Cambridge.] Cambridge
[CAMBRIDGE.] CAMBRIDGE. 18 [POST OFFICE Town Clerk, Edmond Foster Manchester Fire, John Warren, 21 Maid's causeway Clerk of the Peace, William Cockerell Midland Counties, W. C. Smith, Little Shelford Treasurer, Patrick Beales, jun Midland Counties Fire, William Waters, 25 Maid's Coroner, Henry Gotobed causeway Bail1ffs, William Isaac Basham, .A.rthur_ Deck, George W. llfidland Counties Hail, J. Wentworth & Son, 23 St. An Pitch & James Hunt drew's street Mayor's Chaplain, Rev. T. R. Birks, 1\LA Mutual L~fe, John Johnson, 27 Sidney street Revising As.~essors, Henry Gotobed & Frederick Grain National Provident Life, Henry Joseph Wetenhall, 12 St. Auditors, James Bacon, Thomas Brad well, Dr. Drosier, Andrew's hill; William Water!', 25 Maid's causeway Edward lnd Headly, Rev. J. Porter, L. Ewbank, M.A Norfolk Farmers'~ General, H. Ranee, 63 St. Andrew's st Gaoler, John Edis North British rff> Mercantile, C. F. Jarrold, 2 St. An- Chaplain to the Gaol, Rev. \Villiam Barham, M.A drew's hill Surgeon to the Gaol, Josiah Hammond Norwich Union Fire~ Life, E. & J. Smith, 2G Trinity st ChiPf Superintendent of Police, William Garnham Turrall Pelican Lffe, Grain & Winter, 1 Mill lane Surgeon to Police, Robert Ransom, M. D Phamix Fire, Grain & '-'Yinter, 1 Mill lane Chief Constables, Samuel Buck Hutt, James Hankin Railway Passengers', }'redcric Poland Ad cock, Emmanuel Superintendent of Fi1·e Brigade, John Bussey street; E. Maroney, 18 Emmam1el road; E. Turner, 4 St. Sergeants at Mace, George Thurlow, John l\Iarshall, Andrew's street Francis Hall, James Smee, Henry Freeman Reliance Mutijal Life, Albert Decimus Claydon, 10 Rose Crier, John William Skeels crescent Hall Keeper, Elizabeth Ree\'eS Royal Exchange Fire ~ Life, S.
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