Annual Art Show Features Outstanding Art Students' Work the Annual Student Art Show Received Honorable Mention
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udufdfige HILLTOP"Georgia's Finest Independent College NEWSNewspaper" VOLUME V, NUMBER 32 LAGRANGE COLLEGE, LAGRANGE, GEORGIA TUESDAY, MAY 21, 1963 Annual Art Show Features Outstanding Art Students' Work The annual student art show received honorable mention. LaGrange. opened last week with cash a- The highlight of the 1962-'63 Also last week art students from wads being given to the best art show was the presentation of southeastern colleges and uni- works submitted in painting, the "outstanding art student" a- versities displayed their "talents to drawing, photography, and design. ward to Dick Aunspaugh, past an audience of 150,000 spectators Also recognized was the "out- president of the Art Students in the tenth annual Art Festival standing art student". League. .Dick was chosen on the of Atlanta. Among those schools Recipient of the $25, R. M. Av- basis of being that person who represented was LaGrange Col- ery best painting award, was Dick has made' the greatest contribu- lege and twelve of its most tal- Aunspaugh, a senior from Dune- tion to the art department. Along ented artists. din, Florida. The $15 best wood with the award went another Works by Carol Cisson, Dick cut award went to Dona Clark. check for $25. Aunspaugh, Dona Clark, Cheryl Ten dollars each went to Carol All work submitted for the Mahaffey, Donald Moss, Allen Cisson for the best drawing, and show was first juried by the fa- Fosset, Mike Davis, Margaret Ste- Margaret Stephens for the best culty for admittance for display, phens, Marguerite Hartman, Mar- work in design, a photograph. and the awards were judged by- tha Moore, Cookie Mixon, and Ouida Harmon received an award Keith Wells of Callaway Mills Joyce Lynch were selected to re- for the best water color. Janice and Mrs. A. G. Vaughn, former present the different fields of Christian and Margaret Stephens head of the art department at painting, water colors, drawing, photography, graphics, and two- Campus Clubs Choose Advisors dimensional design. Art instructor Curtis Stephens There will be a new system for sor to have too heavy a load. One student felt that by going talked complimentary of the local the selection of faculty advisors students' "good variety" and then and sponsors for the various or- through the deans' offices that this load will not build up and the said, "from what I saw by com- ganizations on campus beginning parison, our work reflected em- next year, according to Dr. C. Lee sponsor will have more time to spend with his organization. phasis on growth of the individ- Harwell, Academic Dean. ual student." Prof. Ezra Sellers, recently honored with the 1963 Quad- Another idea of several stu- The chosen faculty members' rangle dedication, serves by guiding students through personal dents was to make sure that the names will have to go to the Aca- influence and devotion to achieve greater ends for LaGrange sponsor is kept informed of what demic Dean, Dean of. Women, and WAA Honors Its is going on and not necessarily College. Dean of Men, where the faculty have to attend the meetings. member will be considered ac- Outstanding Members The students also feel that the cording to his teaching load and The 1963 W. A. A. banquet was Finals Set For May 25-29 sponsors should support the activ- his other responsibilities. Dean held Thursday evening, May 16, ities and come to the intramural The final exam schedule, which Monday, June 17. This is essen- Harwell said consideration will be at Randel's restaurant. Following sports of the sororities and fra- was posted last week, states that tial in that many professors leave given to the professor's 'interest the dinner was the installation of ternities and by checking each fa- tests will begin Saturday, May 25, campus during the summer and in the organization and the orga- the new W. A. A. officers by ex- culty member's load before he and end Wednesday, May 29. after the professor is gone it is a nization's interest in him. president Dottie Mathews, and the takes the responsibility of an or- According to Dean Harwell, the most difficult task to get a grade. new sorority representatives by It is hoped that by this new ganization this will give him last week of school can be simpli- Another item on the schedule Jane Johnson, in-going president system the load of the faculty more time to participate. fied by adhering to several exam is the matter of "checking-out". for 1963-64. This is done by every student at member will