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The relationship between the quantity of food Modeling nutrient consumption directly is appeal­ groups and the nutrient availability of the foods ing for several reasons. The method provides an used by households in Puerto Rico was analyzed. opportunity to make direct diet status assessment The study used canonical correlation and canonical and interpersonal diet comparisons. Expressing redundancy analyses to examine the strength of the nutrient consumption as a percentage of the Rec­ relationship. Results show a close relationship ommended Dietary Allowances (RDA) further facili­ between the two sets of variables. Findings sug­ tates assessment and interpersonal comparisons by gest that, although households may make purchasing removing different units of measurement. This decisions based on food groups, modeling general modeling approach, however, rests on the rather food consumption behavior on the basis of nutrient unrealistic assumptions that consumers are well availability should have no appreciable conse­ aware of the nutrient content of all foods facing quences on the outcome. them in the market place and that it is mostly the nutrient content of the foods (as characteristics) Proper food selection is essential for good health that guides the food consumption decision. High and well-being. In addition, food expenditures correlations among nutrients consumed by house­ account for a sizeable part of household budgets. holds, or individuals, can make statistical Thus, modeling food consumption or dietary behav­ estimation problematic because of severe multi­ ior is an important responsibility of consumer collinearity. Also, this problem may limit the economists. interpretation and usefulness of the results.

This s tudy examines the degree of association be­ The second approach appears to be more realistic, tween food group consumption and nutrient availa­ especially if one assumes that cons umers have de­ bility by households. The data come from USDA's cided that, for example, citrus are high in Puerto Rico Nutrition Study 1984, the most re­ vitamin C and, hence, they explicitly include cit­ cently available household food consumption survey. rus fruits in their diets, not vitamin C (as a The statistical method employed is that of canon­ characteristic). Advantages of the food group ical correlation and redundancy analyses. This consumption approach include better availability of technique has not been used extensively in economic data; more relevance to the food industry, includ­ demand analysis. Rather, simultaneous equation ing agriculture; and easier assessment of diet systems, which incorporate theoretical structures, quality, when diet quality is measured by consump­ are commonly used. In contrast to simultaneous tion of specific foods. Disadvantages include the equation systems which r elate a set of dependent lack of standardization in definition of food variables to a set of independent variables, canon­ groups, which often results in incomparability ical correlation analysis can relate two sets of among studies; differences in units of measurement, dependent variables, such as foods and nutrients. which hinder aggregation; difficulty in assessment of nutrient status; and introduction of statistical Traditionally, researchers have followed either of estimation problems when a large portion of the two paths in modeling food consumption or dietary sample reports "O" (zero) intake of a given food levels. The first approach is to model dietary group during the survey period (Tobin 1958). levels directly by relating nutrient levels to so­ cioeconomic characteristics, income, and (implicit) Obviously, it would be desirable that conclusions prices (Basiotis et al. 1983; Eastwood et al. 1986; reached by employing either modeling approach be Morgan 1986). In the second approach, dietary identical in substance. Furthermore, it would be levels are modeled indirectly by relating food or useful to be able t o derive implications for both food group intakes to sociodemographic character­ food group and nutrient consumption. istics, income, and prices (Davis 1982; Morgan et al. 1985; Tufts et al. 1987). Selection of the modeling approach has rested with the researcher's DATA AND VARIABLES scientific and philosophical background, specific purpose of the analysis, theoretical framework used, The source of data used in this study was the and data availability. Choice of modeling approach Puerto Rico Nutrition Survey 1984 . This survey can materially influence the outcome of such was conducted from August through December 1984 by research. Furthermore, different specifications National Analysts, a Division of Booz, Allen, & may contribute to varying results (Morgan 1986). Hamilton, under contract with the U.S. Department of Agriculture (USDA) .

