Agenda Item No. 7

Sandwell Metropolitan Borough Council

Report to the Cabinet Member for Urban Form

29th October, 2002

Moving forward of Transport Vision 2020 (Forward Plan Ref. No. UF031

1. Summary Statement

1.1 The development of the draft Transport Vision 2020 recognised the rapid pace of change and the need to assess the future transport needs of the Borough. It is important to do this now so that proposals can be taken forward, funded and implemented to fit with and complement the other agendas being pursued for the Borough.

1.2 The Draft Transport Vision was approved for consultation on 23rd October, 2001. This has now been completed and this report moves the Transport Vision forward and seeks approval to the submission of future Local Transport Plan (LTP) programmes.

1.3 In order to assist the consultation an executive summary was produced and distributed. The responses received are reproduced in the Appendices attached to this report.

1.4 Overall the consultation exercise, in common with recent wider West Midlands consultations, showed little or no support for extensive road building as a solution to the conurbations transport problems. There is broad support for promoting walking, cycling and public transport as the core of the Council’s policy. The issues raised in the Draft Vision were seen to be relevant and the proposals identified were generally supported. Many responses wanted improvements in a short timescale and sought to pursue major changes rather than small improvements.

1.5 It is clear from the comments made during the consultation that managing and maintaining the existing transport network is very important. Making the best use of what we have in a cost effective way is a clear priority for the Council. Where necessary improvements to improve traffic flows, assist regeneration and allow access for walking, cycling and public transport should be pursued. Selective road building should only be pursued when all other solutions have been considered and careful analysis of the effects of new highway capacity in inducing additional car traffic have been examined.

1.6 The existing Local Transport Plan (LTP) commitments need to be taken into account when considering the way forward for the Vision. Schemes already committed in the approved 2000 West Midlands Local Transport Plan have funding streams to allow their completion in a programme concluding with the opening of the scheme for Owen Street in 2006/7. These named schemes in already committed are:

Cradley Heath Town Centre Regeneration Scheme, Blackheath Town Centre Strategy, Owen Street, Wednesbury Bus Station, Bus Showcase schemes on Routes 404 (-Blackheath), 139 (Birmingham-Pensnett), 311 (-Walsall), 51 (Walsall-Perry Barr), 11 (Outer Circle serving Bearwood) and Route 9 along the Hagley Road serving Bearwood and Quinton.

Also Centro and the Council are committed to delivering the Midland Metro extension, Wednesbury/Brierley Hill.

In addition schemes for local safety improvements, cycling, walking, safe routes to school, travel demand and management, bridges, and safe and healthy communities have also been funded over the next 3 years.

1.7 It is suggested that the schemes supported through the consultation could be taken forward as follows:

- A4100 Improvements for submission in 2003 LTP.. - A461 Burnt Tree-Black Country New Road through the West Midalnds Red Routes Programme in 2003 LTP. - All Saints/Expressway/Carters Green Improvements in 2003 LTP. - Great Bridge Islands in the new 2005 LTP. - Soho Way/Soho Street in the new 2005 LTP. - Future Bus Showcase schemes as outlined in Centro’s 20yr Strategy and to be implemented from 2005 to 2011are Route 451( to Sutton Coldfield), Route 74( to Birmingham via West Bromwich), Route 126(Bearwood to Wolverhampton) and Route 87(Dudley to Birmingham via Smethwick). - In partnership with Centro and through the LTP progress on the Midland Metro network with possible future routes for 2008/2010 along Hagley Road with a spur to Oldbury, A34 through Scott Arms to M6 Junction 7 and an extension Wednesbury to Wolverhampton via Darlaston and Walsall.

1.8 Schemes have been supported through the consultation and following initial assessment of the highway network which require further feasibility work to be undertaken to identify the nature, extent and prioritisation of improvement schemes. The scale of work required may well require Major Scheme bids, greater than £5m, to be developed for the 2005 LTP. These schemes are:

Great Bridge Islands A461 Burnt Tree

1.9 The schemes already outlined above and the proposals contained in the Moving with the Times initiative to increase funding for Minor Schemes, Walking and Cycling would suggest that at least a £6m a year LTP Settlement Programme would be required, excluding major schemes and Bus Showcase. At present the Programme in the 2000 LTP is £4m. Such an increase would require additional staff and consultant resources to ensure its successful implementation.

