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Vegetarian Diets Derived from Vegetable Protein, Usually Soy, Gluten, Or Nuts

Vegetarian Diets Derived from Vegetable Protein, Usually Soy, Gluten, Or Nuts

ALABAMA A&M AND AUBURN UNIVERSITIES Textured is usually made from soybeans. as a cobalamin supplement. They also can select B12 .....- ~ It comes in a dried form and must be reconstituted with water. fortified such as fortified . Further studies AL:ABAMA,..... TVP is used mainly in casseroles with other foods. on sources of vitamin B for vegans are needed. ~ 12 COOPBRATIVE ~ TVP can be fortified to have all the essential that Calcium And Riboflavin. Unless foods are included protein contains. It provides many valuable in the vegetarian , it is difficult to meet the calcium and ExtenSIOll and minerals but has very little and no . riboflavin (vitamin B2) needs of the body. Dark green leafy SYSTEM analogues are canned or frozen meat-like foods can be added daily for calcium. , enriched Vegetarian Diets derived from vegetable protein, usually soy, , or nuts. , and whole can help replace the riboflavin. HE-470 They are available in chicken, , , , and Vitamin D. When egg yokes, , and fortified are and also as egg substitutes. They vary in many ways omitted from a diet, very little vitamin D is obtained from foods. so check the package label for information. For those who do not use vitamin D fortified milk, a vitamin • Just in case you want to have a complete protein dish from D supplement may be needed. This is especially important plant foods, you can combine complementary incomplete for dark-skinned individuals and for infants (4 to 6 months vegetable and . Legumes (Group I) combined or older) who are fed exclusively . with grains, nuts, or (Group II) provide all the essential Although vitamin D can be formed when the human skin amino at one time. But remember, variety throughout is exposed to sunlight, this will not be a sufficient amount to Vegetarian diets are not new. can be traced There are other groups, less commonly known, who the day will supply the complete proteins needed by the body. protect children from rickets in climates where most of the body from biblical times to present day. Until recently, it was con­ follow vegetarian-type diet restrictions. Among these are is covered by clothing. sidered as a way of life either because of religious reasons pescovegetarians and pollovegetarians. Pescovegetarians eat Group I + Group II Complete Protein or limited animal foods. But renewed interest in the possible fish as well as plant foods. Pollovegetarians eat and Dried Beans Grain Complementary A Daily Guide health advantages of a vegetarian diet has now made plant foods. They may or may not eat dairy foods and eggs. Combinations Black If you are a follower of vegetarianism, it is particularly im­ meatless available on airlines, in restaurants, in col­ Broad Baked beans and portant that you use a wide variety of foods in your diet so lege dining rooms, and in many homes. Why People Become Vegetarians Kidney Corn products brown that you get a balance of the needed nutrients. The daily food Historically, vegetarianism was often brought about by ne­ Lima Hopping john (black Vegetarian diets, even those that totally exclude all animal guide on p. 3 provides a framework for variety and balance. cessity because of a shortage of animal foods. In some parts Mung Oatmeal eyed and ) products, can meet needs if well planned. In 1988, of the world, this is still true. Present-day vegetarians, however, Navy Rice (corn Summary The American Dietetic Association took the position that a Soy and lima beans) vegetarian diet can be nutritionally adequate for adults if the choose their lifestyle for a variety of reasons. Generally, becom­ White products A vegetarian diet can meet daily nutrient needs. Those following conditions are met: ing a vegetarian is based on one of the following motivations: who follow vegetarianism need more knowledge of food com­ Dried Peas Nuts • Eat a variety of plant foods. • Religion • Food Preference position than the average person. More attention must be given Black-eye Black wain uts • Ecology • Personal Convictions to planning vegetarian meals. The best safeguard is to include • Know critical nutrients and plan your me':"-ls around them. Chick-peas nuts • Ethics • Health (garbanzo a wide variety of foods that provide the necessary nutrients What Vegetarianism Really Means • Economics beans) Peanuts and give close attention to selecting foods containing some In general, a vegetarian is a person who does not eat Split critical nutrients. For those who wish to follow a vegetarian Peanut any meat, poultry, or fish. They may also omit eggs and dairy Religion. Trappist Monks, Seventh-day