Now to him who is able to do immeasurably more than all we ask or imagine, according to his power that is at work within us Ephesians 3:20

Services next week Sunday, 15 th July 2018: 10.30am Morning Praise 7th Sunday after Trinity

During the Interregnum, we will continue to normally have a service each Sunday at 10.30am, but the pattern of which services will be Communion will be irregular, dependent on which Sundays a is available. See the weekly Notice Sheet or our entry in “A Church Near You” ( ) for details of the service each week.

This week we welcome Rev’d Canon David Kirkwood.

The Cell Group will not be meeting this week. It will next meet on Thursday 19 th July 2018 at Anne and Bernie Burton’s home (48, Briarwood Way), at 3pm. You are welcome to join us at any meeting. Pray that God will help each one of us to reach that place of intimacy with him so that we may hear his voice. The Cell Group is using one meeting a month to pray for St Andrew's Church, the Parish of Blagreaves, St. Andrew and the City of Derby. If there are people or situations for which you would value prayer, please let Jenny Cooper know.

The Third Space will be open this Wednesday, 11 th July. Please pray for the Project, the helpers and the young people who attend, using the prayer requests overleaf.

The farewell service for The Rt Revd Dr Alastair Redfern, of Derby , will be held at next Saturday, 14 July 2018 at 3.30pm. All are warmly welcome and invited to attend this special service of celebration and thanks.

The donations at this year’s Christian Aid barbeque and in Church raised a total of £496.50. Many thanks to Vic and Gill for organising the barbeque, and to all to attended and supported Christian Aid.

Advance Notice Tuesday, 31 st July 2018. 12.00 noon. Derby City Deanery Prayer Walking around new housing in Sinfin Moor and Stenson Fields. Meet at Sinfin Moor Church, Arleston Lane, Sinfin. Subjects for prayer Once again remember to praise, worship and give thanks in all your prayers. Pray that God will continue to reveal His will for us here at St. Andrew’s. Pray for the , Rt. Rev’d Alastair Redfern and his wife Caroline, as they prepare for his retirement. Pray for the Bishop of Derby, the and the Area City who have to decide the future for this Parish. Pray for the sequestrators (the Area Dean and Churchwardens) and all those who are assisting them to lead St. Andrew’s Church whilst we do not have a Vicar. Pray that the Lord will send us more musicians. Pray for the Churchwardens and Parochial Church Council, who are meeting next week.

Pray this week for: Peter Maybury .

Continue to pray for Jenny and Bruce Kilgour.

Pray for all those who are on holiday or for some other reason can’t be with us today.

Prayer requests for 3 rd Space: 1) Thank God for two new members of the group and good questions about the Gospel. 2) Pray for all members and their families to encounter Jesus and to have good relationships with each other. 3) Pray for Derby Moor Academy staff and students.

If you have any notices or prayer requests for inclusion, please advise them to Ann or Peter Vincent by 5pm on Wednesday, preferably by email ( [email protected] ) or in writing.