephone MFS Cortland

Send for Catalog

Fire Department Badges of Every Description

Diamonds Watches & Jewelry

No. 10 Maiden Lane New York


[page 52]


Est. 1862

John Ryan’s Cooperage

[facsimile of barrel factory]

Telephone Connection

Dealer in Empty Barrels

Office: Cor. Ferry & Jackson Sts.

Storage Yards: Newark St.

Hoboken, N. J.

Dealer in Oil, Wine, Whiskey and Turpentine Barrels

Car Load Lots a Specialty

Cider, Vinegar and Pickle Trade Supplied


Tel. 318-W.

M. Machol Successor to F. Luthin

Books and Stationery

Office Supplies

512 Washington St.

Hoboken, N. J.

Largest Selection of Souvenir Postals and Postal Albums in the City.


Electric Light and Power Plant Wiring for all Purposes.

Ventilating Fans of every Description.

All kinds of Electrical Repairing.

Henry Muller

Electrical Contractor

Marine Locksmith and Bellhanger

109 Second St. Hoboken, N. J.

Established 1886. Jobbing Promptly Attended To.


[page 53]

June 17. Death of Edward Hackman.

July 17. Death of William N. Parslow.

Aug. 5. Death of Michael Breslin.

Aug. 7. Death of Thomas Goode.

Sept. 4. The Association visited the Fireman’s Home in Boonton, N. J., in a body.

Nov. 15. Death of Charles W. Kaufmann

1906. April 14. Death of Patrick Farrell.

April 18. Annual meeting; 73 members present. Total membership, 121. Treasurer reported total assets of the Association to be $897.77. The officers of the previous year were re-elected, and J. Flattery elected Association trustee, and F. Schaaf, E. G. Wagener, W. Warnecke, J. Flattery and J. J. O’Brien, trustees to W. & O. Fund.

July 11. Death of John R. McCulloch.

Nov. 14. Death of John O’Donnell.

Dec. 22. Death of James J. Barrett.

1907. April 17. Annual meeting; 68 members present. Total membership, 114. Treasurer reported total assets of the Association to be $1,001.43. Charles Taylor elected president; J. Glander, vice-president; F. Schaaf, treasurer; J. J. Farrell, financial secretary; P. J. Murray, recording secretary; H. Borck, Associaton trustee; P. Hayden, J. Wagner, J. J. O’Brien, J. Harksen, M. B. McIntyre and H. Borck, trustees to W. & O. Fund.

Feb. 28. Death of John. H. Taylor

May 31. Death of Washington Staab.

June 21. Death of Henry Ciola.

July 29. Death of Jacob Buchanan.

Aug. 20. Death of John J. Cuddy.


Berstein & Co.

Clothiers and Outfitters

42-44-46-48 Newark Ave.

Jersey City

Extend their sincere congratulations to the Veteran Fire Fighters of Hoboken, on the 50th anniversary of their Organization.

May their lives be spared to enjoy the future, in the love and appreciation of their fellow townspeople.


Telephone 56-J Hoboken. Estimates Cheerfully Given

Samuel Bloomberg

Polished Plate and American Window Glass

French and German Mirror Plate

Crystal Plate, Colored and Ground Glass Picture Frame Mouldings

461 First Street, Hoboken, N. J.

Picture Frames of all Descriptions. Opp. Jefferson Trust Co. Bank.


[page 54]


M. Hendberg


415 Washington Street Hoboken, N. J.

Opposite Odd Fellows Hall

Telephone 666

Largest and Best Equipped Establishment in the County.


Charles Back

*** Plumber ***

541 Bloomfield Street, Hoboken, N. J.


1908. Annual meeting; 61 members present. Total membership 106. Treasurer reported total assets, $992.03. Charles Taylor elected president; M. B. McIntyre, vice president; F. Schaaf, treasurer; J. J. Farrell, financial secretary; John Wagner, recording secretary; W. Warnecke, Association trustee; Wm. Warnecke, J. Flattery, E. G. Wagener and Charles Stumpf, trustees to W. & O. Fund.

