Progress and Prospects for Studies on Chinese Amphibians
Asian Herpetological Research 2010, 1(2): 64-85 DOI: 10.3724/SP.J.1245.2010.00064 Progress and Prospects for Studies on Chinese Amphibians FEI Liang, YE Changyuan and JIANG Jianping* Chengdu Institute of Biology, Chinese Academy of Sciences, Chengdu 610041, Sichuan, China Abstract This work summarizes the history and progress of the studies on Chinese amphibians since they first ap- peared in the Chinese literature. A wide range of research has been carried out, including the history of the definition of amphibians, faunal surveys, systematic research, ecological research, biochemical research (isozyme and other proteins or peptides, chromosomes, DNA), anatomical research, embryological research, phylogenetic and zoogeographical re- search, and many others such as ultrastructure of organs, crossbreeding test, regeneration of organs, abnormality survey, acoustics, fossils, sperm ultrastructure and parasites. In addition, the prospects for studies on Chinese amphibians in future are proposed in this paper. Keywords progress, prospect, faunal survey, systematics, amphibian, China 1. Introduction on amphibian research for at least 3000 years: toads (maybe Bufo gargarizans) were equated to ugliness and China is located in east Asia and covers a land area of wickedness in ‘The Book of Songs’ (-3000 years ago), approximately 9.6 million km2. Due to the vast territory but frog (鼃, 黽) had been inscribed on bones or tortoise occupied by this country, extremely different landforms, shell approximately 16th − 11th centuray B.C. (Guo et al., complex environments, and diverse climates and vegeta- 1999). “人鱼” (Mermen, now called the Chinese giant tion, China is very rich in amphibians, not only contai- salamander, Andrias davidianus), “活师” ( meaning tad- ning extremely numerous rare and endemic species, but poles), and “黾” (meaning frogs) were mentioned in ‘The also preserving a large number of relic species.
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