Carlo Levi,Frances Frenaye | 256 pages | 25 May 2000 | Penguin Books Ltd | 9780141183213 | English | London, United Kingdom ‘Christ Stopped at Eboli’: An Italian Saga Returns in Full

Christ Stopped at Eboli An elegy of exile and an epic immersion in the world of rural during the regime of , ’s sublime adaptation of the memoirs of the painter, physician, and political activist brings a monument of twentieth-century autobiography to the screen with quiet grace and solemn beauty. Christ Stopped at Eboli Gian Maria Volontè (Actor), Paolo Bonacelli (Actor), Francesco Rosi (Director, Writer). Christ Stopped at Eboli is instead an interior meditation. Carlo Levi walks, observes, and learns within the confines of where the police will let him roam. People accept him because he doesn’t impose his ideas on them; at one point he’s bombarded with mothers wanting medical attention for their children. Christ Stopped at Eboli: The Story of a Year

Christ Stopped at Eboli (Italian: Cristo si è fermato a Eboli) is a memoir by Carlo Levi, published in , giving an account of his exile from to Grassano and Aliano, remote towns in southern Italy, in the region of Lucania which is known today as . In the book he gives Aliano the invented name 'Gagliano'. Carlo Levi’s memoir, “Christ Stopped at Eboli,” was a literary sensation in post-Fascist Italy. First published in , the book is Levi’s memorable account of life among impoverished Italian. Christ Stopped at Eboli (Italian: Cristo si è fermato a Eboli) is a memoir by Carlo Levi, published in , giving an account of his exile from to Grassano and Aliano, remote towns in southern Italy, in the region of Lucania which is known today as Basilicata. Christ Stopped at Eboli

Carlo Levi’s memoir, “Christ Stopped at Eboli,” was a literary sensation in post-Fascist Italy. First published in , the book is Levi’s memorable account of life among impoverished Italian. Christ Stopped at Eboli is instead an interior meditation. Carlo Levi walks, observes, and learns within the confines of where the police will let him roam. People accept him because he doesn’t impose his ideas on them; at one point he’s bombarded with mothers wanting medical attention for their children. Christ Stopped at Eboli (Italian: Cristo si è fermato a Eboli) is a memoir by Carlo Levi, published in , giving an account of his exile from to Grassano and Aliano, remote towns in southern Italy, in the region of Lucania which is known today as Basilicata.

Christ Stopped at Eboli is instead an interior meditation. Carlo Levi walks, observes, and learns within the confines of where the police will let him roam. People accept him because he doesn’t impose his ideas on them; at one point he’s bombarded with mothers wanting medical attention for their children. Christ Stopped at Eboli Gian Maria Volontè (Actor), Paolo Bonacelli (Actor), Francesco Rosi (Director, Writer). Excerpt from the film CHRIST STOPPED AT EBOLI. Rosi's brilliant film stars Gian Maria Volonte as Carlo Levi, a political exile banished to a village in south.