~ Economist, Information Service. The Puerto Rico Nutrition Study 1984 provided de­ Economist, Human Nutrition Information Service. tailed information on the food used by 2,424 house­ Also, Adjunct Assistant Professor, Department of holds from which food consumption, money value of Textiles and Consumer Economics, University of food, quantity of food, and nutritional levels of Maryland. the household food supply may be appraised. House­ hold characteristics included income, age of house-

63 hold members, household composition, education and Household food consumption reported in this survey employment of the heads, participation in food pro­ was measured at the level at which food comes into grams, and other factors that might affect food the kitchen ("household" ). It was food that dis­ consumption. A summary description of these char­ appeared from household supplies during the survey ac te ris tics is given in Table 1. Only 2,180 are week, whether eaten, discarded, or leftovers fed to presented on this table because the remaining 244 animals. Thus, the data should be interpreted as (10 percent) had missing values--primarily income, consumption in the economic, rather than the physi­ ological, context. Information on food used by surveyed households was obtained in an interview with the person iden­ Measurement of Food Quantity tified as most respons ible for food planning and preparation. Trained Puerto Rican interviewers The foods reported in this study were grouped by used an aided-recall questionnaire schedule and nutritional content or by main ingredient content. recorded the kind (such as ground and skim For example, the milk group consists of fresh fluid milk), the form (such as fresh, canned or frozen), milk, processed milk products (such as ), the quantity, and cost, if purchased, of each food cream and cream substitutes, frozen desserts con­ and beverage used in the household during the 7 taining milk, mixtures with milk as the main ingre­ days prior to the interview. Respondents also dient (such as cream of mushroom and cheese­ reported the number of meals eaten from home food cake), The food quantity measure, expressed in supplies during the week by household members and pounds, was the weight of food used by hous ehold others. Households were contacted at least 7 days during the survey week. The food groups used for before the interview and asked to keep informal this study were the following: notes, such as shopping lists, menus, and grocery receipts to assist them in reca lling the food used (1) milk, milk products (5) fruits during the 7-day period, The questionnaire was (2) , poultry, fish (6) , grain products printed in both Spanish and English to accommodate (3) other high- (7) and oils the respondent's preference. food (8) miscellaneous (4)

Table !.--Selected Characteristics of Households in Puerto Rico 1984

Household Unit All Urbanization Characteristic of House- Central Sub- Non- Measure holds City urban metro- olitan

Total hous eholds Number 2,180 586 335 1,256

Household size, 21-meal­ at-home-equiv. person Number 3.38 3.05 3.29 3.56

Money value of food at home per household in a week Dollars 77.72 73 .42 80.96 78 .86

Expense for food away from home per household in a week Dollars 12,47 15.06 15.24 10.53

Money income before taxes, previous year: Under $5,000 Percent 42 33 28 50 $5,000-$9,999 Percent 27 25 29 28 $10,000-$14,999 Percent 13 16 15 10 $15,000-$19,999 Percent 8 11 11 6 $20,000 and over Percent 10- 14 18 6 Me an income Dollars 8,884 11, 277 11,680 7,027

Tenure: Owned Percent 78 63 79 85 Rented for cash Percent 18 32 17 11 Occupied without rent Percent 4 5 4 4

Status in Nutrition Assistance Program: Participating Percent 37 26 24 46 Not participating Percent 63 74 76 54 Mean NAP income, month Dollars 58 . 27 39.85 36.91 72 .79