Further details are attached for your information

2. Recommendation

2.1 That the consultation response to the Draft Transport Visio 2020 be noted.

2.2 That A Moving the Transport Vision document be published.

2.3 That the Vision be taken forward through planning policy, the Moving with the Times transport initiative and the discussions on the Local Transport Plan submission for 2003.

2.4 That the following schemes form the basis of the future Local Transport Plans and be programmed to enable their implementation at the earliest opportunity commencing with the 2003 submission:

(a) Schemes already committed in the approved 2000 West Midlands Local Transport Plan:

Cradley Heath Town Centre Regeneration Scheme, Blackheath Town Centre Strategy, Owen Street, Wednesbury Bus Station, Bus Showcase schemes on Routes 404 (Walsall-Blackheath), 139 (Birmingham-Pensnett), 311 (Stourbridge-Walsall), 51 (Walsall- Perry Barr), 11 (Outer Circle serving Bearwood) and Route 9 along the Hagley Road serving Bearwood and Quinton. Commitment to delivery of the Midland Metro extension Wednesbury/Brierley Hill; Schemes for local safety improvements, cycling, walking, safe routes to school, travel demand and management, bridges, and safe and healthy communities;

(b) schemes supported through the consultation could be taken forward as follows:

- A4100 Improvements for submission in 2003 LTP; - A461 Burnt Tree-Black Country New Road through the West Midalnds Red Routes Programme in 2003 LTP; - All Saints/Expressway/Carters Green Improvements in 2003 LTP; - Great Bridge Islands in the new 2005 LTP; - Soho Way/Soho Street in the new 2005 LTP; - Future Bus Showcase schemes as outlined in Centro’s 20yr Strategy and to be implemented from 2005 to 2011 are Route 451(West Bromwich to Sutton Coldfield), Route 74(Dudley to Birmingham via West Bromwich), Route 126(Bearwood to Wolverhampton) and Route 87(Dudley to Birmingham via Smethwick); - In partnership with Centro and through the LTP progress on the Midland Metro network with possible future routes for 2008/2010 along Hagley Road with a spur to Oldbury, A34 through Scott Arms to M6 Junction 7 and an extension Wednesbury to Wolverhampton via Darlaston and Walsall;

(c) Scheme bids, greater than £5m, to be developed for the 2005 LTP:

Great Bridge Islands; A461 Burnt Tree.

In accordance with the authority delegated to the Cabinet Member for Urban Form, the following course of action has been agreed, which will be formally recorded in the minutes of this meeting:

(1) approval be given to the recommendations above (as amended)

(2) approval be given to the above recommendations (as amended) and that they be submitted to Cabinet for consideration

(3) the above recommendations be not approved for the reasons given in the minutes of the meeting

______Cabinet Member for Urban Form

Date 29th October 2002

Robert A Lee. Head of Planning and Development Services.

Contact Officer

John McIlroy Transportation Planning Group 0121 569 4021

Moving forward of Transport Vision 2020

3. Resource Implications

3.1 This report will lead the submission of a new transport programme for funding under the West Midlands Local Transport Plan Other funding may be required for some schemes and partnerships with others will be sought.

3.2 In order to implement the step change in funding arising out of the West Midlands Multi-Modal Study and the resulting Moving with the Times Initiative, extra staff and consultant resources will be required. These will have to be bid for if the recommendations in this report are accepted.

4. Policy Implications

4.1 The development of a new Transport Vision accords with Council Policy. It builds on the policies and proposals contained in the Revised Deposit Unitary Development Plan.

4.2 The draft Transport Vision 2020 identified a way forward in developing the transport agenda and possible schemes across Sandwell. The results of the consultation are contained in this report and the recommendations seek to take forward the important issues raised and develop a programme of schemes for inclusion in the next West Midlands Local Transport Plan.

