Companions, ! e-mail e-mail e-mail ! DID YOU KNOW? One character in Most Excellent Jim Smith is conducting Would you like to receive the trestleboard “Little Orphan Annie” created by Brother Royal Arch schools on the 4th Wednesday via e-mail rather then “snail mail”? If so, Commitment to H. L. Gray was the fabulously wealthy of each month at Cherrydale. If you are let me know with an e-mail request to “Daddy Warbucks”. Once Little Orphan free that night please try to attend. The
[email protected] Mankind Annie said that Daddy had been to the schools are an excellent way to fellowship Or see us on-line at: East many times to check on his fortune, with Royal Arch Masons, learn more and then “he says one time he traveled to about Royal Arch Masonry, and prepare Scroll down to Royal Arch and the East, but didn’t make a dime, meant to take part in the degrees. there we are! more to him than all th’ other trips he’ll Please join us at our stated ever make-I don’t get it-do you?” convocation on February 8 for an Other District 1 Chapters Fifty Year Members Source: Lee Lodge # 209, Waynesboro, interesting presentation by our own Right Homer G. Bauserman1 1948 Va. Trestleboard Nov 2003 Excellent John W. Bullach on the subject Mount Vernon #14 John P. Funkhouser 1949 of "What Means This Word". Some of First Tuesday David H. Graham 1950 these words are only to be said in certain George Washington Masonic National Elgin B.