64 The last group was not used in this study, since Table 2 shows the percentages of households meet­ it comprised many varied food items of different ing the RDA for food energy and nutrients, These weights with varying nutritional value when meas­ percentages are compared with those from a similar ured in per p.ound-basis (such as powdered beverage s urvey conducted in the spring of 1977 f or the 48 mixes and ready-to-drink beverages), The quanti­ conterminous States (USDA 1985). Fewer households ties of food used were converted to nutritive val­ in Puerto Rico (less than 87 percent) met the RDA ues of food, and the values of each nutrient in for food energy, calcium, magnesium, vitamin A, all items used during the seven days were summed, vitamin B , and vitamin B than for other nutri­ 12 ents. Because6 the two B vitamins are frequently Measurement of Nutrient Availability found in similar foods, or correlated, vitamin B 12 was dropped from this study. The survey data provided nutritive values for food energy and 14 nutrients (protein, calcium, iron, The "problem" nutrients that are identified here-­ magnesium, phos phorus, vitamin A, thiamin, ribo­ calcium, magnesium, vitamin A, vitamin B --are flavin, vitamin B , vitamin B , vitamin C; also, consistent with those found in other stu3ies (Pao 6 12 , carbohydrate, and preformed niacin}, The and Mickle 1981; Hama and Chern 1988) . Various basis for the nutritive values was the "Composi­ food products contribute to these nutrients. Cal­ tion of Foods,,,Raw, Processed, Prepared," (Watt cium is found abundantly in milk and milk products. and Merrill 1963) and other supplements published Certain green leafy vegetables (such as mustard by the Nutrient Data Research Branch of the Human greens, turnip greens, kale, and collards) are also Nutrition Information Service (HNIS), USDA. When important sources of calcium when eaten frequently. a nutritive value was not available for a reported Vegetables account for a major share of the vitamin food, HNIS staff members imputed a value from a A. The meat, poultry, and fish group furnishes similar food. Also, nutritive value of some foods vitamin A. Grain products, vegetables, and milk specific to Puerto Rico were obtained through a and milk products supply nearly equal shares of contract with Applied Social Research Inc. in magnesium in household diets. Dry beans and peas, Puerto Rico, soybeans, and nuts are also considered good sources of magnesium. The principal source of vitamin B 6 Recommended Dietary Allowances (RDA) are estab­ is the meat, poultry, and fish group. lished for the first 11 of the 15 diet components listed above. Since the number of nutrients was PROCEDURES large, it was essential to determine which nutri­ ents are more critical than others in the house­ Predicting the values of one or more variables from hold decision-making process. other vari ables is an important concern in econo­ mics and other sciences, Techniques for analyzing Table 2,--Percentage of Households Meeting the such rela tionships include simple correlation Recommended Dietary Allowances (RDA), analysis, multiple regression analysis, systems of Puerto Rico 1984 and United States 1977 multiple regression equations, and canonical corre­ lation analysis. The first two examine the rela­ Portion (%) of Samp le Meeting RDA tionship of one variable with one or more other Nutrient variables. Systems of regression equati ons and a b canonical correlation analysis examine relation­ Puerto Rico United States ships between two sets of variables. Proper use of systems of regression equations requires the Food Energy 86 78 Protein guidance of well-developed theoretical relation­ 98 99 s hips . Use of canonical correlation analysis does Calcium 76 70 not. Thus, canonical correlation is the technique Iron 88 84 of choice when explaining relationships between Magnesium 84 78 two sets of variables without the benefit of a Phosphorus 96 98 rigorous theoretical framework. Vitamin A 64 83 Thiamin 91 89 The theory of canonical variables and canonical Riboflavin 90 96 correlation allows us to s ummariz e the interrel a­ Vitamin B 76 6 68 tionship between two set s of variables. More Vitamin B 79 12 91 specifically, the canonical correlation technique Vitamin C 94 95 yields a linear combination to each of two sets of c variables such that the simple correlation between 7 key nutrients d 53 57 the two linear combinations is maximized. These 11 ke:t nutrients 49 53 composites, or canonical variables, may be inter­ a preted as indices that represent their respective Sample size for total households is 2,424 in sets of variables, The maximum number of canonical Puerto Rico Nutrition Study 1984. b variables constructed is equal to the smaller Sample size for total household is 3,473 in number of variables in the two original sets. Nationwide Food Consumption Survey 197 7-78 , These pairs of canonical variables are orthogonal, Spring. c or uncorrelated, to all other canonical variables. 7 key nutrients are protein, calcium, iron, vitamin A, thiamin, riboflavin, and vitamin C. d Hotelling (1935, 1936) originally developed the 11 key nutrients are protein, calcium, iron, concept of canonical correlation. He used this magnesium, phosphorus, vitamin A, thiamin, riboflavin, vitamin B , vitamin B , and vitamin c. 6 12

