i i János Pintz, András Biró, Kálmán Győry, Gergely Harcos, Miklós Simonovits, József Szabados (Eds.): Number Theory, Analysis, and Combinatorics — 2013/11/19 — 12:23 — page 261 i i János Pintz Some new results on gaps between consecutive primes Abstract: The paper presents a brief history of results about small gaps between con secutive primes and mentions some recent results of the author, in some cases only with a sketch of the main ideas, in some cases with detailed proofs. Keywords: Distribution of primes, gaps between primes, Selberg’s sieve Classification: Primary 11N05, Secondary 11P32 || János Pintz: Rényi Mathematical Institute of the Hungarian Academy of Sciences, Budapest, Reál tanoda u. 13–15, H-1053, Hungary, E-mail:
[email protected] 1 Approximations to the twin prime conjecture before 2000 In the present work we will give a survey about some new results concerning small gaps between consecutive primes. In the following let P denote the set of the primes, ℎ ℎ the prime and the difference between consecutive primes, that is, =+1 −. (1.1) The famous Twin Prime Conjecture, =2 infinitely often, (1.2) would answer the most important problem about the smallest values of which oc curs infinitely often. However, we will investigate also various conjectures and results which do not follow from (1.2). We will also discuss the well-known generalization of (1.1), formulated in 1849 by de Polignac [18]: + =2 infinitely often for any ∈ℤ . (1.3) We will call an even number 2 aPolignacnumberif =2infinitely often. Polignac’s conjecture (1.2) can be formulated with this definition as Polignac Conjecture.