Parish news Stone, Dinton, Hartwell & Bishopstone with Part of Wychert Vale Benefice February 2017 ● 60p (£6.00pa)

For we are God’s handiwork, created in Christ Jesus to do good works, which God prepared in advance for us to do.

Ephesians 2:10 Wychert Vale Benefice contacts The Revd Margot Hodson Rector, Wychert Vale Benefice Revd Canon Dr. Phil Groves (Associate Rector) Benefice Office, St. Mary's Centre Station Road Haddenham , Bucks, HP17 8AJ Tel: 01844 291108 [email protected] [email protected]

Revd. Margot Hodson Revd Canon Dr Phil Groves Rector of Wychert Vale Benefice Associate Rector

For Baptisms, Weddings and Funerals please contact: The Parish Administrator Benefice Office [email protected] [email protected] Parish contacts

Associate Phil and Anne Groves 7, Badgers Rise, Stone, HP17 8RR Rector Tel: 01296 748 390 Church Eryl Morgan, 101 Baker Street , HP18 0LQ Wardens: Tel: 01296 655692 [email protected] Jean Moore, 'Larkrise', 4 Templecroft Terrace, Upton. HP17 8UD. Tel: 01296 748063 Raymond Medhurst 10 Grenville Road Aylesbury HP21 8EY Tel:07793 541456 Email: [email protected] Valma Thompson Meadway, Greenend, Dinton. HP17 8UR Tel: 01296 748561 Email: [email protected] Secretary to Sue Birrell, 7 Jakeman Way, Aylesbury. HP21 8FT the P.C.C: Tel: 01296 338163 Hon. Alan Weston, Dimora, Greenend, Dinton HP17 8UR Treasurer: Tel: 01296 748287 Email: [email protected] Aston Contact: Sandford Treasurer Marilynne Morgan [email protected]

Parish Council contacts: Stone, Bishopstone & Hartwell Parish Clerk [email protected] Dinton Ford & Upton Parish Clerk Keith Gray 01296 422800 [email protected]

Parish News 2 February 2017 Parish news


Articles on local history in the magazine are always popular. We want to know more about what life was like in this area years ago. What is surprising is how in some ways things change very little. I wonder what the parish will be like in the future. There is so much development going on which will change the area. It is fairly obvious that the roads are overcrowded. Recently an accident in Aylesbury and road works on Oxford Road brought the whole local area to gridlock. Perhaps infrastructure meaning transport should be improved first. Just a thought.

News team Editor: David Pickup 01296 748170 [email protected] Editorial: Carole Fryer 01296 748538 [email protected] Advertising: Tom Claridge 01296 748322 [email protected] IT Producers: Mike Thompson 01296 748561 [email protected] Carol Lynch 01296 748392 [email protected]

Parish News is a community magazine for the residents of Stone, Dinton, Ford, Upton, Bishopstone, Hartwell and Aston Sandford. We welcome news, announcements by societies and clubs, and articles on local and other issues. We do not charge for charities or personal notices such as weddings, baptisms or acknowledgments and welcome advertising by local businesses.

Parish websites:

Church Stone Jubilee Pavilion Bishopstone Dinton PC Dinton News

Parish News 3 February 2017 Parish Services and Calendar St John St Peter & Stone Other February the Baptist Paul Methodist Benefice Stone Dinton Chapel Services

5 10.00am 6.00pm 11.00am 4 before Lent All Age Holy Evensong Worship Communion with Baptism

12 10.00am 11.00am 3 Lent Prayer Book Worship Matins

8.30am 19 Prayer Book 11.00am 2 Lent 10.15am Holy Communion Haddenham Communion Service. Methodist At Aston 10.00 am Church Sandford Family Service ***


1 Lent

10.00am 11.00am Holy Holy Communion Communion

*** Note change of schedule

Carol Service

The Dinton Christmas Eve carol singing raised £280.61 for the Florence Nightingale Hospice charity. Well done to all the merry singers. Thank you to everyone who supported us on the night. Debbie Hawe