65 analytic procedure to study the relationship be- . individual food groups or nutrients, given the tween a set of mental test variables and a set of consumption of nutrients or food groups, respec­ physical measurement variables. The technique . tively, is not known. permitted him to determine and characterize the number and nature of the independent relations of For this study, seven food groups and five nutri­ the mind and the body by extracting from a multi­ ents were calculated for 2,424 households in Puerto plicity of correlations in the system (Kshirsagar Rico, Canonical correlation analysis was used to 1972), Canonical correlation, however, is not derive summary indices of the seven food groups and unique to psychological or educational research. five nutrients and to determine the degree of asso­ It is equally applicable to anthropometry, botany, ciation between the indices. Although alternative economics, and other disciplines. Tinter (1946), types of food group and nutrient measures were Waugh (1942), and Bartlett (1948) provided early tested, the results presented here are for the ag­ applications of the technique to economics. For gregate amounts of food (by food group) used by these different fields of research, canonical the household from the household food supply dur­ analysis is used as a tool for reducing and under­ ing the 7-day survey period and for the aggregate standing a whole interacting complex system, nutritive values (by nutrient groups) from these Canonical variables are used to help deepen the foods. Details of alternative measures, such as understanding of the original variables and may nutrients per household size in 21-meal-at-home even suggest new measures. equivalent and in nutrition units, are described by Smallwood and Blaylock (1984). The computer An extensive theoretical derivation of the canon­ software used to perform the analysis was the ical correlation model is beyond the scope of this CANCORR procedure of the Statistical Analysis study, but it may be found elsewhere (Anderson System (-SAS 1985). 1971; Johnston 1972; Kshirsagar 1972; Mardia et al. 1979). An intuitive approach to explaining RESULTS the model is to think in a stepwise fashion. First, the technique derives a linear combination Results of the canonical correlation and redundancy of each set of variables so that the covariance analyses are reported in Tables 3.A through 3.C and between the components is maximized, That is, if Tables 4.A and 4,B, Because the variables were not z and Z are two sets of variables of interest, measured in the same units, standardized variables then fina vectors of coefficients or weights c and were used for the analysis. Tables 3.A through 3.C d so that if summarize the findings from the first, second, and third canonical correlations. The fourth and fifth and canonical correlations are not shown because they were judged to be not informative enough, the correlation between x and y is maximized. This correlation is the first canonical correlation and The coefficients of the first canonical food group x and y are called the first canonical variables. variable are in the first column of Table 3.A. Then we can derive the second canonical variables, These coefficients may be thought of as weights, that is, linear combinations of and (uncorre­ z1 z2 indicating the relative contribution of the respec­ lated to the first x and y), that have tfie second tive food group in the total food group variation, largest correlation. This is the second canonical Thus, milk and milk products as well as grain and correlation, The procedure is repeated for a num­ grain products are the most heavily weighted food ber of iterations equal to the smaller number of groups in the food group index. As expected, all variables in the two sets. seven weights are positive, indicating a direct relationship between consumption of any of the food Canonical redundancy analysis, invented by Stewart groups and the first food group canonical variable and Love (1968), explains how well the original (index). variables can be predicted from the canonical vari­ ables. A rigorous derivation may be obtained from Similarly, the coefficients (weights) for the first Cooley and Lohnes (1971) and van den Wollenby canonical variable or index of the five nutrients (1977). Redundancy analysis is useful since it ex­ are shown in the first column of Table 3.B. Food presses the amount of actual overlap between the energy, a measure of the quantity of food, and two sets of variables that are packaged in the calcium have the largest weights. These demon­ first canonical relationship. That is, redundancy strate the contribution of food energy and calcium analysis shows, through the first canonical corre­ in the overall household nutrient consumption lation, what proportion of the variance in vector pattern. As with food groups, a11 coefficients of variable is found to be redundant to the vari­ the first nutrient canonical variable are positive, z1 ance in vector variable (Cooley and Lohnes That is, increased availability of any of the five z2 1971). nutrients, on the average, would increase the value of the nutrient index, Given the consumption of a specific food by the household, nutrient availability is derived by Some coefficients from the second and third canon­ multiplying the quantity of the food item by the ical variables for food groups are difficult to nutritive value per pound of that food, It is explain--milk products (for both canonical vari­ expected that the canonical variables, indexing ables), and grain products, fats and oil (for third consumption of food group quantities and nutrient canonical variable) took on negative values. This availability, will be correlated, Since nutrients is in contrast to the strong positive influence are derived from individual foods, however, the found in the first canonical variable. Similarly degree of correlation depends on the level of for nutrients, calcium and vitamin B (for the 6 aggregation used. Also, the predictability of second canonical variable), and food energy and

