Parliament of India Rajya Sabha SECTIONAL MANUAL OF OFFICE PROCEDURE (SMOP) MEMBERS’ SERVICES BRANCH Rajya Sabha Secretariat (Members’ Services Branch) June, 2010 Parliament of India Rajya Sabha SECTIONAL MANUAL OF OFFICE PROCEDURE (SMOP) MEMBERS’ SERVICES BRANCH Rajya Sabha Secretariat (Members’ Services Branch) June, 2010 First Edition June, 2010 Rajya Sabha Secretariat email:
[email protected] PRICE : RS. 90/- P R E F A C E Sectional Manuals of Office Procedure (SMOP) for various Sections/Branches in the Rajya Sabha Secretariat are being brought out for the first time to provide an insight into the working of different Sections/Branches of the Secretariat and the procedure followed for disposal of work. A consolidated SMOP entitled “Members Services Branch” for MS&A Branch, MA Section, Conference & Protocol Section and Stenographers’ Pool is part of this exercise. The publication provides the procedure followed in disposal of various items of work dealt with by these Sections/Branches. This publication is intended to serve as a guide for the staff and officers dealing with day-to-day functioning of these units. 2. Care has been taken to make the Manual comprehensive and up-to-date. It is hoped that the publication would be found useful by the staff and officers of the Secretariat. 3. Suggestions, if any, for improvement of this publication are welcome. NEW DELHI, V. K. AGNIHOTRI, June, 2010 Secretary-General. (i) C O N T E N T S PAGES M.S. & A. Branch 1 Introduction ............................................................................................................... 1 2 Functions and Responsibilities ................................................................................ 1-2 3.1 Salary Bills of Hon’ble Chairman, Deputy Chairman, Leader of Opposition, Members and their P.As.