Idaho Launches Push for F-35 Jets

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Idaho Launches Push for F-35 Jets 46 / 33 CELLS OF HOPE M.V. woman heading overseas for stem cell treatment >>> FAMILY LIFE 1 Partly cloudy. Business 8 A LITTLE LENDING HELP >>> Commercial real estate looks to banks to reverse declining values, BUSINESS 1 Happy SUNDAY Valentine’s February 14, 2010 Day! Holiday has been a $1.50 major commercial event for a century. >>> N&W 5 Idaho Public Television faces uncertain future after Gov. Otter proposes Idaho DIALING BACK DOLLARS launches push for F-35 jets Boise, Mountain Home sites in national competition to host up to 72 fighter jets By Nate Poppino Times-News writer Idaho officials are pushing forward with a campaign to host the U.S. Air Force’s newest fighter jet, and they hope you will play a key part. A public scoping meeting for an envi- ronmental analysis of where to put the next-generation F-35A Lightning II Joint Strike Fighter is planned for Thursday in Twin Falls. Those comments will go on to Air Force officials who are plotting out the new aircraft’s future. The F-35 is intended to serve multiple roles in the sky, flexible enough for both air-to-air and air-to-ground combat. Though a version of the jet is capable of ASHLEY SMITH/Times-News vertical takeoffs and landings, the Air ‘Idaho Reports’ host Thanh Tan, center, talks with former members of the Legislature on Feb. 4 at The Cole/Marr Coffee House in Boise during filming for a segment Force version is a conventional aircraft. of the weekly show on Idaho Public Television. See JETS, Main 2 State considers new funding formula for IPTV By Ben Botkin Public gets Times-News writer BOISE — Idaho Public Television is at a crossroads. sneak peek at Across its intersection is the present system, in which IPTV offers a service that covers virtually all of new Gooding Idaho. hospital But a sharp turn may be in store for IPTV,in which it By John Plestina is weaned entirely off state funding, and relies upon Times-News writer private contributions. GOODING — When the 50,000- square-foot, $28 million North Canyon What happens next depends on the Legislature and The Idaho Public Television building on North Orchard Street in Boise. The Medical Center opens on March 2 with how it balances the state’s budget with Gov. C.L. organization shares the building with the Idaho Department of Environmental new state-of-the-art digital equipment, Quality and U.S. Environmental Protection Agency. it will replace the vintage 1970 Gooding “Butch” Otter’s recommendation to gradually strip County Memorial Hospital. The long-planned and long-awaited away IPTV’s state funding during the next four years. new hospital held a grand opening, rib- WATCH a video about Idaho Public Television, and get links to bon cutting and public tours Friday and For public television, home of private contributions. Web sites regarding IPTV. Saturday. popular programs such as “The state’s investment is The hospital’s human resources direc- “Sesame Street,” “Masterpiece modest but that modest part is a reflects the governor’s belief in tor, Sara Otto, said several hundred Theatre” and “Antiques really key piece,” said Peter user pay. INSIDE HOSPITAL Roadshow,” the change would Morrill, general manager of “That means if you use or State Sen. Brackett questions See , Main 2 mark a fundamental shift away IPTV. enjoy a service — whether that legislators’ IPTV appearances. from state support that helps State funding pays for the means driving on a state road, broadcast programming to administration and maintenance enjoying a state park, or watch- See Main 3 sparsely populated areas. of IPTV’s statewide broadcast ing a taxpayer-funded television The proposal would take away system, while private donations program to some degree or have to monitor donations from one-fourth of IPTV’s $1.6 mil- help pay for programming and another — the user of that serv- the region to see if they match lion in state funding — $400,000 production. ice should be willing to bear what’s needed to maintain the — each year until it’s gone. That About $3 million of the budget some part of the cost associated transmitter that serves most of money would go to the state’s comes from private contribu- with providing that service,” the Magic Valley. education budget instead. tions, which means IPTV would Hanian said.