■" 1 '■■■ ■ — ■ ■ m —■ ■ p ■■ —— ■»"■. -l ■_■, "!■. ! —--- .■ =====—— g j gneag jgfte gg it MAINE. TUESDAY MORNING, AUGUST 1898. SclIss'Sa^mattIh! PRICE THREE CENTS. ESTABLISHED JUNE 23, 18G2-V0L. 35. , 23?

nets of the NEW ADVERTISEMENTB. land, and otherwise ar# brought about by competition, and the welfare of the nation demands, and take's COMING HOME. pride in the Lest ir. her agriculture as RATES. UP TO D \TE AMERICAN PLAN. REASONABLE well as in her armies and navies that protect and promote her general badness. The general Government at Washing- GARCIA REPORTS. ton, with many of the states, make* snoh Maine liberal appropriations to advanee the First Breaks Gamp knowledge that should promote the high- est type of agriculture that it is for the 9. men of the nation to see that those ft appro- HOTEL Today. priations, which come from the profits of OUTH business to further are FAL promote business, 22, 1898. a judicious investment. ; PORTLAND, ME., Reopened Au£. 1 am told that the average yield of a cow in New Kuglanil is not above six Chicfeam nuga, August 22.—The First First of New Fair quarts a day, and probably less; that the and Furn'shed in Detail Day England Surpasses yield of crop per acre is ranch less than Newly Handsomely Throughout. General Describes Maine has ordered to return Insurgent infantry been It ran, and should be; and that the effec- Electric Lehts- Ntw New Elevator. tiveness of the horse for the vailed Open Plumiing- to Maine and will break camp tomor- pur- Eeaotiful Suites of Rooms, with Private Baths- poses to which he Is called is quits too row. low. Advanced Modern Convenience. Attendance Record, con- Every Last Year’s All these and other many problems Rooms. His Part in stantly confront us, and demand the Dining Rooms. Handsome Reception Santiago who Campaign. ot those Private SAW THE. PRESIDENT. equally constant attention State of riaine Room. give their services freely and patriotical- ly, as they demand the care and attention cars from institu- location: nearest hotel to Boston and New York boats, eleetrio of the faithful paid agents of our CeDtral tew minutes. all E. E. stations and steamboat landings pass tbe hotel every tions of agricultural learning. E. B. NUNNS, Proprietor. ^ -J Both state, and other Incorporated in- Sampson Makes a Call on the City Presents a Gaia Appearance I i n A Concise and Dignified Military President. LADIES’ ^gni for Great Event.

Everyway. 22.—Admiral S. Parker Go. I Paper , August russet sunns. IW. ^Sampson called on President MoKinley today and spent thirty-live minutes with We have a large and well selected in a the Cuban com- stock of Russet. Boots and Shoes him discussion of At for Ladies’ and Ch.ldren’s wear. mission’s plans and other matters. We make a seecialty of the navy department be spent some minutes exohanging courtesies with tbe The Exhibits Far Ahead of Those Ladies’ Russet Buttons at $4.25, naval officials when Acting Seroetary of former price $5.00. Nothing; to Indicate That He is the Navy Allen drove with him to the White House, the two joining the Presi- of a Year Ladies’ Russet Polish $3.50. dent at 4. IS. Ago. Misses’ Russet Oxfords $1.35 as The President shook the admiral’s hand Disgruntled Reported. very cordially and inquired abont his ex- The above are all this season’s goods in the fleet In the and are in the latest styles. periences commanding Caban waters. Admiral Sampson re- ferred briefly to a number of the im- portant incidents in the war and in re- The Industrial Exhibit in City Hall sponse to an inquiry from the President & AYnrfMMflri hi. frrAltinAtlnn at aflhlve- Center McDowell, the a Splendid One—The Cattle and Hens 539 CONGRESS ST., Tells of His Orders to Report to the Amer- ment of July 8, when Admiral Cervera’s fleet was annihilated. The details of the and Horses the Grounds—Two Race BROWN’S BLOCK. ican Commander and His Obedience augfidtl great battle were gone over quite Trotted Off SPECIAL The President at the outset Events Yesterday—The **mm»*«*««m About thoroughly. Thereto—The Fighting. Santiago took occasion to his thanks to the express Same Old Midway as of Yore—Scenes and Its Results—Only Reference to Admiral for the success of the battle, end ■ ■ FOR • • showed deep interest in the story of the About the Grounds. or Trouble is Statement That as Ameri- engagement. The talk also bore on the That’s the number * reason for not entering the harbor and | -If Prebte IJse fair is In full of naval and military heroes and Preble StM (opp. cans Appeared to Have 5o Further the plaoing of the mines and torpedos in The New England swing. piotures under clear scenes of interest. Some Doves* House), to take or send Cnban ports. The plans of the commis- It opened yesterday skies, publio Him He Withdrew. the most favorable con- Hon. Francis H. Appleton of Peabody, Tuesday. lor sion to arrange for the evacuation of and attended by an of the New are in such work, and your talked over and the President ditions. This is what might be termed Mass., president England stilntions, engaged Cuba was deserve and was in the and support patronage. the Admiral that written instrno- “oil in the agrioultual show busi- Agricultural sooiety, city, DYEING and CLEANSING. counter the in Tas told year” The grandeur and beauty of New Eng- August 23. —General Callxto with enemy Cjuisinas his address marked the formal |New York, tions would be the commision in a ness, as well as it is in politics, and the annual land’s scenery, and the health and pleas- his first official statement suffering some losses but inflicting great- given A SPECIALTY Garola has sent of th8 fair were at of the fair. He said: ure that come from thoso characteristics TOURISTS WORK In conference few days. Daring the call Secretary managers handicapped opening ooncorning the Cuban operations at San- er on the Spaniards. my deserve prominent notice in connection Cleansed Every Day. P. K. and came over war turn in their endeavor to get to- Kid Gloves Duck, Crash, with Admiral Sampson and Major Gen- Alger from the department every PRESIDENT APPLETON’S ADDRESS. with our agriculture. Also the water tiago to the Cuban Junta in this city. for the show that Foiwt Dye Boom an. to oonsalt the President the gether^attraotions big courses that are the con- rnOTrniO City Garoia's eral Shafter, we decided that I should regarding dependent upon ste“m Carpet Cleansing The messenger hearing General to draw the Fellow members of the New ’England tinuousness of our water sources in the U of and finding Admiral could be depended upon rUu I ttl Linen and Mr. Horatio embark with 8000 men at Aserraderos disposition troops Society and Friends. Skirts, statement arrived today but they succeeded, after unre- Agricultural wooded mountains and hills, that consti- of de Cuba. With Sampson there greeted him and joined in crowds, no year, since the establish and and S. counsel for the Junta, gave and land east Santiago Probably tute that grandeur beanty, pro- Bubens, in up a fair of our National has X sent for the forces at the discussion. Both Rear Admirals lenting efforts, getting ment Government, tect the healthfulness and promote that out a translation of the statement as fol- that object- had been invited of the and state in which it given us such novel results to oonsider, and aid In the wheels 75c, 98c, $1.25, near and on the 26th Sampson and Sohley worthy city pleasure, turning lows: Aguacate, Palma, and such important problems yet to be of must be a the here the President to confer on the his hold. industry, oiiarge upon a. we to which by solved. 2.25. the steamer at 7 m., began embark, agricultural promoter. The problem is, 1.50, 1.98, On the sixth of June of the but Admiral The attendance at Rigby Park, though time of our Fair of we had j operations was finished In the evening. ; plans oomraission, At the 1897, largely, how to perpetuate the preserva- a communication tax the of our those and I Gloucester brought distinct Sohley did not arrive this afternoon. Ad- not enough to fully capacity as guests sturdy steady tion and intelligent use, for all time, of three THOUSANDS These forces forming and men from skirts are worth double General commander-in-chief was consider- marching; noble offioers the forests of our are for These from Miles, undsr the miral Sampson looked somewhat fatigued. the accommodations there, oountry. They columns were respectively those beautiful of the United States are for all j and thrible the money. American in whioh he in- ships no generation to destroy, they of the army, He did not wear his at- ahead of the usual opening day’s so and brand of * command of Major General Capote, Gen- uniform, being ably Navy that then rested trimly to use, and by in va- claim their of the to attaok by generations proilt formed me project in an sack suit of at the New fnir. With on the and charming erals of Division Cebreco and and tired ordinary light showing England peacefully deep ried form. flour to be as « of de Cuba Lora, Portland harbor. 3 3 “just land and sea the city Santiago mixed cloth. He refused to talk for weather, there is reason to believe waters of To end my words to you today, let me ► General Sanchez Heoheverria, pub- good but that the Brigadier all the of ; good,” experi- j and that it was necessary gieater lication. When asked how long he would Impress upon you necessity ap- Crash the entire force being under the immedi- plying at all times for home consump- .» enoe of the trade has 1 Suits, $2.98, part of the Cuban forceB should advance here he answered: “No ate command of Major General Jesus remain longer tion, true and wise principles of the best 4 on that city to oo-operate with him. Im- that is Not 3 3 proved Pillsbury’s Former Price $5.98. Rabi. than necessary.” patriotism possible. merely which that is efferves- “Best” Flour to be mediately I gave orders that|forces After the Preident he sentimental patriotism JJ j I was on board of the Alamo with my leaving stopped should move forward to- cent in words, such personal influence the finest on < had been armed to several auto- really staff and some officers invited by General just long enough gratify that will produce twice the business ac- wards the territory of Santiago de Cuba, and then drove off to 3 3 the market. Ludlow, who had superintended the em- graph enthusiasts tivity as existed before. Just as we agri- TAILOR MADE SUITS a very diffloult operation (the infantry where Allen culturists say make two blades of grass barkation. Brigadier General Sanchez his hotel, Acting Secretary almost worn and on account grow where one grew before. being out) with a force of 60t) men who embarked left him. The latter announced positive- And so may all oar States prosper, so of the of food for so many people. first in the steamer landed at five AND SKIRTS scaroity Leone, ly that the Admiral would retain his com- that New and the Nation may the forces o'clock in There were England Surmounting the difficulties p. m., Siboney. of the North Atlantlo in power an1 well-being, the other Cuban forces mand squadron, grow influence, to Order at Palma and on the already camped to the advancement of civilization and by Experienced arrived Soriano, which had arrived before us with as many while one of the Cuban commissioners. JTIeu-Tailors. where I humanity throughout the world. 18th J marohed to Asserraderos, thousand of the American army. Admiral Sampson will go to hi* home in of marched arrived on the lttth at 7.80 a. m., having General Division Estrada, New Jersey to spend a few days. GATES THROWN OPEN. the 25th to to the iiThi been summoned there to confer with the on Aguacaste gather SATISFACTION GUARANTEED. forces that were there to form a column Amid the glories of an ideal summer admiral of the American navy, Sampson, of 800 to 1000 men to march with them to- day with the thermometer ranging high decide on the best of attacking ward in readiuess to to plan Santiago fight any TO BE MUSTERED OUT, to warm into greater activity the be sent to the said enough | de Cuba. This conference took forces that might city. ■J *i«OV •_ Santiago of man and beast the of | At dawn on the 20th the steamers blood both gates on board the New York. 1 place flagship Orizaba and Seneca were opposite Siboney Rigby Park were thrown open for the In mast now declare that my objeot carrying the balance of my forces. I was thirty-fifth New England fair, and early customers and d forces on de Cuba on board of the Alamo with my staff and 31 It keeps old moving my Santiago in the morning, on every side were signs United some officers invited by General Ludlow. makes new ones. and meeting the Admiral of the J | 3 W.S. Parker Co., At seven o’clock a. m., the landing com- Montank Be:i To Bo in of hurry and bustle. the orders 1 Discharged States navy has been to obey menced at Siboney ending at 1 p. m., all Beginning promptly at six o’olock yes- received from the council of government Cnban forces camping around the village. ♦ «»♦♦♦♦♦♦ or So. terday the oars of thB Cape Elizabeth ♦♦♦»♦«♦♦♦»♦ NO. 522-526 CONGRESS ST., and in- Onr forces, whioh bad arrived earlier, all Day to obey and respect the orders electrio made fifteen minute trips So camped around Siboney, os well as jailway structions of the Amerloan commanders, Me, many thousand of the American army. and as early as 7 a. m. the people began ADAMS & Portland, in the ANDERSON, GO., I aug23dltlstp on their commencing operations Perfect fraternity reigned among the to come. Prom that hour up to the coin- Cnban and American soldiers, who vied >- n 1 under my command. first vessel nen races It was a mi 'in in ill'll ill miHi lilllll ll IM "Tl territory _J1.L_U fA«ltni. Aa no. Boston, August 23.—The cement of the pr Eire Insurance On the 20th. at half past two o’clock, The Boston Agency i -—-====» count of the scarcity of food in the terri- of the new auxiliary navy was formally cession of cars and people. ol the oommander of the brigade the orew dis- its full share 31 Street. I THE WEATHER-' general tory in whioh we were, from the first, placed out of commission, her and Maine railroad brought Exchange Demetric us with the Ramon de las Taguas, Americans supplied necessary charged and the craft and property form- from east and west, while teams and First Class American and Companies from rations for the subsistence of our forces Foreign Castillo, landed in Aserradooros transferred to the authorities thicker than ever before for the 29th General Shatter and ally yard bicycles were Horace Anderson. Chas. C. Adams over ar On myself Sagua (east of Cuba) brought by the of attaok and 1 ber officer today. the will be As those officers and men then marched an deolS Ihos. J. Little, lp eodtf had completed plan by commanding that grounds densely thronged opening day. Amerioan man-of-war to reoeive mj him the order to march on through tho streets of that their manly a smile receive from The Inca, the Lawley built brand new every remaining day this week. city *The managers all wore happy a _i. xl__ ytnB T vnau art Vi cOfi and was and — --—- morrow with my forces toward Santi- powerful appearance praised UiUOlDi n DUUiv the steam that was constructed The 115-feot yacht There is real merit in Nor was the then un- over the very auspioions opening. commando] ago, whioh he himself would do that every department loudly applauded. that General Shatter, at South Boston for Frank and of live stock is likely to beat all Major same day, some regiments and oannon McQuesten, ot the fair. The stook entries surpass all tried force and power of that white exhibit of the 5th army oorps of the Unltec advanced. In the lumber taken the with its and modern and beasts and birds of having already extreme the man, was by gov- records, while the horse sheds shining navy, large previous records with me on of previous in bestowing States had landed to confer vanguard, in sight the fortified for the of a rapid-ure puns forgotten are in on every ernment purpose dispatch an of light every description coming de Cuba outposts, was Col. Carlos Gon- contain as large aggregation praise upon tho men who were within the the atteok by land of Santiago Spanish was the craft that went out of active train. There are over two hun- a division of boat, as could well be year to life to those of war. arriving after thi zales commanding Baynmo, harness perforators gotten give engines After a conference and about three weeks’ and in the and long and part of the brigade of Ramon de Las service. She has had in New Time has proved that the praise ap- dred entries trotting pacing Hundreds of Children and adults forecast for 1 together England. \mmm have worms Boston, August 22 —Local American accepted the plan work on the plause given then was far less than those but are treated for other general Taguas. active service, doing patrol diseases. The symp- Part- of Portland has dealt are a Boston and vicinity for Tuesday: of hlf the I with forces The city generous- men and deserved. They toms :—indigestion, with variable ap- laid before him for the landing On 30th, encamped my mine fields and in the lowor harbor. officers, ships SS petite; foul tongue; offensive breath; hard and cloudv: fair southwest at El nine miles from Sltoney with the The fie^e since made for this Nation a name, with occasional ly weather, to out with success th< Salado, ly fair managroent. city Jl full belly gripings and pains troops and carry raites from the Ail but 15 men of the Connecticut lef >re the that is indeed a mighty about the avel; heat and itching sensation in winds. and 4 1-3 Santiago. At counoll was devoted to. ex- world, \ on he retnrned to the ship on on appropriation our Stars and L the rectum and about the anus; eyes heavy and for advance Cuba, same point General Shatter established naval reserve who have been duty auued glory to come under of the nose; Aug. 22.