May 23. Death of Joseph Russell.

June 15. The uniformed company of the Association was organized with 26 members and sanctioned by a vote of the Association. The uniform adopted consisted of dark blue coat, dark blue pants, red shirt, black belt and neckerchief, fatigue cap, and fire hat. The first officers of the Company elected were: Charles Taylor, foreman; M. B. McIntyre, assistant foreman; John Wanger, secretary; William Warnecke, treasurer.

Oct. 6. Death of J. William Keiser.

Nov. 17. Death of Vice-President M. B. McIntyre Dec. 27. Death of James Lanigan.

Dec. 29. Death of Charles Mahde.

1909. March 6. Death of Frederick Bartels.

April 21. Annual meeting; 61 members present. 99 members on the roll. Treasurer reported total assets of the Association $750.81. Louis S. Weinthal elected president; H. F. Meyer, vice-president; J. Wagner, recording secretary; J. J. Farrell, financial secretary; F. Schaaf, treasurer; W. Warnecke, T. J. conlin, C. Taylor, J. Glander and F. Wagner, trustees of the Association for one year, in compliance with the new charter and by-laws adopted; P. Hayden, W. Warnecke, T. J. Conlin, J. Wagner, J. Harksen and C. Taylor, trustees to W. & O. Fund.

May 18. The Association and Uniformed Company with their hose carriage attended the New Jersey State Exempt Fire-

[continued on next page]


[page 55]

[continued from preceding page]

Men’s convention held in Phillipsburg on May 19. The Company, accompanied by the honorable Mayor George Steil and city officials, and numerous guests, arrived in Phillipsburg on May 18, at 6 P. M., and were received by Mayor Joseph Firth and the volunteer fire companies of Phillipsburg, and escorted by them, crossed the Delaware River to Easton, Pa., where they were received by the honorable Mayor, Henry McKeen, and the Board of Councilmen of Easton, who extended to them the freedom of the city. In Easton the Association were the guests of the Humane Fire Association No. 1. The Association returned to Hoboken on May 20, after one of the most successful and enjoyable and long-to-be- remembered outings ever undertaken by it.

May 26. Death of Patrick Lang.

Aug. 18. William McGrath elected a member.

Sept. 14. Death of Thomas Gaynor.

Oct. 9. Death of James E. Dollard.

Oct. 7. The association paraded in honor of the Hudson-Fulton-Stevens celebration; 46 members in uniform, and numerous guests.

Nov. 17. Joseph S. Weinthal, L.C. Schach, Patrick Kennedy, Julius Kruse, William Faas and Charles Hoffman elected members. President appointed by resolution of the Association, George F. Seymour, Wm. Lee, Wm. Warnecke, J. J. Farrell and J. Wagner a committee to devise ways and means to properly observe the fiftieth anniversary of the Association on April 9, 1910. Dec. 15. Anniversary committee reported that they had appointed Ex-Chief Engineer Charles F Lehne to issue a souvenir and history of the Association, with the assistance of Recording Secretary John Wagner of the Association.

1910. Jan. 19. Committee reported progress on all matters appertaining to the Anniversary. William H. Mutschler, Robert

[continued on page 56]


L. Hanley


It is now a well-established fact that flowers purchased of L. Hanley are always fresh and crisp, and have lasting qualities.

515 Washington Street Hoboken, N. J.

Telephone 331-J

Flowers For All Occasions.

Tel. 7878 Mad. Sq.

George W. Ramsey

Engraving, Printing and Embossing

Wedding invitations, Letterheads, Business Cards, etc.

58 West 31st Street New York


[page 56]


J. Teichman.

Flegenheimer Bros.