be divided up and and check-out procedures. equalized, because it is not fair The Kappa Phi Delta sorority the end of each spring quarter. All was presented with the trophies Each student should study the students should get a "Student's to the organization or to the fa- culty member to have the respon- for volleyball, basketball, and schedule closely in order to avoid Clearance Form" from the Regis- Exam Schedule softball, and with the overall tro- any conflicts, for it seems that at trar's office after exams begin sibility of more than one organi- zation, >plus all other responsibili- Spring 1963 phy for the highest point average the conclusion of every spring and take it to the proper persons of the three sororities. ties. quarter someone is inconvenienc- for clearance. This should take Saturday, May 25, 1963 Medals were awarded to the W. What is the opinion of the stu- ed by either failing to correct in- approximately ten minutes. All 8:00 a. m. — 9 o'clock classes, A. A. tennis champion, Donna dents on this new system? Sever- complete grades or failing to clear records of students are withheld except those listed at other times Howell, and to the doubles cham- al students interviewed by the properly. For instance, the sche- by the college for failing to clear 12:00 noon — English 201, Bai- pions, Donna Howell and Dottie Hilltop News feel that this is a dule states that "all incomplete properly and a three dollar fine ley room Mathews. Miss Canady, sponsor grades and E grades must be must be paid before any tran- very good idea because they also 3:15 p. m. — 2 o'clock classes, of the assiciation, was given a changed to permanent grades by script can be issued. feel that it is not fair to the spon- except those listed at other times present in appreciation of her Monday, May 27, 1963 work during the year. The follow- 8:00 a. m. — 12 o'clock classes ing girls were presented with let- except those listed at other times ters: Where Your Money Does Not Go 12:00 noon — English 202, Bai- In the Alpha Kappa Theta so- ley room rority were Judy McKoon, Irene "Well, I think spending $50,000 In the first place, what OUR men's dorms, a new dining hall, 3:15 p. m. — 3 o'clock classes, Papadeas, Elizabeth Reeves, Jean of our money on a new chapel money is spent on should be and a new gym have been built except those listed at other times Jackson, Beth Leonard, Sharon that about 30 people use is ridicu- straightened out. It has already within the past few years. A new 3:15 p. m. — 4 o'clock classes, Dorman, Teri Adcock, Cynthia lous! That's why there's going to been stated in a previous article library has been added quite re- except those listed at other times Gill, and Carole Clontes; be a raise, because money is spent that what a student pays is spent cently. Is it possible that approx- Tuesday, May 8, 1963 In the Kappa Phi Delta sorority on such things as that." on what he himself needs. It pays imately 425 students could add 8:00 a. m. — 11 o'clock classes, were Dottie Mathews, Betty Sue This is a direct quote heard re- the professors, it pays for equip- these new facilities and keep the except those listed at other times Brantley, Annie Ruth Bannister, cently by a student. The fact that ment and supplies in all depart- college going on what they pay? 12:00 noon — Chemistry 102, Sue Goethe, Carol Sinclair, Fran- we have freedom of speech does ments, a part of the utility bills, Aside from the big changes, Dobbs 101 ces Barefoot, Jane Johnson, Don- not necessarily mean that what and various other necessities of several "small" changes have been 3:15 p. m. — 1 o'clock classes, na Howell, Vivian Meacham, Ju- one says is free of errors. Of cour- the students. taking place. When a new tennis except those listed at other times dy Hayes, Madelyn Bates, Dee se, everyone is entitled to his own It is.very interesting to look at court is built, the athletic field Wednesday, May 29, 1963 Atkinson, Diane Choate, and Mary opinion, and one may think that the other side of the story and improved, the old library changed 8:00 a. m. — 8 o'clock classes, Hackney; such a thing is ridiculous if he see where one's money does not into an administration building, except those listed at other times From Alpha Phi Beta were pleases. However, there is one go. LaGrange College has seen the art classroom remodeled, and 12:00 noon — Math 101, Dobbs Cherry Mahaffey, Brenda Mulling, thing wrong with his statement— many notable improvements with- the campus grounds beautified, 101 Dona Clark, Diane Melton, and a the word OUR. in the past few years; two new (Continued on Page 6) Cindy Bennett.