Package ‘phonTools’ July 31, 2015 Title Tools for Phonetic and Acoustic Analyses Version 0.2-2.1 Date 2015-07-30 Author Santiago Barreda Maintainer Santiago Barreda <
[email protected]> Depends R (>= 2.15) Description Contains tools for the organization, display, and analysis of the sorts of data fre- quently encountered in phonetics research and experimentation, including the easy cre- ation of IPA vowel plots, and the creation and manipulation of WAVE audio files. License BSD_2_clause + file LICENSE URL NeedsCompilation no Repository CRAN Date/Publication 2015-07-31 01:00:47 R topics documented: a96..............................................3 b95 .............................................4 combocalc . .4 createtemplate . .5 errorbars . .6 f73..............................................7 f99..............................................8 fastacf . .9 Ffilter . 10 findformants . 11 FIRfilter . 13 formanttrack . 14 freqresponse . 16 h95 ............................................. 17 hotelling.test . 18 1 2 R topics documented: imputeformants . 20 interpolate . 21 ldboundary . 22 ldclassify . 23 loadsound . 25 loadtable . 26 lpc.............................................. 26 makeFIR . 27 makesound . 29 multiplot . 30 normalize . 31 . 33 ntypes . 34 p73 ............................................. 35 pb52............................................. 36 peakfind . 37 phasor . 37 pickIPA . 38 pitchtrack . 40 playsound . 41 polezero . 42 powertrack . 43 preemphasis . 44