—Forecast the dull; itching short, dry cough; Washington, the general o: his At three o’clock in the have tensively advertising fair, decorating Stripes. grinding of the teeth; starting during sleep; for New Threatening The following day, headquarters. board the U. S. S. Minnesota here, Use in S often in Tuesday England: afternoon I received orders to and illuminating the streets and publio that place slow fever; and ahildren, convulsions. winds becoming division, Augustin Cebreoo, marched to place been formally discharged from the service To the wisdom of Government by weather, southwesterly myself at Marianjo, between Caney and band concerts and wise lias made those line wards the West of Cuba with forces of hli left Some left Sat- buildings, providing appropriation, variable. San Juan, to protect against any attaok and for their homes. and has most liberal of Cream of Tartar of otherwise adding to the attractions of the ships possible, by TRUE’S Local Weather Report. division, with the object preventinf from the enemy, the batteries which were urday, others this morning. The 15 ODportunitie? towards training our gun- its to fire on both should the gala week. ners on is 1S PIN WORM Portland,August 22.—The local weatheT the enemy from reinforcing garrlsom going pointB, men|remaining aboard are being held as and ail others ship-board and Soda come from that and at 8 m. enemy Santiago. street never looked than due that success that they have achieved bureau office records as to the Weather of the coast In part, p. on the permanent crew of the Minnesota. Congress gayer At the commencement of the attack for us. men to thi The of colored are as follows: a force of 530 belonging there were men in the The work of mustering out the men of it did last evening. strings Santiago 15,000 Nor we tho of streets at in- do forget representatives ELIXIR 8 a. 29.788: thermome- division of Bayamo and commanded b; American army. There were 4000 Cubans the Massachusetts and Maine naval re- lights, crossing the regular and who m.—Barometer, who were then with us a\ is the best worm remedy made. the our Army under around It has been n»e 71.0; dew 62; hnmidlty, 72; General Castillo was sblppet my Immediate orders monitors above the wires, New in 46year«* _ ter, point, serves who man the Catskill, tervals, trolley guard their visits througnout England 2 and effectual. Brigadier At on of the 1st of by J is purely vegetable, harmless wind, SW; 1; weather, clear. ti city. 6.15 the morning a as a velocity, an American transport to go Montauk will be- and from cultivated in our people familiarity Where nc wonm are present it acts Tonic, on board July I the march toward Marianujo Lehigh, Wyandotte and extending Longfellows square wise^ mucous mem- 8p. m.—Barometer, 29.748, thermome- began forces of the and S and corrects the condition of the the o to elioited from citi- with the land Nation, and bowels. A dew the reinforcement of brigade and at sevon o’clock I occupied in a day or two. Washington street, t brane of the stomach positive ter, 75.8; point, 66; humidity, 66; already gin taught us the methods of the Cavalry the landing of thi the allotted to me In the follow- zens and most ex- wind, SW; velocity 4; weather cleudy. Ramon, to proteot positions strangers einphatio arm of the United States Service, and the Mean thermometer maximum on Cuba In ing order: TWO LEADERS ILL. daily >6; American army and advance pressions of approval. of the Hough Riders, and the thermometer, minimum To the left of San Jaun and fronting principle 88; thermometer, forces landed in Sagui necessary discipline.that must be wisely treatment for Worm*. Write for free pamphlet the east. These Jose Maria But the streot Illumination was no 2 Special Tape 65; maximum velocity of wind, 11 SW’; Santiago, Major General Capt. Evans and Admiral Sclxley Both by used in connection therewith. vs*s*sjr*jrj'**jrjr**j7*s***s**** advanced at once oi of 1000 next total precipitation, 0. and they had Capote with his column men; means the whole of the display. The That troop has since experienced the Col to in the General of Division Have Fever. Weather with their commander, him, center, front of hall blazed with electric of war on Jand, where a knowl- Observation. Daiquiri, to the City hardships with 500 men of thi Saturnia Lora and 600 men; right of how to the army effective by LAST Oi CAMP THOMAS. Carlos Gonzales, and Fran- lights of various colors, arranged in at- edge keep The agricultural department weather of the former, General of Brigade New York, 22.—It is said to- ta keep them alive * under Brig. General Castillo, with his August tractive while the massive front intelligence applied Cblcknmauga National Park, Anguf bureau for taken a brigade cisoo Sanchez Heobaverria design, has been as a of nn officers duty yesterday, Aug. 28, Gen- night at Boosevelt hospital that Capt. large part from Indication In a great hurry aban column of 800 men, forming part of of the remodelled Falmouth hotel was and the 22.—Judging present 8 m., meridian the observa- The Spaniards bo as to kill capture enemy. the cam P p. time, command and General Evans of the battleship Iowa would Camp Thomas, largest military doned whioh Castillo oooupiet oral Cebreco’s gorgeous. The beautiful decora- The leader of that troop and some men will soo tion for each section in this Daiquiri with 500 men of his to late equally of the Spanish-Araerican war, being given to Cebreoo himself, brought that |lnstitution tonight received wounds as did officer’s and men as the American navy began bom bare tions in the form of bunting, both flags be a thing of the past. A number of reg] order: Temperature, dlreotlon of wind division. or The our from the navy. POWDER as or early tomorrow morning. captain among guests ments have been ordered home, other It, but firing was suspended soon ai On the right flank in the heights and spread-eagles, make the streets gay Wounds were received and death has Absolutely Pure f state of weather: Js said to he with ma- have been ordered to Knoxville, Lexinfi was hoisted. The American] General Rabi and myseit suffering typhoid and come. — our flag Marcnnugo, both day evening. now comes an to Coi Boston, degrees, —,-; New faced the vil- laria. ton and order at with our staffs and escorts, v 78 SW. landed their first regiment Daiqulr was ereoted in Our sympathy goes out to the wounded, Wheeler, acting chief quartermaster, t 3 York, degTess, clear; Philadelphia, of Caney. The left flank of my 23.—Admiral A band stand Congress More convenient, an with lage Tort Bridgeport, Ct., August and to the relatives of those whom death leoure bids from railroads to convey ai 1 80 degrees, S, Olear; Washington, and advanced Stboney the Cubai an American battery to Are on and there a crowd forces Schley is confined to his summer home square quite gathered has claimed. God’s blessing rest t j 84 degrees. S, olear; Albany, 73 degrees In the was the forces ol May food regiments remaining at the camp forces always vangnerd, they beinj San Juan, protected by to an open air all their efforts to advance the wel- Makes the lighter Buffalo, 72 in no one in the early evening enjoy upon shair respective state capitals. MW, cloudy; degrees, SW, said Col. Gonzales and part of those of Ramon Westport by illness and except 80 NE, the first to occupy village. It the American Cadet band. A fare of our oountry. 7 By the end of the week the cloudy; Detroit, degrees, cloudy; with some of the American forces; on his attendants are allowed to see him, concert by.the of and more healthful. pqjvulatio: 86 lauding of American to Our agrioulturiscs, with the product »f the is to be reduce' i Cbloago, degrees, SW, clear: St Slboney.the troops the batteries which were was in front of the new F. camp expected right flank, or have any conversation with him. The screen placed their farms and are again cen- 80 degrees. N, p cloudy; Huron, oontlnned while the forcei and Lawton gardens, sue half. Paul, was Cuban tire on El Caney General A. building, close by, and a tered in Portland at Park. 90 cloudy; 74 illness is pronounced a fever, the charac- M. O. litjre Rigby ROYAL BAKINO POWDER CO., NEW YORK. Dak., degrees,N, Bismarok, under CoL Carlos Gonzales or | best 78 advancing of threw upon the screen The best livo-stook, and the prod- C»pt, Higsbee has been promoted b r degrees, NE, cloudy; Jacksonville, Continued on ter whioh is not known. stereopticon Santiago de Ouba,-ansuteed. a severe en- Flfthi*»ge« yet advancing him three numbers. degrees, 8, p cloudy. of new advertisements. B. O. Van San Cal., ! way. Mr. O’Brien’s patent consists of the exhibits is is a bad actor and Bokkelm, Mateo, tabes ia showing 24 head of pure ment and one largest speed, but wall-ao- the classes, all raoes being filled except the pride br s, Way land W. a cog wheel that is placed under plat- and two a thut of A. J. Keniston, Simpsons Corner, with the flag. Cam- 2.05 and 2.29 trot. And among these Ayrshire cattle large bulls, qnainted F. X. & J. H. Fitzpatrick, North form of the car, and when it' Is in use It pace varieties from of etc. Me. He shows 145 different of Leaoh Boy, a green four-year-old bridge, r m, Jolly Bird. are with a record. There is Roan number yearlings, takes tho with such firmness that many Vt., Pat Dexter K. ground The Saddleback farm, East Baldwin, Wyaudottes, Plymouth Rocks, Cochins, the Leach Stream farm, Cannaan, Kane, Doering, \Vilke3 with a mark of 2.04 3-4; Tuttle Bros., Rockll, Cal., b s, Stam the oar has got to stop. and exhibit for the first time Langshaus and Leghorns. His had the high hopes of the “talent” with WE MAKE MEN Anaconda, 2.04 S-4, Dione, 2.09 l-~4, Jape, Me., make Brahmas, B. A very pretty pavilion erected and deo- f Is the him came out for in j and several turkeys largest when he the word a since 1S83. In that year pre- display of geesemnd T. E. Fleasantdale, Cal., a four year old, 2.10 1-4. These are but Keating, orated by tho U. S. Flag Co., STRENGTH VITALITY MANHOOD l Aarra- the in the first b m. Decorating ones this farm’s exhibit bore off on the Thereiare Bronze, 2.40 trot, but covering Dionne. | ♦ few among tho fleet footed blooded horses vious ground. was not occupied yesterday when the re- ♦ IKT TWO TO TBKT DAYS. Buff and rear and could numerous This year they are in White and turkeys furlong he fell to the get 2.13 Purse $1000. Y Weak and devel- X names are household words among prizos. gansett. Class, Pacing; it. impotent men can secure healthy, vigorous marital strength, vitality and whoso no porter passed and offer 10 head with African nearer the front than third place T in from two to ten the use of Dr. Archambauit’s Wonderful PARIS * the race again Kmden and geese. r B. B. in opment days by the lovers of fine horse flesh. S. M. Tuthill, New York, g, A pretty much T ITAL SPARKS. In oases the results are and last- X Allle G. display, requiring \ ninety per cent of the permanent bull “Kathleen’s well known A. Diinkwster, Sabattus, Me., during the mile. Malucca, with J. J. br Norvln cure has been overlooked by the the Son,” ‘Eugene Bowen, Medtord, g, and is a table Y Ing. They vartocele, restore lost power, gives wonderful vigor and strength to man X Nothing of c Evo- genuity patience, large sire of Euna’s First and double has different varieties Wyau- Trout up behind him, held the from ; William O’Neil, Lexington, g, Y or woman, build up quickly the weak, nervous, broken down system. A FOOD for X of as the forty pole covered with a material tho managers In the matter the preliminary lution. to represent nerves, brain and muscle. At last a that is beneficial to all and that acts nn X of Maid and other Rralnnas and Cochins. wire to wire, finishing at so easy a jog X remedy and the of tho grandsire Bangor dottes, |;Asiatics, Waterbury, Ct., D g, ocean, and here Mr. F. W. Small shows X the or ians as rapidly as a cathartic acts on the bowels. Always effectual. Never fails. X arrangements policing of that tho to George Winn., X famous winners. They show 10 He has also a line collection Leghorn grand stand crowd began Results permanent. has been entrusted to a corps of prize Donnie B. the of and X grounds his heats. b s, iheo- ships Dewey’s Sampson's ♦ □f bis of various ages and as the bull Ham burgs. predict triumph in straight Empire farm, Copake, N.Y., r DR- ARCHAMBAULT’S PARIS VITAL SPARKS men, while Hugh Flynn will get fleets, all curved with a jackknife, and competent is on Malacca had before. dore Shelton. once, and their continued use builds a man or woman wonder- X is now 14 years old, this may be his last George P. Coffin of Freeport never won a heat Ada.,a X act at fora few days up officiate as chief of with thirty Johnsbury, b m, every one an aoourate model in miniature The medicine is t scientific safe to use—cannot X police etc., His name in the records H. T. Bali, St. X fully- French preparation, perfectly exhibition. hand with Langstians, Leghorns, goes down If are to I were doad.” then there is X able bodied men to lend him the necessary publlo P# of the original. In front of all lies the X possibly injure you. you saying yourself. “I wish notable collection is that from while F. W. Poultney, Vt., alongside the 2.18 1-2. Later P. Q wrong wllh the inner man; you are morbid, nielancholv. unhealthy, and It is X A very SpauMing, figures Maple Bill Farm, Sherbrooke, ill-fated Maine. X something support. his X duty to yourself and family to brace up and take PARIS VITAL SPARKS. X Hobart farm, Dover, N. II. There are takes pride in his handsome buff Wyan* on friends came to grief. your New York, Hinbert One of the most attractive displays Is A THE GROUNDS. head of A. J. C. C. headed dottes, Cochins In the second heat Leach Boy forged E. Fw: W1Noble, PACKAGE. Doses 37 Jerseys by amljLangshans. that made the Glass Blow- Price $3.00 lOO TREATMENT? * wears an Wilkes. by American J about the grounds hull a descendant of Mary The collection of'Bantams by William to tbs front before the half-mile post Everything Kemberma, Co. The booth is most ♦ best of taste reached ing artistically 1 | SFBOXAX. QEM~TS. | of the Ann of St. who hud a butter Ballard, A. H., is a most was and held that position to appearance suggestive Lambert, Portsmouth, IN CITY HALL. dressed and filled with the work of the in our remedies, t tc.nrm ♦ 2.17 3-4. He suc- furniture," S. C. Hall of Kennebunk has 20 head TURTLE DOVES. wears a ribbon marked that like. But the list of exhibitors who visitor is the fakir whose tongue It resembles somewhat the present off two more heatB Japan. the of headed by the celebrated ceeded in pulling have made a name for their wares loses none of its persuasiveness as Guernseys John G. Sawyer, la Fessenden street, but is much more delicate and ad- a of rattan, T. P. H. is at bull Prof. Hudson, 2d, who in a Held of and finishing the race, though deal the and Fred Atwood, Wtnterport; foil and his voice 25 or 30 which every one will throughout country is large, more and attractive PORTLAND POST OFFICE years by, although has coops done mits many peculiar of at the last New England fair, took “soldiering” was by the other rnuoh in the Cartland Portland. tlm«3 lost In the more noisy appeals eight observe. oontaim Pouters, Fantails, they display taste arrange- They the waits between designs. and the still ho is first Mr. Hall also shows 10 head eto. horses to prolong ment. Tbe manager Is Alonzo Libby the “barker.” not far distant, prize. Homing pigeons and Turtle doves, booth devoted to an hair so that the race would have to Next we have a John S. Henld. OFFICE HOURS. whose absence from of fine Dorset sheep. and hoats, Even before the City Hail is chief marshal is a necessary adjunct They make a most attractive sight a of Portland Is on hand over till restorer and phonograph. are: be missed. D. W. Clark and the handsome go today. reached the beautiful decorations are Department superintendents fairs would greatly their clean plumage of the hall facing the ''Cashier’s 8.00 a. led the of Malacca showed symptoms of siokness The lower part Hiram Hayes. Offlcc, (Sundays excepted.) to lead the to the Mid- with 10 Guernseys, by King are commented on apparent. The exterior of the build- Cattle—C. m. to 6.00 m.: order 9.00 He serves way tips which mark them is over to J. F. Bond, har- p. Money department, when he finished his fifth and stage given Ho see—Alono Libby. a. m. to m.: a. not in full blaze yes- Durham town, born January 12, 1895, mile, ing is a wealth of bunting and a mass of 6.00 p. Registry department, 9.00 which though most OH harnesses and and Swine—W. B. Nutter. m. way, favorably. Trout drew him out from nesses, F. O. Bailey & Co., Sheep to 6.00 p. m. of considerable sired by Dude from the imported dam should be favor- Driver wisely above whioh floats the national en- C. Nutter. terday gave evidence Other exhibits which color, Zenas and Poultry—F. General 7.30 the he had a on carriages, and Thompson Delivery, (Sundays excepted.) those who had their Favorites des Long Champs. race, though mortgage from the tall flagstaff. The corri- Johnson. a. m. to 7.oo p. m. o.oo to 10.00 a. m., activity, and among ably noticed in the poultry department sign and supplies. Implements—H. Sundays Jewett fourth Brothers, carriages carriage Grounds—G. M. Stonwood. 