Imported and Domestic

Wines, Liquors and Cordials

Also bottled beer and California honey

413 Washington Street, Hoboken, N. J. ----

Cordts & Katenkamp Co.

Hoboken Storage Warerooms

Furniture, Carpets, Oilcloths, Stoves, etc.

216-218 First Street

Corner Park Avenue Hoboken, N.J.

Cash or on Time. Telephone 45-J.


Willaim Hammell

Carpententer [sic Carpenter] and Builder

519 Garden Street

Hoboken, N.J.

[continued from page 55]

Kiesewetter, Edward F. Kivlon, John Solferino and James. E. Kenna elected members.

Feb. 16. Anniversary Committee reported that all arrangements toward celebrating the Anniversary were progressing favorably. At this meeting the Association was presented with a handsome silver trumpet by the Clarendon Hose and Hook and Ladder Company of Secaucus.

March 2. Adjourned regular meeting. August Schell elected a member. Anniversary Committee reported all arrangements completed, and that from present appearances the same would be a grand success.

March 13. Death of William H. Mutschler.

March 16. Regular meeting; Anniversary Committee reported that, as per resolution adopted at the last regular meeting, they had invited as guests to attend the banquet the honorable Mayor, George Gonzales, and all the city officials of Hoboken, and the most prominent citizens of our city and county. Treasurer Schaaf reported that the total assets of the Association were $918.21. Financial Secretary Farrell reported total number of members in good standing, 112, with two propositions for membership pending. During the year we had lost by death four members, one resigned, and one was suspended.

In compiling the roll of members from April 9, 1860, to March 16, 1910, I find that the Association has had on its roll 456 members, of which 97 have died, 7 resigned, and 240 were suspended, leaving 112 at the close of the fiftieth year of the Association. In conclusion, your secretary herewith desires to express his sincere thanks to Financial Secretary J. J. Farrell and the chairman of the Board of Trustees of the Association, Wm. Warnecke, for the assistance given him in the compiling of this history of our

[continued on page 57]


[page 57]

Association. If there should be any errors or omissions therein, I would kindly request that the same be overlooked, as the proceedings of the Association in years gone by were not kept by those who have preceded your humble servant with the anticipation that they would be compiled after fifty years of existence. There is only one regret, namely, that not one of those who were the organizers of our Association are on earth to-day to see how well their successors have endeavored to uphold the rights and privileges of the Exempt Firemen of the Hoboken Volunteer Fire Department.

Respectfully submitted,

John Wagner, Recording Secretary


1910. March 19. The Association was presented with a New York City Firemen’s Certificate, bearing date of April 29, 1845, issued by Empire Engine Company, No. 42, signed by H. I. Mabbet, foreman, and P. Victor Mondon, secretary. This certificate was granted to Madam Antoinette Otto, making her a member of the said Company, for volunteering her services at a concert for the Firemen’s Benevolent Fund of the City of New York, which was given in the Bowery Theatre, destroyed by fire, April 25, 1845. It is recorded that Jenne Lind and Madam Otto were the only two women who had ever been honored by being enrolled as firemen in the City of New York. Madam Otto’s brother was a member of this Association. This certificate was presented by William B. Crane.

March 22. Death of Thomas Byrne.


O. O. Lauckner Insurance Agency

Real Estate and Insurance

68-70 Hudson Street Hoboken, N. J.

Terminal Building

Branch Offices: 57-59 William Street, New York.

356 Palisade Ave., Jersey City 407 Spring St., West Hoboken ---

Charles F. Stumpf, Jr.

Locksmith, Electrician and Bell Hanger

715 Garden Street

Hoboken, N. J.


[page 58]

Membership Roll

April 9, 1910.

Name E. H. H&L Remarks

John Flattery……………………… .. 2 .. Trustee W. & O. Fund

James Smith………………………. 2 .. ..

Frederick Koch…………………… 1 .. ..

William Miller……………………. 1 .. ..