66 group index is quite good at 75 percent. The first Table 3.A--Canonical Correlation Analysis: canonical variable of the food groups provides an Standardized Canonical Coefficients for Food Groups excellent predictor of the nutrients studied, ex­ plaining between 93 to 80 percent of the varia­ tion, variation , as indicated by the squared multi­ Food Group Quantity! Quantity2 Quantity3 ple correlations, The exception was for vitamin A, with a poorer predictor at 28 percent. Milk, milk products 0.3596 -l.0650 -0.3112 In contrast, the predictability of food quantities Meat, poultry, from the first nutrient availability index prove to fish 0.1988 0.1823 0.3198 be weaker at 44 percent, The squared multiple High-protein foods 0.0823 0.0222 0.1264 correl ations indicate that the first canonical Vegetables 0,1790 0.1103 0.7497 variable of the nutrients has some predictive power Fruits. 0.0988 0.0487 0.3012 for each of the seven food groups, ranging from a Grain, grain "good" predictor at 59 percent of the variance for products 0,3485 0.4220 -0,3933 grain products to a poorer predictor at 25 percent Fats and oils 0.1485 0.3608 -0.6769 for fruits,

The second and third columns of Tables 4.A and 4.B Table 3.B--Canonical Correlation Analysis: provide cumulative proportions of the variance of Standardized Canonical Coefficients for Nutrients each original variable explained by the first two

Nutrient Nutrient! Nutrient2 Nutrient3 Table 4,A-- Canonical Redundancy Analysis: Squared Multiple Correlations between Food Group Food energy 0.5261 1.3730 -2.2311 Quantity and Canonical Variables of Calcium 0.3018 -1.6761 -0.3799 Nutrient Availability Vitamin 0.1753 -0.0501 1.9446 s6 Magpesium 0,0495 0.2190 0.6915 Vitamin A 0.0065 0.0218 0.0817 Food Group Nutrient! Nutrient2 Nutrient3

Milk, milk Table 3.C--Canonical Canonical Analysis: products 0.5580 0.9281 0.9373 Canonical Co rrelations between Food Groups Meat, poultry, and Nutrients fish 0.5084 0.5348 0.5804 High-protein foods 0.2835 0,2905 0. 2963 Vegetables 0.4746 0.4958 0.6665 First Second Third Fruits 0.2535 0.2543 0.3701 Grain, grain products 0.5935 0. 6839 0. 729 6 Correlation 0.9897 0.9460 0.8197 Fats and oils 0.3999 0.5201 0.6214

Standardized Variance of Food Group Quantity in Cumulative Proportion: calcium (for the third canonical variable) took on Own Variables 0.4480 0.5495 0.6546 negative values. This indicates that the dimen­ Opposite Variables 0.4388 0.529 6 0.6002 sions measured by the second and by the third canonical variables are different from the first canonical variable, Table 4,B--Canonical Redundancy Analysis : Squared Multiple Correlations between Nutrient The estimated canonical correlations between the Availability and Canonical Variables first food group and nutrient indices are shown in of Food Group Quantity Table 3.C. Given that the algorithm used to con­ s truct canonical variables maximizes their corre­ lation, the estimated correlation of 0.99 is not Nutrient Quantity! Quantity2 Quantity3 particularly surprising. Note, however, that ·high correlation does not necessarily imply a high Food energy 0, 9322 0.9675 0,9733 proportion of variance explained by each canonical Calcium 0.7970 0.9599 0.9622 Vitamin B 0.8576 variable (Lambert et al. 1988). 6 0.8696 0.9386 Magnesium 0.8814 0.8874 0.9080 The canonical redundancy analysis results are dis­ Vitamin A 0.2791 0,2791 0.3432 played in Table 4,A and 4.B. The last rows of these tables show that the first pair of canonical Standardized Variance variables is a relatively good predictor of the of Nutrient Availability opposite set of variables, In some respects, the in Cumulative Proportion: proportion of explained total variance or predict­ Own Variables 0.7652 0.8135 0.8617 ability of nutrient availability from the food 022osite Variables 0.7495 0,7927 0.8251

67 or three opposite canonical variables. The three food group canonical variables, together, are ex­ REFERENCES cellent predictors of individual nutrients--ex­ plaining more than 90 percent of the variation for Anderson, T.W. (1971), An Introduction to Multi­ all nutrients except vitamin A. With the exception variate Statistical Analysis, 2nd edition, New of milk and milk products (94 percent), the three York: John Wiley & Sons. nutrient canonical variables explained between 73 to 30 percent of individual food group variability. Bartlett, M.S. (1948), "A Note on the Statistical Estimation of Demand and Supply Relations from SUMMARY AND CONCLUSIONS Time Series," Econometrica, 16:323.