Parish News 4 February 2017 Wychert Vale Benefice Parish of Stone, Dinton and Hartwell Churches of: St John Baptist, STONE; Ss Peter & Paul, DINTON; Assumption of St Mary the Virgin, HARTWELL

Letter from Aston Sandford

Don't forget that on Sunday 29th January 2017 at 6 30pm Aston Sandford will be hosting the benefice evensong service, and it will be a Candlemas Service. Every surface will be covered with candles, and quite a few will be suspended as well. Candlemas in fact commemorates the presentation of Jesus at the Temple, and is one of the oldest Christian festivals. It properly falls on the 40th day of the Christmas and Epiphany period (so this year will be 2nd February). The tradition of lit candles may have come from a Roman festival of candles symbolising the return of the Light. In some European countries candles are lit all over people's houses, and crib scenes are often left in place until Candlemas has been celebrated. Our church looks magical in candlelight, so do join us for the service and for drinks afterwards. Marilynne A Morgan, Hon Treasurer, Aston Sandford

Parish News 5 February 2017

The Seven Stars, Dinton Bienvenue to a beautiful 16th century traditional British Pub Restaurant with a flair of Francais, tucked away, in the picturesque village of Dinton. Enjoy a homemade, freshly cooked meal made with only the finest local produce in the restaurant, bar, snug or large beer garden. Free Wi-Fi and private parties also catered for. Stars Lane, Dinton, HP17 8UL Telephone: 01296 749000 E-mail: [email protected] The Seven Stars accommodates for wheelchairs, providing both disabled parking and wheelchair access to the bar and restaurant

The Crown, Cuddington 17th Century thatched pub in an award winning village. Open fire, pie & pudding Wednesday, fish & chip Friday, dogs welcome in bar, fine guest ales, featured in CAMRA, Michelin Guide and Good Food Guide. Spurt Street, Cuddington, HP18 0BB Telephone: 01844 292222 Bar opening hours: Monday-Saturday 12pm-3pm and 6pm-11pm, Sunday 12pm-10.30pm Food served Monday-Saturday 12-2.15 pm 6.30-9.15, Sunday 12pm-3pm Email: [email protected]

Phone number 01296 337228

Elegant and fun dining in Aylesbury Old Town. Temple Street is a stylish cocktail bar, eating house and wine bar. Come and check us out, ideal for pre theatre dining

Parish News 6 February 2017 Mud Month. When do you take down Christmas decorations? Most people remove them on New Year’s Day or Epiphany at the latest. However some people used to leave them until Candlemas in February! The Roman month Februarius was named after the Latin term februum, which means purification, via the purification ritual Februa. Historical names for February include the Old English terms Solmonath (mud month) and Kale-monath (named for cabbage) as well as Charlemagne's designation Hornung. In Finnish, the month is called helmikuu, meaning "month of the pearl"; when snow melts on tree branches, it forms droplets, and as these freeze again, they are like pearls of ice. Candlemas is a commemoration the presentation of Jesus at the Temple. It falls on February 2, which is traditionally the 40th day of the Christmas-Epiphany season. You can read about it in the Gospel of Luke,

Luke 2.22

And when the days of her purification according to the law of Moses were accomplished, they brought him to Jerusalem, to present him to the Lord; ( As it is written in the law of the LORD, Every male that openeth the womb shall be called holy to the Lord;) And to offer a sacrifice according to that which is said in the law of the Lord, A pair of turtledoves, or two young pigeons. And, behold, there was a man in Jerusalem, whose name was Simeon; and the same man was just and devout, waiting for the consolation of Israel: and the Holy Ghost was upon him. And it was revealed unto him by the Holy Ghost, that he should not see death, before he had seen the Lord's Christ. And he came by the Spirit into the temple: and when the parents brought in the child Jesus, to do for him after the custom of the law, Then took he him up in his arms, and blessed God, and said, Lord, now lettest thou thy servant depart in peace, according to thy word: For mine eyes have seen thy salvation, Which thou hast prepared before the face of all people; A light to lighten the Gentiles, and the glory of thy people Israel.

