POINT RED TELECOM LIMITED (Our Company Was Originally Incorporated As Point Red Telecom Private Limited on March 28, 2005 Under the Companies Act, 1956
DRAFT RED HERRING PROSPECTUS Please read section 60B of the Companies Act, 1956 !"#$%&'(#)"*#+"%%,-.#/%012"3(41#5,66#7"#42*&("*#0-#[6,-.#5,(!#(!"#)9: Book Building Issue Dated January 5, 2011 WIRELESS EMPOWERED POINT RED TELECOM LIMITED (Our Company was originally incorporated as Point Red Telecom Private Limited on March 28, 2005 under the Companies Act, 1956. Our Company was converted into a public company on October 01, 2010 and consequently, the word “private” was deleted and its name was changed to Point Red Telecom Limited on October 01, 2010. For details of changes !"#$%"!&'%"&!(")%* +#%)%(",-[/%",-",0)"1,'2&!34"25%&+%")%-%)"#,"#$%"+%/# ,!"# #5%("O7 +#,)3"&!("1%)#& !"1,)2,)&#%"8&##%)+P":%* !! !*",!"2&*%";<",-"#$ +"=)&-#">%("7%)) !*"?),+2%/#0+@A !"#$%!&!'()*[,!- "BC;DCCE">,,2%!&"F*)&$&)&4"E%*0)"7,:5 4"7,+0)"8& !">,&(4"E&!*&5,)%G"HIJ"JI;4"K&)!&#&L&A ./0%1,%(2!&$/0-( MN"F+$,L"K0'&)4"1,'25 &!/%"O-[/%) 3!4-( PQC";J@"RH<R"S;HTDHSU" 516(- "PQC";J@"RH<R"S;HIU" 7891#4- " 2,V2, !#)%(#%/$A/,'U" :!;$#%!- www.pointredtech.com 2 )<)37 ()5()= (.)<2>?@-(A7<B?B(.)<<=?B.>3B)?(CB<B37D 2=ECB.(BFF=7()5(GI(7J=B3@(FK> 7F()5( `(LM(7>.K(NO7J=B3@(FK> 7FPQ()5(2)B?3( 7D(37C7.)<(CB<B37D(NO)= (.)<2>?@P() (3K7(OBFF=7 PQ( FOR CASH AT A PRICE OF `(GI(27 (7J=B3@(FK> 7(NB?.C=DB?A(>(FK> 7(2 7<B=<()5( `(GI(27 (7J=B3@(FK> 7Q(>AA 7A>3B?A(=2(3)( ` 10,200 C>RKF(N3K7(OBFF=7PQS(3K7(BFF=7(.)<2 BF7F(>(?73(BFF=7(3)(3K7(2=ECB.()5(GI(7J=B3@(FK> 7F(NO3K7(?73(BFF=7PQ(>?D(>( 7F7 T>3B)?()5( =2(3)( GI( 7J=B3@( FK> 7F( 5) ( F=EF.
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