The Speech Against Leocrates. Edited by A. Petrie
LYCURGUS The Speech against Leocrates Pitt Press Series LYCURGUS THE SPEECH AGAINST LEOCRATES CAMBRIDGE UNIVERSITY PRESS C. F. CLAY, MANAGER LONDON : FETTER LANE, E. C. 4 NEW YORK t THE MACMILLAN CO. BOMBAY ) CALCUTTA [ MACMILLAN AND CO., LTD. MADRAS ) TORONTO : THE MACMILLAN CO. OF CANADA, LTD. TOKYO ! MARUZEN-KABUSHIKI-KAISHA ALL RIGHTS RESERVED LYCURGUS THE SPEECH AGAINST LEOCRATES EDITED BY A. PETRIE, M.A. PROFESSOR OF CLASSICS, NATAL UNIVERSITY COLLEGE s. (UNIVERSITY OF AFRICA) ; FORMERLY LECTURER IN GREEK IN THE UNIVERSITY OF ABERDEEN ; SOMETIME SCHOLAR OF TRINITY COLLEGE, CAMBRIDGE CAMBRIDGE AT THE UNIVERSITY PRESS 1922 U PRINTED IN ENGLAND PREFACE Leocrates of Lycurgus has remained, in THEEngland, in comparative obscurity, not having 1 attracted an editor since John Taylor edited it at Cambridge, along with the Midias of Demosthenes, in 1743. Yet the speech is by no means without its merits. It forms, in many ways, an excellent introduction to Attic oratory for younger students. It is easier than Demosthenes, and there is no complex political situation to expound: the issue is simple and direct. And it has a greater variety of interest than either Demosthenes or Lysias. Its very fault of diffuseness, from the purely forensic standpoint, becomes, from an educative point of view, its great virtue. Lycurgus' excursions into ancient history, legend, and the poets, provide, in Livy's phrase, so many deverticula amoena where the student finds refreshment with instruction. The text of the present edition will be found to adhere, in the main, to that of Blass, whose critical commentary I have supplemented with those of Scheibe, Rehdantz and Thalheim.
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