“This is what we are IPTV has five transmitters The loss of state funding have to increase donations doing.” serving the population hubs in would remove about 24 percent received by more than 50 percent the state: Coeur d’Alene, of IPTV’s $7 million budget. The within four years to fill a Regional impact Moscow, the Treasure Valley, the rest of IPTV’s money comes $1.6 million hole. Idaho Falls region and the Magic from a Corporation for Jon Hanian, Otter’s In south-central Idaho, the Public Broadcasting grant and spokesman, said the proposal proposal means IPTV would See IPTV, Main 6 “We do not see any substantial new sources of funds sitting out there that we have not already explored. We’re not seeing the potential there. … Now are we going to see small increases? DREW GODLESKI/For the Times-News Surgical Technician Orus Bawles gives a tour of That’s possible, but not to this type of degree.” the North Canyon Medical Center during an — Peter Morrill, general manager of Idaho Public Television, on the potential loss of state funding in the coming years open house Saturday in Gooding. Bridge ..............Classifieds 9 Kids Only ........Family Life 6 Obituaries ..........Business 6 Crossword ......Classifieds 5 Jumble ............Classifieds 7 Sudoku ............Classifieds 2 PLAYING THEIR WAY INTO STATE Dear Abby........Classifieds 9 Movies ......Nation & World 7 Your Business ....Business 2 It’s all or nothing for several MV teams > Sports 2 Your New Hospital Opens 3-2-10 267 North Canyon Drive (intersection of Hwy 26 & 46) Gooding MORNINGMORNINGMain 2 Sunday, February 14, 2010 BRIEFINGBRIEF- Times-News, Twin Falls, Idaho Pat’s Picks TODAY’S HAPPENINGS Three things to do today ARTS AND ENTERTAINMENT DeNovo, 320 First Ave. N., Suite 101, Burley, networking and training for manu- Pat Marcantonio Contra and line dancing class and DJ music, Ketchum, free admission, facturing industry, no cost, reservation 2 to 5 p.m. at Twin Falls Senior Citizens or 726-8180. required: 679-4793 or [email protected]. • All kinds of good stuff what the area has to offer Center, 530 Shoshone St. W. $3 admission. Reminder for Friday: Mardi Grass fundraiser is on sale at the Magic for Valentine’s Day. 410-5650 or MARKETS halibut dinner, 5:30 p.m., with bingo and Valley Flea Market, held • My favorite thing to do silent auction, West End Senior Center, $11 Forever Plaid Valentine’s Day Special, doors Magic Valley Flea Market, wide variety of from 10 a.m. to 4 p.m. in this time of year is to watch per person, advance tickets by calling 543- open at 6:30 p.m. show at 7:30 p.m., Boiler vendors from Antiques $ Collectible, new Merchant Building No. 3 at as many of the Oscar- 4577 or at the door. Room at Sun Valley Village, includes: show, items and crafts, 10 a.m. to 4 p.m., Twin the Twin Falls County nominated films as I can — choice of a menu entree and a root-beer Falls County Fairgrounds in Filer, Merchant Fairgrounds in Filer. either at the movies or on To have an event listed, please submit the float per person, Valentine candy and a raf- Building No. 3, free admission, breakfast Admission is free. DVD. It’s fun to do with name of the event, a brief description, time, fle, tickets: $30 per couple, at the door or at and lunch served, 410-1738 or magicval- • There’s nothing like friends. I have six movies place, cost and contact number to Mirela Sun Valley Recreation Center, 622-2135. sharing a beautiful view down and four to go. Sulejmanovic by e-mail at msulej- with someone you love. [email protected]; by phone, 735- There are plenty of views to Have your own pick to EXHIBITS TODAY’S REMINDERS 3278; by fax, 734-5538; or by mail, Times- share in the region, from share? Something unique Art exhibitions by Catalan-born artists Quim Reminder for Wednesday: Southern Idaho News, P.O.Box 548, Twin Falls, ID 83303- the mountains up north to to the area that may sur- Bove with “Nova Stream” and Marta Moreu Manufacturing Alliance Forum, noon to 0548. Deadline is noon, four days in the Snake River Canyon. So prise people? E-mail me at with “Connection,” 11 a.m. to 4 p.m., Gallery 2 p.m., Morey’s Steakhouse, 219 E. Third St., advance of the event. pack a lunch and enjoy [email protected]. E ARNING HIS E AGLE Jets Continued from Main 1 Photo courtesy Boise Metro Chamber of Commerce The state has mounted a An F-35A Lightning II Joint Strike Fighter jet is shown in this conceptual rendering of the aircraft full push to secure the air- with Idaho markings. Idaho officials have launched an aggressive push to become the home base craft, including a Web site to the U.S. Air Force’s newest fighter. and Facebook page. Officials are actually court- ing two proposals: • Mountain Home Air Force Base is one of five candidates for a site to actu- ally serve as a base for the new aircraft.
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