Parish News 7 February 2017 STONE LOCAL HISTORY GROUP Tuesday February 21 7.30 pm Stone Village Hall


Marilyn was born on the “wrong side” of the green baize door at Clandon Park near Guildford, currently being restored by the NT after a major fire. She has a fund of amusing stories to tell about her early years there, an inquisitive child roaming freely over house and grounds.

Marilyn, who now lives in Ford, describes herself as a ”Textile Nomad”. She has developed an idiosyncratic style using unusual and sometimes wacky materials to create beautiful objects and spends much of her time teaching. She has equally funny tales about her teaching experiences in Britain, Europe and Egypt.

Ring Joan on 748530 or Carole on 748538 for further information. Visitors welcome

Parish News 8 February 2017 Milk is Good for You!

How should clergy be paid? Up to the Nineteenth Century the church received one tenth (a tithe) of the land’s produce which could be wheat, barley, timber or fish. Gradually the system changed. Some farmers could pay money rather than crops, which must have been more convenient for both.

In the 1850s Aston Sandford rectory owned a lot of land itself as well as getting tithes from the parish. The clergyman had a pasture meadow, orchard, garden, and various other fields in the parish as well as a farm. Some farmers did not have to pay a tithe because the land was not good. However in Aston Sandford the Rector enjoyed a customary payment of two meals (measures) of milk from all cows in one farm which was payable the Monday fortnight after Easter and 11th November annually. In return he did not pay the tithe. I wonder how clergy would feel now if a milk tanker arrived twice a year!

Source: The History and Antiquities of the County of , Volume 1 By George Lipscomb


I would like to thank everyone who helped me during 2016 after my hip and knee replacement operations, especially when I was unable to drive. I could not have managed without the support of friends locally who brought me meals, flowers, cards, etc., and who went shopping for me. It was wonderful to have so many visitors who all helped to cheer me up! It made me realise once again how lucky I am to live here.

As many readers of "Parish News" know, I write three neighbourhood news columns every week in the Bucks Herald: Dinton, and Stone & Bishopstone. If you would like me to write about a fund-raising event that you are holding or some other event that you are organizing, please email me at [email protected] or telephone me on 01296 748221. Thank you to all those who have provided me with something to write during the twenty-two years I have been writing for our local newspaper! "Parish News" is a great help to me every month.

I hope everyone has a Happy and Healthy 2017.

Chloe Lambert The Annex, Starveall Farm House, Oxford Road, Upton, Aylesbury, Bucks. HP17 8PZ. (Starveall Farm is the home of Starveall Turkeys: 01296 747549).

Thank you. Chloe

Parish News 9 February 2017 Thank you

To all those hardy souls with angelic voices who turned out on a cold but dry night on 20th December to Carol Sing around Stone in aid of the Florrie’s Childrens Team, part of The Florence Nightingale Hospice.

Thank you to all those who opened not only their doors to hear such a heavenly sound but their wallets and purses to give generously, the total raised came to £110.11 which was taken to the Florence Nightingale Hospice at Hospital.

The evening was enjoyed by all, with singing round the Spiert to start with, then off down the Oxford road to the New Development and finally up road to a very special stop at Belle Vue before retracing our steps back to refreshments in Eythrope road kindly laid on and prepared by Christine Ashbridge

A very big thank you to everyone who helped this year. We raised over £2,500.00 which is a bit lower than last year but some collectors could not help this time.

David Pickup

Honorary Appeal Organiser

01296 397794 / 748170 [email protected]

The Royal British Legion 2015. Registered Charity No 219279. Parish News 10 February 2017 February Gardening

Time to give indoor plants a spring clean, most plants are best re-potted every couple of years or so. Even if you do not re-pot, remove some of the top soil and replace with fresh compost. At the same time check for pests.

All kinds of fruit trees would probably benefit from some feeding, even large trees. I have no problems with using Growmore, easy to use and contains all required ingredients for healthy growth. To feed large fruit trees often grown in grass, make holes around the trunk, about 4 to 6 feet away and 8 to 10 inches deep. Fill with fertilizer, and cover top of hole with soil, and if the grass is growing right up to the tree trunk, remove a small circle of the grass. For all fruiting trees, bushes, etc. spread whatever you are using according to the instructions and work into the soil.