Relationships between sets of food groups and sets Basiotis, P.P., M. Brown, S.R. Johnson, and K.J. of nutrients were explored for households in Puerto Morgan ( 1983), "Nutrient Availability, Food Rico. The statistical technique utilized was ca­ Costs, and Food Stamps, "American Journal nonical correlation and canonical redundancy ana­ of Agricultural Economics, 65(4):685-693. lyses. The results indicate that sets of aggregate food groups consumed and sets of aggregate nutrient Cooley, William W. and Paul R. Lohnes (1971), availability were highly related. The main impli­ Multivariate Data Analys is, New York: John Wiley cation is that, although households appear to be & Sons. making food purchasing decisions based on food groups, modeling food consumption behavior on the Davis, Carlton G. (1982), "Linkages Between Socio­ basis of nutrient availability should not appre­ economic Characteristics, Food Expenditure Pat­ ciably change the outcome. terns, and Nutritional Status of Low Income Households: A Critical," American Journal of The results, however, display enough unexplained Agricultural Economics, 64(5):1017-1025. variations between food group and nutrient avail­ ability to warrant tailoring further in-depth Eastwood, D.B., J.R. Brooker, and D.E. Terry analysis of these measures separately. If the (1986), "Household Nutrient Demand: Use of focus of the research is nutrients, then the Charcteristics Theory and a Common Attributes analysis s hould be carried out with nutrients only; Model," Southern Journal of Agricultural if the topic concerns food groups, then the study Economics, 18(2):235-247 . should measure food quantities only. Hama, Mary Y. and Wen S. Chern (1988) , " Food On the other hand, if the subject matter deals with Expenditure and Nutrient Availability in Elderly generalizations on diets, then these results indi­ Households, " Journal of Consumer Affairs, 22(1): cate that the methodological approach has no impact. 3-19. That is, whether the generalization is made by analyzing nutrient availability or food quantities, Hotelling, Harold s. (1935), "The Most Predictable the outcome would be quite similar. From a prac­ Criterion," Journal of Educational Psychology, tical viewpoint, however, it may be preferable to 26:139-142. approach the topic from food groups since it is easier for consumers to understand foods than nutri­ Hotelling, Harold s. (1936), "Relations between ents. Furthermore, this point is corroborated by Two Sets of Variates ," Biometrika, 28:321-377. the redundancy analysis results, which indicate a stronger predictive value of nutrients from food Johnston, J. (1972), Econometric Methods, 2nd group index than food groups from nutrient index. edition, New York: McGraw-Hill. Several limitations of this paper should be cited. First, the study was based on a specific set of Kshirsagar, Anant M. (1972), Multivariate Anal­ five nutrients. Other combinations of nutrients ysis, New York: Marcel Deker. should be considered, depending on the sample to be analyzed. For example, iron may be included when Lambert, z.v., A.R. Wildt, R.M. Durand (1988), studying women's diets. "Redundancy Analysis: An Alternative to Canonical Correlation and Multivariate Multiple Regression Second, our study used survey information collected in Exploring Interset Associations," Psycholog­ from households in Puerto Rico, a population with ical Bulletin, 104(2):282-289. food use and an economy that differ from the 48 conterminous States, For this reason, analysis Mardial K.V., J.T. Kent, and J .M. Bibby (1979) , should be performed using recent food consumption Multivariate Analysis, London: Academic Press. data from the mainland United States . Morgan, K.J., S.R. Johnson, Y.Y. Lee, and B. Another area that requires attention is the use of Goungetas (1985), "Use of 12 Groups in Foods in data reported for foods from the household food Households Differing in Size, Income and Receipt supply. With a greater number of cons umers eating of Food Stamps ," Journal of Consumer Studies and away from home, it is suggested that analysis be Home Economics, 9:113-131. done for food at home and away from home. A study comparing the relationship between food groups and Morgan, Karen J. ( 1986) , "Socioeconomic Fae tors nutrients for different sex-age categories and Affecting Dietary Status: An Appraisal," American different socioeconomic factors would provide Journal of Agricultural Economics, 68(5): important information to nutrition educators and 1240-1252. consumer economists.

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