1.00 to 2.00 p. m. were mammoth J. B. Palmer, City, Conn., J. Ports- money. dors are all alive with vari-oolored shows ready Avery’s are those of Robert Ballard, of the nail is one ui sue uiusi. O. A. E. on PncrnRATi! headed hv the bulls This part Hall—Bertha True, Perry. Carriers’ Deliveries, (Sundays excepted.)—In .the beam at 8035 William Ports- 2.19 Class, Pacing; Purse $1000. streamers, and the hall proper is a de- oxen, which tips pounds. mouth. N. H., Ballard, and Interesting. Everyone likes Premiums and purses in all competitive business section of the city between High and and Prince two has been used in popular India streets at 7.00. 9.00 and 11.00 a. f oo and is Diamond Lord Lyman High Rook, Cash r Alcantara— to the eye. Care to all. m., The central figure, however, N. Dtsrid Plummer, Moth Miller* g, by light a of this fair are open mouth, H., a good horse and handsome carriage, departments 6 p. m.; in other sections at 8.00 a. m., 1.00 p. in. valuable animals. Miller 111 the deoo ration of the tall to nse the Lew, fresh from Coney Island triumphs James W. Parker, Woodfords, Dnsty by Triceps, (Trout), light here in The will be open for admission Sunday delivery at Office window, 9.00 to 10.00 old and Corner, b 2 3 3 and they can, be found profusion. grounds Lord is 13 years young Thomas Colbath, g, (Brewster,) light blue, lavender and light buff 6 m. a. m., l.oo to 2.00 p. m. Collections from street with his bevy of shapely girls prepaired Lyman Frank Burns, Westbrook, colors, a of the from 8 a. m. to p. Me., Little r m, 8 4 2 Mr. Bond large collection to publio boxes at 7.00 andil.oo a. m., 4.00 and 8.00 p. m. of for his Girl, (Bither), lemon as a and these mako the displays to the-tastes of every lover looking years. and rule, m. to minister Teeney, Gorham. Nea, b m, (Burch), 4 2 4 harnesses made of the choicest stock, and During the exhibition the general super- Sundays, 6.00 p. only. There are also two herds entered for on 6 5 5 hall and cheerful day, and give the human form. There is the $10,000 C. D. Maxwell of Stroudwater has Basil Muscovite, b g, (Bowen), bright by drawn a intendence and of the grounds ARRIVAL AND DEPARTURE OP MAILS. 6 6 an attractive light carriage by supervision the Golden of which is Geo. H. Wadleigh’s hares Dnstmoct, b g, (Andrews), 5 a of rich coloring when illuminated Boston, Southern and intermediate Mille Le Mar, among prizes,one exhibit a nioe collection of Belgian glow model of an be under the control and direction of Western, beauty, very haDdsome and life-like will offices and connections via. Boston & Maine Charles W. Getohell of Tilton, N. H., made up of 10 Red Aline, i-*, the hundrods of electric lights at Button Bells, and. and pigs. by horse. the manager, who is authorized to remove railroad (Eastern Division.) Arrive at 12.15, close built guinea iron grey road trlok drummer. Polled. They are chunky, Streamers radiate from the center which 5.00 and 11.00 p. m.; close 7.45 a. m„ 12.00 m., the world’s greatest DEPARTMENT. 3.40 Class, Trotting; Purse *1000. night. brass rail divides the exhibit of from the grounds, any exhibit Mr. Herrick of AGRICULTURAL A long 5.00 and 9.00 p. m.; Sundays, arrive 1.00 p. m., can be seen living cattle and harmless. of this ceiling to all parts of the room, Under the same tenlt b F. O. from the others. shall appear objectionable. close 4.30 ana 9.00 p. m. herd and will conclu- A. M. Gray & Sons, Middleton Springs King Malcolm, s, by bear Bailsy company from the Baris salon and Pro- Orono has a try and many of the booths gaily paint- will Southern and and Interme- pictures two horse Ralph Wilkes—Kite- The booth shows great taste In the The marshals and superintendsnts Boston, Western, excellence. sion with the best of them. Vermont, show a power The Is festooned with diate offices and connections, via Boston jnd fessor Sullivan, anmonneer par foot, by Landmark, ed banners. gallery and at the office at 8 o’clock one horse circular draping with handsome fly nets, meet manager’s Maine railroad. (Western division)—Arrive at of A. O. Kelley of Worcester, Mass., thrasher and power 4 4 3 4 1 1 1 and handsome rugs added to Here also is Gold Button Bell, king (Prootor). bunting colors harmonize perfect- eaoh morning to arrangements for 10.45 a. m.. 5.30 and 8.30 p. m.; close 6.00 and 7.43 27 In saw. Leach 12 13 3 3 blankets whose perfeot and Professor Jackson shows two herds of Brown Swiss, Boy.bg,(Knapp),3 the decorations. a. in., 12 m. and 2.30 p. m. the Cow Boys, N. b 3 1 2 3 2 2 There is a six passenger extension the and are entered D. M. Osborne & Co., of’Auburn, Berthold, g, (Smart),3 to ly. day. Eastern, via Maine Central Railroad—Arrive his contortion tooupe of dancers, not all,headed by Dupry Boy blk 2 4 3 4 dr It is not our purpose this morning of iron committee with of corn Malacca, g, (Trout),1 front rookaway, drawn by a pair A meeting of the reception 2.00 and 5.30 a. m„ 12.30 and 6.00 p. m.; close for the first time at a Portland fair. Y., have a notable display b 5 dis more than an allnsion to Denver Bob, the rifle expert Claynet, m, (Bore), attempt anything man and at ten o’olock a. m. eaoh day 10.15 and 11.30 a. m.. 12.30 and 9.00 p. m. forget whloh cut and bind corn, a greys that attracts everybody, will be he d OXEN. harvesters 2.18 3.15 1-2, 3.17 2.16 to few of the exhibitors, intending to intermediate offices and connections from the staked plains. DRAFT Time, 1-2, 1-4, 1-2, [a alike. The are very hand- hall or at the manager’s office. Augvsta, for and a Columbia one and 1-3. woman sleighs at City via Maine Central railroad—Arrive at 2.00 and Nautch hold reaper grain 2.17 3-4, 2.21 include all during the progress of the fair. left Miss Zilas Estradas girls There are a number of one is made with a so A room may be found at the 9.00 a. m, 12.30 and 6.00 p. m.; close at 6.00 and | fine-looking two horse mower. some and rumble, check tent and W. E. THE HEATS. Up to noon yesterday there had been 520 addressed 10.15 and 11.30, a. m., 4.15 and 9.00 p. m. forth in another lame well-built draft oxen and among them is BETWEEN that a footman can be employed if of the entrance. Correspondence PIGS. or ahead of last J7 U.I iibi Ilywii, lutciuicuitno viuuco «uu vuiiudv* has a cnolce of darkies heads to en tries, about 2C0 year, oan Merrill a of old twin oxen, girthing A of cf desirable. care of Park, Portland, Me., tlons. via Maine Central railroad—Arrive at pair 5-year general complaint patrons orna- Rigby down with a baseball. “You can The have their favorites and are by and divided Into horticultural, office. 12.45 and 6.00 close at 7.45 a. m.. and 12.15 knook 7 the the entry of E. R. Carpenter, pigs horse races is that the tedious waits Every bit of the work of Zenas Thomp- be found at he manager’s p. m.; feet, m. on a ’Button for ten There are many needle and fancy work, paint- p. your face cents,” Mass. no means overlooked. take much of the mental, son is their’s from the wood connections may be found at get Charlton City, between heats away and Brothers Telegraph Intermediate offices and connec- and H. L, Hardy have Albra Adams has 82 hogs ings, decorations, hand-painted china, Rockland, and Walter Briggs William Marear. of Standish has three fine specimens. of holding down a seat in the in the to the finished produot. They room in judges' stand. tions via Knox and Lincoln railroad—Arrive ji. pleasure canned home rough reporters’ tables. 6 and headed by the boar “Look Me preserves, pickles, goods, to fair will wear 12.30 and 6.00 p. m.; close at 6.00 and 1130 a. m cigar yokes girthing 7 feet. 2 inches; feet, pigs stand. The Rigby management show a fine extension brougham fitted The officers of the badges so the Ohio im- grand made cake and besld es the vari- intermediate offices and connec- Of course there is a merry-go-round, comes Simeon Over.” They are all of pastry, electric Skowhegan, 1 inches. Then Tracey has obviated this complaint by erecting carry two or four, provided with when upon dnty. tions, via Maine Central railroad—Arrive at of ous trade entries. All of those first men- this feature is not laoking and the oxen 6 10 inohes Chesters exoept three pens, two eleotrlo this exhibition, re- 12.45 m.; close at 12.15 p. m. with a pair of draft feet, proved a open stage besido tho judga’s raok for toilet artioles, Experts will judge p. large most of them—are to be found lights, Island rt., intermediate offices and familiar music floated’over the. grounds at which are Cheshires and the other as tioned—or to make or Pond, in girth. stand and engaging numerous attractions bolls and all the features that go porting to the superintendent depart- connections, via Grand Trunk Railway-Ar- the There is the In'the Reception Hall; the trade exhibits of intervals during day. F. M. Norton, Farmington, Me., Lancaster. for it. a sumptuous carriage of the present ment, at 8.15 o’clock, on the morning rive at 7.00,11.45 a. m., 6.00 p. m.; Sundays 7.00 up close at 7.30 a. 12.30 and 7.30 m. number of Punch and Judy shows A. B. Jones, Turner, Me., has some in City HalL Consequently Reception tires the books of entries will a. m.; m., p. usual has a of oxen for sweepstakes This feature of the fair was left in The are of the best, the eaoh when m. pair hand day. springs day, Sundays 7.30 p. minor attractions and when every- Reds and A. J. Kenneston of Hall, with its paintings, painted will attend and girthing 8 1-2 feet. Ernest H. Ingells, Jersey charge of Edward Kelley of Boston, a pnenmatio. Then there is a beautiful be delivered, and they Gorham, N. II.. intermediate offices and con- in full blast there will be no also shows some of the chiDa and beautiful needlework is more via Grand Trunk railroad—Arrive at thing gets two pairs drart oxen Simpson’s Corner, and of wide a carriage with to their duties. nections, Denmark, Me., theatrical lyceum manager Stanhope, promptly a. and 6.00 7.00 the line of the Mid- attractive than at a fair for many years. 7.00 and 11.46 m., p. m.; Sundays lack of fervor along and 7 5 latter breed. on in the for the re- m. girthing 6 feet, 9 inches feet, reputation. The performances given foreigners, a splendid coupe, rookaway, Following programme a. m., close at 7.30 a. m., 12.3a 7.30 p. Sun- of Cairo has some In the corridor Mr. Albert E. Perry, m. in and the street a Henry Johnson, Turner, Me., The will at 8.00 a. m. and 7.30 p. way, general, inches. Wilbur Hilton, Auburn, pal the stage between the heats were not etc. The most expensive carriage shown mainder of the week; morning days of will de- the hall and Miss Bertha Montreal—Arrive at 7.00, 11.45 a. m. and 6.00 in particular. of 6 inches in These Cheshires which all lovers pigs superintendent, at Brewster would to examination of yearlings, feet,9 girt. only time-killers, bnt were really great is valued *1800. be devoted judging, close at 12.30, 7.30 p. m. Sunday close to look at and a of blaok O. True have their desks, and^here a big p. m., are but a few of the many draft animals light pair The acrobatic feats of the for the same article. There hall exhibits, stock at the park, pulling 7.30 p. m. attractions. in to charge *1600 Poland Chinas sent by J. W. Sanborn of phonograph plays constantly rivalry and con- Suanton. intermediate offices and con- and sweepstakes oxen which will enter Pantzer Brothers were the best ever is a large case of choice whips, a full line matoheB, etc. At one o’clock, Ft., DEPARTMENT. other musical and on a via Mountain Division M. C. R. R.— CATTLE Laoonia, N. H., are notable as the breed all attractions, the horse nections, for the prizes. witnessed in this part of the country. of horse cloths, and plush and tinuing through afternoon, Arrive at 8.10 p. m.; close at 7.46 a, m. table decorated with the stars and Hol- is prevalent in the West though not long A Glance at the Hereford*, Devons, HOOD’S MASS. quite were at Keith’s theatre in Boston robes. racing, balloon ascensions, parachute Bartlett, N. H., intermediate offices and con- FARM, LOWELL, They a line collection of shells Is dis- Division M. C. of ten S3en In the East. stripes, show a attractions nections via Mountain R. B-— stein*, Goerneeys, Etc. for a time this season, and proved The Quaker Bange company drops and numerous special close Ayrshire*, A tent in the cattle department which long The owner of the shells says that Arrive at 8.40 a.m. and 8.10 p-m.; at 7.45 played. a of m. of the SHEEP. a card. In addition to being full line of their ranges, gentleman will be given. a. m. and 12.30 and 7.30 p. Just at the head Midway Is bound to attract many interested vis- drawing he has more with him to make a enough N. intermediate offices and con- the horse sheds clever acrobats they are good performers the order of Friends, in bronze, holding Rochester. H, Plaisance and beyood itors is that pitched by Hood's Farm, of mutton will have their collection twice as as his present via Portlands Rochester railroad— Lovers appe- and their large card to the HAD BEST OF IT. • nections, exhibition of cattle and yester- on the guitar and mandolin, out the firm’s passers-by. “CINCIES” Arrive at 1.48 and 6.00 p. m.; close at 6.30 and is a large Lowell, Mass., and under will be seen tites whetted by an inspection of the fine exhibit. on these instruments is made in front of the booth is and 11.46 a. m. the bulls and steers were one playing Just Thompson day morning SO head of the handsomest Jerseys of to be seen. C. W. As one enters the ball there will be Gorham and Westbrook specimens sheep of their acrobatic of the Preservallne where Cumberland Mills, wash down whioh gave an interesting part that company, a. m. receiving a good could wish to look at. They range in Hilton of Anson shows twenty Oxford found at the right of the main entrance a (Saccarappa)-Arrive at 8.45 1.45 and 6.00 One of the most sensa- their various attract the ladies Suffer One Defeat and Narrowly 6.30 and il.46 a. m. and 5.30 m. a clean and slick performance. goods Bostons p. m.; close p. them appearance. age from 3 years upwards to 10 years Downs. One back 405 very pretty booth, banked with large Willarch-Arrive at 7 weighs pounds; is this: One balances the South Portland and Ja. Leach of Mass., tional aots especially. Escape Another, close 6.30 a. J. Hooper Bridgewater, and are hended by the bull “Hood Farm another 825 and the ewas average 800 hnndsame palms,’ devoted to the Pine 1.00 a. m, 8.00 p. m.; m., l.oo and and carries him up exhibits 11 head of DeVonshirea. The other, head to bead, Kendall and Whitney have a large and 2.00 p. m. and there is also on the ground Water Co. Here the crystal clear Cash Comer—Arrive 7.30 Pogis,” pounds. of turns and descends Spring Pleasantdale and the fine bull “Bills a flight stairs, handsome of the goods to be 23.—The m. close 7.30 a. herd is headed by that famous cow “Signal’s Lily Flag,” Some fine Delaine Merino are dis- water is seen in bottles arranged in at- display Boston, August Champions and 11.15 a. m. and 4.30 p. i m. sheep a dur- winner and the stairs, eaoh playing mandolin at their stoTe. de- and 1.00 and 6.00 p. m. John,” who is an old prize who holds the silver challenge cup valued by Henry R. Perry of Eagle tractive llgures, from those holding a pint found lost one game today and only[esoaped played entire a MAILS. at Rhode Island. of but- ing this performance. a B. 0. Pingree of Lewiston, has lar ge second a time agreement ISLAND took the sweepstakes at 8250 for the largest yearly test Bridge, N. Y., and L. B. Harris of to others that must contain couple of feat in the by have taken Alabama Troubadours sang several of wood mantels and other work. cows with this Bull a 29 The display at 6 o’olook. The The 10 ter made by Jersey cow, namely Vt., shows a full class of gallons. whioh stopped play Island—Arrive at 10.30 a. m., 2.30 p.m. Lyndonville, Prof. Burke the Kent’s of biscnlt and Peaks | $800 at different and 1049 and selections, delighted Goudy & display hit Nichols easily in the first a. 2.30 m. prizes aggregating pounds in one week pounds Shropshire sheep. He also exhibits C. O. Morton’s eleotrlcal display oc- Cincinnatis close 8.30 m., p. with the performance of his in of Miss ana Chebeague Islands—Arrive at 9.00 state fairs. 