4.3 The schemes brought forward by the draft Transport Vision 2020 support the regeneration initiatives being pursued in Sandwell and assist in remodelling the urban form and providing a sustainable, improved environment.

5. Crime and Disorder Implications

5.1 The implementation of the schemes identified in the Transport Vision will seek to create a safer environment for travelling in Sandwell and will address crime and disorder issues.

6. Sustainability Implications

6.1 The Transport Vision emphasises the importance of improving the provision of sustainable integrated transport network, providing particularly for walking, public transport and cycling. It has been developed in the context of the Council’s sustainability agenda and the transport policies and proposals contained in the Revised Deposit Unitary Development Plan.

7. Implications for Young People

7.1 The Transport Vision looks at the problems that exist in the existing transport provision within Sandwell and identifies proposals which will be taken forward to improve transport for all. It provides the context for the development of an integrated transport network which will provide for young people. The policies being taken forward emphasise the importance of walking, public transport and Cycling, all modes which are available to young people.

8. Background Details

8.1 Sandwell is at the heart of the West Midlands conurbation and is the most urbanised of the seven metropolitan districts. The journeys made and routes taken within and through it are complex and involve large flows. The Unitary Development Plan contains a number of significant land use proposals that are likely to have transportation implications which will affect the existing pattern of movement over the next ten years. A large part of the Borough has also been identified by the Regional Development Agency to be part of a sub-regional regeneration zone, the objective of which is to link deprived communities with employment opportunities that are created in the zone and to encourage cross boundary co-operation. This will require policies for linking people to opportunities such as transport, training and business support. It is essential that proposals to bring about economic regeneration are supported by appropriate improvements in infrastructure to make them both attractive to investment and accessible to users. Of particular note are the proposals for the restructuring of West Bromwich Town Centre, Hill Top and developments at junctions one and two on the M5 motorway.

8.2 The development of the draft Transport Vision 2020 recognised the rapid pace of change and the need to assess the future transport needs of the Borough. It is important to do this now so that proposals can be taken forward, funded and implemented to fit with and complement the other agendas being pursued for the Borough.

8.3 At the meeting of the Cabinet Advisory Team on 23rd October, 2001, the draft Transport Vision 2020 was approved as a basis for consultation.

8.4 The existing Local Transport Plan (LTP) commitments need to be taken into account when considering the way forward for the Vision. Schemes already committed in the approved 2000 West Midlands Local Transport Plan have funding streams to allow their completion in a programme concluding with the opening of the scheme for Owen Street in 2006/7. These named schemes in Sandwell already committed are:

Cradley Heath Town Centre Regeneration Scheme, Blackheath Town Centre Strategy, Owen Street, Wednesbury Bus Station, Bus Showcase schemes on Routes 404 (Walsall-Blackheath), 139 (Birmingham-Pensnett), 311 (Stourbridge-Walsall), 51 (Walsall-Perry Barr), 11 (Outer Circle serving Bearwood) and Route 9 along the Hagley Road serving Bearwood and Quinton.

Also Centro and the Council are committed to delivering the Midland Metro extension, Wednesbury/Brierley Hill.

In addition schemes for local safety improvements, cycling, walking, safe routes to school, travel demand and management, bridge and highway maintenance, and safe and healthy communities have also been funded over the next 3 years.

8.5 In order to assist the consultation an illustrated glossy executive summary of the draft 2020 Transport Vision was produced and over 4000 of these were distributed with reply forms and envelopes via mailings, meetings and Council Office’s Receptions. The responses received are detailed in Appendix 1.

8.6 A report was considered by the Sandwell Direct Cabinet Advisory Team. Individual presentations were also made to each Town Committee. The Comments made at these are reported in Appendix 2.

8.7 The comments made by Social Inclusion Scrutiny Committee on Social Inclusion in Transport have also been considered.

8.8 Key stakeholders were consulted particularly Centro and the Health Sector.

8.9 Overall the consultation exercise, in common with recent wider West Midlands consultations, showed little or no support for extensive road building as a solution to the conurbations transport problems. There is broad support for promoting walking, cycling and public transport as the core of the Council’s policy. The issues raised in the Draft Vision were seen to be relevant and the proposals identified were generally supported. Many responses wanted improvements in a short timescale and sought to pursue major changes rather than small improvements.