Winter flowering shrubs can be pruned when they have flowered. Cut back about a third of the old wood to allow new stems to grow ready to flower next winter.

Towards the end of the month a start can be made in the vegetable garden. Broad beans, shallots and early varieties of peas can be sown, and if one has cloches in place to warm the soil, early carrots and radishes will grow well. Parsnip seed which are not the easiest to germinate can be sown now if conditions are O.K.

February is often one of the driest months so:- If Candlemas Day be bright and clear there will be two Winters in one year; but if Candlemas Day be thick with rain, Winter is gone and Will not come back again.

Candlemas Day 2nd February Parish News 11 February 2017 Stone Local History Group Programme 2017

Meetings are held at Stone Village Hall at 7.30 pm

Jan 17 LEAD KINDLY LIGHT – Safety for Seafarers Denis Kelly






June 20 THE AND THE BUCKINGHAM MINT Dr Susan Fern July 18 INVASION 1940 – WHAT IF? Tony Eaton


Sept 19 OXFORD IN LITERATURE Alastair Lack





Annual Subscription £13 singe, £20 family, visitors welcome, £2. Please ring Joan on 01296 748530 to join or for more information

Parish News 12 February 2017 Being Disciples: Essentials of the Christian Life Rowan Williams £8.99

“Here is quite the most beautiful writing on discipleship I know. I am grateful for the inspiration that I find in these pages. I commend it to those who have been on this journey a long time, as well as to anyone who wonders what on earth following Jesus is all about.” Justin Welby, Archbishop of Canterbury

What does it mean to be a disciple of Jesus? Is it hard work, is it an optional extra or a blessing. The former Archbishop of Canterbury tackles these questions in a readable way. This book is well worth a look and probably a second and third.

David Pickup

Image used by kind permission of the publisher

Parish News 13 February 2017 Christmas Quiz Answers

1. Gertrude, Henry, Imogen, and Jake are all names of storms. 2. David’s grandmother was Ruth 3. WADA is the World Anti Drugs Agency 4. Danes call a Danish pastry, a pastry 5. The public’s choice of name for the ship that will be called RRS Sir David Attenborough was “Boaty McBoat Face” 6. The actor Burt Kwok appeared with Peter Sellers in the Pink Panther films 7. The Spratly Islands are in the South China Sea and are claimed by China. 8. Viking Thunder was the name of the chant style noise used by Icelandic football supporters when they beat England and on other occasions. 9. Palmerston, Larry and Gladstone are all cats in government service. 10. HRH Prince Edward has the following medals. It was remarked that he was only in the forces for a week or two. Queen Elizabeth II Silver Jubilee Medal, New Zealand Commemorative Medal, Queen Elizabeth II Golden Jubilee Medal, Commemorative Medal for the Centennial of Saskatchewan, Queen Elizabeth II Diamond Jubilee Medal, and the Canadian Forces' Decoration 11. In Yorkshire Spanish stick is liquorice. 12. Golf and rugby made Olympic history by being included but netball and cricket have not. 13. Star Trek had its 50th anniversary this year, featured a Scot, an American African, a Russian and a Japanese character? 14. The five squares in Aylesbury are Kingsbury, St. Mary’s, Friars, Market and Temple. 15. Haiti is the poorest country in the Western Hemisphere

Parish News 14 February 2017 Wanton Troopers Buckinghamshire in the Civil Wars 1640 - 1660 By Ian F W Beckett Imprint: Pen & Sword Military ISBN: 9781473856035 £25.00

In 1645 this parish was situated between the two opposing sides in the Civil War. King Charles’ capital was at Oxford and Aylesbury was garrisoned by Parliamentarian troops. At one point there were Royalists in Winslow Brill and Haddenham parliamentarians at Aylesbury, Eythrope Hartwell and Wing. The future regicide, Simon Mayne lived at Dinton and Cromwell is supposed to have visited him after the battle of Naseby. The cavalier, Prince Rupert is supposed to have billeted troops in Stone on their way to Aylesbury. The recent archaeological dig at Bishopstone Road, near the church, revealed a Civil War period embankment. Wanton Troopers covers the Civil War period and how it affected Buckinghamshire. The county did not see major conflicts but its position between the two sides had an enduring effect on the area. A fascinating period of our history very well covered in this very interesting, and well researched book.