3-4 ounces in one crowd bakery goods charge Blalsdell, but the home|team could do little long year. of dressed wethers, whioh prove a whose light buff game, m.: close at 1.30 m. pictures the Ravell trio cupies pretty booth, and best that firm a. p. __ .T H II. Whitcomb. Littleton, Mass., famous cow is “Tor- trained dogs,and appeared is one of the largest with Hawley. The Bostons had the sec- /stond-Arrlve at 12.00 m.; close Another equally the good mutton qualities of his sheep, drapings are very pleasing. Here will be Cousin’s Eresian in some amusing pantomimic scenes. has ever put Into the hall. in but for 2.30 p. m. has 19 head of Holstein stock, mentor’s Fancy Wax,” who took first wether 25 months old after of a In the ond game well band, played MAILS. one dressing Albatross found every kind thing STAGS bull “Pauline Maid’s Hei The riderless pacer whosejfast Foster Avery, clothing; Palmer Shoe and before realized headed by the at New England fair in 1895. the scale at 126 pounds and one 10 line. The firm makes a the time limit, they prize tipped a feature of the last electrical special- De KoL” With that 7 ounces. These little miles were Rigby company; E. J. Harmon, florist; Maine had scored the runs. Beach—Arrive at 5.30 p. m.; close at Sir Tirania hirn^is test Is 14 pounds, months old, at 103 pounds. In this exhibit of the inoandeBoent aro it, the visitors tielng Bowery oircled the track at a record ty Granite 2.00 p. m. bred cow, “Ethel' Alexans Matfc are fawn colored and meeting, & Mew Hampshire company; Score: high and big Jerseys Mr. Perry has a fine yearling ram jnst from the Consolidated Electric Attendance 12,000. Elizabeth and Knightuille—Xriire at light JUUUWU oufjlltuj D1UU) Cape as to look making clip. JiUniBIl ODW awn, close at 6.00 a. m. and Twist." black and are as good pictures from England that weighs 260 Co. This is so combined that Game.) 7.30 a. in. and 5.30 p. m.; imported Light light fine exhibits. (First Stockwell & Gifford of Sutton, Mass., this tent is another in which RACES. oorapany make 2.00 p. m. at. Near by pounds. TODAY’S It affords all the softness of the incandes- 00200280 0—7 Pride's Comer, Windham, No. hall the walls are ooTered Cincinnati, jtuck Pond, head of Devons, headed by the a of In Reception and South Casco—Arrive have 18 this form shows variety agricul has 85 m, __ on 0-2 B. B. Morrell, Stanstead, P. Q., Akaon mono nn frwinnici ml cent joined to the power of thejaro light. Boston, 01000001 Windham, Baymond Victor He of all sorts and on the with paintings. The catalogue had not nr in.30a. m.: close at 2.00 D. m. 8-year-eld bull of-Springdale. tural implements Oxford South Downs, The handsome booth of the Portland sheep. Downs, a 9. 8 trot and a 2.13 pace. Hits, Cincinnati, 10; Boston, & Errors, beaten in New are wind a 2.29 pace, arrived at a late hour so that part of the has never been England vacant spaoe adjoining mills, Leicesters are among the breeds. They Co. all the various spec- Boston, 4. Batteries, Haw- The first of these is a class event and Gas Light gives Cincinnati, 1; TBO and won the junior fair will be attended to later. One-third Nichols »nd a In the show ring C. agent. VMM MV- V and Peitz; Bergen. George Tyler, stake races. lalLlOD Ul UUOU GDUOUUDliUlUUUi ley the other two are The en- Is to the ex- at Syraouse as a yearling. EXHIBIT. shows 29 of the ball given up splendid 0 championship KENDALL & WHITNEY’S J. G. Hilton, Anson, Me., follows: of all sizes, and a Wellsbach burner are Cincinnati, 0 0 2 ties are as of M. Steinert & Sons, or- 0i 2 0—5 The cows have been winners at the Merinos anti Fet to at- hibit pianos, Booton 1 0 0 2 Kendall & Whitney have a spacious sheep. Hampshires, particularly noticeable and seem CHAPMAN NATIONAL BANK In New 2.29 Class, Pacing; Purse $1000. and aeollans. All the favorite piano latger shows England, Syracuse set aside for tbe oat- are among his exhibit. the visitors as inuoh as any other gans tent on the ground sheep tract __ of Maine, •and Trenton. has C. S. Lyons, Louisville, Ky., oh g, makers display ohoice instruments, and A Hnctnn u. rmii/tuics, Portland, and make a fine display oi Frank Moore, Starks, Me., feature. tie department a form of the Is Lewis and Bergen. An exhibit whioh is bound»to attract and Merinos and Walter Hilton Lord Samuel. the piacoline, aeollan, Dwyer and Peitz; dairy anc Leicesters oh Fire Gilt. in front of the Macdon- agricultural implements, J. O’Neil, Lexington, g, Directly stage fall of because it oan be played the ball game today, Yeager, attention Is that of the IsaleigSi Grange 25 South Downs. David Gray shows b MoJoe. interest, Daring etc. \V. A. Baggs, Springfield, g, the makes a of was ordered CAPITAL, P. owned poultry supplies, ald, confectioner, display over the boara of the and does the Boston’s first baseman $100,000.00 Stock farm, Danville, Q., by Whit- mutton P. E. Hendricks, Taftville, b m, Lulu key piano show a hay press from the sheep. sweets that is surrounded constantly by for a They all the work of the aeollan. out of the first game questioning 4. N. Greenshields, prominent lawyer. and what if Undivided man company of St. Louis, Jewettsville, N. b the young people. They make a specialty Surplus and Profits, $25,000.00 There are 23 head of and with K. C. Bever, Y., g, The rest of the hall is devoted to needle Gaffney’s veraolty. Gnernseys In active THE TRACK EVENTS. Umpire more, this press operation—t Fiank Reysdick. of candy kisses, and their Ice cream par- China. There Solicits the accounts of Bank«,Mer- them is the famous bull Matchless whose br work and band painted At game, Pittsbnrg, and something rarely if evei Newark farm, Newark, Del., s,King In the anteroom is Washington—First feoo- novel idea Two Stake One of Them Split into lor well patronized. a. 4. innings.) and mother won the championship at the Races, are not so many exhibits of the China as Washington, (Ten cantile Firms, Corporations the at fairs-De Lovalle’f A Is that of Mr. 3; Washington, 3. seen on grounds Seven lleats. Hartford, b m, very dainty display and the names of the ex- ond 'Pittsburg, and is to fur- world’s fair in Chloago. Besides these Albert^, Sylvan- usual this year, game® of dark- Individuals, prepared kept moving with Bernstein. On a moderate sized inning on account cream separator islalso Louis in the case so Called sixth faciltites there are six heads of handsome Ayr- In rather hibitors are not put that nish its patrons the best and the visitor will also see The horse races started disap- W£D. Jordan, Mecbanio Falls,Me., b g, table he has a collection of hand and don’t to look at the dog power, painted must be strictly in 1; shires. forget: for it looked as if both the judges Impartial DAt Baltimore—Sp. Louis, Baltimore, and liberal accommodations. all kinds of moving macnines, hay racks, pointingly, and bonbon boxes that display litter of cellie dogs whiohtare in a stall off in ,a&n McDonald, Medford, br tn, Llbble placques their awards The exhibitors this year 6 that the farmer oi events on the card wore going deal of taste and 1 Phila- In short everything C. a great skill. Mrs. S. P. War- At Philadelphia—Louisville, 8; near by. to favorites. But T are Mrs. W. H. Stevens, and advanced ideas straight heats royal Janies Swain, Lancaster, blk g, inks are famous the world Interest Paid on the most progressive Pa., Carter’s over. Gertrude Mrs. Beposits. The Highland farm in Auburn shows was done many a shift ren, Miss Mlllett, Worthley 4; New think of. before the day G H J ocoupy a table next to ^At^New^York—Cleveland, York, of Holstein F reshin could possibly They Bernstein, Mrs. Maxwell and Miss 14 head cattle head- in one of the classes and it was ‘Pomfret Stock farm, Pomfret, Ct.b m, of Westbrook, 11. DEPARTMENT FOR SAVINGS. notable feature is the pyramid oi occurred they present their specialty SPECIAL that aristocratic) Sir Nether A C. where put up GllBon, and a lady from Skowhe- ed by bull, which rises in up into seven heats, first money Lydia of Elsie Invited. dairy salt, split A. J. Libby, Gardiner, r g, Silver In all manner shapes. They make a Interviews tod Correspondence land al> are their Worcester’s had been TO GARBISON HONOLULU. Oiothllde.’and noted.for of a to a horse that gan. from the centre largs finally going Pilot. feature of their invisible Ink. _ rioii milk and butter. fair proportion the br President* acrosf given a second rating by professional A. J. Libby, Gardiner, g, Lacka- ink come San Francisco, August 33.—Major Gen- CULLEN C. CHAPMAN, counter and stretched lengthwise Next to Carter’s three or four FAIR. B. Bead of has 12 wana OFFICERS OF THE J. Bowdolnbam, guessers. in F. O. eral Merrian, who will command the Cashier. the tent. H. H. James, roll-top desks, got up Bailey & THOMAS H. EATON, head of winners at different races. The 2.19 B Hamilton, Ont., Jerseys, are exhibited Both were stake pace These desks of the fair are: troops stationed at Honolulu, has authori- Other tools Abuteskse. Co.’s best style. will repay The officers DIRECTORS: Maine State fairs, and his two-year old agricultural of a sensational suoh as developed nothing C. D. Edmunds, Bangor, blk g, Blue H. Appleton, Pea- ty to spend (35,COO for a hospital, (180,000 Isaiah Frye & Co., Portland, a close Inspection. President—Francis steers are fine looking animals. by a for the erection of barracks and for C. CHAPMAN, SETH L LARRABEE, maohines, character. Moth Miller, four-year-old, Grass. of the Crescent Silver Polish (58,000 CULLEN ploughs, horse hoes, mowing The booth Hall, North Ber- houses for the officers. PEBLEY P. The Hickory Hill farm, Boilinsford, from the Maplehurst stock farm, 2.12 Class, Trotting; Purse b°\noeBPresidents—John E M STEADMAN, BURNHAM, etc. gelding $1000. Co. of Kent’s Hill Is prettily draped with Manchester, N. H., The first New York regiment consisting N. and Geo. H. cultivators, wick ; Fred Smythe, JAMES F. HAWKES. H.,ls represented Yeaton, at Lancaster, Mass., was easily favorite. in order to Oba- of 1300 and 300 of the second of BRICE M. EDWARDS, Belcher &, Taylor of Chicopee Falls, Alexander MacLaren, Buckingham, P. the national colors, intro- S. B. Phinney, Barnstable, Mass.; regiment this and D. d. WILLIAM M. MARKS. This was his fifth start season, br m, Wistful. claim diah Providence, K. 1.; volunteer engineers will be sent from HENRY S OSGOOD make a showing with their Q., their which they has Brown, N. H., good duce polish, here as the United States first M,W&Ftflstp he failed to carry homo Alexander MacLaren, P. Vt. -- garrison horse haytedder, once had Buckingham Drew, Burlington, M national rake, JIudgett only the for cleaning silver, they pres- Mass. on island. This foroe be Increased he Food and b s, Earabie, Great No. 30, 34. no superior T. Rowell, Lowell. the will Easy the Stevens Fertilizer sowers, eto., the slice of the purse. He came Q., sliver souvenir Seoretary-E. biggest Frank Jones, b Tom ent with eaoh box a Brown, Hampton by the enlistment of a battalion of 400 worthy of note is the National of 2.12 1-2 made at Portsmouth, m, Treasurer—Warren to especially here with a mark men from the Hawaiian military. Easy Buy, reversible sulky plow. Tin Yankee pul- Boy. Falls, N. H. Institute D. A. Snell, New o spoon. The Worcester Polytechnic to be seen and W. J. Lester Is Providence. Bedford, m, Celnva. are: MASS. to verizer is New odd 3xhibit in front of the further The trustees for the State of Maine WORCESTER, Cook, to ex- heats verv D. A. Snell, Bedford, b s, Z An DAMARISCOTTA. Easy on deck as usual only too glad He took the three straight Jupe3 W. SUIT AGAINST MENDENHALL. President. F. & J. H. the is a model trolly oar, John M. Portland, deoeased; T. C. the fine of every maohine. final heat Little Fitzpatrick, North Cam- end of stage, Adams, to plain points but in the o 23. Sher- of study in Mechanical. Civil and Eat, handily, bridge, m, Nancy Time. Mr. J. S. O’Brien exhibits in or- F. Mllliken, Portland; 0. P. Mattocks, Damariscotta,August —Deputy Course Easy crowded him to a b whioh Electrical Engineering, Chemistry and General Girl, a Boston mare, J. M. Forbes, Boston, e, Bingen B. iff Mulligan today served on the town in to to show his new patent brake for Portland; Amml Whitney, Portland; Science. New and extensive laboratories POULTRY DEPARTMENT. 3-4. Belle G„ a Spring- John Toole, Sandy Hill, N. Y br a der Lizzie M. Chemis- Easy Digest. new’mark of 2.10 B’ when Walker F. O. Beal, clerk notices of the suit of Engineering. Electricity, Physics and G. H. F. a car. Not infrequently MoKean, Fryeburg; Steam and a a mark gtopping try. Special iacilitles in Hydraullos. Plymouth ltocks, ISralimas. J.angahans, field mare that as trotter, got Stock of E. P- Hiscook the town for damages filled uaker Oats Winnepauket Farm, Webster N. car is going at a high rate Bangor; H. L. Whitney, Hebron; against 104-page Catalogue, showing postilons lost her grip an electrio K. Homing I’igeoiiB, Turtle Moves, Etc. of 2.12 1-4, but long ago H. b g. Maple Valley. Au- sustained from a defective highway. by mailed free. Address J. and the brakes are applied the Rioker, Poland; Frank H. Briggs, graduates, At all and the paoers, was F. W. Noble, New Yorlcb gpeedi MARSHALL, Registrar* grocers Lovers of the feathered tribe have a feast in that class joined m, . The sum claimed is (2000. Mason o cannot stand the pressure and give burn; Sylvanus Porter, Cumberland; the first heat She has Farm, Tauntoh, m.Vulauoe. brafc& ‘in 2-lb. only in store for them in the poultry depart- distanced in pkgs. 9 —--- — _—--—-- HlSCEttANBOta. HISOELLANGOCB. KISCBIXANBOIUS. I HAULED DOWN ■■■■ mSCBZXAJSTBOirS._ OUTRAGES BY INSURGENTS. CUBAN FLAG. m*———— in ■ --01 MISCELLANEOUS. FLAG GOES UP TO STAY. mi———^ — '■.■"'*—■■ A FELLOW FEELING. and An- Gen. Wood Couldn’t a fc ■'■ ..- m One Havana Paper Chargee Them Find Koom for It m ■i.ijin. .niMjinByp' wnqiP" other Denial It. Santiago. Makes Portland Feop'e as "Wondrous “More of Those Kind" as Elsewhere. de Cuba, 31.— (From a Spanish Correspondent.) Santiago August Delays No Down American in transmission. The ho.spital ship Ua; Hauling Ensign via West, 92.—The A fellow feeling prompts it. Havana, Key August State of the Massachusetts Aid Assooia civil government of Havana has received We all have troubles of our own. This Tim?. tion arrived yesterday from Guantanami Delightful” a telegram from the mayor of Neuva Paz We appreciate assistance. Bay with five surgeons and six male an' stating that the Diaro Da La Marina had Belief from trouble promotes gratitude. six female nurses. The Bay State i published a letter from a correspondent Gratttdude promotes publicity. taking on board a larger number of slob In which it was asserted that the in- Publicity promotes publlo good. 12—via San Francis- The second and ninth-Massachusetts regi Honolulu, August had oi man with a had back. surgents committed outrages A co, August 22.