Adventists, and Pistachio diet, the nutritional needs are more easily met if a lacto-ovo­ products. Most vegetarian diets in the are low have a long-standing pattern of not eating meat. Lentils Seeds vegetarian or !ado-vegetarian diet is practiced. As a safeguard in total fat, , and cholesterol, and high in fiber. Some of the new vegetarians are also members of religious against marginal nutritional deficiencies, a vitamin-mineral sup­ Sesame seeds Vegetarianism is usually related to a way of life as well as cults with diet-related taboos. Even though these cults differ plement may be desirable. Sunflower seeds to diet. greatly in their practices, they all tend to believe that they Calories. Most vegetarian diets tend to be high in bulk Sources There is no single eating pattern for vegetarians. Different can purify their bodies and souls through a religion and and low in fat. Thus, meeting caloric needs may be difficult, lifestyle whose essential element is vegetarianism. American Dietetic Association. 1988. Position of The American Dietetic vegetarians have different food practices. Most, however, can especially for children. Also, with fewer calories, the available Association: Vegetarian diets. Journal of The American Dietetic generally be grouped into the following categories, based on Ecology. Many people question the practice of growing protein may be used for energy rather than for the repair of Association 88:351. diet restrictions. crops to feed . They wonder if there will be enough tissues, body cells, and other important functions. You must American Dietetic Association. 1988. Position of the American Dietetic Lacto-ovo-vegetarians eat dairy foods and eggs as well food, particularly animal protein food, to feed the people of be careful to eat well-rounded meals to get enough calories Association: Vegetarian diets technical support . Journal of as plant foods. Dairy foods are milk, , cottage cheese, the world. and other nutrients. The American Dietetic Association 88:352-55. , sour , butter, and cream. Plant foods in­ Ethics. Some people have a philosophy and practice of Iron. Whether you are a vegetarian or not, you might have Weiner, Leslie. 1984. Vegetarian diets-issues and concerns. Nutri­ clude vegetables, , enriched or whole grain breads and compassionate living and so are opposed to the act of kill­ tion and the M.D 10:1-6. difficulty getting the recommended amount of iron. Without Weiner, Leslie. 1986. Understanding vegetarianism. Forecast 31:45-49. cereals, dry peas and beans, lentils, nuts and -like seeds, ing. They find it impossible to sanction the slaughter of meat and eggs, women during the child-bearing years may Weiner, Leslie. 1988. Vegetarianism and health. Special Report. Nutri­ peanuts, and . A lacto-ovo-vegetarian does not for food. Thus, they abstain from eating meat, not get enough iron. Dark green leafy vegetables, dried fruits, tion Research Newsletter 8:123-27. eat meat, poultry, and fish. poultry, and fish. legumes, and whole and enriched grain foods help furnish Ova-vegetarians eat eggs and plant foods. They do not Economics. Diets low in animal proteins are typically less iron. Iron-fortified cereals also supply additional iron. Sup­ eat dairy foods, meat, poultry, and fish. expensive than meat-based diets. Some people think that plemental iron is sometimes beneficial. Lacto-vegetarians eat dairy foods and plant foods. They they cannot afford meat, so meatless meals become part of Vitamin 8 12• Although the body needs only a small do not eat eggs, meat, poultry and fish. their dietary patterns. , Barbara Struempler, Extension Nutritionist, Professor, Nutrition and amount of vitamin B12, there is no vitamin B12 in any food Food Preference. Most people like animal foods, but , Auburn University Vegans or strict vegetarians eat only plant foods. All grown in the soil. Vitamin B12 is found only in animal sources. animal foods, including eggs and dairy products, are exclud­ a few do not. They may avoid one or more of the animal In general, vegetarian diets that include dairy products are likely For more information, call your county Extension office. Look in your telephone directory under your county's name to find the number. ed. The term, vegan, refers to individuals who share a foods (meat, fish, poultry, eggs, and dairy products) simply to furnish the body with adequate amounts of vitamin B12. Issued in furtherance of Cooperative Extension work in agriculture and home eco­ philosophy and lifestyle as well as a restricted diet. because they don't like them. The risk of developing a vitamin B12 deficiency is a con­ nomics, Acts of May 8 and JuneARCHIVE 30, 1914, and other related acts, in cooperation Semi-vegetarians limit the amounts of most animal foods. Personal