Michael Peer……………………… 1 2 1

William Flohr……………………… 3 .. ..

Henry Borck……………………….. 1 .. .. Ex-Secretary, Association

James Hanlon……………………… .. .. 2

Joseph Kemp………………………...... 2 Ex-Chief Engineer

Charles Stumpf…Ex-Vice-Pres. .. .. 1 Trustee W. & O. Fund

William A. Gahagan……………… .. .. 1

Theodore W. Goerig…………….. .. 1 .. Ex-Ass’t Chief Engineer

Patrick Hayden…..Ex-Treasurer .. .. 2 President W. & O. Fund

Patrick Ryan………………………….. .. 2 ..

Theodore King………………………. 1 .. ..

John Cannon…………………………. 3 .. .. James Harksen………………………. 3 .. .. Treasurer W. & O. Fund

Lawrence Fagan……………………. 2 .. .. Ex-Mayor

Alfred B. Hartell…………………….. 1 .. .. Ex-Alderman

George M. Mechler………………...... 1 Ex-Secretary Association

Emil Russ………………………………...... 1

John T. Hourigan……………………. 2 .. .. Ex-Assistant Chief Engineer

John F. O’Hara……………………….. .. 1 ..

Jacob E. W. Kuper…………………...... 1 Ex-Assistant Chief Engineer [Police


John Whalen………………………….. .. 2 ..

Oscar Hauger…………………………. 1 .. ..

John Rabold……………………………. 3 .. ..

John J. Gilday…………………………...... 2

Charles A. Mohn……………………… 1 .. .. Mayor of West Hoboken

Henry E. Quidore……………………...... 2

John J. O’Brien………Ex-Treasurer 4 .. .. Vice-President W. & O. Fund

William Warnecke...Ex-Secretary 1 .. .. Trustee Ass’n and W. & O. Fund

William Ackermann………………… 3 .. ..

James J. Farrell……………………….. 4 .. .. Fin. Secretary Association

Frederick Schaaf……………………… .. .. 1 Treasurer Association

John Wagner………..Ex-President .. 3 2 Sec’y Ass’n and W. & O. Fund

John Glander……….Ex-Vice-Pres. 1 .. .. Trustee Association

Thomas Byrne……………………… .. 2 ..

John Callaghan…………………….. .. 2 ..

August Johnsen……………………. .. .. 1

John J. Murphy…………………….. .. 2 ..

Patrick Connick…………………….. .. 2 ..

Frederick W. Bender…………….. .. 1 .. City Assessor

Joseph Ryan………………………….. .. 2 .. Owen Duff…………………………….. .. 2 ..

Charles Soffel………………………… 1 .. ..

Patrick H. Duffy…………………….. .. 3 .. Ex-Alderman

Henry F. Meyer…………………….. 3 .. .. Vice-President Association

Peter J. Murray……………………… 4 .. .. Ex-Secretary Association

Daniel J. O’Brien……………………. 4 .. ..

Dennis Ryan………………………….. 2 .. ..

Louis S. Weinthal…………………… 3 .. .. President Association

Timothy J. Conlin…………………… .. .. 2 Trustee Ass’n & W. & O. Fund

Julius Jurgensen…………………….. 3 .. ..

Thomas Bearchall…………………… .. .. 2

Thomas F. Mulvey…………………… .. 2 ..

John J. Malley………………………….. .. 3 2

Emil Tietje……………………………….. 3 .. ..

Daniel H. Mahnken………………….. 3 .. ..

Michael McIntyre……………………...... 2 Ex-Assistant Chief Engineer

Charles W. Schalck……………………. 3 .. .. Ex-Alderman

Henry Faber……………………………… 1 .. ..

George F. Johnson……………………. 1 .. 1

Charles Taylor…Ex-President……. .. .. 2 Trustee Ass’n & W. & O. Fund

Frank Wagner………………………….. .. 3 2 Trustee of Association

Patrick Driscoll…………………………. .. 2 .. Ex-Freeholder

William Lee………………………………...... 2 Member Anniversary Com.