8.10 It is clear from the comments made during the consultation that managing and maintaining the existing transport network is very important. Making the best use of what we have in a cost effective way is a clear priority for the Council. Where necessary improvements to improve traffic flows, assist regeneration and allow access for walking, cycling and public transport should be pursued. Selective road building should only be pursued when all other solutions have been considered and careful analysis of the effects of new highway capacity in inducing additional car traffic have been examined.

8.11 In view of the extent of the comments on public transport Centro were provided with the opportunity to fully consider all the comments made. A key issue was seen as the provision of bus services to housing estates during the day and the problems of the reduction of services across Sandwell in the evening and therefore the lack of access to public transport. The initial reply from Centro is reproduced as Appendix 3. Since then a meeting and further discussions have sought to take forward the detail of issues and to develop ways forward and improvements. This will continue and discussions will take forward the issues and also the schemes. Greater emphasis will be made on accessibility to services and to the development of integration. Schemes will be linked wherever possible to achieve significant overall benefits and such an approach has already resulted in a bus interchange scheme and a park and ride scheme being linked and reprogrammed earlier by Centro at Smethwick Galton Bridge Station.

8.12 A comment made numerous times during the consultation was the lack of quality bus services to Cradley Heath and the desire to see the 404 Bus Showcase route extended beyond Blackheath. Lobbying by Members and MPs has resulted in this extension being Registered by Travel West Midlands with a service start date of 27th October, 2002. The infrastructure improvements to the route between Cradley Heath and Old Hill will commence at the same time as part of the Route 139 Showcase already in the Programme and discussions are continuing on the timing of work between Old Hill and Blackheath. In addition the Council has provisional acceptance for funding from Central Government for the Cradley Heath Bypass, currently programmed to commence in late 2003, and the West Midlands Multi-Modal Study has highlighted the need to improve the A4100 between Brierley Hill and Oldbury to strengthen the road hierarchy, improve access to industry and remove local “bottlenecks” on this corridor. Reddal Hill Road is provisionally programmed for improvement in 2005/6, subject to funding being made available. Improvements to Powke Lane would also be bid for to allow a start date of around 2006/07. Improvements to Lower High Street and Forge Lane could also be brought forward to complete the A4100 in Sandwell, but the timing of these is likely to be dependant on the resolution of land issues.

8.13 The consultation identified concern about the north/south axis, from Burnt Tree along A461 to the Black Country New Road, and the east/west axis M5 Junction 1 via Expressway and along the Black Country New Road and the need to implement junction improvements. In the case of the north/south axis on the A461 smoothing the flow with a review of waiting restrictions and crossing facilities was raised. This route could be identified as a possible Red Route for inclusion in the 2003 LTP submission as Dudley are also interested in improving links to the Dudley Southern Bypass.

8.14 However the comments made during the consultation also expressed particular concern about the congestion at Burnt Tree Island itself and suggested major works. This island is a key junction and four arms of it will carry Bus Showcase routes. It is therefore suggested that feasibility work is undertaken on a major improvement, possibly an underpass so that if necessary a scheme could be included in a priority list of schemes for consideration in the 2005 LTP.

8.15 There was no support in the Vision consultation for the old proposal for a Sheepwash Link Road from Whitehall Road to Horseley Heath. This lack of support was also evident in the objections received to this Improvement Line at the Unitary Development Plan Inquiry and it is therefore suggested that it be reviewed as part of feasibility work on West Bromwich.

8.16 The consultation also confirmed concerns about traffic congestion at Great Bridge, particularly at the island on the Black Country New Road. Problems at this island increased with the opening of the Asda Retail Park despite the introduction of new signals on the island. It is clear that study of this junction is required to determine the extent of works that would address congestion and also allow the island to fully contribute to the regeneration of Hill Top for inclusion in the 2005 LTP.