—Precisely at eight min- mente are the only suspected yellow feve RUGS various MO all and doesn’t kinds. This the mayor deolared The kind that aches day utes to 12 o’clock the Hawaiian flag The Bay Statu wil QOETTE today reported. to be false. patients 0‘- cease at on absolutely on | night. descended from the flag-staffs all sail for Montauk Point Monday. back is I.a Lucba will a denial of the Is a man when his publish grateful the government buildings and exactly A quantity of hospital supplies hav cured. report. The Diarlo He La Marina sent a each. five minutes to the same hour the Stars been landed for use in the army. at $1.75 about it. special to investigate the Harvard saile i He wants to tell his friends on the breezes correspondent The cruiser and Stripes floated tropic matter and of the auxiliary can be had. the confirms the story One hundred endthirt, Let them know relief The oere- this morning. from every official flagstaff. outrages and reports many crimes com- > in Portland. members of the thirty-third Miohigai Size 27x60. Lots of fellow feeling one. mitted the of th mony was a most impressive To by insurgents. reaiment and President Jarvis Pills bare cured so The situation at Havana remains the Dean’s Kidney hear the strains of ‘‘Hawaii Pend” for North American company were o] I same as during the blookade. baoks. national board. » many the last time as a anthem; to Provisions and other necessaries of life fo exceeds the but citizen The Prairie sailed this morning r The demand for these rugs supply, -we’ll try Bead what this Portland says: blow as the and hear the bugle taps Hawaiian are very scarce prices continue high. with 20 of the seventl address-33 Montauk Point to as and as as Name—Mrs. A. C. Wright, from its The free kitchens whloh have been em 1 satisfy the wants, fast long possible. ensigu sank position, and to infantry on board. The general trouble commenced established in Havana. daily furnish th i Oxford street. “My notice the emotion of many who had barkation of the fifth army corps, about 33,000 persons with food, bat owing am across the small of my back It first Illinois, ninth Massachusetts with pain been horn under and lived thoir lives to the great number of poor in the city tomoi on 24th will begin and as time went urinary was who are without food of cny sort, the Infantry regiments developing under it, solemn. row. The socretions from tho amount of handled by these difficulty set in. But than came the call for the supplies at San Luis, a negr • bngle kitchens is Insufficient to relieve Friday night were scanty, full of sediment and quite tinel of the 6th Illinois battalion kidneys raising of Old Glory and the strains distress to extent. Women and gin W RUG nny great “THE action which is the town was alio annoying from too frequent partic- of the “Star Banner” broke children lie about tbe streets pale and garrisoning Spangled by Cubans. The Cubans attempted U at When these symptoms more like than living be- ularly night. forth as that banner was unfurled to the looking corpses pass the sentry when the latter chal and limbs were very noticeable my body When the ings. them and failing to under breeze. oheers broke forth, An of the longed they to time medi- Immense majority Spanish stand the were bloated. I took from time had challenge fired upon b; THISTLE.” that been dim for a few min- tbe and the eyes conservatives in island the one of them by but I re- of the soldier, being Injured cine prescribed physicians utes 'became bright when the Stars and natives, favor the annexation The crowd returned the fire killing th benefit from It, whloh ceived very little if any blew out. island to the United States, they sentinel. The citizens of 6an uls com Stripes a wear away of oonslder the only means of securing on ends. and the attacks would In the grounds and around all the ap- plain of the actions of the undiscipline* Reversible, desirable patterns, fringed stable government in Cuba. Evan tbe an* to return with greater vigor. proaches were crowds of on-lookers. negroes, charging them with thefts, themselves most ardent residents now favor I about Notably remarkable was the number of Spanish one criminal assault. Gen. Lawtoi I read an account In a dally paper annexation. Hawaiian^ Within the grounds the has Bent one of his stall officers to loves Pills and I thought I The colonial secretaries and a number Doan’s Kidney military and naval display was line. tlgate the trouble. Gen. Sbafter toda; bad at of other officials met at tbe palaoe a few would try them as I was pretty Hawaiian troops, United States marines, visited town to investigate the allege* nights ago to receive orders from General the He 50c each. I sent to H. H. Hay & Son’s the' mounted patrol, the polioe and the outrages by military. exprasse* Only the time. Blanoo the of a regarding preparation at the condition o; of Free and citizens’ guard presented splendid Ap- documents and other disgust undisciplined drug store at tho junction preliminary steps the 6th Illinois regiment. pearance. for the evacuation of the island. Size 27x54. i Middle streets, far a box and commenced Yesterday the Cuban authorities raise* It is that the insurgent foroes first the sediment in- MILES COMING HOME. reported a Cuban flag over the municipal build to use them. At from the provinces of Plnar Del Klo and I Gen. Wood ordered the flag to b< l but and by it grew less and Matanzas are in Havana ings. creased, by nnitlng province lowered. I of the Gee, Macias for Evacu- to make a in- finally disappeared. The puffing Capt. Arranging purposing triumphal entry The San Carlos club and several mtr I to Havana city. body went away and the annoying and ation of Cuba. obants also raised Cuban flags. Col Hood was asked for protection from th* urinary difficulty left me. I COMMISSIONERS. distressing EVACUATION American soldiers. On account of th* a friend to Doan’s Kidney P. will ever be Ponce, R., August 22—(Morning)— Cuban flags being raised a number o: Pills ond I strongly urge everybody who Gen. Miles and his Btaff will leave for Offlolal Announcement By Spain of Ap- Ktores;were;threatened and guards.of sold iers were about two of them. requires suoh a medloine to try them.” home on the steamer Aransas tonight, pointment*. placed BAILEY & CO., Pills are for sale by all He Is now a nnal conference JOHNSTON, Doan's Kidney Homing A VERY FUNNY STORY- dealers, prloe 50.oents. Mailed by Foster- with Gen. Brooke, who arrived from Washington, August 23.—The state de 7 N. sole this and Gen. a call from M. mri i Mllburn Co., Buffalo, Y., agents Arroyo morning, Wilson, partment received today Ohio Has That Joan MCLeso nui 190-192 Middle Portland. States. whose have been moved of the French em- St., for the United headquarters Thiebaut, secretary Republican and Re Secretary of War. aug22dat Bemember the name DOAN’S and take here. bassy and in charge during the absence of i I editor of the San Jnan bore a notifi- no substitute. Senor Lopez, Ambassador Cambon, who Dayton, Ohio, Aug. 22.—A special Correspondencia, is here. He reports cation from the of Spanish government from the Cincinnati Times-Star was re. J Qfcyornor General Maolas Is pushing pre- the military commissioners for Cuba and produced in tlie papers here tonight that for the evacuation of the Isl- Porto Rica Under the peaoe protocol parations John R. McLean would not be represen- and. The obstacles in the harbor of San eaoh was to name its mili- Must Have a Stove ? H government ted at the state convention which was Juan are being oleared away and a ship commissioners within ten days, their tary said' to be due to the report that he !b to loaded with dynamite has teen removed. meetings to begin within thirty days. Bueeeed General R. A. Alger as Secretary WEEK Senor Lopez says he will return to Spain The ten days were np today, and accord- of War. This caused metre stir among A GALA that has in a few days, leaving the details of the ingly Spain gave the offiolal notice of the the delegates than anything to his subordinates. been for in Ohio conven- evacuation appointments. They are as follows: sprung years Gen. Henry’s men are badly in need tions. For General Gonzales of provisions. The garrison here says It Cuba—Major In of circumstanoes the Rear Admiral Pastor y Landereo spite story is impossible to transport supplies over Parado, of tlie Montoro. was believed by mhny delegates. the mountain trail and It has been ar- Marquis that if McLean should CLARION For Porto Rico—Major General Oteoa y It was conceded I to send them to Areclbo, an open ranged of First Rank Valla- become McKinley's secretary of war and IN PORTLAND The Sth Massachusetts and 6th Diaz; Commodore A Hundred Reasons port. Advocate Sanoh- the an adrainstra- Why, are without shoes. rino y Carrasco, Judge Cincinnati Enquirer RUPTURE. Illinois regiments Leon. tion that it would cause a which we can’t tell Gen. Brooke, who is to be in command rez del Agulla y paper, politi- D. A. Ms SPJHOXAXllST. official list differs from and his PLiBTTS, D., of the may leave Gon. Wilson in The foregoing cal revolution, as McLean pa- here. island, you no until our are ctired. of the while some of the lists given in press despatches, have been the most faotors ♦ ♦♦♦ We receive fees patients direct command troops he, per potential and which have included Admiral Montojo, in In- OFFICES: PORTLAND. 478 Congrese St., Friday Saturday. HQTJRSi Will Be the Week of the Gen. Brooke, is attending the sessions in this state as wdll as Kentucky, and 8 to n! a. to. General General Macias and Just let us write you if your dealer Lewiston, 194 Lisbon St,, Monday Tuesday. of the commission for Porto Rioo. Blanco, diana and other states for free silver. 118 Wednesuay. 2 to 4 p. ttL several other officers. Brunswiolt. Main.fit, prominent Spanish The Bryce Berg and other elements tries t0 se" else. Bath, 109 Front St, Thursday. Monday and Friday evenings. Considerable attaches to the y°u something tt nrm MANILA. significance seem to'be very au*12W&P Sp CAN’T ENTER of Montero on the circulating studiously ♦ ♦♦♦ naming Marquis McLean whether believe Cuban commission, as it Indicates a pur- the story they “ it true or not. There can be that is Just as Good.” pose on the part of Spain to go into the Nothing Bat Merritt Fermits Aguinaldo to Govern future government of Cuba. He Is the Outside. only commissioner, Spanish or American WARSHIPS ORDERED TO BOSTON. THE DAILY PRESS taken from civil life. He is secretary of | WOOD & BISHOP CO. “SKS* August 22.— Orders were 1 the treasury of the Cuban autonomist Washington, issued froin the department today 23.—The cabinet and all his Interests are connected navy London, August Hong Kong for a fleet of six to from with the of Cuba, rather warships proceed 1°ThRe of the Daily Mail says: government Roads to Boston for correspondent than with the military question of the Hampton repairs. are E. LE1AND & “Several American warship will return evaonation of Cuba. He is They the Detroit, Topeka, Wilming- Can be found at the EDW. C0„ Spanish Castlne and Marietta. All but the always periodla here and dock when Great Britain shall named, it is believed In order to carry ton, Members New York ana Boston are at Hampton Roads, stores of: ont desire to have an understand- Wilmington TODAY. Stock BithnM between the TODAY. have reoognized the peaoe Spain’s just arrived from Key West and E. W. Roberts. 109 Congress street ing as to the future government qf the having on tha arrival of the Wilmington, the A. B. Merrill. 2*7 two countries. lslnnd, he being intimately familiar ; ** BOSTON. start will be made for Boston. It is ex- Men’s good all wool Business E. K. Sprague, *05 2 EXCHANGE BUILDING, “Generals Merritt and Aguinaldo have with the of the civil adminis- G. 526 questions that Boston will be reached the $10 and $18 K. Fessenden, out- tration of Cuba. pected Suits, regular W. H. Jewett. 604 agreed that the latter shall govern latter of the week. Announcement and ELEGANT VALUES As secretary of the Cuban treasury he part grades qualities, only I. A. LlbbY. 680 Eide of Manila for the present. No in- was made of the arrival of the monitoie F. A. 985 Congres street is also very familiar with questions affect- JeUison, the Puritan and Terror at a Cbas ASbton.. W31A Congress street COPPER-STOCKS surgent will be allowed inside of city the Cuban debt. Ampbitrite, $6.75 Suit. ing Guanica, Porto Rico. in GOOD SUITS For B. E. Donnell 135 Congress street AND India street with arms. Coats and vests C. Frederiokson. 16 TO AMERICANS- $5.00. Federal and “A British met with a GRATEFUL A Stubbs, corner Temple Sts. surveying party CHOICE OP MR. HAY. Beardworth. 87 India street betier &■ 18 J. J. hostile reception Saturday between Deep Men’s grade $15 F. H. El-Skins. 43 Middle street. FUTURES. Cervera Expresses Appreciation of Ills Washington, August 22.—It was stated closed out at 2 street COTTON and Tai-Mosham, near here. A suits, being only E. D. J. Forkins, Exchange Bay in an authoritative quarter today that S. F. Dennis, 419 Commercial Btreet and and Treatment Here, Stooks and Bonds Bought Said thousand natives beating gongs Mr. Hays’s choioe as secretary of State, C. S. Cole, Cor. Boyd and Oxford street $10.00 a Suit. Middle devils” closed the was due to his general fitness foi $4.00 Suits only $3.35 J. W. Peterson, 177 street. in all Markets. shouting “foreign solely 78 street New 33.—The following tha and was without reference and Vests (Ages 10 to 15 yrs.) W. L. Crane, Exchange gates against them. Two Maxim guns York, August position, Coats $7.50. St West 93 ana 95 Commercial or consideration of the Chinese Suits Wsstman and 70 blue jackets were ordered out and telegrams have passed between Admiral to ques- $6.00 only $3.50 Join H. Alien, 381% Congress street SOMCIXB0. to tion. Trousers and 4.50 8 to 18 CORBESPOSDKSOfi the natives were given ten minutes York Soldiers and Fine $3.50 (Ages yrs.) DennSt&Co, 646 Congress street Cervera and the New Portland open the gates. They promptly compiled grades being closed out at only $7.50 and S.00 Suits only $5 OO G. J. Hodgson, 96% street Sailors Families Protective Association: X. M. Glendenmg,‘Eong Island. with the demand. Brevities. Md.—The Agricultural $5.00 and 6.50 fine SAILOR F. L. Brackett Peaks Island. Admiral Cervera, Annapolis, $2.50 a 1116 street 21 OP of New voicing A fine surface will bold down water. pair. SUITS, only J. E. Harmon, Congress may SUPREME LODGE KNIGHTS citizens of the city York, 33.50 Whitman & 422 Congress street of the United j, H, Son, _mr PYTHIAS. the sentiment of the people Hawkweed is notice as a 83.00 itllitdy Suits only 3.00 Ii. M. Butler, 68 Pine street the receiving States, meeting In Metropolitan and $1.00 Fancy muslin J. H. Vickery, 221 Spring street. 23.—The bi- House under the auspices of the dangerous threatening pest. FALL Blouses, H. D. McKenzie,. cor. and Clark 3 Indianapolis, Ind., August Opera OVERCOATS, 49c. 3 to Spring ennial of the Lodge, York Soldiers and Sailors Families Car native are said to be only (Sizes 8.) Capt Eons. 48 Portland Pier. meeting Supreme New sparrows all House of will tomorrow Lieut. Kichmond extra good qualities, wool, Boys’ $7.50 and S.OO tine all G. W.Hunj. 8 Custom Whart Knights Pythias, begin Protective association, weed destroyers, weed seeds forming an Cox. 23 Monument desire to ex- one lot handsome Covert Cloths, wool John square, MemJNN'* morning with every section of the world, Pearson Hobson, presiding, F. Hutchinson. 12 Elm street _o-l 1 _ nnnvortioMnn of their winter food. J. a important part where there is grand lodge represented. jjipdo r-7 ; Peter Tlilms. Forest Avenue. oonduct me national encampment oi rne uni- of your magnanimous, obivalrio For regions infested with Hessian fly $5.00 each. Also at the news stands in the Falmouth. his BICYCLE and GOLF aud United States form Bank, was formally opened this af- toward LI out. Hobson and gallant Gentleman advises a wise rota- .SUITS, only Preble, Congress Square ho- Country lot darli Trunk and Union ternoon. uniformed men on the occasion of the sinking of the One gray, regular $10 tels, and Grand Depots, ft Nearly 10,0(10 men tion of crops and the use of varieties of ot OPIUM 85.00 a Sait. can also be obtained Chisholm Bros., Agents ELIXIR OF are in camp. The Supreme Temple, Merrimao in the harbor of grade, Park steamship wheat stiff on all trains of the Maine Central, Grand Trunk of the Drag By Ua The attractions at Rigby Kathbono Susters, will Wednesday and good health, having flinty stems which tine Is a preparation t$loi open Santiago. Greeting each. Boys’s Top Coats and Ree- and Portland & Rochester railroads and of while tte and the attendance will be JOHN BYRNE, President. are more resistant than other varieties $6.50 on of the Boston Trains. njurfous effects are removed, fat and morning, (Signed) fers, 5.00 and 6.50 for agcnis any will be more numerous than ever before. The Imperial York (trades The Puses can also nefounu at the uable medeciflal properties are retained. U greater Mr John" Bjrne, president New to the attacks of this insect. 4 to 15 following of Khorrossan, began boys, years, only Haskell. tbe sedative anodyne and anM- All palace, Knights Soldiers and Sailors Families Proteettse “Lime in form of Auburn—G.H. possesses all greater than ever before. this and will last four the of carbonate Odd Knee Trousers tor F. Pierce, monring days. Association: Boys, Augusta—J. apasmodlc powers at Opium, but produpas go The Sister- as in marl, wood can Bath—John O. Shaw. Supreme lodge, Pythian Your telegram of the fifth instant did lime, ashes, etc., 50c, 05c, 75c and $1.00, $3.50 each. of the stomach, no vomiUpg, no eo* the best horses in the country will tomorrow morning. Berlin Falls _N. H.—C. S. Clark. sickness hood, open not reach me until yesterday. I feel very usually be applied with safety in the M. Burnham. headache. In acute natrons di$ At three o’clook this afternoon it was Biddeford—A. tlveness, no at your manner of appreciating or at other season of the BrMgton—A. W. Ingalls. and Is re com* will bo there. The cattle and that there were gratified spring any orders It Is ap invaluable remedy, estimated 25,000 strangers behavior towards the gallant Lieut. Brunswick—F. P. Shaw. the my year, but autumn is always tho safest D. mended by the be's* phyStctanG. of in city. Hobson and his men. I seize with pleas- Bangor—J. Glynn. stock entries exceed those t six o’olook time to caustic or slacked Harbor—C. F. Kennlson. A tonight Camp Colgrove ure the of expressing my apply lime,” Bootlibay in tent members of the opportunity Brownfield—E. L. Frink. sheltered 12,050 to the people of the United says good authority. any year. an in ex- gratitude Cape Elizabeth—Dyer & Jose. previous rank, attendance •* '• Uniformed States for the marks of symapthy they J F. Marrmer. of the executive com- W. W. Sawsou of market gardening cess of expectations me, whioh I shall re- Cumnerland Mills—H. G. Start The “Midway” will furnish are always showing Ru- mittee. as I live. fame in Massachusetts is quoted by Lewis. member as long _ Camden—Fred ral New Yorker to tho effect that in STANDARD CLOTHING J. H. Uould. lots of fun for the money. (Signed) CEJRVERA. CO., Cornish—l*B.Knight. DEFEAT CHINESE IM- HEBELS planting a late crop of peas there is lit- Scanlon. SPANIARDS OUT. 205 Mid.aie Street. Deerlng—N. J. PERIALS. CROWDED tle of mildew if varieties ueermix ^outoi—a. a*. iuovvu* danger early Manufacturers and Promoters of Fashionable, Perfect H. 23.