James Layburn…………………………… .. .. 2

Henry Blohm……………………………… 3 .. ..

John Nelson……………………………….. 3 .. ..

Thies Biel……………………………………. 3 .. ..

Louis Peiser…………………………………. 3 .. 1 Warden County Institution

Frederick Kaufmann……………………. .. 3 .. Comptroller, Hoboken Thomas McLaughlin……………………. .. 2 ..


[page 59]

[Membership Roll continued]

Name E. H. H&L Remarks

Edward R. Stanton………………………… 3 .. .. Ex-Mayor

John H. Bock………………………………….. 4 .. ..

David Hearn…………………………………… .. .. 2

Michael Kivlon……………………………….. 2 .. ..

Emil G. Wagener……………………………. .. 1 .. Trustee W. & O. Fund

George Ansel…………………………………. 4 .. ..

William E. Cahill……………………………… 4 .. ..

Oscar R. Palmer……………………………… 3 .. ..

Ivins D. Applegate…………………………… 1 .. .. Ex-Chief Engineer

George Busher……………………………….. 1 .. ..

Thomas Coughlin……………………………. .. 2 .. City Assessor

Henry Erion……………………………………. .. .. 1

James B. Fitzpatrick………………………… .. 1 .. Ex-Alderman

Dennis D. Sullivan…………………………… .. 3 ..

Henry Vollmer………………………………… 3 .. ..

Patrick Londrigan……………………………. .. .. 2 Ex-Alderman

Jacob Geiger…………………………………… 3 .. 2

John W. Moots………………………………...... 2

Charles B. Palmer……………………………… 3 .. ..

Theodore Russ…………………………………...... 1

George Seymour……………………………….. .. 2 .. Chairman Anniversary Com. Joseph Braubach……………………………….. 1 .. ..

William McGrath……………………………….. 3 .. ..

Joseph Haggerty………………………………… 4 .. ..

Lawrence Martin……………………………….. .. 2 ..

Charles Hoffmann……………………………… .. 3 .. Ex-Coroner

Lawrence C. Schach…………………………… .. 3 ..

Patrick Kennedy…………………………………. 4 .. ..

Frank Rabold……………………………………… 3 .. ..

William Faas………………………………………. 1 .. ..

Joseph S. Weinthal…………………………….. 1 .. .. Excise Commissioner

Julius C. Kruse…………………………………….. 1 .. ..

Robert Kiessewetter……………………………. .. 3 ..

Edward F. Kivlon………………………………….. 2 .. ..

John Solferino………………………………………. 2 .. ..

James E. Kenna…………………………………….. 2 .. ..

Thomas Bennett…………………………………… 1 .. ..

August Schell………………………………………… 1 .. ..

This Roll is made up according to seniority of continuous membership.


Telephone Connection

R. Kirchgessner

Artistic Decorator, Costumer and Badge Maker

Costumes for Theatrical Tableaux, Concerts, Parties, etc.

Flags, Banners and Society Goods

Decorations for all Occasions. Committee Suits a Specialty. Canopies put up

421 Washington Street

We do Union Work. Hoboken, N. J.


Always Smoke the Best

The Brunswick

Each Cigar Bears Our Trade Mark

C. F. Guth

43 Newark St. Tel. Call, 650 Hoboken. Hoboken, N.J.


Kahn Bros.

Importers and Wholesale Liquor Dealers

337 Washington Street

Cor. Fourth Street Telephone 1002 Hoboken, N. J.


[page 60]


John A. Rank


319 Union St. Union Hill, N.J.


[back cover]

[facsimile flying machine over Union Hill]

Robert Oehme’s New Proposed Building and Town Park, Union Hill, N. J.



Transcribed 2015 by Kate Peko, Hoboken Historical Museum volunteer