8.17 Numerous comments were also made about the need to undertake a major improvement of Birchley Island. In addition to motorists this island was of concern to walkers and cyclists. Although this junction will have more signals installed as part of the scheme currently being implemented for the playing field site, respondents wanted a major flyover scheme. It is considered that the full signalisation of the island should be pursued and the resultant flows studied before a decision is made on further works. A major improvement such as a flyover may significantly reduce congestion, improve two Bus Showcase routes, provide better access to development sites and provide opportunities for improved walking and cycling routes and the cost and impact need to be carefully assessed before any proposal is put forward in the 2005 LTP.

8.18 The importance of Midland Metro and its development was recognised and supported in the consultation. In partnership with Centro an extended Metro Network has been proposed with possible future routes serving Sandwell for possible opening in 2008/10 along Hagley Road, serving Bearwood and Quinton with a spur to Oldbury, A34 Birmingham to M6 Junction 7 via Scott Arms and an extension from Wednesbury to Wolverhampton via Darlaston and Walsall.

8.19 The draft Transport Vision identified the problem junction at Soho Way/Soho Street and this could be taken forward in the 2005 LTP. The transport problems in North Smethwick are being examined by a traffic study commissioned by the Smethwick Regeneration Partnership. The study will report early next year.

8.20 The West Midlands Multi-Modal Study concluded that a funding step change was needed with a threefold increase in spending on walking and cycling and a much bigger programme of schemes. This is currently being promoted by the West Midlands Authorities in the Moving with the Times Document. Such a step change in funding will be needed to take forward the conclusions of the Transport Vision 2020 consultation and this will have resource implications both for Urban Form and Highways Direct, if any increased programme is going to be achieved on the ground.

8.21 The draft Vision highlighted the existing problems of congestion at All Saints Island and improvements were supported by the consultation. West Bromwich town centre is subject to extensive development proposals in excess of £300m, an expectation of 2,500 new jobs and a doubling of the retail floorspace. The full extent of the implications for the adjacent road network need to be assessed, particularly given the existing congestion around All Saints, The Expressway and Carters Green. The major improvements of All Saints Island will be included in the 2003 LTP, together with smaller improvements at Carters Green. Other proposals would be studied for possible inclusion as schemes in the 2005 LTP.

8.22 It is suggested that the schemes supported through the consultation could be taken forward as follows:

- A4100 Improvements for submission in 2003 LTP.. - A461 Burnt Tree-Black Country New Road through the West Midalnds Red Routes Programme in 2003 LTP. - All Saints/Expressway/Carters Green Improvements in 2003 LTP. - Great Bridge Islands in the new 2005 LTP. - Soho Way/Soho Street in the new 2005 LTP. - Future Bus Showcase schemes as outlined in Centro’s 20yr Strategy and to be implemented from 2005 to 2011are Route 451(West Bromwich to Sutton Coldfield), Route 74(Dudley to Birmingham via West Bromwich), Route 126(Bearwood to Wolverhampton) and Route 87(Dudley to Birmingham via Smethwick). - In partnership with Centro and through the LTP progress on the Midland Metro network with possible future routes for 2008/2010 along Hagley Road with a spur to Oldbury, A34 through Scott Arms to M6 Junction 7 and an extension Wednesbury to Wolverhampton via Darlaston and Walsall.

8.23 Schemes have been supported through the consultation and following initial assessment of the highway network which require further feasibility work to be undertaken to identify the nature, extent and prioritisation of improvement schemes. The scale of work required may well require Major Scheme bids, greater than £5m, to be developed for the 2005 LTP. These schemes are: Great Bridge Islands A461 Burnt Tree

8.24 The schemes already outlined above and the proposals contained in the Moving with the Times initiative to increase funding for Minor Schemes, Walking and Cycling would suggest that at least a £6m a year LTP Settlement Programme would be required, excluding major schemes and Bus Showcase. At present the Programme in the 2000 LTP is £4m. Such an increase would require additional staff and consultant resources to ensure its successful implementation.

Source Documents

Draft Transport Vision 2020. October 2001 Replies to the Draft Vision Consultation. 2002 Letter from Centro dated 4th July, 2002 Moving with the Times. September 2002