David Pickup

Image used by kind permission of the publisher Parish News 15 February 2017 THE BUGLE HORN

The C18th listed Bugle Horn Inn, included in the Hartwell Conservation Area in 2012, has been a landmark on the turnpike road (now A418) west of Aylesbury for some 200 years. It was first known as the Plough and Bugle, then the Bugle Inn, and in the twentieth century the Bugle Hotel and the Bugle Horn. It is an interesting thought that the name Bugle Horn came from the shape of the huge fossil ammonites found locally.

There was for many years a barn on the corner of Portway road, with an attached wall – this was eventually demolished (we don’t know when) and just the wall remained. The wall was restored about four years ago.

Across the Portway Road was a huge stone quarry, the Bugle Pit, which eventually closed and was filled in in the 1950s. The ammonite fossils in the front wall of the pub (the largest now covered by the name board) and reproduced in the wall may well have come from this area of Jurassic sedimentary layers, where dinosaur teeth have also been found. A small part of this pit, behind the Stables, was preserved and is now a Site of Special Scientific Interest.

The Bugle pit Group at the Bugle, early C20

Parish News 16 February 2017 As part of the Lee estate in the C19th there was much interaction between the pub and Hartwell House across the road. During Dr Lee’s famous Temperance Rallies in the 1840s and ’50s participants sneaked across the road for a surreptitious drink – the landlord of the time, Joseph Carter, made a fortune, not least because he was also compensated by the unwitting and generous Dr Lee for “loss of business”!

A Hartwell Temperance festival, pictured in the Illustrated London News. – these annual events ran for c 20years. Owner Dr John Lee only drank water from the Hartwell spring, although he owned the local pub, the Bugle!

In the C19th and early C20th the Bugle, with its dining room, club rooms and field, was the focus for many village meetings and celebrations. The local Gooseberry Society met there, the Horticultural, Benefit and other societies held shows and annual dinners there and fetes and sports rook place in the field. Sometimes meetings or meals at the Bugle were combined with processions led by the village band across the road to Hartwell Park. In the 1930s a dog racing track was established on the field and thrived until the beginning of WWII – It was closed in 1942 and became a POW camp for Italian then German POWs until 1946. After the war people lived in the Nissen huts until new houses were built for them in the village and in the mid -1950s the site was developed as the Bugle Horn Estate.

By the 1950s the Bugle had developed a good restaurant and several decades later it was taken over by Vintage Inns. When the pub was refurbished the History Group kept the old sign – it is in the Shurvell’s barn in Eythrope Road. There was trouble over the name – Vintage Inns wanted to call the pub “The March Hare” but were persuaded to keep the old name.

Parish News 17 February 2017

Italian prisoners at the POW camp in the Bugle Field, WWII

With its restaurant and large and shady garden the Bugle is still extremely popular, particularly on summer evenings – only it and the Rose and Crown survive of our original five village pubs. The Bugle is shortly to be refurbished, with larger areas of terrace in the garden. Stone Local History Group

Planning a meeting, a concert, a coffee morning? Need a venue? Have you considered hiring

Dinton Church?

Usual facilities with Full disabled access Can accommodate 100 +

For details contact:- Jean Moore ~ 748603 Valma Thompson ~ 748561

Parish News 18 February 2017 WOMEN’S WORLD DAY OF PRAYER


Women’s World Day of Prayer is an international, ecumenical, prayer movement that invites women, from a different part of the world each year, to prepare a worship service through which their hopes and fears for their country may be brought before the whole world in prayer.

On Friday 3rd March over 5000 services will be held in the British Isles on the theme of ‘Am I being unfair to you?’ The Christian women of the Philippines wrote the service and it has been translated into 1,000 different languages and dialects to be used throughout the whole world. The day begins as the sun rises off the island of Samoa and continues until it sets off the coast of American Samoa, some 35 hours later.

