United States Patent [191 [111 4,354,371
UnitedO States Patent [191 [111 4,354,371 Johnson [45] Oct. 19, 1982 [54] METHOD OF PRESTRESSING THE 4,214,923 7/1980 Price ............................... .. 29/421 R WORKING SURFACES 0F PRESSURE 4,230,426 10/ I980 Avery . .. 72/53 ERS 0R ERS Primary Examiner-Gene Crosby [75] lnventol‘l Daniel E- 30111180111 Dallas, TBX- Attorney, Agent, or Firm—Stephen A. Roen; Arthur L. [73] Assignee: Metal Improvement Company, Inc., Fredenck - Paramus, NJ. [57] ABsTRAcr [21] Appl‘ No" 200,767 A method of prestressing the working surface of pres 2 Filed; Oct, 27 1980 sure chambers or cylinders comprising the steps of ?rst [2 1 ’ s h o t peemng' th eir' wor king sur races t o rorm compres [gé] clci3 ............................................ "hr/1325161115 sive residual stresses’ and then applying ?uid pressure at [ 1 .' ' ' """""""""""""""""" " ’ a predetermined magnitude to cause tensile stresses in [58] Field of Search ................. .. 72/53, 40, 61; 148/4, the working surfaces The magnitude of compressive 148/141; 29/421; 51/319 residual stresses established on their outer working sur [55] References Cited faces 'is made substantially equal to the tensile stress U_s_ PATENT DOCUMENTS applied to these surfaces during the pressure phase of 454 592 6/1891 Jackson 72/61 the process‘ 3,4ss1073 12/1969 Burney .. 4,034,585 7/1977 Straub ................................... .. 72/53 6 Claims, 2 Drawing Figures 4,354,371 1 2 the plastic from the elastic zone in said substrate. This .METHOD OF PRESTRESSING THE wouxnwc tension component, unless neutralized, can produce SURFACES or PRESSURE CHAMBERS on microscopic fractures in the internal surface of the CYLINDERS chamber wherein defects exist therein.
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