-The Daily Mail s Fitting Pamanscotta—M. damage. “'San Francisco, Call., August 22.—News London, August like Nott’s Excelsior, American Won* for Men and ISoys, and operators o? 36 Fairfield—E. H. Evans. says: “Gen. Clothing stores. has reached here from the Olrent that Madrid correspondent or Little Gem are d4t P. White &0* that the Americans der used. aug20 Farmington—H. earily in July thero was a battle between Jaudeness telegraphs Freeport—A. W. Mltohau. The of the Spanish C. Portland City hall will contain the rebels at Wu Chow and the imper- have taken possession Fryemirg—A. Frye. the former for their own troops nnd MISSED. F'ryeburg—J. T, Whitmore. ial Chinese troops in which headquarters Bros. 1500 of the that the troops are encamped in WESTBROOK :: Gardiner—Bussell a exhibit. Through- ware victorious. Over troops Spanish SEMINARY, W. Fifield. magnificent Their condition is In tho when the Green’s Landing—8. Delight were slain and their bodies were thrown the cathedral quarter. I mis* you, dear, springtime, J. Lermond. | recommends their Gorham—L. out the week Portland’s chief in to the river. bad. Gen. Jaudenes willows blossom whitely, Me. N. H.—S. M. Leavitt & Bo* of the I prompt repatriation in order to prevent When the sloe boughs bloom and bourgeoD Deering, Gore—F. E. Kussell. H. Otis. business will be STILL THE OLD HOPE. the outbreak of an epidemic,” nnd tho blackbirds build and sing, Keunebunk—J. thoroughfares fringed I SALE I G5th 1893. E. Miller. When over the sky of a^uro the white ASSIGNEE year begins September 6, For Kennebunkport—C. Housewife 22—3 m.—The op- catalogue with full information send to the Livermore Falls-0. Newman illuminated with col- Madrid, August p. TO clouds pass lightly, & Winshii^ that is | brightly MR. DINGLEY GOING QUEBEC. t President, REV. H. S. Lewiston—Chandler Is a flavoring extract position parties, supported by the press When violets wake in the and WHITMAN. ^pdlands island—8. H. Marston. pure and never varies tu ji- and are the Hon. Nelson jly2Td8w Deering. Me. Long ored and decorated with public opinion, urging gov- Bath, August 22.— Ding- corn blades freshly sjBKig. Limerick—8. 0.Grant. strength or quality. Cal® i lights ernment to resist tbe American A., preten- bade farewell to bis summer home on Lisbon—C. H. Foster. L and Creams made from jf. sions in is ley when the HUMAN HAIR GOODS. 1 M. tne belief summer, I Philippines. The But I miss you, too, in 1 isbon Falls—A. Gerry. banting. island this morning for the Must be dosed Falls—Merrill 4s Denning. general that Germany, Russia and France Squirrel waves break on the shingle, M Halt Price and Lees. The Pcrltend School for Girls, Mechanic will America’s con- for to meet with is wanea "No Deeriug—A.C. Noyes. oppose annexing any season, leaving Quebeo When the languid lilies’ perfume out before Sept. 1st. f.. Nil.-J. C. siderable of the t|: (formerly tlie Mellows School,) North Stratford, Huuhtingi Baker’s Ilf portion archipelago. United States and Great Britain Joint upon the breeze, 4h-l Sto o An official the Paris Ilair Store re- Norway—F.P. | report from tie and and fragran Lovering’s Will open f Santiago Commission of which be is one of When creamy pink ji k| September 21,1898.atlG3 Danfoith A. 0.3N ovesCo. Cuba announces High II moved to B nireet, I'ortioiKl under the sailing of the steam- for the United roses nod in the dingle. 440 Congress street, Me., the management N Conway-C. H. Whittaker. the commissioners States. to B of MISS ers Islado Penay and Villa Verde with turn the meadows gu M First Parish CAROLINE CRISF1EI.D and MISS Old Orchard—Fogg & Libby. $ ^flavors Extracts When the kingcups nearly opposite AGNES LOWELL. all Gen. Ordonez and a seas. Primary, Intermediate L. Preble. There Extract? f rates over number of and Ulcnmond—A. are * Excursion large B. & M. BRAKEMAN KILLED. toning golden and Advanced Work, College Preparatory Falls—F. J. Kolte. £ simply perfection. officers and men. Kumford C are unlike many others as they never vary f rua- Chemical and JPhysieal Laboratory. French & Carr. in autumn, when in Dockland—Dunn iu or excellence; you should insist *. lines. Lawrenoo, August 22.—Joseph Young, And I miss you more spoken in tho family a part of the (lav. A. J. Huston. X quality transportation A. G. LIBBY, Assignee. Roys on (irocer you Baker's .very a Boston and Maine brakeman fell he- tling cornfields yellow admitted tolho younger classes. Bros. X your gjving jf TO ENTERTAIN when th | Sanford—Trafton time. To bo convinced PEACE a of | jf COMMIS- neath the oars tonight while on their lavs gladness, & Buck. freight, Reapers sing Jlyl9dlawTu2m Skowhegan—Blxby £ * SIONERS. and was instantly killed. The wheels loudly call, South Portland—J. F\ Merrram. * Try them just once. ; plovers ana over his head crushing it into When the woods ore gold emblazoned H. Dicker & So* Your Grocer Sells Them. Washington, 22.—In view of passed W. Dead. August Ho leaves a family. orchards mellow Louth Windham—J. £ J Watch the for list of at- the at Paris of jelly. apple Paris—A. D. *¥** papers early meeting the Spanisb- bramble red and purple whore South Sturtevaut. ** **************¥**** Amer ican And tho v;ant school furniture, and the Paris—F\ A. Shurtleil peace commissioners, arrange- berries fall. When you South tractions. TROUBLE CAUSED ripened South Waterboro—G.C. Downs. ments are already under way for the en- DOMESTIC the tertainment of this best, get Saco—H. B. Kendricks & Oo. 9Ug9p2w distinguished body. SUICIDE. most of all I miss you when thosnowfiah®» E. L. Preble. is understood that the But It commissioners white are flying, Booth Bristol—N. W. Gamage. be tho of the Cherry field, August 22.—Ambrose h Will guests French govern* When the flays are dark and dreary 8110 Xhomaaton—E. Walsh. while no formal of l OR SALE. ment, invitation has Tibbetts Columbia, committed suicide nights are long and drear, Yinal Haver.—A. B. VinaL DR. FILLEBROWN been extended. f. it Is leafless forest branches wmaa “CHANDLER” Waldoboro—Geo. Bliss. yet (o somei through block of land at Bay yesterday owing, alleged, When Waterville—W. D. Very desirable largo removed to Y. M. C. A. Kooro are sadly sobbing, ADjrSTABUi Spalding. Ferry Beach; 100 feet on thr sea wall. bat building:, domestic trouble. Tibbetts killed himself siglilng, mos Westbrook—Wr. B. Boothby. View, other The steamer Aransas with General it is I think I the Address J. M. KEENE, 1DSI Maas. 36, Tuesday*, days by appointment. Then miss you—oh, Devonshire St. BOSTON., Woodfords—Chapman & Wyman. Frloe SSSO. Miles od board lett P. last with a ritte. He was years of dear! 165 Ave„ Cambridge, Mass. aug2GMW56t Take Elevator. Boston office 157 Newbury Ponce, R.( fifty-five of all—my apris Yarmouthvilie—A. J. B. MichtelL St. augldlm* night for New York. age and leaves a widow and two children. -Chambers’ Journal. Jr-m- -- MKASOAX. AMUSEMENTS. AMUSEMENTS. career the oenturies by man __ | PORTLAltD DAILY PRESS. Commissioners. If the Peaoo Commis- their through it has fallen to the women to bring them — sioners decide that the United States AND into universal popularity. After bring- shall hold them then a fashion it is to he sup- THE PEAKS ISLAND. MAINE STATE PRESS. permanently, they ing about such GEM THEATRE, have felt must will become Ours, no matter how few or posed that women they Subscription Rates. stand by It, for, whatever the cause, men mercantile The Handsomest Summer Theatre in America. how many of them we hold now. If they tho for six have never baoome addioted to glove Daily (in advance) $G per year; $3 Under tlie Personal of MR. BYRON DOUGLAS. lecide to the contrary, then our flag will manner of women. A Management a 50 cents a mouth. habit after the months; $1.50 quarter; and Commencing MONDAY evening AUGUST 22nd, and every evening lor the balance of the oome down, no matter whether it floats man is bound to bs oomfortable, Trust The Daily is delivered every morning by Co., week, with Matinees Every Afternoon except Monday. when are a discomfort he within the limits and at over Manila alone or Is flying from every gloves carrier anywhere olty them off. He never loses sight ot the First National Bank Building, Voodfords without extra oharge. Island in the whole group. from the rib sex, MR. BYRON DOUGLAS utility idea, dlfferina Corner and Middle at the it Exchange Dailt (not in advance), invariably which was created blind to tnd his excellent Stock Company will present for the firs t time In this city the exciting Comedy One of the most curious arguments for shirt waist, rate of $7 a year. With the introduction of the Streets, Portland, Maine, Drama national expansion in the direction of the and Fedo- Maine State Press, (Weekly) published the short skirt, and the sailor become THE IRON MASTER. every Thursday, $1.00 per year; 60 cents for 6 Philippines is offered by the Providence ra hats, a woman’s costume has offer the following bonds: months; 25 cents for 3 months. and Journal, which says: simple and sensible, The production will be given with New Scenery and magnificent costumes. comparatively in entirely persons wishing to leave town for long or it is tbis new freedom and comfort h I Evening Performance at 8 o’clock. Matinee's at 2.45 o’clock. Caseo Bay Sieamers leave Cus- There will follow inevitably such an U. S. Govt. New 3's. for »m House Wharf at 2.15 Matinees and 7.30 (or Evening Performances. Round Trip Tickets, short may have the addresses of their that accounts for her indepen- periods snlargement of our national horizon as dressing nth admitting to Theatre, 25 cents. Reserved Seats. 10 and 20 cents. Boxes, six chairs matter of ooupons papers changed as often as desired. will lead us to set aside forever some of dence in the gloves. Maciiias Water Go. gold 5’s. neach box, 30 cents each chair. Admission without Casco Bay Coupon, 20 cents, sale of lte- ;he and of domes- Merchants and dealers in say at Casco Bay Steamboat Office, Custom House Wharf. Advertising; Rates. petty noxious questions gloves isrved Seats tic policy that have far too that this new bare-handed fad has affect- Water Co. 5’s. for Jns engrossed Newport, Maine, gold In Daily Press $1.60 per square, much ot our political attenion in the ed the sale enormously. June, July and Three insertions ■ & Aroostook R. R. 1st week; $4.00for one mon*h. past. There will also follow a necessnry August are deadly dull in the glove trade Bangor Every other day ad- iemand for a class of men in the find IVERTON or less, $1.00 per square. higher and this year not even silk gloves %A/EEKOF rates. 5’s. vertisements, one third iess than these ■esponslble oflioas of the government—a the sale of former yearB.—New York Mortg. gold for one iemaad that can be and will be met, and w¥ Half square advertisements $1.00 Sun. PARK. AUC. 22d. which when met, will bring us the great City of Ellsworth 4’s. Week or for one month, $2.50 poon of better at home of the width of a col-, government along THE ANANIAS CLUB- “A square" is a space with the increased responsibilities abroad. Boston Terminal Co. bonds. Unm and one inch long. one-third The government we give the Philip- Notices, on first page, add!-, A Session at Which a Stranger More Than We also offer Washing- THE THE Simcial pines must be for it $25,000 essentially despotic, Himself for tional. __ Qualified Membership. is on all hands that the ton that are BOSTON FADETTES Amusements and Auction Sales, $2.00 per agreed Filipinos County 4’s, exempt or each week. Three insertions less, »re inncapable of seif-gvernraent. How NOVELTY WOMEN’S square A tall, thin man, better known on the from taxation in this State. $1.50 per square. r despotism in the Philippines under ORCHESTRA. and classed St. Lawrence in the bass season than any COMPANY. Reading Notices in nonpareil type >ur auspices is going to improve our 15 cents line each from the steamer one noon OPEN per where, LETTER other notices, to stepped AN with paid in this it is hard jovernment country A of recently at Santa Catalina island, Cali- A company of excellent artists In two daily company trained musicians in two Insertion. see, unless upon the assumption that a PRICE ON APPLICATION. ot class vaudeville dally concerts of and classical matter who own the stands jntertalnments high popular Pure Reading Notices in reading type, fornia. The boatmen aoe9 dt! music. lospotic is better than a republican form To MOTHERS. ipeclalties. cents line each insertion. and who have a keen eye out Concerts at 6'5 per >f and that along shore, WE ARE ASSERTING IN THE COURTS 'OUR RIGHT TO Entertainment, at 3.15 and 8.30 daily. a.15, 4.30 and 7.30 dally. For Sale and similar adver- government, despotic govern- Wants, To Let, a visitor with a in for prosperous looking THE USE OF THE WORD “CASTORIA," AND TAKE RIVERTON CARS AT HEAD OF PREBLE ST. 23 cents week in advance, for ment under our auspices the Philip- EXCLUSIVE tlremeuts, per did not him a seoond glance. the rod, give AS OUR TRADEMARK. words or less, no display. Displayed adver- pines will familiarize people of the “PITCHER’S CASTORIA,” 40 But he had seen them— he had taken in tisements under these headlines, and all adver- pountry with it and reconcile them to a $90,000 the beautiful bay, the smooth water, DR. SAMUEL LABOR 5 tisements not paid in advance, will he charged to it. Is PITCHER, of Hyamis, Massachusetts, JMLLliH’S THEATRE, DAY,MONDAY,SEPT. ihange rowboats with s ats for rates. well-equipped At at regular was the “CASTORIA,” the same that MB. BABTIEY MoCDM.UM, Manager. Sebago Lnhe, State Press—$1.00 per square No doubt Seoretary Algor's letter to rod fishermen hauled on the beaoh, the originator of In Maine PER GRAND for > CENT on and doubt- 4 lor first insertion, and 50 cents per square Uhauncoy Hepew was meant to be made big fish hanging the racks, borne and does now bear on THIRTY YEAR CELEBRATION has ^ every Under each insertion. public when it was it is doubt- less had sight of the bits of paper The Coolest. Beit Ventilated and Equ'wed the Auspices of the Portland Long- subsequent written, caught shoremen's all communications relating to sub- of simile Benevolent Society. Address less his defence against the attacks that pinned to them, recording the weight the fac- signature of wrapper. Summer Theatre in Am;rici. 1180—1898. to Portland and advertisements hid each fish and the fortunate captor. scriptions iiave Deen iuauu u^juu wopunmcni in in Co., 87 Exchange Street, Half au hour later the tall thin man This is the original “CASTORIA” which has been used Week Commencing Boat Races—Open to members of the P. L Publishing — wwu. connection with the management of the — OF THE XVAUG. tx V* 22(1. S. B. 8. was the stands sizing Monday Keening, only. Single souli. one mile ana re- Portland, me. wandering along 1st branch of the service. It is un- into the the homes the Mothers America over turn; prize $20, 2nd *10; entrance fee $1 military up the place, finally drifting of of for thirty years. boat. Double _l_m stand of the boss Matiness Daily (except Monday) at 2.30 p per seujl working boats, $40, doubtedly true, as the Secretary says, photograph-decorated at 8.15. one mile and return: lit $25, 2nd $16; tnna mifrar uhfmt; whinh WPrA ffnfhfltfld LOOK CAREFULLY at the and see that it is WATER & Evenings prize, iu wrapper STANDISH $1 per man encranee fee. that much of the sickness the army the a group of men who represented Base Ball—Prize $16. Clubs to pay umpire THE PEESS. due to the have —* on the all has been neglect Tuna and Ananias clubs. The members the kind you always bought CONSTRUCTION CO., and other nebesiary expenses. Including the soldiers of the ordinary of the former wore a small button of blue transportation. by a. m A four act comedy Rads—too in the center of which was a and has the wrap- a foot yards straight away; 1st TUESDAY. AUGUST 23. rules of health. But the chief com- enamel, signature of DUE 1928. I drama by Wm. Ha- prize 83. 2nd Vi, eotrano* fee tuna in silver and the words Tuna Club; |a AIJ 25c. the War | LnU worth, author of 3 Quick Jumps—1st prize 83, 2nd $2; 25c en- plaint made against Department boatmen wore buckles, No one has me to use name the lyre-shaped per. authority from my except This company supplies Deering, West- ga hi the Ensign, etc. trance. when the men have been the of the Ananias. A dark-eyed ilia A Back has been that insignia brook, Gorham and Standish, and the splendid pro- Race—1st prize 83. 2nd $2; 25c entry. received tuna fisher moved up to give the stranger The Centaur which Chas. H. Fletcher is President. |f I duction. Potato Rebe—Bringing creel, 50 ELECTION MONDAY SEPT. 12. taken sick they have not proper Company, of above bonds are jpotatoesAo a s eat, and then continued the conversa- yards; lstprtze $8, 2nd$2;250entrance. medical service. There has been, if com- of to * tion. Some one had just landed with a Tug War-Open bona-fide members of the P. L. 8. B. 8., t ioen to con«dtute f* mon is to be believed, a lack both catch of fand he was dis- TRUCE. teams, $5 report forty barracudas, to no entrance fee. Republican Nominations. GUARANTEED direction of winning team; of and medical supplies at all cussing it. Produced under the personal Bicycle Race—One 1st silver physicians barra- mch24‘m8-oJZ^ MoCuIlUtn. mile; prize, “But should see the Florida Portland Water Co. Manager water the Deficiencies in these respects you by & pitcher; 2nd, bicycle lamp; no entranoe camps. cudas. I killed one In Bahama some Reserved Seats on sale at Stelnert Sons, FOR GOVERNOR : satisfac- Deceived. 