Convictions. Some people think vegetarian­ cern for vegans and other types of vegetarians who don't con­ with the US Department of Agriculture. The Alabama Cooperative Extension System (Alabama A&M University and Auburn University) offers educational pro­ They eat less meat and more vegetables. Semi-vegetarians ism improves their quality of life and are willing to change sume adequate amounts of dairy products. These persons grams, materials, and equal opportunity employment to all people without regard to are a group comprising one of the major trends in the health their whole lifestyle. A vegetarian diet is the focal point for should supplement their diets with a source of vitamin B12 such race, color, national origin, re1igion, sex, age, veteran status, or disability. movement in the United States. these believers. UPS, 5M12, Reprinted Oct 2001, HE-470 www.aces.edu Health. Many scientific studies show that a vegetarian vegetarians and nonvegetarians who are fed only breast milk. A Pattern For A Daily Food Guide lifestyle may reduce the risk for several chronic diseases and Children under 2 years who are on restrictive vegetarian Basic Suggested conditions, such as , (heart diets are also of great concern because of their susceptibility Food Group Daily disease), (high blood pressure), mellitus, to developing a nutritional deficiency, particularly rickets. They Food Group Servings Servings What Counts As A Serving? colon , and others. may also have slower growth and development rates. Part of Because vegetarian diets are usually lower in fat and this may be because infants and young children do not com­ Breads, cereals, and other grain 4 6 to 11 1 slice of bread cholesterol, vegetarians suffer less from problems associated pletely digest legumes. Thus, they may receive an inadequate products, whole-grain, · enriched (include l/2 bun or English muffin with heart disease and . Studies have shown that intake of dietary protein. several 1 small roll, , or muffin vegetarians have lower blood cholesterol levels than those who Elements of nutrition that are of major concern for servings 1 small piece of eat meat. Vegetarians generally have lower blood pressures vegetarians are the following: of whole­ 3 to 4 small or 2 large crackers 1 and lower rates of diabetes than do nonvegetarians, which may • Protein • Vitamin B12 grain /2 cup of cooked , rice, , or also lower their risk for heart disease. • Calories • Calcium And Riboflavin products) 1 ounce of ready-to-eat (1 ounce Vegetarians of the Seventh-day Adventists faith have lower to 1 cup) rates of colon cancer. than other Americans. This may be • Iron • Vitamin D Fruits and vegetables 4 to related not only to their vegetarianism, which includes a high­ Protein. Protein is needed for growth, maintenance of body 5 9 fiber intake, but also to their not or drinking alcoholic tissues, muscles, blood, skin, nails, hair, and milk production Fruits (Eat 1 food 2 2 to 4 1 whole such as a medium , banana, or orange or caffeine beverages. in nursing mothers. It is also needed for the body to produce every day such as citrus, 111elon, l!z grapefruit Most vegans or strict vegetarians are not obese. They have enzymes, hormones, and antibodies that regulate body func­ berries) 1 melon wedge body weights that are closer to the desirable weight than do tions. The body needs the 20 different amino acids that act Other fruits 11z cup of juice nonvegetarians. LDw-fat, high-fiber vegetarian diets, along with as building blocks to manufacture new protein. Some of the 1/2 cup of berries exercise, decrease the risk of obesity. amino acids can be made in the body, but eight can only be l/2 cup of cooked or canned fruit One word of caution. Many people believe that they will supplied by the foods you eat. These eight are called essen­ l/4 cup of dried fruit be healthier if they are vegetarians. Too often, though, they tial amino acids. They are tryptophan, , threonine, Vegetables 2 3 to 5 11z cup of cooked vegetables have a false sense of security and mistake vegetarianism as isoleucine, valine, , leucine, and phenylalanine. Infants Dark-green leafy l/2 cup of chopped raw vegetables a prevention or cure for disease. They may become less careful also require histidine, a ninth essential amino . They are Deep-yellow 1 cup of leafy raw vegetables, such as lettuce or spinach about other routine but necessary medical care practices. all found in animal foods, which are referred to as high quali­ Dry beans and peas (legumes) Both vegetarian and nonvegetarian diets can be either ty or complete proteins. Starchy 1 medium-sized good or bad for your health. Sound nutrition planning is need­ Plant proteins are referred to as incomplete because they Other vegetables (Include all types ed for both