In 2013 Typhoon Haiyan – named locally as ‘Yolanda’ – struck the Philippine islands in the western Pacific Ocean and this is mentioned in the service. You will also hear the stories of three generations of women, recounting their situations and their hopes and fears.

This year’s theme ‘Am I being unfair to you?’

focuses on the Bible story of the workers in the vineyard: Matthew 20, vv. 1 – 16

Come and be part of this unique

world wide experience – and enjoy Filipino Coconut Muffins with your tea/coffee after the Service!

FRIDAY 3rd March at 2 p.m. Methodist Chapel, Eythrope Road

Parish News 19 February 2017 NEWS FROM CHAPEL HILL Methodist Chapel, Eythrope Road, Stone, HP17 8PH

Our Minister is Revd. Keith Edwards, Tel: 01296 423363 [email protected]

Village contact: Mrs. Sue Spinks, Clowesbourne, Upton, HP17 8UA Tel: 01296 748369 [email protected]

* * * * * *

During this month’s services the following will be remembered in prayer: 5th – Belle Vue; 12th – Bishopstone Road; and 26th – Bittenham Close We welcome your prayer requests – anonymous if you wish – please just leave a note in the Chapel post box

* * * * * * * We were delighted to welcome members of the Parish Churches to the Covenant Service on 15th January to mark the Week of Prayer for Christian Unity. It’s a great joy to worship together as God’s family and our members are very appreciative of the prayerful, practical support of all our Church friends

Remember Cheerful our little ‘Moving On’ mascot? Well, here he is again since, having successfully completed the installation of our new disabled toilet we are now in the process of refurbishing the Chapel kitchen and storage area. The Chapel is a much used village resource and we hope to make it even more attractive and convenient for hirers so fund raising is continuing.

LOOK OUT ......

for the WOMEN’S WORLD DAY OF PRAYER SERVICE NOTICE page19 in the Magazine – 3rd March

Parish News 20 February 2017 WEA West Bucks Villages Branch Two Spring day schools at Haddenham Methodist Chapel

THE ART OF STANLEY SPENCER with Ann Danks Friday March 17, 10.00 - 4.00 Fee £25 Spencer archivist Ann Danks will talk about the extraordinary world of Stanley Spencer, an official war artist and a fine painter of landscapes and portraits as well as Biblical scenes set in his native village of Cookham.

LEONARDO DA VINCI, RENAISSANCE MAN with Paul Ranford Friday April 7, 10.00 – 4.00 Fee £25 Leonardo was a designer of war machines, an architect, engineer, sculptor and painter. Based mainly on Leonardo’s own notebooks, this day school reveals the extent of his achievements in the arts and sciences.

To book or for further information please ring Annette on 01865 768289



Meeting in the Methodist Chapel, Eythrope Road

The February meeting is on 28th February at 2.30 p.m

when we look forward to welcoming a familiar face:

Mrs. Alison Watkins, as our Speaker.

Afterwards enjoy tea and chat as well as the Bring & Buy and Book Stalls

However chilly the February day outside, you’ll find warmth and friendship in the Fellowship meeting

Parish News 21 February 2017 FAMILY SERVICES for your calendar…

9th February – SJB Stone 10.00am 12th March – SPP Dinton 10.00am also…… 1st March (Ash Wednesday) – Cuddington and Dinton School Family Service – SPP Dinton 9.15am

Watch this space ! Over the next few weeks we are reviewing our provision for children and young people in the parish, and details will follow in later editions of Parish News

Parish News 22 February 2017 Parish News 23 February 2017 News-Direct Newspapers & magazines delivered to your door every morning All newspapers accounts can be settled by switch/cards using our

Freephone No.