117 street. it Santiago Gen. Alger explains are that measured eighteen feet in Do Not Be Congress Ladles’ Jig Dance—1st prize, gold ring $5; ye ago —FOB SALE BY— Bound Trip Tickets with Coupon Ad- Accidents to the ships, bad roads diameter.” no 2nd prize, no entrance fee. torily. Do not the life of child mitting to Theatre only ‘40 ceotg. Gentlemen’s Dance—1st silk um- The shifted his seat nervously. endanger your by accepting Jig prize, Powers md consequent difficult transportation etranger brella; no entrance fee. Llewellyn “Its teeth were like young bowie knives which some offer if do not entirely excuse, a cheap substitute druggist may you Tub Race—1st prize $3; 2d 82; 25c entrance Of Houllon. extenuate, they and dozens of men are killed by them H. M. PAYSON FINANCIAL (6€L at But on the in- &C0., the had state of affairs Santiago. every year. This one I took on a reel; he makes a few more pennies it), Putting Heavy Stone-ist prize 83. 2nd 82; fixed (because 25c entrance fee. are available as excuses for simi- it was a eort of an arrangement they not even does not know. to into the stern of the boat, and turned on of which he 3-Lesged Kaoe—istpriz 83,2nd 83, entry 160. For Representative Congress, lar conditions at Chickamauga and Halls gredients 3le. Running Hop, Step and a crank, and whan we hooked the fish 1 82 Exchange St., Portland, Jump—1st prize $3, roads at 2nd 82: 25c entrance lee. Church. There were no bad oil and for ten hours feb38__ began to work it, Kind You Have JULY Bids tor privileges to be sent to C. D. Galla- Thomas B. qther of these places Communication I wound and worked, during which that ;‘The Always Bought” gher, 65 Waterville strees. Entrance for boat Reed, boat from Bull with neither of them was ever cut off or barracuda towed our Pup BEARS THE SIGNATURE OF races and other events to be sent to D. J. of Portland' to Punta a distance of ten Leonard, 48 Middle street Bids for privileges were both in the midst key Gorda, Impeded. They miles, where we finally killed it on the to be sent In not later than 2Cth of August. The all the NEW LOANS. highest bid not neoessarlly accepted. of a populous country, where beach. It weighed 290 pounds, and its INVESTMENTS. Train Time—8.45 from Union Station; FOR SENATORS. Yet the sit- bite was regular filings needed could he hud. deadly poison.” 10 a. m. lrom Union Station. 1.25 p. m. to J ok I nli H. Jr., I’ortlnnd. “Iam to hear your testimony,” Drummond, uation at Chickamauga at one time ap- glad leave Union Station. Returning trains from Edward C. Reynold#, Miuth Portland. said the stranger, glancing around at the Sebago, 4.30 p. m. and 6.00 p. m. S. much better than Cvrun Witham, Raymond. pears to have been not sport-men who were looking at him as $25,000 Garrlty’s Orchestra to furnish music with Joscp'i Y. Hodsdon, Yarmouth, Me. 4s violin for ut What the public want to though to see what effeot the story would South Portland, step dancing. Santiago. TICKETS—Adults Children under 9. 26c. have; “I am glad, because I had the same U. S. New 3 Per Cent. Bonds. 50c; know is why there were not adequate Security Co. 4)f gloves. hare MASON&MERRIU 25. next at 4 o’olock p. lands, more than 1200 in number, and Wb frequently customer, August .'ft 4 Exchange SL. that time have had many the Harbor Commissioners, Since glovos Five I | be and It U fur- hundreds of miles this rule of a seal of pennies 1 to oa with 98 Exchange Street. where all parlies may heard; apart. By ind strange from come copy end significances, dlt ther ordered that a notice o( toe above pegtion suburbs of New York ;he transfer of to a challlenge to j | «ugW interpretation property will clean everything in SHORT k HAH10N together with tills our order thereon. be given Not until centuries later “ ME, Press. combat. it in attractive form ®m In tlie Portland Dally would mean the whole North American lingle the house for \: Put bvnublicntlon lid to take on class signifl- | Advertiser and Express, for seven continent. they begin STEPHEN BERRY, WE : HAVE ; THE Argus. lance. It was when were adopted to the hearing. they ONE WEEK !' make the price reasonable" » WORK days previous iy that the wearing of gloves was ——----—-a. and BRIDGE It is difficult to Bee what royalty j CROWN HENRY FOX. praotloal irst as a mark of station. | and da'td Latest regureded if invested in a bar of / > In such oases the work Is a ($oo/c; Books, SAM'l. B. KELSEY. difference it makes whether the whole Some ot the earlv English kings were always f and Irregularity Specialty. Jali c. H. Farley. and the and Mo. 3“/ Hum street Philippine group was surrendered to Gen. auried with glcves on, when f great and || Open and H. E. MILLS dignity importance. During soap, that wonderful * AI.Lharboring or trusting any of the crew of the many pretty goods. isl and or a thousand. The ;he" reign of King Robert III. of Scotland THB THUR3- from agreement cleanser. ] British steamship Blcqua, Capt. Brown, ;he of the Glovers of Perth, P. BLANCHARD, as no debts of their will Piano between the United States and Spain dis- incorporation OR, ELLERY Liverpool, contracting Tuner, wealthy guild which still exists, was Fels & j JDBNTTIST. be paid by owners, master, or siate »t Chandler’s Muti° blorej43l declares that the Co., OPPOSITE PREBLE HOUSE. Or

at Charlestown Will Probably Be Tied Up Andrew I. Several Elections of Teachers Made Yet- Heaphey offCo. Snccumbs to Yard. XKW ADVEUTUkHiCMB 1UUAY. day. Navy Typhoid Fever. TOCUS & well on her The Owen, Moore & Co. A special meeting of the school com- The Montauk steered very first one of the members of the ffiiibbii Co. J. li. Libby held to but when off Cape Eliza- First Maine Voluntears to die since his Eastman Bros. & Bancroft. mittee was yesterday afternoon, way Boston, Seminole to return Maine TO PERSONAL Hines Bros. Co. _I3 Mayor Kandall in the chair. beth, she signalled to the home, at the General HELPS M steinert di sons Co. ,■ BE 3NL EXCURSION Messrs. McGowan and White- take a made It a simpler hospital was Andrew a Administrator’s Notice. Absent, hawser, which Heaphyy, private BEAUTY AND CLEANLI- Montauk In Co. Togas Excursion. house. matter to keep together. The L, Captain Conley’s company. Via ’rd3 Cottage Casino. • NESS. and Dr. tame from sound to her anchorage Young resided on W. S. Barker. Messrs. Brownson, Peabody Broad Heaphey Washington ETT"TTS street. He MAINE CENTRAL RAILROAD, Dr. Areliambault Co. B 13 Warren wer§ appointed a committee on under her own steam in excellent style. was delirious when taken from the train estimates pro tem. The orders concerning this monitor last Friday and carried to Helps to New Wants. To Let. For Sa^e, Lost, Found Two sets of sketches of the have been several times. At the hospital, and he has never regained and similar advertisements will be foun under proposed changed Aug. 24, restore consciousness since. Wednesday, tbeir appropriate heads on pags li. new Park street school house were pre- one time it was planned to take her to Mr. Higgins seemed MID-SUMMER ■* sented and looked over. They resemble Newport, but unless new orders are Is- slightly improved yesterday. The other xsao what are the new Emerson school. The Park street sued 6he will be tied at the Charles- patients doing well. leaving Port- BRIEF JOTTINGS. up By Regular Moraine Train, have will he a six room, while the Emerson is town navy yard tomorrow, occupying a land 7.00 a. m. SALE OF a four room school. berth next the oooverted boat East westbrookT been The United States Engineer Corps re- ferry The leave of absonoo of Miss Barstow of Boston. CONCERT ceived another baby locomotive for use GRAND stolen street school to It was the Centre was extended of on the fortifications Saturday. Quite a party Westbrook people at- _by the- and Miss O’Downell was THE MUNICIPAL COURT. by a H. K. Porter & Co., of Pitts- Thanskgivlng, the services held the Christian Underwear. built by Muslin , by tended continued in her place. : MILITARY ■ BAND. burg, Pa. alliance at Old Orchard Sunday. TOGUS reckless ”,The resignation of Miss Isabel W. Mr. Nickerson of Town landing, Mrs. W. O. Lord, wife of Lieut. Lord, George Chestnut BEFOBE JUDGE BOBINSON. FOR THE ROUND TRIP. The we advertised for this sale are the rescue Robinson of stree t school, who FARES goods inexpen- expos- Falmouth Foreside, came to who Is severely slok at Chiokamauga, that had is going out of the city, was accepted, and Monday—Patrick Madigan; intoxica- FARE *of two stranded yachtsmen left Saturday evening for that place and FROM sive but are the handsomest low ure to and costs. _ priced goods Miss Annie Leach of Keut's and tion. Fined $3 _ certainly into the water the cap- Hill, Suspended PORTLAND, | been thrown by one will assist the .nurses In oaring for him. Normal was during good behavior; pledge year. wharf Sat- Castine school, elected r summer of their boat near the W. Ross; obstructing sidewalk. Mr. has so iar recovered WESTBROOK’.TUNC. we ever saw. sizing in her George Greely Lorlng S t fortunat.es were temporarily place at the usual D- l 2S urday aft3rnoon. The un from his recent illness that he is now wind, Seward who salary. George tterling and Ham, able to attend to bis duties with tho The sale This and continues all the Mr. W. H. Morton of this for Probable cause found. Bail IIOOIX E GEO. F. EVANS, begins morning out on a fishing trip. They city, F B00THBY, and sun, had been Levi W. search and seizure. local eleotrio company. P. & T. A. V. F. a mechanic Atwood; light G. &;G. Mgr. until Mr. nineteen years of experionoe, clung to the boat Nickerson] Fined $100 and costs. Paid. Mr, Guy Hodgkins of Lewiston,former- auii23dlt 5thor8tlip week. and rain and who has been lately the superintend- Ge..ige McDonald; search and seizure. reached them. ly a resident here, was in the olty Satur- mills commenced ent of the Automatic Scales company, Fined *100 and oosts. Paid. and The Portland Rolling on friends. fog. assistant In the Patrick J. McDonough; intoxioation. day calling are welcome to come and look and a full crew was elected Manual You very you running with yesterday. Thirty days in the county jail. Mr. R. C. Boothbay is at Libby’s beach, school at a of $300. Our Toilet on time a week Training salary J. offi- department They went full again Patrick MoDonough; resisting where he is enjoying a brief vacation. not to We to $1,23:1.65 were cer. Fined oosts. A SHOE FOR will quote only Bills amounting ap- $30_ond clerk for W. $5.00 $3.501 be-unduly urged purchase. was organized to ago. Thomas R.~ Curran; intoxication. Miss Christine Laponte, help you Clerk has received from Sec- proved. for a two weeks’ City Dyer Thirty days In the county jail. W. Cutter, left yesterday a few along these lines. for the W prices. retary of State Boyd tha ballots RUNAWAY ACCIDENT. Annie Worden; common drunkard. vacation which she will enjoy at Man- 1 in the house of eorreceion. Toilet Soaps. diff- election. Sixty days city N. H. Thirty September A. Small, a farmer ot West T_, 11 infAviAAflnw VtnAfw chester, $3.50 I Cornelius um- erent varieties The quarter of nine train over the Miss Ethel Moulton has been the guest Corset Cover of fine Drawers of tine muslin, each claim- Falmouth, who came iuto the city with a days In the county Jail. Western division yesterday morning to Michael J. McCann; intoxioatlon. of relatives In this city. $3.50 band ofmus-| fine brella with six inch ruffle of fine ing to be the best. team loaded with provisions yesterday lin, V neck with broad style Boston consisted of ten cars. Fined $3 and costs. McCann is at work at the | an aooident soon after Harrison At our kind of morning mot with John Smith; intoxication. Fined $3 I fine embroidered embroidery, finished 50c prices. Yesterday was blight, hot and oppres- Poland Spring house this season as clerk. $3.50 tucking, edge, edge hia arrival. As he was driving down Fore and costs. eive; the mercury was id uie eigoues. Sherman J. intoxication. Mr. McCann enters Bowuoin oollege in 38c quality 25c street, just above the works of the Port- Coombs; $3.50 In the garden of the Home tor Aged Fined $5 and costs. September. | DR. RAUB’S land company, his horse started on a ECC there is now a sun flower a former resident Men growing found Mr. Trafton Plaisted, wild run and Mr. Small himself PERSONAL. $3.50 Drawers of fine cambric, um- WHITE SOAP. eleven feet high. of this by his daughter, | of to the horse. city,accompanied French Corset Cover a unable stop brella with cluster of fine Hon. Thom:s B. Reed has received Tesie, has been the guest of Mr. and Mrs. style tucks, George Goody was driving down the Major Collins of the First Maine, at f* | | Nainsook with fine ruffle lace trim- Perhapa from Gen. Corbin, saying that L. B. Mr. Plaisted came on inch ruffle of telegram his milk wagon and was over- Sturgis. 7 very fine embroidery. been ordered to street in home on a siok furlough, was resting the Maine troops have from New York, his present abode, to med, 5oc we sell takan Mr. Small and a collision fol- and Dr. Warren, the at- I 75c by ?asy yesterday, of his old W.L. DOUGLAS $1.00 quality Augusta. was thrown attend the reunion regiment, lowed. The old gentleman tending has good hopes for his SHOE In the^World. more of this A meeting of the committee on. physician, 17th held last week. $3.50 1 special viniant.iv vn the ground and striking Maine, of Ame- recovery. wearers. soldiers’ box of the Daughters The funeral of the late Mrs. Eliza Wood- Indorsed by over 1,000,000 3; Corset Cover of famous on his was stunned. A Cambric, be held with Mrs. squarely head, Prof. Fred Partington of Staten Island, The fit and wear cannot be ex- 3- rican Revolution will ford was held Sunday at 2 o’clock from style, small crowd soon gathered and O til our of who resid- All full back and front with of fine No. 10 street this after- N. Y., a native Portland, celled at any price. kinds of 8 edge Under Skirt umbrella soap than Kendall, Henry the the residence of her son, Mr. Chas. F. style, Thrasher appeared and called patrol 3d here his youth, was in the oity leather. All the modem styles. All noon at 2 o’clock. A full attendance is during The were conducted if g 5oc with hemstitched ruffle of lawn to the Wfiodford. servioes One $3.50. a embroidery, 50c any other wagon which took Mr. Small police He is passing his vaoatlon widths. price, resterday. Thomas B. of the Unl- requested. Then Dr. the city by ’Her. Payne sash and blind station. Leighton, it Orr's island. single make. The lumbermen, door, time verskllst church of this oity. The burial i BOYS WEAR W. L. DOUGLAS physician, was summoned. By this Hen. Edward 0. Brenen, mayor of East | men and millmen will close all day Corset had recovered. Dr. Leighton WSS it Evergreen cemetery. $2.50 SHOE. Same quality as the 3 Cambric Cover, It is a pure to the patient Grange, N. J., was in town yesterday. umbrella Wednesday to allow their employos R»v. F. W. Davis of Cumber land, men's. stylish. 3 and Under Skirt style, found that the left temple was badly The friends of Mr. W. F. Randall Very French style with insertion band to the Now Fair. many Warren and pleasing go England on Sunday at the Con- See them at our exclusive with 4 inch ruffle of fine bruised but otherwise the man was all son of Rev. D. B. preached store, S embroidery, on New )f New fork city, to 69c The committees England Fair, gregational ohurch. The anthem song at edge match, Toilet Randall of this are to see him 75c Soap. Fourth of and lights, all Leld meet- right.. city, glad the chorus ohoir 546 Congress St. July not but the morning service by | of Mr. Small’s team was damaged igain at his father’s cottage at the camp Price ings last night, but nothing publio was composed by Mr. F. L. Jaokson of fmmfffffmwwmwfwmP per Mr. Goody’s team was smashed in several Old where he arrived interest transacted. ground, Orchard, of of and one of the this oity. French Corset Cover cake, lOo last places, two panes glass yesterday. Mr. Randall is with John There was a little shower evening The committee of the Westbrook besides about three city lace trimmed with band in- Child’s Short sizes 6 Box of three cakes for a5o on the streets shafts being broken, Boyle, wholesale canvas and duck deal- Nainsook, Dress, that scattered the people on laying out new streets, of milk rush of business government to the band and gallons being spilled. 