[LB71 LB218 LB397 LB505] the Committee on Banking, Commerce
Transcript Prepared By the Clerk of the Legislature Transcriber's Office Banking, Commerce and Insurance Committee February 26, 2013 [LB71 LB218 LB397 LB505] The Committee on Banking, Commerce and Insurance met at 1:30 p.m. on Tuesday, February 26, 2013, in Room 1507 of the State Capitol, Lincoln, Nebraska, for the purpose of conducting a public hearing on LB71, LB397, LB218, and LB505. Senators present: Mike Gloor, Chairperson; Mark Christensen, Vice Chairperson; Kathy Campbell; Tom Carlson; Sue Crawford; Sara Howard; Pete Pirsch; and Paul Schumacher. Senators absent: None. SENATOR GLOOR: Good afternoon and welcome to the Banking, Commerce and Insurance Committee hearing. My name is Mike Gloor, I'm the senator from the 35th District which is Grand Island. The committee will take up the bills in the order posted outside the door and for some of you that may be, if you haven't noticed, a reversal in LB397 and LB218. To better facilitate today's hearing, we have rules and procedures that we follow. They are posted up there on the board, but I will run through them quickly for everybody. The first is, I know you think you turned off your cell phone, but please check to make sure you did or put it on a silent buzz, if you would. The order of testimony for us is the introducer, then proponents, then opponents, then those who would like to speak in a neutral capacity, and finally, we'll allow the introducing senator to close if they would like to do so on their bill. We ask all testifiers to sign in.
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