0800 917 3076 Monday – Friday 6 am – 7 pm

Saturdays & Sundays 6am – 2pm

Parish News 24 February 2017


Proprietor: Dennis Cook


9am-6pm Tel: 07850 635 844

All other times 01296 624221 Full Public Liability Insurance


Parish News 25 February 2017



The Chapel Hall is available for hire at very reasonable rates Electric cooker/kettles/cutlery/ crockery all on site. Please contact Sue Spinks on 01296 748369 [email protected]


Snowdrop Weekends Alphabet I Spy th th th th 11th – 19th February 18 & 19 and 25 & 26 February

Family fun over half term. With more than 60 different snowdrop Spy the whole alphabet and varieties carpeting the ornamental win a seasonal Waterperry gardens and a spectacular snowdrop prize. valley area, there’s no better place to enjoy these little heralds of spring. £2 per child - children must be accompanied by an adult for Don’t miss free guided tours at 11am, whom the garden entrance fee 12.30pm and 2.30pm each day during applies. these weekends (Garden entrance fee applies). Waterperry Gardens, Nr Wheatley, Oxford, OX33 1JZ 01844 339226

Parish News 26 February 2017

STONE THURSDAY CLUB (for the over-60s) meets on February 9th at 2 p.m. in the Methodist Chapel Subs are £2 per meeting Get into shape for the New Year! Jean will lead us in some gentle (and fun) chair exercises Then undo all the good work with delicious sandwiches, tea and cakes!

Transport available: call Dee on 747671

Parish News 27 February 2017

Under New Management The Bugle Horn Tel 01296 747594 Anna and her team would like to welcome you to the Bugle Horn to enjoy a Great British Pub, we are proud to serve great food from around the world in a distinctly British manner all day, every day. Try our extensive range of wines from around the world or one of our traditional cask ales Just pop in even if it is just for coffee

Oxford Rd, Hartwell, Aylesbury, Bucks HP17 8QP

Windmill Landscapes

(Thame Based) Your Local Landscape Company Established 1989 Landscaping WINDMILL SERVICES  Grass Cutting  Turfing/Seeding  Hedge Cutting  Fencing – All Types PROPERTY MAINTENANCE Construction AND  Patios General Building Work  Drives / Paths Telephone 01844 279519  Gates – Wood / Metal  Groundwork FREEPHONE 0800 7837194

Tel 01844 279519 Email: [email protected] Freephone 0800 783 7194 Website:

Parish News 28 February 2017 Ltd Computer Services PC and Laptop Repairs Computer Running Slow? Computer will not start? Virus or popups? Strange messages or Toolbars? Still located in Email Hacked? Bishopstone! Replacement or Upgrade advice?

Telephone 01296 749133 We are a local company with 25 years’ experience. We can service/repair your PC or Laptop without affecting your Manufacturer’s Warranty. Ltd are proud of the area and actively support local events.

When responding to an advertisement please mention the Parish Magazine Parish News 29 February 2017 Bartlett's Residential Home A beautiful Victorian country house set in over 18 acres of tranquil park and gardens Individuals and couples, those wishing to make a home here and those wanting a shorter stay are all welcome. Highly qualified and caring staff to look after your every need.

Excellent facilities for recreational activities, therapies and companionship. Award winning chef who uses local produce. Intimate and welcoming offering you a little bit extra. Part of the Peverel Court group of care homes. Tel: Mibell Hernandez on 01296 747000 Email: [email protected] Peverel Court, Portway Road, Stone, Bucks, HP17 8RP

When responding to an advertisement please mention the Parish Magazine

Parish News 30 February 2017

T & B Ric Lee Private Car Hire “Handyman”

General House Maintenance 01844 261116 Painting and Decorating Mob: 07831882694 Small Tiling Jobs Flat Pack Furniture Assembly Air Conditioned Cars/MPVs for Airport Transfers Special Events, Theatres Touring, Sight Seeing, Tel: 01296 749044 Weddings or any other special occasion Mob: 07831 658909 Jaguar Wedding Cars also available

When responding to an advertisement please mention the Parish Magazine

Parish News 31 February 2017

Hartwell House and Spa

Winter Dining Offers

Perfect for treating family, friends and colleagues

Excellent value for money dining in a magnificent setting

Enjoy a superb 3 course luncheon for only £26.00 inc VAT per person available daily (excludes Sunday) Or Treat your friends to a 3 course dinner from only £43.00 inc VAT per person, available daily

For luncheon or dinner reservations, please call 01296 747444. To view sample menus please visit our website

Vale of Aylesbury, Buckinghamshire HP17 8NR The hotel with Royal History [email protected]