318, and owing to the sertion of Torchon lace and to mos., 1 and 2 of fine who were listening Will have a hearing at the corner of edge years, nainsook, will be obliged to return Friday. PERFUMES AND PER- watching the illumination. THE CAPE COTTAGE CASINO. Main and Lamb streets on the 86th day HAY’S with ribbons. $1.00 of tucks and insertion with nar- 2 McGowan has returned from PHARMACY, match, quality yoke F’ederal street has been Mi. T. P. handsomely were today of August at 8 p. m., to all parties in- Middle Street. FUMED WATERS. Arrangements completed ils tour. 75c 1 row lace edge—hemstitched skirt 50c decorated in the same style as Congress European of of Main for Mr. Elmer Woodbury to take charge terested in the change grade and Middle with spread As stated in yesterday’s PRESS The streets, bunting restaurant at the street, from the intersection of Lamb Headquarters for Colgate’s Cashmere Bouquet Toi- of the Cape Cottage will be with the on the Strings of Jefferson opened plajr eagles trolley poles. This news will be weloome to with said Main street to the Deering FAHt TISITORS. let 75c casino. and ths Beanstalk.” This water, lights were put up yesterday. This work ‘Jack play the public and especially to the patrons line. is for the business laa scored marked success In all the Colgate’s Violet Water, paid by people doing who can be sure Mrs. Holmes and daughter, Miss Annie of the Cape electrics, cities and Portland on the street. large theatre-goers 50c and 75c will be served in first- Holmes, Mls3 Maud Legrow, Mrs. Oswald that they always nust not have it said that have not The policing of the grounds this year they are class style. Mr. Woodbury intends to Kcklof and Miss Wilmer Newcomb, EASTMAN BROS. A BANCROFT. Colgate’s Florida Water, witnessed this farce. Miss will be etlicient as usual. Mr. Hugh charming lake. a restaurant fully up to the enjoying a brief onting at Sebago maintain a Portland takes the 25c and 49c officiates as chief of police, and Carrie Perkins, gill, F’ljnn demands of the place. He will make a Mt. Martin Powers left Monday for Wal- ho will have about 20 of the part of Old Mother Hubbard, although Shampoo Mixture, guardians of shore dinners and will doubt- tham, Mass., where he will enjoy a brief Colgate’s specialty it is not associated with peace to assist him. naturally grace and friends. 25o less have a large demand for them. Mr. visit with relatives At the meeting cf the New England and beauty, she 1b olever enough to make Pure Drugs. Woodbury now runs the restaurant at Mrs. Benjamin Strout of Chelsea, Brown’s Florida Water, Fair committee last night there was quite her character attractive, and yet keep the Fine Toilet Coods, FAIL TO VISIT the Union station, at the Old Orchard Mass., a sister to Mrs. Simon] Arenovsky DON’T au discussion over free tickets. figure within the pioture. Miss Perkins Cold Soda, 19c and 48c animated the of this is the of Mr. and Mrs. | | pier, the Jefferson oafe and Cape city, guest Secretary Huntington told the city almost invariably designs her own oos- Smokable Cigars. THE GRAND ¥ 25c Cottage restaurant. At each of these Arenovsky at their home od Main street. Bay Rum, committeo that he had given them 10C0 tume. the have learned that they Mr Harry Roberts of the West End- & Gallet’s Violet Water, wouldn’t anoth- places public Pesident of the New Rogers tickets and that they get Appleton England a buckboard ride [ get the best, hence patronage Is very with relatives, enjoyed 81c and er one. fair is at the Falmouth hotel. $1.69 rapidly increasing. In hie new enter- yesterday afternoon to the Two Lights, AND No. 4711 Eau de Cologne, 50c suc- THE FALMOUTH HOTEL. Elizabeth. PIANO /EOUAN NO INDICTMENT FOUND. prise we wish Mr. Woodbury great Cape from Livermore Falls cess. The Falmouth hotel A man liDIMINISTRATOR’S NOTICE. f Lewis opened yesterday | On the first of this month day a brief visit to this was arrested PER- and soon had a list of who an oity WOODWORTH’S of this was arrested in Madison COLLIDED WITH A CAR. large guests Cayo city on for drunkenness and distur- subscriber notice that he jnjoyed the beautiful new house highly. Sunday hereby gives FUMES-peroz. 43o on the of committed an as- a rnEhas besn Administrator c. charge having A boy on a bicyole collided with Cape bance. Before Judge Tolman yesterday duly appointed Col. F. E. Booth was the first one to a. ot the estate ot • lulc on 10 a child at Bath. He by X H I B I T July upon street about four o’clock E White Blue car on Federal the man was discharged for lack of evi- Heliotrope, Lilies, the hotel register. The hotel will be CHARLES E. THOMAS, late of New York, 1 Violet of Crab Court at sign Sicily, Apple, was taken before the Municipal afternoon. The car was | coming yesterday dence. n the County and State of New York, leaving Lily of Valley. Ylanz-ylang, and cause found aighly popular. Bath probable being from Monument square and was near the (state to be administered in the county of Cun I\ RECEPTION Pearl of Savoy. Jockey Club, Mr. Nunn feels badly that he is not ATTEMPTED HOLD-UP AT CUM- and bonds as the law dl- HALL, lilies, White Lillee, against him, WU9 ordered to recognize switch at street when the jerland, given Spanish Exchange oB'nT.iwn UTi.T.u nVDnT ■ects. and I have appointed Augustus F. | New Mown Hay, West End, to extend an invitation to our in sum of for his in ible yet the $300 appearance youngster, who was going in the opposite Moulton of Portland my Agent or Attorney See The LATEST MUSICAL Trailing Arbutus, Franglpanui, jitizens to see his beautiful house. A About 10 o’clock Mr. the State of Maine. All T And INVENTION, M the Superior Court. Bail was furnished. tried to too close to the Sunday night, ivithla persons Peau d’Espagne, Heliotrope, direction, pass of demands against the estate of said de- Stephanotis, Jasmine. On the at urge amount fnrnltnre and fittings [3eorge Babb, night watchman at the laving Friday grand jury reported car, when bis wheel caught in one of the based are deslreuto present the same for set- hat should have been in nlace. and are no indictment Maine Central, Cumberland Mills ilement. and all indebted thereto are requested Woodworth’s Perfume in Bottles Lath and announced that tracks, throwing him against the side of depot, have /a make payment Immediately. had been found Cayo. Recorder on the way, not yet arrived, but was the victim of an attempted hold up. 98o against the car. The boy struck on his face and J. VAUGHAN MERRICK, JR., The will be hare anti then an corns I had from the 9 Turner and James A. Connelian of this cut his lip 6llghtly, but otherwise escaped ;hey shortly, Mr. Babb jnst tracks Philadelphia, Pa. Pianola, Rogers & Gallet’s Vera Violet, or one on the car was to blame the Augustus F. Moulton, Portland, Me., Agt. AS f nvltation PRESS will be where were oounsel for Cayo, who is a injury. No through below the depot he had been to With the Assistance of Can the V}/ 75o city fnr Aftnirtanti. Uty. Which, Anybody Piay Piano. per oz., ;xtended to Portlanders to see the house. switch for the As 1898. young man who for the last four years Bx the lights night. Scarborough, July 30, /IS yfc entered the office to aug23dlaw3wTu* THE NEWEST* DESIGNS IN has held a responsible position with Joyce LOOK OUT FOR SNEAK THIEVES. be depot waiting As Si/ COMPLEXION HELPS. Brothers of this hospital soldiers remem- into the tioket office he was confronted city. Citizens are notified to be careful this bered. by a man who pointed a revolver at him week for the city is likely to be Infested REEKING. Hind’s Honey and Almond ind demanded that he hold ap his hands. GRAND AND UPRIGHT PIANOS .with sneak thieves and piokpockets. It Those who have assisted in making the 3oe Mr. Babb was for a moment Cream, too much or the work of Elizabeth thoroughly is wiser not to carry money lightshlrts, the Woodfords church I Anil Tlie Self | but as he is in no way a At Congregational Playing Rose Cream, 23o valuables into orowds, and houses Wadsworth Chapter, Daughters of Ameri- frightened, many he resolved to give his 1 Sunday, Bev. H. W. Kimball of Skowfce- ^ locked in the absence can Revo’ution, may be interested to joward strange Evanola Cream, 10c should be securely a of this a dose of bis own medicine. He i ran, formerly resident city, case a house is to that the shirts are now guest of the families. In be : mow benefiting Kimball is Fassett’s Lilacs and for his but found that ; (reached for the pastor. Mr. English r the ,he soldiers at the Maine General H03- -eached revolver, /ERIOL PIANO left .Gene this week police department was I 19c he I and not loaded. At the 1 popular young preacher Glycerine, that extra fital. The Soldiers’ Aid of the D. A. R. t was sight of.the should be notified precaution ; to with muoh interest. The ftS f bis would-be assailant made a lstened pul- & ABE OX EXHIBITION AT OCR Ice, 10c 1 if this have not had a fund weapon BOOTH. .T. Camphor may be taken. city princely next Bev. door and to the ! iit will be ocoupled Sunday by o from. was first creak forjthe jumping Pomade Vaseline, laa draw Money approprl- of Cumberland. Mr. Dana DIED FROM HIS INJURIES. ;raoks ran speedily in the direction of ■ r. W. Davis ited by the Chapter, and a few voluntary is si/ White l8o 1 s well known here as he was at one time Vaseline, the man who Westbrook depot. As soon as Mr. Babb McGillicuddy, ( contributions received. Eugene OM, of the school. small lOo in the Grand iisoovered his revolver was not loaded 1 irincipal Deering High M. STEINERT & SONS Vaseline, 5c, large was so seriously injured The solicited aid has come from indi- C0„ the ticket Rev. Marcus Hobson Carroll of Nor- early Friday morn- le hastened to office where | | Colgate’s Violet Powder, 16c Trunk railway yard idual members of ‘Sons of American who is to occupy the of there were some cartridge in a vay, pulpit T. C. CURED BY I died at. the Maine General hospital j and so' has the desk Is McGOULDRIO, Mgr. $ Cashmere rig, {evolution,” carefully the absence Colgate’s Bouquet after nine o’clock Sun- Irawer. He returned from the office im- trinity ohapel during year’s at a few minutes , um been for food and 517 Congress Street, Portland. Maine. 19o expended hospital the Rev. C. T. occu- if/ SI/ Powder, the effects of his to fiud that the man had if pastor, Ogden, night from injuries. , that v ry nediateiy aas!3*5t clay lothing satisfactory reports iled the for the first time on Sun- Talcum 19o hold an Wed- lown. He aimed two shots in the di- 1 pulpit a? Colgate’s Powder, Coroner Ferry will inquest , ave been received from what has reached Mr. Carroll is destined to be a -eetion of his assailant, but lay. 25o < A modest letter aecom- without Vvwvvwwvwwv^^C-^w-A'^ Colgate’s Nursery Powder, nesduy. ihickamauga. man with his new He Mr. Babb then 1 lopular parish. anied most of the coutributions tflect. reported the & Gallet’s Toilet Powder, TRANSFERS. I asking wife are to Rogers REAL ESTATE to Marshal Swan, 1 ,nd his occupy Mr. Ogden’s name of the donor not be natter City who, with 25c 1 hat the Should Clifton street. Rev. Mr. Wilbur Stanton of Gorham to the Se- Officer Witham, made a careful search 1 esldence Ogden About eight year3 ago I got sore hands. It I ublished Consequently no list has been 20c Wood hoard Company, land in eaves early in September for Comfort with a Inigo but were unsuccessful In Ogontz, A SHORE Powder, commenced on if the NEW ENGLAND burning sensation my 1 city, cap- DINNER, aade but each Gorham. public, gift acknowledged where he is to act as an instructor fingers. When I rubbed them you could see the man. Officer Witham ^ >enn., Mennen’s Talcum Powder, 16c B. of Concord, a and the oommittee uring heard little white on the Charles Dodge Mass., | >y letter of thanks, pimples skin, and I felt it a school for young ladies. Ann M. DeJano, land at Grand View the shots fired by Mr. Babb, bnt was 1234c like my fingers out of their sockets. to re confident that their good friends feel Royal Talcum Powder, twisting Before Judge Hopkins appeared yester- I had fever and cold and in South Portland. in inable to locate the direction from high chills, nights to Nettie E. hat their money has been placed the CAPE COTTAGE Plain Talcum 1234c the floor until I fell Nelson A. Staples Gray, ( morning. Andrew Howie of Warren, CASINO, Powder, I had to walk asleep. I which the shots came. The work is be- ay of land in Bridgton. ) lauds of efficient mangement. the Cuticura Resolvent and Cuticura both Bridgton, who was ejeoted from a train on rose or violet, got B. of Concord. Mass., ioved to be that of tramps or >J. H., Lubin’s Powder, Soap. The nails hardened up and peeled Charles Dodge burglars for off, land at Grand CIVIL SERVICE EXAMINATION. at work in J lunday at Woodfords intoxication and 23c there i3 one of the to Albert J. Gar:o, ;hat have been this Under : Mew : and I don't believe first county Mountfort. jflana^emcnt. or some weeks now. The entire £ rrested by Officer Howie was nails left on mv hands which are now cured. All who desire to enter the civil service transau- Powder, 15c Soule to L. Winslow, don so and Tetlow’s Complexion CASPER DIETSCIILER, VSusan G. Mary happened quickly, the light < ned $3 and costB. In default of payment land in Yarmouth. examination in October for tho down ’38. Genesee N. Y. both of Yarmouth, positions if the depot being that Mr. to Tetlow’s Gossamer Powder, 25c Feb. 22, Pembroke, Co., n was committed jail. if clerk and carrior at She Portland post- tiabb did not have a good chance to size * of Morrill’s was Face A PROMINENT ARTIST. his man for a Mr. Milford Bailey La Blache Powder, Two dollars’ worth of Cuticura Remedies g t ifflco should file their applications at ip description. Levy’s about the face Sun- This Casino, recently built, is one of the finest nppointed 35c cured me of Salt Rheum of twenty years' stand- in an uite badly Injured Portland is very fortunate haviDg ince, as the examiners will not receive MAINE My hands and fingers broke out in red, TWENTIETH REUNION. upset from his carriage in I daces on the whole IWew England coast, overlooking the entire ing. artist like Mr. DeMerrltt of Bos- after ny by being Powder, blisters with terrible itching, then a Young uch applications Sept. 1st. Blanks Pozzoni’s Complexion watery The Twentieth Maine Regiment Asso- Portland. t urroundiugs of Casco Bay. In connection we have n restaurant scab would form, which would peel off and ton, as one of its summer visitors. He be obtained of the secretary of the 50o nay hold its reunion at Hawkes is the blood out. iiation will Riverton Street Commissioner prenar- iecond to none, the lending specialty, come In great cracks, running may lie lemon.bored as having an ex- | ioard of examiners at the a cow’s postoffice. 26. All who avenue from nails grew out wrinkled like horns, Aug. attend a cinder walk on Forest My hibition of his work at Whipple's last Friday, should i ng but now they are growing nice a;id smooth. rate reunion in front of the THE TEETH. fall. He is located where sail for special tiokets on the Derrah’s, FOR S. It. Itobertsdale, Ta. at Stroudwater, BAPTIST MINISTER DEAD. point MILLER, ■ailroads unless they are also to to the Portland and FOR FIFTY he is taking out classes. He is attend e leotrician’s shop, SHORE DINNERS GENTS. delighted 22.—Rev. W. I was to the first three fingers Waterboro, August George ;he New England Fair. tracks. Tooth Powder, T5o obliged keep with the locality and his new work will } toohester Colgate’s the u of I on our of my little boy's hand done up all tune, lavis, former pastor the Baptist of blocks ar- Icing an entirely new feature shores, of be seen at Whipple’s. A quantity gianite paving consisting Hood’s Tooth Powder, 15c a3 it was a raw sore, to extend beginning __ ( hurch at died here s clam _ Biddeford, Saturday, for on Forest teamed clams in the fish and ail of three lved yesteiday the work shell, chowder, kinds down toward the palm. We consulted J. R. Libby Co.’s Tooth Powder, of EXCURSION TO TOGUS. 1 le preached in Chicopee Falls, Mass., The work of is being I isli in different fried clams, ices and different physicians, each a certain length £ venue. paving styles, lobsters, fancy to his in 19c 'time. A gentleman recommended Cuticura annual ! everal years prior pastorate forward. S weets. IVc make a of orders can be tele- Cahill’s excursion to the 1 usbed rapidly specialty party work; I Cuticura Soap, a of Water- Remedies. purchased J jiddeford. Ho was native J. R. Co.’s Tooth National Soldiers’ Home at via A still alarm of fire was sent In yester- j dioned auy time during the day. Cape electrics run right to the Libby Liquid, Cuticura (ointment) and Cuticura Resol- Togus, und tho will 1 loro, and a graduate of Colby to tho East Hose 25c aside what I had been using, and the Maine Central come off on Wed- Best to take alter dinner; r- c ay afternoon Deering t loor. vent, put Newton. with them. Weil! aired that hand. train 1 heological seminary at aid for a blaze the at be^an they nesduy next, by leaving Union prevent distress, dtges- c mnpany among ohips Mrs. cure DIAMOND, 7 a. m. The fare Lion, constipation. The blazo was station at will be 81.25 und 1 | * tussell'e ship yard. quick- Jan. 20,’98. 1C1 Bronson Ave., Rochester, N. Y. The Manila cable was repaired Purely vegetable; do not gripe ELMER lor the round This is one of the or cause without to sur- trip. < by the sign-1 corps of the United pain. Sold by all druggists. M 1 f extinguished damage WOODBURY, Manager. R. Deco aud Cttkh. perated J. LIBBY CO. gold throujrhoutthe world. Potter C. I. Hood ii