diets. Good planning can reduce the risk of cer­ do not contain all eight of the essential amino acids. Grains, regularly; use dark-green leafy tain diseases. Poor planning can increase the risk of certain nuts, and seeds are deficient in isoleucine and lysine; legumes, vegetables and dry beans and diseases. This can happen whether you are a vegetarian or not! in tryptophan and methionine; and vegetables, in isoleucine peas several times a week) How To Balance A Vegetarian Diet and methionine. Essential amino acids can come either from animal foods Meat, poultry, fish, and alter­ 2 2 to 3 2 to 3 ounces of lean cooked meat, poultry, or fish A vegetarian diet can be a nutritionally balanced diet. This or plant foods. Animal foods will provide the essential amino nates (eggs, dry beans and (without bone) balance requires a good knowledge of food composition and acids all at one time. Plant foods can provide the necessary peas, nuts and seeds) 2 eggs principles. The diet must have enough calories to maintain amounts of amino acids when a variety of foods are eaten 2 for children, teens, and adults 1 cup of cooked dry beans or peas a desirable body weight, particularly in children. It must also on a daily basis. For example, a mixture of plant proteins from 2 to 3 for pregnant and nursing 1/4 cup (4 tablespoons) of peanut butter have a good balance throughout the day of the essential amino unrefined grains, legumes, seeds, nuts, and vegetables will females 4 ounces of soy cheese or acids to equal the complete protein found in animal foods. "complement" one another throughout a day's intake. In other 1 ounce of textured vegetable protein (TVP) A vegetarian diet also needs to supply adequate sources of words, an that is lacking in grains will 2 to 3 ounces of meat analogues calcium, riboflavin, iron, and vitamins A, D, and B12 . be present in legumes. A varied diet eaten over the course Milk, cheese, and yogurt 2 2 1 cup of milk The more restrictive the vegetarian diet, the more difficult of the day will ensure that all essential amino acids are present. it is to get the nutrients you need. It's easier to meet nutri­ 2 servings for adults and children 8 ounces of yogurt An old theory, the combined proteins theory, stated that tional needs with the lacto- or lacto-ovo-vegetarian approach. through 10 years 111z ounces of natural cheese (2 ounces 2 slices) plant proteins must be combined at every to make a The greatest risk of a vegetarian diet comes from eating 3 servings for persons between 11 2 cups of cottage cheese complete protein. It was thought that this was the only way only single plant food. The Zen macrobiotic movement, which and 24 years and all pregnant l 1/2 cups of or the body could use protein. More recent scientific studies in­ was popular in the 1960s, is an example. Followers were en­ and nursing females 1/2 cup of dicate, however, that it is not necessary to combine proteins couraged to move through ten dietary stages from a diet with 113 cup of dry skim milk powder at every meal. As long as a variety of plant proteins are eaten a variety of foods to one of only . This diet led to 1 cup of daily, your body will get the mixture it needs. scurvy, anemia, low levels of blood calcium and blood pro­ l/4 cup of dry soy milk powder Whether you are a vegetarian or nonvegetarian, you can tein, emaciation, and sometimes death. 4 ounces of soy cheese curd get enough quality protein in any of the following ways: Groups With Special Needs • Use a complete animal protein-meat, poultry, fish and , sweets, and alcoholic Avoid too many fats and sweets. If you drink alcoholic Vegetarians who are growing rapidly (children and preg­ , eggs, and dairy foods. beverages beverages, do so in moderation. nant women), nursing a baby, or recovering from an illness • Eat a small amount of a complete animal protein and a Butter or , bacon, all need to be especially careful about meal planning. Generally, lot of incomplete vegetable or grain proteins during the day. nuts (such as peanuts and their nutrient needs can be met on a vegetarian diet that con­ Some good examples are a peanut butter with milk, pecans), , cream, tains dairy products. Vegans or strict vegetarians should be dried beans with bits, and . pork or , fats, sure that their diets supply enough calories, vitamin B , and • Use the engineered ARCHIVEvegetable protein foods-textured sweet drinks, dressings, 12 vitamin D. vegetable protein (TVP) and meat analogues. These became candy, , jams, syrup, mayon­ Breast-fed infants beyond 4 to 6 months should be given available in the 1970s. They can be found in most health food naise, jellies, , all other vitamin D and iron supplements. This applies to infants of both stores and grocery stores in the larger cities. sweets 2 3